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Yojimbo writes...

1. I've read various interviews where other producers at WBA talk about your office and a certain interesting tidbit. In a future rambling, could you please post a photo of your wall where you keep these Post-It notes on?

2. I always have extra love for an animated series with a well constructed timeline. What's the Young Justice animated series timeline currently up to in page count?

3. In "Independence Day Part One," Zatara asks the rest of the Justice League for help against Wotan. What was the correct spelling for the artifact Wotan was using to blot out the Sun (I thought I heard 'Amulet of Aktan')?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions and looking forward to seeing new episodes return in January.

Greg responds...

1. There's no way for me to post photos on this website. Or if there is, I don't know how. But watch Brandon Vietti's blog. He was taking some pictures in here the other day.

2. Uh, let me check. Be right back.... It's currently 149 pages.

3. Amulet of Aten.

Response recorded on January 28, 2011

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Maki P writes...

This my first time asking. I have many questions (mostly regarding Owen Burnett and Alexander Xanatos), but right now I'll just ask about Captain Marvel.
So, are Captain Marvel and Billy Batson separated personas or Billy mantains his 10 year-old mind when he becomes Captain Marvel? (I'm hoping for the latter, I think it'd make his interactions with YJ very interesting)
Thanks for the attention, and Good luck with the Gargoyles Comics

Greg responds...

You'll have to wait and see...

Response recorded on January 28, 2011

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Albert writes...

Hey, Greg!

Thanks for answering my first question about the timeline It was something that interested me due to your ardent stance on making Young Justice tight in continuity and grounded.

By the way, good on you addressing the gender "controversy." I sensed no fanboyisms in the pilot. I'm personally always assailed and bemused when someone, regardless of sex, ethnicity, orientation, etc. complains of "inequality." The true sexists and/or racists are the ones who always troll for "problems" like this and complain as such. Genuine equality requires no quotas in my mind. Anyway...

My next question is related to Roy Harper, formerly Speedy.
Despite his cantankerous fiery attitude toward Green Arrow about his rejection from inclusion in the Justice League and a real tour in the Watchtower, he seems like he would be the eldest of the sidekicks. Can you disclose any information about his age in relation to the other sidekicks?


Greg responds...

Roy's 18. Aqualad's 16. Superboy & Miss Martian are biologically 16, though he's only 16 weeks, and she's 48 earth years old chronologically. Kid Flash & Artemis are 15. Robin is 13.

Response recorded on January 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Why didn't Neal McDonough reprised his role as Green Arrow from that DC Showcase onto YJ? Was he unable to?

Greg responds...

We felt Alan Tudyk was the right choice for the YJ version of GA. That's not meant as a slight to Neal, who did great work on the short. But we're very happy with Alan.

Response recorded on January 28, 2011

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Henry writes...

Is the whelmed running joke going to keep appearing?

Greg responds...

Watch and see...

Man, you guys are impatient.

Response recorded on January 27, 2011

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Joseph B. writes...

Well, I'm solidly impressed. A friend just managed to drag me into watching "Independence Day"; if he had mentioned who was behind it, I would have acquiesced alot faster.

Others have already brought up most of the excellently done pieces, such as the group dynamic, the strong characterization, and so forth. In particular, having read the response to the "why no female sidekicks in the initial ep?" and having fond memories of Gargoyles' and Spectacular Spiderman's female characters, I am looking forward to seeing the heroines of Young Justice teach the boys a few things.

However, there is one point that I was particularly impressed by, although I shall have to be a bit delicate in this. At the end: Superman's reaction to Superboy. It was a superbly well executed sequence that managed to communicate Superman's shock and horror at having been cloned without consent--a violation of the highest order--and his struggle to not associate the boy in front of him with that violation. I'll admit, my reaction to his reaction was "Okay, first, we get you to a bar. Then, a psychiatrist." Superbly well done, and I'm curious to see where that dynamic goes. Superman has already more or less dumped the responsibility for his clone onto others, which, while understandable, doesn't bode well for their future relationship. But, still, the scene was superbly executed, and I'm looking forward to where it's going from here.

And on a final note, a question: Level 42? Seriously? Where they find Life, a whole 'nother Universe, and just about Everything on the computer? That was cute, but now I'm racking my brains on what reference/significance 57 has!

Thanks for going the extra mile with this, and I'm looking forward to more.
Joseph B.

Greg responds...

Heinz 57?

But seriously, where did you get 57? Cadmus had 52 sub-levels, plus two above-ground levels for a total of 54.

Response recorded on January 27, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1.I notice you have the street level characters like Batman and Black Canary taking charge of the youngsters, with fighting and so on. So what role do the metas play in their mentoring?

2.Will we see more of the Superboy and Aqualad friendship? They seem to have a bond already. It would be more refreshing to see than the same old same super/bat thing...ie Superboy/Robin.

3.I did not really like the Miss Martian intro. She seems a little too sugary and one dimensional batting her eyes off the mark at Superboy. What challenge does she really present to Kon? Or he to her? It felt like you guys telling us. Right. That's your ship. Deal with it. No build up whatsoever. I almost hope the clown Kid Flash wins this one. But then I guess you could surprise me.

4.What's up with Roy and the bitching? That was really unfair to play him off like that. I hope you guys have one episode to make him look less of a little girl.

5.Any clue as to which Wondergirl we will see? Can you tell me Wonder Woman's age in this?

6.Will we see Kyle Rayner?

7.I'm kinda hoping Zatanna will be around Robin's age.

8.I am also looking forward to see Kon develop his relationship with Superman. That's interesting you went with "dad"...than say "brother". Any reason for that? Cause it would make things really different in how they see each other. But I must say Superman's reaction was spot on. It's kinda weird to be the last of your race and then this clone crops up.

Greg responds...

1. Watch and see, I guess...

2. Watch and see, I guess...

3. Watch and see, I guess...

4. Watch and see, I guess...

5a. Who said you're seeing Wonder Girl?

5b. And, yes, I can.

6. Watch and see, I guess...

7. Who said we'll be seeing Zatanna?

8. The father/son thing (i.e. progenitor/progenitee) seemed more natural to us than calling them brothers.

Response recorded on January 27, 2011

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Logan writes...

Big fan of the idea to ground the show in realism. After watching your previous work I've always left your show's feeling that I've gotten much more than your typical cartoon experience. I was pleased to have similar feelings after watching young justice.

In spirit of the covert and behind the scene missions that batman will assign the young league, and given the show has the appropriate rating, will we be seeing REAL guns and bullets, and not your typical random super villain technology laser gun every other episode?

I love the covert angle and being that the young league is going to be in the shade for now, we'd love to see some realistic shady characters and some shady gat's...

Greg responds...

We do have realistic guns and bullets where appropriate.

Response recorded on January 26, 2011

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kon-el writes...

1.Is Superboy going to learn to fly?
2.Does Superboy have super speed?
3.What can you tell me about the love triangle between Superboy, Miss Martian and Kid Flash?

Greg responds...

1. Wait and see.

2. He's faster than the normal human.

3. Lots.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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Robin writes...

First of all, the Young Justice premier was exquisite, I can't wait for more. However, I do have one question. When the Young Justice team is led by the Justice League members into the decoy base, lounge is show to be in full view of reporters (who are behind a glass window. A few minutes later, the warning happens. Are the reporters still viewing that room when this warning comes? Or was there some sort of off-screen blocking of the windows? Thanks

Greg responds...

They could SEE the warning, but not hear it. If private business takes place, however the windows can be made to go opaque.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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