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Jessica writes...

Disregard my last question. Thank you

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Goodrow writes...

Question 1 Why Greg was it decided as part of the young justice story that Garfield would lose his relationship with Perdita over his depression believing Garfield caused conner to die when conner was not dead? Question 2 Why was it decided to have as part of young justice comic story targets story to have Garfield one of the heroes to rescue Perdita if you and your staff did not intend for Garfield to get back together in relationship with Queen Perdita at the end of issue 6 of young justice comic targets story target?

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Anonymous writes...

Is there an out-of-universe reason why a lot of Team members go inactive while many Justice Leaguers don’t? Off the top of my head characters former Team members like Troia, Garth, Karen, Mal, Freddy, Mary, etc have left the hero life, while only two Leaguers, Will and Orin, have left (and Orin later returned), even though the League was founded years earlier.

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Jessica writes...

If I give you my right arm will you give Puck his powers back???
So he doesn’t die locked in Owen in the 2198 timeline or whatever that was ? I will literally do anything for Puck to get his powers back. You don’t know what this means to me.

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Suzie writes...

After the season 4 finale of Young Justice...
1. Does Dru-Zod now see Superboy as his archenemy?
2. Does Ursa now see Miss Martian as her archenemy?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, did Kate Kane attended the United States Military Academy (also known metonymically as West Point or simply as Army) in West Point, New York? Also, during that time, was she in a secret romantic relationship with her roommate, Sophie Moore? Finally, was Kate expelled from the academy after she was anonymously outed as a lesbian?

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Anonymous writes...

Supermartian on the topic of kids/being parents

1. What would happen if M'gann and Conner had a child together? How would that work?
2. Would M'gann be able to give birth the typical way of human or a martian?
3. Can they even have kids since martian produce differently than humans?
4. Have they ever discussed having kids, wanting them or being parents themselves?
5. How would you see Conner and M'gann as parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman After Forager gave his high school graduation speech did Halio and Harper Row both through off there graduation hats while cheering and before congradulating him on his speech ?

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Anonymous writes...

I've got some questions about martian shapeshifiting, mostly how do their bodies adapt and can they function as normal humans and gain their qualities.

For example whenever, M'gann, J'onn or Em'ree are in their human forms, can they hear like a human? can they go to the toilet like a human? and more importantly for the females, can they get pregnant whilst in their human forms or not?

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Anonymous writes...

In YJ: Targets issue 4, Oliver’s hospital tag shows his date of birth, and from what I could pick up, it’s May 16th. Is that correct?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you’re having a good day and wouldn’t mind answering some questions?

1. How many Earth days was a year on Krypton before its destruction?
2. How many hours was a day on Krypton before its destruction?
3. How old was Rao when it exploded?
4. How many light-years was Krypton to Earth?
5. What was the population of Krypton before its destruction?
6. Are devourers originally from the Phantom Zone, or were they put in there?
7. Is the name of the Kryptonian language (the one spoken by Lor-Zod) called Kryptonese?
8. What type of god was Rao revered as?
9. Was the name of said religion Raoism?
10. When did Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman marry?
11. When did Lois find out Clark’s secret about him being Superman?

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Anonymous writes...

Considering that Kyle Rayner is the fourth human to become a Green Lantern in the comics, does that mean he is the fourth Green Lantern in the Earth-16 universe mentioned by Orin to have joined the Justice League in Season 4 of Young Justice; even though Kyle Rayner hasn't actually been mentioned by name yet?

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lillybug2253 writes...

Just want to start off by saying that I LOVE Young Justice. There was a time in my life where it helped me out of a dark place.

1.) So, according to a couple of articles online, HBO Max has NOT renewed for any more seasons... Does that mean that YJ has been cancelled again or will it be making it's way to a different platform?

2.) Are Eduardo and Bart canonically gay or is that just fan theory? I have read things where they are and other where people say they're not... I figured asking you directly would be best so there is no confusion.

3.) Have you ever read any of the YJ fanfiction?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. In the Earth-16 universe, does the Soultaker katana does exactly what it is named for; taking the souls of those that have been killed by it?

#2. How and when exactly did Lady Shiva learned about the Soultaker katana? Her conversation during her fight against Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro) implies that she wanted the weapon in her possession for a very long time.

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Connor Marlow writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman, long time fan of your work I just wanted to say first off.

My actual question is that since Gargoyles existed in all the other parts of the British isles, with Scotland seeming to have a particularly large number of clans, would the just as mountainous Wales have had a large Gargoyle population once with multiple clans living there? I just remember you saying Gargoyles preferred high cliffs and mountains and Wales sounded like it would have been a perfect place for a large Gargoyle population before humans got them.

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Tomi writes...

What do you think of Edgar Allan Poe?

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Ricardo writes...

Hey Greg, i know this doesn’t necessarily only apply to the YJ show as it also applies to the comics and to Marvel, but what is the Earth-16 in-universe explanation for how the Justice League/superheroes seem to have the technological capability of travelling interstellar distances across the Milky Way Galaxy but regular humans/Earth governments/space agencies seem to be in the same place technologically as we are in real life when it comes to space travel and exploration? i noticed that in the first episode of Season 4 we saw a glimpse of the Curiosity rover on Mars, which is actually what led me to ask this question. why aren’t there already human colonies on Mars or on other celestial bodies in the solar system or even outside the solar system when humanity on Earth-16 clearly seem to have the technology that would allow them to do so?

of course this is assuming that Earth’s governments and space agencies on Earth-16 are in the same position technologically as us in real life but if that’s genuinely the case, then why is that compared to the Justice League/superhero community?

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Anonymous writes...

To clarify, I’m not asking about specific dates.

1. Was Kaldur ever in the closet, or are sexualities other than heterosexuality considered so natural/accepted in Atlantean society that he was never in the closet at all when he was younger?
2a. Was Ed ever in the closet?
2b. Was Harper Rowe ever in the closet
3. For the character you can’t specify as gay, were they in the closet when they joined the team?
4. As you probably already know, Tim came out as bisexual in the comics, but I’m guessing that wasn’t part of your initial plan for him when you created the show. Do you consider Tim bi now on Earth-16 (since it also doesn’t affect his relationships with Cassie and Steph)?
5. Thank you for including diversity (LGBTQ and otherwise) into the show! Many of us really appreciate it!

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why did Garfield and Superman leave Mars and not stay to help investigate Superboy's death or at the least confront M'comm since at the time, everyone believed he was to blame for Superboy's death?

2. Was there any reasons for their departure?
3. How long did they stay on Mars before returning home to Earth?
4. Why did they not stay to further comfort M'gann in light of the fact she just lost her fiance?

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Paul writes...

1) Is Black Mary able to transform back into her normal human form (assuming that she has a choice and is not being prevented from doing so by others like Granny Goodness), or is she now stuck in this form?

2) Hypothetical question now so I imagine you might not answer, but I'll try anyway. If Black Mary were to transform back into Mary Bromfield and then say "Shazam!" *after* that, would Mary have a choice (or any control whatsoever) regarding whether she would end up in her Black Mary form or her white Sergeant Marvel form? Basically I'm asking whether Mary could choose (*by herself*) to take the white costume form over the black costume form, or vice versa.

(If the answer to question 2 is yes and Mary *could* make this decision somehow inherently, I imagine that there would possibly be criteria such as her state of mind (i.e. whether she intends to do good or do evil), but I don't want to get into her state of mind as I don't want to overcomplicate the above questions.)

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Is it more accurate to say that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are identified as paternal cousins OR paternal first cousins?

#2. Would Lois Lane be identified as Kara's paternal cousin-in-law?

#3. Would Jonny Kent be identified as Kara's paternal first cousin once removed?

#4. Would Kon-El be identified as Kara's paternal genetic cousin; given that Kon-El is the half-clone of Kal-El?

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Anonymous writes...

If Jor-El and Zor-El are truly Kru-El's paternal cousins in the Earth-16 universe, then would that mean that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are Kru-El's paternal second cousins?

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Anonymous writes...


#1. Lara El's father, Lor-Van, is the maternal grandfather of Kal-El and the paternal great-uncle of Kara Zor-El.

#2. Alura El's father, In-Ze, is the maternal grandfather of Kara Zor-El and the paternal great-uncle of Kal-El.

#3. Alura El is the mother of Kara Zor-El and the paternal aunt of Kal-El.

#4. Prior to her marriage to Jor-El, Lara El's unmarried name was Lara Lor-Van. Likewise, prior to her marriage to Zor-El, Alura El's unmarried name was Alura In-Ze.

#5. Because Kal-El's father (Jor-El) and Kara Zor-El's father (Zor-El) are brothers, Kal-El and Kara are considered paternal cousins in each other's point-of view.

#6. All relationships that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El would have with other family members of the House of El outside of their respective immediate families are considered to be the paternal side of the family.

#7. Kru-El is the paternal cousin of Jor-El and Zor-El in the Earth-16 universe because Kru-El's father and Jor-El's and Zor-El's father are brothers.

#8. The name of Kru-El's father is Zim-El.

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Anonymous writes...

Based on what happened in the post-credits scene in the Season 4 mid-season finale of "Young Justice: Phantoms," it appears that Granny Goodness has likely somehow been keeping watch on Mary Bromfield for quite some time; presumably from the moment she stopped becoming Sergeant Marvel up to the conclusion of the Zatanna story arc in Season 4. She likely somehow observed that Mary had a power addiction problem and likely determined that Mary was a potential candidate to become a member of the Female Furies if she took advantage of Mary's problem. Once a heartbroken Mary left Zatanna's team due to being excluded from the Doctor Fate rotation, Granny Goodness spoke to her telepathically and filled her head with lies; thus causing Mary to succumb to her temptation and turning her into Black Mary. Is my interpretation of Granny Goodness' involvement in Mary's turn into a supervillain correct?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, I believe that Barbara Gordon is able to walk again thanks to some kind of neural implant surgery. As such, why hasn't that option been explored yet for her in the Earth-16 universe?

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