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LynnL writes...

Hey Greg

1) What year was Dan Garrett and how old was he when he died?

2) This will probably be answered with a SPOILER REQUEST NO COMMENT, but I'll ask anyway. Is the original Black Canary alive? If no, can you tell me how did she died? I mean, natural causes, a disease, death by supervillain?

3) How do superheroes who don't wear mask conceal their identities? In some versions, John Stewart and Guy Gardner are public heroes and Black Canary wears a wig.

4) Black Lightning and Plastic Man wear goggles, do those work as masks?

5) Where do the Hawks live? The Watchtower, maybe?

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Dan Garrett was born in 1915 (which I assume is what you were asking).

1a. He died in 2005. I'll let you do the math.


3. I think in a universe where Clark Kent disguises his face with eyeglasses, it takes very little to keep your identity secret from strangers.

4. I think i n a universe where Clark Kent disguises his face with eyeglasses, goggles work just fine.


5a. No.

Response recorded on July 22, 2016

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Tyler writes...


Why did y'all decide to expand the Team in season two as opposed to focusing just on the original members of the Team from season one?


Greg responds...

Time moves on. Life isn't static. People are born. They grow up. They join the workforce. There is turnover all the time. That's life.

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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Tyler writes...

Correct me if I am wrong but if I am correct then you and your team were not informed that Young Justice was being cancelled until post production had started. With that being said:
1) If you have been told YJ was to be cancelled during pre production would you have changed any elements of season two?
2) If so how would you have changed those said elements?

I do not mean for the second question to be a spoilers question so if you feel comfortable answering it then you do not have to go into specifics.


Greg responds...

You are wrong.

1. No. We were informed in time to change the ending of Season Two. Brandon and I chose not to.

2. See above.

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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Just A Nerd writes...

This message comes to you in three parts.

Part the first: a story. When I heard Marvel was publishing multiple new Star Wars comics, I realized that, if I allowed them to, these new books would consume all of my income. So I resolved to only read Star Wars and Darth Vader monthly, and get the rest as trades. That is, until I heard you were writing Kanan. I thought, three a month isn't much worse than two. So I went for it. And it has been amazing, even though I haven't watched any of Rebels because my TV service doesn't include Disney XD. It has been interesting even without the context of the show, and is just as great as everything else you have been a part of.

Part the second: Names. Thank you (both personally and as part of Marvel/LucasFilms) so much for creating a pop culture character with my name. There are so few Calebs in... anything, really. There's the Israelite spy from the Bible (not really pop culture, but I'm counting it), and Tris' brother in Divergent, and now Kanan pre-Order 66. It's incredibly cool to open a comic or a movie and see/hear YOUR NAME be part of the action. This probably just makes me a massive nerd... but I'm okay with that.

Part the third: a question, NOT to do with Kanan. In the Invasion storyline of the Young Justice comics, is there a reason you did not include Troia, Sgt. Marvel, and Lt. Marvel? If the original comics are any indication, they should have been strong enough to draw Kylstar's attention. Is there some reason (in- or out-of-universe) they weren't included?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Part the first: Thank you. But honestly, you should find some way to watch the Rebels. It's worth it.

Part the second: I can't take credit for using the name Caleb. My original name for him was Caine. The folks at Lucasfilm changed it to Caleb. (Not sure why, but maybe it was for you.)

Part the third: The answers would amount to spoilers.

Response recorded on July 19, 2016

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Jerry writes...

Hi Greg,

Thank you so much for the most wonderful show ever, I'm a huge fan of Young Justice.
Maybe it's kind of weird to ask or even to answer but I'd like to know if Wally and Artemis were the first for each other?

Greg responds...

First what?

Response recorded on June 27, 2016

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Dragomir writes...

1) Were Mongul's & Kylstar's home worlds conquered by the same tyrant? I ask because they both appeared to have the same idea of conquering the entire galaxy first before striking back against their enemy, they just went about it differently, implying whoever they were up against was above & beyond powerful to require that many resources to defeat...Scary stuff O_O

2) Regardless of whether Mongul & Kylstar shared a common foe, did you have an identity or identities in mind for the baddy or baddies who conquered their worlds? Or was Young Justice canceled before you could decide on the identities of the baddies who overthrew Mongul & enslaved Kylstar's people?

P,S, thanks for Gargoyles, Spectacular Spiderman, & Young Justice, sorry they were cancelled in their prime, they were all seriously amazing shows that deserved to last longer. Thanks for the wonderful storytelling & memorable characters :D

Greg responds...

1. Scary indeed. I'm afraid the answer would be a spoiler, which I have a policy against. But I will say, it wasn't a coincidence or inattention that led us to use the idea for both characters.

2. We know.

3. Thanks. #KeepBingingYJ It doesn't have to be over.

Response recorded on June 24, 2016

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Dragomir writes...

1) How strong and invulnerable is Vandal Savage compared to other super powered characters in Young Justice? Is he on Mammoth's/Superboy's/Blockbuster's level or weaker, like Bane's? His displays of strength during his attempts to delay Kid Flash's heart delivery mission were pretty impressive.

2) Did Vandal Savage know Mongul personally and that's why he listened to him on Rimbor? Or was he just a random stranger to him who knew what to say to set him off?

Greg responds...

1. He is pretty impressive. But his main ability is constant healing and repair. He can push his considerable muscles beyond the breaking point, because they will heal up.

2. For the time being, I'll let you judge that for yourself. Beyond that: No Spoilers.

Response recorded on June 23, 2016

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therewithasmile writes...

Hi there, big fan of your show. I'd been hearing so much praise but I was never big on the superhero scene. Finally got roped in when my boyfriend sat me down to watch it, and I marathoned it in two nights. Fantastic work and completely enthralling.
Before I ask my questions I must add in that I am big on the shipping side of things, so I have "shipping goggles" on, so to speak. I really like Conner and M'gann's relationship: it's grown to something wonderfully complex in season 2, and a pretty realistic one at that. I'm interested in knowing your thoughts on creating this relationship, both as a study and as a learning experience as someone who aspires to be a writer one day. And so here are my questions.
1. As I noticed, their relationship always seemed pretty integral to the plot (as opposed to, say, Wally and Artemis) both in season 1, and definitely in season 2. Was the show conceived to portray such a relationship, or did it grow to fruition after deciding on their character arcs?
2. In that same vein, was the subplot of season 2 concerning M'gann and her continuous (ab)use of her powers there from the beginning of development and, by extension, act as a means to develop their relationship?
3. Was it always planned for M'gann and Conner to split? What I mean is, as soon as you knew you were getting a second season, were they already doomed to fail?
4. At the end of the events in episode 11, if it weren't for Conner being there would M'gann be compromised and still be frozen in the ice?
5. I know Superboy and Wondergirl are a couple in the comicverse. As Cassie is obviously an item with Tim, it may be moot now. But during development, was it ever considered that Conner and Cassie would follow their comicbook selves and move toward a relationship?
Thank you again, for both creating the show and entertaining my heavy "shipping" questions. I'm always interested to hear what you think / your process was when developing this relationship.

Greg responds...

1. The whole thing is pretty organic in its creation. It's a chicken and the egg thing. We built it all together.

2. Maybe not all the specifics, but we knew we were going to demonstrate how powerful she was in Season One (in "Bereft" and "Failsafe," for example) and that it would become a problem down the road.

3. Well, doomed to have already failed, I suppose. Long term, who knows? (Well, Brandon and I know, but we're not telling.)

4. It depends what you mean by compromised. I think Conner gave Megan the jolt she needed to free herself, but she might have managed it on her own.

5. No. Keep in mind that initially, Cassie was one of the few characters who were off-limits to us. So when we started there was literally no way she could be paired with Conner. By the time we received permission to use her it was too late to put her into Season One. We wanted her in Season Two, but that made her considerably younger than where Conner's headspace would be in Season Two.

Response recorded on June 22, 2016

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Ay writes...

Out of curiosity, do Tim and Dick consider each other brothers? They have the same foster dad and kick-butt butler but I'm curious. I mean I say "my best friends are like siblings" and don't get me wrong; I love them like my own, but they're not an integral part of my family life, so I don't consider them actual siblings, or refer to them as siblings to other people. Because even though it feels that way, it wouldn't make sense for me personally to refer to them as such. So do Tim and Dick just feel brotherly towards each other, or do they actually consider and refer to each other their brother, and do they express this to others (ie, has Dick mention in passing that he has a younger brother in high school)? Would it make "sense" to them, or would it feel a little off? Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

They consider each other family, for sure. The relationship is of course fraternal, but I don't know that they've felt a need to label it.

Response recorded on June 22, 2016

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rudlak07 writes...

Hi, again.
You know how Superboy supposedly dumped M'Gann because he disagreed with the way she used her psychic powers and then she began a relationship with La'gaan?
I would like to know how M'Gann got to know La'gaan and how they got together, if that's okay.

Greg responds...

See our companion comics. They're available on Comixology or iTunes. The story (or at least the start of it) is in there.

Response recorded on June 21, 2016

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