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When you were creating the other clans how did you decide which locations would have still have Gargoyle Clans over the others?
Some of it was about logic (like the clan on New Olympus). Some about story ideas we had (like M.I.A.). Some about a desire for geographic distribution (like the Mayan clan in Guatemala). Sometimes it just felt right, like the notion that there would eventually be a clan in Paris at Notre Dame, site of some of the most famous Gargoyles in the world. Sometimes it was as silly as ... hey, they're animating the series in Japan and Korea, so let's put clans there. At some point later on, the ideas became more fixed and were explored (at least in my head) in much more detail.
If Demona had succeeded in Hunters Moon do you think the Manhattan Clan would have stayed in Manhattan? Would Demona have survived the spell, did even she know or care whether she did?
Hey Derek,
See my previous answer. You just don't need my help for this stuff...
1)What do you think would have happened if Demona hadn't betrayed Macbeth to Canmore? Do you think her clan would still be around or do you think that due to Demona's nature they were all already living on borrowed time?(I'm still waiting on Clan Buliding Two maybe that will give me some answers)
1. As I've stated many times, I'm just not all that interested in exploring all the various "What if?" hypotheticals. I could come up with my response, but I might as well leave it to your imagination.
When we see Felicia drive up to Ryker's in "Opening Night," her ID says Selina Drew. Is the Selina bit a reference to Catwoman, or just a coincidence?
Call it an homage to Catwoman and Spiderwoman. Or an in-joke.
Hello there once again Mr. Weisman, and thanks for your time. I haz a question regarding Timedancer that came to mind while I was reading my Volume 2 of Clan Building: are there more places Brooklyn and company have visited, and more things they have done, than are being told? Or will that be yet another no comment?
Yes, there's 40 years worth of places and things to tell.
You know I've been to the Gargwiki, and you have a lot of characters like Artus and such that have no pictures, and I heard you aren't publishing anymore series, but instead of doing a series, why don't you do like a "bonus" book that only lists characters old or new, and give bios underneath their protraits.
I think it might be cool for your series.
It's not up to me.
Hey Greg! I was wondering if you'd seen any of the recent BBC series Merlin, where Merlin is roughly the same age as Arthur, and if so, what did you think of it?
Thanks for your time!
Haven't seen it.
Hey, I just watched Batman: The Brave and The Bold, like I do every week, and was pleasantly surprised to see you had written the episode ("Death Race to Oblivion!") Great ep, loved it. My questions are these...
1) How did this come about? Did James Tucker and staff approach you, or vice versa?
2) Were you a fan of the show prior to your involvement? If so, was there any particular episode that was a favorite of yours?
Anyway, fantastic ep again, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more Gargoyles comics down the road. Hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday season!
1. I let story editor Michael Jelenic know I was available, and he later called on me to write a couple of episodes.
2. I hadn't seen it until I got the first gig, but I then watched every existing episode prior to starting work. I think it's great fun. And it's hard not to pick the musical episode as my favorite.
A while back I remember you commenting how it annoys you that when folks praise Batman the Animated Series they mention Timm and Dini (rightfully) but not Burnett. Actually, I just did a search and see you mentioned it several time, and that it mystifies you. Since I had wondered something similar, (his name was so prominent in the Dark Deco look episodes, and don't really remember it after), I was going to ask if you have a theory why. Instead I'll ask if it, in some small way, factored into the Naming of Owen Burnett?
The "Owen" part of the name was in the original development. The last name Burnett came from writer Michael Reaves, so you'd have to ask him if Owen Burnett was a tribute to Alan Burnett.
And I don't have a clue why Alan doesn't get all the credit he deserves -- other than the fact that Alan doesn't seem to seek it at all. He's a modest guy. Not an attention whore like me, for example.
Hi Mr.Weisman,i love your Spectacular Spider-Man show.It is a fantastic show which i recommend for everyone to watch and i hope Marvel/Disney will renew series.I am very worried that this show may not be renewed or may be there will be some major staff and writer changes and show will become like Gargoyles:The Goliath Chronicles which you consider non-canonical and fans don't really like it.Anyway i have some questions.
1)First of all i know you planned everything from day one(i mean about plotlines,character development,episodes and etc).So i want to ask you do you felt the pressure when you and your team made episodes,do you felt that fans might have considered your show a mediocre one or just they wouldn't like the episodes?
2)What's your opinion about other Marvel shows like Wolverine And X-Men,Iron Man Armored:Adventures and Super Hero Squad Show?
3)Are the chances that there might be release of Spectacular spider-man soundtrack?
4)I'm bit confused,since Disney owns Marvel and Sony returned tv rights of Spider-Man to them,can we fans expect appearance of Wilson Fisk,The Kingpin Of Crime?And does Kingpin exist in Spectacular Spider-Man universe?I mean you can't use other superheroes in your show(yet) but they exist in Spectacular Spider-man universe,so i wonder,does Kingpin exist in Spectacular Spider-Man universe?
So this all my questions,sorry if i made some grammar errors.Bye
1. Well, you always worry. But we liked what we were doing, and we hoped others would too.
2. I haven't seen them.
3. I'd love it, but I don't know if there are any plans for that.
4. All moot now.
Sorry, I missed part of the guidelines, my mistake, please forgive me.
Why does Disney XD promote "Zeke and Luther" so much instead of TSSM?
Do they?
As a big Stargate fan, I've been curious for some time...what was the premise of your proposed "Stargate: The Hunted" series? What was the overall plot, who were the main characters, who would the villians have been? I understand if it's been too long or you simply don't feel like looking it up, but should you choose to respond, I would be very grateful.
I'm not opposed to putting it up. I can't see the harm at this point. But I don't have it here at Warner Bros.
Do you like musicals?
Have you seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog?
And, yes, I thought it was great.
Greetings Greg,
I still don't have time to write out my thoughts about Bad Guys, let alone watch and read the Gargoyles medieval flashbacks marathon like I planned. They'll probably have to wait until graduation and winter break. But I still have so many other questions I want to ask you about Gargoyles!
I wonder often about the Third Race in the Gargoyles universe. You have revealed a lot of information about the gargoyles, since obviously they are the focus of the whole series, and less about the Third Race. I wonder how similar to or different from mortals they are, psychologically. The Third Race include the gods of various polytheistic religions, and at least in Greek, Norse, and Egyptian myths, gods are depicted as having pretty human psychology, and the same emotions as human beings. They are also depicted as having cultures very similar to their worshippers. Of course, myths were created by mortals and "few things are accurate." The Third Race also includes beings like the Fair Folk and/or the Fae. In fiction that I have read about Faerie folk, they aren't often depicted as psychologically similar to human beings. For example, in the book "The Moorchild", the Faeries (called Moorfolk) seem quite different from human beings. They raise their children communally, and also seem to entirely lack the emotions of love and hate. They don't even seem to form any emotional ties to one another, perhaps not even what humans would necessarily call friendship. The book convincingly and successfully depicts beings that are, in some ways, very alien from human beings. Other depictions (like in the table-top role-playing game Exalted) make the Fair Folk even more alien.
In the Gargoyles show and comics, gargoyles clearly have a similar psychology to humans: although they have some differences which make them more than just humans with wings, they're pretty similar to us in most ways. They obviously feel love and hate, for example, and although their family relations are structured differently, it seems pretty clear that they love and care about their children, parents, and siblings. I think in a past response you said that none of the races in the Gargoyles Universe are designed to be all that alien, not even the actual aliens, and that it should be possible to relate to all of them with some effort. So far, as individuals, the depictions of the Third Race make them seem more like the gods of myth, not necessarily following human moral ideas and sometimes being whimsical, but having a mostly human-like psychology. But except for the glimpses of the relationship between Titania and Oberon, and Titania's relationship to her human family (when however she was mostly in a human body, presumably full of human hormones and neurotransmitters) there wasn't a lot of interaction between the Third Race in the show, and obviously their society wasn't the focus.
So the main questions in my mind about this subject are these:
1. Do the Children of Oberon have the same emotional range as human beings, including emotions such as love, hate, shame, compassion, gratitude, jealousy, indignation, etc.?
2. How much detail of their long lives do they remember? Do they generally have better memory than humans, or is their memory only about as good as a human's? Does someone as old as Oberon have only a fuzzy recollection of things that happened 3000 or so years ago, or does he remember 3000 years ago (such as the events of Midsummer Night's Dream) as clearly as he remembers 30 years ago? Humans (and presumably gargoyles) have limited neurons in the brain for forming memories and synapses, and synapses that are not used regularly are trimmed away to make "room" for more useful connections, leading to loss of memories and skills that are less frequently used. But since Children of Oberon are made of pure magic, I don't think they even have neurons.
3. In their long lives, do the Third Race tend to get bored any more or less often than mortals do, or about as often?
1. Easily.
2. Better memories for quantity, not necessarily more accurate.
3. If you're talking about frequency, I guess it's about the same -- except that they don't have to WORK for a living, so they have less they NEED to do, which may lead to increased boredom.
Hey Greg.
So a few years back we had talked about the two other beasts on Avalon (besides Boudicca) and how they are male and female and mates. We seemed to come to the conclusion that if the math is correct they should have already mated and laid an egg as of 1996, though it has not hatched yet. I believe you agreed the math worked out correctly, but didn't commit to the idea that this had actually occurred and put it tentatively in the canon-in-training category (which is how it continues to be labeled on the GargWiki).
I just want to get some confirmation from you that this has not happened after all. Since Angela commented in "Phoenix" that she had never seen a gargoyle egg before, I suppose the two beasts on Avalon have yet to parent one, right?
Also, as a side note, I find it interesting that during the time spent at Ishimura and ChacIxChel (and to a lesser extent London since Goliath and Co probably didn't visit Knight's Spur), Angela never got a peak of the Ishimuran or Mayan rookeries. Is this something private to a clan and not something they'd put on the tour or did it just not come up due to lack of time or whatnot?
Thanks, Greg!
The latter question is easier to answer. I don't think there was time for Angela to see a rookery. And it didn't occur to her to ask for a special tour.
The former question... I guess she hasn't seen one.
I recently bought a copy of Dan Rosa's "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck". The first chapter had the young Scrooge, as a boy in Scotland, learn about many of the deeds of his McDuck ancestors in Scottish history; one of them, Sir Quackly McDuck, fought for Macbeth in the "civil war of 1057" and was rewarded for his services with a large treasure chest (unfortunately, while walling it up in his castle to keep it safe, he accidentally walled himself in with it).
I thought you'd like to know that someone else at Disney's been working on early Scottish history (other MacDucks were connected to Hadrian's Wall, Kenneth mac Alpin, Malcolm II, and the Battle of Hastings).
Very cool.
Dear Greg, I join the army three years ago. I recently returned From a fifteen month tour in Afghanistan.I didn't have much to do (besides working in the motor pool all the time)I've watched gargoyles for the last two months of my tour. When the show stopped at 3-13-3(you tube)I was a little disappointed. I couldn't understand why Disney would do such a thing. I was going through some hard times, watching the show really help get through my endeavors. I know this isn't a question, more like a thank you note.so I say, Thank you. Sincerely a BIG fan David.
And thank you, David!
I'm wondering if there was ever any release of the early development of Gargoyles, and any way we can see concept art from back in 1991? I just wonder due to the fact that it's mentioned in moderate detail on Gargwiki but there are no images.
Is there any change we'll be able to see those or have they already been released?
"Released"? I'm not sure what you mean? How would we release that stuff?
Some of it has been displayed at past Gatherings. Some is on Gargwiki. I don't have access to most of it. I'm sure it's buried in Disney Archives somewhere.
Document-wise, there's a bunch of stuff here at Ask Greg in the "Original Development File" archive.
1. "Reinforcement" question: if Vulture and Electro were the appetizer and Sandman and Rhino were the main course, what did that make Kraven and Mysterio?
2. Have you seen this?
1. Uh... dessert?
2. The link didn't take me to any specific video, and I don't have time to watch all the ones on the page.
In, "Subtext" Molten Man put Spidey in a bear hug basically and the only thing that was burned was Spidey's suit, I would think there would be more damage...maybe you can explain this for me?
It's a cartoon.
But seriously, you didn't SEE what damage there might have been under the suit. And we know Pete heals relatively quickly.
Hi sir i have to no im a very huge big fan of spectacular spiderman please you have to make season 3 just like the rest of ur fans we want see more..thank you i just had to tell u. ps would peter get baq liz she really seem to love him?
Sorry, but it wasn't up to me... and all the various companies (Marvel, Disney, Sony, Hasbro) decided against it.
So.... Just who WAS Patch's mystery employer in Accomplices? I'd think it was triple J, but I'm not 100% certain....
Yes, Jonah was fronting him - with the caveat that he had damn well better NOT win the auction.
"IGN: This week he quickly revealed himself to what was left of the Sinister Six. Why did he want to keep it a secret from them last week? "
"Weisman: I think what we saw this week was his inner circle. Tinkerer, Electro, Vulture â" that's the inner circle. Those people were in on it. But not every member of the Sinister Six was part of that inner circle. So although Sandman, Rhino, Kraven are all free, on the loose and still affiliated with the Master Planner, none of the three of them were part of the inner circle, so they didn't know that Ock was the Master Planner. But the other three did know. So that's what we were trying to show by keeping specifically those three in â" to tell you the hierarchy. "
1. Now correct if I'm wrong, but I got the vibe that Electro had no idea. In Reinforcement, though I don't remember the exact line, he said something along the lines of how the Doc has changed and isn't the same man anymore, and that he was really disappointed. Then in Shear Strength, he was completely confounded by Ock's revelation! "I don't get it, Doc...." So.... can you explain to this confused fan?
2. Why those three? I've always kind of gotten the feeling of kinship between Ock and Vulture - in Survival of the Fittest, though is Toomes is yelling at Octavius, he also says that Otto recommended Oscorp, so they must've been acquainted beforehand. But Electro? I can understand why he looks up to Otto (I've done a whole character analysis on Electro, in fact), but I can't imagine that Ock would just keep him in the loop to have a good, loyal henchman.... And I mean, Tinkerer's great at, y'know, tinkering and all that, but so's Ock himself, so it's not like he really NEEDS the squealer!
As always, thanks for your time!
1. He was in on it. Play-acting in Reinforcement. But just because he was in on it, doesn't mean he understood why the subterfuge was necessary.
2. Otto & Adrien are old friends. Maxwell is ridiculously loyal AND powerful. And Tinkerer was useful and necessary since Otto was in Ravencroft.
Greetings Greg!
First off I wanted to say what a huge fan I am of your series. Gargoyles was by far one of the greatest cartoons back in the day. Now that I'm done fangirling, on to my question. I've read up on various sources saying that the comics may no longer be published due to Disney's iron grip on the Gargoyles franchise. I understand that there will no longer be any comics returning any time soon. My real question to you is WITCH related. Is there going to be a season 3 or any continuation of the series? I'm a huge fan of the original comic's and it seems like shame Disney would cancel it.
I don't know anything about the status of the WITCH comics. The t.v. series was not picked up for a third season.
I wonder, how would you handle Carnage and Cletus Cassidy in [i]Spectacular Spider-Man[/i]? Are there any plans for season three for them to appear?
And are more Marvel characters going to appear? Like Thor, the X-Men, Captain America, Black Panther, Iron Man?
Cletus already appeared.
The rest is moot, though as I've said MANY times, we were not given permission to use other Marvel heroes, so it wasn't up to us.
Dear Greg,
My name is Justin S. And I am from Westfield NY. I know Season 2 Vol.2 is on hold until more copies of season 2 Vol. 1 gets sold. But, is there anything else that can be done? I hate Not having the rest out on DVD. It feels so incomplete. I found a petition recently http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/gargoylesseason2volume2todvd I dont think its getting promoted enough. So I will pass it around. But I will help in any way I can. I have already purchesed Season 2 vol. 1 but I will probably buy some copies and give them as christmas presants. Whenever you can hit me back at IbanezJFS@gmail.com and hopefully I can make it out to the Gathering someday. SeE Ya
Hey Justin,
As I've said many times, I don't e-mail people directly. But if you're still checking here, I'm afraid I have no new answers in the short term beyond what's already in the archives.
Hey, again, Greg!
So, I recall you saying somewhere (I think on the Season Set) that the reason you redesigned the Vulture was because you didn't want too many green villains....
So, and I'm not sure if you can say this, but I don't really see it as a spoiler, when you guys design Scorpion, do you want to use his blue suit? Or have you not yet decided yet?
Thanks Greg! Good luck tomorrow! (I'm writing this the day before the finale airs - you'll be able to tell me how it went by the time you get this!)
I think Hasbro didn't want too many green villains. We didn't mind, but I do think our version of Vulture turned out very cool. And he's still a bit green (what appears mostly black is really very dark green, I think).
But Scorpion's design is a bit moot now.
I have to ask, are Dragons real life creatures in the world of Gargoyles? And if they are, do they get the 'Gargoyle Treatment', like they are/were noble creatures or were they chaotic evil creatures?
And what would said dragons look like? European, Chinese, Japanese?
Well, we saw a dragon in the "Pendragon" episode. And one is visible in the Dark Ages pitch.
How did Demona learn so much about human technology over the centuries? It couldn't have been easy.
She made it her business to learn what she needed to know.
Who's remains did Goliath confuse for Demona's when he returned to Castle Wyvern?
A gargoyle without a name.
Why was the appearance of the mutates changed between metamorphosis and the cage? And why were their tails removed?
This has been answered before. Please check the archives under "Mutates, The".
Hi, Greg!
Skimming through the archives, I saw the question asked: "... Both Fox and David Xanatos have been to prison.. does this mean that neither of them can vote?"
You had replied: "Honestly, I'd have to research that."
Curious, I used my powers Google-fu and found that the answer is...
"In New York, individuals who have been convicted of a felony cannot vote while incarcerated or on parole. Once an individual has completed his or her sentence, the right to vote is automatically restored, but it is up to the individual to re-register with their county board of elections. Individuals on probation retain the right to vote."
Source: http://www.nyclu.org/files/Disfranchisement7bw.pdf
So I guess the real question becomes: Are either Xanatos or Fox on parole?
I realize by the time you see this it'll have been a few months since the original question, but I just thought I'd pass along what I learned. :)
As of January 4th, 1995, David began serving his probation.
As of September 6th, 1995, Fox was released on parole.
As of October 31st, 1997, David's probation ends.
I don't know when Fox's parole ends. I'd have to research that too.
At one point, L.A. D.D.A. Tuppence Macintyre told me the difference between parole and probation, but I can no longer remember exactly what those differences are (beyond what you wrote above) or why David was on probation and Fox was on parole.
I dont know if you seen this yet, you'll want to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeMnUuoeCwI
Sorry. It was blocked when I tried to watch it.
For the 3rd season of SSM, in response to many questions about plans regarding existing characters, you have answered that you have big plans for the character in question. You have even written that you have plans for all your characters. I suspect that the last statement is hyperbole (though you certainly are economical with your characters). Should a 3rd season be a go, given that there are a limited number of minutes in the season and the introduction of new characters, there must be a reduction in screen time for existing characters. While I'll refrain from asking for spoilers by asking which characters would see such a reduction, I'll ask the more general question of: is there a point in which you feel a character has nothing more to add to the planned storylines and if so, when in the story planning process does it occur?
Well, it's all moot now regarding Spidey, but as a general rule, I rarely feel a character has lost all potential. We fit in as much as we can, which tends to be a lot. In the case of SpecSpidey, decisions as to who would have screen time or how much were made relative to the life of Pete.
This is something I've been pondering for a while. And since, considering the timeline, it will be a very long time before you get to this point, if ever, I hope you don't mind me asking about this.
We know that Alex eventually becomes Secretary General of the United Nations. He's the son of two of the most brilliant people on the planet. He's going to grow up fabulously wealthy. And he's got a lot of power, being Titania's grandson. Not to mention living with gargoyles, this isn't going to be a typical kid.
So, I am curious. What are Alex's teenage years going to be like? I mean, we have this highly intelligent kid, born into lots of money, and packing supernatural powers... is he going to go through a rebellious phase? Is he going to be an obedient son?
I think back to my own teen years (and yes, I got into plenty of trouble then), and I can't help but wonder about Alex's.
I know this is way down the line, but have you given it any thought?
I've given it a ton of thought, but I'm not sure what kind of answer you really expected in this forum.
Greg-Spetacular Spider-Man is a great show! I hope it has been renewed by the time you read this. Anyways my question is why did Pete try to destroy the symbiote by freezing it when it came from the vacuum of space? How could anything on Earth top the cold of space?
Thanks to you and all your staff and actors for the best Spider-Man adaption ever.
Very good point. I think at the very least he hoped to contain it.
im a big fan of the spectacular spiderman who is the man in the airport in the last episode of season 2 and why did you all show him
if the season 3 is aloud to be aired would it come out next year
Not up to me. Sorry.
And I think you know who the man in the airport is: Vic Cook!
Oh, you meant the OTHER man: Curt Connors.
Or were you talking about Mr. Roman?
Arthur Jr. writes...
* I got your response for the Sinister Syndicate question. While Boomerang, Hydro-Man, Leila Davis (who became the second Beetle), Rhino, Scorpia, and Speed Demon are Spider-Man's enemies, you might be right about the other three. Outside of Beetle first appearing to fight the Fantastic Four and later fighting Spider-Man when getting revenge on Human Torch, Blacklash is an Iron Man villain who Spider-Man helped fight in Marvel Team-Up #72 and #149. Constrictor first appeared in Incredible Hulk #212 and fought Spider-Man and Moon Knight alongside Ringmaster in Marvel Team-Up Vol. 3 #7. Just giving any side info there in case you gain some inspiration for one of the possible future seasons.
Wow.... I have just been out-geeked....
I am going to tell myself that he looked that up....
Hey, it out-geeked me too!
Paul writes...
2) Is there a voice modulator in the Green Goblin's mask? (Surely there must be, since it's hard to believe that Norman puts on the Goblin's voice himself).
Greg responds...
2. I believe so.
Now how come when I asked that same question, you wouldn't answer? :(
When did you ask? What had aired at that time?
Anyway, don't take it personally. This site is totally dependent on my whim, my mood, etc. Catch me on a good day, and I can be quite cooperative. On another day, not so much.
The whole 'Gargoyles don't have names' thing has been bothering me for a while.
1. If Demona had been given a chance to choose her own name (not an alias), what would she have chosen?
2.Would she have chosen one at all?
2. The Wyvern clan originally didn't have names. But the Gargoyles in other countries we meet later on all have names. Did they choose the names themselves? Or were they named by their biological parents? Or perhaps the clan as a whole named them?
1. I don't know how to respond to this hypothetical question. She was in essence given the choice of accepting or rejecting Demona, and chose to accept it.
2. Probably not.
3. Traditions differ in each clan. The Mayan gargoyles didn't have names so much as "offices" based on the pendants they were custodians of. The Ishimuran and London Clans had actual names. But biological parentage doesn't play a role in most gargoyle societies. The Avalon gargoyles were named by Princess Katharine, Tom and the Magus. But mostly by Katharine.
I'm almost positive this hasn't been asked. Atleast, not like this.
How old is Owen? Biologically, not chronologically.
I've never seen much point in pinning it down precisely, but he appears to be in his mid-thirties to me.
Not really a question but something I thought of today... I absolutely love the fact that Doc Ock continues to refer to Spider-Man as "arachnid" and Shocker continually refers to him as "bug"...Obviously Doc Ock is a doctor and an extreme intellect and Shocker is portrayed as a little more of a "good ol' boy" type who wouldn't worry about such detail.... I thought of that today and thought "Hmm, that's a very interesting layer to the series" Kudos on the depth of this "kids" show!!
We tried our best to give each of Spidey's opponents his or her own voice, and not just give them generic villain dialogue. Thanks for noticing.
Will you EVER reveal what Titania whispered to Fox in The Gathering? Or is it completely a waste of time for anyone to ask you?
Pretty much a waste of time. I think this wound up being built up too big, and the answer (which I thought was kinda neat once upon a time) would come off as anti-climactic now. So I really have no incentive to reveal the truth.
Greg i want to know if you have been keep track of the gargoyles dvd sales to see if they are changing? not to mention are the people at disney even trying to release all of their classic shows?
I have no way of keeping track of DVD sales, but at this point, I doubt anyone is. The DVDs came out years ago.
As to Disney's plans, I'm not privy to them.
Mr. Weisman, I just read your response about the amalgamizing of characters. I have some other questions here:
1. Though the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime is one of Spider-Man's enemies, they first appeared in "The Incredible Hulk" #3. I was wondering if that will prevent you from using Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime in any episode of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" in case you don't get the rights for the character.
2. I read on the archives that someone asked if Stan Lee will have more cameos in any proposed season of "The Spectacular Spider-Man." He's also voicing the Mayor of Super Hero City in "The Super Hero Squad Show" which is voice directed by Jamie Simone (who provided Akamaru's vocal effects in "Naruto"). In case you've seen the episodes that feature his characters, what do you think of Stan Lee's performance in that show?
3. If Courtney B. Vance reprises Roderick Kingsley in the proposed Season Three, will you use another voice actor to voice Hobgoblin like you did with Alan Rachins voicing Norman Osborn and Steven Blum voicing Green Goblin? I think something like that also occurred when you and Jamie Thomason casted Clancy Brown to voice Ox in "Survival of the Fittest" and later casted Danny Trejo as Ox in "Probable Cause." Do you have any comment on that?
1. All moot now.
2. I haven't seen it. But Stan is great.
3. All Clancy did for Ox was grunt a couple of times. He was NEVER the voice of Ox. As for Alan and Steve, we ALWAYS intended to have a separate actor for Goblin, so as not to let casting reveal his true identity. The rest of your question is obviously moot.
I finally got my Bad Guys paperback! With all my homework I don't have time to write a review yet, but I do want to ask you a question or two about the New Olympians, if you don't mind.
1. After the (New) Olympians founded New Olympus to escape human persecution, how long did gargoyles still survive in Greece?
a. Were gargoyles still alive in Greece in the time of Augustus Caesar and the Humility Spell? b. During Byzantine times? c. During Ottoman times?
2. How long did the halfling "monsters" of Classical myth (centaurs, minotaurs, snake-people, etc.) survive in Europe after New Olympus was founded?
a. Were any half-breed "monsters" still alive in Europe in the time of Augustus Caesar? b. During Byzantine times? c. During Ottoman times?
Thanks again.
I don't have exact dates on this stuff, and I'm not ruling out possibilities at this stage.
Another question...
When Elisa told (or admitted, however you want to look at it) Angela that it was true that Demona was her mother at the end of Sanctuary, was Goliath angry with her? Did they discuss it at all later or did he just let it go? Was he actually relieved to not have to be the one to tell Angela?
I'm sure he was angry, but she probably convinced him of the obvious: (a) it was obvious and (b) it would have come out eventually and it was better coming from them then from Demona herself. Goliath would have grumbled at first, but known she was right.
I was wondering about the backstory of Iago's deception to Othello. Could you elaborate on it? (i.e. what circumstance did he make Othello believe Goliath and Desdemona were betraying him, like did he show them kissing or something--I know gargs don't kiss, just a for instance...) Also, how did the situation get reconciled, I mean how did Goliath and Desdemona prove themselves or disprove Iago to Othello? I just wanted to know the story (or as much of it as you'd tell ;)).
Pretty Pretty Pretty Please?
With a cherry on top?
Yeah... no. Sorry, but that's a story I'd like to tell some day, so I'm gonna save the details, though if you rewatch "Legion" you can glean the gist of what happened.
Tana writes...
You Asked:
"Does anyone know if "Maza" means "iron" in any Native American language or dialect?"
According to my book of names (it's got like 20,000 names and their meanings, which is totally cool, especially the Athurian names) Maza blaska, which is a Dakota name means "flat iron." So if it's one of those languages where the adjective comes after the subject, then Maza does infact mean Iron in Dakota. Which interestingly enough adds more irony since Dakota was an early choice for Demona's name. ^_^
And you know that J.R.R. Tolkien claimed that all of his novels were fact...you seen to have the same symptom with the Gargoyles.
Greg responds...
I'm not claiming they're fact so much as acknowledging that sometimes storytelling on this show just seems to click with history, existing legend and with dramatic necessity. It's a rare feeling, and I'm humbled by it. All I'm saying is it sometimes feels like the stories are true somehow somewhere, and all I'm doing is (imperfectly) tapping into them.
But I'm not actually delusional.
Ok, this is TZ now......
I was looking over the archives and was simply amazed by this response of yours, Greg. I have always felt that art (in all forms, from literature to sculptures to music) is discovered, not created. I subscribe to that theory because there are such famous examples of great work that endure for years, sometimes even centuries. Why would something like Michelangelo's David or Beethoven's 9th remain so popular through the ages? I think it's because those pieces already existed and were "discovered" by those artists, because certain works like theirs touch us so deeply. When one of us "finds" that piece of art, and shares it, it seems to strike something in all of us. I think creativity is God's alone, but I think He gives some of us a gift to find or tap into (as you've put it) something He's already created that reveals a great truth or lesson or feeling. Anyway, just a ramble of mine to share based on something I was amazed to see here. I'm not sure if I got my point across to others (I found it really hard to put this into words) but I think you get it. Thanks for "discovering" more great art for us all!
You're welcome. Glad you get what I'm getting at, more or less.
Anouther question that should reach you by the holiday season. Happy Holidays!
You've gone over the importance of the equanoxis in the garg verse as they are important to garg breeding, but what about the soltices? seeing as how they are the longest and shortest nights of the year do they have any significance to gargs beyond a diffrent time frame?
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