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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Before the Dawn-

Black Lightning- LOVED (Nice touch Thunder was texting Grace)Amethyst- Have been reading the new stories and know of the old ones. Clever concept, lovely Sailor Moon spoof included.

Show- (no questions, just observations)
1- The female Reach voice is so familiar...
2- The torture Aqualad must have went through for that tour - friends are being tortured because he put them there and he can't even show any emotional response.
3- Star City teens ...I'm still annoyed at all thoughtless Before the Dawn spoilers telling me to look for Stephanie and Virgil. I think of Stephanie as being Gotham to the core like the rest of the Bat family. I'm curious how she'll integrate. (I gotta review if Sissie was established in Star City when she appeared as a little girl.) But, blond hair, blue eye AND ~purple~ jacket and wry response in face of bad situation...that would be Steph. (I like she looked older than Tim - I could have sworn she was originally created a year older than Tim and somehow dropped a year to match him.)
4- Didn't the pods used to put people to sleep? I guess if this hasn't already been covered elsewhere it could be an actual question.
5- Cassie is observant- how do you know our friends are there? The tech reminds her of Blue Beetle. Nice.
6- M'gan wipes Aquadlad's mind- Wow... implications, shock, moment between M'gan and Artemas - all nicely played. Also, Beast Boy makes a scary big cat. (I can't tell if there is a bit of an homage to HeMan's battle cat or if that's what you're going to see when you see a giant angry green tiger.) And then there is the nice echo to last season and the training sequence started with M'gan losing it over Artemas's 'death'.

Thanks for letting us rabble
7- Bart/Jaime SPOILED. Come on guys 2 words, "spoiler alert", and hit enter a few times.
8- Black Beatle - scary guy. On the plus side Jamie gave Scarab full control and no evil monster came out of it. No evil, clears that worry. Beginning of good guy scarab?
9- Bab's & Dick - Noticed their Bat military precision. Also noticed the extra hand hold while they confirmed,
10- La'gon gets the heroic save of Jaime
11- On ship- Lagon is happily draped over catatonic M'gan, Garth covering, Conner watching.
12- And then the clever of Reach introducing themselves before being exposed.
13- GGG- Not wrong about coming through the front door, but none of the alien superheroes represent their home planet. The GL's are the closest.
14- If the Reach is inducing powers and that boy is Virgil, then this would seem to be the BANG. Then again, Steph doesn't traditionally have powers. I remember one of the old comics once indicated that Sissie's eyesight was on the edge of Meta. Though probably within the range of ARGHH!!! famous baseball player who could aim his bat at where he wanted it vis-à-vis the seams…La).
Overall very good indeed.

Greg responds...

1. That was Masasa Moyo channelling Eartha Kitt.

3. Keep in mind, those teens on the dock were not necessarily from Star City. That was a launching point to bring them to the Reach. They were all runaways, and they might have come from anywhere. Also Stephanie's not older than Tim, however, on our show. She's a couple years younger.

4. There's a setting that puts people to sleep, but it isn't automatic.

6. No He-Man homage attempted. (More of a Mr. Tawny homage in green.) But if you see it there, that's fine.

14. Keep in mind, Stephanie was rescued BEFORE she was experimented on. Virgil was not.

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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hmm... writes...

What were Zatanna's spells in cornered?

Greg responds...

Well, she had a fainting spell and a hunger spell and a chatty spell.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anon writes...

Dear Greg,

Let me just start by saying that I am a complete fan of Young Justice. I absolutely love it and I am a fan.

I saw that you answered a question in which someone asked if Artemis knows Nightwing's secret identity. And you answered that as of Season 2, she did.

So my questions are:

1. Why did Dick tell Artemis his secret identity? Or did she figure it out herself? Or even through Wally?
2. Who else knows? (I know you might not answer this one, but I might as well give it a try.)

Greg responds...

1. Artemis saw Dick naked in the Cave's communal shower. Later, that same day, she saw him naked in the Gotham Academy's communal shower, and thus was able to identify him by a telltale zit. Frankly, it's ironic that she had to see him naked twice to make that identification, since the zit was on his chin. But that's what happened.

2. Well, the audience knows. But as far as I can tell from Ask Greg, they're all named "Anonymous".

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I have no important questions today, but I'd like to share my thoughts on "Cornered."

My thoughts about "Cornered":

A. Did Jaime Made The Right Decision? - It is becoming more and more unclear. Watching "Before the Dawn," I'd suspected that IF impulse had not been able to rescue Blue Beetle, it would have been the moment that Jaime was corrupted. Impulse, however stated he know NONE of the details that led to the corruption of the Scarab. Jaime now wants the Scarab off, but what if that led to the Scarab's eventual corruption should it attach to someone else? It makes one wonder…

B. Poor Miss Martian - It's a shame that Miss Martian's self-confidence seems to have shattered after the events of "Before The Dawn." I hope that she does get her head back in the game before the end of the season. However, that does leave some concern to her fate once the conflict with The Reach is resolved. Personally, I think either she'll get kicked off the Team, OR she'll probably live in a self-imposed exile without telling anyone where she goes…

C. Mal Duncan's Character Development - Becoming Guardian is an awesome move, and I'm looking forward to see more of him in action. In regards to his relationship with Bumblebee, I sense that it's only going to become more and more strained. I'm waiting to see if their strained relationship factors in any way to why the Reach Apocalypse possibly happened.

D. Gradual Fall From Grace - That's the best words to describe what I feel is happening to the Justice League right about now. For the Reach Apocalypse to somehow have happened in the future, one of the possible reasons would have to be the public's complete distrust of the Justice League, and then when the Reach turns their back on humanity, the public is going to have to regret what they did. I also think that the Justice League probably got killed when they actually do have to fight the Reach, but considering there has been very few key facts about the future that has been revealed, I suppose I shouldn't get my hopes up to find out if I'm right…

Thanks for taking the time to read my posting,

Greg responds...


B. Miss Martian was kicked off the Team because those guys just hate White Martians.

C. The Reach Apocalypse was a direct result of the closing of the Happy Harbor Bowling Alley. Without bowling, Earth just surrendered.

D. The Justice League still exists in the future that Bart came from. They simply changed their name to "The Reach League".

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Shade234 writes...

Hey Greg!I loved "Cornered"!
1.How old is Virgil Hawkins?
2.How old is Neutron/Nathaniel Tryon?
3.Why didn't Artemis with Kaldur just surrender to Beast Boy and M'gann? It would've been a good way to get them out of deep cover. After all, they'd found out who the Partner was.

Greg responds...

1. He's 75 if he's a day.

2. He's 75 if he's a day.

3. Because she's 75 if she's a day.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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btgr writes...

My review and disappointments for YJI episode "Cornered":

I enjoyed the scenes with Captain Atom, Black Canary, Blue Beetle and Impulse. Captain Atom is most likely saying "Screw the Reach!" or "Nonsense!" inside his thoughts. I noticed Jaime Reyes is shirtless again in this episode!

Mal Duncan was funny in this episode and he resembles Steel/John Henry Irons from that terrible Shaquille O'Neal movie "Steel" while wearing that Guardian costume.

I don't trust that Wade Eiling. I still believe all the US Military soldiers who are working under his wing are dirty, corrupt, merciless, cold-blooded and bloodthirty terrorists in uniform, unless you can give evidence in the upcoming episodes.

And Miss Martian did indeed watered her uncle's plants after all. Oh and more hilarity from G. Gordon Godfrey and he's so obsessed with the Reach lately. Looking forward to True Colours.

My disappointments:
You win 10 points for introducing Static/Virgil Hawkins properly, but you lose 20 points for not introducing the other two unknown liberated abductees who were waiting in the corridor.

Greg responds...

In scenes that were cut for time, Wade sacrificed himself nobly in order to help Miss Martian get to Chicago in time to water her uncle's plants, so that the watering could all be done by the time Conner arrived, so that they could watch "Steel" on Netflix. Unfortunately, all this effort was for naught, as John Jones' Netflix subscription had run out while he was in space.

The good news is that Asami and Eduardo recovered from the amnesia they were experiencing during "Cornered" (which explains why they COULD NOT be introduced in the episode, since they didn't know their own names).

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Gallex writes...

I find it funny that much of the YJ fandom is now pairing Bart with Jamie romantically. What are your thoughts on it?

Greg responds...

Do you mean before or after their on-screen kiss in Endgame?

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Match was indicated to be the FIRST clone of Superman on Young Justice, and IF he is able to age (unlike Superboy), wouldn't that technically mean that he'd eventually be renamed as Bizarro, and then Match and Bizarro would be one and the same individual on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

Match went to one high school dance before he was frozen. There he met a clone of Lana Lang. They had a baby. That baby became Bizarro. However, Bizarro was recently offered a job on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, so he changed his name to Comet, the Wonder Horse.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Thank you for taking our questions Greg. I think you contributed to some of the best cartoons of my time (Gargoyles, Spectacular Spiderman, & Young Justice). With the cancellation of Spectacular and DC Nation's sudden hiatus back in Oct. you have a bit of the Peter Parker luck. Know if I had a truck load of money I'd fund one of your shows for at least 4 seasons. Alas I don't but that brings me to my questions:

1. As of this writing, Young Justice has not been renewed for season 3. Should you get the renewal, how long would the production of a new season take?

2a. If you do get renewal, does that lead to a bigger production budget?

2b. With a bigger budget, does it allow you to do things that you wanted to do but just couldn't afford (more voice actors, etc)?

Greg responds...

1. I think we could have new episodes on the air in about three weeks. Although I'd feel more comfortable if we had an entire month to give the animators more time.

2a. Hmmm. Let me think on this one. Is our budget bigger with or without a renewal? Hmmm. I'm going to say that Warner Brothers would give us a bigger budget to not make the show. Yes. That sounds right.

2b. A bigger budget usually gets in the way of creative choice. With more money, we're all way more tempted to pocket some of those dollars. And those kickbacks create shortages that mean we have less freedom to add actors, etc.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was the death of Marie Logan at the hands of Queen Bee is what prompted Miss Martian to use her powers in a more violent manner?

2. Before she realized she abused the use of her powers in "Before the Dawn," was Miss Martian considering ever using her more violent methods against Queen Bee (as payback/revenge for Marie Logan's death) if they were to ever meet again?

3. Beast Boy's designation as B19 means he joined The Team sometime in 2014, correct? Would that also possibly mean that Marie Logan was tragically killed during that same year?

Greg responds...

1. No. Miss Martian is the one who died. The real Marie Logan received a blood transfusion from Miss Martian three days before the incident. In order to protect herself and her son, Marie - once recovered - allowed the world to think that she was dead and took over the Miss Martian identity, having gained shape-shifting and telepathic powers from the transfusion. The violence was Marie's, who blamed villainy in general for the death of the girl she had come to regard as a daughter.

2. Again, the premise of your question is incorrect, so it's impossible to answer.

3. I think you mean 1814, right?

Anyway, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Chris Lahm writes...

Who is taller, Superboy or Lagoon Boy? Or there the same height.

Greg responds...

Superboy is taller on land by about fifty feet - especially when leaping. But in the water, Lagoon Boy is taller due to the pressure. (When he's underwater, Superboy is reminded of being in a pod, which causes emotional pressure. So he slouches a lot.)

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

As the comic #20 shows Artemis at least knows to Nightwing is- so have they laughed about the picture yet?

Greg responds...

I think my spellcheck has gone haywire. Oh, wait, no. It's YOURS.

Anyway, it's unfortunate, but all of Dick Grayson's digital photos were erased during the E.M.P. that Artemis set off in "Homefront". Plus, fans forbid us from allowing Dick to laugh anymore in Season Two. We received death threats.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, how can Wally suit up as Kid Flash, without being asked, in "BLOODLINES" claiming he did it because "it was an emergency and I was needed", and then justify sitting on the sidelines while almost everyone he cares about is risking their lives to stop the Light and an alien invasion?

I get that Wally was only included in "BLOODLINES" due to wanting to get all of the Flash family on the show at once as there was absolutely no other reason for him to be in that episode (he did nothing but get mocked), but it makes his inaction at the moment harder to understand and defend. I mean, Dick and Conner almost got killed and his own cousin got captured in "DARKEST", and yet Wally isn't doing anything to help out. Does he simply just not care about anything anymore besides Artemis?

Greg responds...

During the events you mention, Wally was in jail in the distant future, having been accidentally mistaken for Professor Zoom by Booster Gold. (It's the yellow costume, you see?)

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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riley writes...

1. Why does Tim only get a few lines per episode?

2. Is Gar able to form other humanoid hybrids such as his monkey/human form?

3. What is abilities does the monkey/human form grant gar?

4. Sense gar knew of the poison sumac. What knowledge does gar have over plant species?

Greg responds...

1. He was a supporting character.

2. No.

3. What you see is what you get.

4. Gar is interested in the natural world, so he studies. But it's not like it's a super-power.

Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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ArctheFlash writes...

Dear Greg Weisman,

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. I actually prefer a "SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT" to nothingness and apathy in general.

2ndly, thank you and the team for this show! Love the story-driven dynamic direction and constant emotional roller coaster that ensues with every episode.

Artemis and Wally: best relationship in the show/DC universe
Jade n CloneRoy: extremely close second
Miss M and Supey: Glad they broke up.

But enough fan-girling, my big questions actually regard the Flash family:

Did Barry Allen have any influence on Wally's (and Artemis') decision to leave the hero "life" behind?

Was Barry always a study science over speed kind of guy?

I may be wrong but didn't Barry disapprove of Wally gaining super speed powers in the beginning and is he happy that he's left the life?

Can Wally get "out of shape" speed-wise since hes at college and does that effect his acceleration or top-speed in any way?

That is all. Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Not directly, no.

2. Basically.

3. Barry wasn't looking for a sidekick and initially accepted Wally out of guilt when Wally nearly blew himself up getting his powers. But Barry came to appreciate Kid Flash with time. On the other hand, I'm sure he appreciated Wally and Artemis' decision.

4. I don't think he's let himself go but theoretically yes.

Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In "Earthlings" was Miss Martian eavesdropping on Superboy and Alanna? If so, why was she so happy about afterwards?

Greg responds...

No. She was mostly just happy to be with Garfield.

Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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J writes...

You mentioned before that the main reason for the lack of women in the Leauge was primarily due to lack of source material, ie. not many female Leaugers to choose from...but what about Vixen, Gipsi, Dr. Light, Fire and Ice, who are all established Leaugers through many incarnations, much more so than Rocket (which is not to say that I dont enjoy Rocket in the show, because I definatley do).
Were these charicters not considered? Just not fit into your timeline? Some other reason?
If any were simply never considered, why not?
It seems that not including any of them is a missed opportunity for diversity on multiple levels.

Greg responds...

We wanted to begin in Season One with a League that was both highly iconic and quite powerful.

After that, we had plans for some of the members you named.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

When Josh Keaton recorded his bit for Black Spider, who else was in the studio?
Are there "secret" recordings you guys try to keep under wraps?

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember.

2. Huh?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

How was Jaime able to visualize Black Beetle as his future self?-after all unless the Scarab was projecting it to him ou can't see a flashback in universe.

Greg responds...

Okay, first off, he was not visualizing Black Beetle at all. He was imagining/visualizing a version of himself based on what Impulse was describing. Keep in mind, Jaime's first "vision" was a memory; the second was a nightmare, and the third was a fantasy based on Bart's narration.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

How was Roy able to fight Mercy-a cyborg so evenly in Satisfaction-despite missing an arm and only recently being unfrozen after 8 years of stasis, did the cryogenics keep him in the physically fit condition he was frozen in?
2-Why did Cadmus have to cut his whole arm of?-I get they were perfecting the cloning process but even a few cells have billions of DNA strands they could have used.
3-I'm curious Black Beetle comes of as an arrogant,smug jerk with contempt for "meat" so why did he save Shimmer?

Greg responds...

1. You saw what you saw. If it doesn't work for you, I'm not sure what to tell you.


3. Shimmer was on his team. Why wouldn't he save her?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anon Archer writes...

Does Superboy like pie? What's his favourite type of pie? I know this is ASKED AND ANSWERED but your answer was he hadn't tried it yet. After about 6 years, what's the deal.

2) What's Superman's favourite type of pie

3) What's Lex Luthor's favourite type of pie

4) Inside the show itself, what is the reason thst after almost 6 years the team still doesn't have a name.
Also, your show is good. Seriously

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure he likes all kinds of pie. But it's hard to top Ma Kent's apple-berry pie.

2. Apple.

3. Apricot.

4. That IS the name.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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kenzey818 writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
In reading Ask Greg and other forums, I've noticed a lot of bashing of many plot points in Young Justice. So instead of any bashing or questions (since it might be a while till you'll get to see this and I'll get my answers by watching the show :D) you're getting a heaping helping of praise:
First off Superman: When Season 1 started a lot people bashed his portrayal and avoidance of Superboy. But I loved it. To me it felt realistic and honest. I'd feel violated and uncomfortable if I found out someone had cloned my awesomeness. When Supes did accept SB at the end of Auld Acquaintance I cheered and it brought a tear to my. People bash Supes all the time for being "too perfect" but here was a real portrayal of imperfection and humanity. I was especially excited when we saw the team up between Supes and SB in alienated and the good-bye was very touching, and then when it came out in the comic that Clark made an effort to get to know Connor as a person and not a clone my heart soared. So beautiful and sweet!
And now something I'll admit I had some issues with: The Time Skip. But not for most of the reasons I've been reading from others. I wanted to see more of the relationship develop between the Supers, and see them kick Luthor's butt :) however I've been a fan of yours way back to Gargoyles (which is still one of my all time favorites) to know there is a reason for everything you do, even if I don't know why. One thing I love about your productions is the cohesiveness of it, the stories don't change and don't go back on their founding principles. In rewatching the first season of Young Justice I realized if I had missed an episode I could've been lost as to whats going on. Even the littlest thing you don't expect is connected has something to do with the overall story. Thank you so much for a beautifully written and gorgeously animated show. In age when it seems some companies are dumbing stuff down I love the H.G Wells references and the respect you treat you audiences intelligence with, whether they be children or adults like me. Thank you again to you and your wonderful staff! Keep up the amazing work you've found a fan for life :)

Greg responds...

Thank you. Although I will say I don't agree that you need to have seen every episode to get or appreciate our series. Sure, it ADDS VALUE the more you consume (show, comic and video game included), but you should be able to tune in to any individual episode and enjoy the yarn that's on screen. I do sometimes worry that the PERCEPTION that that was not the case might have kept people away. But if they had tuned in at any point, I like to think they would have been hooked. And then AFTER THE FACT, they could go back and watch any episodes they missed, while simultaneously continuing to view the new stuff as it appeared.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Kenzen writes...

A) Why did you decided to include Jason in Young Justice, any specific reason?

B) Are you afraid of any time paradoxes that might come up with Impulse?

(A small add on of my opinion but the question above is all I am asking about) Say for example the vent or what have you that destroys the future doesn't happen or is changed, by most time travel logic Impulse would just vanish from Team Year Five, but I would imagine for story should that happen you would want a goodbye or something loose ends are what fandoms cringe and theorize at.

C a) For Garfield he lives in a timeline with pandas, could he transform into a panda or would he need to have physical contact a panda?
C b) Should he need touch, would say a stuffed Dodo or dodo skeleton work for an image form him to shapeshift into?

Also should he need touch did he have to touch an alligator and gorilla to be able to shapeshift or again just same time and sight of panda.

D) Any characters you really want in the show but you haven't been able to fit them in?

Trying to make my questions vague not really working soory if they have a confusing level to them.

Greg responds...

A. He was part of the history.

B. No. It's not my favorite type of time travel story, but it works for me here. I've gone into detail about it previously. Check the archives.

C a. Who says he hasn't had contact with a panda?

C b. No.

C c. It's got to be more than just a view from afar. But it's more complicated than just touching an animal. It has to do with his origin, of which you've only seen a fraction.

D. Yes.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

HUZZAH on YJ's return! And what an episode. First off, nice job on The Reach, I was really into that Blue Beetle comic's first run and I enjoyed The Reach. So thanks a lot. And Beetle himself, wow! This is gonna get good for him. As for Megan, I knew that eventually her more forceful mind tricks would come back to bite her, and wow. I mean, poor Kaldur, I sincerely hope the effects are temporary. And again, more Godfrey! I love this man, he is so funny.
My question is this; the blonde girl we saw in Star City. Was that Cissie?

Greg responds...

Uh... I think you're talking about Stephanie Brown, but I'm not sure.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hello Greg,

My post got deleted, don't know why so I am trying to separate the questions from my post. Thanks for you time.

Here are the Flash questions/comments I promised, mainly centered on Barry Allen.

Your portrayal of the Barry Allen persona to me does not seem like the one I am familiar with in his appearances in the comics, from the Silver Age to his death on Crisis on Infinite Earths and even after his resurrection and into the New 52. To me he always seemed a calm and collective police scientist who had somewhat of Superman's persona in the pursuit of justice. Your version to me seems more like the Wally West persona, especially similar to the Justice League and JLU series of Bruce Timm. He seems more willing to joke around, his outbursts in the first episode of YJ, and his over-eagerness of the present in Mount Justice in the tie-in comic book are just some examples that lead me to this conclusion. So mainly I wanted to know where you drew inspiration for Barry Allen the Flash please. Please understand that I am not criticizing you; you're the creator and you have every right to adapt characters as you seem fit, but it has somewhat bugged me throughout the series. I am happy with the other Flashes though, and glad Kid Flash finally gets some spotlight in an animated series, plus "Bloodlines" was one of the greatest episodes ever!

Greg responds...

A lot of decisions are, I suppose, relativistic. That is, I can't have sixteen Justice Leaguers running around, all with the same intense, focused, personality. So I may take a kernel of something that I see in a character's LOOOONNNNNNGGGG history and develop that into something we can hang our hats (or cowls) upon.

For Barry, I think it's VERY safe to say that the Wally West of JL and JLU had pretty much NO influence on us. Cuz, you know, we were doing WALLY in the show too.

But Cary Bates, who wrote a huge chunk of Barry's adventures before Crisis on Infinite Earths, is one of my best friends, and he always made Barry a little goofy. A little bit of the boy scout, who still had that Flash fanboy in him, i.e. the guy who was inspired by Jay Garrick. We made that literal in our series... and we extended it into his personality. He likes catchphrases, even if he knows they make his wife and friends groan. He's a goody-two shoes and a happily married man and a scientist and a forensics expert and generally this slow, methodical but deeply honest guy, who likes his life and so is pretty at ease with his own sappiness.

He's NOT a smart-ass, which of course, Wally can be at times. And personally I don't think we portrayed him AT ALL like Wally.

But it's out there. If that's what you saw, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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