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Anonymous writes...

Do Green and Red Martians 'true/natural' form look like Miss Martians?

Greg responds...

Pretty much. I don't want to say all Martians look alike, but frankly to a human they probably would. Even distinguishing males from females would be tough to the untrained human eye. (Then again to the untrained Martian eye, I'm sure all humans tend to look alike too.) If you saw J'onn's true form, the obvious main differences between him and M'gann are that J'onn's green and bigger.

The only real difference between Green, White and Red Martians is skin color - which is a pretty superficial difference, of course, genetically, but a significant difference historically and culturally on Mars.

Of course, on Mars-16, the White Martians aren't a separate species - and they're only a different "race" if you are using the word "race" the way we Earthlings do to distinguish Caucasians from Africans from Asians. And certainly, the White Martians are not monolithically evil.

Oh, and for the record: M'gann IS J'onn's niece. She didn't lie about that. M'gann's mom (i.e. J'onn's sister) is green. Her dad is white. Most of M'gann's siblings are also green, though she has one white brother.

Wow, why did I suddenly give all that away?

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Hi Greg, so I watched Image today, man that was amazing. First off, thank you for the cameo by Garfield. I'd ask if the transfusion could have 'unexpected side effects', but I know you won't answer. As for the use of Queen Bee and Psimon, very nicely done. I thought Robin did great for his first time as team leader. And I like the design for Megan's true form (no offense, but not much of a reveal there). Honestly, my favorite part of the whole thing was the opening to "Hello Megan!" I know it's purposely corny but I enjoyed all the name drops and especially Greg Vietti and Brandon Weisman, very cute.

Please keep up the good work and I can't wait for next week!

Greg responds...

Thanks. We were all very proud of that opening title.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

YJ question:

"Created by Greg Vietti and Brandon Weisman" Clever, Greg. You always outdo yourself.

Here's the question: In the opening credits for the "Hello Megan" show in "Image", are some of the names references to other staff members of YJ? Or are they existing characters in the DC Universe? If they're YJ staff members, who are they?

Greg responds...

They're all pre-existing DC characters.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Cameron writes...

What nationality are Gar and Marie? Are they from Qurac?

Greg responds...

No; they're Americans.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Chaz! writes...

First of all, I'd like to say that the last two episodes "Coldhearted" and "Image" have been fantastic. They just blew me away. Please keep up the good work and pass my complements on to the writers & directors. as for questions
1) How have the ratings been since the six month hiatus? Enough to keep yj healthily on the air I hope.
2) Can we get any episode titles for season 2 yet?
3) Has the justice league or any of it's members encountered any of the New Gods yet (aside from the incident in “Disordered”?
I thought this had been asked but I searched the unanswered questions file and the archive to no avail. maybe I used the wrong wording. If that's the case, I'd like to apologize.

Greg responds...

1. Ratings have been good since we came back this year as part of DC Nation. And even better since "Invasion" launched. I don't think there's any fear we won't finish our season.

2. Sure. Here's the first half-dozen:

201. "Happy New Year"
202. "Earthlings"
203. "Alienated"
204. "Salvage"
205. "Beneath"
206. "Bloodlines"

3. No.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Ray writes...

Hi Greg,
I really applaud you for your series. The plot is so smooth and cryptic, the prefect tone for this type of series!
1. What were the incantations of The two-dimensions-merging spell and the the ice-tower-explosion spell?
2. Why does everyone refer Zatarra by his last name Zatarra? Even Zatanna does it. It's like calling your father by his last name (which is also your last name).
3. Do Zatanna and Giovanni know that their spells are reversed? Do they make it up on the spot? Or are they already existing spells, and that having it backwards was jus for fun?

Greg responds...


1b. Erif nrub; nordluac elbbub!

2. Zatara is his stage name as well as his nom-de-guerre as a hero.

3. The backwards speak is a requirement of their particular brand of magic. Otherwise, Zatanna explained it best herself in "Humanity" and again in "Misplaced".

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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LupusLover writes...

Hey Greg, loved the Image! One question for you about it though. At the beginning of the episode Garfield had blue eyes but after the blood transfusion he had green eyes. I'm not going to directly ask you about it being explained in the future of Young Justice (Though I would love to know) of course I'll probably be met with "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT" But if it will be mentioned in the future will it be in the show or the tie in comics?

Greg responds...

By now you know the answer.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Merry writes...

What made you decide to put blood in Young Justice? I'd always thought that blood in a children's cartoon was sort of taboo, but first in "Terrors" and now in "Image" (Great episode, by the way!)... I honestly can't remember blood in a cartoon since Batman: The Animated Series.

Greg responds...

We've had blood in most of the cartoons I've done - always within reason, for good purpose and to demonstrate something important.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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FallenSuperSaiyan writes...

Hey greg I am studyig international law so I have a question regarding Count Vertigo.

Even with his diplomaic immunity, why wasn't he declared persona non grata? and explled from USA?.

Sure after leading the injustice league, he wouldn't have been allowed to remain, would he?

Greg responds...

You may know more on this subject than I do.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Kit Walker writes...

First I want to say that I loved your work since I was a kid. I'm 22 now and I liked Gargoyles when it was in first, only to positively love it when I caught it in reruns during my teen years. Spectacular Spider-Man is probably my second favorite super-hero cartoon of all times (and I've sought out most of them), second only to Young Justice. Icon is one of my favorite characters/series of all times and it just blows my mind that you've included him and Rocket on the show. On to the questions (I apologize if they stray into spoiler territory, I'm trying to "ask the right questions" as it were):

1) Connor seemed to take the revelation that he was named for an old sitcom character in stride. Have he and M'gann discussed how long she'd been "crushing" on him before they started dating, meaning he's unsurprised by the revelation? Like, since he's now found out that she modeled herself on the show's main character, he's not surprised that she suggested her crush take the name of Megan's crush from the show. Or did he just not particularly care there the name came from?

2) This one probably strays into spoiler territory but you say there weren't really super-heroes between the disbanding of the JSA and the debut of Superman in the relative present. However, you've also made reference to there being an Original Black Canary and there are several super-villains who are middle aged or older (Icicle, Tigress, and Sportsmaster in particular). Does that mean there simply weren't publicly known (or well known) super heroes and villains during the interim?

3) Is there any chance of seeing some of the background information for the show (like from the timeline and series bible, which seriously seem far more carefully planned than the DCnU) published somewhere? Something like the Allspark Almanacs for Transformers Animated.

And those are the only two questions I have that I think have a chance of not being spoilers. I have so many I'd like to ask about Icon and Rocket, but considering their comic book origins there are a load of implicit spoilers in even asking "how long have they been active?"

Please keep up the amazing work sir!

Greg responds...

1. He was mostly unsurprised. And I don't think he cared too much.

2. Didn't make the same caveat for villains as I made for heroes, but there were a handful of heroes operating in secret during the interim.

3. Anything's possible, but not while that info would give away spoilers.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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