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UNQUESTIONS 2016-05 (May)

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Shadow Wing writes...

Given that there was discussion on here (admittedly some time ago) about the "three" gesture Elisa made in Awakenings (if I recall correctly) being the American Sign Language sign for 3, I would like to ask - Does Elisa know American Sign Language?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on May 25, 2016

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Batman'sNewSidekick writes...

Does young justice crimes only happen on the weekends. Lol or is just when they get to save the world on weekendweaned holidays lol. Love ya show I want it back.

Greg responds...

Track the calendar and see for yourself: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline

Response recorded on May 25, 2016

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Casual writes...

Have you read Austin Grossman's 'Soon I Will Be Invincible'?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 24, 2016

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Mia Carla writes...

Hi Greg, I was wondering if anyone has taken and posted any video to your panels at Gallifrey One and Long Beach Comic Expo ? I live on the east coast so I look forward to videos of your panels

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

I think so. I seem to recall that one or two were on YouTube. I don't keep track of that stuff, but you might ask fellow fans in the Station 8 Comment Room.

Response recorded on May 24, 2016

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Batman'sNewSidekick writes...

So how does the orinigal members of the young justice know Dick's really name. Well I know how Wally knows but not the others.

Greg responds...

I assume you mean in Season Two.

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on May 24, 2016

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Windona writes...

I've been a fan of yours since Spectacular Spider-Man, then to YJ, and then to watch Rebels. (And the fact that hearing you were working on Rebels got me to watch the Star Wars movies again and TCW series which led to me becoming a major Star Wars fan means I have something else to thank you for!) After watching the Rebels finale, I have a few questions.

1) Now, Rebels was destined to be different from TCW; different eras in the Star Wars universe, the Ghost crew debuting in Rebels versus TCW having a few main characters like Padme Amidala from the movies. However, is there anything in particular that you directly influenced?

2) What research did you do for your job on Rebels? Like DC and Marvel comics, there's obviously a lot of material on Star Wars out there that can be drawn from, but there's also a much more official level of 'this is canon' versus 'this isn't' due to the movies and the Disney reboot, so I'm curious if you chose to draw from the Legends continuity at all.

3) Maketh Tua- she seems really into the Empire, willing to do under the table things for it, and makes a casual reference to the Lasat genocide. Yet she seems extremely horrified when the Inquisitor executes Aresko and Grint, and appears to be the most shocked of them all. Is that the first time she witnessed the violence of the Empire versus just hearing about it?

4) And the most controversial question of all: what was your opinion on the Star Wars prequels?

Thank you for answering! I can't wait to read the first issue of the Kanan comic; he's become one of my favorite characters fairly quickly, and I doubt that feeling will lessen any time soon!

Greg responds...

1. There's a lot I influenced in Season One. Not in a vacuum or by myself. But as part of the team of producers and writers.

2. I rewatched all six movies and started to work my way through Clone Wars - though the difficult schedule on Rebels interrupted that process.

3. Probably.

4. I'm a big, BIG fan of episodes IV and V. The rest don't thrill me quite as much, which is not to say I didn't like them.

Response recorded on May 24, 2016

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Cillian B. Flood writes...

Hey. I've searched through your archives about W.I.T.C.H related questions, initially I wanted to ask you about a timeline related question that seems to be a continuity error but I've seen you don't have a timeline for W.I.T.C.H and don't remember a whole lot of it. But in searching the archives I have thought up another question. You claim credit for the "X is for Xword" format of the Episode Titles. This was sometimes worked very well, sometimes forced but always fun and a great way of remembering what happened in each episode. My question is, had a third season been made and you were involved, would you have continued this trend or replaced it with something similar, and if so, what would it be?

Greg responds...

It's embarrassing to admit, but I don't remember. I know I had a plan for Season Three titles, but I've got no memory of what that plan was. It wouldn't have been exactly the same, i.e. I wouldn't have just started over with the letter A. But beyond that....


Response recorded on May 24, 2016

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Thomas Wrobel writes...

If you haven't seen it there was a spoof trailer made as to what could go wrong if the wrong people made a Gargoyles movie;


Thought you might like too see it, assuming no one else has linked you already.
Anyway, keep up the good work, and look forward to all future projects!

Greg responds...

Yeah, I'd seen it. Probably not quite as funny for me as for some folks. But thanks.

Response recorded on May 23, 2016

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Nolan Nimble writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman

I recall that you, once upon a time, collected Legion of Superheroes (LOSH) comic books and that you used to be a fan of the property. So, considering that you did work (Young Justice) in the same universe as the LOSH property, my question is this: do you, in your professional opinion, think that someone could effectively do a LOSH show that carried on indefinitely? (I know that there used to be such a show, but it was cancelled fairly early on and, ever since then, there has been much vitriol spewed out against the property. Even now, the critics are whining about how a LOSH movie, in the current DC comics cinematic universe could never work.) If you were ever given the chance, do you think that you would be willing to write for and/or spearhead such a show?

Greg responds...

I'd be happy to do a Legion show. Wrote one episode of the previous Legion show. But this notion of ANY show "that carried on indefinitely" is just wishful thinking. The Simpsons. 60 Minutes. Maybe they can go on forever. Maybe. But even Law & Order ended its run.

Response recorded on May 23, 2016

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Kyle Kale writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman

Given your experiences in animated media, do you think that animated shows have it harder (in terms of having to prove themselves as viable for gaining additional seasons) than live-action shows? I ask because it seems to me that you have, alongside collaborators, spearheaded numerous projects (such as WITCH, Spec Spidey, Young Justice) that have, critically and in terms of viewership, been very successful (I can't speak for Spec Spidey or WITCH, but I know that Young Justice consistently maintained numbers that even some live-action shows do not get or maintain), yet they have all been cancelled for various reasons. Meanwhile, there is no shortage of live-action shows that have been looked upon with far less critical or viewer approval and have been renewed for more than three seasons (of 16 to 21 episodes). If your answer is 'yes,' do you think that one reason for this increased difficulty on the part of animated shows is that most of them are forced into, in addition to maintaining constant viewer numbers, maintaining a toy line?

Greg responds...

I dunno. It's easy to complain, but the truth is MANY shows don't make it to a full season, let alone two or more.

Budget plays a role in any series, but a kids series - particularly a kids' action series - seems particularly prone to the need for an alternative revenue stream beyond ratings.

Response recorded on May 23, 2016

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