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ANSWERVINGS 2011-10 (Oct)

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Another fan writes...

I would like to ask you your opinion on the new show My little pony friendship is magic. In case you haven't seen it It's a show I strongly recomend.

Greg responds...

Haven't seen it. But I've heard good things.

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Did Alan Scott lived in gotham?

Greg responds...

I'd think so.

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Karissa writes...

I just wanted to say that Young Justice is by far the most amazing show ever created. So far everything about it has been absolutely perfect! Thanks you guys for making an epic show! And now to the questions:
1) What is your favorite part of making this show?
2) Does it ever bother you to be compared to Teen Titans?

Greg responds...

1. It's all pretty cool (though I wouldn't mind a less brutal schedule). But it's tough to top our Voice Recording sessions for fun, and our sound mixes for making the whole thing come together.

2. Shrug. All things considered, I don't feel like that's happened overmuch.

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I don't recall seeing this question in the archives, so I apologize if this has been asked before and I just didn't notice it. I'm sure that Kid Flash's outfit changed after the first three episodes (I believe that it changed with the fourth episode and the camouflage mode). Was his outfit changed after the pilot was made? Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

Nope. Brandon always wanted him in his classic outfit in the pilot, and the new duds thereafter. (It's just that in episode 3, he's in civvies.)

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Matthew writes...

Do the following characters exist in the Young Justice universe?

The Question, Either Vic Sage or Renee Montoya?

Mr. Zsasz, you might not be allowed this one by S&P though

Tommy Monaghan aka Hitman

Jack Knight aka Starman (I assume the original was part of the JSA)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Why did ya'll decided to use sportsmaster and make him less lame?

Greg responds...

Because the idea to make him more lame seemed... lame.

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1. How did Lex become bald?

2. Why did you use a fake asian country instead of Korea for targets?

3. Why did ya'll make young justice take place in one of the 52 eaths?

4. Why do you put no comment on some of the questions?

5. Is Martian Manhunter afraid of fire?

6. When did superman ship landed on Earth?

7. Who was the Green Lantern in Krypton space sector when Krypton blew up?

Greg responds...

1. Well, at this point, I think he shaves.

2. Korea didn't fit. Rhelasia's a real country on Earth-16.

3. As opposed to?

4. To avoid spoilers.

5. The way I'm afraid of bullets, sure.

6. 32 years ago.

7. I'd have to research that.

Response recorded on October 26, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

[Spoilers for Targets but... I hope everyone was tuning in after all this time!]

First, I want to take this moment to say that "Targets" is my favorite episode so far, and how Roy is written (and performed, Crispin Freeman is one of my favorite voice actors) is a big part of that. I love how determined he is to tough it out on his own, yet that he still has enough sense to know that Kaldur can contribute some very impressive skills if he ever has need of them. I think "Targets" is a wonderful showcase of the fact that while Roy is doing a pretty good on his own, he's still connected to the League and the team, and there's a subtle yet powerful display of his respect for Ollie and the League at the end, where he and Kaldur discuss the idea of a mole, yet Roy never mentions the fact that their Johnny-come-lately archer chick is kind of hiding her background.

I'm also really intrigued by the fact that the League of Shadows were involved both times Roy kicked off an episode's plot. So in summary, Roy is fantastic and the way you and the YJ production crew have presented him is also fantastic.

As for questions--

I thought the friendship between Kaldur and Roy was a nice touch, and a nice counterpoint to Dick and Wally's BFFness. They're not as close as Dick and Wally, but they like each other, get along, and complement each other well. It seems that Kaldur is much more successful at bailing Roy out of trouble than he is at preventing Dick and Wally from getting into it in the first place.

What I want to ask is, when the series was being developed, what was the reasoning behind writing them this way? Was it the natural consequence of Dick and Wally's friendship, that the two older sidekicks would be closer to each other as a result, or did everyone just like the way Kaldur's calm played against Roy's... somewhat significantly less calm? Or something else entirely?

It's a very interesting friendship, and I am hopeful of seeing more of it as the series progresses. Thank you to both you and the rest of the team behind Young Justice, because the time everyone's put into the show, from the writing to the plotting to the casting to the performing to the design work to the animation, is absolutely top-notch.

Greg responds...

I think it was mostly an age thing. The two youngest sidekicks gravitated toward each other, and so did the two eldest.

Response recorded on October 26, 2011

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Gothic Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, what does Batman like to read in his limited free time? Oracle asked him in the Batman's Artifacts episode, but he didn't really answer.

Greg responds...

Police reports and the classics.

Response recorded on October 26, 2011

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. Thank you for opening the ask a question function. I'll try not to waste your time.
1. In Young Justice #2, when Superman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, Aquaman, and Green Arrow show up, the Joker says "The gangs all here." This seems to imply that, along with the already present Batman, Flash, Hawkman, and Martian Manhunter, these ten characters constituted the League's membership. Since designators 01-07 were taken by the founders and Green Arrow is 08, by process of elimination the Hawkfolk must be 09 and 10. If I'm right, would you please clarify which of them is 09 and which is 10?
2. Also, concerning Young Justice #1 & #2:
a)Were these events set before or after the League "went public."
b)Was Batman the leader yet?
3. In Young Justice #6, Robin's revised origin featured six members of the Flying Graysons, instead of the three I'm used to seeing (four, counting his older brother in Batman Forever, when he's tragically orphaned at the age of thirty). What considerations went into the decision to increase the scope of Dick's tragedy?
4. In Young Justice #7, we see that Artemis put together her own superhero costume. I had previously assumed that it was something new she'd put together after becoming Green Arrow's "niece." Why did her constume suggest the Green Arrow so strongly, since it was before she'd been added to the Team?
5. In Bereft, Batman mentions the League's Charter. Clearly, this Charter, in some way, represents a delegation of power to the League to combat certain threats, but just what does it entail?
a)Does the League operate under the authority of an outside body, or is it autonomous?
b)Where does the League's operating capital come from? I mean, Bruce and Ollie are rich, but they can't pay for everything. Do they receive outside funding, patents on velcro, or t-shirt and toy sales?
c)Does the League's charter include by-laws governing how the League conducts business? Things like electing a leader, inducting new members and other organizational protocol?
6. How far in the League's confidence is Catherine Cobert? Does she know about the Watchtower, for instance?
7. Among the League's founders, on what basis were their numerical designators assigned?
8. Are Hawkwoman and Hawkman married on Earth-16?
9. From a logistics standpoint, who maintains the Hall of Justice and, more importantly, the secret Watchtower?
10. Is Sportsmaster a part of the League of Shadows? He didn't bow to Ra's al Ghul like Cheshire did.

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. All your assumptions are correct, but the policy is NOT to reveal designations... mostly to preserve the game.

2a. Before.
2b. The leadership rotates. Batman may have been leader a couple times over the League's history.

3. Felt right.

4. She admired him from a distance.

5a. It's autonomous but it has relationships with the United Nations and the U.S. government.
5b. Ollie is not rich. Bruce is. Beyond that, I'm not going into it at this time.
5c. Yes.

6. Yes.

7. The order they showed up to battle the first menace that they fought as a group, before the League had even been formed.

8. Yes.

9. Depends what you mean by "maintain".

10. Not currently. He's got larger responsibilities.

Response recorded on October 26, 2011

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