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Anonymous writes...

Did klarion and the child always have a bad relationship?

Greg responds...

Like were they born that way? Probably not. But for some (very) long time, yes.

Response recorded on August 09, 2022

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Carlos writes...

Hi Greg, Recently I finish the second season, I have 1 question related with "Depths" and the discussion(don´t know if there´s a better term for what happen) in The Bio-Ship:
What was expecting Superboy to happen to M'gann if he told the League/Nightwing about?
sorry if is hard to read, english is not my native tongue

Greg responds...

Hey Carlos,

Your English is way better than my skills at ANY other language, but I admit I am not quite clear on what you're asking. Superboy had no desire to tell the League or Nightwing about what he perceived as Miss Martian's excesses. He was hoping that his own disapproval would be enough to get her to see the light. Is that what you wanted to know?

Response recorded on August 08, 2022

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Ash writes...

So this is an analysis on gender as I gathered from the Marzz arc, there are some questions at the end though.

The first notable element of gender roles within Marzz society is how for the Orthodox Martian Wedding, it is the blessing of the man's parents rather than the woman's, as is standard custom on Earth. From this flipping of roles, the basic assumption would be a relatively Matriarchal Society.

This idea in human culture at least, stemmed from the idea of the woman being given to the man's family. Which ties in nicely with the next point. This may be coincidental, but the only instances we had where a Martian's given and surnames did not match were older males (Ress Edda, Rohh Karr, Karr Mangg, Sternn Jaxx) who would likely or definitively been married, or an instance where the woman's family had disowned her (Jann Morzz). This takes the original name for Emree into account, rather than her changed name. This pattern would appear to indicate that it is customary for males to take the woman's family name when marrying.

Then we have the Altar and Canopy building ceremony, and it shows that it wasn't a simple flipping of Gender Norms for a Matriarchal Society. The Male Ceremony, the Altar Building, requires Strength and Physicality, endurance to withstand the heat of the Lava and providing hard Structure to the Altar. It is the foundation for the marriage. While the Female Ceremony, with the Canopy, is a mental task, with the challenge coming from synchronicity with family, overcoming the baggage of previous relationships to move forward and the Canopy providing shelter. This association of Male=Structure/Strength, Female=Shelter/Emotion, is a fairly standard human perception of gender.

Or so it seems, but when one considers that M'arzz is a highly Mental based society, we would assume that the mental challenge is considered more significant, fitting for that initial assumption of a matriarchy.

Now, in saying that the elephant in the room to the Matriarchal Assumption is that Sternn was the ruler of Marzz prior to his death, at which point Jarlia took over. There are two solutions that I see here; the first is that much like Earth, while Marzz developed from a matriarchy, it now doesnt possess that clear delineation and permits male rulers. The second, ties into the ideas presented in the Altar ceremony. Structure, is perceived as a masculine trait by the religious orthodoxy, and structure is rather necessary for a society. So it stands to reason that the leader is seen as one who provides Structure; the male leader, while still having that perception of women as more responsible for other facets of Shelter within a society.

This leads to some more speculative interpretation of the Yellonn. Ceridyall, a Goddess, appears to be most significant - or at least most significant for the elements of Marzz society which we see. The most prominent Yellonn we see is a woman, while there are certainly Priests as well, it would make some sense if the "pope" of the Yellonn, as a key representative of Ceridyall, were a woman in turn. So this leads to the idea that the Matriarchy comes from the Theology.

With how the Yellonn perform that birthday inaugeration ceremony (which features Life in the form of animals, life being an aspect of Ceridyall), and how they present Jemm into a lineage of great rulers, it appears that the Yellonn are essentially recognised as giving authority to the crown - the Male Government is given its power by the Female Faith.

With that, I turn to questions.

1) You had recently (as of writing) said that the Yellonn were supposed to remain apolitical. This would seem to go against the interpretation that the Yellonn are the power that grants the Blahdenn authority; but given that the Yellonn are involved in the coronation for Jemm, this seemed to be a political matter, rather than apolitical involvement. So I'm curious towards how you resolve their apoliticalness with their involvement in seemingly poltical events.

2) "His, her or their", simple but effective in conveying that the Orthodoxy is at least partially supportive of a nonbinary view of gender. However, given the seeming gender segregated roles of the Altar and Canopy building, I was curious to how "they"s fit into the wedding schema. If there were a nonbinary facet akin to the Altar/Canopy which represents ideals that the Orthodoxy holds towards nonbinary individuals, a component which is left out of weddings not featuring a nonbinary individual (just as the component of the gendered individual is left out accordingly in the enby wedding presumably) or must they decide on a gendered role to perform?

3) Similarly, with the gendered Altar and Canopy, how would same-sex marriages (if they are permitted), function? Would a wedding have two Canopies or are there different traditions to accommodate (assuming they are accommodated at all)?

Greg responds...

1. Think of it this way: if, say, a Catholic priest, here on Earth, spoke the invocation for a Republican president's inauguration one year, and four years later did the same for a Democrat, then that priest is still officiating at a political ceremony, but isn't choosing sides.

2. Even on M'arzz, things are in flux these days. S'yraa was clearly more open-minded than many or her older counterparts. She was atypical as a priestess, as was noted. Her language choices may not yet be the norm.

3. Different clergy have different standards of Orthodoxy. So same-sex marriages are permitted by some priest/priestesses but not all. For those that permit them, I would think that both brides or both grooms would work on both builds.

Response recorded on August 08, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Liked seeing all the items from the comics in "Alienated." By the way, how did the Light learn of Rimbor, and why did they choose the six Leaguers to rampage there?

Greg responds...

Vandal's been alive a long time and been in partnership with Darkseid for a big chunk of that. He knows his way around.

I'm not sure I understand your second question. Are you asking why he chose those specific six leaguers as opposed to a different grouping? If so, I think he felt they could do considerable damage. And he had other work for the rest. Plus they're prominence didn't hurt. Or maybe it was just random. Or maybe he watched the old Justice League cartoon.

Response recorded on August 08, 2022

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Quinn writes...

1. How old is Jane Nassour?
2. How old is Muhammed Nassour?
3. What field of medicine was Khalid pursuing?
4. How physically old was Arion when he died?
5. Was Arion the maternal or paternal grandson of Vandal Savage?

Greg responds...

1. Jane Nelson Nassour was born in 1973.

2. Muhammed Nassour was born in 1970.

3. I don't know enough about studying medicine to be confident in this answer, but he's only recently started Medical School. I don't know that he's picked a specialty yet. I'd lean toward Emergency Medicine for him... assuming that's still a thing - or assuming that's still what it's called.

4. He was biologically 34, chronologically about 900.

5. I don't remember.

Response recorded on August 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Are Kent Nelson, Madame Xanadu, Zatanna and Zatara Homo Magi?

Greg responds...

Zatanna and Zatara are.

Kent and Nimue may be, but until we tell more of each one's story, the answer for them is NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on August 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

If you were to guess, what is the minimum number of episodes or tie-in comic issues you would need to tell the story of the Earth-17 fiasco?

Greg responds...

I dunno. At least two or three, probably more.

Response recorded on August 05, 2022

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Jan Rott writes...

Hi there,
The Tazmanian Tiger has two thylacines named Benjamin and Natasha. Can you tell from the picture (https://gargwiki.net/images/9/98/TazmanianTiger.JPG) which of the two is Benjamin and Natasha?

Greg responds...

Not without more context. I feel like it's clear somewhere in the comic. Maybe not in that panel.

Response recorded on August 05, 2022

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Family writes...

How did Luthor know that Superboy was out of shields?

Greg responds...

It's rather mysterious, isn't it?

Response recorded on August 05, 2022

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Matt Itelson writes...

Where were Aqualad and Zatanna during "Performance?"
Are Carlo and his brother twins?
Who voiced them?
When did Raymond Jensen become Parasite?

Greg responds...

1. Otherwise occupied.

2. Yep.

3. I don't think Carlo spoke, did he? As for his brother, I don't recall for certain. I have a vague memory it was Nolan North.

4. August, 2006.

Response recorded on August 05, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Where were Artemis, Robin, and Aqualad during "Agendas?"

Greg responds...

Celebrating Thanksgiving?

Response recorded on August 05, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

after watching zee's arc im confused on what young justice is supposed to be about at this point? its no longer about the team its not about the teenage heroes and its not really about the original cast either, it kinda feels like its trying to cover the entire dc universe but its stretched too thin

Greg responds...

In my mind, I agree it's no longer about the Team, per se. It's still about the original cast and how they grow, mature and change, which I believe Phantoms demonstrated to an amazing degree. It's ALWAYS been about the entire DC Universe, but I don't agree that we're stretched too thin. I think we show the bits of the DCU that we want to show, that are relevant to the specific arc, with an understanding that the rest of the DCU moves on without us. That's life.

But you are, of course, entitled to your opinion.

Response recorded on August 04, 2022

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Matheus Heibel Feitosa writes...

Hi Mr. Greg!
I am a huge fan of your work! And i wanted to ask you something. Well, i'm from Brazil, and in the 3rd season you mentioned Fire, she is a Brazilian hero, so my question is she will appear in the show?
And i have one more question... Can you release the Designation numbers from 27-36?

Thanks for your work creating the BEST super-hero/spy drama ever!
~Matheus Heibel

Greg responds...

1. I hope so, eventually.

2. I could. But Brandon and I decided that Designation numbers are more fun when they are revealed organically in the show, as needed.

Thanks for your kind words and support.

Response recorded on August 04, 2022

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me writes...

according to
Troia and the marvels left the team in year 5 and the video game, Young Justice: Legacy, tasks place in February of team year 5 and they aren't in it does that mean they left in either January or before February 15.
also according to this
time become robin in the same time frame, did they level before or after he joined? or did you mean that he becomes robin in July-august and they left between July to February 15?

Greg responds...

1. Just because they weren't in the game doesn't definitively mean they had already left the Team. Robin wasn't with the others in "Denial," but he was still with the Team. He was simply otherwise occupied. I haven't set a specific date (beyond the year) for when those three left the Team.

2. Again, you're attempting to connect things up that don't need to be connected. I haven't set a specific date (beyond the year) for when Tim Drake/Robin joined the Team.

Response recorded on August 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

So the Tagline of Young Justice Legacy is One will rise, One will fall and One will die, now after checking the Wikia and searching the archives I am not sure about the complete answer. I know that Tula does, I suppose Kaldur falls as for who will rise, is the rise supposed to refer to Tiamat. Or does Rise refer to Dick stepping up to be a leader of the team. Basically can you tell/confirm who the three individuals in the Tagline are.

Greg responds...

I can't. I wasn't responsible for the marketing. I'm not sure who they had in mind or if they had ANYONE in mind as opposed to just thinking that the tagline sounded cool.

Though, obviously, Aquagirl was the one who died.

Response recorded on August 04, 2022

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Michael Broder writes...

Where did the Brain and Monsieur Mallah vanish to in "Alpha Male?"

Greg responds...

Does it matter?

In that moment, they didn't necessarily go far. It was all misdirection.

Shortly thereafter, they rendezvoused with Ultra-Humanite in Bwunda.

Response recorded on August 04, 2022

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Matt Itelson writes...

When the soon-to-be founders of the Justice League first met, did everyone immediately get along?

Greg responds...

Generally, if not perfectly.

Response recorded on August 03, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

Is the DeLamb family from a different part of Europe? Because I just now realized that name doesn't sound Markovian, nor does the name Frederick. If so, what country is the DeLamb family from?

Greg responds...

They are from Markovia. Given that it's a fictional country, you might be a little judgy about what does and doesn't "sound" Markovian.

Response recorded on August 03, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

How much does the team and the League actually know about Wally's death? Did they just accept it at face value - that Wally was struck by lightning and died? Was there some sort of investigation? What did they conclude?

Greg responds...

No one thought he was struck by lightning and died. I assume you don't think that either, and that you are intentionally over-simplifying what you saw on screen. And, yes, they investigated to the extent they could. The conclusion is that Wally was killed, disintegrated.

Response recorded on August 03, 2022

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Andrew S. writes...

This question is about the Shaman from the Gargoyles episode Walkabout.

Did the Shaman have any sort of knowledge or feeling that Anastasia was really Titania?

Greg responds...

He didn't mention it to me. But he doesn't have to say everything he thinks.

Response recorded on August 03, 2022

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Spectacular Spider-Geek writes...

Hi Greg,

Hope you and your family are staying healthy. I’ve been introducing Spectacular to a lot of my friends and had a couple of questions since rewatching it.

1. What did Ock do to mitigate his powerpack from losing power after his debut episode?

2. In Final Curtain, why does “Chameleon-Norman” need to hire Gargan to find Menken? In the episode, “Chameleon-Norman” is told by the Oscorp employee that the only people that can remove Menken’s address from the Oscorp database would be Norman or Menken. I thought that the real Norman would know where Menken would be since Menken says that Oscorp rented the apartment for him? I’m just confused on why the real Norman wouldn’t know and tell “Chameleon-Norman” where Menken’s location would be in order to lure Spider-Man to Menken.

3. Who came up with the idea to frame Menken? Was it Chameleon or Norman?

My friends are enjoying the show and it’s been a joy to rewatch the show. It still holds up. I’ve been enjoying YJ: Phantoms as well. Finally, I wanted to send my condolences to you for the loss of Dave Schwartz. Hope you are well and stay safe.

Greg responds...

1. Something very smart and clever, I'm sure.

2. It's been a while, but I think the point was to maintain the illusion that Menken was missing and that Norman didn't know where to find him. The real Norman did, of course, know where Menken was.

3. Norman. But it was less a frame than misdirection to lure Spidey into a trap.

Thanks for your kind words. Dave is missed.

Response recorded on August 03, 2022

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Galvino writes...

In episode 9 of YJ Phantoms, when the new chaos lord (child) is coming to Earth, on screen there are 10 Lords of Chaos and 11 Lords of Order but then after this point, both Chaos and Order respectively only have 8 Lords shown on screen. Was the time the screen showed more than 8 Lords from each side an animation error or are there actually more than 8 Lords from each side?

Greg responds...

There are probably thousands of Chaos Lords and thousands of Lords of Order. How many are gathered at any given moment is variable.

Response recorded on August 01, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

why don't we see more about the outsiders as a team and learn more about the members? it's a bit hard to connect to them..it's odd how they're made to be such a big deal in the show when we really only get beast boy's perspective

Greg responds...

Are you talking about Season Four?

They weren't the focus of the season, obviously. Instead we focused on two specific Outsiders (Superboy & Beast Boy), three members of the Team (Nightwing, Tigress and Miss Martian) and three members of the League (Aquaman, Rocket and Zatanna).

I mean the Justice League is also made out "to be such a big deal in the show" and we rarely give them time at all.

It's a show about characters. And different characters get the spotlight in different seasons. It's been that way from the beginning.

Response recorded on August 01, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why were Spoiler, Arrowette, and Thirteen featured so mcuh during comic con before season 3, giving the impression they were going to be main characters when they really only spoke in one episode?

Greg responds...

We're not in charge of publicity for the show. They went with the designs we had ready at the time, I'd guess.

But, geez, water under the bridge much?

Response recorded on August 01, 2022

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Onha21 writes...

Hello Greg !
First, i'am a big fan of your work for years now, the author job is absolutely amazing and you are one of the best for me.
But here I have one question that torture me for weeks since I have seen the masterpiece "Spectacular Spider-Man"
If the season 3 to 5 has happened... Would Peter have left Gwen somehow and ended up with Mary Jane? I dont have to judge your answer I just want to know how I have to see the charaters now... Because one thing that I really love about what you did of Mary Jane, is letting her be a incredible character on her own, not by Pete, and I cant see this Pete with this version of Mary Jane personally, and his relationship with Gwen is for me a masterpiece and one of the major good point of the series.
Deep inside of me I hope that your plan was to do Pete - Gwen the final relationship but I'm not the author here...

With all my respect, thanks for all what you did and will do, we will continue to support you <3

P.S I search for an hour now in the respond and unrespond questions and however I try to formulate the key word of the search bar, I always end with hundreds of question, I read tens of them without fiding one like mine so sorry if this was already post and/or respond, and if it was I will be gratefull to the moderator who is reading me (thanks for this giantfull work that you did for more than 10 years) to link me this post

2nd P.S : My english is really not perfect but I did my best, French are not known for their english talent haha.

Again thanks for all <3 in the past, the present and the future.

Greg responds...

Your English is WAY better than my French, believe me. Thanks for all the kind words.

BUT... I'm not going to say what we would have done with Pete, Gwen, MJ or anyone. No spoilers is the policy around here. Sorry.

Response recorded on August 01, 2022

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