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REVELATIONS 2012-11 (Nov)

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Anonymous writes...

Can you explain how Wally is Bart's first cousin once removed? Thank you :)

Greg responds...

Wally is first cousin to Bart's father.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Becca writes...

Does Red Arrow have the same fingerprints as the original Roy Harper/Arsenal?

Greg responds...

I would think so, but I have to admit, I don't know for certain how fingerprints are formed.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Ky writes...

Concerning the titles of the next two episodes in Young Justice Invasion ("Darkest" and "Before the Dawn"), I was wondering if they were a reference to the song Shake It Out by Florence and the Machine or if that was just a pure coincidence?

Greg responds...

"It's always darkest before the dawn." is a very old phrase that pre-dates both our series and the birth of Florence or the Machine.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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B writes...

Do Miss Martian's Green siblings get looked down on or discriminated against for having a White father even though they aren't White themselves?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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DC Comic Fan writes...

1. In season 2 of young justice, is the hologram of the dead Robin in episode 8 satisfaction, Jason Todd or a brand new robin invented for the show based on Jason?
2. When the original Roy Harper fired a Rocket Launcher at a building, was that a reference to Batman: Under the Red Hood?
3. Was it always planned from season one of young justice to have two Roy Harpers, each of them becoming or about to become in original Roys case, one of the two identities, Red Arrow and Arsenal?

Greg responds...

1. Jason Todd.

2. Hmm. Not consciously...

3. Yes.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello once again, Mr. Weisman.

I've read in the archives that, for the Gargoyles comics, you mentally cast actors for characters who didn't appear/speak in the original series, as well as imagining the voices of the original actors for pre-existing characters. Do you do the same for the Young Justice comics?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

Greg responds...

Generally, yes.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Paul writes...

Why did Nightwing say, "We're crash" in Bloodlines?

Greg responds...

He was quoting Impulse.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

According to one of your earlier answers, Wonder Woman is 90 years old as of Invasion. How exactly is she so long lived? Is it an Amazon thing, do they only age to a certain point?

Greg responds...

They don't age on Themyscira.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Bridge writes...

hi greg,

I would love to say thank you for providing us with shows like young justice and spectacular spiderman with all the twists and turns in the story line.

For spectacular spiderman, i was fooled that harry was the green goblin when it actually norman. Just when i thought i had the Green Goblin so played out (making the harry seem so obvious) and yet so deviated (making it Harry instead of the traditional Norman), I was wrong.

I loved how the show kept with the original story of the Green Goblin AND found a surprising and original way to tell it. That's what i call killing 2 birds with stone.

Same goes for young justice, how Red Arrow accuses Miss martian, Artemis and Superboy of being the mole when it was Roy. I admit myself i thought it would be artemis which roy was suspicious and when i found out he was the mole, i thought to myself hypocrite but when i found out he was a clone and a sleeper agent?! Oh my....

I love surprises like these keep it up!

Greg responds...

We'll try!

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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The Greenman writes...

Yj questions:

1. Has Augustus Freeman ever encounteredand or known of older heroes like the JSA or the Mystery Men?

2. Is Augustus Freeman rich on the level of say Lex Luthor or just wealthy?

Thank you!

Greg responds...


2. Just well-off.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Andy G writes...

Hello Greg and welcome back,

i would like to say in my opinion that spectacular spiderman is the best adaption since the 90's with great storylines and character development such as flash thompson's sense of honour in sports (Probably Cause) which really surprised as he is portrayed as an arrogant jerk.

I liked the themes of character development such as "defrosting the ice queen" e.g. Liz Allen warms up to Peter and becomes open minded (Interactions) and Sally Avril because concerned with peter's safety (Probably Cause) and showing a bit of compassion. Not to mention about Harry's transition from friend to a jerk when he becomes popular which i like to call "Acquired social narcissism".

The characters hated towards spiderman are well understandable e.g. J jonah jameson's anger towards spiderman after rival papers sold well with front covers of spiderman than the bugle's front cover of his son miraculously and heroically piloted the shuttle to safety against impossible odds of survival. I would be annoyed if that happened to me.

I liked how the series show a more human peter parker and how he can be portrayed as a sleaze and quite an opportunist as would be willing to take any opportunity which would benefit him and other people he knows in the long run if how could avoid the consequences e.g. Taking photos of the lizard but disclosing Dr conners as the lizard from the public to win the prize money for his aunty, however that minor consequence can build up major consequence e.g. miles warren managed to get a that pic of the lizard to uses to blackmail Dr conners into giving up control of his lab to miles after dr. conners said his research was a "dead end".

I would like to say thank you for producing a spectacular series of spiderman and even though it's cancelled i continue to use my imagination.

P.s. Ignore the haters and continue doing what you do best.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Rex Dawson writes...

Hello greg,

I would like to say thank you for producing animated series like young justice and spectacular spiderman especially. I'm sorry to hear about your loss and i hope things will get better.

There are a few questions if you don't mind me ask but:

1) In spectacular spiderman, why did peter chose liz instead of gwen first and did he even like liz at all? is it because peter is seen as a nerd and liz is popular and attractive and he chose to be with Liz because it would boost his credibility and change peoples perceptions of him?

2)Why did mary-jane decide to give gwen stacy a makeover? is it because to help her self-confidence or to make peter notice gwen more and make him realise that gwen is the girl for him? or is it because even though peter was with liz, she never gave up on helping gwen to get with peter because she believes there's a connection between them? Because this love triangle between peter, liz and Gwen caught my interest.

Thank you

Greg responds...

1. I think Peter was immature. Liz was there and kissing him. She declared she was his girlfriend, and he wanted a girlfriend, and he got... distracted by her. I don't think it had anything to do with popularity. And I do think he liked Liz. I think he still does. He just LOVED Gwen.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Sean writes...

Hi its good to have young justice back. So my first two questions are directed at the lastest episode or at least ths lastet episode there was when i posted this.
1.Arsenel(the first roy but for simpcity sake) seemed to be able to fight extremely well given his handicap, not to mention the fact that he just got out of the hospital. Could just elaborate a little how he could do this, when he also had to use different tatics compared to his eariler training. Also is red arrow more skilled than aresenl given he had three extra years of training with green arrow?
2. I know you may have said this eariler, but I am curious about how important a character rocket was in the first season. Compared to zatanna who was introduced sooner and was shown working with the team before she actually joined, it felt like rockets entry was rushed. Was that intentional or just part of script changes?
3. Final question is about the finale of season 1. The light put in alot of time and effort into creating starro tech which can subdue any hero, over a period of several months, yet the team was able to create a counter to it in less than a day. It really seems to me that was a bit of a deux ex machina. I guess my question is did you only do that to clear the board for season 2?

Greg responds...

1a. Shrug. He was motivated.

1b. Probably.

2. I don't think her entry was rushed at all. It just came later in the series. And she was set-up by multiple cameo appearances previously.

3. No. We felt we had set up the players who could counter the Starro-Tech, given a sample for reverse-engineering purposes.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Any characters that you don't like that everyone else you know seems to love? Doesn't have to be DC, it can be any character in general.

Greg responds...

Um... none spring to mind this second.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Some of my friends are curious about certain parts of the last season. I'm very, very, very sorry if these come off as rude or accusatory to you and the crew. I love the work you're doing, but they're really up in arms over certain things and misconstruing certain scenes in the worse possible ways. I figure the best way to calm them down is to get answers straight from the source.

Why did the Light need Roy's entire arm for cloning? Wouldn't some blood or a finger have been enough?

Why did the others but Clone!Roy give up on looking for Original!Roy? Why did they say Original!Roy was never their friend and tell Clone!Roy to give up searching for him?

Again, I apologize for this, I tried to clean up the questions as best I could without messing up the point of the question. Honestly, they'll never let this go unless they hear the answer straight from the creator's Q&A blog. Again, I think you're doing a great job and I hope you and the rest of the cast and crew keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

1. They wanted an on-going source of DNA, and didn't want to continually have to defrost him and refrost him to get it.

2a. There was always a suspicion that Original Roy might be dead. As more and more leads led to dead ends, more and more people became convinced that he was.

2b. Robin and Kid Flash met Speedy AFTER the switch to Clone Roy was made. (This is flat-out STATED in the series.)

2c. See 2a.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Julio Lopez writes...

Did you have plans of pitch or self produce a new original concept in form of series/comic?

Greg responds...

I've tried pitching many times, but have yet to sell anything. Long ago, I had thoughts of self-producing, but it's just an economic impossibility for someone with my (lack of) financial resources.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

When figuring out a character's birth date, do you ever draw from horoscope personality types? For instance, did you consider whether or not Wally was "a Scorpio" when you chose 11/11 for his birthday?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Sowmya writes...

I have a question pertaining to the comics, on the newest edition #20, Rocket makes a comment about how Nightwing is still friends with all of his ex's, does this mean that he date Rocket as well in the five year time gap, the comic was a little unclear, sorry if its a spoiler!..?

Greg responds...

It was actually Zatanna who made that comment. And I don't think it was all that unclear.

But, yes.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Katie M. writes...

Does Bart Allen have photographic memory in Earth-16 like he does in the comics?

Greg responds...

Probably not.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I you ever thought of creating a young justice like TV show for the marvel universe?

Greg responds...

It's not up to me.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Who came up with the idea to have designations?
2. Is Black Lightning a school teacher on Earth 16?
3. How much fun did you have with the idea of four generations of speedsters taking on a Superman villian?
4. Do you have an origin story for the Joker or did you leave it vague like Alan Moore did?
5. Is Superman's cape kryptonian or is it hand made by Martha Kent?

Greg responds...

1. I did.


3. A lot.

4. Maybe I'm misremembering Killing Joke, but I don't feel like Alan Moore left it vague at all.

5. Can it be both?

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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GhostDog401 writes...

First off I love your work! You are amazing! While I have not seen Gargoyles I have seen Spectactular Spider-Man and my personal favorite TV show right now, YOUNG JUSTICE!!

I love all the twists and turns and unexpected events that happen and while I was a little worried over the 5 year time skip (I was so worried about where Wally was, he's my favorite) you eventually won me over again!
I love all the new characters, with Impulse and Blue Beetle quickly making my favorites list, and all the adventure and cliffhangers!

In short thank you for a wonderful series! I hope you get to do a season 3!! :D :D

Greg responds...

Thanks for sticking with us.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Regulus writes...

Hey Greg, longtime fan and Great work as per usual, just a couple quick questions caused by the new roy.

1. The family inheritance and GA's trust fund left to Roy Harper as Speedy. I assume that Red Arrow has used it in maintaining his search for Arsenal, is this the case or does he get the money which primaril was intended for him?
2. The Arm(knew he get one off Lex and Mercy) is it given the title/name of Satisfaction? seemed apt given how it was referred to in the episode.
that's all really, loved the det cord.

Greg responds...

1. There's nothing left to give to the original Roy.

2. What's with this obsession over naming the arm? I'm still leaning toward Maurice.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Lurker writes...

This is about what Fox's mother whispered to her.

Did she whisper something that we have now seen? I mean, did she tell Fox to do something and we saw Fox do it later in the series or comics, we just dont know it.

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this...

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Janey writes...

I read all of the new questions and I don't think I seen this one. If it was asked I'm sorry, but it got on my nerves having to read the post that were like a book!! My question is:
1. During Satisfaction when Sportsmaster was angry at Black Manta, in his "own way" was he upset that Artemis was dead and that was his way of venting or was it really just all about his ego?

I love this show!! You and your team are AMAZING!! I have been a fan since I was 10 and would watch Gargoyles. I have read were a lot of fans don't like the time skip...obviously they have never watched gargoyles were it would show the past, then the present. I love your work. I have had complete faith in you guys that I would not be disappointed, and so far I haven't. Thanks for all of your hard work!!!

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

And it's true, we did have a HUGE timeskip in Gargoyles. A thousand years. Five years is nothing, right?

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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