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Gargoyles 2158

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OnyxStar writes...

Okay, this is turning into lots of little posts instead of one big one. But anyway, here are the next few:

1. Would Goliath and Elisa's "relationship" ever have become public knowledge? I mean, would someone have figured it out sooner or later and gone to the media with it?

2. If so, how will history remember Elisa Maza, "gargoyle-lover"?

3. Will others have followed in her example by, say, 2158? (not necessarily with a main character or anything, just in general)

4. What does 'protected minority' mean?

Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. Maybe. Probably. But WAY down the line if at all.

2. Looking back from when?

3. Here and there, but not too often. We want to keep some things unique.

4. It will be a legal term both well-meaning and condescending, both necessary and a stumbling block. Otherwise, I'd say it's fairly self-explanatory.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Lawrence Stone writes...

Hello Greg here are some more quistions

1) Would Demona and her new mate in the future ever have a child or childern together?
2) If Gargoyles was not canceled or it was brought back in the futuer would there be crossovers between Gargoyles and Pendragon?
3) By the time 2058 when all of Demonas grandchildren are still young will she be complety reformed?
4) How long do female gargoyles carry their eggs?
5) Could a female Gargoyle ever have twins?
6) Could a female gargoyle ever have a miscarriage while they were pregnent for their egg. Or if their egg dose not hatch is that considered a miscarrige?

Greg responds...

1. Can't reveal that.

2. This really is a separate topic, but it's short, so the answer is yes.

3. Completely?

4 - 6. Sorry, by the new rules, questions on separate topics must be submitted on separate posts. I invite you to submit these questions again. (These three can all be in one post.

Response recorded on December 16, 1999

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Kevin writes...

1.As of today, how good are our chances of getting Gargoyles back on the air with new episodes???

2.Do we stand a better chance of getting the regular Gargoyles show or one of your projected spinoffs? (like Timedancer, New Olympians, Dark Ages, Pendragon)

3. Which would you prefer to see made? (spinoff or regular Gargoyles)

Greg responds...

1. Same as they've always been.

Long term - Good to Very Good.

Short term - Not very good at all.

2. No way of knowing, though I'd guess that 2158 has a slightly better chance of going than any of the other spin-offs, with about an equal chance against a modern day setting.

3. Either, both, all.

Response recorded on October 20, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

How many upgrades do you see Cyoti ultimately going through? You once said that the various version numbers (Cyoti 2.0, Cyoti 3.0, Cyoti 4.0, etc) were a homage to Marvel Comic's Ultron. But Ultron stopped numbering himself at #13. Do you think Cyoti would exceed that or not?

Greg responds...

You're just way ahead of me. I had the robot plotted through 6.0. I hadn't plotted him out farther, though I probably would have brought him back in some form in G2158. I hadn't thought about what I would name him at that point. Maybe COYOTE-2158?

By the way, though I wish I had used the Bible's spelling, the fact is I didn't, so it's COYOTE, not CY.O.T.I.

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Phoenix writes...

I've been hearing about this Gargoyles 2158 thing, what is it?

Greg responds...


Now, I'm nervous....

I answered this last time I visited ASK GREG. Man, I hope we don't have another technical problem. Hopefully, human error was involved...

Anyway, Phoenix, after we finished the writing on the second season of Gargoyles, Gary Sperling and I began working on some potential spin-off shows for the series.

One of these was set in the future, the year 2158 to be specific. Originally, we called it "GARGOYLES: FUTURE TENSE". But I later changed the name to "GARGOYLES 2158".

The series featured Goliath's grandson SAMSON, a largely-reformed DEMONA and a Time-Dancing BROOKLYN, among others.

CBS was interested in airing it, but before we could put a pitch together, the whole CBS Saturday Morning dept. was fired. And shortly thereafter Disney bought ABC, rendering any deal with CBS all but impossible. At about the same time there was a major regime change at Disney TV Animation as well. The new regime wasn't too interested in Gargoyles at all, at least not in making it a priority. ABC asked for a new version of the show. But no one wanted 2158.

Oh, well.

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Robin Wynn writes...

Hi Mr. Wiesman,
the first of my questions was asked by another person,but because the post it was in was so long you didn't answer it. I wanted to know the answer so i thought I'd post it again.
ok, here they go:
1)Is there faster-than-light travel in the Gargoyles universe? faster-than-light communications? If yes, why is Nokkar so isolated and uninformed about outside happenings?
2) ok, originally someone asked you what made Anubis connected to death. Your answer was "Fay are tied to the pure magic of Earth. Individual fay have different 'connections', just as individual humans have different talents, etc. Anubis and other "death gods" come by it naturally". My question is this:
a) Does Alex have any special connection? any particular magical talent that he comes by naturally?
b)if so, what is it?

well, thanks in advance for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Actually, I did answer this in the sense that I rejected the form of the question. It's a two-part question that assumes a connection that doesn't exist.

And per our new rules, you'll have to resubmit your other questions (as they are on unrelated topics) as separate posts.

Response recorded on August 24, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Upon Brooklyn's arrival in 2158, what would Samson's reaction to him be, considering that since Brooklyn is Goliath's second in command and Goliath is dead, then technically shouldn't that make Brooklyn leader?

Greg responds...

How do you figure that? Even "technically"? It's 2158. The leader of the Manhattan Clan is alive and so is his or her second in command. (By the way, when did I say that Samson was the leader of the Manhattan Clan in 2158?)

You're looking for a conflict that doesn't exist.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

1. Which is the oldest of the three races in your mind?
2. In HERITAGE, when Raven in Gargoyle form first introduced himself to Goliath and Angela had five fingers. Later when he again appeared as Gargoyle, he had four fingers. Was this an animation error or was it done on purpose as a sort of hint to Raven's true identity?
3. Who designed the Golem? In all the legends I read of the Maharal's (Rabbi Loew) Golem, he was a huge giant but of Manlike proportions, not like he was in the episode, but more like a taller version of Bane from BATMAN & ROBIN.

Greg responds...

1. Probably the Gargoyles. I know that comes as a surprise. The obvious answer is the Children, but I have this notion that the magic that birthed them needed a longer gestation time.

The Gargoyles, on the other hand, strike me as very symbiotic with the planet. The first sentient race Earth gave birth to. (Well, the second technically, but we're only counting the three that are still hanging in.) In many ways, tragically, their time has clearly passed. Humanity is ascendant. But Gargoyles aren't dead yet. And ironically, though it was largely humans who wiped out their race, it is also humans who will help to save them in the future. Though many will be dragged kicking and screaming toward that destiny.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Alaxk writes...

Greetings Mr. Weisman

Just a few more questions

1. In Future Tense, when would Brooklin join up with the new group, (before or after he meets Katana and or had kids).

2. How long does Brooklin stay with in the Future Tense time, and does he come and go.

3. Coming with the next post as it might violate the rules.

Greg responds...

1. Both.
2. A while. Yes.
3. Thanks...

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

How would you deal with the time gap that cancellation has given us?

(Let's say that the show came back after 5 years of cancellation, in 2002, would you start off in 2002 or would you pick up right where TGC left off in 1997 or would you just be in favor of skipping all of those problems and just going far enough in the future, 2158, so that a time gap wouldn't matter?)

Greg responds...

Honestly, I can't answer that without knowing the circumstances of our proposed ressurection.

Are we coming back on TV or in some form of print media or both?

If TV: Are we coming back as an hour show or a half-hour again? Are we coming back as a daily or weekly? As prime time or in kids?

To take your specific example, lets say we came back in 2002 as a kid's show. I'd probably just set things in 2002, and assume that most of my audience hasn't seen any of the old episodes. I would maintain continuity for my old audience, but I would clearly have to introduce the show and its characters anew. Some things would seem to pick up right where we left off. Others would be different, and we'd occasionally do flashback stories (both from the distant past and from the 1997-2002 gap) to bring both audiences up to speed.

Also keep in mind that although I had planned to do, for example, TimeDancer in 1996, I didn't get to. So there's nothing to stop me from introducing TimeDancer as a brand new concept in 2002.

As to doing 2158. I'd be happy to do that anytime. But it doesn't prevent or preclude me from doing stories in the present. In fact, I'd love to do BOTH.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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