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VELATIONS 2013-03 (Mar)

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Triela D writes...

Hey Greg!

Since you're caught up with the questions, I thought I would ask a quick one. Or five anyway.

1. Is Klarion capable of love? As in a relationship of some kind (spouse, friend, etc).

2. Does Klarion enjoy being the Lord of Chaos? Or is it just a title to him?

3. In terms of, the Light, do any of the other members consider Klarion a nuisance due to his obvious immaturity?

4. How does Klarion feel about Doctor Fate? (as an enemy or person in general)

5. How does Doctor Fate feel about Klarion? (as an enemy or person in general)

Thank you for answering all of my former questions!! Take Care!

Greg responds...

1. Um, sure. As long as you're not looking for a long-term commitment.

2. He's A Lord of Chaos, not THE Lord of Chaos. And clearly, he does enjoy it.

3. I'm sure they've all had their moments of frustration, but overall he brings a lot to the table.

4. I'll leave that to your interpretation. If it's not already clear from the series itself, I don't know how I can make it any clearer here.

5. Ditto.

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What happened to Gar's pet monkey?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! I just want to say that I love the show and tie-in comics, and that I really can't wait to learn more about several things, like Impulse's past.

1) The design on Impulse's costume kind of looks like Blue Beetle's armor in some ways (the patch under the neck, the little notches). Was this a coincidence, or related to Impulse's past?

2) Have there been any attempts to enroll Bart in middle or high school? (I wouldn't know if any potential schools would have a grade system like Gotham Academy or the traditional 9-12 being high school system, which is why I'm saying either)

3) Is Impulse literate?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't noticed any significant similarities, but maybe you should ask Phil Bourassa.

2. Yes, Bart is enrolled in school in Central City.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Miss M not change back to her white form when she puts on the collar?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Her form is not unstable when she shape-shifts. So when he [Parasite] absorbed her powers, she was weakened and more-or-less stuck. As you may have noticed, she NEVER reverts because she falls asleep or loses consciousness, etc."

[Response recorded on August 24, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Ryan writes...

I was wonder why wally west is slower in this incarnation compared to Barry and Bart, in the mainstream universe new earth wally is the fastest flash(and possibly the fastest being ever)yet gets lap like its nothing in "bloodline"

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Anonymous Writes:

"Why is it that Barry runs at the speed of light and Wally runs at the speed of sound? Was the experiment Wally created done wrong or something like that?"

Greg Weisman says:

"Basically, yes. It blew up the West garage, and Wally was nearly killed in the process. It did not work as well as Barry's."

[Response recorded on November 27, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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ALI writes...

When is Barbara Gordon/Batgirl's birthday?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Some of the birthdays of the Team are SPOILER REQUESTS. Others I just haven't needed to figure out yet."

[Response recorded on February 23, 2012.]

"I generally don't give characters birthdates unless it matters in a specific story."

[Response recorded on December 21, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Erica writes...

Do you think that cartoon network would allow you to show a blatantly gay couple in Young Justice? Probably not have them full-on make out like Super Boy and Miss Martian did, but like, show them on dates and flirting and direct statements that they are in a relationship and such.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"We show LGBT characters on the show all the time. We just can't acknowledge it. There's a difference. And I never said the LGBT characters on the show were closeted. I never said anything one way or the other about whether or not they were closeted - or at least, I don't remember saying anything about it. A character like Marie Logan can be out as far as she's concerned, without mentioning it out loud on the series.

And, there. I think I've just answered your question. (See also: Lexington.)"

[Response recorded on March 5, 2013.]

"Okay, I'm pretty sure I NEVER said we were going to acknowledge an lgbt relationship on the show. I'm quite certain that we would not be allowed to on television. NOT ALLOWED. I don't know where you got any other idea. I've been pretty consistent about how I FEEL about this. I think it's cowardly. But I've also admitted that I'm complicit in that cowardice, as I know that if I insisted on bravery - and remained adamant - I would at best be overruled and at worst FIRED. And I need my job. I'm not proud of this, and I'm not happy about it. But that's the current situation. I imagine it does hurt, and I wish I could ameliorate that pain. But at this point in time, I cannot. I'm sorry.

Instead, what I've tried to do is write the characters consistently in the hope that someday things change and that some subtleties put in place now will help in their own small way to inch us forward. I also hope to have more freedom in the YJ companion comic, as comics have a history of being more progressive in this area. But we'll have to see. I'm afraid that for now, that's the best I can do."

[Response recorded on September 18, 2012.]

"Things have progressed... some. But almost not at all in anything perceived as children's programming."

[Response recorded on August 14, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Hello Greg i'm such big fan of young justice, I tune into almost every episode, I collect the comics, and I own the entire season 1. I hear season 2 just came out and Im wondering will it include the cut season 2 theme song and whether it will be different from season 1? Hope that's not a stephanie brown request.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I have no control over what appears on the DVDs. None."

[Response recorded on July 24, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In a prior posting I had mentioned stuff about the New Gods in the New 52; I'm hoping you were able to read that one first.

In this link below,…


…there was a piece of information that explains how Darkseid's invasion in the mainstream DC universe potentially affects the entire post-Flahspoint DC multiverse in general. I know that it may appear that it is not much information to go on, but I though that I should share this with you. It may potentially have some effect on Earth-16 (based on what is implied) or it may not… Regardless, I hope this information proves helpful in some way to whatever happens in the world of Young Justice.

Thanks again,

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"You know, I appreciate the thought, but I DON'T need to know any of this. Earth-16 is NOT in continuity with the New 52. That's NOT a value judgement. It's just a hard fact of when we began and completed production."

[Response recorded on February 26, 2013.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Young Hero XDD writes...

You consider blue beetle as the protagonist of the second season? Obiviamente because he has more appearances in the history and importance than the rest of his teammate

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I suppose an easier task is listing who I perceive to be the leads this season. So, I'd say the only true leads for the entire season are probably Aqualad, Artemis, Miss Martian, Nightwing and Blue Beetle.

All others, I guess, are supporting players when perceiving the season as a whole, though in individual episodes one or more might have a significant role to play - and even be the lead of that episode. For example, Robin in 'Happy New Year', Wonder Girl in 'Beneath' or Arsenal in 'Satisfaction', etc. Others are always only supporting players.

If that helps any. (None of this is an exact science.)

But as I've said before, the characters used (and the amount of screen time they received) this season were based entirely on STORY. In contrast to Season One, YJ:I was, by design, a STORY-DRIVEN season."

[Response recorded on March 6, 2013.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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