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Jordan writes...

Did Lex Luthor and Vandal Savage knew each before the formation of the Light?

Did Ra's Al Ghul and Lex Luthor knew each other before the formation of the Light?

Did Vandal Savage and Ocean-Master knew each other before the formation of the Light?

How did Vandal Savage knew about Queen Bee was she already activate as a supervillian before the formation of the Light?

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Anonymous writes...

What's the name of Coral's son?
Who is its bio father?

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Serious Star Solstice writes...

I've been watching and LOVING YJ S4, but I do have one question. If Arion, the son of Vandal Savage (not the clone), was truly immortal, then how is it that he was able to be killed when the statue fell on him? I believe that Vandal himself survived a similar crushing when Klarion was killing him for entertainment.

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Artistic Wonder writes...

Hey Greg! I have been typing a series of questions for you to look over when you have the time. It's okay to read all or none of them, but for this one I hope you will take the time answering especially because I don't think anyone has asked you questions about the mental issues on your show Young Justice.

1) What inspired you to give Beast Boy PTSD? As someone who had to suffer anxiety over loss I really appreciate you doing this instead of making BB not have any mental repercussions at all.

2) As a psych major I appreciate the hard work you put into making mental health issues an understandable topic for your audience. I wish more people could have reached out to me the way Beast Boy's family did when I lost my loved ones. I would like to know did you talk to anyone from the APA or other mental health institutions about how to portray mental health treatment in the show?

3) I believe I understand why you killed Superboy in this season and that is because his death was what needs to get all of these characters to deal with their phantoms. But like real people who die they don’t come back, do you believe that bringing Superboy back will undo all the character development these heroes had to go through?

4) What do you hope your audience gets out of YJ Phantoms when they watch these heroes battle with their phantoms?

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Curious Mind writes...

I'm sure there will be plenty of variants of this question, but are polygamous relationships relatively common among Atlanteans or is the relationship between La'gaan Rodunn and Coral atypical? If it's the former, would it have been possible for Kaldur to have had such a relationship with Tula and Garth - or is that something the network would have immediately vetoed?

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Artistic Wonder writes...

Hey Greg!

One of the things I love about your show is how you opened it to having conversations about faith. As a Christian, it is so refreshing to see Zatara practice his beliefs in a positive manner instead of in the stereotypical judgmental way that the media portrays most Christians.

1) In Earth-16 will we see other superheroes' beliefs displayed? I would particularly like to see Jewish characters completing the big three in world religions.

2) If religion exists how are characters able to stay steadfast in their beliefs? If I lived in a world filled with aliens, magic, and immortal beings I would always be questioning my theology.

3) Why does Zatara have so much tolerance for his non-religious teammates? Most of my Christian friends would be trying to convert them to their faith

4) Does Zatanna believe in the same religion as her father or does she have different beliefs from him? I can kind of see her possibly being resentful of God for taking her mom away and maybe disliking the fact she was forced to go to a Catholic girls' school.

5) Why is representing faith in your show important to you? For me, it would be because I can see myself in the characters and learn about someone else's walk of life.

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Artistic Wonder writes...

Hey Greg! Big fan of both YJ and Spectacular Spider-Man. As a gay cisman, I had some questions for you about LGBTQ representation in your Young Justice. I apologize if these are questions that someone already asked and they're buried in your archive and I did not see them, but these are important questions to me.

1) Will you give Kaldur or any of your gay characters a coming-out story? It is great to see Kaldur happy with Wyatt but because I believed he was straight for 2 seasons I felt cheated that I didn’t get to see this character discover this part of himself. A lot of shows have done the coming out story in sci-fi/fantasy animation like with Harley Quinn, but there are not a lot of those stories about gay male characters so it would mean a lot to your fans if we can go back and see how these two meet and fell in love.

2) Does homophobia exist in Earth-16? Everyone seems so nonchalant about all these characters having different sexualities, genders, and even multiple partners. 2b)In a world with different political and religious views are some DC Characters chalant towards the LGBTQ community?

3) After two seasons of not having gay representation why did you decide to include more openly queer characters in your stories? As a center-left person, I love what you have done with Kaldur, Lagann, and Violet, but some of your fans feel like these are just woke points. 3b)How do you justify your political views in the show to people who oppose them?

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walkie writes...

Apologies if this has been asked before, but I searched the archives with a few keywords and couldn't find it.
You've said that YJ season 1 isn't actually set in 2010, instead Team Year Zero just matches the 2010 calendar. I was curious why in issue 10 of the comics, the date 1968 is not only displayed visually but mentioned explicitly by Robin as a year in which things relevant to story took place (And going by other events mentioned in that comic arc 2010 would be the current year).
Was that just for viewer convenience (Team year negative 42 isn't very clean), and can it not be assumed that Robin actually meant team year negative 42 when he referenced it?

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E writes...

I loved the Kaldur arc! I was wondering about the choice to make La'gaan polyamorous (I loved it, no criticisms). Is his life with Coral and Rodunn reflective of a life Kaldur would've liked with Tula and Garth had none of them ever become sidekicks? Or am I reading too much into things?
Thank you!!

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Ian writes...

Hi greg just have a few questions about magic in Atlantis.

1. What is Wyynde's speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?
2. What is Lori Lemaris speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?
3. What is Coral's speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?
4. What is Topo's speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?
5. What is Nanaue Sha'ark speciality in Atlantean Sorcery?

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Timmy writes...

Hi Greg, who do you is the most Morally good character on the show and who is the most evil of all?

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Sara writes...

How does Mars avoid overpopulation when they live for so long and have so many children? Do they space them out, there is more room below the surface, or something else?

And would it be safe to say that Martians are more in tune with Mars resources so they don't overuse them?

Finally what do Martians eat and drink for sustenance? Not looking for every type just what do they mainly use to stay hydrated or whatever term would be most appropriate.

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Shivang Parikh writes...

Are there over 15,000 city-states in Atlantis like in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

I see what you guys are attempting to do to fix Halo and I want to let you know - it does not matter. It does not matter if Violet learns more about Gabrielle’s heritage, this does not fix the fact that she is dead with an alien inhabiting her body. That is the main problem with Halo, why are you struggling to grasp that? Why not just resurrect Gabrielle and fix the problem or let Halo go?

I anticipate your response will be that every Muslim you talked to liked it, so let me counter with my own anecdotal evidence - every single fellow Muslim fan I have encountered, in person and online, has a problem with Halo. I have yet to find a Muslim who likes her, only some people who are not as offended as others. Have you taken the time to look and see what we have been saying for the past few years?

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Gurge writes...

There seems to be a lot more acceptance of sexuality/types of relationships in Atlantean culture. I think with Kaldur, Wyynde, Rodunn, and La'gann, that more gay/bi men than we've (explicitly) met above water. Some questions:

1. Is Atlantis more accepting of LGBT+ relationships than surface dwellers?
2. Would, say, King Orin marrying a man be acceptable to the majority of Atlanteans?
3. Did you always picture La'gaan as bisexual? Is Rodunn the first man he has been in a relationship with?
4. Did Rodunn, Coral, and La'gaan enter into the relationship at the same time, or were two a couple beforehand? If so, which two?
5. Who came out to who first? Kaldur to La'gaan or La'gaan to Kaldur? If, in fact, Atlanteans "come out" in their culture.
6. Was M'gann the only person La'gaan had a relationship with while on The Team? I'd ask who, but I have a feeling that's a NO SPOILERS one.
6. To me, this is the weirdest character Yuri Lowenthal could voice and I absolutely love it. Not a question, just a statement.

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Anonymous writes...

When M'gann said she was closing up Conner's affairs what exactly were they? His motorcycle buisness? their wedding plans on Earth? A funeral? Could you be a bit more specific?

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Anonymous writes...

What's the name of the Central City Police Captain seen in Bloodlines?

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jasmine writes...

If I wanted to ask a question about an idea. But less about you taking up the idea and more about. You giving me the thoughts of the DC creator community as a hole. Would you answer, or does that still fall under the 7th rule?

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Kalito writes...

I have 5 questions to ask about Tula.

1. Did Tula ever have any parents or was she an orphan?

2. Did King Orin and Queen Mera ever see Tula as their own daughter?

3. Did Tula ever get a funeral? If so who attended it?

4. Did La'gaan mourn Tula after learning about her death?

5. Was Delphis ever told about Tula (a.k.a. Aqua Girl) and how she sacrifices herself to re-imprison Tiamat? If so then who told her?

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Anonymous writes...

I wonder why you guys picked Studio Mir for the entire season 4 of Young Justice. Was it because of any specific feature of that studio? Was it the only studio available? Do you even have a word on which studio you want to animate the show?
I personally like eMation's episodes from season 3 more than Studio Mir's one (mainly because characters were looking better in eMation's episodes and the floating hairs in Atlantis in Quiet Conversations look awesome), so I got a little disappointed when it was announced that Studio Mir was animating the whole season

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Anonymous writes...

I can’t wait for Rocket’s arc!! I have autism and I’m really looking forward to see myself on my favorite show!!

Thank you for seeing me!!

When did Beast Boy lose his virginity?
Was it with Perdita?
If no, then with who??

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Greg T. writes...

1. Are Stargirl and Courtney Whitmore the same person?

2. When did she start fighting crime?

3. When and how did she join the Outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg!
I wanted to ask why Joan passed away in-universe. Was it complications from old age, or was she sick? Had she been getting worse for a while by the time we saw her in the hospital in s3 ep17, or was it a sudden thing?

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Verdragon5 writes...

Okay, so we've seen Atlanteans resembling fish, marine mammals, and cephalopods, but are there Atlanteans resembling other forms of marine life, like crustaceans or marine reptiles?

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Anonymous writes...

In the past you've said that any character that was canonically queer in the comics would also be queer in Young Justice, because you naturally wouldn't want to erase pre-established queer representation. However, I'm curious if the same logic applies to Dinah Lance, as she was going to be revealed to be Bisexual in Gail Simone's Birds of Prey but editorial mistakes led to her stating her heterosexuality instead. Does authorial intent override the editorial error, or do you stick to what was on the page?

Also, is it safe to assume that the same logic applies to Spectacular Spider-Man, making Electro, Mystero and Black Cat all canonically Bisexual?

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Anonymous writes...

1) What is the name of the Metropolitan Museum of Art curator seen at the beginning of Secrets?

2) What's the name of the male Cuban officer seen with Colonel Bracuda and Sergeant Garcia in Early Warning?

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Anonymous writes...

If Miss Martian is trans-code, does that mean there won't be any REAL trans characters in the foreseeable future?

I used to be a he/him, but I'm one surgery away from being a full she/her, and I take some issue with this show's representation of trans people. It's a long process and the way you depict it makes it the transition look effortless.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What were the United Nations discussing about before the Joker took everyone hostage?

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Cade writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I'm loving the show right now, Kaldur's arc is shaping up to be the best in Phantoms so far. I have a question about Tim Drake that I don't believe is a spoiler question. With that said, does Jack Drake exist in this universe?
Thank you for your time.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Barbara's designation Z-12 in Batman's team during the events of Season Three?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. I was wondering who many characters on YJ above 18 are virgins. I'm a virgin myself and after struggling with depression and steep self-consciousness about it, I've finally accepted it. I feel like there's a lot of societal pressure for men to lose their virginity before turning 18, so I feel it's important to have some representation.

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Hayden Philyaw writes...

I have a few questions regarding Paul Sloane.

1) Why hasn’t Paul taken any concern for what Gar is going through?
2) Why didn’t Paul take custody of Gar after Rita and a majority of the Doom Patrol Die?
3) What was Paul’s reaction to finding out Rita and Marie died?

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Verdragon writes...

Are there Atlanteans like Topo and Nanuae that resemble marine mammals instead of fish and cephalopods, like, say, an orca?

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Anonymous writes...

1) When was Doctor Occult born?

2) When was Rose Psychic born?

3) When did Doctor Occult and Rose Psychic first become heroes?

4) When was the original Guardian born?

5) When did the original Guardian become a hero?

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Anonymous writes...

1) How old is Draaga?

2) How old is Mayor Sackett?

3) How old is Lionel Luthor?

4) How old were Jor-El and Lara El when Krypton exploded?

5) Who created the mechanical monsters that Superman fought in November of 1998?

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Anonymous writes...

Was Hugo Strange ever affiliated with Arkham Asylum?

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Anonymous writes...

1) When was Peacemaker born?

2) When did Peacemaker become a hero?

3) What are Paco and Brenda's full names?

4) Did Dan Garrett ever team-up with other heroes?

5) Does Captain Atom have a specific city that he operates in as a solo hero?

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Yoip writes...

In Artemis Through the looking glass, the end passage is about the Unicorn saying if you believe in me I'll believe in you, is the parallel to Superboy saying to phantom girl in the place where he is trapped in ep 14 when he says I'll believe you are alive, If you believe I am alive Deal.
1. Is this an intentional reference.
2. It makes me wonder those themes of each episode/ ending passage and quotes are they only episode centric only or do they foreshadow the actul plotlines of the season. Probably will know this by the time the season ends.
3. I am always curious about how do you decide which theme to use and how do you ensure one arc doesn't end up just a repetition of an old one. Like if you tackle addiction with one character and you have to tackle addiction again how are you gonna differentiate it from the first time so it doesn't seem like the same story told twice.

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Bionicblade2099 writes...

How long have the Legion of Superheroes been in the past and just how many events have they tampered with? Does Nanaue Sha’ark have a spouse or any relatives? Final Question: How powerful is the Phantom Stranger, does he have limits or is he essentially a god?

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Anonymous writes...

You said recently that Brandon and yourself pitched Phantoms to Sam Register immediately after Season 3. Did you pitch a fifth season after wrapping Season 4? (Hopefully by the time you read this question Season 5 will be in production!)

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1. Does Vandal know, with exact precision, how old he is in years?

2. Does Vandal count the age he was prior to coming in contact with the meteorite, assuming he even knows how old he was?

3. Does Vandal still need to eat and drink? Starvation and dehydration do fall under the category of death, not to mention suffocation. Can he survive even without air?

4. Does Vandal's regeneration grant him immunity to disease? I’m guessing fatal ones don't affect him. But what about common or progressive illness?

5. Does Vandal have a meta gene? To be specific, did the meteorite mutate or evolve him in a way to give him the meta gene(or the meta gene's precursor), or did Vandal already have the meta gene, and the meteorite simply triggered it?

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Anonymous writes...

Would The Prize audioplay be included in a hypothetical Season 4 Blu-Ray?

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Anonymous writes...

Did anyone bury teekl 1 after flaw killed her?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the United Nations were briefed on the existence of The Light based on the evidence presented by the Justice League, does that mean that every federal agency around the world was put on high alert and those members of the Light who attended the summit with the Reach are on the most wanted list?

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Anonymous writes...

Consedring child considers savage basically like a lord of order. Why did she not try to elimate him and the light?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I have heard that an adult animated series based on Legion of Super-Heroes is being developed by Brian Michael Bendis for HBO Max. If this is true, does that mean it would now be virtually impossible for you to possibly do a spin-off based on this superhero team in the Earth-16 DC Universe? Or might there still be a way for a spin-off to somehow happen one day in the future?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Since Saturn Girl is identified as 18 years old, that would mean that she would have been born in the year 3002, correct? If not, then what is the correct birth year?

#2. Assuming her code name suggests that Saturn Girl was truly born on the planet Saturn in the 31st century, does that mean that she and her people would be identified as Saturnians?

#3. Since Phantom Girl and Chameleon Boy are identified as 15 years old, that would mean that they would have been born in the year 3005, correct? If not, then what is the correct birth year?

#4. Is Chameleon Boy from the planet Durla and, as such, he and his people are identified as Durlans?

#5. Is Phantom Girl from the planet Bgztl and, as such, she and her people are identified as Bgztlians?

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Victor writes...

Hello Greg! I'm absolutely LOVING Kaldur's arc so far, and I'm now fascinated with all things Atlantis, so here are some questions:

1 - According to the YJ wiki and the Legacy tie-in game, Tula was born sometime in 1994 and died on February 18, 2015. I know you don't calculate birthdays unless necessary, but do you know if Tula was 20 or 21 when she died?
2 - Was Mera a student at the Conservatory of Sorcery or did she cultivate her mystical prowess elsewhere?
3 - Speaking of, is the Conservatory of Sorcery only for children/teenagers learning sorcery (given we've only seen teenagers as students) or can anyone of any age attend?
4 - Does Atlantis use the same dating system that the surface world uses? For example, is December 31 (or whatever that translates to in Atlantean) the last day of the year in Atlantis like it is for the rest of the planet? I do wonder how the Atlanteans keep track of the days if they cannot see the sun or the moon, or are they not as deep underwater as I'm assuming? Perhaps it has to do with the ocean's currents?
5 - Is Calvin Durham considered a metahuman?

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Mark writes...

I had a query about the timeline relating to Beast Boy's activities during Zatanna's arc. I genuinely don't mean this as some sort of gotcha, but while writing up Gar's wiki entry I got a bit confused.

In Teg Ydaer, for the timestamp May 14 00:23PDT, Beast Boy is sleeping on the couch as the Outsiders are about to begin a mission. Later the same episode, the Outsiders return from their mission to find Gar still asleep. Later still, he is asleep in bed with lots of pills on his nightstand.

But in the next episode, we get the timestamp May 14 02:37PDT. Gar is on the set of Space Trek, and it appears he has been there for quite some time. It seems we are supposed to infer there has been a long and unproductive day of shooting. Yet it is just over two hours after he was first seen sleeping on the couch in the previous episode. Perhaps the final scene of Gar in bed from Teg Ydaer is supposed to be after the Space Trek scenes in Og Htrof Dna Reuqnoc, but it still doesn't make sense for the rest to be so close together. How fast was that mission against the Headmaster?

Actually the whole of the timing of Garfield's plot in the arc seems off. His sleeping on the couch in Teg Ydaer comes just three and a bit hours after her fell asleep in bed with the first sleeping pills in the previous episode (May 13 21:05PDT). After getting the over the counter pills, he has a load of what look like prescription pills less than 24 hours later.

To me it seems at least three days worth of activity has been crammed into just over 24 hours. Is there an error in the timestamps, or am I missing something?

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Mark writes...

In Royal We, we see that darkwear distorts the wearer's face on cameras.

1) Is the distortion caused by the contact lenses or the mask?

In Leverage and The Prize, the possibility of Amanda Waller outing the Team is taken very seriously. But in True Colors, G. Gordon Godfrey claimed to have already outed the League's covert ops unit, presumably after getting info from Tseng after the Watchtower was revealed. Members of the Team would also have been seen during the coverage of events in Markovia in Nevermore. It seems like the existance of the Team is already known, and it doesn't appear, at least as of Leverage, that Waller knows much about it apart from that it exists.

2) What exactly did Godfrey reveal about the Team?
3) How much does Waller know about it?

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