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Lian writes...

Reading the comic book series, I saw that in one issue, Miss Martian talks about how there are three different "races" of Martians; Green, Red and White. I know that the white martians are treated badly, but why not the Red Martians? Or is this a spoiler, its fine if it is but I was just curious.

Greg responds...

The Red Martians are a higher caste than the Green. They're considered royalty.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Char23 writes...

Hi - 'Humanity' was fantastic! Can't wait for the next episode! :)

Perhaps I extrapolated the information wrong, but judging by 'Humanity' I don't think Red Tornado was the mole - intentionally or otherwise. Is Red Tornado the mole? I apologize if this is a spoiler request - if so, feel free to ignore me.

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Are the Zataras homo magi or humans that can use magic?

Greg responds...

Earth-16 has never heard of homo magi, which doesn't mean they don't exist. (Nor does it mean that they do exist.)

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Kirk writes...

I can't tell if you were serious or not in your answer to my last question, so I'll ask again. Will Young Justice be released on Blu-ray Disc?

Blu-ray Disc is is the high definition version of DVD. Most all movies on released on Blu-ray in addition to DVD, and some TV shows are as well. A few seasons of the Justice League animated series have been released on Blu-ray, and they look and sound even better in HD. I'm hoping that Young Justice will get the same treatment.

Greg responds...

I just don't know. I don't have a Blu-ray player, myself, so (a) I guess I haven't focused on it much and (b) they never tell me this stuff anyway.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Zergrinch writes...

Hi Greg:

Fifteen episodes in, and I am anticipating the series even more than I anticipated the previous JLU shows. I really love the tight continuity interwoven in the series, and am seriously tempted to look into your previous animated works. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I have never followed Gargoyles!

Anyway, my questions focus on foreign-sounding words used in "Revelations".

1. Like Zatanna, Zatara's spells are english words pronounced backwards. I believe he had four spells in the episode. I've managed to decipher two (I think, but corrections are appreciated!) but am curious to know what the others are:

a. Locating Injustice League HQ - Etacol retnecipe fo yrecros
b. Making the vines combust - Erif [something] larutannu erutan
c. Putting a force field around a plant - Reirrab [something]
d. Blasting Woten - Ekat Natow nwod

2. Wotan's spells, I'm told, are in latin. One of them (blasting Dr. Fate) was "Fulminous Venite". Would you be at liberty to reveal what he said the other two times (energizing Ivy's 'baby,' and breaking Fate's chains?

Thank you!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Pheonix writes...

Dear Greg,
I grew up watching gargoyles and now I absolutely LOVE young justice. I could praise your work for hours but I figure you have better things to do with your time then read about how awesome you are (I am sure you already know.) Thank you for taking time to answer our questions, you are the best!
1) the show seems very focused on trust it seems like the team was even formed based off of the idea that there mentors did not "trust" them. During "alpha male" they talk about trust within the team. Which raises the question, why do they not care that robin does not trust them with his secret ID? Yes I know, that they know batman won't let him but the first two episodes and the most recent one (Humanity) seem to show that they tend to not always take the league members orders seriously, especially if they don't like them. so why do they respect this specific order?
I understand that this could be a spoiler please don't think I am fishing I know that I am treading in spoiler waters here but I am in no way trying to spoil something I know you guys work so hard on! I know I said I would not waste your time with my love of the show, but I have seen so much negative about Artemis and Aqualad that I wanted to let you know that I absolutely love both of them, they are my favorite characters even though I love them all!! =D
thank you for your time!!

Greg responds...

1. Aqualad is extremely respectful of authority. And I think Kid Flash likes being the only one who knows. Artemis has her own secrets, so wouldn't be one to push Robin, and Superboy only recently took a human identity himself, so I don't think he spends too much time thinking about Robin's real name. That just leaves Miss Martian... but I just don't see her taking this as a slight.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Batman: The Brave and the Bold feedback and one question on Powerless:

Greg, Powerless was a great and funny episode, especially Aquaman's hero song and jokes. I really don't get why do people hated this version of Captain Atom though. Best line from Captain Atom was "Boom! You're dead!" Major Force was a superb villian and it's great to see the Justice League International again. I also liked the part where Aquaman was cooking.

What was your reaction when you saw Aquaman wearing Black Canary's outfit?

Greg responds...

Actually, I haven't seen the episode yet. So don't spoil it for me!

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Person writes...

How old is Klarion the Witch Boy in young justice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I loved the Robin/Zatanna courtship in "Humanity!" He indicated interest and tried not to be too forward until she showed that she liked it. Much better than Wally's relentless hitting on M'gann or even Conner's cluelessness (and they'll grow out of it).

Greg responds...

It was fun to write!

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Curious writes...

Hi, just wanted you to know that:

I appreciate how the episodes both stand alone and were written so that plot points are intricately woven together.

I appreciate how the episodes focus on various characters in shifts so we can explore different aspects of their personalities.

I am excited by character development, the strength of each script, and the animation is very well done.

I love the fact that I look forward to learning or seeing both the villains and the heroes.

I am astounded by the amount of work that you and your team puts in Young Justice. Thanks for making such a great show. It has been a long time since I've seen a show that has me anticipating and looking forward to each and every new episode. I loved Gargoyles as a kid, enjoyed Spiderman, W.I.T.C.H. and various other projects you've worked on.

1)How closely do you work with the various directors of the episodes?

2)Since you've put so much into the show, do you still make a lot of the calls regarding the visual elements of the show?

3)When scripting the episodes, is the overall ending for the season known for you guys?

I know that you look over scripts and that you and Brandon created the show, but I suppose I'm just curious about how much influence you have in other aspects of the show, such as the animation.

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Very. Brandon and I attend all board handouts, and give notes on storyboards and work with the directors on the designs, etc.

2. Yes. Both Brandon and I are involved with and approve literally every design - from major characters like Superboy to tiny props like soda cans.

3. Yes.

4. Brandon and I both look over the scripts. I edit them, but both of us are involved in every aspect of production from start to finish.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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