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FMAB94 writes...

Hey Greg,
I've got another question that has been eating me up.

What ever happened to the Gnomes. After the episode "Agendas" we never saw them again. Did things ever work out? Or are they still enslaved by Cadmas.

Greg responds...

Nearly all the genomorphs are still in Cadmus. How "enslaved" they are is debatable, I suppose.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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anon.canon writes...

Well, here it goes.

"Young Jusice: Invasion" is ending in a few days--way to state the obvious--and to be honest, I'm sorry to see it leave. I've looked forward to watching this show every Saturday--and then, later, Sunday--and it's become part of my weekend. I honestly never thought that I would get this attached to a show, but it appears that I was wrong.

Your show is, well, amazing. I used to watch "Gargoyles" when I was younger, and it was just...well, great. And then, when I heard that you were working on a new project, I was psyched. And I wasn't disappointed--"Young Justice" is probably one of the best DC cartoon shows that I've ever seen, and I've seen a ton.

You managed to put your own portrayal on characters that we had already seen, already knew, while making them recognizable and enjoyable. It's one thing to write characters that are of your own creation, but it's another thing entirely to write characters that are of another person's design.

Your--and Brandon's--work is just...amazing. Really. I've had yet to see an episode that I haven't liked, and I'm sure that the finale won't disappoint, either. Again, I'm sorry to see the show go, but I'm going to remain optimistic and hope that it'll come back, one day. (I'm looking forward to the finale, but--at the same time--I'm not looking forward to it. Does that make sense?)

...Sorry for the rambling message, though I'm not sorry to tell you how much I love your show.

Again, fantastic job.

Greg responds...

Thank you. Really.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Darksuperboy writes...

you said i one of your previous answers ''who said any thing about being cancelled'' can you elaberate? also
1) do you have any plans to sell the show to another channel so it may continue?
1a)if not then why not?
2)currently the rateing for the show averaged at 1.9 million+ what numbers did you need for season 3 to get a green light?
3)is the online petitions (one numbering over 31000+ votes)and tweet trends akeing a difference in picking up the show for season 3 by cn or any other channel or helping in any way for the show continueing?
4)if season 3 isnt an option will we at least exspect a dvd film like TEEN TITANS TROUBLE IN TOKYO to round out the shows ending

thank you for your time, youve made great shows now and in the past and look forward to your next

Greg responds...

1. That's not up to me, but it seems unlikely, as that would mean that they'd be selling to a competitor.

1a. Keep in mind that Young Justice is the product of three divisions (DC, CN, WB) of one company: Time-Warner.

2. I don't know that it was that simple, ever. The biggest problem we had was not our ratings, which were inconsistent and influenced by a number of factors, but the lack of the success of the toy line, which paid for the series.

3. Doesn't hurt. But the best way to vote is with your wallet. A good showing on Young Justice Legacy would definitely help.

4. I don't think you can 'expect' it. Brandon and I would love to do it, but there seems to be no interest at this time.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

This isn't a question, but I felt I had to write about this. I just saw your post about the site 'kickstarters' and I just want to assure you that I, at least, would DEFINATELY throw money at any of the three shows you mentioned (Gargoyles, Spectacular and Young Justice). Initiatives like that, where audience and creator 'cuts out the middleman' have always been my vision for the future of entertainment. Your shows in particular would have top priority for me.

Greg responds...


Unfortunately, I think Veronica Mars is proving the exception to the rule. Studios don't seem too anxious to go this route with properties they own and control.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Julia writes...

Young Justice has meant a lot to me. It's what got me into a wider scope of fandom and, honestly, paved the way for a lot of the friendships I've made in the past two years.

So- thank you. For making this. It changed my life.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. And I appreciate your posting this. It's gratifying.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Grant writes...

Personally in your opinion who is the better parent, Sportsmaster or Black Manta?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on September 09, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Read your interview with World's Finest. Lots of designations!

A lot of assumptions I made are true. Yay!

Was it intentional that Jason Todd be... Unlucky thirteen?

Greg responds...

Just worked out that way.

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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Bill writes...

1) Did you have any unused story arcs for the tie-in comic that involved the Justice Society of America or the All-Star Squadron?

2) On May 5th, 2012, you revealed there was at least 7 major characters that the staff wanted to add to Season 2 but there just wasn't any room for them and they were saved for the comic book and/or a potential Season 3. Did any of these 7 appear between Issue #16 Common Denominators and Issue #25 Players Part 6?

3) If the answer to 2) is yes, who were they?

4) On July 18, 2012, you hinted a Wildstorm character was included in a 'stealth way.' Was this in Young Justice season one or in season two?

5) Young Justice had 179 name characters in season one and 145 in season two. Could you please post this list of name characters in a series of Ask Greg rambles (for example 1-50 in one post, 51-100 in a second post and so on)?

Greg responds...

1. I have unused stories for just about everything.

2. Can you link me to that 'reveal'? Was I saying seven total or seven in addition to what you saw? Do you have candidates from those issues of the comic or are you just trying to get answers without having to read them? Three of the characters we had wanted to include but could not - and which I've already revealed - were Troia, Lieutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel.

3. I don't think the answer is yes. But my memory isn't what it used to be.

4. One.

5. Maybe, if the mood strikes. It doesn't at this moment.

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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Shannon Martin writes...

If you had to choose, in your opinion, who do you think is the most iconic character of the original Young Justice team in season 1?

Greg responds...

Um, well...

I guess it would be either Robin or Superboy. Artemis was pretty obscure. Miss Martian almost as. Aquaman was a new iteration. As for Kid Flash, well... he's just not quite as prominent as the other two.

Response recorded on August 29, 2013

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Craig writes...

Who provided Hal Jordan's voice for his brief lines in "Agendas"?

Greg responds...

I don't remember. I'd need to look at the hard copy of my script for that episode, and it's at my Beverly Hills office. I'm currently at my Disney office. Sorry.

Response recorded on August 29, 2013

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Anderson writes...

Hey Greg, congratulations on an excellent two seasons. Hopefully there's more to come. Here are a few questions I've been pondering:

1) Can Black Manta breathe underwater without his armor and helmet? Is he Atlantean?
2) During season one it seemed Artemis relied heavily on her bow even though she was good hand to hand; in season two it seems she is extremely adept hand to hand. Does most of her skills as Tigress come from training with her father? Or training with Black Canary? Or both? Maybe she was training during her time retired? I guess what I'm really asking is if she always this skilled at fighting even in season one and we just didn't really see it?
3) Will we ever find out what happened to poor disgraced Ocean Master/Aquaman's child/Tula? Is there a connection?

Thanks for the time!

Greg responds...

1. No.

1a. No.

2. Her father's training acts as her base, but back in the day when he was training her, her size made his hand-to-hand training less effective. Canary's training enhanced Crusher's and leaned more toward what she could do in hand-to-hand DESPITE her size. I think she was a skilled fighter when we met her. I think in Season Two, she's MORE skilled.

3. Ever? I hope so.


Response recorded on August 29, 2013

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Kevin writes...

1. When Black Lightning generates electricity why is it that the lightning is sometimes black when other times it is blue?
2. Does Sportsmaster have superhuman attributes or is he just incredibly fit for someone his age?
3. How many Lords/Ladies of Order and Chaos are there on Earth 16?
4. What are the different functions of Robin's circular Birdarangs and the ones that are similar in appearance to Batarangs?
5. Do Black Manta's missile launchers have different functions when they are on different shoulders?

Greg responds...

1. It's blue-black in color - with a yellow rimlight - so it depends on the ambient lighting of the scene.

2. The latter.


4. They have much in common, actually. But obviously batarangs are larger and have more mass, so are capable of a greater impact. In addition, some birdarangs have explosive and other capabilities.

5. Um... I'm gonna say no. For now, at least.

Response recorded on August 29, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Would an inhibitor collar work on Superman and/or Icon.

Greg responds...

Potentially, if the correct settings could be found.

Response recorded on August 29, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Can Superman fly faster than Flash or KId Flash could run.

Greg responds...

Kid Flash, maybe. Flash, no.

Response recorded on August 28, 2013

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Terrell writes...

I'm a really big fan of the show. Great work.
I was wondering if Casey from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could take on Sportsmaster in a fight.

Greg responds...

Depends which version of each.

Response recorded on August 28, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In Earth-16 , Would Icon be considered stronger than Superman.

Greg responds...

They're both darn strong.

Response recorded on August 27, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Does Queen Bee's powers class her as a Meta-Human

Greg responds...

I guess so.

Response recorded on August 27, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In the "Players" comic arc, Blue Beetle wasn't aware of any connection between Nightwing and the first Robin, which got me wondering about the other two.

1. Were Jason Todd and Tim Drake public heroes as Robin the same way Dick was?
2. If they were, was the general public able to figure out that it was a different person behind the cowl?

Greg responds...

1. Robin is a public hero. Most of the world is not aware that there have been more than one.

2. Mostly, no.

Response recorded on August 26, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

I love how Young Justice uses so many characters from the comics, even if they are just small cameos. But, if you could, would you use an original character as a main/supporting role?

Greg responds...

It wasn't about "could". We didn't want to. Sometimes we had to though. For example, no one we could find quite fit the Terror Twins slot. So we created them.

Response recorded on August 26, 2013

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MechaCon 2013

I'll be attending Mecha-Con from August 23-25th, 2013, in New Orleans, Louisiana.


Here's my schedule:

Acting, Writing, Directing and Producing Animation 03:00pm - 04:00pm
Secondary Events/1st Floor
w/New Generation Pictures' Jonathan Klein and Hynden Walsh, the voice of Princess Bubblegum and Starfire, among many others.

Opening Ceremonies and Formal/Semi-Formal Dinner 05:30pm - 08:00pm
Main Events/1st Floor

Dolldelight FashionShow 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Main Events/1st Floor

GoldPass Meet-n-Greet 08:00pm - 09:30pm
Tertiary Events/1st Floor

Voice Acting and the Industry 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor
w/Jonathan Klein, Hynden Walsh and Tommy Yune of Robotech fame, etc.

Voice Directing for TV Animation, Anime and Video Games 03:00pm - 04:00pm
Panel Room 3/3rd Floor
w/Jonathan Klein

Signing 04:00pm - 05:00pm
Signing Room

*5 of the Best Anime English Dubs You've Probably Never Heard of
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor
Presented by Jonathan Klein
*I might be at this one. Might not.

Star Wars Rebels 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor

Gargoyles 19th Anniversary: Stone by Day, Warriors by Night 09:00pm - 10:00pm
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor

Young Justice: Combating the Light 10:00am - 11:00am
Panel Room 3/3rd Floor

The Animation of Disney, DC, Marvel and Beyond 11:00am - 12:00pm
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor
w/Hynden Walsh

Charity Auction 01:00pm - 04:00pm
Main Events/1st Floor

Anyway, if you're around New Orleans, stop by. I think it's going to be a great con. And if you're AT the con, stop by and say hello. I'm much nicer in person than I am here at ASK GREG. Everyone thinks so.

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Moe writes...

What was Artemis and Green Arrows relationship? Did Green Arrow actually care for her like he cared for Red Arrow?

Greg responds...

Of course. I'd think that was obvious from the episodes.

Response recorded on August 15, 2013

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Adam writes...

What are some effective things we viewers could do to persuade Cartoon Network to pick up "Young Justice" for another season?

I'd love to see what you'd come up with next.

Greg responds...

I really don't know. Right now, the best thing you can do is buy the DVDs, the Trade Paperbacks of the comics, the Soundtrack CD and Young Justice Legacy.

Response recorded on August 15, 2013

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Protocol16 writes...

In concern for "Misplaced", since Roy Harper(clone) is technically 3 years old at that time, how come he is placed in the adult world and not in the children/teens world? Thanks for reading!

Greg responds...

Magic is often about perspective. Captain Marvel was in the adult world, and in fact was the exact same age as Billy. (Or, one could argue, younger.)

Response recorded on August 15, 2013

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AJC writes...

How much input do the head guys at DC or other workers influence what characters are in the cast of YJ? For example, is it frequent for them to say 'we want this character the show', regardless of the story being told?

Greg responds...


At the beginning of the serious development for each season there were discussions, but never any mandates.

Response recorded on August 09, 2013

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Paul writes...

Were you at any point seriously considering killing off Red Arrow in "Auld Acquaintance"?

The reason I ask is because the source of the title, in the phrase 'Should auld acquaintance be forgot' from 'Auld Lang Syne', carries that sense of "We'll never forget [the person in question]", and I don't have much trouble envisaging an ending to season 1 where Red Arrow atones for his 'betrayal' by dying in battle with the Light, leading the Team to promise that they won't forget him.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 09, 2013

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Chris writes...

Hi Greg,

I am loving the run to the finale.

My question pertains to Red Volcano's habit of calling people "meatbags". Did you or the writers come up with that independently, or is it more of a reference to other media such as Bender in Futurama or HK-47 in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?

I associate the term with HK-47 because he's a red-armoured droid assassin, but Bender is probably more widely-known (even though he doesn't use the term that often). So I'm just curious if it was a parallel invention, or a reference!

Greg responds...

Well, not the latter, since I was - at the time - completely unfamiliar with that. Bender probably was an unconscious influence though.

Response recorded on August 09, 2013

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JETT writes...

hi, thanks for letting the fans ask questions and stuff. i really like young justice and i'm upset to know that its going off the air.

as for my questions, i have a few about bette kane?
1)why didn't she recognize dick grayson in issue 20? they seemed friendly enough at his birthday party for her to have had an inkling of who he could be. at least to me.
2)why did she spend the night at his place? did they have a date or something the night before? which doesn't make sense since she couldn't remember his name.
3)does she live in bludhaven too?
4)also, since she mentioned she had to go to work, i might as well ask, where does she work? and what is her title?

thanks for your time =)

Greg responds...

1. It had been nearly five years. He's grown up A LOT.

2. They met the night before. Names were exchanged - among other things. She just couldn't quite remember his name in the morning.

3. Yes.

4. Honestly, I haven't thought about where she works at this time.

Response recorded on July 31, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. How long has Catherine Cobert been the League's Public Affairs Officer?
2. Why haven't we seen her since "Alienated"? With all of the hate that the Justice League had been getting in Season 2, I would think that we would have seen her trying to dispel the comments made by the Reach and Gordon Godfrey in a major way. Doesn't seem like she was doing her job effectively.
3. On another note, why haven't Lois Lane on the show?
4. And what is Lois' relationship to Conner? If they have any at all.

Greg responds...

1. Since just before the Hall of Justice opened.

2. There's only so much available screen time. Take it for granted that she was doing her job.

3. There's only so much available screen time.


Response recorded on July 31, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Kaldur's mother ever love Black Manta? and vice versa?
2. Did she know that he was Black Manta when she was with him?

Greg responds...


2. Ditto.

Response recorded on July 31, 2013

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A YJ fan writes...

What happened after the New Year's kiss?

Greg responds...

Lots of stuff.

Response recorded on July 31, 2013

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A Fan writes...

1. Does Mark Logan exist in Earth-16

2. If so is he Beast Boys father

I say this because Marie had the surname Logan in the credits of Hello Megan! And presumably she wasnt married to a Mr. Logan at that time.

(if she was that counts as question 3, right?)

4. So how many GL's do the Guardians appoint to a Sector?

5. Does the Emotional Spectrum exist in Earth-16? I ask because since the Speed Force and Superman's Ice Breath doesn't, I cant assume.

Greg responds...



3. What was the question?

4. In Universe-16, two.

5. No, you cannot assume. Beyond that SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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I'm from DC and Baltimore so I'd know writes...

Twerking is...

well this:


Greg responds...

So what you're saying is that Sam's original question on this topic was completely inappropriate.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Dattaboy/J-GL writes...

Hey Greg,
Me again I just want to say you and the crew have done a bang up job with the show this season I really like the story driven arc this season has taken and must say this is your best ensemble show since Gargoyles.

1). When Did Black Manta and Aqualad's mom meet?
2). Did Black Manta ever love her and she him or was it a forced relationship?
3). What did Black Manta have to gain by sending Cal Durahm undercover?
4). Why does Black Manta hold a grudge against all people from Atlantis?
5). When did Black Manta and Aquaman start their rivalry?

Greg responds...

1. About nine months before the birth of Kaldur'ahm.

2. SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. But she was not raped, if that's what you're asking.

3. You mean besides the overthrow of Atlantis and the death of Aquaman?


5. Haven't nailed down a specific date for that.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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the main man writes...

Love the show Major props to you and Mr. Vietti.
My question is Characters like Zatanna and Miss Martian that don't have to rely on hand to hand combat because of their powers do they know how or where they trained to just in case?

Greg responds...

Yes. Black Canary saw to that. Not saying they excelled as much as, say, Dick or Artemis, but they can hold their own.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Jim writes...

I realize the Light is in this for the long haul, and they seem to be patient enough to wait for many of their plans to come to fruition, but it's been six years, and they appear to have abandoned the idea of "recovering" Conner.

If it's okay to ask, what was their original plan for Project Kr? From hearing the Light talk amongst themselves, it doesn't sound like they ever intended for him to join the good guys, even if that's something they felt they could take advantage of. Conner's stated purpose of "destroy and replace Superman" wouldn't quite work, being that he can't age, nor does he have Superman's signature powerset. Besides, they seem to want the League alive (and they were developing Starro-Tech, so they would have been able to control Clark anyway).

If they didn't know about Conner's unique traits (forever young/no flight), what would they have done with him once they found out?

Would it be safe to assume that Project Kr wasn't THAT integral to their plans, given that things seem to be running smoothly for them?

Greg responds...

You seem to be under the assumption that their plan for Project Kr has changed. It hasn't, not fundamentally. Only the details have changed. Adapt or die, and all that.

Also, I don't think the no-visible-aging thing was part of their plan. That was an accidental side effect of a combination of their growth acceleration process and his Kryptonian DNA.

And, as stated many times before, I'm not interested in hypotheticals.

Finally, no single thread unravels ALL their plans.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Athena Keene writes...

Okay so first off- I LOVE YJ! I won't go into details but the past year I spent as an invalid in bed- the first time I smiled after that was because of YJ. It's the best thing that's happened to me in the longest time. Secondly, (as random as this may sound) Tula is my favorite YJ character. In fact, I love her so much that in [the] Instagram [app] I RP as her in a DCRP group. Okay here are my 3 questions:
1.) If you were to pick a word to describe Tula's personality- what word would it be. (Ex. bubbly, smart, wise, ect.)
2.) After Tula joined the Team, did she have any best friends, (besides Kaldur and Garth). Perhaps she and Artemis were close? [In my head, they are, but- being a hopeless rabid fangirl my mind is not (if ever) close to canon… So, would you consider them close? If so, how close? (Sisters, BFFs?)
3.) Will the details of Tula's death be revealed; if the series ends before the details are- will you tell us anyway because we (the YJ fandom) are just that obsessed? Or will you not specify and make us wait…. (Why??? *starts to sink with her fangirl feels*)

Greg responds...

1. Um, my mind doesn't really work that way. It feels very reductive. Competent, maybe? (Competence to me is very sexy.)



I will say that Tula does have an important role in YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY, so you're definitely going to want to pick that up in September.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg. Just saw an answer to a question I asked.

"Why was there a men's room in Project Cadmus? We only saw Desmond, Guardian, and Spence working at Cadmus. Unless the genomorphs gotta go too."

To which you responded: "There were also guards. But that's beside the point. Why wouldn't there be a Men's Room? And a Woman's Room? I mean, you, yourself listed two men above. I seriously don't understand this question. Who builds a facility without facilities?"

I suppose what I meant to ask was why the bathroom was so LARGE. There were probably ten stalls, but we only saw the two guys (Guardian and Desmond.) The guards answers this... But where were said guards? We ONLY saw Guardian and Desmond. Guardian used genomorphs as a security force. So... Where were the guards?

Greg responds...

They're in a scene that was cut for time from the DC Nation version of the series. But that's all immaterial. You build restrooms that match the size of the facility (which was huge). Whether or not the company than populates its building with enough people to use the restrooms to the fullest extent of their potential has nothing to do with what the architect and city regulations dictate.

Heck, even if you're Cadmus, wouldn't you want options?

Besides, what makes you think the genomorphs weren't using the restrooms.

(Are we really still talking about this? Seriously?)

Response recorded on July 24, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Were was Wally and Artemis after their New Years eve kiss?

Greg responds...

Sorry, what's the question? Where were they? In the Watchtower.

Response recorded on July 24, 2013

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Jazz writes...

What happened to Aquaman and Mera's baby?
Is he/her alive?
What's his/her name?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 24, 2013

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Mike H writes...

When Queen Bee enthralls someone, is the domination complete or does it vary in degree depending on the degree of attraction?

Greg responds...

I'm sure there are inconsistencies.

Response recorded on July 24, 2013

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Got this e-mail from our Young Justice composers:

Dear Greg,

We're excited excited to share the news that our soundtrack to the Warner Bros. Animated Series "Young Justice" was released today by La-La Land Records!

From the LLLR website:
La-La Land Records, DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation present the original soundtrack to the Warner Bros. Animated Television Series YOUNG JUSTICE, as aired on Cartoon Network. Composers Kristopher Carter, Michael McCuistion & Lolita Ritmanis (BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, BEN 10: ULTIMATE ALIEN, TEEN TITANS, BATMAN BEYOND) fashion an exhilarating superhero score that is every bit as bold, fresh and exciting as this hit animated series. This compilation brings together must-have musical highlights of the show's first season, as well as the second season, YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION. Produced by the composers and mastered by Doug Schwartz, this is dramatic, action-packed music that makes for a thrilling standalone listen! CD booklet features reversible cover art and in-depth, exclusive liner notes by film music writer John Takis that contain comments from the composers and the animation team!

The CD can be ordered at the La-La Land Records website (http://www.lalalandrecords.com/YoungJustice.html) or at Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CM9JN7S/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00CM9JN7S&linkCode=as2&tag=dynmusparhomp-20).

Lolita Ritmanis, Michael McCuistion and Kristopher Carter

Dynamic Music Partners

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I'm totally crazed, trying to get work done and prep for San Diego Comic-Con, but I'd be remiss if I didn't remind everyone that both the DVD with the final episodes of Young Justice: Invasion and the soundtrack album featuring music from both seasons of YJ are on sale now.

Remember, the best way to show TPTB that you love the show is with your WALLET!! That's not to say you should prioritize YJ merchandise over things like food and shelter, of course. But if you have disposable income and you love the show: PROVE IT! And at the very least, help SPREAD THE WORD!!!

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San Diego ComicCon 2013

My schedule for San Diego ComicCon 2013 is pretty lean, actually. I hope you guys visiting the con will stop by and say hello!

02:30pm - 04:00pm - Signing at the SLG Booth

FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2013
04:00pm - 05:30pm - Signing at the SLG Booth

11:00am - Unofficial/Official Young Justice Meet-up* behind the convention center.
02:30pm - 04:00pm - Signing at the SLG Booth

*There's a map here: https://twitter.com/BrandonVietti/status/355962489235718144/photo/1
Both Brandon Vietti and myself will be there. And we're also rallying as many members of the cast and crew to come as we can find in San Diego.
Hoping for a big YJ fan turnout - especially those cos-playing as YJ characters!!
Think of it as ASK GREG LIVE plus ASK BRANDON and ASK ARTEMIS (Stephanie Lemelin) and many, many more...

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Greg Xanatos writes...

Dear Greg,

Through your career, you've shown a fondness for various "Master Planner" type villains (Xanatos, The Light, Nerrisaa etc.) You've also become notable for thinking out things to great detail (as your timelines and posts on askgreg have shown). So I wanted to know, has your own "master planning" informed these characters? For example, does Xanatos plan his schemes out with cards like you do? Do the Light's group planning sessions reflect an evil version of the Writer's room?


Greg responds...

God, I hope not. I like to think they're all much slicker than I am.

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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Robin's Girl writes...

Sorry if this is a trivial question, but I have been dying to know: what exactly is a chicken whizee?

Greg responds...

Honestly, you don't want to know.

Just enjoy the taste sensation and don't ask too many questions about the recipe.

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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TheTavarse writes...

Was the look of Aqualad from Young Justice in any way inspired by the Atlanteans from Disney's Atlantis? For example, the light hair and eyes, brown skin and light blue tattoos. Or was this just an example of "great minds"?

By the way, really looking forward to your new book!

Greg responds...

Probably the latter. But you'd have to ask Phil Bourassa.

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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Ninja 989 writes...

In one of your earlier answers, you said that when he discovered her on his ship, Martian Manhunter contacted Miss Martian's parents for permission to allow her to stay on Earth. Wouldn't that mean that Martian Manhunter knew that she was a white Martian (and not his niece), or were Miss Martian's parents disguised as Green martians as well?

Greg responds...

She's a White Martian AND his niece.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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MarkB writes...

First, a compliment - issue #25 was undoubtedly Young Justice's best. Queen Bee is now officially my favourite YJ villain, the Dick/Barbara scenes were wonderful, and I wish we could see what Kylstar and his new friends are gonna get up to.

Now for my question: you revealed that there was a Captain Marvel story planned for the comic before the shift to YJ: Invasion. In "Misplaced", Cat Grant reports that Captain Marvel recently defeated Ibac and Sabbac. Was this a reference to the planned comic story, or a separate event?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Grace writes...

1. Did Queen Bee partially choose to use the ruins as her base due to prior knowledge of it's history?
2. Was Roy throwing his hat way back in episode one in any way a reference to the Led Zeppelin song "Hats off to (Roy) Harper", or is this just a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. A coincidence.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Captain Hammer writes...

Was Batman: Under The Red Hood and Young Justice in the same timeline?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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