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I have a question about all the flying technology. Where are the fuel reservoirs on all these flying machines and armor? Also, the jet exhausts on jet packs you had on the show would obviously let out a lot of heat. What was to protect the people wearing these?
Artistic license?
Either that or Advanced Technology. As I'm not a mechanical engineer, I'm not sure which.
Look, how about you write me back and tell me how it works. Assume it does work, and then give me an answer how.
Then we'll both be happy.
1. can a clone (like Thailog) be cloned? i see no reason why not, but i thought i'd ask...
2. if a clone was cloned would their coloring return to usual (i.e. Thailog's clone has Goliaths coloring) or would the coloring be entirely new (Goliath, Thailog and his clone all have different skin tones)?
I'm going to be out of town next week, so this week I'm going to try to answer two questions a day to make up for it. You can splurge now or ration them out to your heart's content to get you through the gap.
1. I see no reason why not, however Dolly the sheep has demonstrated that cloning is not a tremendously effective way to reproduce. Even assuming that Sevarius' methods are more effective, a clone of a clone starts to sound a bit like a xerox of a xerox. Eventually, the copies are too weak to be useful.
2. Well, the change in coloring wasn't a result of the cloning but of the rapid forced aging. But assuming the clone of the clone was also rapid forced aged, than I assume the coloring would alter. A rapid aged clone of Thailog, might not look exactly like Goliath, but he might be close.
I'm curious do humans have anti-gravity technology in 2198?
I don't know.
How many versions of the Steel Clan has Xantos created besides the first batch and the batch in the Edge with electric defenses and advanced AI?
There have only been two models of Steel Clan Robot.
The original model, commissioned by Xanatos, seen in "Awakening, Part V" and "The Edge" and "Double Jeopardy" and "The Price", etc.
And the Iron Clan Robot model, commissioned by Owen Burnett, specifically to battle Oberon and/or Titania, as seen in "The Gathering, Part II". These are larger, and their chassis are made from iron as opposed to steal, but most of the other tech specs are the same.
The so-called "Advanced AI" model that I assume you're referring to from "The Edge" was not a robot at all. But a suit of armor (red in color) that Xanatos wore. Though from the outside it looked like a red version of the robots, it in fact was obviously constructed very differently. I'm not saying they didn't use any of the robot tech on the suit, since they obviously did, but it also required a separate develpoment phase.
In the 2198 contest you said that gargoyles were experimented upon, but we never saw any gargoyle getting experimented upon or were you saving this for the third season?
Well, one could argue that the creation of the clones counted as experimentation on Gargoyles, but, yes, I did have further plans.
Would you consider Xanatos, MacBeth and Demona¡¯s tech anachronisms?
I consider it part of the Jonny Quest school of cartoon technology. Advanced, but believably only one step removed from what we know exists.
How advanced is the Illuminati¡¯s tech? Beyond Xanatos¡¯s tech? Anywhere close to New Olympian tech?
There's no across the board answer to this. Different groups will be more advanced in different areas.
What are the steel clan made out of?
Is this a serious question?
Don`t think this ones been asked be for
Is there any way that technology in the future (2158 and beyond) could bypass the Gargoyles turning to stone? Cause if magic can do it, I can`t see why technology couldn`t replicate the same effect in some way.
Not by 2198, or 2199 for that matter.
It brings me to another distinction: the one between sentience and artificial intelligence. Coyote, for instance, can throw a zinger, but is he self-aware? I don't think he is. Xanatos hasn't achieved (or would wish to achieve) that much, has he?
I don't know anything about computer technology past it's relationship to cognitive studies into artificial intelligence. There is a lot of dispute about the possibility of an actual computer intelligence. I'm not competent to say if the possibility is real but I would not discount it. I can see numerous avenues for foundations for intelligence besides the neurochemical variety. Incidentally, I once took a Turing test...and failed. I was delighted.
I don't know what a "Turing test" is. Sorry.
I believe that in the Gargoyles Universe that artificial intelligence is truly possible. I just don't think any Coyote robot we've seen has truly achieved it yet.
Matrix may be closer.
Are humans and gargoyles genetically compatable as far as having children?
Not without help from science or sorcery.
How common will genetic engineering and cybernetics be by 2198? The same as the 1990s, commonplace, obsolete, or something else entirely?
Not quite commonplace. But not as rare as in the twentieth century.
hi Greg! I was thinking, when at las gargoyles were discovered , I woul assume, that most cientific minds, espeacily biologists, would like to know and study this new species, given the bad history the gargoyles have had (espeacilly with Sevarius) would they give access to themself so they could be studied, I was thinking maybe Goliath would keep an open mind on this, so there would be more trust between gargoyles and humans, but I'm not sure, what do you think?
I think that early on, Goliath and the rest would be VERY leery of allowing any further experimentation.
Well, it's certainly a relief to have the Gargoyles 2198 contest finally over with; I'm amazed that it took us so long to get the last two answers right. Well, now for a few comments on "Gargoyles 2198"'s overall description.
A number of elements in it certainly surprised me. For example, while I had suspected for a long while that the Space-Spawn would be playing a major role in the spin-off, I hadn't expected that it would open with them actually conquering the planet. Likewise, I was certainly surprised at the reason for Owen being unable to become Puck in the series (Alex being in Space-Spawn captivity), though it did make sense (I'd had my own speculations for the reason for the "block on Puck" before the contest began, though I won't mention them here because of the rules - suffice it to say that none of them involved Alex being held prisoner by anybody).
Another element in the spin-off was one which I'd perhaps "half-anticipated", and which did strike me as logical, but which I hadn't been seriously expecting in "Gargoyles 2198"; the notion of Samson and Delilah working together. Now, before the contest had come out, I'd been speculating for some time over whether Samson would have some connection with Delilah - given their names, it would be almost impossible not to have something like that happening - but never gave it any serious thought since I obviously didn't seriously believe that the original Delilah whom we met in "The Reckoning" would still be around at the time of the spin-off (even when it was "Gargoyles 2158" rather than "Gargoyles 2198"). Of course, I hadn't counted on the possibility of a namesake descendant, but it certainly struck me as a good solution.
And I've got to admit, you found a way to have the Illuminati stoop to a new low in the spin-off; they certainly were shady even in the original series (deals with organized crime, the Hotel Cabal, supporting the Quarrymen), but now they've become out-and-out quislings.
All in all, the spin-off certainly looks promising. I don't know if you'll ever get it made, but it should be interesting.
Questions follow in a separate post.
Thanks. I'm glad it intrigued you. I know you're more of a fantasy/myth guy then a Science Fiction Guy. Hopefully the show would still have a balance of both. But by definition that balance would lead more toward tech in this one.
would a biologist or Sevarius or someone be able to tell a sleeping gargoyle from a regular stone gargoyle? i would guess so since gargs don't actually turn to stone. would they be able to clone a garg from a few flakes of the sleeping gargs skin?
The outer layer of garg skin is dead skin that is shrugged off on awakening, so I doubt that a few flakes would do. I guess, if they took some sort of core sample (gross), or ran the thing through a catscan or something. But a cursory exam... I don't think so.
Unless the 'regular stone gargoyle' was obviously an anatomical impossibility.
hello¡ my question is:
In manhattan, ebribody have a moderns pistols, but elisa have a old pistol.why?
(I´m sorry, my english is not good because i´m spanish)
Um. Elisa has a modern pistol. So does Matt and most of the cops. Some of the crooks, however, are using the technology that Dracon stole from Xanatos in "Deadly Force".
Oh Greg the episode Metamorphisis was pretty cool the mutagen thing and all. Do you know in reality how they do gene transference between different organisms like the gene tranference between Derek and a panther, electric eel and bat. Viruses they insert genes into viruses and inject them into a creature where the viruses insert the foreign genes into the creatures DNA and it usually takes 5 months for the creature's DNA to accept the foreign genes as opposed to the 2 days in the episode Metamorphisis. Also there is also a high risk that the immune system would gobble up the mutagen plus the body also gets rid of cells that are mutated so in reality if a mad scientist ever injected you with a mutagen containing the DNA of animals your immune system would destroy the mutagen or the cells that has been mutated
Oh, sure. But, uh, Sevarius compensated for that with something that temporarily weakens the immune system.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Hi Greg,
In "Walkabout," you state that David and Fox really were going to follow through with the Matrix reshaping the planet. I find that pretty jaw-dropping, even if it was to be a selective reshaping. They'd have to basically take over the world in order to do it. Not like they can just do it here or there and go about their business. But onto the specific questions:
1) What in particular did David and Fox have in mind for the world's reshaping? What did they see wrong with it that they sought to righten, or alter in their favor, with the Matrix?
2) How does this goal mesh with Xanatos' pre-established personality? I thought he was already comfortable in the world as it was. And why not? Free trade had evidently benefited him quite well. He was probably the most powerful, non-governmental man on the planet, no? X doesn't seem like the type to rule an empire, like in "Future Tense" (which was a tip-off as to the falsehood of Puck's dream). Rather, he seems to simply want control and power, but in a, well, down-to-earth way.
3) Did Anastasia care?
4) Does Xanatos still have the Matrix technology?
All right, your 1st paragraph premise is faulty. When did I say that? What were my exact words? Cuz I certainly didn't mean to even imply what you've written here.
1-3) These questions are moot, given the above.
4) Xanatos and Fox still have the research that led to Matrix.
Do you think our technology will progress further than the magic of Oberon's children? When will Oberon's children reach the limitations of their magic? Would any of them possibly decide to live amongst us mortals and begin thinking scientifically, like an outcast fae, that would prefer sceince over sorcery?
1. Apples and oranges.
2. Who says they will?
3. To some extent, Titania has done this already.
1) Is the company credited with the invention of the technology used in hovercraft owned by Xanatos Enterprises or Cyberbiotics?
2) Does Renard's chair work along the same principles?
1. I don't understand the question.
2. Same as what?
Can AIs like the Matrix and Talos ever grow advanced enough to develop a capacity for emotion, or will any AI no matter how far it evolves always think in terms of cold pure logic?
I don't set forever limits on anything when I can avoid it.
I've noticed lately that you've been getting a few questions about the earth's rhythms that set the female gargoyles 20 year cycle.
I noticed in this book called '1500 fascinating facts about the universe, it's world and it's people,' a section about the earth's rhythms and biological clocks. I thought that this might help people to understand about these Earth rhythms. (This is quoted straight from the book.
"What controls the patterns of our sleeping and waking hours or the bodily rhythms necessary to health and life? Some scientists belive that all living things have built-in timing systems. Others are of the opinion that 'biological clocks' are set by the natural rhythms of the Earth's electromagnetic or gravitational forces. Still others consider that both internal and external forces are responsible. Plants manifest rhymthmic changes in their 'sleep movements'; they raise their leaves during the day and lower them at night. Interestingly, this rhythm is maintained even where light and temperature are kept constant."
Thanks Faieq.
And to the rest who doubted me: SEE!
On Garg evolution:
Quote: As to their numbers, it's a chicken/egg thing. They reproduce so infrequently. I think that once upon a time there was a risk of Gargoyles being a species that threatened to overtake the world - as humans eventually succeeded in doing. Gargs were tough, intelligent, mobile, cooperative and nearly invulnerable- even when asleep.Maybe Mother Nature gave them some handicaps on purpose. Maybe humanity was created as competition.
*snip a lot of very interesting stuff on evolution occuring on a planetary scale and the role of humanity in it*
1) Were the gargoyles 'created' as competition for the Lost Race?
2) Were the fae 'created' as competition for any for humans or gargs, or both?
3) If so, it seems rather unfair to give humans THAT big a challenge vs. nearly unkillable godlike energy being-esque things..why is a challenge THAT big?
4) Will a challenging race arise on the planet to challenge the current three someday?
1. Don't take that quote too literally.
2. Ditto.
3. See above.
4. There will be challenges -- from many sources.
Can mutates and humans have children together?
Did New Olympian scientists ever try to explain the workings of magic scientifically, seeing how it's a tech-driven society but has knowledge of magic?
To some extent.
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