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JJ writes...

1. What does sportsmaster think of wally, specifically him dating his daughter? Or does he just not care?

2. Over the time skip do wolf and sphere still have a special fondness for superboy over the rest of the team?

3. I thought there had to be a whole democratic assembly to choose the next leader of the justice league. Captain atom kind of just dumped it on black canary. What's up with that?

Thank you and everyone else who worked on this universe.

Greg responds...

1. Probably doesn't care for the kid. And probably thinks Artemis is kidding herself being with a "hero".

2. Yes.

3. There had already been a vote off screen.

Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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No one important writes...

1. Do the boys of the Team wear underwear under their costumes?
2. Does Dick wear boxers or briefs?
3. Does Superboy wear boxers or briefs?
4. Does Tim wear boxers or briefs?
5. Is Bart Allen gay?

Greg responds...

1-4. Let's afford them a bit of privacy, okay? (Or whatever floats your boat.)


Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

greetings Mr Wiseman I love the show but I have to ask when it comes to the names of the Squads for the final. I have noticed that Xi, Upsilon, Chi and Phi were skipped. Is there any reason for this

Greg responds...

It seemed to me their pronunciations would too easily be confused with other squad names.

Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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I SAW THE LIGHT writes...

He wants to protect the Earth from invaders. He uses a death machine to scare the inhabitants other planets. He wants humans to be the strongest species in the universe. He wants to give humans superpowers.

Vandal Savage is more of a hero than all the characters in Young Justice.

Greg responds...

Saw the light and drank the kool-aid, I see. ;)

Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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Someone writes...

In Endgame. Why Captain Atom returned his leadership to Black Canary instead of Batman?

Greg responds...

Why would it go to Batman?

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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pandas are awesome writes...

Has Gar spoken to his dad since Marie passing?
Does Mark know his son is green?

Greg responds...

Any discussion of Gar's biological father falls under the category of SPOILERS.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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jrhcl2 writes...

Sorry CN cancelled Young Justice!! I will truly miss the show! Miss Martian and Superboy are my two favorite members of the team and were my favorite couple of the series, too say I was disappointed when they broke up would be a under statement!! I was happy to see in endgame,it seemed like they could be getting back together in the future. Here my question? This is something that has been bugging me the whole second season!! Why did she do it?? Why did Miss Martian try to make Superboy forget he was mad at her for abusing her powers!! Why did she do it???

Greg responds...

She was careless with her powers and careless of their relationship. I won't try to defend it, but I also see how she could have gotten there by taking things for granted that she shouldn't have and by letting her growing agility with her powers go to her head.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1. So its clear that impulse tried to get close to jamie to ensure he didnt turn evil. We saw him be protective of jamie when green beetle was altering his scarab and we saw him be only foucsed on saving jamie after he turned. Obviously he was doing all this to change the future, but to me this makes his friendship with jamie seem artifcial. Does impulse really consider him a close friend? Did impulse care more about the future than he did about about jamie?

2. In regards to the Reach's chain of command, the Ambassidor is the one is charge, while black beetle can take command if deemed nescessary. Where does the Scientist fit into it. What actual authority does she have, when no one actually listens to her?

3. Now i'm a little confused about the treaty between the guardians and the reach. John said that the reach may only lay claim to a world if invited and if that invitation has been revoked, they must leave. The scientist also mentioned that their tempering with the planet would violate the treay, but why? They were offically inviated to the earth and according to this treay are allowed to do whatever they want without interfercne from the green lanterns, so why exactly are they violating the treay if the only tempering they did was WHIlE they were invited? Granted they were tempering with the planet before that, but if the GLs cant prove that this was done before they got their inviation or lost it, why then is it a violation?

Greg responds...

1. How something begins and how it evolves are two separate things.

2. She has authority over the other scientists on that particular Reach Mission. She has no operational authority.

3. They tampered PRIOR to being invited, which is a clear violation. And there was plenty of proof by the end of the season. For example: Blue Beetle.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Riyan writes...

Hi, Greg,
A wired question, it's inspired by a question about Beast Boy I just saw here.
It ask if BB can transform into a panda. Of course he can.
but then I can't help thinking:
You know all animals beast boy transformed into are GREEN. So when he transforms into a panda, what is the color exactly? Green and Black? White and Green? Light Green as the white part and dark green as the black part?
That's a bit funny when a panda is not black and white. It would looks like a green bear if so.
Sorry really wired question but I find it's funny to think about it (Or my humor sense is really twisted.)

Greg responds...

I'd think light green and very dark green bordering on black.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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A Fan from Maryland writes...

Hey Greg, big fan. Sorry to hear about your job issues and I hope by the time you answer this you will have found work, I'd hire you myself if I was rich enough or I knew how. <3

1. You say that M'gann's parents are Green and White and that she and her brother the only "White" looking Martians among her siblings. So does whether you become Green/White Martian work on a sort of "one drop" rule or is more random?

For example (and I phrase it this way so you would only have to give one answer)

Under One drop, if a Green mated with a White Martian the offspring would always be white. If its Random, a child could be green or white at various odds.

Or is it something way more complex like hair or eye color. I say this because its use analogous to the human concept of "ethnicity" and I wanted to know if it was like that on Mars or if was a different type of phenotype such as hair or eye color. Basically i just wanted to know how the "rules" of the colors worked and if stuff like a Red child being more to two Greens or like a "light green" martian was possible.

2. What comic book issue/story arc did the Red Martians first appear in in the DC Comics? Or are they an Original Creation named for the Barsoom concept.

3. You have been noted to be very devoted to comics continuity; going so far as to construct the Martian Language around names seen in the comics. So why is Mars' Martian name " M'arzz" rather than "Ma'aleca'andra" as seen in the 1988 Martian Manhunter series?

4. Speaking of, is "M'arzz" a cognate with the English word "Mars" or is that just an amazing coincidence ?

5. Finally I more avant garde question . Do you think you could be so kind to post the translation dictionaries for some of the conlangs you ,Nicole Dubuc and your other colleagues created such as Interlac, Martian, New Genisian etc? Since it's not a story or a plot I assume its okay through your guidelines. I just thought it'd be a nice treat for the fandoms of those shows.

Thank you Greg, Mad love from MD! :)

Greg responds...

1. Martians - even Martians of mixed parentage - are still born either Red, Green or White. Doesn't mean a White Martian like M'gann doesn't have, well, green genes in her. But she still is white in appearance unless shape-shifting her color. The stigma attaches to the skin color, less so to the parentage/heritage. So most of M'gann's siblings faced relatively little prejudice. But she and one of her brothers, who by luck of the genetic draw came out white, weren't so fortunate.

1a. There are various shades of green. And of red. And of white. But a light Green Martian is not necessarily the child of a White and Green Martian. It doesn't work that way.

1b. There is no way a Red Martian could be born to two white parents or two green parents or a white and a green parent. At least one (but not both) of the Red Martian's parents must also be Red. Same with Green or White Martians. At least one of your parents is going to be the same basic color as you are.

2. They come from DC Comics, but if I revealed where it would act as a SPOILER.

3. I'm an imperfect human being. My research was imperfect too. Though at the time, there was a reason why I chose that name. See the answer to question 4.

4. Heh, heh, heh...

5. I think I've posted most everything we have at this point of the Interlac, Martian and Atlantean languages. Nicole may have more on Rannian, since she cribbed that by studying what Alan Moore did in Swamp Thing. And I used my own fictional language from one of my original (but unsold) properties for New Genisian. I have more on that one, but because I still have hopes of doing something with that someday, I won't be posting more of it at this time.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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