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Big Papi Smurf writes...

If superboy hadn’t became a mechanic, what job would he be doing?

Greg responds...

You're as good a judge of that as anyone.

Basically, I'm not big on hypothetical questions. He DID become a mechanic.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

did you know that your show is awesome?

Greg responds...

I kinda feel like it's awesome. It is to me, at least. It's the kinda show I would like to watch. But I'm happy to have you and others confirm that. Very happy.

Um... which show are we talking about?

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Quassa writes...

Why did Steve Dayton let miss martian take Garfield to live with her after rita farr died ?

Greg responds...

Dayton was in hiding at that time. But also, Garfield believes Dayton didn't want him until he'd found a way to monetize him.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Did Queen Bee fought against the Justice Leage before joining the Light?

2. Did Vandal interacted with Lex Luthor prior to creating the Light?

3. When did Ra's Al Ghul found out Batman's secret identity?

4. Did Vandal Savage worked with either Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan during World War 2?

Greg responds...

1. Certainly against some members of the League. Captain Atom, for sure.

2. At some point.

3. I don't have an exact date. Before Season One.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, First all I want to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the first half of season 3 and look forward to the next half the season and any potential future seasons a well. I have a few questions concerning the dynamic and relationships between team members as well as some miscellaneous questions about various characters and choices about the show.

1.) What made you guys choose Earth-16 specifically as the setting for YJ. Is there something special about this number? Just curious.

2.) The next is a question that concerns the OG Team members from season 1 and including of the other team members that had been on it since almost the beginning (i.e. Batgirl, Zatanna, Rocket, Tempest) After this much time, It seems that they are all really good friends. Do they visit each other periodically when not on missions. How often? Do they ever make the effort to plan group events where they all just hangout? I imagine that it happens much more sparingly given that they are all grown and their lives are a lot more busy.

3.) Can you give us some ideas what certain team members do on their free time? I'm namely again talking about the OG Team, but current team members seems interesting too. You can pick whichever one comes easiest to you because I know that that's a lot of members and a lot to ask for but any of them would be appreciated.

4.) I'm also curious about Will and his particular fixation on finding the original Roy Harper as opposed to Jim. It's implied that during the time-skip between year 1 and year 6 that Will had spent much of that time (when not on drugs) following up on leads to find him. By the time we see him in Season 2 Roy still seems to be very obsessed with this, but Jim seems to have moved on. So with that I ask, how invested was Jim invested in finding his genetic template? And why exactly is Will seemingly so much more interested in finding his genetic template than his "brother". Is it because Will was actually made to believe that he was Roy Harper all along? When did Jim actually meet Roy? Do the three of them ever visit on occasion or for the most part they don't really communicate at all? They seem to all be on pretty good terms with one another.

5.) How old is Forager in terms of both Earth years and New Genesis years.

I know that's a lot of questions. But I'd appreciate it you answered any of them.

Greg responds...

1. Way back when, we asked DC for one of their untouched 52 worlds (which was the rule at the time). We suggested Earth-16, and that's what they gave us. Once we were assigned that, we made something special about the number 16. But I can't say what: no spoilers.

2. Sure.

2a. How often do any of us visit our friends?

2b. Sure. Watch "The Prize": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXD8fdM6tac&t=4s

3. I'm gonna leave that to the show and/or your own interpretations.

4. Initially, very invested. But over time, Jim - like most of the League - became convinced that Roy was dead.

4a. Jim never "took over" Roy's life the way Will did.

4b. Jim first saw Roy shortly after Will brought him back to Star City. He met him shortly after Roy returned to Star City with Green and Red Arrow.

5. By the end of Team Year Eight, Forager is 14 in Earth years, and more or less the same age in New Genesis years.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Nightmare on Elmonkey Street writes...

Hey Greg! First off, you are killing season 3 of YJ, and I'm currently working on my 4th binge of the first half. Nightmare Monkeys is my favorite episode of the first half, but I do have a question... During the Doom Patrol Go! Sequence is that to imply that Gar did have a Doom Patrol team or was it just supposed to be the dream sequence parody that let's us know Rita adopted him and then died sometime after?

Greg responds...

The Doom Patrol existed, and Gar sometimes went on missions with them.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Ineedcoffee writes...

Hi Greg! I just wanted to let you know that I'm so happy to have YJ back. The first half of season 3 exceeded my already astronomical expectations and I appreciate all th thought that you and Brandon put into give us one of the best (and my favorite) versions of the DC universe. I just have one question- Did Artemis finish college? Or did she decide to full time hero?

Greg responds...

She finished her undergraduate degree. She's still working on post-graduate degrees.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jared Wilson writes...

In young justice outsiders episode 12 nightmare monkeys Why did Garfield Logan say he had no choose leave M'gann and go to live his stepdad when in fact m'gann wanted to keep being legal guardian of Garfield Logan ?

Greg responds...

He was making excuses. A part of him wanted to leave and start a new life.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Was garfirld living with rita farr or miss martian when his power to change into animals appeared ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

What are wonder girl's abilities?

Greg responds...

Strength. Flight. Speed. She's extremely durable but not invulnerable. She's trained to use her lasso, and her bracelets. I'd also add that, in her case, her enthusiasm is an important quality.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Who is aware of cassie sandsmark's parentage ? Does she have a relationship with any of her half siblings

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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sam writes...

this isn't a question but i love the comic issue where you show mgann and superboy visiting the Logan's

Greg responds...

Thanks! Chris Jones and I appreciate the kind words.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! A big fan of your work here. The WITCH series was a part of my childhood I’ll always remember. I have several questions concerning this show (mainly the old generation):
1. How old were the previous Guardians when Nerissa cracked, Cassidy died and everything went downhill? Were they the same age?
2. Did you have some last names in mind when creating the characters or they were always simply Nerissa, Halinor, etc?
3. How was the disappearance of Cassidy/Nerissa explained to the public (their relatives, friends)?

Greg responds...

1. The five members of CHYKN were all approximately the same age as each other.

2. The names came from the comics or the first season. I don't think I named any of them myself.

3. She didn't disappear; she died. Or at least that's what I recall. It has been awhile.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

If motherboxes have souls then does Red Tornado have a soul as well?

Greg responds...

That's a very good question.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Thomas writes...

How common are demigods like Cassie S on Earth 16? Are they rarer than Metahumans, or common enough that you could get practice for a potential Rick Riordan animated series with them (I.E, enough for books of them). Do they come in non-Greek flavors?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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James writes...

1. Is's Vandal's Savage name, a translation from his old language or one he chose himself? Does he have a true name to refer to himself? It must be exhausting being known by so many names over the years?
2. When Savage was talking to Lex Luthor about leaguers who could of stopped the Starro invasion why didn't he mention Dr. Fate as an option?
3. Has Vandal Savage aged ever since he touched the meteorite even if it is incrementally?
4. Do the Justice League know that he is immortal or anything about his past?

Greg responds...

1. Those aren't mutually exclusive, are they?

1a. Hard to say what "true" means.

1b. It must.

2. Did he have to name everyone out loud?

3. No.

4. Yes. Because Fate/Nabu has told them.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Iluvendure writes...

We know that Children of Oberon and humans can have children among them (Fox is the greatest example), while gargoyles and humans can not reproduce:
1. My question is this: Could a Gargoyle and a Children of Oberon together conceive a child in a supposed relationship?... after all the living nature of the "fairies" is strange

Thank you very much and forgive the inconvenience

Greg responds...

1. In theory.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Umer writes...

Hi Greg,
Huge fan of Young Justice here and love everything that you guys have done. Watching Evolution has raised a couple of questions in my mind that I hope you can clarify.
1. Is Vandal Savage's daughter Ishtar the same "being" as the goddess worshiped in Mesopotamia or was she a human just named after the goddess?
2. If she was indeed worshiped (or became part of the Mesopotamian myths), is it safe to assume that on Earth-16 the other gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon are just metas/influential humans?
3. If the above is true for the Mesopotamian pantheon, does it also apply to the other pantheons on Earth (like the Greek one)?
Really hope we get to see the Themyscira of Earth-16 someday. Keep up the great work! can't wait for the second half of the season!

Greg responds...

1. The former.

2. Not safe to assume anything with YJ, is it?

3. See 2.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Sidney writes...

Mister Greg before young justice season 3 was cancel did you intend to interduce the monkey god being connected to beast boy's power to change into animals or was the monkey god a idea that was thought of whey you learn that you were going get a season three for young justice ?

Greg responds...

Season Three was never cancelled. We were never picked up for it in the first place.

But our plans haven't substantially changed from the beginning.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Kevin writes...

1. Why did Vandal Savage/the Light choose to include Ocean Master in their ranks? The others seemed straight forward but his inclusion always confused me unless I am missing something obvious.
2. Is there a reason the Brain was chosen to be the Light's first science representative over Ultra Humanite? Was the Brain smarter or had a different science speciality that the Light required?
3. Why did the Light need Professor Ivo in Insecurity when the Brain and Klarion seemed to do most of the work on the starro-tech?

Greg responds...

1. You're missing the obvious. He was in line to rule 3/4ths of the planet.

2. Vandal felt good about him.

3. They each had their specialty, and they had many different types of entities that they needed the Starro-Tech to work on.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Timothy writes...

Just one Question for Young Justice Season 3:
Is Billy Batson Captain Marvel or Shazam now?

Greg responds...

Shazam (per TPTB).

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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B writes...

Is Vandal Savage's son Nabu the same entity as the Lord of Order Nabu, or just his first host (or one of the first)?

Greg responds...

The former.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Just a YJ Fan writes...

Couple of questions about Young Justice.
1. Is what Monkey said about Gar's powers being magical in nature true, or just his mind making stuff up, again given what Monkey said about Gar filling in blanks like Monkey having Wally's voice?
2. For that matter, is the whole monkey god thing true?
3. How long was Orphan active as a vigilante prior to "Triptych"?
4. Going back to "Fireworks", when everyone is about to head up the elevator to escape, Robin uses a grapnel while Superboy grabs Aqualad and attempts to fly. As for Kid Flash, all we saw of him was that he jumped to a ledge, and the next we see of him they're on Sublevel 15, about 27 levels higher than where they started, if my memory serves. So how did Wally get up there? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, it's just something that's always bugged me about the scene and I could never find an answer online.
5. Going back to "Nightmare Monkeys", (sorry that I'm jumping all over the place, these questions are popping into my mind as I type), Paul Sloane stated that he was Gar's godfather and that Rita Farr was his godmother. After Marie died, was there a specific reason why Gar went to Rita over Paul? For that matter, why would Gar go with M'Gann after Rita died? Did Paul just come to an understanding with Rita and M'Gann or was there something else going on?
Sorry if most of these questions are too spoilery, but I felt it couldn't hurt to ask. Loving the new season so far. Here's to Season 4!

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that up to your interpretation, but I will say that things aren't mutually exclusive. If the Monkey God participated in Gar's origin, that does not necessarily mean that Miss Martian's blood transfusion didn't play a role.

2. You can decide based on the evidence presented.

3. No spoilers.

4. I honestly can't remember specifically. But watch it again. I'm fairly confident we tracked all that.

5. Marie's will specifically listed Rita as Gar's guardian in the event of Marie's death. After Rita died, M'gann offered to take Garfield in. Paul is a nice guy, but I don't think anyone considered him parental material.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Was "Exceptional Human Beings" Batman's first encounter with Bane?

Was there a particular reason you decided to have Bane stop using Venom?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. It reflected what was going on in DC Rebirth at the time we wrote that story. And we all liked that approach, a lot.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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John writes...

Why did Kent Nelson stop wearing the helmet and put it away unused for years? Didn't he care about stopping magical threats even if he did not want to be Doctor Fate anymore?

Greg responds...

He did his best at being Doctor Fate without Nabu, using a half-helmet that he fashioned.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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