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REVELATIONS 2012-04 (Apr)

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Yolymar writes...

I watched "Misplaced" yesterday morning and let me just say that it was simply awesome. I truly love Young Justice. Now, I have two questions about this episode:

1. When I saw Teekl transform into that huge saber-teeth behemoth, I expected Wolf to come down and attack. Seeing only Superboy face off with the cat didn't disappoint me, but it did leave me wondering about Wolf's wherabouts. Where was he and why didn't Conner bring him along?

2. So in one scene, Nabu seems to be losing his stability because the helmet has been split, and we know that since the item in question was shown to be present in both worlds. So just out of curiosity, what would have happened if someone in the adult's dimension had worn it and kept it on AFTER the two worlds merged back while Zatanna did the same?

Greg responds...

1. Uh, maybe Wolf was on his own mission. (Honestly, the episode was just already crowded enough, don't you think?)

2. Any consistent reader of this site knows I'm not big on hypotheticals.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Mike H writes...

Hi Greg,
I was wondering how much can be shared between your show and the WB DC direct to videos. For instance, as the movies "Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths" and "Justice League: Doom" share an executive producer and lead character designer with Young Justice, could you theoretically utilize character designs from those two movies? I imagine that even if you could, you would prefer to tailor unique versions for the show; but I'm curious what can be reused.

Greg responds...

We can - and occasionally do - reuse elements from past WB productions (usually things like cars or paper clips or other props, but also the occasional background design or pedestrian), as long as they fit the style of the series. This is done to save money and time, so that our designers can focus on elements that are more unique to our series.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg.

A couple of questions about Misplaced:
Nabu desired Zatanna as a host because of her youth and magical ability.
Zatara persuaded Nabu to take him instead with his comment that he was at his peak of ability. Would Nabu's ideal host be someone both young and powerful? As a Lord of Order, would a potential host's virtue or goodness make a difference in his decision? Do youth and virtue/goodness amplify Fate's power?

With Captain Marvel, I liked your emphasis on Billy and his qualities of intelligence, determination, bravery, and loyalty. Cap is a powerhouse, but has shown the playfulness and enthusiasm of a child, not to mention a love of junk food. Billy is a child that showed the maturity of an adult, not to mention a love of the ladies.
As Billy ages, can the Wisdom of Solomon and Courage of Achilles bridge the gap between him and his alter ego? In other words, could those gifts somehow carry over to Billy without his transforming?

Thanks for taking my question.

Greg responds...

Youth probably mattered, but to an immortal entity the difference between Zatanna and Zatara's ages may have seemed insignificant.

I'll leave the goodness question to your interpretation.


Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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Alexi writes...

Hi Greg,

I've been wondering about the inception of "Young Justice." Specifically, when was the show named? Was there any point at which it was "Untitled DC Animation Show" or was it "Young Justice" from the get-go? And did you choose the name "Young Justice," or was the project given to you with the name already in place?

Relatedly, did you consider at any point having The Team on the show be called "Young Justice," or was that always meant to just be the title of the show?


Greg responds...

This is MOSTLY ASKED AND ANSWERED, but, yes, the project was handed us as "Young Justice" though I suppose if we had wanted to change it, we might have had the opportunity to suggest alternatives. But none of us wanted to change it.

We did have a discussion about whether the Team should be called "Young Justice" - but Sam, Brandon, Kevin and I all agreed that it would be cooler to make that ONLY the title of the series and not of the Team. At least, given the tone of our series.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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the greenman writes...

Okay, just curious about this based on suspicion? In the episode "Infiltrator", was the the cafe girl in the Wayne Tech building a n existing character?

Greg responds...

Not that I know of.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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RobinFan writes...

Hey, just wanted to say that that new episode was amazing! I watched it over and over aagin. I couldn't find many complaints about it. But one thing i wanted to ask was: at the end, some of the team reunited happily with their parents. They did not show Robin and Batman. :( could you maybe confirm if they had a talk or something that wasnt shown? Or is that too emotional for the big bad Bat? Also, were Robin and Artemis seriously injured in the fight? I mean, they were knocked out for most of it and when Robin woke up, he was holding his side and talking as if in pain. But back at the cave, they were both carrying boxes. Just wanted to know if their injuries were something we'll see/will effect them in the next ep (broken ribs etc.)
Thank you, and this is one of the best shows i have ever seen!

Greg responds...

1. There just isn't room to show everything and everyone. But you can be sure that both were very glad to see each other.

2. Not seriously. Though of course, most super-hero shows play a little fast and loose with that sort of thing.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Someone already asked how old is Hawkman, so I'll ask:

How old is Hawkwoman?
How old is Felix Faust?
How old is Blackbriar Thorn?
How old is Wizard?

Also, what happened to the opening sequence in Misplaced?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Season One:

1. Hawkwoman is 28.

2. I didn't set an age for Felix Faust, but he's older than a normal human lifespan.

3. Ditto for Blackbriar Thorn.

4. Ditto for Wizard.

5. Our main title has been truncated to make room for those fun DC shorts as part of DC Nation. (And before you ask, it does NOT upset me. I think creating a destination around DC Nation more than makes up for the loss of our main title.)

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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John Pannozzi writes...

Do you think there's a way Disney and Marvel could be convinced to consistently pay royalties (including royalties paid to estates of deceased creators) on reprinted material like DC Comics does?

Horror comics legend Steve Bissette publicly announced that he is boycotting all Marvel products due to Marvel not paying any money to Jack Kirby's family (and keep in mind that Steve has noted that DC still pays him royalties for reprints of his Swamp Thing stories, and that he and John Totleban got paid when their co-creation John Constantine was adapted into that movie with Keanu Reeves.), there's been speculation that reprints of Alan Moore's Marvelman/Miracleman have been held up by by the fact the artists (included Rick Veitch, who has had trouble with Marvel in the past) didn't sign away their rights, and I think Don Rosa of Disney Ducks comics fame has refused to work for Disney again because they don't pay him royalties for reprints of his works.

Any ideas on how to get Disney/Marvel to remedy these situations?

Greg responds...

First off, I can't confirm or deny any of your statements. I have no idea what Marvel and/or Disney and/or DC is or isn't providing royalty-wise. Second of all, I'm not a lawyer.

One might easily argue that I should be more educated on this subject, but one can't deny the fact that I'm NOT. And I'm just not going to speak to issues I'm ignorant of.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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Gracie writes...

Hi! I love Young Justice, and I'm glad it's finally back. I don't even mind waking up earlier on Saturdays than I normally would. I think it's especially wonderful how you can see Superboy's development through the little things he does, like smiling at the little kid with the Superman shirt. It's subtle, but it's noticeable enough to be very effective, and I think it's good that the extent of his development isn't all in the things he says.

I have a couple of questions, too.

It might be more obvious to someone who's read more comics than I have, but on Earth-16, is Black Canary Dinah Drake or Dinah Lance?

Also, I noticed that in Misplaced, the opening was shortened even more. That made me kind of sad, and I figure it wasn't your choice, but Cartoon Network's. Maybe because of the DC Nation shorts? I was wondering if you think it'll be a permanent thing, but I understand if you have no idea either.

Thanks! :D

Greg responds...

This Canary is Dinah Lance, the daughter of Larry Lance and Dinah Drake Lance.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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hey :) :)
first off i want to thank you for all the great episodes of young justice. they are all so fantastic :)

i just have one quick question, right now how fast can kid flash run?

Greg responds...

Fast, but not nearly as fast as the Flash.

Response recorded on April 30, 2012

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