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Curious writes...

Hi, just wanted you to know that:

I appreciate how the episodes both stand alone and were written so that plot points are intricately woven together.

I appreciate how the episodes focus on various characters in shifts so we can explore different aspects of their personalities.

I am excited by character development, the strength of each script, and the animation is very well done.

I love the fact that I look forward to learning or seeing both the villains and the heroes.

I am astounded by the amount of work that you and your team puts in Young Justice. Thanks for making such a great show. It has been a long time since I've seen a show that has me anticipating and looking forward to each and every new episode. I loved Gargoyles as a kid, enjoyed Spiderman, W.I.T.C.H. and various other projects you've worked on.

1)How closely do you work with the various directors of the episodes?

2)Since you've put so much into the show, do you still make a lot of the calls regarding the visual elements of the show?

3)When scripting the episodes, is the overall ending for the season known for you guys?

I know that you look over scripts and that you and Brandon created the show, but I suppose I'm just curious about how much influence you have in other aspects of the show, such as the animation.

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Very. Brandon and I attend all board handouts, and give notes on storyboards and work with the directors on the designs, etc.

2. Yes. Both Brandon and I are involved with and approve literally every design - from major characters like Superboy to tiny props like soda cans.

3. Yes.

4. Brandon and I both look over the scripts. I edit them, but both of us are involved in every aspect of production from start to finish.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Q writes...

In 'Humanity', which was an amazing episode by the way, I noticed Wally didn't hit on Zatanna even once. Is this because he saw Robin liked her, wasn't attracted to her, or finally realized that he likes Artemis?

Greg responds...

There may have been an element of backing off for Robin's sake, but mostly I think Wally figured she was too young for him to hit on.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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seth writes...

hey greg. I loved today's episode. Infact watching YJ has made me grew to love DCU and I'm buying like 20+ books from DCnU right now. Anyways, will Zatanna be a series regular? I really hope so.

Greg responds...

Tune in and see...

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Alyssa writes...

hello! i just finished watching the last episode of YJ titled 'Humanity' and it was great, btw :) but i was wondering when some more episode summaries where going to be released? if at all? thanks!

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "episode summaries".

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Morgan writes...

How old is Zatanna? I thought she was around Dick's age, but I'm not too sure.

Greg responds...

Guys, PLEASE, check the unanswered questions ahead of you in the queue BEFORE posting. You're just bogging down ASK GREG, which causes me to take longer to get to NEW questions!

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Lauren writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman. Loving the show! Just one question- how old is Zatanna? Really liked the episode Humanity and I hope she shows up again!

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED at least twice.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Alexia writes...

I noticed that Zatanna's designation to enter the cave is A03.

1) Is the letter "A" a designation given to visitors to the cave?
2) Who were A01 and A02? Red Torpedo and Red Inferno?

Greg responds...

1. Authorized Guests.

2. No!

You've actually met A01. A02 will appear in Season Two, though in a way you've already met A02 also. (Wow, look! I gave a Spoiler hint! That's so unlike me. Well... don't get used to it!)

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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ZatannaGeek writes...

"Humanity" was amazing! Loved Zatanna's depiction!
1. Is Zatanna's hair black or a dark brown?
2. In comics, I've seen Zatanna with both brown eyes and blue eyes. Was there a specific reason behind choosing blue eyes for the Young Justice universe?

Greg responds...

1. Black, basically.

2. I don't know. It's a question for Brandon Vietti and James Peters (our color stylist), who make the decisions on eye color. I'll admit, I've only started paying attention to eye color since all these questions about it started appearing here at ASK GREG. I just never focused on it before.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

From the episode 'Revelation':

"Robin, she's made contact." - Miss Martian.
"Artemis?" - Robin.
"No." - ?

This may be an extraordinarily stupid question but who said "No."?

Greg responds...

Miss Martian.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,

First off, let me say how much I've been enjoying "Young Justice". "Revelation" is probably my favourite episode yet (though I usually say the same thing about pretty much every episode when it comes out).

Anyway, you've often said that while working on "The Spectacular Spider-Man" you used the original Lee/Ditko/Romita run as your "primary source" while still borrowing ideas and concepts from other corners of the Spideyverse like the Ultimate series.

I was just wondering, where there any DC comics series or runs that served a similiar role for "Young Justice"? I know YJ draws from all over the DC Universe but what particular series or creative teams do you think had the most influence on how you approached the series?

Greg responds...

It's a much wider palette then Spidey was, but I'd say the first two or three years or so of Young Justice and the first two or three years of the original Teen Titans run was the stuff that I focused on research-wise.

But I also drew from all sorts of other sources, since we were tackling the depth and breadth of the DC Universe. So we looked at Justice Leagues of various eras, and Titans of various eras... plus other influences (including old Hanna Barbera stuff) that are just part of all of our geeky backgrounds.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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