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REVELATIONS 2012-02 (Feb)

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I've got a curious questions to ask you.

a. Young Justice is classified as Earth-16 in the DC multiverse, although there had been contradictory information about this version of Earth prior to the announcement that the show would take place here. The first contraction claims that Earth-16 was the home of the Super-Sons (Superman Jr. and Batman Jr.) as indicated by early material such as DC Nation Issue #89. The second contradiction, which ruled out the Super-Sons continuity, claims that an alternate version of Superman (who was called Christopher Kent) was a native to this universe, as indicated by "Countdown: Arena" (This was a four-issue comic book series). This leads me to my question: When you decided you use Earth-16 for your show, did you (and your team) noticed these contradictions before when working on your ideas for the show, and did you set up some kind of story-wise explanation as to how these contradictions were removed?

b. At the end of "Schooled," Professor Ivo managed to evade The Team. However, in "Terrors," he somehow winds up in Belle Reve. Will this somehow be explained in a later episode of the show or in a future comic issue?

c. Miss Martian, as with all other Martians, are vulnerable to fire. However, in "Revelation," after Robin destroys the Ivy's plant transmitter, she was shown next to Robin and small flames were around them from the destruction of the transmitter. Interestingly, she was not shown to be vulnerable at that time. Was that some kind of mistake?

Thanks for reading.

Greg responds...



c. The flames weren't that close and/or weren't giving off that much heat.

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

First of all this show it absolutely amazing. It is my favorite. All the other shows just are super boring! Please keep going! I was just wondering What are the episodes for December?

Greg responds...

Of what year?

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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warrior93 writes...

61. Where is harm now?

62. Where were harm parents?

63. What martial arts does batman, robin, and artemis know?

64. Did 9/11, hurricane katrina, or the iraq war happened on earth 16?

65. Have any other superheroes were involved in any other wars besides ww2?

66. Were any of the jsa members were active crimefighters after the jsa disbanded?

67. Did jay fight any supervillans during his semi retired days?

68. How hard was for ya'll to get alyson stoner?

69. Does robin school have any halloween events?

70. Where did captain marvel go trick or treating and how much candy did he get?

Greg responds...

61. (Why 61?) Anyway, he's awaiting trial and a psych evaluation in New York, most likely.

62. Dead.

63. Plenty O'

64. Yes.

65. Depends what you mean by "involved".

66. Yes.

67. Yes.

68. I don't recall it being hard, though of course we were glad to have her as part of the cast.

69. I don't know.

70. Fawcett City.

70a. Don't know.

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I think what that one anonymous person meant about Artemis living in Gotham is, if she's supposed to be Green Arrow's sidekick, shouldn't she be living in Star City, where she can be more available to, uh, do sidekick things?

Greg responds...

But she doesn't live in Star City. She lives in Gotham City. It's where she was brought up and where she lives. It's where her mother lives. Just because it would be convenient for Green Arrow, doesn't make it so.

Fortunately, Star City is just a Zeta-Tube ride away.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Did mutants exist in the spider-man show?

Greg responds...

If you're talking Spectacular Spider-Man, then they might have if we had had more episodes and permission...

I definitely had plans for Cyclops, Beast and Professor X, at least. Iceman too. Heck, maybe Firestar, eventually.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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warrior93 writes...

Why does it take you so long to answer questions?

Greg responds...

Because I get questions like THIS one, taking up my time.

And because people insist on bogging down the queue with spoiler requests and repeat questions.

And because I have a job and a life, i.e. other things that I NEED to do.

This, believe it or not, I do because it's fun. (Most of the time.)

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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warrior93 writes...

What was lex luthor hair color?

Was joe chill a hired assassian hired to kill the waynes and was he ever sorry that he killed them?

How did batman and co found out about venom?

Can kryptoians have kids with humans on earth 16?

What was the worst injuries batman ever recieved

Greg responds...

1. Red, I think.

2a. No.

2b. Not so far.

3. Batman's a detective.

4. I don't see how.

5. I don't know. Probably a gunshot wound of some kind. No broken backs, if that's what you're getting at.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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bob writes...

why did clu kill his own men on tron betrayal.

Greg responds...

I have no expertise on Tron. And I'm betting you knew that.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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warrior93 writes...

1. Why did Klarion joined the light?

2. What young justice questions are considered spoilers?

3. Are you bothered by the amount of young justice questions?

4. Where do most supervillians draw the line for instance do most of the belle reeve inmates hate sexual crimes?

5. How long has guardian been working at cadmus and how long has he been a superhero?

6. How long has green arrow has been a superhero?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly, because it seemed like fun.

2. Anything that asks about stuff yet to come.

3. Not by the "amount" of questions, but I am bothered by (a) the repeated requests for spoilers and (b) the repeated requests for answers that have ALREADY been answered. (That last category would include this question, by the way.)

4. The population of an entire prison is too diverse to answer this.

5. He's been a hero for two years and head of security at Cadmus for one.

6. Nine years.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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conner writes...

1.Why did Artemis laugh when Zatanna asked how long have Conner and Megan been a couple?

Greg responds...

She thought Zatanna was confused.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I know that sometimes in DC Comics, there are storylines that are presented that usually take place a certain number of years ahead of the present, which usually show possible futures. In your opinion, will this concept be explored in the Young Justice Show at some point?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

About Failsafe - do the characters in the training actually exist? We know Eiling exists in the real world, but are Jason Bard and David Reid actual soldiers or only created for the mission?

Greg responds...

They are or were soldiers that Martian Manhunter knows.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

Without spoiling any names, can you please tell how many villains there are from each character's Rouges' Gallery (For example: Batman -## villains)? I don't believe numbers count as spoilers because technically you're not naming anybody, and giving the numbers allows fans to think about the possible candidates, since not every villain will show up on the show, right?

Thanks! Looking forward to the next episode!

Greg responds...

No. Just no. Aside from the fact, that this is a de facto spoiler, no matter how you spin it, it's also a massive pain to compile. (And that's aside from the fact that some villains could easily be listed under more than one hero. For example, Kingpin is both a Spider-Man and a Daredevil villain.)

Once the season ends - YOU CAN DO IT!

Otherwise, just exercise a little patience.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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conner writes...

1.In terrors why didn't Superboy wait until they were back at the cave and weren't undercover to kiss Miss Martian?
2.How well do Conner and Mal get along?
3.Does anyone at school know Conner and Megan are dating?

Greg responds...

1. It was an impulse.

2. You've seen 'em. What do you think?

3. I think many people at Happy Harbor High assumed they were dating even before they were.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Zatanna was grounded, why was she allowed to gallivant around on Halloween?

Greg responds...

Who confirmed she was actually grounded - let alone for how long?

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Lucia writes...

Is there anyone in Young Justice that can sing? It's a silly question, but just asking.

Greg responds...

I'm sure there is.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,
Hey Mr. Weisman,

I've got some quick questions about Young Justice. If these questions accidentally expose a potential spoiler, I sincerely apologize.

a. In regards to Wolf's tears and exposed muscles (as a result of being exposed to Kobra Venom), will they eventually heal overtime, or is the damage permanent?

b. In "Failsafe" Superboy expressed shock, and perhaps interest, when he learns about Superman's Fortress of Solitude. In your opinion, do you believe that he will ever get the opportunity to visit it?

c. In the same above mentioned episode, why is Superman wearing a oxygen mask? I could have sworn that recent comics (prior to the DC relaunch) show he was able to breathe in space. With that in mind, what version of the comics is the Young Justice version of Superman based on? (Golden Age? Silver Age?)

d. I understood that the first new series regular was introduced into The Team about halfway through the season (Isn't that about episode 13 or so?), but who is it exactly? If it was Wolf or Sphere, I apologize for not taking either of them into account.

e. Without needing to spoil any identities whatsoever, and in your opinion, what is the maximum number of members of The Team you are trying to aim for? To be more specific, how many males and females are there going to be?

f. The costumes of the characters portrayed thus far seems to appear to be just like those worn by characters prior to DC relaunch. In your opinion, do you think we will be able see any costumes based on those worn by characters since the start of the DC relaunch?

Thanks, and keep those episodes coming!!

Greg responds...

a. You're assuming it's damage.


c. Superman of Earth-16 cannot breathe in the vacuum of space. No one can. Some entities may not require oxygen to live. Superman does.

c2. He's not 'based' on any single version of anything.

d. Sphere was introduced in episode 109. Wolf in episode 113. What exactly are you asking? Through episode 118, we still only have the original six regulars on the series.


f. All our character costumes are art directed by Brandon Vietti and redesigned/reconceived by Phil Bourassa based on the needs/tone/etc. of our series with a mind to what is iconic about any individual character's look. That won't change.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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anamnesis writes...

Did the Dick Grayson in your Young Justice Earth-16 Universe skip a grade? At 13, he is definitely on the young side for those starting high school in most US school system.s Because his birthday is in March and not August/September, he wouldn't be one of the kids who start their schooling years almost a year younger than everyone else.

Greg responds...

Don't assume you know when his birthday is.


Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg;
Secrets is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE EPISODE of the series!!!! You guys accurately got Harm & Secret down perfectly! Secret was my favorite character of the original series, and you got her so right! And Harm, wow. Very good job, I hope he'll get more screen time in the future. The only thing that makes me sad about Secret's appearance is that the way she was done lends her to being a one-shot character. And I was really hoping to see more of her in the series. I'd ask if she'll show up, but I know the answers I get will be A-Spoiler Request or B-It's a secret.

Back to praise; Loved the interation between Zatanna and Artemis, very nicely done. The store "Abel's House of Secrets"? Awesome nod to Cain & Abel, thank you! Also loved the party and Mal's costume being "Superman. Done right." Oh, and M'Gann turning into Marvin. Now, a question; Was the sword of Beowulf a previously existing idea? Or original to the show? Cause I also liked the twist with the "pure of heart" thing, very reminiscent of the loopholes in Gargoyles magic.

Anyway, keep up the good work. And again, thank you for using my favorite character from the original series!

Greg responds...

I seem to recall the Sword of Beowulf being Peter David's addition. You'd have to ask him if it was from a pre-existing story.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I have a few questions concerning Batman's vehicles on the show.

a. Are all his vehicles based on military technology?

b. Considering all his vehicles have "Bat-" in their names, is the vehicle he used in "Revelation" a Batwing or some kind of Batjet?

c. Considering it was used in the simulation, does the vehicle he used in space in the episode "Failsafe" actually existed (meaning in the "real" world after Miss Martian was the last one to wake up). What kind of vehicle was that, a Batshuttle spacecraft?

d. Will be seeing Batman's Batmobile in action any time soon? Considering its various appearances on multiple Batman-related shows and movies, what will it look like: a bat-like car or a tank-like miltary car? (I'm rooting for the tank!!)

On a side note, I have a question regarding the appearances of future episodes. Is the show going to be on another break or the will the show continue next week to the very end of the season?

Thanks, and keep up the good work! You're doing fantastic!

Greg responds...

a. I don't know.

b. Something like that.

c. Perhaps.


The show continues on March 3rd, 2012.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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DC HERO writes...

I saw Secrets and might I say it isn't the best, but it satisfies. It was really hard trying to take notice of all the costumes references. I saw the Flaming C costume. 1. Does this establish The Flaming C as a real hero in on Earth-16.
I'm really glad you're keeping Conner and M'Gann's relationship a secret at least to others, but I'm sure by the time you answer this the whole team will know.
2. If Robin and Aqualad know about their relationship does some members of the League know. 2a. Does Martian Manhunter know. If he does what does he think of it.
3. Will the Team's reaction to Sphere's new form be shown like in the show or comic book.
Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. It establishes Conan O'Brien as real on Earth-16.



3. It took place off-camera.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

This sounds stupid to be be nitpicky over, but...
1. How is Artemis only a grade above Dick when she's two years older than him? From what I've seen, she's 15 and he's 13. If she's a sophomore, shouldn't he be an 8th grader?

2. How old is Zatanna, exactly?

3. Was Robin's crush on Zatanna in "Humanity" a one time thing?

That aside, I love Young Justice. It's very character-driven.

Greg responds...

1. ASKED AND ANSWERED. It all depends on when their birthdays fall, now, doesn't it?



Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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j writes...

does the Atom exist on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

Yes. He was mentioned in "Failsafe".

And with that, I've finally broken the 100 question-in-the-queue barrier!!!

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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CoolKId writes...

Will Wonder Woman have some lines before the end of season 1?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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stanley cowens writes...

I enjoy your writing on gargoyles and have just started checking out young justice. I was wondering if you ever planned on writing any thing live action or a independent film? I find the characters on gargoyles to be more interesting than some on movies or certain tv shows I have seen over the years.

Greg responds...

I've tried to break into live action, but have had no success as yet.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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