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Dave Paul writes...

It's not a question but thank u for the work on young justice it's put me through hard times thank u so much I can't wait for season 3

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. We're excited for it too.

Response recorded on April 07, 2017

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C. writes...

Hey, YJ questions (so psyched that it's coming back! I really love your adaptation of the DCU)

1. In the universe of Earth-16 (or whatever earth it is now), do Kryptonians age at the same rate as humans? Like, are their life spans comparable?
2. Is the Martian civilization capable of intersteller travel? Could a bioship like Miss Martian's travel between star systems or are they pretty much just planet hoppers?
3. Can Kryptonians and humans produce offspring? It's sort of gone back and forth in the comics whether they're biologically compatible in that way and I'm curious about your thoughts on it (I won't ask if that WILL happen, so I hope it doesn't count as a spoiler).

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

1. More or less.

2. The Bio-Ship isn't light speed capable. In theory, it could travel between star systems, but it would take a LONG time.

3. Answering the question at all amounts to a potential spoiler.

Response recorded on April 07, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Does the Team attend college? What do they study and when and where do they attend? What jobs are they pursuing if any?

Greg responds...

I've answered this already. Please check the archives. If I've left someone out that you're curious about, you can submit the question with regards to specific individuals. Although, keep in mind, I won't give spoilers.

Response recorded on April 07, 2017

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Natalie writes...

1. If for some reason young justice were to be asked for the DCEU ( in the distant future ) would you be willing to write a script, or would you pass the mantle on to someone else? 2. If you were to pass on the mantle to who would you?

Greg responds...

I don't really understand the question. You mean for a live action feature? If so, I'd want to do it if they'd let me, but I'd lay odds they wouldn't. In any case, it certainly wouldn't be up to me.

Response recorded on April 06, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Now that you implied that season 3 will have LGBT characters and some homophobic intolerant hillbillies are lashing out, are you afraid of losing fans/viewers?

Greg responds...

I haven't implied anything about YJ. In fact, I went out of my way to say I wasn't talking about YJ. But, no, I'm not worried about losing fans. On any series I'm producing or show-running, I have to make the show that my partners and I want to make, that we'd enjoy watching, that we are passionate about. Because if we're not passionate about it, how can we expect any viewer to get passionate about it. So all we can do is make our show and cross our fingers that a quantity of folks like what we're doing. There's no other option.

And, by the way, I'm no more tolerant of you using terms like "hillbillies" to denigrate the homophobic jerks, than I am of them being homophobic. (Unless, you happen to know their names are Billie and they live in hills.) I think it makes it too easy to assume that the people who disagree with you are "other." Unfortunately, that kind of intolerable intolerance exists right among us. It exists among neighbors, friends and family members. Strangers, too, of course. But don't assume an enemy to acceptance exists in places you're not or that none exist in the realms you frequent.

Either none of us are other or all of us are other in our own other ways.

Response recorded on March 28, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Does Lex Luther not like Dr. Desmond? He sounded snappy at Desmond in Episode 2. It even seems to be the only time Luthor lost his cool. And later he blamed him for Superboy's liberation.

Greg responds...

I think he's unimpressed with Desmond's managerial skills.

Response recorded on March 28, 2017

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Lloyd keh writes...

Its brought a joy to my heart seeing Young justice get renewed for a 3rd season, the fans really acknowledged this series a lot ! You also took a big part in YJ return. GgvvvvvvvvbbbbbbbYou gave 3 ways we could help The series get renewed for a 3rd series. Netflix also took part in this great return so I was Wondering How can we get spectacular spiderman to return for a 3rd season. There's been multiple petition People have created and multiple I've signed (including the one on change.org). There's also been a hashtag #MakeSpidermanSpectacularagain & people have been influencing others to buy spectacular spiderman on blu ray & I myself have bought it and been doing the same.. I just wanna know if we are taking a step in the right direction & if we are, is marvel and Disney seeing this? I mean they should be seeing all this. It's been going on for years and last thing , how do u feel about this whole spectacular Spiderman thing ?

Greg responds...

I'd love for Spectacular to come back, and stranger things have happened. But if I'm being honest, I don't see a clear path for it. Buying the BluRays definitely helps - or at any rate doesn't hurt. But Marvel has its own animation studio now (owned by Disney) and is understandably NOT inclined to PAY Sony (which controls the rights to Spectacular) to produce a cartoon based on their signature character. I'm sorry. Believe me.

Response recorded on March 28, 2017

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Adam Rhodes writes...

1. Besides Harm, Despero, Mongol, and Toyman, are there any villains that AREN'T working for the Light, either directly or indirectly?
2. Were the members of the Injustice League chosen individually by the Light, or did Vandal give Vertigo (who seemed to be in charge of IJ) leeway to choose?
3. How does the glamour charm work? For example, if Nightwing were to put on the charm that Artemis used would he have looked like undercover Tigress? Does it take appearance A and completely change it to appearance B or does it make alterations to create appearance A1? As you can tell, I've thought a lot about this.

Thanks and I love your work on Rebels and Young Justice (obviously). And I'm looking forward to reading Rain of the Ghosts!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. It's a team effort.

3. It depends on the specifics of the spell used.

Response recorded on March 23, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

In your opinion, what countries would be the real life equivalents of Bialya and Qurac?

Greg responds...

I think in the comics they were initially supposed to be semi-fictional (mostly science fictional) versions of Libya and Iraq, respectively. But I've ignored that on Young Justice, allowing each to chart its own course.

Response recorded on March 23, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

How did Dick learn Artemis's secret identity/family history?

Greg responds...

He's a detective. He detected.

Response recorded on March 22, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Im going to test my luck and ask this question. If you think its a spoiler question you dont have to answer it.

Did Barbara learn about Dick's secret identity because she figured it out on her own, circumstances forced someone to tell her, or someone felt compelled to tell her?
Or, if you dont want to be that specific, did someone just tell her?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on March 22, 2017

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Kaley writes...

Was Snapper Carr supposed to have a larger onscreen role in young justice? In the comic book that the series was based off of he had a much larger role,why did you guys change that when you made the animated series?

Greg responds...

The series was NOT based off the 90s Young Justice comic. That was one of MANY influences, of course. But the series was based on the entire DC Universe and 75 years worth of continuity, and the 1960s and 1970s Teen Titans were easily as great an influence on us as the 90s YJ series was.

Lucas Carr's role was exactly what we wanted it to be. Believe me, since I played the part, I would have loved to have given him more screen time. But we gave him as much as fit in our series, given our limited amount of minutes and episodes.

Response recorded on March 22, 2017

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Gemma writes...

How long can a martian bio-ship live?

Greg responds...

Long enough.

Response recorded on March 21, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Did Marie Logan ever,ruffle Megan's hair before our heroes left in ''Image'' or on any later visit's to the sanctuary?

Greg responds...

Do women ruffle women's hair? Seems like something one does to guys not gals. Or is that sexist?

Response recorded on March 21, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

(Hopefully the first question of 2017!)
Anyway, what's the relationship between Wonder Woman and Batman in Young Justice. In Justice League there was a romantic attraction, but in Young Justice Wonder Woman seemed to dislike Batman.

Greg responds...

She doesn't dislike him. Revealing or not revealing anything else would be a spoiler.

Response recorded on March 21, 2017

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Cupid writes...

Pretty much all the romantic relationships on the team are not ones we have seen on the comics. Can you tell us how you guys decided on who would date who?

Greg responds...

I assume you're referring to Young Justice.

I'm not sure I agree with your assessment, as I think many of our relationships (Tula/Garth, Tim/Cassie, Ollie/Dinah, Dick/Barbara, etc) come right from the comics. But in any case, our approach was holistic. We let the characters dictate whom they would love.

Response recorded on March 20, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Do Nightwing and Red Arrow go to college? What subjects do they study? What education do they have?

Greg responds...

Red Arrow may have started college, but as of the end of Season Two, he never finished.

Nightwing did go to college. His education has been eclectic.

Response recorded on March 14, 2017

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Zack writes...

Is the captain atom in young justice as powerful as yj superman? I ask because he is my favorite leaguer.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by powerful. They have different power sets with only some overlap.

Response recorded on March 14, 2017

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Finister2 writes...

1) As there were only 5 screens on Manta's sub, which members of the Light were absent from Black Manta's briefing at the end of "Downtime"?
2) Speaking of which, since its been answered that the Light uses multiple screens when communicating, do all members of the Light make an appearance when their operative's report on their missions?
3) If no, do they update each other or are a few of them just really doing "homework" between briefings?
4) If the Brain joined the Light before his and Humanite's 2008 operations, did he start his criminal career before becoming a disembodied brain in a mechanical dome?
5) If yes, did he still call himself "the Brain"?

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember. And I'm not sure your assessment is accurate. Even if you are right, since Manta was one of the seven members, if there were five screens, then only one member was missing.

2. Depends on availability.

3. Either. Both.

4. I'm not confirming your "if". But, yes, he started before he was just a brain in a dome.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on March 13, 2017

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Jurgan writes...

I have a bad habit of getting DVD's as presents or while they're on sale and not watching them for years. Case in point, I just finally watched my Young Justice episodes. I planned to write a review of season one, and I was a little disappointed at how anticlimactic the whole thing was. Then I realized I only had the first twelve episodes. Well, I've got a little time, so I'll write a season 1 part 1 review.

First, background: I was always more of a Marvel guy, and I know practically nothing about the DC universe. Well, I know a lot about Batman's corner thanks to various TV shows, movies, video games (Arkham City is one of the best games of all time), and a few graphic novels. Aside from that, I could tell you a handful of things about Superman and maybe the names of some other characters. So I'm mostly going in blind on this one. I've heard some descriptions of events from fans on S8, but I don't know who Vandal Savage is anyway (some sort of thousand year old caveman, I think?), so spoilers don't mean much. One funny thing, though, is that I usually watch DVD's with subtitles so I don't miss any dialogue, and in the scenes where the mysterious members of The Light talk, the subtitles gave their names. Like: "Vandal Savage: Blah blah blah. Brain: Blah blah blah." That's a pretty embarrassing slip-up.

It's hard to approach an ensemble show, because there are so many characters we have to get to know. Spectacular Spider-Man was about Peter Parker. Gargoyles was about the Manhattan Clan but almost always seen from Goliath's point of view. But there's not really one "main character" on Young Justice. As a result, the show seemed to focus on quirks as a shortcut to characterization. Things like Robin's playing with pronouns, Wally's souvenir collecting, and "Hello, Megan" are helpful to me, as I often have trouble keeping straight who's who in a large cast. On the other hand, it's not exactly depth of characterization. The only one I really connected with was Aqualad and his conflict over where he belonged and whether he should be leader. I kind of liked Superboy's trying to deal with his "father," as well, and the implied budding romance between Wally and Artemis was cute. Red Arrow/Speedy was a jerk, and Crispin Freeman did a good job making me dislike him. There's potential there, for sure, but I'm hoping we plunge a little deeper into the characters in the back half.

As for the story, it's very different depending on whose POV you have. If we only saw the heroes, it would be almost entirely episodic. Each conflict appears to be separate from the others. My favorite episode was probably whichever one where they all get amnesia. I also liked the prison riot and the bit in episode 12 where Robin and Artemis are the only ones not captured, and Artemis has to save the day. There's an old joke about why the Justice League (or the Avengers, for that matter) have "guy with arrows" in a team of the most powerful people on Earth. This episode has the character herself acknowledge that, and have to overcome the resulting feelings of insecurity. On the other hand, from the villains' perspective it's all connected. Most episodes ended with one of your patented "Xanatos Tags," where the villains muse about how they didn't get everything they wanted but still advanced their overall plan. The Light, whatever they are, are gradually taking over more and more, but they're doing it under the radar so as not to bring down the hammer on themselves. So I like the core concept that Young Justice is also a below the radar group to confront them. At this point, though, it's not really clear what they're after, and some of the tags strain plausibility. They staged a prison riot and mass escape attempt just to get Hugo Strange in charge? That seems like overkill. I guess they also wanted some of the prisoners to escape if possible, but only The Riddler did. I'm hoping he gets a moment of glory later in the show.

So far, I'd say this show is good, not great. I enjoyed it, and there was good action and humor, but the whole thing felt kind of inconsequential. I guess that's the problem with reviewing half a season- it's deliberately not a whole story, so there's no way to know what's important and what's not. Hopefully, it all builds to something bigger and more exciting by the end. I know season 2 involves a five year time skip and is called "Invasion," so that certainly has promise. I'll let you know when I've finished the first season, but for now I'd give it a B, or 3 out of 4 stars.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 10, 2017

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Kreack writes...

How deep is the connection between the League of Shadows and The Light? Is it like a partnership or is the League just another one of their puppets?

Greg responds...


The League of Shadows is run by Ra's al Ghul and has been for centuries. Ra's is a member of the Light, so the Shadows are at the Light's disposal through Ra's. So it's not a partnership. But calling them "puppets" doesn't make any sense either.

Response recorded on March 10, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

How smart is Red Arrow? Did he go to college? Did he make his own equipment after going solo? How did he get his equipment after going solo?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know how to quantify this.

2. As of when?

3. Mostly.

4. Combination of making it and purchasing it.

Response recorded on March 10, 2017

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JSA Fan writes...

In Independence Day, the Team's founders were told by their mentors that they couldn't accompany the League in the Wotan mission due to them not being trained to work alongside its members as a larger unit. Does this indicate that new members are trained by the League, in roles of tactical combat, or perhaps the maneuvers used by the Team later on?

Thanks for everything!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 08, 2017

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Ron writes...

Hey Greg! Before I ask my question, I simply want to give you and the whole YJ crew a bit of appreciation. The animators, writers, producers, voice actors, and anyone who worked on this show did an amazing job. I have never watched a series I have loved more than this. I thought Justice League/JLU would be my all-time favorite, but not anymore. I love the animation, the writing, the characters, the relations, and everything else. I love Wally and Artemis together, I love the idea of Blue and Impulse together (fans have convinced me haha), I love Superboy, and everything else on this show. Anyways, I have a couple questions.

1. What are your favorite episodes of Young Justice and why?
2. Some people say the time jump was a mistake. What do you think about that?

3. How excited are you to work on Young Justice again?

Best of love from me! Also, #WeLiveAgain for Gargoyles!

Greg responds...

1. I kinda like them all. I guess my single favorite is "Misplaced" because I like the numerous tonal shifts and the relatively sophisticated structure.

2. What do you think I think?

3. Very.

Response recorded on March 03, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Rocket tells Robin Wonder Woman couldn't escape her force bubble if she kept punching it. Does it mean she could escape if she did nothing? How does that work?

Greg responds...

It doesn't mean she could escape if she did nothing. Rocket was merely making the point that Wonder Woman was fueling it with the kinetic energy she was releasing.

Response recorded on March 02, 2017

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