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Airwalker writes...

Did Angela inherit her father's stubborness and her mother's temper or her father's temper and her mother's stubborness?

Greg responds...

All of the above wouldn't you say? And yet, I think she probably has a good bit of Katharine in there. Maybe more of her than anyone.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Siren writes...

I keep thinking of more things...
On Garg evolution...I think the most likely would evolve from dinosaurs.Birds also evolved too, from what I believe. They just took 2 different ends of the spectrum. Birds becoming smaller and more lightweight, gaining feathers and loosing scales. Gargs get are smaller dinosaurs, just not as small as birds. They are built with more muscle and kept
the pteridacyl wings ('scuse my spelling). Brooklyn is obviously evolved from one of them thingies I can't spell. Plus you have the South American Clan, they deffinetly look reptilian. And Ophelia, she looks much like a triceratops and any other horned/crested dino (which I absolutly love on her!!!!)
But also into consideration, the Britian Clan...Where did they come from? Are they too evolved
from dinosaurs???? Doubtful. They are set so far apart from the others, more mammilian. Are they
more evolved mammals? Is Griff just an evolved eagle that looks like a griffon or an evolved griffon? Is Leo an evolved Lion?
And is that Una's real horn or jewlry? Is she an evolved horse or unicorn?
Which brings something else to mind about gargoyles...How do their babies eat? Are gargoyles
mammals? I would deffinetly say, warm blooded. And they do seem very mammilian. So does that
mean, that if Demona had the chance to raise Angela, she'd be fed on breastmilk? If so, how did
Cathryn, Magus, Tom, and his mother feed 36 hatchlings?

Greg responds...

Uh. It would have helped if you had numbered your questions....

In my head, Gargoyles are a separate classification which (in the past) I've nicknamed "Gargates". Both Gargoyles and Gargoyle Beasts evolved from this grouping, just as Primates include both humans and various apes. The Gargate-ancestor species go back to the time of the dinosaurs, so to answer your first set of questions, I'd have to ask you how you are defining the word "Dinosaur"? Colloquially, i.e. to include all species that existed during what we popularly think of as the age of dinosaurs, or are you using the term in a scientific sense, which would leave out a number of species that we generally think of as dinosaurs?

As for the various clans, appearances are superficial and can be deceiving. Leo has much more in common biologically with Goliath than he does with a Lion. Zafiro has much more in common with Griff, Leo, Una and Goliath, etc. then he does with a snake. All are Gargates. None are Mammals or Reptiles or Marsupials or Birds, though they may share a few characteristics with one or more of those groups. They are, I believe, warm-blooded, for example.

Una's horn is her horn. It's not jewelry. Though it was decorated.

Garg babies generally would drink milk from clan-mother breasts.

And yes, that did present Tom, Katharine and the Magus with a problem. Fortunately, they were on Avalon. And Avalon provided. Some trial and error was probably involved, but a replacement for breast milk was found...

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Hudson didn't seem as upset as Goliath had been in the World Tour about Angela recognising Demona as her biological mother. Why was that? (I mean I see Hudson as the bastion of old style Gargoyle tradition. So shouldn't his reaction have been stronger than Goliath's had been?)

Greg responds...

When? Are we talking about "The Reckoning"?

Hudson had the time and the distance to be steadier.

Goliath's head is still pretty messed up regarding Demona. It's much more personal. Much more psychologically dangerous.

Hudson can recognize that in Goliath and choose to act as a balancer. Hudson hopefully is more three dimensional than simply being the 'bastion of old Gargoyle tradition'.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Goliath basically commited suicide at the end of AWAKENINGS 2 and also abandoned his children. Why hasn't anyone ever brought this up to his face? It's not the same as Demona's betraying the castle but it is just as bad. He abandoned his unborn children and while he did ask Katharine and the Magus to care for them, they didn't exactly have a great record dealing with Gargoyles up to that point. For all he knew they could have done anything after he was frozen.

What are the feelings of the Eggs on this? I understand that Guardian, Magus, and Katharine cared for them, loved them and raised them as their own children but some of them must have some sort of feeling about being abandoned by Goliath. (I know that this sounds like I'm asking for 36 (technically 35, we can't really count Boudicca) individual responses but I'm really interested specifically in Angela, Gabriel, and Ophelia's opinions and only what the general concensus is among the others.)

Greg responds...

This is a great, but VERY complex question.

Even answering just for Angela would require a term paper.

But one thing you need to understand right off the bat is that the "Eggs" were taught their GOLIATH history by Katharine, Tom and the Magus. I doubt Goliath came off as a "bad dad who committed suicide" in their telling of the tale. (Though, that's exactly what happened of course.)

In fact, we have evidence that the clan thought of Goliath as a mystical savior. A Sleeping King who would one day awaken and return when his clan needed him. And isn't that exactly what happened. Tom himself, only a boy when all the bad stuff went down, seemed to feel that finding Goliath would solve all his Archmage problems. (Lucky for him, Elisa and Bronx went along for the ride.)

When you consider the guilt that the Magus (and I assume Katharine) were not shy about revealing, you can see how the story could easily be colored in G's favor.

Now, I'm not saying that every individual garg bought the party line. But, gee, when Goliath did finally show up, things turned out pretty well. With the Archmage, with Oberon. Even the skeptical might have been convinced.

Which really only leaves us with Angela. I feel that after their Nigerian adventure, Goliath would have begun to open up more honestly with her. To reveal truths that he himself might not be conscious of. (After all, she's very intuitive.) She may now know the truth. But to her -- well, my God, there were so many extenuating circumstances. And her life has been so darn great, how's she supposed to complain or feel bitter? It doesn't seem her style.

Anyway, that's what I figure...

Response recorded on September 21, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In the AskGreg Archive, you wrote: "I expect Angela, Sora, Ophelia, Boudicca, Obsidiana, and Turquesa to all lay eggs in 2008." You said that females share a common cycle and you also said that you wondered if Katana would rejoin that cycle or not. You also said that with Angela, she would. But Boudicca and Ophelia live on Avalon, so in 2008, shouldn't they be out of synch with the real world?

Greg responds...

Actually, no. It's literally been years, but back in 1995 I did the math. It works out that 2008 would coincide with the cycles of both Avalon and the outside world.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Alaxk writes...

Greetings again

3. Would there be conflict between Samson and Brooklin similar to the conflict that was building between Brooklin and Goliath?

4. This may seem stupid, but... Is Samson the son of Broadway and Angela?

Greg responds...

3. I don't accept the premise of your question. Or maybe I don't understand it.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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*The Bride of Ringo* writes...

Hi once again doll... ok, here's my question:

1) Did Goliath kind of already know that Angela was his biological daughter before the events in 'Monsters' happened but just didn't say he already knew? The reason i ask this is that in "Avalon: Part 1" Elisa points out that Angela looks like Demona, but with different coloring, Goliath knows what he looks like and what Demona looks like, so maybe he figured in his own head Angela was his biologic child. Also, in "Shadows of the past" as Goliath shows Angela the rookery he looks at her, at that same time he hear Demona saying "Come to me".

Greg responds...

Yeah, I think Goliath figured it out instantly. And I think he instantly felt a kinship with her. But also with Gabriel, who isn't his biological son. Goliath doesn't have the same "social programming" we do with regard to biological offspring.

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Airwalker writes...

Glad to see AskGreg is back up.

1. Does Demona know about the Illuminati Society?
2. Does the Illuminati Society know about Demona?
3. Why exactly did you decide that Jackal and Hyena would become Cyborgs and that Wolf would become a Mutate? Why specifically that combination instead visa versa?
4. How long has Nokkar's intergalactic war been going on?
5. What happened to the helicopter Lexington fixed in HER BROTHERS KEEPER?
6. You said that New Olympians generally live for 13-250 years. So would any of the New Olympians we know be alive and around in 2158?
7. How does the Avalon Clan feel about Demona and Macbeth? (They must know those two weren't acting under their own will during the fight with the Archmage but to someone who they injured that little bit of information might not exactly displace anger at being injured.)
8. After all these years, does Macbeth know that Demona was listioning outside his window when Bodhe suggested betraying her clan to the English?
9. What are the Mutates feelings towards Alex Xanatos?
10. Why didn't Xanatos try to make Coldfire and Clodsteel look more "alive"; meaning why not slap some fake flesh on them like he did for Cyoti 1.0?
11. In POSSESSION, why wasn't Angela shocked at seeing Coldstone? After all when Goliath first saw him, he called him an abomination.
12. What was Goliath thinking in SANCTUARY and MARK OF THE PANTHER when he kept tellin Angela that she has many mothers and fathers? Who was he thinking of? There's only him, Hudson, Coldstone, Demona, and the Trio at that point. Did he seriously expect the Trio to think of Anglea as their daughter?
13. In 2158, how do you picture the world political status? Are there still seperate countries for example?
14. What is the legal status of Gargoyles in 2158?
15. What is Renard's opinion of Petros Xanatos?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Quite a bit.
3. A lot had to do with what felt right for the characters I guess. Wolf was very animalistic and hostile. Seemed perfect to make him a genetic werewolf. Jackal & Hyena were just nuts. A sociopath and a psychopath. It felt right that they would take things to the ultimate extreme.
4. Quite some time, young feller.
5. Kenner decided not to make a toy out of it.
6. That wasn't my plan.
7. Indiviuals all react differently. I'm not going to give you thirty-six individual responses.
8. I think he figured it out that night on Lunfanan Hill.
9. Which Mutate?
10. Fake gargoyle flesh? What would be the point?
11. Well, the truth here is that Angela had seen him already in the Himalayas. At least that had been my plan if the comic book hadn't been cancelled.
12. He was trying to instill in her the idea that her preoccupation with her biological parentage was an unhealthy human notion. (And since he knew Demona was her biological mother, you can see where his fear was coming from.) Of course, he lost the forest for the trees as Diane Maza pointed out in "Mark". He tried to make up for it later.
13. Yes and no.
14. Protected minority.
15. They barely know each other. And on some level, I think they'd get along, except for one thing... Renard hates David. And though Petros doesn't approve of much of his son's actions, I can't see him standing calmly by while someone else berates his son. Blood. Whatchagonnado?

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Karen writes...

Hiya! First of all i'd like to say that you have made an excellent series, congrats on the great work. Ok...I'm a first-timer but I have read the archives so I'll be careful not to ask anything that I can remember already being asked.
1) Why is it that it took Goliath so long to finally except Angela as his daughter but it didn't take Demona very long at all? infact, it seemed as though she had completely excepted Angela as hers, not even asking about the other members of the rookery. Any reason for this?

2) If you had to pick one, which would you say is the most truly Evil villain on the show? (The one who is bad merely to see people suffer or something)

3) Since what biologic ages would you say that Goliath and Demona were a couple?

Well.. although I've been itchin' to do this for so long but wasn't able to because it had been down, I can't remember any of the questions I had lined up... oh well.. I'll save them for another day i suppose.

Greg responds...

Now to answer my first question of ASK GREG - The Next Generation.

Hi Karen,

1. Goliath was very concerned about playing favorites. Angela, to his mind, was way too concerned about him as her BIOLOGICAL father. To his upbringing, that showed bad taste. Of course, she was raised differently. Once Diane Maza pointed out to Goliath that Angela was the only daughter in the vicinity, Goliath lept at the chance to be her dad. It's not that he didn't love her, but he was a novice father and he didn't want to screw up.

Demona's motivations, as usual, were more complicated. Assuming Sevarius filled her in about Angela sometime between "Sanctuary" and "The Reckoning", Demona had time to plan an "attack" on her daughter, or at least on her daughter's loyalties. As usual, Demona is her own worst enemy. She initially saw Angela as an opportunity, not a child. By the time she realized how important Angela truly was to her, it was all but too late.

2. Gee... Did we have any of those? I guess Hyena, Jackal and Wolf sorta qualify. Proteus was pretty nasty. Yeah. Maybe Proteus.

3. Don't have my timeline here with me, so I can't pin it down exactly. But by 971 they were already falling for each other, so that should give you an idea...

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