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Hi Greg,
My name is Jake Cannon and I'm working on an oral history podcast about Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere focusing on One Saturday Morning, using the participants real voices. For the podcast, I've already spoken with Jymn Magon, Bill Kopp, and Tad Stones from Disney Afternoon.
I was wondering if you would be interested in being interviewed since your show is the largest break from the Disney style and universe.
I could do a quick skype or phone interview if you're available.
Jake Cannon
Other guests interviewed:
Holly Huckins
Denis Hannigan
Mark Mueller
Jim Lang
Barry Blumberg
Tom Snyder
Jeff Pescetto
Dave Robb
Phil Walsh
I don't really know Paul or Joe, and didn't really work on One Saturday Morning. I'm enough of a publicity whore to enjoy doing podcasts, but it doesn't seem like I'd have anything to contribute to this particular one.
I read somewhere that the reason Impulse is friends with Blue Beetle, despite everything Blue has done in the future, is because he has Stockholm's syndrome. How true is this?
I don't even understand how that applies.
of All of the Villains in 'Gargoyles', Jackal and Hyena are my #1 Favorites, So here's 1 Question I do have about them
Who's the EVIL Twin? Or Better rephrase since They're Both Evil, Which Twin has Always been more Evil than the other?
Depends on what you consider "more Evil". Do you think an uncontrollable psychopath like Hyena is more evil or a devious sociopath like Jackal?
Hello Mr. Weisman, here are some 3 Questions I Have about Margot Yale, the Only Character from 'Gargoyles' that I Honestly Really Don't like, only Because I think she's Mean! (No offense) And For the 3rd Question, I know you Don't like 'The Goliath Chronicles' season, and if it makes you feel better I Don't like it Either, only because I find the Constant Hatred the Gargoyles have to face upsetting, but it's just a Small comparison question if you don't mind and you don't have to give a big answer to it if you don't want to
1. If Margot Yale Hates the Gargoyles So Much, Why doesn't she Want them Exterminated at once like the Quarrymen and Every one with their point of view does, Or Why doesn't she join the Quarrymen?
2. Does Margot have an opinion about the Quarrymen?
3. Would you say that Margot's Anti Gargoyle behavior in the 'Goliath Chronicles' as seen in the episodes 'The Journey', 'Justice for all', and 'Angels in the night', would be No different than in the 'Gargoyles' Comics?
1. I don't think she perceives her feelings as hate. More like fear. Like she'd fear a bear that was running loose in Manhattan. If the bear can be tranquilized and sent to a zoo, fine.
2. I don't think she's in favor of any vigilante group.
3. I've only ever seen the last twelve episodes of the Goliath Chronicles once each, and that was over twenty years ago. I don't remember them well enough to respond. As for "The Journey," I adapted my version of that into the comics, and consider the comics version canon, as opposed to the television episode. So I can only say the Margot Yale in the comics is the version I prefer.
Hey Greg!
1. How could Nightwing afford to have an apartment of his own (as seen in issue #20)? Did his parents leave him money or does Bruce help him financially?
I'm sure his parents left him something, but I doubt it was very much. On the other hand, Bruce could have helped him invest it wisely. In fact, Dick has had a (relatively) generous allowance from Bruce, and most of that he invests wisely too. The notion that Bruce helps him financially while he's in college, is a given, however.
Did Marie Logan homeschool her son Garfield Logan?
May seem like a bit of a dumb question but how do you pronounce Mab? I've heard a couple different variations myself.
I'm no expert, but I pronounce it with a short a to rhyme with cab, dab, fab, gab, jab, lab, nab, tab.
Hello, in S1 Episode 23, Red Arrow gets in a fight with Sportsmaster, and despite having his bow broken he seems to do quite well, getting Sportsmaster in a hold before Klarion teleported them away. Was Sportsmaster holding back against Roy (cause he didn't wanna hurt the mole), or is Roy actually good enough to match Sportsmaster in hand to hand? Because it always seemed like Roy wasn't even as good as Cheshire in hand to hand, and he got wrecked by Batman, so just curious. It's not super important, but I like debating who would win type battles, and any extra info helps
Thank you
I'm so fine with leaving that to one's interpretation.
In any given fight, the tables may turn. Sportsmaster may not have been super-motivated for the reasons you state above. Red Arrow might have been super-motivated for reasons he himself didn't fully comprehend. Or whatever.
I found a tumblr post that talks about great characters with the link below.
I also remembered you answered a question like that.
"I believe they exist as fully as possible. I create backstories for them, whether or not those backstories will be revealed on screen or on the page. I make them real to me."
So for the actual questions:
1. What do you think about the tumblr post? I think "compelling" and "fascinating" seem too subjective.
2. What exactly do you mean by "exist as fully as possible"? I'm guessing you want to give as much of an image of a character as you can, but I'm also sure that's the main task of any story.
3. You also said that you want to make the characters seem real to yourself, but how do you make them real to the viewer?
4. This one might be redundant, so it probably doesn't need to be answered. But just in case, how do you make characters and stories that the audience can enjoy?
5. I also know you've said that you write your passion, but how do you know it will appeal to others? It all sounds like being hopeful.
1. Perhaps. But so is "relatable" and "sympathetic". They're directions to head not a detailed map.
2. It's not the main task to make of any story to make EVERY character in the story fully realized. My feeling is - within reasonable parameters - that it SERVES the story to have fully realized characters, who have their own backstories and motives that are specific to them.
3. I cross my fingers that if it works for me, it'll work for a substantial portion of my audience.
4. I write what I like, and cross the above-mentioned fingers. The alternative is pointless. If I can't get passionate about my story, how can I possibly expect anyone else to?
5. That's all it is. Honestly. See above.
Each member team has at least two variations to their outfits, the dark stealth and snow stealth versions. Which version is your favourite? Classic, dark stealth or snow stealth? Are there other versions we haven't seen?
1. Love 'em all. Which is your favorite?
2. No spoilers.
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