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Hobbiton writes...

What is your opinion on Batman V Superman? Did it disappoint you?

Greg responds...

I didn't see it.

Response recorded on October 31, 2016

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Asker writes...

Hello Greg! DC's Rebirth event recently brought back Kaldur'ahm/Jackson Hyde back into the main DC universe. He's also revealed to be attracted to men and he even has a boyfriend.

Considering your previous tweet about not assuming YJ Kaldur to be straight, does the recent DC reveal have any bearing on his animated counterpart's sexual or romantic orientation?

Greg responds...

It has no bearing. Beyond that, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on October 28, 2016

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Jackson writes...

I'm sure you're aware, but Marvel has been churning out plenty of content with the MCU.
1. Have you kept up with the movies and shows? Or do you not go out of your way to do so?
2. Whatever the previous answer is, would you say that it's too much content?
3. What are your thoughts on the franchise as a whole, especially as another interpretation of the Marvel Universe?
4. Do you think doing a direct adaptation of a comic book universe like with Young Justice has its advantages, or is this string of movies (and shows) the way to go?

Greg responds...

1. I've seen all the movies. I'm about a year behind on SHIELD, though I've DVR'd all the episodes and hope to get through a bunch of them when my son comes home from college for winter break. I've seen both seasons of Daredevil, Jessica Jones and am about halfway through Luke Cage. I haven't seen any of the animated content.

2. No.

3. Generally, I love it. I'm not saying it's perfect, but their track record in movies is astounding. Some I think are truly great films. Some I just enjoy. But every single one, starting with the first Iron Man movie entertained. SHIELD has been a mixed bag, but I enjoy watching it with my wife and son. (My daughter's not into it.) I've enjoyed Daredevil, loved Jessica Jones, and I've been enjoying Luke Cage, so far.

4. Young Justice is no more (and no less) a "direct" adaptation than the MCU is. I'm not sure what the contrast is in your mind.

Response recorded on October 28, 2016

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Brian Josephs (VICE, brian.josephs@vice.com) writes...

Good afternoon. My name is Brian Josephs and I'm a reporter working for VICE. I hope this message finds you in good spirits.

I'm writing you because I'm working on an article examining the furry community. A historian told me that Gargoyles has been a point of interest, and the 2014 CONvergence convention honored the 20th anniversary of the show by featuring a panel.

Are you available briefly for a phone conversation tomorrow about the experience? If so, please shoot me an email at brian.josephs@vice.com. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

Greg responds...

Hey Brian,

You posted this in March, so I'm assuming that I'm getting to it a bit too late to be of any use. And though I welcome fandom of any fur, I must admit I don't know much about the furry community. CONvergence, for example, is not a specifically furry con. Though I'm sure some furries attend.

If you're still interested in talking with me, shoot me a tweet at @Greg_Weisman, and we'll go from there.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Lylatroid writes...

If you were to play a Nintendo game or two, what would it be and why?

Greg responds...

I don't know anything about Nintendo. Couldn't name a single game with confidence.

Response recorded on October 07, 2016

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B writes...

Have you read Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons Eight, Nine and Ten?

Greg responds...

I read Season Eight, in a very disjointed way. Meant to sit down and read it through with more coherence after the fact, but never got around to it. And haven't yet read - or purchased - seasons nine and ten.

Response recorded on October 03, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

What are your thoughts on The Incredibles, and the fact that a sequel is in the works?

Greg responds...

I loved The Incredibles, and I have high hopes of loving any sequel.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Adam Arlington writes...

I've been wondering for some time: how do yo feel about the new direction that DC Animated Movies have taken (that is, releasing two movies a year that are a part of a shared continuity and releasing one that isn't)? I know that your style of storytelling seems to be telling incredibly intricately done and well-researched, linear stories. And I also know that, given your status as a hungry writer and sometimes employee of DC Animation, even if you didn't care for the new movies, you'd probably be obligated to find at least something positive to say about them. But I'm speaking from more of a storytelling perspective (i.e. execution of ideas) versus whether or not you like the movies, in and of themselves.

In general, I tend to think that they've released some good offerings, with some (Justice League: War, Batman vs. Robin, Batman: Bad Blood), of course, being better than others (Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, Son of Batman). I also, however, think that the crew behind those movies often fall prey to two problems.

The first problem is the short runtime. I feel like many of those movies start out with or build up to excellent premises or ideas, but because they're only 72 minutes long, an amazing plot will be shoehorned to conclusion in ten to fifteen minutes and the resolution will feel rushed or forced. Characters, both on the side of good and evil, will make major, nonsensical, life altering or, indeed, life ending decisions with next to zero provocation, next to zero buildup, next to zero forethought, and, thus, next to zero payoff in terms of emotional reactions from the audience.

The second problem is that, in my estimation, the producers and writers don't seem to be crafting a linear narrative or working from a single, coherent production bible. The goal seems to be more about putting out two movies while only having a broad idea of what they should include, with no real fine-tuning. I think that that's a problem when addressing what's supposed to be a single continuity of films and it leads to unnecessary and (eventually) gaping plot holes, etc. I digress. I understand that Warner Brothers, Cartoon Network, etc. supposedly doesn't like linear stories, right now. (Even Paul Dini once said something to that effect, arguing that executives feel that linear stories draw in too many girl viewers, versus boys who will purchase toys.) So, perhaps, that's why even with in-continuity movies, there isn't a heavy amount of connective tissue.

Greg responds...

I haven't seen them.

Response recorded on September 22, 2016

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Jackie writes...

So it was recently announced that Samurai Jack is getting new episodes after more than ten years. Does this signal a general interest on the part of CN in reviving shows that were popular with older viewers? Is there hope for Young Justice?

Greg responds...

I think there's a lot of hope for YJ, but not on CN.

I could be wrong, however.

Response recorded on September 16, 2016

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Jk writes...

Are you watching DC's live action shows? What do you think about them? Do you like the new characters like Felicity?

Greg responds...

I was. I stopped last year. They're not for me. Generally, though, I'm open to new characters. I liked Felicity.

Response recorded on September 13, 2016

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Vincent writes...

1. I know you've seen the Justice League animated series, and hopefully it hasn't been too long since then when you get to this, but what did you think of its first season?

2. Have you seen Spongebob Squarepants, particularly episodes of its earlier seasons? If so, what did you think of them?

Greg responds...

1. I liked it.

2. I've seen only a handful of Spongebobs. And I have no idea which season they were from.

Response recorded on September 12, 2016

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infernap writes...

Hey, Greg.

I'm sure that you've heard of the new JLA show that was confirmed recently by Cartoon Network Canada for next year. My questions are:

1. How crash would you be if they asked you to work on the show (like as an adviser)?

2. How crash would you be if they decided to set it on Earth-16?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

Greg responds...

1. Eh. I always like getting paid. But I'm invested in the YJ version of the DCU. I'm not unwilling to explore another continuity. Could be fun. But I'm not dying for it.

2. It wouldn't. Brandon and I would like to maintain control of Earth-16.

Response recorded on September 12, 2016

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Mr. Chesley writes...

Hello Greg,

1) Chelsey here. Just wanted to congratulate you on Star Wars Rebels, huge fan of it. Were you a fan of the Clone Wars prior to Rebels?

2) I am disappointed to here your thoughts on ROTJ. Haha, I think you're a bit crazy for it(I kid). I get your critique on the Ewoks but the scenes in the Emperor's Throne Room....I am not sure how you could have done that any better. The Emperor is using the second death star as a trap to lure the Rebels to zap them one by one, not sure what's so bad about that. Also, the reason why Darth Vader is character he is who he is today is because of Return of the Jedi.

3) Were you a fan of the Kevin Conroy Batman animated series in the 90's?

Greg responds...

1. I wasn't actually. Hadn't seen it or not much of it, really. When I got the gig, I began watching it and became a fan, particularly of Asohka.

2. I believe the scene with the Emperor is poorly edited and written. If the Emperor just keeps his mouth shut for five minutes, Luke turns to the dark side and the Empire wins. But the Emperor insists on gloating out loud, and it's that very gloating that keeps Luke from turning. Not once. Not twice. But three times. I don't mind the ewoks, by the way. Don't love everything about how they were used in the movie. But they're not my issue with that lukewarm film. I also really hate that Luke and Leia are siblings. I will go to my grave thinking that was not the original plan, and that it was an unnecessary and wrongheaded addition to the canon.

3. Of course. Huge fan. Still am.

Response recorded on September 12, 2016

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Domenic writes...

In Gargoyles, did you have any other Disney characters make any cameos?

Greg responds...


Well, there was Donald Duck. And of course, Elisa likes to dress as Disney Princess's on Halloween. She was Belle one year on the show, and Jasmine in the comics.

Nothing else pops to mind.

Response recorded on September 09, 2016

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Harlan of Ash and Foam writes...

I wondered this a while ago but only remembered to ask just now.

Being what seems like one of the few fans who enjoys both Gargoyles and Power Rangers (it's never seemed too contradictory to me to enjoy both a fun, Shakespearean adventure romp and a serialized MST3K movie), it's always felt rather bittersweet that one of my childhood loves contributed to the downfall of another. I can't blame your, heavily implied if not often directly stated, reservations about the show.

But I don't really want to confront you about that as much as I wanted to ask: given the history, it really stuck out to me that Aicaya was directly described in Spirits of Ash and Foam as a "Mighty Morphin' manatee." It's not jarring in the book's isolated context, but does seem odd coming from you. Not bad, exactly, quite the opposite: I thought it was amusing that Opie would adopt something like Power Rangers into his shorthand and was a really fun instance of characterization.

But because I feel like asking questions only I could reasonably care about,

1. Does Opie like Power Rangers, or was his word choice based more on the influence that might come from reading the thoughts of Rain, Charlie, et al.?

2. If he does, what about it do you think appealed to Opie?

3. Was Maq's Batman joke an intentional correlation to Opie's reference, them sharing some shared affection for superheroes as some characterization point, or were they both just coincidental larks?

Greg responds...

1. I think it would amuse him.

2. The goofiness.

3. Two separate references.

Response recorded on September 08, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

You have stated that you are "'just not that familiar with Cassandra Cain'".

1. Are you familiar with Nell Little?

1. Are you familiar with Jamie Harper?

Greg responds...

1. Familiar? No. Aware? Yes.

1. Familiar? No. Aware? Yes.

By the way, I'm more familiar with Cassandra Cain now.

Response recorded on August 30, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Have you read the Grimm storyline from Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #149 - 153?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 24, 2016

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Felgrand writes...

1. Assuming you were able to, would you write an episode (or a comic issue) of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic if you were asked?

2. Would you also be a part of the creative team for the show if asked (again, assuming you were able to)? I'd like to think the show would be better with your input.

Greg responds...

1. Probably. I'm not particularly familiar with the property. But a paycheck is a paycheck.

2. Sure. Though I somehow doubt they need me.

Response recorded on August 08, 2016

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Broncos fan writes...

Do you watch Arrow,Flash,or Marvel Agents Of Shield?

Greg responds...

1. I did.

2. I did.

3. I do. But I'm almost an entire season behind, because I watch it with my son, and he's been away at college.

Response recorded on July 22, 2016

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Tyler writes...

Do you think the newer live action movies based off of the DC comics will have any impact on the chances of Young Justice returning? Could it possibly make some new fans interested?

Greg responds...

Anything's possible. But the best ways to get a third season of Young Justice are:

1. #KeepBingingYJ on Netflix

2. Purchase and binge the episodes from iTunes or other LEGIT sources

3. #BuyYJBluRaysDVDs

4. #BuyYJComicsonComixology or iTunes

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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Kellen O'Rourke writes...

Hello again Greg,
A couple of things, I read the archives and I got a couple of answers to my previous questions. I'd like to ask your opinions on the Spider-Man film franchise, specifically the two The Amazing Spider-Man films.
1. Do you agree with the general response on those films or not. As you know none of those films were really loved much.
2. What do you think of it ending prematurly and the franchise getting a third reboot? Are you excited for that?
3. Also wondering, how did the sales go for the complete series of The Spectacular Spider-man on blu-ray? I got it as soon as it was released and let me tell you, it's one of the best investments I ever made.

Hope you're doing well and thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I didn't see the second one and thus can't comment on that at all. I thought there was a lot to like about the first one, but felt I didn't really need the origin again.

2. I have no opinion on that specifically. But I did like Spidey's appearance in Civil War. So that's promising. Not sure about hot Aunt May. Seems ageist.

3. I have no idea. They don't give me that information.

Response recorded on July 19, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Have you ever read Shakespeare's Dog by Leon Rooke? (It is the story of Shakespeare's marriage to Anne Hathaway as told from the perspective of Shakespeare's dog.) Here it is on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Shakespeares-Dog-Novel-Leon-Rooke/dp/0880010932. It's quite funny.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 13, 2016

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Atelson Fitgerald writes...

By the time you answer this, I bet the movie is in quick production or you've been sworn to silence. With all the rumors of Marvel's untitled Spidey film coming up, there are tons of rumors saying that it's pulling from the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series including the title and teen dynamic. By any chance, are you involved in any way with the film?

Greg responds...

No. And that's NOT me being cagey. I'm not involved at all.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Cheston writes...

What are your thoughts on David Ayer's upcoming Suicide Squad movie?

Greg responds...

I haven't seen it. So I have no thoughts for public consumption. I try not to pre-judge stuff I haven't seen, and I certainly wouldn't post prejudice or supposition on the internet. It's too pristine for that.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Random question. If the main cast of Gargoyles was in a horror movie, like let say Friday the 13th, what order you think they die in?

Greg responds...

I don't watch horror movies.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Have you read the DC Comics event "Convergence" yet? The final issue (#8) indirectly suggests that the "Young Justice" animated TV series, which is your version of the Earth-16 universe, can now come back and now your stories set in that universe can still continue...

Greg responds...

I never read it.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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CONvergence 2016

I leave tomorrow for CONvergence 2016 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Okay, really Bloomington, MN, but close enough.) CONvergence is one of my favorite cons. And I have the honor of being their first fan-funded guest. Here's my schedule for the long weekend:

GUEST RECEPTION 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Atrium 4

"Why Gargoyles is Still Relevant" 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Atrium 6 w/Christopher Jones, Patrick Fisher, Alana Profit, Chandra Reyer.

RADIO PLAY AUDITIONS 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Plaza 3 w/Christopher Jones.

"Physics of Time Travel" 03:30pm - 04:30pm
Edina w/Renate Fiora (m), Dan Berliner, Melanie Galloway, Jim Kakalios.

"Fancy Bastard Pie Competition" 08:30pm - 09:30pm
Garden Court - Southwest w/GPS.

FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016
SIGNING 11:00am - 12:00pm
Autograph Table B.

RADIO PLAY AUDITIONS 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Plaza 3 w/Christopher Jones, Khary Payton.

"Writing by Ear" 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Bloomington w/Patrick Marsh (m), Emma Bull, Aimee Kuzenski, Jim McDoniel.

"Don't Call Them Sidekicks: The Enduring Power of Teenage Superheroes" 03:30pm - 04:30pm
Bloomington w/ Christopher Jones, Jessa Markert, Khary Payton, Sylus Rademacher.

"Drawing with the Masters" 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Plaza 2 w/Christopher Jones, Ruth Thompson.

"Why Diversity Needs to be Deeper than Marketing" 08:30pm - 09:30pm
Edina w/ Trisha Lynn (m), Kate Norlander, Jonathan Palmer, Dirk Ykema.

"Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome Live Podcast" 10:00pm - 11:00pm
Edina w/Windy Bowlsby, Melissa Kaercher.

"Building Worlds for Fiction" 09:30am - 10:30am
Plaza 1 w/Michael Carus (m), J.M. Lee, Melissa Olson, Lynne M. Thomas.

"Why We Need Representation in Superheroes" 11:00am - 12:00pm
Edina w/ Christopher Jones, Bri Lopez Donovan, Khary Payton, Lynne M. Thomas.

RADIO PLAY REHEARSAL 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Atrium 6 w/ Christopher Jones, Jim Kakalios, Khary Payton and a cast of tens.

RADIO PLAY PERFORMANCE 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Atrium 6 w/ Christopher Jones, Jim Kakalios, Khary Payton and a cast of tens.

"Superficially Strong Female Characters" 05:00pm - 06:00pm
Edina w/ Crystal Huff (m), Kathryn Sullivan, Chrysoula Tzavelas, Joan Marie Verba.

"One on One with Christopher Jones" 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Edina (m) w/Christopher Jones.

ANIMATION BLUE 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Atrium 6 w/Christopher Jones, Lyda Morehouse, Khary Payton, Jenna Powers, Edmund Tsabard.

SUNDAY, JULY 03, 2016
YOUNG JUSTICE 09:30am - 10:30am
Atrium 6 w/Christopher Jones, Khary Payton.

SIGNING 11:00am - 12:00pm
Autograph Table B.

RAIN OF THE GHOSTS 12:30pm - 01:30pm

READING 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Rm 2201.

ONE ON ONE 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Atrium 6 w/Melissa Kaercher.

Bookmark Link

Coby writes...

How do you feel about the next DEATH BATTLE episode with X-Men's Beast and Goliath? Who do you think would win?

Greg responds...

I can't figure out why they would fight.

Response recorded on June 24, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. What is your opinion on the DC Universe Original Animated Movie, Justice League: Gods and Monsters?

2. Have you ever considered doing a DC Universe Original Animated Movie of your own?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't seen it.

2. I'd love to. But it's not up to me.

Response recorded on June 22, 2016

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Jamey Dean writes...

Hey, did you take note that in a recent episode of Once Upon A Time, the Chernabog appeared, and actually looked quite a bit like Goliath?

Greg responds...

No, I missed that. I assume he looked more like Chernabog than Goliath, since Goliath looks a bit like Chernabog (who was one of Goliath's visual inspirations).

Response recorded on May 25, 2016

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Casual writes...

Have you read Austin Grossman's 'Soon I Will Be Invincible'?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 24, 2016

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Taha writes...

Would you be open to writing an episode of Ultimate Spider-Man?

Greg responds...

I would have been.

Response recorded on May 18, 2016

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ryan writes...

What was your favorite arc in star wars the clonewars?Also who was your favorite charcter?

Greg responds...

My brain doesn't really work that way.

I don't have a favorite arc, per se. And I still haven't seen all of clone wars. But Ahsoka popped for me.

Response recorded on May 17, 2016

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Anomymous Writes writes...

What you think of Teen Titans Go?

Greg responds...

I like it. I think it's funny.

Response recorded on May 16, 2016

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Wonderfulakari writes...

Name five of your favorite animated shows not run by you in no particular order.

Counting live action as well what TV show gets you most excited for the next episode?

Greg responds...

I dunno. I may have to turn in my geek card, because my brain doesn't rank things. In times past, I've loved the Simpsons, Futurama, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Jonny Quest, Space Ghost, the Herculoids and many more.

I still watch a ton of television. I'm about four weeks behind, and there's a lot I like, but nothing that makes me want to jump things ahead in the queue. There's nothing I binge. I generally don't like binging stuff. I'd rather watch one episode at a time.

Response recorded on May 10, 2016

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ShadZ writes...

Have you been reading the Gotham Academy comic book (since Gotham Academy first appeared in Young Justice)? It's good...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2016

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A History of Disney Television Animation, Volume One

I've contributed to this worthy Kickstarter. I thought some of you might want to also: http://kck.st/1WRcqGd

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Out of curiosity, what is your opinion about the title of the new Star Wars movie (The Force Awakens) and what do think is the possible meaning/interpretation behind the naming of title?

Greg responds...

I didn't know when you asked the question, and to be honest, I still don't know now. The title is just the title for me in this case. Or maybe it refers to the two young leads stepping up.

But I do like the movie.

Response recorded on April 04, 2016

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b_bee430 writes...

Greg, have you seen The Flash on The CW? If you have, what are your thoughts on it? Also, last year there was a rumor that the CW were planning a Young Justice live action teen drama for 2015. Have you heard about it at all? And do you think a live action adaption of YJ would be good? I was just wondering and thanks for answering!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I really liked Season One. I'm way behind watching Season Two. Been busy.

3. The rumors are complete bologna.

4. A live-action adaptation of YJ COULD be good. It's all about execution.

Response recorded on March 28, 2016

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Raphael writes...

5. It seems like you say books and TV sort of go atop everything else as far as entertainment goes. I'm sure it's been asked before, but I'm interested in what you're watching right now (or when I wrote this), specifically within the realm of animation. The animation I'm watching right now would be Korra, Gravity Falls, and, well Star Wars Rebels. Do you have any interest or attachment to any of these (aside from SWR of course)? I'm particularly interested in your thoughts on Avatar because I connected to it hugely when I must have been only seven or eight so I have a huge attachment to it. But I would be interested to hear about what TV you watch in general, at the time I wrote this, or when you answer this, whichever you want to answer. Perhaps just from recent months?

Thanks a bunch, I'm really interested to hear your responses to these questions.

Greg responds...

I loved Avatar, The Last Airbender. Watched it with my son. I want to see Korra, but my son is now in college, so it'll have to wait until his vacations.

I keep up with Star Wars Rebels, and I still love the series, even though I have nothing to do with the second season.

I still watch the Simpsons.

I'm watching the first season of Shimmer & Shine, though I'm only working on Season Two. But I want to see what they did.

And that's pretty much it, animation-wise. I think because I work in animation all day, every day, I'm a bit burned out on it. So I'm mostly watching only live action stuff.

Response recorded on February 25, 2016

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Long Beach Comic Expo - 2016

Here's my schedule for this weekend's Long Beach Comic Expo at the Long Beach Convention Center:


11:30am - 12:30pm
Thunderdome (Seaside Pre-Function) w/RuthAnn Thompson (moderator), Dave Crosland, Greg Weisman.
Description: Some come from another time to protect, another from a different planet to conquer- but both hold a special place in our hearts! Gargoyles VS Invader Zim. We will focus on the first 5 episodes of the TV series Gargoyles with writer/creator Greg Weisman and the first 5 issues of the Invader Zim comic books with Dave Crosland. What are the differences and similarities do these creatures out of space and time have? How will they fit in on modern day earth? Casual Fans and Hard Core Nerds alike join host RuthAnn Thompson and be "Down To Nerd"!

01:00pm - 02:00pm
Danger Room (S1) w/Ben Paddon (moderator), Terry Dodson, Craig Miller, Cat Staggs, Greg Weisman.
Description: Cat Staggs has been working for the Star Wars / LUCASFILM family since 2004, for which she has illustrated short fiction for starwars.com, produced sketch and trading cards, exclusive prints for Star Wars Celebrations III, IV, Europe, Celebration V, and Celebration VI. Terry Dodson is an American comic book artist who penciled the Dark Force Rising comic series in 1997. He has also provided art for Mark Waid's Princess Leia limited series. Moreover, Dodson has drawn the Books-A-Million variant cover to the first issue of the Shattered Empire miniseries, and the CBLDF variant to Star Wars: Vader Down, Part I. Greg Weisman is the writer for Star Wars Rebels - "The Machine in the Ghost", "Art Attack", "Droids in Distress", "Breaking Ranks", "Gathering Forces" and Star Wars: Kanan: The Last Padawan. Craig Miller was Director of Fan Relations for Lucasfilm from 1977-1980. He created and oversaw the Official Star Wars Fan Club as well as having edited and written virtually all of the first two years of Bantha Tracks. He was the producer of the Star Wars Sesame Street episodes in addition to operating R2-D2's head in the episodes, as well as being Producer for Lucasfilm on commercials such as the ones for licensee Underoos.. He was also responsible for creating the 800-number telephone hotline for The Empire Strikes Back that allowed fans to call up to receive more information about the movies and characters.

02:30pm - 03:30pm
Creator's Lab (S5)
Description: Long Beach Comic Con is proud to announce the commencement of the Second Annual Dwayne McDuffie Award. This one of a kind award will be granted on February 20, 2016 to an American comics work, published in print or digitally in 2015, deemed by the Selection Committee to promote diversity. In the spirit of Dwayne McDuffie, "promoting diversity" can be judged as either broadening the range of characters portrayed in comics, or adding to the variety of creators contributing to the medium.

04:00pm - 05:00pm
Danger Room (S1) w/Greg Weisman (moderator), Victor Cook, Kevin Hopps, Kelly Hu, Josh Keaton, Pamela Long.
Description: In 2008, a new version of everybody's favorite friendly neighborhood Web-Slinger - dedicated to recreating the feel of the original Stan Lee & Steve Ditko and Stan Lee & John Romita, Sr. comics - hit the air. Come hear the creative talents behind The Spectacular Spider-Man talk about what went in to making this classic take on a classic character. Panelists include Victor Cook (Director-Producer), Kevin Hopps (Writer), Kelly Hu (voice of Sha Shan Nguyen), Josh Keaton (voice of Peter Parker/The Spectacular Spider-Man), Pamela Long (Color Stylist) and Greg Weisman (Writer-Producer)!

06:00pm - 07:00pm
Rumble Room (S4B) w/Ray-Anthony Height (moderator), Chris Copeland, Greg Weisman, Dean Yeagle.
Description: Top animation experts Greg Weisman (Gargoyles, Spectacular Spider-Man), Dean Yeagle (Caged Beagle Productions), and Chris Copeland (Marvel/Disney Animation) discuss how they broke into animation, their work and a Q&A with the audience!

I'll also have a table a on the show floor, specifically table AN-11 in "ANIMATION ISLAND" between Ellen Jin Over and Amy Mebberson, and near Dino Andrade, Michael Bell, Keith Coogan, Chris Copeland, Matt Doherty, Loren Lester, Tiffanie Mang, Joey McCormick, Chuck Patton, Peter Paul, Sara Richards and Aaron Sparrow. I'll be there between panels on Saturday and all Sunday morning until noon. (Not as sure about Sunday afternoon. We'll have to see.)

I'll sign and personalize anything you put in front of me, but I will also be selling copies of my two novels, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM ($10 each), CD sets of the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay ($30 each) and RAIN OF THE GHOSTS prints, drawn by artist Christopher Jones ($10 each, but free with a purchase of the AudioPlay and/or both RAIN and SPIRITS). In addition, I'll be selling animation scripts from series including GARGOYLES, W.I.T.C.H., THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and others, ($20 each). Finally, I'll be selling script copies of a couple of the special one-off convention radio plays we did, i.e. THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN MEETS GARGOYLES and GARGOYLES MEETS THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN MEETS YOUNG JUSTICE ($20 each). All purchases are cash only.

I hope to see you there!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news. In "The Multiversity: The Just #1", your "Young Justice" universe apparently only exists as a video game series on Grant Morrison's Earth-16.

How screwed up is that?! I would have to assume that if you plan to come back to "Young Justice," you'd probably reboot the series on yet another parallel Earth (perhaps one of the seven intentionally unknown parallel Earths in the new 52 DC multiverse)?

Greg responds...

We were given Earth-16. Not sure why DC/Morrison chose to do what they did in Multiversity. I wasn't privy to that decision. It's disappointing, but I'm sure they had their reasons.

If we come back, we're still Earth-16. It's too late for us to change.

If that screws things up, well... c'est la vie.

And if all we are is a video game on someone's world, well - we're a hell of a game!

Response recorded on February 16, 2016

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Andres writes...

Greg you work for Disney again and are doing Star Wars I am curious I was looking at work for an Indiana Jones animated project artist Patrick Shoenmaker did that never came to be. My questions is if Disney ever produced an animated series would you be interested? Were you a fan of the Indiana Jones films? Did you ever read or get exposed to the comics either Further Adventures or Darkhorse run? The writing in those seem up your ally long archs I think it would be awesome if u are ever offered that opportunity what do you think?

Greg responds...

Well, I'm no longer working on Star Wars Rebels or at Disney - unless you count the work I'm doing at Marvel Comics, writing Star Wars Kanan and Starbrand & Nightmask.

But this is really just a hypothetical question anyway, so it doesn't really matter where I'm working.

Anyway, I loved Raiders of the Lost Ark. Didn't love the second or third movies as much and haven't seen the fourth. I loved the television series about Young Indy (though I can't remember it's exact title at this moment). Haven't seen any Indiana Jones comics.

But I have tremendous fondness for the franchise and would of course leap at the chance to work on it.

Response recorded on February 12, 2016

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello again, Mr. Weisman.

I just wanted to ask, are you a fan of John Carpenter's "The Thing"? Keith David and Charles Hallahan were both in it, and they were both on "Gargoyles". Could just be a coincidence, but I'm curious.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

Greg responds...

I've never seen it.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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Gabriel writes...

Hey, I just wanted to ask if you've seen the first two episodes of The Flash and what you thought of it? I really enjoyed Young Justice and just finished it and it's such a shame it was cancelled I hope you get to continue the story soon because I could see it being just as good or even better than The Justice league.

Greg responds...

I saw all of season one of Flash. And I'm just a couple episodes behind on Season Two.

Generally, I like Flash. It's probably my favorite of the Berlanti DC shows.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Have you read "The Multiversity: The Just" yet? If so, then what are your thoughts about this issue, considering it uses the same designation (Earth-16) as the setting of the "Young Justice" TV series? Do you feel this could create any problems for you if you ever decide to go back to "Young Justice" someday?

Greg responds...

I haven't read it and thus have no thoughts about it.

Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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Blizzard Sprite writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman.

1. Are you familiar with the manga and animé series known as Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)? The show has been a very large success in the country of Japan as well as in the United States.

2. What are your impressions of the show?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I've heard of it, but I've never seen it.

2. I have none ... cuz.. I've never seen it.

Response recorded on February 04, 2016

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Otho Fernandes Damasceno writes...

Hey Greg, I have a few personal questions for you, unrelated to your shows:
1)Given the link you provided in this blog, you obiously know about TvTropes, but I would like to know what are your favorite Tropes. (for exemple, my favorite tropes are "Physical god", "Eldritch Abomination" and "Sufficiently advanced aliens")
2)Have you watched Maleficent? What to you think about this movie?
3) What's your opnion about furries in general?
Sorry if I am being annoying, but I am just curious.

Greg responds...

1. I don't have any. I haven't studied the site. I've just looked at my shows there on occasion for fun.

2. Yes, when it first came out. In general, I liked it. A couple of minor complaints, maybe. But nothing that interfered with my overall enjoyment.

3. To each his or her own.

Response recorded on January 21, 2016

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btgr writes...

What are your thoughts about JJ Abrams taking over the Mission Impossible film series since Number 3?

Greg responds...

I have no thoughts. I haven't seen those films.

Response recorded on October 26, 2015

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AhhGoodTimes writes...

How involved were you or will you be in the upcoming Young Justice/Teen Titans Go crossover? Which btw I'm very excited for. It sounds fun!

Greg responds...

Not involved at all. Calling it a crossover is pushing it. It was more like a YJ cameo in TTG. I enjoyed it. It was fun.

Response recorded on September 30, 2015

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