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Random Fan writes...

Ok, I once read somewhere that next season called invasion will be relaunched with the DCnU. does that mean that characters that no longer exist in the mainline comics (like Wally West) will no longer be canon in Earth-16 Young Justice?

also, this may seem like a stupid question but, does Wally know Batman's secret ID to or just Robin's?

Greg responds...

1. YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION will be part of the DC NATION block on Cartoon Network. It is simply the next 'chapter' of Young Justice and is set on Earth-16, which is not influenced by the changes in the mainstream DC Universe, if for no other reason than those changes were announced TOO LATE for us to include them whether or not we might or might not have wanted to.


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Derek writes...

I love anytime you guys throw fairly obscure characters into YJ, as I'm sure many others do. However, I adored the Blue Devil cameo in "Revelation"--his early comics were so funny and so much fun, and I think he's vastly overrated and has a very cool backstory. He had a similar silent cameo in JLU as well, but seeing him even without lines is cool.

Whose idea was it to throw him in? And actually, on a more general note, where do most of the ideas for using the lesser-known characters you come from? Is it usually more collaborative from the entire writers' room, or do people occasionally throw in their favorites every now and then (especially in bigger fight scenes like "Revelation" where you could feasibly fit in any superhero you want)?

Again, thanks for being awesome!

Greg responds...

You think Blue Devil's "vastly overrated"?

It was my idea to throw him in, and I tend to be the one to pull in new characters (that is new-to-the-show pre-existing characters from the comics), though (a) that's not exclusively true and (b) I have help with research from John Wells.

And we can't just throw in any super-hero we want, because any super-hero we want needs to get designed by Phil Bourassa, and there are only so many hours in the day, you know?

Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Brendan writes...

Oh my goodness, so sorry (and feel free to not answer since I forgot to include it on the last one), but was the Injustice League's base modelled after the Legion of Doom's old HQ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Brendan writes...

Hi Greg! Loving the show so far, and just a few questions.

* Where was Wonder Woman in "Revelation"?
* And in the same episode, were the additional heroes helping out the League (Blue Devil, Icon, Plastic Man, ECT) meant to be members of the JLA's reserve roster or something? Or were they just random heroes?
* Was the use of Rocket and Icon meant as a nod to the late Dwayne McDuffie? Either way, I just wanna thank you so much for including them, as I know he'd be proud to see his work living on in some form.

Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

1. Busy.


3. Dwayne was still alive when we began work on the episode. They weren't a specific tribute to him. Though of course, I was and am a huge fan of Dwayne's work.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Buttercup writes...

Hi Greg!
First off, I absolutely LOVE Young Justice. Me and my little sister are addicted to it. It's possibly the best animated show ever, and there's only 14 episodes out! I just have one question, really:
In Bialya, when the patrol leader shouted in Arabic when Robin appeared, he said "Her Majesty wants him alive!". Does this mean that they only wanted Robin, specifically, or did they just want the team in general?

Greg responds...


Come on, folks, check the queue ahead of you. You're just slowing the whole process down for everyone when you repeat a question already asked!

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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loudgirl writes...

is Artemis and Kid Flash's "relationship" going to be explored?

Greg responds...

<sigh> NO COMMENT.

(But seriously, what do you think?)

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Luke B. writes...

Dear Greg,

I was so thrilled when I saw the Brain and M. Mallah show up in "Alpha Male", but was bummed when I realized Mallah wasn't speaking. I optimistically chalked it up to him being too angry for words and not wanting to give away any plans. But then Ultra Humanite didn't speak in "Revelation", either. Can these characters talk in Earth-16?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Triela E. writes...

Thank you for being Klarion back in episode 14! I was wondering if he would come back, and I hope we'll see him fight Doctor Fate again. :)

1) How old is Klarion? He said "Order went out in the 19th century", so I'm curious if he is a teenager on Earth, or much older than that. Well, how old is he on his dimension and how old is he on Earth?

2) How tall is Klarion, and how much does he weight? (If you don't know, don't care about this one...you can just put NO COMMENT, I'll understand) The reason why I asked is because he looks very very skinny, too skinny.

3) Does Klarion have to eat/sleep? Or is he just immune to those things since he's in another dimension?

4) Does Klarion have any ounce of good in him, or is he just all evil?

5) How does someone become Lord of Chaos, or Lord of Order? Are they just like that, or what exactly?

I know that's a lot of questions, but if you could answer a few I would be very appreciative!!! Thank you for the wonderful show! :)

Greg responds...

1. Klarion in our series is a Lord of Chaos. He is Chaos personified. He has no age.

1a. He has no dimension per se, where he has a concrete age. He's a concept.

1b. Ageless.

2. Yeah, no comment. I assume its variable anyway.

3. He feeds off chaos.

4. He's neither good nor evil in a classic sense. He's chaotic.

5. He just is.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

So, how much time does Robin spend recording himself laughing for all his tech? Or does he just have a set recording?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Anthony Piom writes...

Hi Greg,
Thank you so much for making Young Justice, I look forward to watching it every week! I love how every episode is consistent in quality and there is never any filler. Every episode effects the next in some form.

One question I have is if Sphere will ever be allowed to accompany Superboy on missions. Why does he allow Wolf to but not Sphere, Sphere was able to save Superboy in "Bereft".

Greg responds...

Stay tuned.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I read this on the Young Justice Wiki:

1 - "Savage bears a scar that resembles the signature mark of the Hunters from Gargoyles, another of Greg Weisman's production."

2 - "Queen Bee is voiced by Marina Sirtis, best known for her work as Demona, from Gargoyles, another of Greg Weisman's production. Queen Bee dons a veil around her shoulders, reminiscing Demona's wings when furled. She also wears a gold armband similar to the one that Demona used on her left arm, and a golden diadem that resembles Demona's headpiece."

was this a conscious nod to Gargoyles? who's idea was it?

Greg responds...

Neither were, actually. Phil Bourassa designed both characters, and if he was inspired by Gargoyles - a show he didn't work on - I'd be very surprised.

These are coincidences. Fun coincidences, I suppose, but just coincidences.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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spence writes...

From here on out, could you post on your Rambles the scripts for foreign languages dialogs and incantations? I would ask every time an episode with such airs, but with the amount of questions slowing down the queue, it would take weeks until we get the scripts after I request them.

Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

That makes sense... but, no. I just don't have time. I allocate a bit of time to answer a few questions on the days I have time. And I make sure to do the credits, but I can't keep track of the rest. Sorry.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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smartaxe writes...

I just finished watching Revelation and I gotta say, YJ is outdoing itself with each new episode. I especially loved your take on the Joker. Very Clockwork Orange. All those cameos were terrific as well, and as a big Plastic Man fan, I was psyched to see that he's bouncing around on Earth-16.

1. I gather that you tend to create pretty detailed plans and backstories for your characters. I was just wondering how much you think about one-scene-only guys like Plas and Blue Devil? Do you have their histories mapped out, even superficially? Or is it just a matter of "Icon and Rocket are awesome, let's throw them in!"

2. Would you ever consider posting or publishing the timeline you've created for the show?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I have their histories broadly scoped out, without a lot of detail.

2. I'd consider it.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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thisguyisnotcool writes...

Hey Greg big fan of SpecSpider Man and YJ, you and Brandon are doing a great job!
Anywho the questions
1.What are the birthdates of the Young Justice 6 + Red Arrow?
2.How long have Iris and Barry been married?
3.How long has Mercy been Lex's bodyguard?
4. How did you determine the personalities of each of the characters?(It be cool if you really went in depth with this)
5.Who was a Green Lantern first Guy or John?
6. What is Wally's best field in Science?
7.Are Wally's powers really hard to control or master?
8.Besides being an Acrobat, did Robin learn anything else in the Circus?
9.How long have Rocket and Icon been heroes?
10.Who is the hardest character to write on the show?
11.What subject do each of the kids excel at?
12. Is Robin the most famous sidekick?(being first and all)
13. How come Black Adam, Atomic Skull, and Ultra-Huminite didn't say anything in the episode 14?
Some weird stuff!
1. Fans on the Internet found out that on August 16 "Targets" would air on September 16,some more number 16 weird, eh.
2. In episode 109 Robin noticed it was September and asked "what happen to March." This episode aired in March and we didn't see the next on until September
Thanks for answering my questions and hope you have fun working on the show!

Greg responds...

1. I haven't nailed all of them down specifically. Mostly, I just know what years they were born.

2. I haven't nailed that down specifically.

3. Ditto.

4. Generally, we look at the source material and try to hone down to the most basic core element of his or her personality. Then we build back up/extrapolate from here.

5. Hal.

6. Biology, but he's good at chemistry, physics, etc. too.

7. You try it.

8. Sure.

9. Since May.

10. No one character is hard to write. What's hard is HOW MANY there are to juggle. (Director Tim Divar just said: "Sphere." But he may have been joking.)

11. Conner - History. Megan - English. Wally - Biology. Dick - Math. Artemis - Spanish. Kaldur - Combat Sorcery.

12. Yes.

13. The honest truth is we couldn't AFFORD to have everyone speak. (Actors, strangely, expect payment when they do voices. Who knew?)

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg.

Revelation is one of the best episodes so far. Nice to see all of those cameos, and the development of the villains' plans kicking into high gear.
A few questions:
Do heroes outside of the League have their own special designations for getting into Mount Justice and the Satellite?
Captain Atom seemed to strain himself to take in all of that atomic energy. Can his shell be seriously damaged by absorbing too much energy at one time?
I like how Wally's collection of souvenirs is a smaller version of the JL Watchtower's Trophy Room. Can we expect the collection to continue to grow throughout the rest of this season and into the second?

Thanks again for an amazing episode. I haven't looked forward to an animated show like this since Spectacular Spider-Man. Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

1. No. Cuz they can't.

2. Captain Atom does NOT have a shell; he has armored skin. If he absorbs too much energy too quickly, it becomes fuel to thrust him forward in time.

3. There's no Trophy Room in the Watchtower. But, yes, Wally's collection will continue to grow.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

First i just want to say that I love this show and as a robin fangirl i can't understand why people keep complaining about his creepy laugh or his butchering of the English language. I think its the funniest thing in the world and all of my friends who watch this show agree... but i have to say Robin has been missing in quite a few episodes and it seems like he has the least character developmental. there's been at least one episode centered around each character, even red arrow got his own episode and he's not even on the team!i was just wondering if you could tell us what episode robin's character will be delved into more, or at the very least will the team know his name by the end of season one?

Greg responds...

I don't think his laugh is creepy, and I don't think he's butchering the English language. So I'm glad that stuff doesn't bother you, but I wish you wouldn't characterize it that way.

Robin had a focus episode already, and will continue to get more development as the series progresses. And his name was revealed in episode 112, which you should have seen even by the time you posted.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi greg
On the subject of young justice, I was watching the Bialya episode and i saw when the people said "The queen wants him alive," I noticed it was a him or i think it was a him. Any way i was wondering since they were only fighting robin did they just want Robin or did they want the whole team.

The second subject is still on young justice and my second question. Will Deathstroke or Slade appear in this series?

Greg responds...

1. They'd take as many members of the Team alive as they could get without risking their other objectives.


Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

About that response you made about Jonathan and Martha Kent not existing in Earth-16 and Jor-El and Lara coming with Superman and being found by the U.S. government, which situated them in Smallville in this post: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=13173, were you actually serious or was that just a joke that you made up so that you could avoid answering Trevor Doyle's question? 'Cause for me and possibly for a lot of DC fans out there, Jonathan and Martha Kent not raising Superman is like Batman's parents never being murdered. They would have never assumed their respective identities if those two things never happened.

Greg responds...

Note the date I posted that: it was an April Fool's Day joke, as I revealed just a few posts later.

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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The Forehead writes...

Hey Greg! I don't have a specific question, but I did want to email and comment on episode 114: Revelation. In my opinion, it is easily the best Young Justice episode so far, and one of the best animated episodes of anything set in the DC universe. The action sequences were intense and I think you really showed villain teamwork the way it should be - not just the members of the team fighting together, but combining their strengths to make something even more powerful than they are; casting Brent Spiner as the Joker just sealed the deal that this version of the Secret Society / Injustice League was a force to be reckoned with. Thank you so much for making this show (I look forward to it every Friday and I hope it will keep running for years), and keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

Thank you!!!

Response recorded on January 11, 2012

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Drake writes...

I first of all wanted to say how much I love YJ so far. I was sooooo excited to see the reveal of the other members of the light and was very content with them. I do have a question, though. Who are the current Justice League members (that you can tell us without it being a spoiler)? If there are any you want to keep secret, how many secret members are there? Thank you and keep making cool TV. :D

Greg responds...

The entire Justice League was revealed in episode 102.

In alphabetical order they are:

Black Canary
Captain Atom
Captain Marvel
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Green Lantern
Martian Manhunter
Red Tornado
Wonder Woman

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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kric33 writes...

hi greg
so for the past four weeks i have been trying to figure out what year Robin was born. its really been bothering me :( i figured that robin could have turned 13 this year and posibly could of been moved up to grade 9 or theres a grade 8 in high school in america (sorry im canadian we dont have middle school here so i am all jumbled up when it comes to schools there) or Robins turning 14 in the next coming months (since its like october in the show) you help me out please? thanks :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Cam writes...

Hi Greg. I love Young Justice and the show is really getting better and better after the hiatus!
Alongside with "Homefront", "Revelations" was great! I love to see Joler and Ivy on the show^^
I got a lot of questions, I don´t know wher to beggin!
I wanna know the reason of why to choose Alyssa Milano for Poison Ivy´s voice?
Will be more episodes focus on Artemis past and life? I really her :)
Will Icicle Jr. and Artemis even meet in the show?
Artemis and Icicle Jr. are married in the comics.....Will you use that for some sort of plot in the show? I really would like to see them imteract^^
Also I like Artemis and Wally together, will their relationship grow? And I mean as more than friend.
Do you think the mole will be revealed in season 1?
Im interested in the episode called "Coldhearted" Actually Im interested in all the episodes :) But if it´s ot to much information....could you tell, who will be the main character in that?
Thats all for now^^
Congrats for the show Greg, it´s really cool!!

Greg responds...

1. We thought she was great.

2. Eventually.

3. Check out issue #13 of the comic.





Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Michelle writes...

Hey! I saw the Young Justice production updates and it got me thinking...

Season 2 is 'Young Justice: Invasion' and only 20 episodes. Does that mean that there won't be a season 3? Because I am in love with this show and I don't want to see it with such a short run.

PS: 'Homefront' was AMAZING! Favorite Episode :D

Greg responds...

Too soon to say whether they'll be a third season, but the title and/or number of episodes for Season 2 has no baring on the decision on Season Three. Now the ratings and toy sales, on the other hand...

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Mike P. writes...

Just finished watching Revelation and I must say you guys really outdid yourselves with this one. Definitely my favorite episode so far. Intimidating bug name villain, Awesome cameos by JL members,cool moments for the entire JL team, and the revelation of The Light's identities! What more could a DC fan ask for?

Enough praise. On to my questions:
1. Now that the identities of the Light have been revealed can you say how long they've been a group relative to the JL?
2. Has Wally discussed his meeting Kent Nelson with Jay Garrick at all? I assume the two Golden Age heroes would have known one another personally or at the very least had knowledge of the others' presence in the super hero field.

Greg responds...


2. I'm sure he has.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Jeremy writes...

I'm a big fan of your cartoon shows(Gargoyles,Spectacular Spiderman,and Young Justice)
My question is who voiced Wotan in Revelation

Greg responds...

Bruce Greenwood.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Ankit09 writes...

Hi Greg, 'Revelation' was brilliant! It was an epic.
I want to ask some questions of Young Justice.
1) In "Independence Day" Why did Wotan want to blot out the sun?
2) Is Blockbuster's mutation irreversible? Is Mammoth's mutation irreversible?
3) Why did T. O. Morrow want to reprogram Red Tornado?
4) Why is the Light (via Sportsmaster) procuring means to go "mano-a-mano" with the Justice League?
5) Why was Professor Ivo thought to be dead? Why did Professor Ivo create Amazo? Was Professor Ivo working alone or was he in cahoots with someone else?
6) Why is Paula Crock in a wheelchair?
7) In "Bereft" When Miss Martian restored Superboy's memories, why was there a glimpse of a White Martian?
8) Where did the Sphere come from?
9) In "Targets" Why does Cheshire and Sportsmaster seem to dislike each other?
10) In "Terrors" Is the Riddler as inept as regarded? How did the Riddler manage to escape? If only one convict escaped, then how were "the main objectives all reached"? What were the main objectives of the break out?
11) In "Homefront" Who created Red Torpedo and Red Inferno? What happened to Red Tornado when he touched Red Inferno? Is Red Tornado the mole?
12) In "Alpha Male" What happened to the Brain and Monsieur Mallah in the end? Why is Artemis so vehement that Aqualad cannot trust Sportsmaster?
13) Are Blue Devil, Guy Gardner, Plastic Man, Rocket and Icon members of the Justice League?
14) Where did Vandal Savage get his scar?

Greg responds...

1. You're making an assumption here that I think the evidence belies.

2. Doesn't seem to be.

2a. Ditto.

3. By now, you know.

4. Take a guess.

5. There seemed to be evidence supporting that assumption.



6. She can't walk.


8. Superboy found it in Bialya.





10c. Most already seem pretty self-evident to me.

11. T.O. Morrow.



12. They escaped.


13. Nope.

14. Cave Bear.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Chris England writes...

After watching the recent episode of "Young Justice" - "Revelations", I was to be 6/7 correct about the members of the Light. I also glad that you chosed Vandal Savage to be "L-1", bout time he took command. I was just amaazed that you chose Klarion the Witch-boy to be a member.
What made you chose him instead of someone like Felix Faust?

Greg responds...

Watch and see...

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. In Revelation, was that Icon??? If so, wow, what a treat.

Revelation was a blast. Guy Gardner made me laugh out loud. Thank you some more for this quality show.

Greg responds...


You're welcome.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Jordan writes...

I really enjoyed "Revelation." I'm curious about the show's take on the Joker. I can see the influence from Heath Ledger's portrayal, but I was wondering what else influenced the overall design and characterization of your version.

Greg responds...

I think we were probably less influenced by Ledger's Joker than you might think - which is not to say it might not be in the mix somewhere and/or that I wasn't impressed with Ledger, because of course I was.

But we're all just retreating to common sources anyway.

Anyway, I can't speak to what influenced Phil and/or Brandon and/or Brent, but I mostly go back to old comics of my childhood for inspiration.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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conner writes...

1.How did Robin and Aqualad find out M'gann and Conner are dating?

Greg responds...

By paying attention.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you let Steve Blum reprise his role as Count Vertigo from the Green Arrow DC Showcase onto YJ?

Greg responds...

Why did I "let" him? What an odd way to put it.

I thought Steve was great; Brandon and Jamie agreed, so we cast him in the role again.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Comicnerd writes...

'Revelation' was brilliant!

1. Is the following list of names and aliases correct in Earth-16?
Captain Atom - Nathaniel Adam
Plastic Man - Patrick O’Brian
Blue Devil - Daniel Cassidy
Icon - Augustus Freeman
Rocket - Raquel Ervin
Hawkman - Carter Hall
Hawkwoman - Shayera Hol
The Joker - Jack Napier
Poison Ivy - Pamela Isley
Ocean Master - Orm Marius
Black Adam - Teth-Adam
Zatara - Giovanni “John” Zatara
Ultra-Humanite - Gerard Shrugel

2. What color are Wonder Woman's eyes?

Greg responds...

1. Some are correct, some are not.

2. Wonder Woman's eyes are blue.

(What's with this sudden obsession with eye color?)

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Ferg2 writes...

Love YJ!
1. How old is Guy Gardner?
2. What color are Guy's eyes?
3. How old is Vandal Savage?

Greg responds...

1. Guy is 33.

2. Guy has green eyes. (So does Joker, btw, though his are a more yellowy green.)

3. Vandal is over 50,000 years old.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I have to questions.

1-Will Dick get older on season 2? Given the case, how old?
2-If Starfire ever shows up (even as a cameo) how old would she be?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Robin Graywolf writes...

'Revelation' was an awesome episode!! My favorite so far, thanks for this great Joker. The guy who voices him is not Mark Hamill but is sure a good Joker too, I'mm very pleased with him.

1-Will ever the Joker appear again? Fine if you can't answer that but I really hope you can.
2-Why is Klarion a member of the Light? He seemed like to be one of the villains that works for the Light not a memeber of it. That really got my curiosity.
3-Now that the team has random heroes to play as their 'den mother' We saw Captain Marvel. What other heroes are as a possibility for the task?
4-Which of the next episodes of season one will be center on Robin?

That's all I guess. Hope my questions are ok. I love the show thanks for it!

Greg responds...


2. Watch and see.

3. In theory, any member of the League. Watch and see.


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Rob writes...

Let's see...

1-How old is Barbara Gordon? And what grade is she at Gotham Academy?
2- I don't care who but, will we ever see any of the Teen Titans on the show, even as a cameo? And I mean Cyborg, Raven or Starfire?
3-Will Hynden Walch ever voice a character, any character in Young Justice?
4-Will Artemis always be on the team?

I hope those questions can be answered. Thanks for your time and thank you for one of the best shows ever! Congratulations, Young Justice is so far the best show airing on tv! Actually I watching on internet.

Greg responds...





Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Mars writes...

In Revelation there were a lot of incantations thrown around. Could you give us a translation?

Greg responds...

Etacol retnecipe fo yrecros! = Locate epicenter of sorcery!

Erif, kees tuo siht larutannu erutaerc! = Fire, seek out this unnatural creature!

Niatnoc eht erutaerc! = Contain the creature!

Solvo quod reverto! = [Sorry, I just can't remember what this one means. But it's Latin, if that helps. Google Translate says it means "Free return that!" But that can't be exactly what we had in mind.]

Fulmina venite! = "Summon the lightning!" or "Lightning come!"

Ekirts Natow nwod! = Strike Wotan down!

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

YJ feedback on Revelation:

Greg, I would like to say it was great to see Milestone characters and more Batman: The Brave and the Bold characters especially Guy Gardner. My most favourite part of that episode was the mudfight between The Team and the Injustice League.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Sophie writes...

I love how badass Aqualad and all the other Atlantians are on YJ! Usually, Aquaman is considered kind of a joke by a lot of people, but you made them so cool and powerful on the show, which is great. I was wondering, was some of the water controlling powers Aqualad use inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender?

Greg responds...

Well, not really, because I've seen that stuff for years before I was exposed to A:TLAb. For example, W.I.T.C.H. But you know, it's all in there, I guess.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Char23 writes...

Hi, first of all - I love Young Justice! Tonight's episode (Revelations) was awesome!

I've noticed a lot of fan buzz (very positive, might I add) over the idea of a Kid Flash and Robin romantic pairing. I know there are certain parameters in which you have to operate in - does that preclude the possibility of a KF and Robin relationship?


Greg responds...

Well, what really precludes it, I suppose, is that I don't think either of them are gay. But everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

Revelation was an amazing episode!

1.) How old is the Joker?

2.) How old is Poison Ivy?

3.) How old is Lex Luthor?

4.) How old is Queen Bee?

5.) What color are the Joker's eyes?

6.) How old is Rocket?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Joker is 32.

2. Poison Ivy is 27.

3. Lex Luthor is 46.

4. Queen Bee is 28.

5. Sorry, I don't remember, and I'm not currently in a location where I can check.

6. Rocket is 15.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg. I was wondering how the Joker's design in YJ came to be. This version struck me as a crazed Beatle, with the sideburns, the slender build, the fitted suit, and the more youthful face. Don't misinterpret that as a complaint, it makes him very distinct from the DCAU version and the Red Hood version (which is all I'm familiar with). But it's still a curious design choice I wouldn't have expected, and I'd like to know how it came about. Did you have something in mind, and Mr. Bourassa brought it to life, or did you and Brandon take a shining to a concept he brought to you?

If you were toying with other concepts, would you describe them? Concept art always fascinates me, I like seeing other possible directions a character might have taken.

I think your Joker's look made him seem more disturbed than a menacing look would have. Especially with all the knife flailing. He's the only Joker I've seen that would look pretty normal after a re-color. I hope to see him again!

Greg responds...

As always, our lead character designer is Phil Bourassa, who works with input from myself and Brandon Vietti. I don't know exactly how it came about; I just know that I love it.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I've been up since early in the morning, I'm still recovering from the flu, I spent all day running around New York Comic Con, and I will be doing the same tomorrow. I need a lot of sleep. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to miss out on watching and reviewing "Young Justice."

This was, to use a term coined by J. Michael Straczynski, a wham episode. So much happened, and fast. A lot of action, a lot of suspense and, yes, a big revelation. Although one that, I think, was guessed by many people before the episode aired. I will elaborate on that momentarily.

Giant plant creatures are terrorizing the world, and are being organized, seemingly, by the Injustice League. Count Vertigo, Wotan, Poison Ivy, Black Adam, Ultra Humanite, and the Joker. The Justice League faces the plant creatures while The Team are sent in to take down the villains' means to control the plants, ergo facing the villains.

The biggest surprise of this episode was Aqualad using the helmet of Dr. Fate to defeat the Injustice League, particularly Wotan. The battle was very suspenseful, and I was actually glad that in addition to Dr. Fate, The Team was bailed out by the Justice League. I think it would have strained credibility if The Team was able to defeat the Injustice League on their own.

The episode ends with both the League and The Team thinking they've defeated the secret society of villains that have been conspiring against them before we finally cut to Vandal Savage, and the revelation of the identities of The Light. The only real surprise in this line-up was Klarion, as action figure photos from ToyFair and those playing cards that were given away at San Diego Comic Con pretty much gave away everybody else, except for Ra's al Ghul and Lex Luthor who were revealed as members back in "Targets."

I like this line-up. A lot. I am especially excited that Vandal Savage is clearly the head honcho in this organization instead of Lex Luthor. I remember being rather disappointed when "Justice League" and "Justice League Unlimited" were airing and after introducing Vandal Savage, who had all the makings of a great Big Bad that would have helped the series better achieve their own identity, they defaulted (constantly) to Lex Luthor which helped make these series look more like direct sequels to "Superman the Animated Series."

I'm also very interested to learn more about what drives him. The way he uses the word "light" makes me think that, to him, this is more than just a cool name for his little secret society. This is a word that sums up something he deeply believes in. I also like his design, he looks like a savage and a neanderthal. I am curious to learn where those three scars across his face came from. Hmm... did he have a run in with a certain demon in Scotland back in the Dark Ages?

The voice cast in this episode was quite interesting. First, I rather enjoyed Brent Spiner as the Joker. His performance has been getting some mixed reviews across the internet. I personally thought it was terrific, but there were times when it felt wrong to me too. And I know exactly why it did, because we've imbibed Mark Hamill as the Joker for nineteen years now. Hamill owns that role, at least as far as voice work goes. That's a lot to live up to, but I think Spiner will rise to the challenge and while he will never own the Joker the way Hamill does, he is already a worthy one.

Alyssa Milano sounded great as Poison Ivy, but I can tell she's new at voice acting. This is not a knock, with more time to play this character, and especially with a genius like Jamie Thomason directing her, I'm sure she will grow into it. I am reminded of Emma Samms in "City of Stone Part One," and how she grew as a voice actor by the time part four aired.

And I loved hearing Steve Blum again. He's been a favorite of mine for a long time.

The only things that felt a little bit odd to me was Wotan being a part of a group that was trying to ransom $10 billion. I'll admit, before tonight, I had never heard of Wotan. After the episode aired, I looked him up on wikipedia, and based on what I read, a ransom scheme doesn't seem like his style. He seems like someone who plays at higher stakes. Likewise, Klarion, seems too petty and impatient to be a part of an organization like The Light. But time, and more episodes will tell. This production team chose these characters for these positions for a reason, and Greg Weisman has not erred on his previous shows.

The other thing, I felt Aqualad was able to remove the helmet a little too easily. Yeah, he mentioned that Kent Nelson helped, but I hope the next time someone puts that helmet on, taking it off does not come so easily.

This episode was a real game changer, and it leaves me pumped to see what comes next. So far, this show has taken time to grow on me. I liked it, a lot. It's an A+ show, easily. But "Gargoyles" and "Spectacular Spider-Man" were A+ shows with a lot of extra credit. But now, for the first time, I am pumped on this show. I think the extra credit is about to be turned in.

Oh, and if you didn't love Artemis's line about feeling naked and not in the fun way, you have no soul.

Greg responds...

Cave Bear.

And Alyssa Milano is not particularly new to voice acting.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Are Green Arrow and Artemis close?

Greg responds...

Stay tuned and judge for yourself.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Knickerbocker writes...

Do the Injustice League know they've been used as scapegoats and red herrings by the Light?

Greg responds...

"Scapegoat" is a strong word. Otherwise, NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Jerry Whitworth writes...

Greg, in the "Revelations" episode of Young Justice, was the Injustice League headquarters a homage to the Hall of Doom from Challenge of the Super Friends? Thank you.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Wow, Revelations was great!! I loved the Injustice League, all the members got good screen time, and were accurate to their characters. Of course Joker steals all the scenes he's in, perfect. And thank you for the reserve League members. It was nice to see Plastic Man, Guy, even Blue Devil! But Icon and Rocket really threw me off, I mean wha?? They didn't even survive the reboot (as far as I know). And The Light, it was nice to see a lot of my guesses were right, I knew Brain was in there! Though Klarion was a surprise. Only one thing would have made me happier about this episode, and that would've been an appearance by a certain muck-encrusted denizen of the bayou formerly known as Alec Holland. Now onto some questions I have;

1-Did I hear Wotan use one or more of the spells The Archmage used? If so, awesome, thank you.
2-Is one of the Light emebers Ocean Master?
3-Will Wolf get named? Or the sphere?
4-Are Icon and Rocket League reservists? Or were they just other heroes helping out?
4b-How many reservists does the League have?

Please send my praise to the cast and crew. Can't wait for next week!

Greg responds...

First off, those weren't "reserve League members".

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. They've already been named Wolf and Sphere.

4. No.

4a. Yes.

4b. None.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Was that Dwayne McDuffie's Icon I saw in the episode Revelation?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Star Outlaw writes...

Hello Greg. I've been loving Young Justice, and Revelation has been the best episode so far, in my opinion. It made me so happy to see Blue Devil get a cameo, since he's such a cool character who has really been underused.

My question is, has Blue Devil been turned into a real demon, or is he still just stuck in his stunt suit? And on that note, was the trident he was using magic or tech?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Anon writes...

On tonight's new episode of Young Justice "Revelations" (Which I enjoyed by the way) it showed the inclusion of milestone media characters Icon & Rocket fighting off the plant creatures along with the Justice League.

1. Were you a fan of the original Milestone Media?

2. There are rumors circulating that Rocket will be the 7th member of The Team. Can you comment on this?

3. Do you plan on using any other milestone characters such as Static?

thanks for taking the time for answering my questions. Love the show!

Greg responds...

1. I was a particular fan of Icon & Rocket. I didn't read any of the other books with any consistency.



Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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