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Michael McCarthy writes...

You wrote: "Superman is Superboy's genetic father."


(Superman is actually Superboy's genetic brother.)

Greg responds...

I'll take your word for it. But what may be true genetically isn't necessarily true emotionally.

Response recorded on July 27, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

What was the reasoning behind Roy naming himself Red Arrow? He seemed to be wanting to distance himself from Green Arrow & the League, yet Red Arrow is a closer to Green Arrow's name than Speedy is.

So my question is why didn't he just keep the Speedy name, or name himself Arsenal, or you guys make up a new name for him to go by?

Greg responds...

How does "Arsenal" make any sense in this context? And, frankly, how did "Speedy" make any sense ever? (Okay, okay, I know the answer to the latter. But in a world with Kid Flash, it just smacks of both immaturity and confusion at this point.)

And I don't think Roy wants to 'distance' himself from Green Arrow as much as he wants to be treated as an EQUAL. Hence, Red Arrow.

Response recorded on July 25, 2011

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Michael Wahrer writes...

Hi Greg. I just had a few questions about the time line and one that’s a little more thematic.
1. When was the Justice Society active?
2. We’ve seen Doctor Fate was a member is it safe to assume that Jay from the episode downtime was as well?
3. The League was founded seven years ago how long of a gap was there between the disbanding of the Justice Society and the founding of the League?
4. How long have Superman and Batman been active as heroes. I ask because you’ve stated they’re in their early thirties and I was wondering what age they where when they started fighting crime.
5. Young Justice are essentially child soldiers something that was commented on by the light during the closing of the pilot. My question is do you plan to deal with the implications that carries or is it just an unintentional subtext that came out of writing a show about young heroes?

Greg responds...

1. 1940-1951. Although, there were years during the war when the Society temporarily expanded to become the All-Star Squadron.

2. Yes.

3. Do the math.

4. Twelve years ago for Superman. Eleven for Batman. Each was 21 the year he started.

5. Both.

Response recorded on July 25, 2011

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Larry writes...

Was Superboy jumping around the desert all enraged and smashing tanks in "Bereft" a deliberate reference to the Incredible Hulk? I spotted it right away but some people(TV Tropes) need clarification.

Greg responds...

I dunno. Up to a point, sure. We've all got that swimming around in our heads. But it also just made sense given the circumstances.

Response recorded on July 25, 2011

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Another Rumor to Squash

Back from San Diego Comic-Con and was thrilled to see the outpouring of good wishes and thanks on the internet for us. But...

Someone seems to have spread the idea that our panel went poorly and that the fans who attended were rude to us.

NOTHING could be further from the truth. The panel - to my mind - went EXTREMELY well. The response to episode 10 seemed great, despite the fact that I think many in the room had seen it already, and we had a fun (if brief) Q&A after. Plus Miss Martian (and some other dude) brought us cookies. We then had a fun signing and press interviews. All full of praise.

I'll admit that ASK GREG has occasionally been inundated with a bit of rudeness, but that's at least in part thanks to the relative anonymity of the internet. In person, at the conventions, the fans are just terrific!

So thank you,



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San Diego Comic-Con 2011

San Diego Comic-Con 2011

Well, I'm here!

I've so much work backed up from Oregon, ConVergence and being sick that I may spend an unfortunate amount of time holed up in my hotel room, nose to grindstone (grindstone = laptop), but if YOU are here, there are a few places you can find me:

Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11:30am - 12:30pm, I'll be signing Gargoyles TPBs at the SLG Booth (#1815 - across from the DC Comics booth). Stop by and say hello!

Sunday at 10 am, Brandon Vietti, character designer Phil Bourassa, Danica McKellar (the voice of Miss Martian) and myself will be appearing at a panel for YOUNG JUSTICE in Room 7AB. We'll be screening an episode, followed by a Q&A.

After that, from 11:15am until noon, the four of us will be signing some VERY cool and unique (and even spoilerish) YJ giveaways at the Warner Bros. Booth (#4545). So again, stop by and say hey!

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Grant writes...

What language did you base spoken martian on? Or is it just gibberish?

Greg responds...

We based it on what we knew of it, which was mostly a handful of proper names. We extrapolated from that. Whether that makes it "gibberish" or well-thought out "gibberish" is subject to interpretation.

Response recorded on July 19, 2011

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TwEaKz writes...

Hey Greg,
This is not so much a question but more a little feed back on how much I'm enjoying Young Justice. I simply love it and I can't get enough. The stories are second to none and everything just flows so nicely. I especially love the little details that go into it. This show is clearly being made with lots of passion and talented people behind it. I look forward to seeing how the rest of the season plays out.

Now the main thing I wanted to bring up here was your Brother, Jon. I wasn't really familiar with any of his prior work but the episode "Infiltrator" truly blew me away. This episode had it all. I loved the dialogue and just the whole entire pacing of the script. It was so well done and I hope there will be more scripts from him in the future. Please make sure he knows I enjoyed it very much :)

As always, Greg, keep up the great work. You and your team definitely have a winner on your hands.

P.S. The comic tie-in is also great. For anyone who hasn't picked up the new YJ comics then please do so. It's a fantastic read and it's all in continuity with the show.

Greg responds...

Thanks for all the kind words. I'll pass on your praise to Jon, who is indeed writing multiple more episodes for us.

Response recorded on July 19, 2011

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Tim writes...

Hey Greg, I have an awkward question for you. I was wondering just how "risque" you guys are allowed to go on Young Justice. In the pilot when Miss Martian is shapeshifting and turns says boys are harder to mimmick, Robin says "You won't fool anyone with THOSE." Embarrassed, she slinks down into her seat, ignoring the comment about her, uh, "lung area."

I ask mainly because other shows on Cartoon Network such as Total Drama Island, Adventure Time, and Clone Wars have a notice they are TV-PG before they start. I looked it up and PG-TV covers

The TV-PG rating may be accompanied by one or more of the following sub-ratings:

* D for some suggestive dialogue
* L for infrequent coarse language
* S for mild sexual content
* V for moderate violence

I then thought that with Superboy and Miss Martian's budding relationship, and them both living alone at the base, with only Red Tornado as an occasional visitor, we may get some implied humorous "hijinks" later down the road.

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

I think you misinterpreted the line. "Those" referred to the two transformations, i.e. Robin and Kid Flash.

But a double entendre is a double entendre - if only in the mind of the viewer.

Response recorded on July 19, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg. I am so far loving Young Justice especially the Maega and Superboy moments, but i'm really mad that what happened between Superboy and Miss Martian in the cave in the episode "Downtime" is still not answered. I was hoping "Bereft" would answer it, but the scene was cut off. Is it a really important plot point or will it be answered in the comic book spinoff.

Just to say that I think that Superboy pobably heard Red Tornado and just sat back down or they did kiss and that would explain his concern for her safety.
Anyway, can't wait to find out.

Greg responds...

They haven't kissed.

Response recorded on July 19, 2011

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