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ANSWERVINGS 2011-12 (Dec)

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Paul writes...

Looking at the school scene in "Homefront", Dick Grayson's design is very similar to that of his The Batman counterpart (and there's a resemblance between the Barbara Gordon of this show and her counterpart from that show). Was this close similarity deliberate?

Greg responds...

No. Nor do I really see it, beyond the obvious.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Would you list who's writing episodes 11-20 of Young Justice: Invasion?

Greg responds...

211 - Nicole Dubuc
212 - Paul Giacoppo
213 - Greg Weisman
214 - Kevin Hopps
215 - Jon Weisman
216 - Kevin Hopps
217 - Brandon Vietti
218 - Peter David
219 - Greg Weisman
220 - Kevin Hopps

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anon writes...

You've said that 179 DC characters will appear by the end of season one of Young Justice, and I have some questions regarding the character count.

1) Is Doctor Fate counted separately from Kent Nelson and Nabu since he's a merger of the two characters.

2) Were two of the reporters seen outside the Hall of Justice in "Independence Day" Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen?

3) There's a character countdown list on the toonzone forums http://www.toonzone.net/forums/showthread.php?276163-quot-Young-Justice-quot-Character-Countdown-%28Spoilers%29. Would you mind revealing if anyone is missing from the countdown, or if someone's real name is misidentified?

Greg responds...

1. I've got Fate, Nabu and Kent listed as three separate characters, because for legal reasons relative to DC Comics, they are separate. On the other hand, Batman and Bruce Wayne are considered one character, so the Fate thing is a special case, and not indicative of how secret identities were quantified.

2. I don't think so.

3. Sorry, but I'm not going to go to a separate website and vet that. I just don't have the time.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

On earth 16 are there batmen of the past or the world?

Will there be any stories about the gap between the golden and silver age on earth 16?

Do terrorist on earth 16 use metahumans in their plans?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Ever? Maybe.


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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spence writes...

Why is the Helmet of Fate being kept in the Cave, a place which location is not secret? Does the JL know? Isn't it dangerous to have it there?

Greg responds...

1. It's fairly secret that the Cave is in use and not abandoned.

2. Of course.

3. It's dangerous to have it anywhere.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! First of just wanted to say that I'm absolutely loving the Young Justice series, it's fantastic (particularly Home Front!) I just have a few questions about the process of voice recording for Young Justice.
1) Do the voice actors record in the same studio and interact with each other during the recording? Or do you often have to record separately due to conflicting schedules?
2) How long does it typically take to record each episode?
3) Who generally directs the voice actors during recordings?
4) Do the actors input their own suggestions for how the characters may react in a certain situation?
5) Does the script go through 'last minute' revisions during the recording?

Thank you so much for taking the time for looking at all the fan's questions and I look forward to seeing the rest of season 1 and 2!

Greg responds...

1. Both.

2. Three to four hours or so.

3. Jamie Thomason.

4. Occasionally. But unfortunately, we don't have a ton of flexibility.

5. Occasionally. Nothing major.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I heard Victor Cook has directed that CGI Ben 10 movie called "Destroy all Aliens". Since you have worked with him before, what is your response to that?

Greg responds...

My response?


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

In Drop Zone, before his transformation, why was Mammoth wearing a crop-top? That's what girls wear.

Greg responds...

Wow, you have very strict gender rules, don't you?

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Ace Commander writes...

how come my questions are never answered? they always get deleted

Greg responds...

You must be breaking one of the rules, I guess. If they're deleted I don't see them.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Will Harley Quinn be appearing anytime soon?

Have the Secret Six or Suicide Squad been started yet?

Will Amanda Waller appear again in Season 1?

Greg responds...



2b. No.


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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GoldStarz writes...

First off, I'd like to thank you for answering the fans questions. Not many people actually do this, and I really think more people should.

1. In the credits of "Homefront", Cheshire's real name is said to be Jade Nguyen. Is this because that's her name in the comics or is this her name in YOung Justice, too?

2. Is Barbara Gordon Batgirl yet?

3. Is Bette Kane Batgirl/Flamebird yet?

4 Does Batwoman exist on Earth-16?

5. Has Red Volcano been made yet? If not, will he?

6. Why did you decide to 'gender-swap' Red Torpedo and Red Inferno?

Again, thank you for taking your time to answer people's questions.

Greg responds...

I don't think any creator "should" answer fan questions. It's not an obligation.

1. That's her name in our show.

2. She's not Batgirl.

3. She's not Batgirl or Flamebird.


5. Yes.

6. I didn't. I went with the original gender for Red Torpedo and Firebrand. I don't know why DC chose to gender swap them in the comics.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,

1. Is Robin a freshman simply because he has a late birthday or has he skipped a grade? Or some other reason?

2. I know Black Canary is in a relationship with Green Arrow. Are Wonder Woman and/or Hawkwoman in a relationship with someone as well?

3. Will we find out why Paula got arrested in the show/comic? I don't want to know why now, just if we'll find out. =]

4. I know you don't like to spoil your own show. Is that why we don't get previews of next episodes.

Thanks. =]

Greg responds...

1. He hasn't skipped a grade.

2. Hawkwoman is married to Hawkman.

3. For crime.

4. That's not up to me.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
Contact Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment to ask and find out if they are planning to release Gargoyles The Complete Series DVD Set containing all three seasons for a 2012 release.

Greg responds...

I have no contacts there anymore, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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I love everything writes...

a few question, thanks for taking the time even read these let alone answering
1. On recent online survey they asked who everyone's favorite young justice character was and Robin won by a considerable margin. Do you find this surprising?
2. How did you pick the voice actor, was it audition o did you request certain people? WHATEVER YOU GUYS DID, GREAT JOB!
3. How much stronger is Superman the superboy? It seemed like pretty big difference as Superboy could barely drag a pus off a ledge and superman was able to pick it up with ease( not to mentionan entire bridge)
4. Whose better at acience Wally or Dick? (both seem to know a lot)
5. Is Wally in any advance classes at school? Given his scientific knowledge it seems as though he should be considered a genius.
6. Does Wally intelligence come from speedsters abilities to think through things faster?
7. Who is Superboy closest to among the males on the team? he seems to enjoy Wallys company as he was the one who opened his home to him. They also seemed to have a good time mocking the tornado twins together. But then again Aqualad seems to understand his emotions more then other.
8. Do the other members of team ever look down at Robin for being so young or has he well since proved his ability to hold his own to them?
9. Is Aquaman from atlantis or was he originally from the surface world like some of his origins dictate?
10. Is superman married is this universe or even in a relationship with Lois lane?
Thanks for any answers you can give

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. For Season One, we held auditions for the six leads (plus Superman). The rest were cast.

3. A lot.

4. Wally is way better at pure science. Dick is better with technology.

5. Yes.

6. No.

7. He's probably closest to Aqualad.

8. No one looks down on Robin - unless you mean literally, as he is the shortest member of the Team.

9. He's from Atlantis.

10. He's not married. Beyond that, you'd have to define "in a relationship".

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Tim Drake exist on earth 16 if so how old is he?

2. Why was the league existence secret at first?

3. How old was Mr.Carr in the vision and how old is he now?

4. Is oliver queen still a millionaire?

5. How did Mr. Carr got involved with the league?

Greg responds...


2. It seemed to make sense at first not to let the bad guys know that the good guys were getting organized.

3. Snapper was 18 in Superboy's vision. Mr. Carr is 22 now.

4. Nope.

5. Being at the right place in the right time during their first adventure together.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Collegeboy8907 writes...

1) How old is Hal Jordan?
2) will we ever see Barbara Gordon as Batgirl during the run of the series?

Greg responds...

1. Hal is 33.

2a. You already have by now.


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

According to your timeline, Demona and Thailog were back in New York when Oberon put the city to sleep. Did Demona and Thailog fall asleep?

Greg responds...

I'd think not.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

My question didn't appear for some reason:

In one episode of Gargoyles ("High Noon", I think it was), Lexington is attempting to fix Coldstone. For a split second, the name "OTHELLO" appears on his laptop, is this a name that Xanatos (or possibly Lexington) gave to him for programming reasons (or possibly as a Project name?) or was it an easter egg that was not meant to be taken literally?

Greg responds...

Mostly the latter.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Superman fan writes...

Hey greg I wouñd like to ask some questions regarding side characters

Has Cat grant worked in the Daily planet as a newspaper reporter?
Why haven't we seen Lois lane reporting close to the big news as cat grant?
Is Cat Grant more influential/ famous than Lois Lane?
Has clark Kent ever worked with cat grant?
Has Lois Lane earned the pulitzer prixe in earth 16?
How famous/influential is clark kent as a reporter?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Because we've been showing television reports, not print reports.

3. I don't know about influential, but Cat is a national television correspondent and Lois is a local newspaper reporter, so you can do the math on "fame".

4. Not directly, no.

5. No. Neither has Clark.

6. About the same as Lois.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Delta writes...

Hello~ I've been a fan of "Young Justice" for some time, and I've been wondering:

For the scenes with martial arts (Black Canary, Robin, Batman, etc...) do the animating team actually study the moves and reference, or do the animators and storyboard artists just "whip something up"?

Thank you :D

Greg responds...

Some of each, probably.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

When were bruce wayne's parents born and how old were they when they died?

Greg responds...

They were born in Gotham City. I don't know their exact ages, but they were probably in their late 30s or early 40s when they died.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Do homi magi's exist on earth 16?

Greg responds...

Existence and knowledge of existence are two different things.

Beyond that, NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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John writes...

(sorry for my other post it this one fixed)

for my question 2

i just wanted to ask will we see any action with Cheshire and Red Arrow?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Brandon writes...

1. Since episode "Targets" reveal Cheshire height how tall is each member in The Team plus Red Arrow
2. Black Canary is the team training leader will see more training?

love the new the episodes keep up the awesome work

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. Yes, some.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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John writes...

1. Will Red Arrow be in any new episode?
2. I just want to ask will we see any Cheshire and Red Arrow in new episode?
3. When will Red Arrow join the team?

Huge fan of Red Arrow hoping I will see him an any new eps
keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

1. Sure.


3. Who says he will?

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

When we post a question we are asked if we've checked the archives first. People just ignore that because they keep asking the same questions over and over. Doesn't the administration here filter these questions? Why don't these repeated question get deleted?

How can you stand answering the same thing over and over again?? Especially when it's "NO COMMENT" or "SPOILER REQUEST"? Do you think fan want to wear you down and you'll spoil away the show?

Greg responds...

It's not the job of "the administration" i.e. Todd to "filter" for these questions. I've asked Todd to do enough just to make sure the rules that I need enforced for legal reasons are being enforced. It's not fair to turn him into an overall Ask Greg Cop. That's NOT what he signed on for.

I'd prefer if posters self-policed anyway.

And by the way THIS issue has been ASKED AND ANSWERED more than once too. So your post, sympathetic as it is, also only added to the problem.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Silly question: where exactly do you type your answers? Do you write them directly in the answer box (I assume it's similar to our question box), or do you write them on Word and then copy paste them here. I'm curious because I don't believe I've even seen any typo or iffy sentence construction from your answers. And typos are normal to slip by. Do you proofread each of your answers before sending them?

Kuddos on your skills.

Greg responds...

I write them right into an answer box. And I do make every effort to proofread and edit my responses thoroughly before I post.

But if you've never seen any typos, etc., here - then you haven't been looking too carefully. (Which I'm cool with, actually.)

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Michael Evans writes...

Hey Greg, I really like the show and had a couple of questions.

Question 1: How does Commissioner Gordon afford to send his daughter to a private school on a cop’s salary.

Question 2: I debated asking this because I have a feeling it might be a spoiler request but I wasn’t entirely sure. If it is, feel free to ignore it. Edward Nygma never struck me as having superpowers so why was he being held in Belle Reeve?
Thanks for your time and really I adore the show.

Greg responds...

1a. He's not living on a cop's salary, but a Police Commissioner's salary.

1b. There are scholarships.

1c. None of your business how he chooses to budget his money.

2. <sigh> As stated MANY TIMES ALREADY, Belle Reve isn't just for individuals with super-powers. It's for individuals, who qualify as super-criminals. Sometimes the brain is mightier than the brawn, and a traditional prison is not capable of holding these criminals.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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mikecondos writes...

Gargoyles is my childhood. Some may still say i am a child but can I say thank you for a truly amazing story and my favorite show of all time. I do not know if this question has been asked before but I recently watched all 78 episodes of gargoyles on youtube. Imediately wanted to buy the seasons. So i bought season 1 and season 2 volume 1 and was shocked when I found that volume 2 and the Golaith chronicles were cancelled. I also know that the seasons on dvd have footage uncensored that was not displayed on disney. I wish to see the remaining episodes from the unreleased seasons this way. Is there a chance they will ever get released? I want gargoyles to live on and give my children at chance to see your materpiece. I would greatly appericate your time, thank you so much!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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hallofjustice writes...

Me again Greg just a quick question,

If Lucas "Snapper" Carr appears in another DC cartoon, would you want to voice him again?

Greg responds...

I'll take all the work I can get. ;)

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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hallofjustice writes...

YJ feedback and things I would like to say about Barbara Gordon:

Greg, I would like to say I am very very happy that you've casted Jesse McCartney and Alyson Stoner as Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon and that they are now some of my favourite YJ characters. If Dick and Barbara weren't voiced by any "good talented" Disney stars, they would have been boring characters.

I don't know about you Greg. But since she's voiced by a "good talented" Disney star I really felt Barbara's personality is leaning towards "Christy Carlson Romano" territory after watching her appearance and attitude on your show. It's a good thing BTW. Oh and I would love to see more appearances of Barbara.

Greg responds...

I'm thrilled with Jesse and Alyson too - though I wasn't aware that either were "Disney stars" and whatever roles they may or may not have played in the past had no influence on us here.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Angel writes...

Will we see more of barbara and bette in future episodes

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Chaz! writes...

Will the Light be the main villains for the whole series or just this season?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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John Derrick writes...

Twelve episodes into "Young Justice," and my question is essentially the same one I asked after the premiere: why is this show so predominantly focused on the male characters at the expense of the female?

The show still features only two girls on the team. The women of the Justice League have hardly been seen at all - your interviews when the show began certainly led me to believe Black Canary would play a far stronger role. But most frustrating of all, even this far into the season, Miss Martian and Artemis are consistently portrayed as the least experienced heroes struggling to keep up with the boys.

Last week in "Terrors," we got to see Superboy and Miss Martian undercover together - with M'Gann quickly discovered and captured, and eventually rescued by Superboy. This week, Artemis got to follow Robin around, panicking and asking, "What do we do?!" Yes, she was the one to save her teammates in the end, but she did so following Robin's plan, and the momentum of the episode was built around her fear, not her strength. It would have been a powerful emotional journey - if your show also allowed women to be the strong and independent heroes as often as the boys. When most of the stories are about the guys taking the lead, an episode like this about Artemis just serves to underline the disparity between the tough guy heroes and the emotional rookie girls.

(And a more minor note: I was also pretty disappointed by the cameo from Barbara Gordon, one of my favorite comic characters in all her incarnations - reducing such a brilliant and independent person to a moment of glaring jealousy.)

I'm sincerely baffled how such a dude-heavy show can come from the writer behind the many wonderful women of Spectacular Spider-Man - not to mention the same writer who gave the world Elisa Maza!

Greg responds...

I don't think it is "predominantly focused on male characters at the expense of the female". And I don't agree with most of your characterizations of our characterizations.

I think you have a very black-and-white view of what qualifies as "strength" - let alone what constitutes an "independent" character - male or female.

I'm very proud of Elisa and "the many wonderful women of Spectacular Spider-Man" but I don't think that any of those characters DEFINE how other female characters should be presented. Female strength and independence should be as diverse and multi-faceted as those qualities are in males. I try to write what is RIGHT for an individual character instead of putting her OR him in a pre-assigned slot for strong or independent.

If you don't see Artemis as strong, coming out of "Homefront" than I feel like we've little common ground for discussion. To me, it's not lack of fear that makes one strong, but how one triumphs over that fear.

By now, you've probably seen that next to Batman and Red Tornado, Black Canary has the largest role of anyone in the League. I'm personally quite happy with Miss Martian and Artemis and how they've been presented. We've added Zatanna, and we're not done.

Maybe by now you've changed your mind. Maybe not. And you're certainly entitled to your opinion. But you haven't come close to convincing me that you're correct.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I'm curious how Icicle Senior managed to get Killer Frost, Mr. Freeze, and Captain Cold to cooperate with him in his plan to bust the other cons out of Belle Reve. I mean, these guys are villains, not heroes. I understand why heroes would want to help out other heroes, but I think villains by their very nature wouldn't really care much about the well-being of other villains unless it's somehow in their own best interest or if the villain that they are helping is someone that they are personally close to. Why would these guys be so altruistic as to help anybody else?

Greg responds...

Altruism had little to do with it. The phrase "in their own best interest" from your post stands out.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Bridgette writes...

Hey, Young Justice is awesome man! Your doing great on that series.
1. How come while Artemis, Robin, Wally, M'gann, and Superboy have to go to school, Aqualad doesn't?
2. Are you planning to reveal more about Green Lanterns in Young Justice or at least making them a main focus in an episode?
3. What grades are the Team all in?

Greg responds...

1. He graduated from his basic Atlantean required schooling and completed his mandatory military service. And he dropped out of the Conservatory of Sorcery.

2. Eventually, the television series and/or the comic will reveal more.

3. Conner & Megan are in 11th grade. Wally & Artemis are in 10th. Dick is in 9th.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Sarah Lynne writes...

Great job on Young Justice so far. I got a few questions:

1.What are the names of Red Tornado's "sibling" androids from episode 12?

2.Will Kid Flash and Artemis become friendlier to each other?

3.Will more characters join The Team later on in this season or next season?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. Red Torpedo, Red Inferno and Red Volcano.



Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Kenzey writes...

Hello Again Mr Weisman! Thanks so much for the answers earlier, and now I have a couple more.
1 In Young Justice issue #6, Superboy says that he wants to take Superman "out", will this be touched on in the series?
2 I read in the YJ archives that Jor-El and Lara came to Earth with Superman, will we meet them or are they deceased?
Thanks for taking the time!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. You read that where? I'm sure I never confirmed that.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Sebastian writes...

Just wanted to say I love Young Justice. My daughter and I watch it religously, and when I can get her to the comic book store, she can never make it past the Young Justice comic without grabbing a copy.
The new episodes are fantastic. I love the pacing of the series. Please don't stop the occasional focus on characters like Red Arrow, or fantastic moments like the dessert scene with Bruce and Clark. Also, as someone who watched the original Super Friends way back in the day, I was absolutely cracking up at Marvin's "M" shirt when he crashed into Connor. Priceless.

My only question is: Since the big DC reboot, I haven't seen anything about Young Justice being in the New 52. Is the Young Justice comic going to continue, or are there any plans for any upcoming comics in the Young Justice continuity/Earth 16?

Thanks for all of your efforts on the show! As I watch each episode, it really shines through that this is "special", and that the creators really care about it.

Greg responds...

The comic is indeed continuing. At the moment, it and the show are the only things in the Earth-16 continuity.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Did Artemis's father love her mother?

Greg responds...

Depends on one's definition, but he'd shrug and say "Sure."

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Chelsee writes...

In reference to Gargoyles.
I know people have asked this question but its been a while and I didn't know if you had heard anything about whether they were going to release season 2 volume 2 or season 3 onto DVD yet. I have the first season and season 2 volume 1 but I would love to have them all.

Greg responds...

Me too.

But I've heard nothing definitive one way or the other recently.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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a random nobody writes...

Hey greg a couple months ago you answered a question asking about avatar the last air bender and I think you said you were near the end of book 1. So I was just wondering have you had the time to finish watching the series? And if you have finished what did you think of it?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you choose to have two Green Lanterns? Why Hal and John? I was under the impression that Guy was the second Lantern. (If it's for plot, just say, "plot reasons")

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Joshua writes...

in "homefront" (awesome episode btw), why did Artemis choose her arrow out of the different memorabilia instead of the helmet of Fate? it just seems rather short-sighted to me to hang the fate of the entire team on a single shot with an arrow instead of an all powerful magical artifact. funny though, now she's saved the team with that arrow twice.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Do gargoyles age at the same rate as humans?

Greg responds...

Nope. Check the Gargoyle Biology archive at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Dash writes...

I really appreciate you answering fan questions, as there are really very few genius story writers who take the initiative connect with the fans. I have seen 'Terrors' and I want to know the ages of the terror twins and icicle jr. as I can't understand why he icicle jr. was taken to an adult prison when it already mentioned by batman that he was only 17 years old.And by the way awesome episode.

Greg responds...

It's stated in the episode that Icicle Jr. (age 17) PETITIONED to be tried as an adult.

The Terror Twins are both 18.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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FrancescaC writes...

Hey Mr Weisman. Young Justice is a great show- thanks for putting so much time and effort into it to make so enjoyable! Now, we know that Zatanna is coming due to the solicts. How old is she? Thanks and I'm looking forward to the episode!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Keziah C writes...

Hi Greg, I've watched 'Homefront' twice now and it is absolutely my favourite episode of the series so far. Jon did a fabulous job writing it and all the voice acting and animations were brilliant.

First off, Artermis' character development was brilliant, I already liked her before as the 'badass girl' on the team but now we've seen that underneath all that she is just a teenage girl with her own fears. We also see that she really does care for her team-mates and her skill with her bow is AMAZING!! That shot she takes right at the end just left me going 'Wooooooaaaaaahhhhhhh'

Robin at the beginnning kept making me laugh with his cheekiness. That stunt with the camera was just too funny, as well as his little interrogation of Artemis when he meets her at the zeta-tube in Gotham (which hinted to me that he knows exactly who she is) And I loved how we see how good he is at what he does as well as how serious and mature he can be, it just proves that he is the most experienced and a badass ninja.

And smart Wally was a complete breath of fresh air! I love Wally, I really do (I love everybody) but sometimes his hyper and slightly obnoxious ways can get a little annoying since it can sometimes make him look like a complete idiot so it was great to see him speak techno-babble and show off his intelligence for once.

I just have one question, will the apparant lack of concern over Kaldur's wellbeing be adressed? It came up in Bereft when Megan flew off to save Superyboy instead of making sure a near-death Kaldur made it somewhere where he could be treated and again in Homefront when only he mentions the fact that he could also die from the fire-cage. I know that it Bereft Wally, Robin and Artemis were concerned about Kaldur but this episode made it seem as if he was getting a little overlooked.

Once again, great episode and I can't wait to see the rest!
Keziah C

Greg responds...

I just can't agree with you about Kaldur. I don't see ANY indication that the others are/were unconcerned about his well-being - and that INCLUDES M'gann in "Bereft".

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Keith writes...

Hey Greg. I was re-watching Targets and couldn't help but notice the use of actual firearms (you know, that fire bullets) it's awesome, because I know there are a lot of restrictions dealing with stuff like that on a kid orientated channel like CN. Did you have to ask for permission to use guns like that, or was it just given to you?

Also, in the comics Red Torpedo was a girl and Red Inferno a guy, but in Homefront the genders are swapped. Was there any particular reason behind this?

Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

1. There are restrictions, but using real guns is no longer anathema at CN.

2. Actually, as mentioned in an earlier post, these two were developed for the Red Tornado mini-series I wrote and was not published. Beyond that, Red Torpedo (a.k.a. Jim Lockhart) was always a guy going back to the Golden Age of comics. I have no idea why, in the Tornado mini-series that DC eventually DID publish, the genders were switched. But we decided to stick with what was historically accurate.

Response recorded on December 19, 2011

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. Congratulations to you and the rest of the YJ crew on Home Front. I had a few questions I had hoped you'd be willing to answer.
1. In some versions, I know that Barbara Gordon has been presented as Jim Gordon's niece, whom he raised as his daughter. In other versions, she's his daughter biologically as well (In still others, she's Alfred's daughter, but it's best not to dwell there). Granted, she's Jim Gordon's daughter in every way that really counts in either version, but, for the record, could you clarify which is the case on Earth-16?
2. How would you characterize Dick and Barbara's interactions in general? Casual friendship? Surrogate siblings, to an extent?
3. Did Dick Grayson immediately debut as Robin, or did Batman make him undergo some sort of training program or evaluation before he'd take Dick with him?
4. I like Robin's gauntlet computer. Does Batman have something similar?
5. How old is Guardian?
6. How old is Alfred Pennyworth?
7. How old is Captain Atom (chronologically and biologically, if they're different)?
8. My apologies if this is asking too much, but can you confirm that the Earth-16 Captain Atom is not a sentient energy field in a containment suit? Bruce Timm and company seem unusually fond of presenting him as such, having done so in both JLU and the Superman/Batman: Public Enemies DTV. Don't get me wrong, I love every DC cartoon that's been produced (with the exception of Batman Beyond), but I've never understood why they did this. I mean, you've got a sentiest energy field that, since the word atom appears in his name, must, by Hollywood "logic," be just waiting to explode. What do we do? We send him into battle against people who are powerful enough to puncture that suit, and then act surprised when a city-sized area is suddenly in imminent danger. Sorry, I guess I've veered from my question somewhat (upon reflection, it's entirely possible that you didn't know about the whole sentient energy field thing).
Thank you for your time, Sir, and for everything else you do for the fans. Few writers make themselves available to the fandom as much as you do, and the vast majority of us greatly appreciate it, even if it sometimes probably feels like we're taking it for granted.

Greg responds...

1. She's his daughter.

2. Best friends... with potential.

3. I guess you'd have to define "immediately", but the short answer is both.

4. He has access to the technology.

5. Twenty-four.

6. Sixty-four.

7. He's seventy chronologically. About twenty-eight biologically.

8. Yes, I can confirm that he is NOT "a sentient energy field in a containment suit."

Response recorded on December 19, 2011

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Grant writes...

The Red Torpedo and the Red Inferno characters, were they your creations from the canceled Red Tornado mini that you were slated to write for DC?

Greg responds...

Calling them my "creations" is pushing it. As both were based on pre-existing characters (i.e. Red Torpedo/Jim Lockhart and Firebrand/Dannette Reilly plus the whole Red Whatevero connection that was handed me by Dan Didio in the first place), but, yes, these were the versions of the characters that would have appeared in my Red Tornado mini-series had it been published. I'm glad I got the chance to utilize them here.

Response recorded on December 19, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...


On this week's installment of "Young Justice," Robin and Artemis return after an extended absence. And it is a welcome return. At first glance, the plot of this episode seems like your standard "powerless heroes triumph over the odds story, but we get a lot more than that.

This episode excelled at two things: character moments and suspense.

For the first time since she appeared, we really got to know who Artemis is. We got to see passed her cocky attitude and saw some very reasonable and very human fears. Without backup, and when things got too hot for a normal human being to handle, she fell apart. I've seen the character getting some grief for this online, but be honest, I think in the face of such things, most of us would crack at least a little. And as the end shows, courage isn't a lack of fear; courage is doing what you have to do despite that fear. And act, she does.

We also saw more of her background and received confirmation that Cheshire is, indeed, Artemis' sister. I've suspected as much since "Infiltrator." And, not that I thought for one second she was, but there is no way at this point that Artemis is the traitor.

Now, not being a DC reader, all I know about Red Tornado is that he exists and he is a robot. I have never heard of these other two robots, but as has happened in previous episodes, we have seen another Xanatos Gambit take place. Red Tornado was obviously the true target, as The Light tried to reprogram him through Mr. Twister way back in "Welcome to Happy Harbor."

The action sequences were intense, and I loved the use of flames and water as effective weapons. Especially the flame thrower. While I did not care for the robots as villains much, their powers were effective and intimidating.

I also enjoyed that, despite being held captive, Kid Flash and Superboy were far from helpless, and participated in the victory. Too often in plots like this, the powerless heroes would do all the work and single-handedly save the day. As such, this was a nice change of pace.

And really cool to see a cameo by Barbara Gordon. I wonder if she's already Batgirl. Hopefully time will tell.

Greg responds...

There is no Batgirl.

Response recorded on December 19, 2011

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Hoping this isn't a spoiler request writes...

Why did Paula get together with Artemis's father?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 19, 2011

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Blossom writes...

Hi! I loved "Home Front" to pieces, definitely the best episode so far. I just had a few questions:
1. Was Red Tornado always the mole or did some weird programming thing happen when the spark touched his finger?
2. In the beginning of th series, Robin was shown using his holographic computer on his left wrist, but during this episode he switched between both his wrists. Is it a glitch, or is he cool enough to access the computer from both gloves?
3. LOVED LOVED LOVED the Artemis flashback. So gladshe got some character development, but we will be seeing development for the other, too, right?
Either way, I can't wait for next Friday! I'm so hooked on this show!

Greg responds...

1. Neither.

2. Either glove.

3. Which other?

Response recorded on December 19, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

If you have gotten this far, I give you virtual cookies and milk. You've been slogging through a lot. They're not as good as real cookies and milk, but I can't send those via Internet yet.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 19, 2011

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YoungJusticeFan writes...

Hello. I love Young Justice. I was most impressed with "Home Front". As you can tell I'm quite an Artemis fan. Just have a few questions if that's okay.
1. After Red Tornado came in, I was a little confused. I mean, once his eye sockets turned red, was he like hypnotized (sorry for my misspelling) or did he just do that on purpose.
2. So after what happened in "Terrors" and later on in "Home Front" is it acknowledged that Miss M and Superboy are dating now?
3. What was with that awkwardness between Robin and Artemis in Gotham. Was he on to her when he was questioning her, or what?
Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. He did it on purpose.

2. Acknowledged by whom?

3. Yes, he was totally on to her. She just didn't know it.

Response recorded on December 19, 2011

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Paul writes...

I thought you were supposed to write the Captain Atom episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold originally, but when the episode ("Powerless!") aired in the UK in August, I saw that you were credited for contributing the story idea, but you didn't write the script. How did you go from writing it to Kevin Hopps and Todd Casey writing it, if you don't mind me asking?

By the way, "Powerless!" was good, but I think "Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster!" was better. It's one of my favourite episodes of that show, actually.

Greg responds...

I'm a little bit busy on this show called Young Justice...

Response recorded on December 16, 2011

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Paul writes...

1) Is Mr. Freeze's origin in Young Justice the same as it was in Batman: The Animated Series?

2) If not, did Nora Fries still play a part in his Young Justice origin?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on December 16, 2011

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greenman writes...

Has this earth had contact with extraterrastrial lifeforms other than the Martians (J'onn and M'Gann), Starro, and of course Kal-El?

Greg responds...

Yes, but not much.

Response recorded on December 16, 2011

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Annica writes...

Can you please send a massive THANK YOU to Jon - "Home Front" was definitely the best episode so far. And I love the fact that you guys are keeping the realism. I see so many movies or shows where in the midst of craziness and tragedy the characters act like not much is happening, but I think it was great when Artemis had her breakdown, because it just emphasises the fact that they are only teenagers but they have to deal with adult-like problems.
I've also really enjoyed issue 7 and 8 of the tie-in comics (you can probably guess which of the team is my favorite characters) - so awesome job on those too, but I'm curious (and not sure whether it counts as a spoiler or not), how old was Artemis when her sister left?
Also I'm not sure if this has been answered or not, but who came up with the idea of Robin playng with the english language? Because, whether it was you, Vietti or someone else on the team, they are a genius - I am forever whelmed.

Thanks for taking the time to read/answer!

Greg responds...

You do realize that when you say you're "whelmed" it means you're NOT particularly impressed, right?

Anyway, the idea of using unwords like "whelmed" was more or less mine.

But I'll let Jon know you liked his script.

Response recorded on December 16, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Okay. So in "Front End" we find out Dick's a freshman. That got me curious about the others. Am I to assume Artemis and Wally are sophomores and Megan and Conner juniors? Correct or agree?

Greg responds...


"Front End"?

Response recorded on December 16, 2011

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg!Just some quick questions.
1.a. In "Downtime" Aquaman is called King Orin by Kaldur. I was wondering if he has ever gone by Arthur Curry?
b.From what I understand there have been many different takes on Aquaman with diffe
rent backstories and the names belong to different ones. Can you reveal anything about Aquaman's past specifically his name and parentage(is his dad human?)or would it fall under "Spoiler. No Comment".?
2.a. In the promos Artemis has blue eyes. Then on the show she has brown/black eyes. I figured it was just a change made during development like Aquaman's long hair but during the recent tie-in issues(love them by the way) she has blue eyes again. Is this just a colorist error(like Barry having red hair in the Kid Flash flashback) or is it somehow a plot point?
b.I'm always curious about the behind the scenes process so what goes into making such changes? Is it just a simple "give him shorter hair/her different eyes" or is there approval processes to go through? How much of a bureaucracy is there when working on a show like "Young Justice"?

Greg responds...

1a. Ever? Yes.

1b. SPOILER, etc.


2b. There's always a process. There isn't too much bureaucracy, though there is a little.

Response recorded on December 16, 2011

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Robby writes...

Hey Greg, firstly great work on the show, I'm LOVING the show so far! My question is really trivial, it's just something that crossed my mind and I couldn't find it on the thread, so I apologize if it has been. Now that M'Gann's a cheerleader I can't help but notice the team is sometimes called the Bumblebees and at other times they're called the Happy Harbor Hornets. Which is the correct team name?

Greg responds...

The FOOTBALL TEAM is the Hornets.

Their cheerleaders are the BUMBLEBEES.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

So I watched Homefront yesterday, and WOW. That was good, nice work with Red Inferno and Torpedo, very cool. And I loved all the characterization with Artemis. I have a friend who's convinced she's the mole, but I am definitely going to argue with him next time we meet, there's no way she's the mole. Cameo by Barbara, very cool. And the super-cycle warning Megan and Connor Wally was coming; hilarious! Please pass on my kudos to the cast and crew.

Greg responds...

Will do. Thanks!

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Jason R. Carter writes...

1. How old is Icicle Sr.? He certainly doesn't look old enough to have fought Alan Scott.

2. Why was Riddler considered such a joke around Belle Reve?

Greg responds...

1. He's 85, but because of the quantity of time he spent "on ice" he seems about "50".

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, I just had a question...

I know that you can't actually use the Koreas on your show 'Young Justice' and Qurac is a shoutout to the comic books, and I don't know about Bialya, but that makes me wonder...did you stop there? Is it possible for you guys to reveal a full Earth-16 map? It would be fascinating to see what other geo-political changes you made.

Greg responds...

We could use a Korea or two if we wanted to. We just like to mix it up between real world locales, and DC COMICS generated fictional locales. Seems more fun to us.

I don't have one single map that covers all of this. We figure it out as we need it.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Wesley writes...

Did Robin skip a grade or does he just have a late birthday?

Greg responds...


(C'mon, guys, before posting PLEASE look at the questions ahead of you in the queue. One of the main reasons we have such a backlog and why I keep having to SHUT DOWN the question function in order to catch up is because of the boatload of repeated questions.)

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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spence writes...


In the above link, you say that Aqualad dropped out of Sorcery school before he got to the advanced level, which is why his tattoos are always visible on his arms while Tula and Garth's aren't.

In "Downtime," Queen Mera implies that Aqualad, Tula and Garth used to be in the same learning level.

However, in issue #5, when Aqualad and Garth show up to fight Ocean Master, we can see Aqualad's dark tattoos (before they glow) on his arms, but Garth doesn't have any on his. Shouldn't either both or none have visible tattoos, if they were at the same level?

Please don't interpret my question as a dishonest attempt to corner you. I'm just truing to figure out the continuity.


Greg responds...

Garth should probably have had tattoos in that shot, but we missed it.

Garth is also THE top student at the Conservatory - able to summon the power of the Tempest - so it's also at least possible that he was advanced for his age even back then.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Thank you for your informative reply on my Betty Brant post. Now, and this is a question I've been pondering for a while, how did you go about your approach to Aunt May?

I love Stan Lee's run on Spidey, but this is one of the few cases where I have to admit that I greatly preferred other writers' takes on the character. Stan's Aunt May was constantly in and out of the hospital... and constantly, dimwitted. I preferred Roger Stern, Tom DeFalco, J.M. DeMatteis, and J. Michael Straczynski's takes on the character.

I can forgive and understand her being overprotective. It's been mentioned later that she had lost a child, and Ben's death was just as traumatic for her as it was for Peter. But what always seemed unreasonable for me was how she thought Dr. Octopus was a good and nice man. She didn't realize that she was being held hostage, that he was a dangerous supervillain, or even that he had these giant metal arms attached to him. And then there was the story where she took him on as a border. I'm not even going to get into that weird story where she almost married him... but that wasn't Stan, that was Gerry Conway.

Your Aunt May, while being protective of Peter, wasn't overprotective to the point of absurdity. And one of my favorite Aunt May scenes was in "Group Therapy" where she stood up to the entire Sinister Six to prevent them from attacking Spidey. And Ock's almost gentlemanly approach insisting that she step aside was, I think, a nice nod to Ock liking her in the comics. I also loved that she never referred to Spidey as "that awful Spider-Man!"

So, what did you think was the core truth of Aunt May? How did you go about interpreting her in your show?

Greg responds...

Our May Parker was a single parent due to a couple of horrible tragedies. That informed how she behaved both in her own life and toward Peter.

We leaned toward making her a little more savvy... but also somewhat unprepared. Uncle Ben did not leave her in a great financial position. (Because if he did, why would Peter constantly need money?) We kept a bit of her naivete, but tossed in some inner strength and acuity, especially when it came to Peter's love life. She could take action (or give solid advice) - not just relative to the Sinister SIx, but more relevantly when it came to some of the ladies in Peter's life: Betty Brant, Mary Jane Watson, Liz Allen and Gwen Stacy.

She wasn't a young woman - certainly older than the parents of most of Pete's friends - but we didn't want to make her ancient. And we figured one trip to the hospital was plenty, i.e. once she had one heart attack, she would begin to take better care of herself.

And since she was always a great cook, we figured she'd build on that when she needed money, which gave us the cookbook that she authored.

Her life did revolve around Peter but wasn't exclusively his. So she had her friend and her theater and her cooking and her work, etc. We just tried to make her a fully realized character.

And... I should give a TON of credit to DEBORAH STRANG (as directed by Jamie Thomason), for truly bringing May to life. Couldn't have done it without her.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Jules Verdonck writes...

Hey Greg,
first I wanna thank you for doing this for us fans.
Now my question: Why didn't Artemis put on the Helmet of Faith in "Homefront"? That would have made her stronger

Greg responds...

That would have completely given up control of her body - with a risk that she'd never get it back.

Would you take that risk?

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Demi writes...

HEY again!I saw Home Front and I loved it.It was my favorite episode and i keep watching it. I was just wondering why Artemis closes her eyes or covers her eyes when theres a flash of light in front of her.This happened twice in the episode and i want to ask if this was shown for a reason to point out something that will be revealed in the future.Why are her eyes so sensitive?(if there is a reason)

Greg responds...

Um... I'd have to look again, cuz I really don't remember to what you are referring.

But if you're asking why she closed her eyes when a BRIGHT LIGHT shone on them, I'm not sure why you're even asking the question. What else would one do?

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Will Paul Dini be writing any episodes for Young Justice? He wrote some true gems for Batman: The Animated Series and the other DCAU shows.

Greg responds...

Nope. Paul's great, but I think he's pretty busy on the new Spider-Man series.

And we've got a bunch of great writers on YJ already.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Chuck writes...

Hey Greg I was wondering:
1) I was rewatching "Welcome to Happy Harbor" and I noticed when Miss Martian was masquerading as Red Tornado when she was blasted by fire instead of shapeshifting she emitted electricity. How was that possible?

Greg responds...

I'd have to look at it again. It's not fresh in my mind.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Anon writes...

Regarding the latest YJ episode, did Dick skip a grade or have a birthday recently, since he was called a freshman?

Greg responds...

No. He's 13 at the start of Ninth Grade. He'll turn 14 before the school year is out in June.

That's not even particularly uncommon.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Havok writes...

Is there going to be a title list of episodes for young justice season 2?

Greg responds...

Maybe eventually, but, jeepers, we haven't even gotten through Season One yet.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Dew writes...

Oh My Gosh! Home Front was the best Young Justice episode so Far!!!! I <3 <3 <3 This show!!!!!! I can't wait for more episodes! When I think this show is getting good, it just gets even more amazing! This is my Favorite show and I would like to thank you and everyone else who works on Young Justice for 1. Making such an Awesome show and 2. Bringing out the inner fangirl in me! THANK YOU!!!!!!

Greg responds...

You're very welcome!!!

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Matthew writes...

Just saw Homefront. Like every other episode of YJ, it was great. I was glad to see a story focusing on Robin and Artemis. I've always had a preference for non-powered heros: Batman, Green Arrow, et cetera. Fighting crime always seemed less heroic when bullets bounced off you. I was also glad to see Barbara Gordon. For some reason, I never considered whether she was in the YJ universe, so it was a pleasant surprise to see that she was.
The final part of the episode was a real shocker or at least it would've been if I hadn't been spoiled on the internet about Red Tornado. Except, I remember the final episode of Spectacular Spiderman, so maybe things aren't as they see?

Greg responds...

Hopefully, by now you know they are not.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Misty writes...

Is Barbra, in young justice, dating Robin? Or are they just friends?
And is she still Batgirl in young justice?

Greg responds...

They're not dating, but she's interested.

She's not Batgirl. And before you ask, SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT, on whether or not she will be some day.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Flare writes...

1.)What state and city is Mount. Justice in?
2.)What state is Gothom City in?

Greg responds...

1. Happy Harbor, Rhode Island.

2. "Gothom"? Never heard of it. ;)

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Steve P. writes...

Any more Barbara Gordon?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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CC writes...

Hi Greg, I'm so excited to be asking you some questions about Young Justice. :D

1) Without asking for spoilers, do /you/, yourself, hope that Wally and Artemis end up together?

2) How many seasons do you supposed YJ will have?

3) How many would you want the show to have?

That's all, thank you.

Greg responds...



3. AS MANY AS THEY LET US HAVE. We're not going to run out of stories.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Caitlin writes...

Ok, since my real question keeps being thrown out for some reason...

What is Owen's (and/or Puck's) favorite kind of music?

Greg responds...

I don't know off the top of my head. Sorry.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Eagle-Owl writes...

In the Young Justice episode "Terrors," Brick mentioned that the biggest joke in Belle Reve "ain't the Joker." When everyone started laughing, I thought I heard Mark Hamill (the voice of Joker in Batman: The Animated Series) laughing with them. I have a few questions about that.

1. Was that Mark Hamill laughing?
2. Was the Joker in Belle Reve?
3. Is Mark Hamill involved in the series in any way?
4. Will the Joker appear in Young Justice at all?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. Never.

3. Not so far.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Eagle-Owl writes...

I don't know if this would count as spoiler request (please tell me if it is), but had The Spectacular Spider-Man continued and had Pete looking at different colleges, what other colleges (aside from ESU) would he have looked at?

Greg responds...

I don't know. He'd have wound up at ESU though.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

An idea if there is a plan to release season 2 volume 2 or season 3 yet? i bought season 1 and season 2 volume 1 and I really want the other two.

Greg responds...

We talking Gargoyles? No idea... though I've heard rumors...

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Ifired writes...

Hey, I'm a big fan of Young Justice and Teen Titans. I didn't find this question in the archives and I would like to know. Is the robin in TT just the grown up version of the one in YJ? Or are those 2 worlds different? (yj:16 TT:?)

Greg responds...

Two worlds are different.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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spence writes...

Why does Superboy hate monkeys?

Greg responds...

See Issue #2 of the comic book.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Patrick writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman! I'd first like to say that I'm a big fan, and I'm thankful that you take the time to answer all of these questions despite how frustrating it must get at times.

Since I can't think of a non-spoilerific YJ question, here's a Spectacular Spider-man related one: In "Reactions," why did Green Goblin try to kill Otto? Did he know that he was creating another supervillain?

Greg responds...

No, he thought he was getting rid of a witness and weak link.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Jo writes...

Hi, again! First, thank you for answering my previous questions! I know you must be stressed, but, like others have said, it's awesome that you take time to answer questions like this. :)

And, now questions.

1. As a writer, how much say do you have in how the story is told? I mean, I know you write the script (duh), but it's the director who ultimately decides how it's told. So, do you both consult heavily on the matter?

2. Do you sit in on recording sessions? If so, why?

3. Um, I think this ties in with both the previous questions, but, do you have much say in how an actor performs their lines? Because, you must have written it with a certain tone, inflection, and emotion in mind, but the actor might interpret it differently.

4. How long does it normally take you to write an episode?

5. Do you find it easier or harder to write characters that have been created before you came along, as opposed to your own characters.

6. As far as character development goes, how deep do you go? Like, do you consider things that probably won't be presented in the project, or do you stick to things directly relative to the story?

I think that's it...not that I can't come back and ask some more. Thanks so much!!

Greg responds...

1. Well, it depends if I'm a freelancer or a show-runner. If we're talking Young Justice, than Brandon and I have final say on everything. The directors work for us. Though of course, they are immensely talented people, and we value what they do. The writers likewise work for us, but we've worked really closely on the stories and scripts with them. And as we proceed forward into design and direction, it's all in service of those stories.

2. Yes, of course. All of them.

2a. Voice recording is (a) one of the most important parts of the process and (b) the most fun part of the process. I wouldn't miss them for both reasons. We need to make sure that what we record is what we intended and needed. And I enjoy it. This year, for various reasons, I've also recorded a lot of scratch track, i.e. I've been the temporary voice for various characters when the actors we needed were temporarily unavailable. Just to give the board artists something to work with, until we can get the correct actor in there.

3. Yes. Ultimately, Brandon and I have final say. But again, we trust and appreciate the great work done by our stellar cast and by voice director Jamie Thomason.

4. To write a script: eight days. To write an outline: four days. To write a beat sheet: one day. To break the story: two days. Add it all up. Throw in time for notes and editing at every step. And you're talking about six weeks, give or take.

5. A well-thought out character is easier to write, whether I created it or someone else did.

6. We have detailed backstories for all our leads and supporting characters. Sometimes even a one-liner character has backstory in our minds.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Gene writes...

Hi Greg. For some reason every time I make a post to send to you it never seems to show up in the unanswered questions tab. Like I would create a post and send it to you, then, a few seconds later, I would check the unanswered questions tab and it wouldn't show up. I did send one post and the "Name" I used was Kat or Kit and that got sent, but when I tried to make another and send it, it wasn't marked in the unanswered questions tab. (and I did follow all the rules on asking a question) By the way I've been sending all of my posts on my iPod but I don't think the iPod is glitched or anything because I'm still able to send emails and other stuff like that, so I dont know what is wrong. Please help if you receive this. Oh and I have one question that i would desperatly want you to answer please.. if you ever get this message anyway.
1. Do you ever receive hand-written mail that's written by fans of young justice (that may include drawings or other things) that is sent directly to you or where you work? If so, I would like to send you a letter and enclose a few drawings of mine that I created. I would really like you, and the rest of the young justice crew to see it, or at least somebody to recognize my artistry.
Besides you and Brandon V. have inspired me to draw these charactors, although I have been drawing for years, I'm only a freshman in high school. Thank you for time and I'm sorry about your dog, and if you can answer my question, it would make my day, and if not, at least I tried.

Greg responds...

I am the least technical guy I know. I can't help you... cuz I have no idea what the problem might be.

1. Occassionally.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Alicia writes...

Hello, just before I start I wanted to say- big fan of Young Justice. All the episodes are awesome.

1. So Aqualad's name is Kaldur'ahm, is that just like a one name thing or does he have a last name?
2. Zatanna is going to be in "Humanity" who will she be voiced by?
3. Since Roy hasen't appeared in any of the issues yet, are you planning in featuring him in one?
4. Also a friend asked, since most of the episodes are ready to air, why hasen't there been a preview like the past episodes.
5. Lastly, what can fans of Young Justice expect to see in future episodes.

Greg responds...

1. That's his whole name.

2. Lacey Chabert.

3. Eventually.

4. I don't know.


Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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The Batfan writes...

Hi, Greg! I'm really liking Young Justice so far - it's one of the best-animated and possibly the best-written adaptation of DC Comics material in television. I am eagerly awaiting episode 12!

If you'll indulge my curiosity, I have a few questions about little details in the show:

1. I Sensei is really the father of Ra's al Ghul (as the Young Justice Wiki claims has been revealed in the comics, to which I unfortunately have no access), then is he also centuries old, and, if so, does he use the same "method" Ra's does of prolonging his lifespan? Also, does he know that his son is a member of the Light?

2. In "Independence Day," Mr. Freeze fights the Dynamic Duo with a large "ice gun" of sorts; similarly, Captain Cold uses a ice pistol against the Dashing Dyad in the same episode. However, in "Terrors," both villains - along with Icicle Sr., who, as far as I'm aware, also uses technology to create cold - are able to generate cold without equipment. How exactly is this achieved (and does it have something to do with the "parts" Dr. Strange helped them smuggle in?)

3. For that matter, when taken to Waller, Mr. Freeze didn't seem to have overridden his collar's function, since it still zapped him; how, then was he still able to generate cold in order to beat back the guard and break it?

Thanks so much, and looking forward to more Young Justice!

Greg responds...

1. Sensei is not the father of Ra's al Ghul on Earth-16.

2. They are using equipment. Look again. And yes, it's the parts smuggled in.

3. It was tech, not inherent. Look more carefully.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Paul writes...

When you were choosing the members of the Team for Young Justice, were you at any point tempted to use Raven, Cyborg, Starfire or Beast Boy? If so, did you decide not to have them be founding members of the Team because they had already been given their chance to shine in the Teen Titans animated series?

Greg responds...

They were all on the master list of teen heroes, but for various reasons - including but not limited to their prominence in Teen Titans - they didn't make the cut to be part our main six.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

What kind of species is miss martian?

Greg responds...

She's a Martian.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Tim writes...

Hey Greg, this isn't as much a question as much as it is a compliment and an analysis. Can I just say you've done an excellent job with the mystery of the team's mole? I literally don't know which one it is, you've done an excellent job making it possible to be anyone of them.

Robin: Robin's safe in my opinion

Kid Flash: Same as Robin, can't picture it being him.

Aqualad: He is Black Manta's son, and has told Robin that he will have to lead the team one day. Perhaps he knows he'll be leaving the team? He's an original character so this one is the toughest to read.

Artemis: Too obvious in my opinion, and I kn0w you're a better writer than to actually make it the Red Herring.

Superboy:He is a clone and may have some dormant programming even he doesn't know about. Though not stated in the show, he has Luthor DNA in the comics.

Miss Martian: The strongest possibility, which makes me sad because I love M'Gann. Not only is she a white martian in the comics, but she alluded to the persecution of white martians in Targets. Plus she's the least likely suspect and would really have an emotional impact on Conner. This would have many similarities to the Hawkgirl storyline on Justice League though, and I'm not sure you'd want such a strong parallel to a previous DC Animated series.

And now the recently released episode descriptions say Captain Marvel will take over as den mother due to the team suspecting Red Tornado. But I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being Marvel rather than Tornado, as it would be akin to Kingdom Come where Luthor controlled him with the assistance of Mr. Mind.

It's such a great mystery and I can't stop guessing. Every time I think I figured it out something happens to make me change my mind. Can't wait to see how it's resolved!

Greg responds...

And I can't wait for you to see it!!

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Unknown writes...

Will the orginal members of the injustice legue be featured or will you mix it up?

Greg responds...

There've been so many versions of the Injustice League, I don't even know who the "original" members were. But by now you know who was in our Injustice League: Count Vertigo, Black Adam, Atomic Skull, Ultra-Humanite, Wotan, Poison Ivy and Joker.

Response recorded on December 09, 2011

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JSA Fan writes...

Greg, as a long-time DC comics and animation fan, I've always enjoyed the
legacy aspect of the characters.
I liked the Teen Titans and Infinity, Inc. characters and their connections to the older characters. With a grandfather who served in the Pacific in the Second World War, I particularly gravitated to the All-Star Squadron and JSA characters and books as a child.

Do you have a favorite JSA character from the older books and from the more recent
ones? Any chance of additional significant JSA appearances, like Kent Nelson, or at least cameos, like Jay Garrick? Or possibly some occasional references?

Also, most League members have, or will have an equivalent sidekick(s), potential successor, or someone that they could train individually. Most are obvious. I am going under the assumption that there is or will be a Marvel Family, and that Hal and John could help train Corps recruits. Canary and Tornado have their roles with the team; but do they, the Hawks, and Captain Atom have their own individual sidekicks/trainees outside of the League?

Thanks for an amazing job, Greg. You and your crew have pulled me in from the first episode, with great stories, new interpretations of characters and characters that have never or rarely been animated (like Mr. Lucas Carr). Keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

Jay is definitely going to play a significant role down the line. So will Doctor Fate. Other JSA or A-SS characters will play in too... though we don't have a ton of room for them in the series. But expect to see more of them in the comics.

Your questions about sidekicks for Black Canary, etc. is a SPOILER REQUEST. NO RESPONSE.

Thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on December 09, 2011

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yjjlu writes...

Hi Greg,

Absolutely love Young Justice! Thanks for the updates on how each of the 46 episodes are progressing. My question is: After you are finished the 46th episode, how long will it be before you know if more episodes will be ordered? My one disappointment with the JLU show was that they didn't create more episodes. I hope you guys get a shot at 100 episodes in order to explore all the great characters the DC Universe has to offer. Keep up the great work guys!!!!

Greg responds...

There's no way for me to know.

I'd guess that the EARLIEST we'd hear anything would be when DC Nation premieres this coming March. But even that is just a guess.

Response recorded on December 09, 2011

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Well, I can't claim to be a biology major, though I've studied it in an amateur way. But I would like to respond to Caitlin's post about stone sleep.

In most ways, gargoyles' metabolisms probably slow down a lot while in stone sleep. But I think Caitlin missed/forgot about one thing: they can't be 100% inactive, because their healing kicks into overdrive during the day. So some process, which uses up nutrients to build new tissue, must continue during sleep. Since they heal so quickly during the day, this process might use up a good chunk of the energy that would run the regular metabolism during the day.

Personally, I just assume that the blood still flows and they still breathe, however slowly, while they sleep. It was a Disney cartoon, so it's not like the stone rubble could bleed rivers of red during the Wyvern Massacre!

Greg responds...

It's all beyond my scientific knowledge... but I'll admit that, for example, the discussions about this we used to have at the Gatherings were always extremely fascinating to me.

Response recorded on December 09, 2011

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TwEaKz writes...

Hey Greg,
I've been meaning to write you about how some people act towards Young Justice. Then I thought to myself, it's really not worth it. So I'm not going to post a huge thing about it. I'm just going to write a little something instead. I find it somewhat annoying how outraged some people get over things that I feel shouldn't even be a problem. For instance, "Hello, Megan!". Heh. That seems to drive some people MAD. Really? That's what makes you nuts about the show and the character? I think it's adorable and I feel it fits Miss Martian perfectly. But, hey, to each their own.

I'm not saying they don't have a right to voice their opinion but come on. I just think some people really need to relax, take the whole show in and let things unfold the way they are meant to. Another thing that people get worked up about is how Superman treats Superboy. Yeahhh... I'm not even going to touch that one. When I see some of the questions and comments that come your way, I just have to laugh it off and say hmm this person must be young. Now I'm NOT saying that all young kids are simple minded or anything and I'm not trying to put down anyone. It's just that some of these complaints come across a little out there to me and they're not seeing the overall big picture.

What I like about you, though, Greg, is you don't let anyone change or dictate your show in any way. You guys love what you do and you put in what you feel works and that's how you keep it. I applaud that one hundred percent. So, yeah, that's all I'm going to say on this matter and now I'm going to try to end this post with a little something more positive.

Greg, I'm 31 and I absolutely love Young Justice. It brings me such joy. I've been a huge fan of your work ever since Gargoyles and I will continue to be a fan for life. For me, YJ keeps getting better and better with each new episode. I also enjoy the comic tie-in immensely. I feel it really expands the universe you guys have created. The latest episode "Terrors" was fantastic. It was very surprising as well. Did not expect that ending with Superboy and Miss Martian. Not this soon at least. But I loved it.

One last thing I would like to mention is that I even got my Father involved with the show. He's 72 years old and he really enjoys all things superheroes. He grew up with the Golden Age of comics and he just has a real passion for the genre. Now the main reason why I told him he should watch this show? Captain Marvel. He's been a life long fan of Captain Marvel and the rest of the Marvel family. He even has a room that is filled with lots and lots of Captain Marvel related memorabilia. It's definitely a sight to see.

When I first heard about YJ, I told my Dad that hey, you really need to catch this show when it premieres. I said to him that I heard Captain Marvel is going to have some kind of role on there. Needless to say, he was VERY excited. Heh. Even though, Captain Marvel has yet to make any real appearance on the show, he's been hooked since the first episode. He loves the animation, enjoys all the stories that are being told. Totally intrigued by "The Light" and where all this could possibly go.

The moral of my post here? Don't let any negativity bring you down. I see you get frustrated sometimes and hey I don't blame you. Just know that there are plenty of people out there of all ages that love the show and is constantly looking forward to the next episode and issue :)

Take care, man.

Greg responds...

I don't think youth necessarily has much to do with it. I'm sure some of my staunchest critics are closer to your age or mine than to their grammar school days.

But otherwise, I tend to agree with you. Ultimately, what people post on any other site is really none of my business. I may lurk there and find myself frowning, but that's on me. I've been doing this long enough that I can (generally) let most of it wash off my back. Some of the criticism is valid, of course. Some of it is only valid in the moment. Once the critics sees the bigger picture, they may or may not change their minds. Some of the criticism is, in my opinion, flat-out ridiculous. (But that's just my opinion.) And some of it is flat-out wrong, for example when they criticize us for something we literally didn't do, or criticize us for not doing something that we objectively did do.

But all that's fine.

The only three things that really got to me were:

(a) How rude some people were being here on this site (where I can't escape it). You don't have to like the show, but I'm not sure what the point is of being rude about it to one of the creators behind it. They can challenge our choices, but they can't challenge how hard we're working. So I'm not sure what was gained from being mean about it.

(b) When people wrote their criticisms with some kind of expectation that I'd agree with them and admit we had screwed up. That begins to grate. WE LIKE OUR SHOW. We wouldn't have made the choices we made if we didn't believe in them. And what kind of creator would I be, if a post here at ASK GREG would cause me to disavow the hard and passionate work of the many, many creative people (including myself) that went into the making of Young Justice - a show, of which by the way, I'm quite proud.

(c) Just the repetitive requests for Spoilers and/or for answers to questions already asked and answered, which served no purpose other than to clog the site. This is merely annoying. But cumulatively, alongside points (a) and (b) it began to grind on me.

I DO want to reiterate that this was a WAY bigger problem with the questions that came in between March and July of this year. Since the site opened up again this past September, (a) and (b) have all but gone away, and even (c) has reduced down to a much more manageable level of annoyance. I made a plea for just that, and the fans and even the critics seem to have responded. AND IT IS MUCH APPRECIATED.

In any case, I really appreciate your post. I hope you and your father continue to enjoy what's coming. He'll see in episodes that by now I hope you've seen and in some that have yet to air, that the Big Red Cheese is in fact an extremely important character in the series. And if the comic continues long enough, he'll eventually be even more important there.

Response recorded on December 09, 2011

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