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WEISMANSWERS 2009-04 (Apr)

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Mike P. writes...

I recently watched season two of Spectacuar Spider-Man, and I have to hand it to you. I honestly think you topped season one. I've honestly never given much thought to the crime family plots in spider-man before, but the gang war arc was very exciting and a thrill to watch. You made Silvermane badass! I also enjoyed the unmasking of Green Goblin. I liked how you more or less played around with the identity of a well-estabished villain in such a way that had me second guessing myself several times throughout the episode.

I also would like to personally thank you for the inclusion of Mark Alan in the series. I myself am Puerto Rican and was happy to see a fellow boricua in an animated series that wasn't either a stereotypical gang member or throw away comic relief. There really arn't that many major puerto rican characters in comics, and the ones that are there don't really have that big of roles, have lame powers, or are killed off (see Vibe from DC or Tag from Marvel). I thought Mark Alan's character was well developed and I enjoyed his redemptive nature as well as his various character flaws. I'm looking forward to the progression of his character in the future, and the progression of the series as a whole. You've set up several plot points that have me excited for a possible third season and beyond. It would definetely be a shame if the show isn't picked up again.

Thanks again for a great show, and good luck on all your endeavors!

Greg responds...


I'm really glad you liked it... and that you liked Mark. We're hoping for a third season too.

Response recorded on April 16, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

"First Steps"


Another spectacular episode. This one was a biggie. A lot happened.

The return of Harry Osborn
The return of Eddie Brock
The return of Hammerhead.
The first appearance of Mark Allan.

There are times when I am amazed at just how much content can be fit into twenty-two minutes, and this one was just packed. So much was happening, so much was going on, and it never seemed to end... and I mean that as a positive. It was like a great four course dinner.

Peter and Liz Allan are now a couple, and Pete was invited to Flash's birthday party. By Flash's mom, since they were best friends in nursery school. I also like the little revelation at just how Eugene earned his nickname. I also enjoyed the little snippets here and there of everyone speaking into the camera saying what they think of Flash. I think Rand's and Sally's was my favorite.

Speaking of... when is Rand going to finally dump the bitch. The guy clearly doesn't like her much. Sally is just... ugh, that voice is pretty much nails on a chalkboard. Grey DeLisle is so great at making me hate that character. Kudos to her.

And here we have our good friend, Harry Osborn. Back from getting the help he needs dealing with his addiction to Globulin Green. And his, ahem, "supposed" stint as the Green Goblin. Again, I say, "supposed." But now, he's back. He and Pete are picking up where they left off, and Harry is now making the moves on Gwen. You know, I quite like this. When he was on drugs, she was the one who noticed something was wrong and tried to help him, and I am glad he appreciates it. I did enjoy the little flash to the Goblin.

Speaking of flashes, Peter seems to be hallucinating supervillains. Green Goblin and Eddie Brock/Venom. Although, the latter turns out not be so much a hallucination. Very clever Eddie, making Peter so paranoid that he leads you to the symbiote.

That was the gravy, let's get to the meat. Sandman. While he's never been my favorite supervillain, I did enjoy this outing (well, I enjoyed all his outings on this show). He was tough, practical as always. Very interesting uses of his powers, and proved to not be such a bad guy at heart. This is where he differs from his old partner, O'Hirn. Rhino just seems to be more bloodthirsty, and I could not imagine him risking his life to save others or entertaining little girls.

And the writers had me, for a moment I did think Sandman got killed at the end. Love it.

Hammerhead is a hard boss to like. But it's been a while since we've seen him, so his return was welcome. His presence, as well as the Big Man's, seem to be less dominant this season than last. Which is cool with me. Nice to not get a repeat of the Kingpin from the 90s Fox Kids series, who was just everywhere.

I bet it's fun being in the recording booth and listening to John DiMaggio have dialogue with himself.

So, the Master Planner rents out supervillains now? Good racket. Does anyone besides Spidey, Tinkerer, Vulture and Electro even know the Planner is Dr. Octopus?

Good episode. Gonna be a long week till the next one. But I am looking forward to it because it features the long awaited return of a character I've been missing. I of course speak of J. Jonah Jameson.


Greg responds...


It's always fun listening to John DiMaggio. The guy is always on, always funny - in or out of the booth.

Response recorded on April 15, 2009

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Junior writes...

Hello, Greg. I'm familiar with the guidelines and I clearly understand why you dont want any original ideas or fanfic. But I got this ideas for season 3 (I know its not even picked yet), its really only the major plot for the episodes, not getting into any depth. All I'm asking is if I can post them or somehow send them to you, just to take a look and tell me is it good, bad, what do you think of it. Just this. I dont wanna make your life miserable. I know that you, Vic Cook and everybody else can and will come up with something way better. I just want your opinion. If this question/request doesnt get approved, I'll understand.

Greg responds...

I appreciate you asking so nicely, but there's no way Sony would allow me to read what you're offering, even on an educational "tell me if it's good" basis. Spidey is a LIVE property. I can't risk the lawsuits, and Sony wouldn't let me risk the lawsuits even if I was inclined to take the risk. Policy. Sorry.

Response recorded on April 14, 2009

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spiderman659 writes...

dear greg,
Who did you think was better in the spectacular spiderman season finales? venom or greeg goblin? i would really appreciate your oppinion.

Greg responds...


I liked 'em both. (Not too good at choosing among my children, so to speak.)

Response recorded on April 14, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Sadler writes...

Hello Greg,

I have watched your series of Spectacular Spiderman and it was very very entertaining to watch. I don't know why Disney wouldn't give you a new season (oh yeah....ratings) but it definatly should have a new season.

I have three questions if you can ask them, I'll try not to reveal anything^^

1- Some villains who made a couple of appearances this season (Mysterio, Kraven, Silvermane etc.) will they become bigger role in the Spidey Gallery or will we have the main villains in the spotlight next season.

2- Who is in charge of crime now? Is it Hammerhead or Tombstone or the he who must not be named? Since the season finale I wasn't sure if I misse something or will this be settled in the possible Season 3 and ?

3- Was Tombstoe your original choice as Bigman or did you have someone else you wanted as the head of crime. I know you couldn't use Kingpin but was Tombstone your first choice?

Greg responds...


1. I'm not sure I understand the question. But in any case, I'm not spoiling Season Three.

2. After the end of our 26th episode, another power vacuum has been created. Beyond that, I'm not saying.

3. Kingpin was my first choice, but I'm VERY pleased with how Tombstone turned out.

Response recorded on April 13, 2009

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dph_of_rules writes...

I want to say that you did an excellent job on the 1st two season of spiderman. I thought the 90s spiderman series was good, but what you've done in the 1st two seasons makes it look pale in comparison. I really enjoy that you have taken the time to give even minor characters some depth and take them places. I really hope that you get to do the 3rd (and hopefully more) season of the spectatular spiderman. There's just a few questions I have.

1)In season 1, what do you consider Spiderman's and Peter Parker's greatest 'victory' to be?

2)In season 2, what do you consider Spiderman's and Peter Parker's greatest 'victory' to be?

Greg responds...

I tend not to rank things.

Response recorded on April 13, 2009

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Nabil writes...

Hey Greg,
First congrats on the AWESOME Spectacular Spidey 2nd Season, its undoubtly the best cartoon season ever made.

1- I wanted to ask if you know of any plans from Sony/marvel to make a spectacular Spider-man Video game and tie in Comic book series?

2- If you have to guess, what is the percentage of season 3 been ordered and when do you think we will hear that info?

3- Since the series has ended production, will it be hard to gather the whole team again once a season 3 is commissioned ?

Keep up the great work and thanx for giving us the best Spidey animated series

Greg responds...

1. None that I know of, but I'm game to help with either if they do.

2. I'd guess we'd hear after season 2 starts airing in the summer. But that's JUST a guess. I wouldn't pretend to be able to set odds at this point. But I'm hopeful.

3. Yes, it will.

Response recorded on April 13, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

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