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Anonymous writes...

Uh hey greg I was wondering if Artemis has any parents/guardians or did she just fend for herself before she becomes Green Arrows aprentice. I would've asked about Speedy but I already read the issue of young justice#0 good issue by the way

Greg responds...

Speedy's not in YJ #0...

As for Artemis... WAIT AND SEE!!!

Response recorded on February 11, 2011

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,

Not so much a question but praise coupled with a comment!
I watched the first episode of Young Justice and, I must say I absolutely loved it! It, to me, is just as well written and thought provoking as Gargoyles ever was and look forward to subsequent episodes from you here. It has actually renewed my taste for the DC mythos... ( I'm generally a Marvel guy)

Side bar, when Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash are in the elevator with Superboy... I had recently watched Awakenings again. And when Robin opened the door I smirked thought "I wonder if commandos will be on the other end, with Robin sheepishly saying 'Heh, sorry, wrong floor?' "

Just stopped by to tell you I love your work and keep it up!

Greg responds...

Thank you!!

Response recorded on February 11, 2011

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Ashton writes...

Hey Greg,

I have a couple questions about Young Justice.

1. Is Aqualad and Artemis going to become close since they both have baggage? Such as Aqualads father being a villian and Artemis having a dangerous past.

2. I've read online an interview with one of your voice actors for the show, Jesse McCartney stated two things. The first was that the relationship between Kid-Flash, Miss M, and Superboy is going to become a love triangle and the second thing he stated was that early on in the season Aqualad would tell Robin this leadership job is something you were born to do not me and that he needs to take things more serious. He also mentions that this becomes a huge discusssion between Aqualad, Robin and Batman. So my question is whether any of this stuff is true or not?

3. Would telling the age of Zatara be a spoiler? If so then you dont have to worry about it. But if not I really curious whether this is golden age Zatara, he seemed like he was in his late 40's.

4. Is their going to be any episodes that will focus on each member of Young Jusice? Such as a story about Aqualad, Artemis, or Miss M.

5. How do you think Superman felt that night discovering he had a younger clone of himself? Of course he was mad as well as in shock, But he didn't react the way I expected he would towards him, he looked at him angry and basically pond off on the rest of the Leagures, then he flew away.

6. I understand that Artemis profile showed she was a master archer, but how good is she compared to Speedy? Would you say their equal, or one's better than the other.

7. How long would you say each member of Young Justice have been superheroes? other than Robin whos been doing it for 4 years.

Thanks you for taking the time out to answer my questions, Much appreciated!

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. No comment.

3. He's 40.

4. Yes. In fact, each of the episodes from 103-108 focus on one of our six leads (while hopefully not ignoring the others).

5. I have tremendous sympathy for both Superman and Superboy in this scenario. Beyond that, I'll just let the series and it's characters "speak" for themselves.

6. She's neither as polished nor as physically strong. But she's damn good enough.

7. Robin = 4 years. Speedy = 3 years. Aqualad = 2 years. Kid Flash = 2 years. Superboy and Miss Martian, as of episode 105 = about a month.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hey greg will aqualad be living on land or in the sea

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Kenny writes...

hey greg are there going to be any more teen heroes that join young justice besides wonder girl or do they have to have an adult member

Greg responds...

No comment.

Isn't this fun?

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Grant writes...

Since Artemis is half-Vietnamese, does that mean she is Cheshire, Roy or Red Arrow's antagonist slash love interest from the comics?

Greg responds...

No comment.

I mean, seriously, did you really think I would answer this?

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

This question is a bit strange.

Why does Speedy gets his own theme tune?

Also I would like to say this, after watching YJ, I really prefer Speedy's seriousness over Robin's seriousness anytime. Plus Crispin Freeman is the best Speedy voice actor in my opinion. Keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

We're not really thinking about it that way.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Michael writes...

Hi Greg,
Hope you're reading this. I really love your work on Spider-man and Gargoyles. As for my question: Considering you have the whole DCUniverse at your disposal, any chance Ragman will show up in Young Justice? It would be cool to have a Jewish superhero showing up in an animated superhero show. Sure, Ben Grimm and Doc Samson are Jewish and have appeared in animated from, but they've never said they were Jewish. Ragman's origin is tied into the legend of the Golem, so any young Jew watching it would have a Jewish hero to look up to. And he operates in Gotham, so it wouldn't be out of place to have Bats or Robin run into him. I'm asking you because you did have The Golem appear in Gargoyles, so maybe you'd want to put Ragman in Young Justice. Just askin'.

All the best,

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Josh Noehring writes...

Love argoyles and now Young Justice. Thank you for your sophisticated art and storytelling. A question regarding Young Justice:

1. Will Ra's al Ghul or Talia at anytime be featured

Greg responds...

Argoyles! The best dressed monsters in tartan plaids and kilts!

(Sorry. But great typo, dude!)

1. No comment.

AND it seems time to reiterate AGAIN, once more for this additional time: I will NOT be scooping my own show by revealing spoilers. And of course, if I told you who WASN'T appearing, it would de facto reveal who WAS. So any questions like this will only get a NO COMMENT!

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Alice writes...

hey Greg,
this may seem like a strange question, but I was wondering about the character designs, more specifically in their civvies. At the end of "Independence Day Part 2" before Miss M comes, you see the four guys. With the exception of Superboy, they're all wearing long sleves, Aqualad shown in a sweater and Robin in a sweatshirt AND a coat. While the designs look good, it seems a bit excessive to be wearing so many layers in the middle of the summer. Was this just a decision made by the character designers and animators? Or is the Secret Sanctuary/Happy Harbor just in a colder location?
Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

Aqualad wears long sleeves to hide his extremely identifiable tattoos. (But it's not a sweater. It's a light jacket.)

I don't have as good a justification for Robin or Kid Flash. Maybe it gets cold at night in Rhode Island?

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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