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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Before the Dawn-

Black Lightning- LOVED (Nice touch Thunder was texting Grace)Amethyst- Have been reading the new stories and know of the old ones. Clever concept, lovely Sailor Moon spoof included.

Show- (no questions, just observations)
1- The female Reach voice is so familiar...
2- The torture Aqualad must have went through for that tour - friends are being tortured because he put them there and he can't even show any emotional response.
3- Star City teens ...I'm still annoyed at all thoughtless Before the Dawn spoilers telling me to look for Stephanie and Virgil. I think of Stephanie as being Gotham to the core like the rest of the Bat family. I'm curious how she'll integrate. (I gotta review if Sissie was established in Star City when she appeared as a little girl.) But, blond hair, blue eye AND ~purple~ jacket and wry response in face of bad situation...that would be Steph. (I like she looked older than Tim - I could have sworn she was originally created a year older than Tim and somehow dropped a year to match him.)
4- Didn't the pods used to put people to sleep? I guess if this hasn't already been covered elsewhere it could be an actual question.
5- Cassie is observant- how do you know our friends are there? The tech reminds her of Blue Beetle. Nice.
6- M'gan wipes Aquadlad's mind- Wow... implications, shock, moment between M'gan and Artemas - all nicely played. Also, Beast Boy makes a scary big cat. (I can't tell if there is a bit of an homage to HeMan's battle cat or if that's what you're going to see when you see a giant angry green tiger.) And then there is the nice echo to last season and the training sequence started with M'gan losing it over Artemas's 'death'.

Thanks for letting us rabble
7- Bart/Jaime SPOILED. Come on guys 2 words, "spoiler alert", and hit enter a few times.
8- Black Beatle - scary guy. On the plus side Jamie gave Scarab full control and no evil monster came out of it. No evil, clears that worry. Beginning of good guy scarab?
9- Bab's & Dick - Noticed their Bat military precision. Also noticed the extra hand hold while they confirmed,
10- La'gon gets the heroic save of Jaime
11- On ship- Lagon is happily draped over catatonic M'gan, Garth covering, Conner watching.
12- And then the clever of Reach introducing themselves before being exposed.
13- GGG- Not wrong about coming through the front door, but none of the alien superheroes represent their home planet. The GL's are the closest.
14- If the Reach is inducing powers and that boy is Virgil, then this would seem to be the BANG. Then again, Steph doesn't traditionally have powers. I remember one of the old comics once indicated that Sissie's eyesight was on the edge of Meta. Though probably within the range of ARGHH!!! famous baseball player who could aim his bat at where he wanted it vis-à-vis the seams…La).
Overall very good indeed.

Greg responds...

1. That was Masasa Moyo channelling Eartha Kitt.

3. Keep in mind, those teens on the dock were not necessarily from Star City. That was a launching point to bring them to the Reach. They were all runaways, and they might have come from anywhere. Also Stephanie's not older than Tim, however, on our show. She's a couple years younger.

4. There's a setting that puts people to sleep, but it isn't automatic.

6. No He-Man homage attempted. (More of a Mr. Tawny homage in green.) But if you see it there, that's fine.

14. Keep in mind, Stephanie was rescued BEFORE she was experimented on. Virgil was not.

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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hmm... writes...

What were Zatanna's spells in cornered?

Greg responds...

Well, she had a fainting spell and a hunger spell and a chatty spell.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anon writes...

Dear Greg,

Let me just start by saying that I am a complete fan of Young Justice. I absolutely love it and I am a fan.

I saw that you answered a question in which someone asked if Artemis knows Nightwing's secret identity. And you answered that as of Season 2, she did.

So my questions are:

1. Why did Dick tell Artemis his secret identity? Or did she figure it out herself? Or even through Wally?
2. Who else knows? (I know you might not answer this one, but I might as well give it a try.)

Greg responds...

1. Artemis saw Dick naked in the Cave's communal shower. Later, that same day, she saw him naked in the Gotham Academy's communal shower, and thus was able to identify him by a telltale zit. Frankly, it's ironic that she had to see him naked twice to make that identification, since the zit was on his chin. But that's what happened.

2. Well, the audience knows. But as far as I can tell from Ask Greg, they're all named "Anonymous".

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I have no important questions today, but I'd like to share my thoughts on "Cornered."

My thoughts about "Cornered":

A. Did Jaime Made The Right Decision? - It is becoming more and more unclear. Watching "Before the Dawn," I'd suspected that IF impulse had not been able to rescue Blue Beetle, it would have been the moment that Jaime was corrupted. Impulse, however stated he know NONE of the details that led to the corruption of the Scarab. Jaime now wants the Scarab off, but what if that led to the Scarab's eventual corruption should it attach to someone else? It makes one wonder…

B. Poor Miss Martian - It's a shame that Miss Martian's self-confidence seems to have shattered after the events of "Before The Dawn." I hope that she does get her head back in the game before the end of the season. However, that does leave some concern to her fate once the conflict with The Reach is resolved. Personally, I think either she'll get kicked off the Team, OR she'll probably live in a self-imposed exile without telling anyone where she goes…

C. Mal Duncan's Character Development - Becoming Guardian is an awesome move, and I'm looking forward to see more of him in action. In regards to his relationship with Bumblebee, I sense that it's only going to become more and more strained. I'm waiting to see if their strained relationship factors in any way to why the Reach Apocalypse possibly happened.

D. Gradual Fall From Grace - That's the best words to describe what I feel is happening to the Justice League right about now. For the Reach Apocalypse to somehow have happened in the future, one of the possible reasons would have to be the public's complete distrust of the Justice League, and then when the Reach turns their back on humanity, the public is going to have to regret what they did. I also think that the Justice League probably got killed when they actually do have to fight the Reach, but considering there has been very few key facts about the future that has been revealed, I suppose I shouldn't get my hopes up to find out if I'm right…

Thanks for taking the time to read my posting,

Greg responds...


B. Miss Martian was kicked off the Team because those guys just hate White Martians.

C. The Reach Apocalypse was a direct result of the closing of the Happy Harbor Bowling Alley. Without bowling, Earth just surrendered.

D. The Justice League still exists in the future that Bart came from. They simply changed their name to "The Reach League".

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Shade234 writes...

Hey Greg!I loved "Cornered"!
1.How old is Virgil Hawkins?
2.How old is Neutron/Nathaniel Tryon?
3.Why didn't Artemis with Kaldur just surrender to Beast Boy and M'gann? It would've been a good way to get them out of deep cover. After all, they'd found out who the Partner was.

Greg responds...

1. He's 75 if he's a day.

2. He's 75 if he's a day.

3. Because she's 75 if she's a day.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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btgr writes...

My review and disappointments for YJI episode "Cornered":

I enjoyed the scenes with Captain Atom, Black Canary, Blue Beetle and Impulse. Captain Atom is most likely saying "Screw the Reach!" or "Nonsense!" inside his thoughts. I noticed Jaime Reyes is shirtless again in this episode!

Mal Duncan was funny in this episode and he resembles Steel/John Henry Irons from that terrible Shaquille O'Neal movie "Steel" while wearing that Guardian costume.

I don't trust that Wade Eiling. I still believe all the US Military soldiers who are working under his wing are dirty, corrupt, merciless, cold-blooded and bloodthirty terrorists in uniform, unless you can give evidence in the upcoming episodes.

And Miss Martian did indeed watered her uncle's plants after all. Oh and more hilarity from G. Gordon Godfrey and he's so obsessed with the Reach lately. Looking forward to True Colours.

My disappointments:
You win 10 points for introducing Static/Virgil Hawkins properly, but you lose 20 points for not introducing the other two unknown liberated abductees who were waiting in the corridor.

Greg responds...

In scenes that were cut for time, Wade sacrificed himself nobly in order to help Miss Martian get to Chicago in time to water her uncle's plants, so that the watering could all be done by the time Conner arrived, so that they could watch "Steel" on Netflix. Unfortunately, all this effort was for naught, as John Jones' Netflix subscription had run out while he was in space.

The good news is that Asami and Eduardo recovered from the amnesia they were experiencing during "Cornered" (which explains why they COULD NOT be introduced in the episode, since they didn't know their own names).

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Gallex writes...

I find it funny that much of the YJ fandom is now pairing Bart with Jamie romantically. What are your thoughts on it?

Greg responds...

Do you mean before or after their on-screen kiss in Endgame?

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Match was indicated to be the FIRST clone of Superman on Young Justice, and IF he is able to age (unlike Superboy), wouldn't that technically mean that he'd eventually be renamed as Bizarro, and then Match and Bizarro would be one and the same individual on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

Match went to one high school dance before he was frozen. There he met a clone of Lana Lang. They had a baby. That baby became Bizarro. However, Bizarro was recently offered a job on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, so he changed his name to Comet, the Wonder Horse.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Thank you for taking our questions Greg. I think you contributed to some of the best cartoons of my time (Gargoyles, Spectacular Spiderman, & Young Justice). With the cancellation of Spectacular and DC Nation's sudden hiatus back in Oct. you have a bit of the Peter Parker luck. Know if I had a truck load of money I'd fund one of your shows for at least 4 seasons. Alas I don't but that brings me to my questions:

1. As of this writing, Young Justice has not been renewed for season 3. Should you get the renewal, how long would the production of a new season take?

2a. If you do get renewal, does that lead to a bigger production budget?

2b. With a bigger budget, does it allow you to do things that you wanted to do but just couldn't afford (more voice actors, etc)?

Greg responds...

1. I think we could have new episodes on the air in about three weeks. Although I'd feel more comfortable if we had an entire month to give the animators more time.

2a. Hmmm. Let me think on this one. Is our budget bigger with or without a renewal? Hmmm. I'm going to say that Warner Brothers would give us a bigger budget to not make the show. Yes. That sounds right.

2b. A bigger budget usually gets in the way of creative choice. With more money, we're all way more tempted to pocket some of those dollars. And those kickbacks create shortages that mean we have less freedom to add actors, etc.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was the death of Marie Logan at the hands of Queen Bee is what prompted Miss Martian to use her powers in a more violent manner?

2. Before she realized she abused the use of her powers in "Before the Dawn," was Miss Martian considering ever using her more violent methods against Queen Bee (as payback/revenge for Marie Logan's death) if they were to ever meet again?

3. Beast Boy's designation as B19 means he joined The Team sometime in 2014, correct? Would that also possibly mean that Marie Logan was tragically killed during that same year?

Greg responds...

1. No. Miss Martian is the one who died. The real Marie Logan received a blood transfusion from Miss Martian three days before the incident. In order to protect herself and her son, Marie - once recovered - allowed the world to think that she was dead and took over the Miss Martian identity, having gained shape-shifting and telepathic powers from the transfusion. The violence was Marie's, who blamed villainy in general for the death of the girl she had come to regard as a daughter.

2. Again, the premise of your question is incorrect, so it's impossible to answer.

3. I think you mean 1814, right?

Anyway, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Chris Lahm writes...

Who is taller, Superboy or Lagoon Boy? Or there the same height.

Greg responds...

Superboy is taller on land by about fifty feet - especially when leaping. But in the water, Lagoon Boy is taller due to the pressure. (When he's underwater, Superboy is reminded of being in a pod, which causes emotional pressure. So he slouches a lot.)

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

As the comic #20 shows Artemis at least knows to Nightwing is- so have they laughed about the picture yet?

Greg responds...

I think my spellcheck has gone haywire. Oh, wait, no. It's YOURS.

Anyway, it's unfortunate, but all of Dick Grayson's digital photos were erased during the E.M.P. that Artemis set off in "Homefront". Plus, fans forbid us from allowing Dick to laugh anymore in Season Two. We received death threats.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, how can Wally suit up as Kid Flash, without being asked, in "BLOODLINES" claiming he did it because "it was an emergency and I was needed", and then justify sitting on the sidelines while almost everyone he cares about is risking their lives to stop the Light and an alien invasion?

I get that Wally was only included in "BLOODLINES" due to wanting to get all of the Flash family on the show at once as there was absolutely no other reason for him to be in that episode (he did nothing but get mocked), but it makes his inaction at the moment harder to understand and defend. I mean, Dick and Conner almost got killed and his own cousin got captured in "DARKEST", and yet Wally isn't doing anything to help out. Does he simply just not care about anything anymore besides Artemis?

Greg responds...

During the events you mention, Wally was in jail in the distant future, having been accidentally mistaken for Professor Zoom by Booster Gold. (It's the yellow costume, you see?)

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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riley writes...

1. Why does Tim only get a few lines per episode?

2. Is Gar able to form other humanoid hybrids such as his monkey/human form?

3. What is abilities does the monkey/human form grant gar?

4. Sense gar knew of the poison sumac. What knowledge does gar have over plant species?

Greg responds...

1. He was a supporting character.

2. No.

3. What you see is what you get.

4. Gar is interested in the natural world, so he studies. But it's not like it's a super-power.

Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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ArctheFlash writes...

Dear Greg Weisman,

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. I actually prefer a "SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT" to nothingness and apathy in general.

2ndly, thank you and the team for this show! Love the story-driven dynamic direction and constant emotional roller coaster that ensues with every episode.

Artemis and Wally: best relationship in the show/DC universe
Jade n CloneRoy: extremely close second
Miss M and Supey: Glad they broke up.

But enough fan-girling, my big questions actually regard the Flash family:

Did Barry Allen have any influence on Wally's (and Artemis') decision to leave the hero "life" behind?

Was Barry always a study science over speed kind of guy?

I may be wrong but didn't Barry disapprove of Wally gaining super speed powers in the beginning and is he happy that he's left the life?

Can Wally get "out of shape" speed-wise since hes at college and does that effect his acceleration or top-speed in any way?

That is all. Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Not directly, no.

2. Basically.

3. Barry wasn't looking for a sidekick and initially accepted Wally out of guilt when Wally nearly blew himself up getting his powers. But Barry came to appreciate Kid Flash with time. On the other hand, I'm sure he appreciated Wally and Artemis' decision.

4. I don't think he's let himself go but theoretically yes.

Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In "Earthlings" was Miss Martian eavesdropping on Superboy and Alanna? If so, why was she so happy about afterwards?

Greg responds...

No. She was mostly just happy to be with Garfield.

Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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J writes...

You mentioned before that the main reason for the lack of women in the Leauge was primarily due to lack of source material, ie. not many female Leaugers to choose from...but what about Vixen, Gipsi, Dr. Light, Fire and Ice, who are all established Leaugers through many incarnations, much more so than Rocket (which is not to say that I dont enjoy Rocket in the show, because I definatley do).
Were these charicters not considered? Just not fit into your timeline? Some other reason?
If any were simply never considered, why not?
It seems that not including any of them is a missed opportunity for diversity on multiple levels.

Greg responds...

We wanted to begin in Season One with a League that was both highly iconic and quite powerful.

After that, we had plans for some of the members you named.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

When Josh Keaton recorded his bit for Black Spider, who else was in the studio?
Are there "secret" recordings you guys try to keep under wraps?

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember.

2. Huh?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

How was Jaime able to visualize Black Beetle as his future self?-after all unless the Scarab was projecting it to him ou can't see a flashback in universe.

Greg responds...

Okay, first off, he was not visualizing Black Beetle at all. He was imagining/visualizing a version of himself based on what Impulse was describing. Keep in mind, Jaime's first "vision" was a memory; the second was a nightmare, and the third was a fantasy based on Bart's narration.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

How was Roy able to fight Mercy-a cyborg so evenly in Satisfaction-despite missing an arm and only recently being unfrozen after 8 years of stasis, did the cryogenics keep him in the physically fit condition he was frozen in?
2-Why did Cadmus have to cut his whole arm of?-I get they were perfecting the cloning process but even a few cells have billions of DNA strands they could have used.
3-I'm curious Black Beetle comes of as an arrogant,smug jerk with contempt for "meat" so why did he save Shimmer?

Greg responds...

1. You saw what you saw. If it doesn't work for you, I'm not sure what to tell you.


3. Shimmer was on his team. Why wouldn't he save her?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anon Archer writes...

Does Superboy like pie? What's his favourite type of pie? I know this is ASKED AND ANSWERED but your answer was he hadn't tried it yet. After about 6 years, what's the deal.

2) What's Superman's favourite type of pie

3) What's Lex Luthor's favourite type of pie

4) Inside the show itself, what is the reason thst after almost 6 years the team still doesn't have a name.
Also, your show is good. Seriously

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure he likes all kinds of pie. But it's hard to top Ma Kent's apple-berry pie.

2. Apple.

3. Apricot.

4. That IS the name.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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kenzey818 writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
In reading Ask Greg and other forums, I've noticed a lot of bashing of many plot points in Young Justice. So instead of any bashing or questions (since it might be a while till you'll get to see this and I'll get my answers by watching the show :D) you're getting a heaping helping of praise:
First off Superman: When Season 1 started a lot people bashed his portrayal and avoidance of Superboy. But I loved it. To me it felt realistic and honest. I'd feel violated and uncomfortable if I found out someone had cloned my awesomeness. When Supes did accept SB at the end of Auld Acquaintance I cheered and it brought a tear to my. People bash Supes all the time for being "too perfect" but here was a real portrayal of imperfection and humanity. I was especially excited when we saw the team up between Supes and SB in alienated and the good-bye was very touching, and then when it came out in the comic that Clark made an effort to get to know Connor as a person and not a clone my heart soared. So beautiful and sweet!
And now something I'll admit I had some issues with: The Time Skip. But not for most of the reasons I've been reading from others. I wanted to see more of the relationship develop between the Supers, and see them kick Luthor's butt :) however I've been a fan of yours way back to Gargoyles (which is still one of my all time favorites) to know there is a reason for everything you do, even if I don't know why. One thing I love about your productions is the cohesiveness of it, the stories don't change and don't go back on their founding principles. In rewatching the first season of Young Justice I realized if I had missed an episode I could've been lost as to whats going on. Even the littlest thing you don't expect is connected has something to do with the overall story. Thank you so much for a beautifully written and gorgeously animated show. In age when it seems some companies are dumbing stuff down I love the H.G Wells references and the respect you treat you audiences intelligence with, whether they be children or adults like me. Thank you again to you and your wonderful staff! Keep up the amazing work you've found a fan for life :)

Greg responds...

Thank you. Although I will say I don't agree that you need to have seen every episode to get or appreciate our series. Sure, it ADDS VALUE the more you consume (show, comic and video game included), but you should be able to tune in to any individual episode and enjoy the yarn that's on screen. I do sometimes worry that the PERCEPTION that that was not the case might have kept people away. But if they had tuned in at any point, I like to think they would have been hooked. And then AFTER THE FACT, they could go back and watch any episodes they missed, while simultaneously continuing to view the new stuff as it appeared.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Kenzen writes...

A) Why did you decided to include Jason in Young Justice, any specific reason?

B) Are you afraid of any time paradoxes that might come up with Impulse?

(A small add on of my opinion but the question above is all I am asking about) Say for example the vent or what have you that destroys the future doesn't happen or is changed, by most time travel logic Impulse would just vanish from Team Year Five, but I would imagine for story should that happen you would want a goodbye or something loose ends are what fandoms cringe and theorize at.

C a) For Garfield he lives in a timeline with pandas, could he transform into a panda or would he need to have physical contact a panda?
C b) Should he need touch, would say a stuffed Dodo or dodo skeleton work for an image form him to shapeshift into?

Also should he need touch did he have to touch an alligator and gorilla to be able to shapeshift or again just same time and sight of panda.

D) Any characters you really want in the show but you haven't been able to fit them in?

Trying to make my questions vague not really working soory if they have a confusing level to them.

Greg responds...

A. He was part of the history.

B. No. It's not my favorite type of time travel story, but it works for me here. I've gone into detail about it previously. Check the archives.

C a. Who says he hasn't had contact with a panda?

C b. No.

C c. It's got to be more than just a view from afar. But it's more complicated than just touching an animal. It has to do with his origin, of which you've only seen a fraction.

D. Yes.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

HUZZAH on YJ's return! And what an episode. First off, nice job on The Reach, I was really into that Blue Beetle comic's first run and I enjoyed The Reach. So thanks a lot. And Beetle himself, wow! This is gonna get good for him. As for Megan, I knew that eventually her more forceful mind tricks would come back to bite her, and wow. I mean, poor Kaldur, I sincerely hope the effects are temporary. And again, more Godfrey! I love this man, he is so funny.
My question is this; the blonde girl we saw in Star City. Was that Cissie?

Greg responds...

Uh... I think you're talking about Stephanie Brown, but I'm not sure.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hello Greg,

My post got deleted, don't know why so I am trying to separate the questions from my post. Thanks for you time.

Here are the Flash questions/comments I promised, mainly centered on Barry Allen.

Your portrayal of the Barry Allen persona to me does not seem like the one I am familiar with in his appearances in the comics, from the Silver Age to his death on Crisis on Infinite Earths and even after his resurrection and into the New 52. To me he always seemed a calm and collective police scientist who had somewhat of Superman's persona in the pursuit of justice. Your version to me seems more like the Wally West persona, especially similar to the Justice League and JLU series of Bruce Timm. He seems more willing to joke around, his outbursts in the first episode of YJ, and his over-eagerness of the present in Mount Justice in the tie-in comic book are just some examples that lead me to this conclusion. So mainly I wanted to know where you drew inspiration for Barry Allen the Flash please. Please understand that I am not criticizing you; you're the creator and you have every right to adapt characters as you seem fit, but it has somewhat bugged me throughout the series. I am happy with the other Flashes though, and glad Kid Flash finally gets some spotlight in an animated series, plus "Bloodlines" was one of the greatest episodes ever!

Greg responds...

A lot of decisions are, I suppose, relativistic. That is, I can't have sixteen Justice Leaguers running around, all with the same intense, focused, personality. So I may take a kernel of something that I see in a character's LOOOONNNNNNGGGG history and develop that into something we can hang our hats (or cowls) upon.

For Barry, I think it's VERY safe to say that the Wally West of JL and JLU had pretty much NO influence on us. Cuz, you know, we were doing WALLY in the show too.

But Cary Bates, who wrote a huge chunk of Barry's adventures before Crisis on Infinite Earths, is one of my best friends, and he always made Barry a little goofy. A little bit of the boy scout, who still had that Flash fanboy in him, i.e. the guy who was inspired by Jay Garrick. We made that literal in our series... and we extended it into his personality. He likes catchphrases, even if he knows they make his wife and friends groan. He's a goody-two shoes and a happily married man and a scientist and a forensics expert and generally this slow, methodical but deeply honest guy, who likes his life and so is pretty at ease with his own sappiness.

He's NOT a smart-ass, which of course, Wally can be at times. And personally I don't think we portrayed him AT ALL like Wally.

But it's out there. If that's what you saw, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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AhhGoodTimes writes...

Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and Guy Gardner are Green Lanterns of Sector 2814. This includes Mars. Do you have anything to say about the Green Lanterns' relationship, if any, with Mars? Such as whether the Green Lanterns have visited Mars or whether the Martians are aware of the Green Lantern Corps? Just something I've been thinking about since in Young Justice, the Martian civilization is alive unlike in the comics. Thank you in advance!

Greg responds...

First off, a slight correction: Hal, John and Guy are Green Lanterns FROM Sector 2814. You don't know what their respective assignments are.

We do indeed have thoughts about Green Lanterns and Martians. Some of this would have been dealt with in the comic (either the YJ:I comic that was cancelled or the Earth-16 comic that we pitched but was not picked up) and/or in Season Three (which was also not picked up).

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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wouldn't you like to know.. writes...

in the episode "before the dawn" of young justice invasion, i noticed that batgirl/Barbara wasn't wearing anything to hide her identity from the teens who they were going to rescue. would it be because she thought the teens wouldn't have time to look at her much while trying to escape the REACH or does she not care about secret identities.

Greg responds...

Who is Barbara Gordon that anyone would recognize her? She's NOT a celebrity. Nor is she the ward of a famous millionaire.

It's like that time that someone pulled off Spider-Man's mask... and had no idea who Peter Parker was. Not everyone is famous.

I mean, how do you think Clark Kent gets away with it? ;)

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

is it true that there's a possibility of there not being a 3rd season because it would be too expensive? because i've heard that young justice uses the best special effects and animation, so it would be impossible to get another season :( please dont let it be so!

Greg responds...

Cost is a factor, but I don't think it's because we're TOO expensive. I think they're just ready to take a shot at something else that they perceive will be more valuable overall.

It doesn't help that our toy line was cancelled, since that's where the majority of our funding came from.

Anyway, as I've said ad nauseum, none of this is up to me.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous Writes writes...

The Team and League has a lot of Secrets?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Nori writes...

Does Cheshire actually care about Roy, or does she just want him back around because of the baby? In any universe, their relationship is decidedly confusing.

Greg responds...

Of course, she cares about him.

And it's only confusing because you've missed huge chunks of it. ;)

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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DanM writes...

Hello there Greg (you don't mind me calling you Greg, do you?), how you've been?
Well I hope you have been doing well, and working hard on YJ for us fans.
So let me introduce myself, my name is Daniel I'm from Brasil and I LOVE the YJ tv show. As for the comic book, still I haven't had the chance to check it out. But I cannot see why it wouldn't be as great as the animation.
Anyways… with the recent CN's actions and the future listing of DC's solicitations, a lot of speculations have surfaced the web. Do those same speculations harm you or the crew in any way? Note that I don't mean it physically, I mean carrerwise (e.g. the mood in the work environment, the relationship with the bosses… that kind of thing?).
Have you ever thought about, or did in fact pitch in an Earth 16 title for the DC's New 52 (such as the Earth 2 title)? If not, how about it? I imagine that great things would come out of it. :) And what about novels? That would certainly be interesting!!

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what speculations you're referring to. But...

ANYWAY, I suppose this is as good an excuse as any to go through a bit of a chronology.

We finished the scripts for Invasion in January of 2012. So that's when I stopped getting paid, because although I'm a producer on the series, that title and even the responsibilities that go with it were, in essence, a courtesy, based on my experience, I guess. With a guy as talented and competent as Brandon on the job, Warners didn't feel any need to pay me to do the post-production on YJ. They had no problem with me participating, but they also had no problem with me walking away. (Same with Season One, by the way.) (And it was the same at Sony vis-a-vis The Spectacular Spider-Man. In animation, writers often aren't valued all that much once the script process is completed. From the point of view of these companies, I was really just a story editor with a glorified title, who was willing to do what he had to do in order to make the title real and NOT glorified.)

On one level, I probably should have walked away. But instead, I worked for free, helping to post the episodes with Brandon from January to October of 2012. Simultaneously - because I do need to earn a living - I did a number of freelance scripts for various series, including one for Warners' Beware the Batman, plus a Transformers Prime, a couple of Kaijudos, a couple Rescue Bots and a couple of Octonauts. Plus, there was the YJ comic, a few miscellaneous things, and I was also working on revising my first novel, Rain of the Ghosts. Oh, and Brandon and I were also giving free input on Legacy, as well. So I was plenty busy.

In October of 2012, we finished posting episode 220, "Endgame", and on Halloween I moved out of my office on the Warner Bros. Ranch and moved back to my old office in Beverly Hills. By that time, I was done with the comic as well.

During that period, Brandon and I (both separately and together) pitched all sorts of further Earth-16 properties, including (but not limited to) a third season (of course), animated spin-offs featuring Arsenal and/or the Arrow Family, a comic book entitled Earth-16, the Black Manta Celebrity Hot Tub shorts, a direct to DVD movie, etc. Brandon even pitched a YJ meets Scooby movie. Unfortunately, none of these were in the cards.

I'd love to say differently. I'd even love to say I've moved on, but I haven't really. Like many of the fans, I'm still mourning the whole thing, quite a bit. Perhaps even quite a bit more than is healthy. And - because I do need to earn a living - I'm still looking for both freelance work and my next solid gig. (It's been fourteen months without a real job, and it's starting to get a bit nerve-wracking, to be perfectly honest.) But Rain is coming out in December, and I'm hard at work on its sequel. They've both been very rewarding to work on, at least emotionally. (We'll have to wait and see if they turn out to be rewarding financially - but at least the potential upside is there.)

I'd happily do a YJ Novel, but like anything YJ related, it's just not up to me. It's just not a property I control AT ALL.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Jesse writes...

Hi Greg!!

First I would like to say i love Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H.!

My question about the show is
-when did Beast Bboy find out about M'gaan's true form?
-Is Zatanna single at the moment?

Keep it up with the amazing show, Young Justice!!

Greg responds...

1. Between seasons.

2. Why, are you interested?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Who is Nightwing closer to, Tim or Wally?

Greg responds...

It feels like an apples and oranges question, but... Wally.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Becca writes...

Hi Greg! Question for you about Roy and Jade.

Was their marriage something they actually wanted? Or was it more for convenience (Jade to change her last name or something)? Or was it a decision that was made because you wanted to bring Lian in but children out of wedlock = bad for the show's intended audience?

Thank you! So excited to see YJ back!

Greg responds...

Out of universe, I'll admit there was a little discomfort on the part of some of our bosses about an out-of-wedlock child. Having said that, no one ordered us to marry them off, and ultimately, we felt it worked better for the two, given some of our plans for both Season Two and YJL.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

I don't want to flood, so this is just going to be a miscilanious question post:

1.Queen bee's powers (supposedly) worked on Garfield, why does it work on pre-pubescents if it is pheromone based?

2.Why did Martians develop shapeshifting if they can't hide their thoughts from each other? On mars,what point does is serve them. We've seen that they ussually are in there default state.

3.Is Connor's super-jump a weakened form of flight, or a result of super strength in his legs?

4. How do you feel on the topic of tv show responsibility? Do you think shows have a duty to set good role models, or do you think having media as a tool for next generation change is misguided and dangerous?

sorry for not numbering my first post, I didn't notice until it was too late.

Greg responds...

1. Puberty (as I understand it) isn't a light switch. It's a process.

2. We're talking ancient evolution, and the Martians evolved along similar lines as the organic species which they now use for their clothes and Bio-Ships. In fact, I would think all three species MUST have had common ancestors. But I'm not an evolutionary biologist.

However, there are a number of truly great scientific minds over at the Station 8 Comment room. Try asking there: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/

3. The latter - although not JUST his legs, I would think. (Though again, I'm not a kinesiologist.) All of which is not to say that his exposure to a yellow sun doesn't have something to do with it. That's WHY he's strong.

4. I don't want to answer for ALL shows. I think the shows I work on need to have a moral point of view. And I think it's important not to be casual about things like smoking, for example, which has done more damage to this world than almost anything I can think of, off hand.

5. Thanks for not repeating the error! :)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

Megan Questions:
Was Megan putting Psimon in Catatonia the same attack she has been abusing recently(if no, what is the difference)? You kind of alluded to that earlier, confirming.

Did she intentionally put him in a coma, or was that an accident from the force of her counterstrike rage?

Could she only do that attack in her White Martain form originally?

Did Psimons powers help him in recovering?

I hope you had a great holiday season Greg! DFTBA

Greg responds...

1. In Psimon's case, it was simply an attack. More recently, the point of the encounter was different. It wasn't about attacking, but about acquiring information. But either way it was a violent psychic attack with very similar repercussions.

2. Catatonia and a coma are two different things.

3. It made it easier.

4. Yes.

5. I did, thanks.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I've read your response about Beast Boy's abilities,and I wish to ask some further questions about it.

1. You say Beast Boy needs to.... grok the animal? Is that something like empathetic bonding? And does that mean he needs to form some kind of friendship with the animal he wishes to transform into?

2. You said Beast Boy cannot grok the animal from a distance or even from distant millenia. IF Beast Boy were to, let's say, somehow wind up in prehistoric times as a result of time-traveling, would he then be able to theoretically grok whatever animal he wishes to transform into?

3. Currently, Beast Boy is not able to transform into any prehistoric animals. However, has Beast Boy, at any point after gaining his shape-shifting abilities, ever wished that he had the ability to do so?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions,

Greg responds...

1. Don't take me too literally, but check out this:


2. Yes, theoretically.

3. Sure, who wouldn't?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Cuddlefish writes...

I love Young Justice and can't wait to see some new episodes. You and everyone else did a fantastic job developing the characters and plot.

1. If the series is cancelled prematurely, would you reveal any plot sensitive details or storylines that didn't get resolved?

2. Dick and Tim wear shades around the Team but Barbara doesn't. It looks like at the shower all those present knew her civilian identity. Does most the Team know her ID and if so, why didn't Bruce make her hide it like he does with Dick and Tim?

3. What's the status of Tim's parents? If they are dead or otherwise unable to care for Tim, has Tim been adopted by Bruce like Dick?

4. What are Wally and Artemis studying in college?

Also just want to add that I love your interpretation of Batman and the Robins. I'm glad Bruce and Dick never had their falling out like in the comics and still have a solid relationship.

Greg responds...


2. Bruce is not her parent, just her mentor. Besides, she's a legal adult.


4. Lots of stuff.

5. Thanks. Me too.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hi Greg,

A Flash Fan again. A few more questions and comments if you don't mind.

1. My mind has been going back to the grotto. Ted Kord is the only deceased member of the league there and the other three "dead" members were from the Team. We know Artemis isn't really dead, Tula it can go both ways and I know will find out soon enough, and we officially know the second Robin is dead. I guess I would ask, do you think it is because the Justice League is more skilled with experience and therefore the chances of them getting killed is considerably less than the Team that's still learning the ropes, or is it that the Team is just more willing to sacrifice for what is right? I mean Flash would have died if not for Bart coming back; he said after he was saved he realized he wouldn't have made it, so is there a relationship between age and courage and the ultimate sacrifice do you think for the League and the Team?

2. Why isn't a Kent Nelson hologram/memorial in the grotto? He gave his life in the line of duty and was part of the League (or was he technically just part of the JSA?)

3. I apologize if this is a spoiler, but when did the League and Team start the grotto?

4. I've read that 16 appears a lot in the show. Is that because it is Earth -16 or is there some other reason, and if so what? And did you choose it to be Earth 16 or was that a decision made by DC Comics and the powers above?

5. My favorite scene of Season 1 was in "Auld Aquaintance" when Superboy and Robin bring down Superman and Batman. These latter two are pretty much the symbol of DC (wish Flash was a part of them, but of well) and to see Superboy and Robin, who in my opinion, got along, but never so great and never a prolonged experience fighting together was really cool. The other Team members fighting their mentors were cool, but not like this, this was ice cold frozen! I think it really conveyed something central about the series about the sidekicks filling the roles of their mentors (and was really glad Superman accepted Superboy at the end), so my question is, was this your intent or was there something else? Do you think this is THE scene or is there another one you think is better or was your favorite?

Thanks a lot Greg. Best for the New Year, which reminds me I can't wait to see you this will end on Earth 16's July 4th! Independence Day from aliens not just the US but the world? I'll be watching Jan 5!

Greg responds...

1. No. It's about specific circumstances. Keep in mind, these are heroes who are dead (or thought to be, as in the case of Artemis). Nothing on the memorial says HOW they died. By this time, you know how Ted Kord perished - and it wasn't on a Justice League mission. You have no idea yet how Robin or Aquagirl passed. For all you know, the two of them might have been walking down the street in their secret identities, when a piano, a safe and an anvil fell from above. They both dodged the piano and the anvil, but the safe got Jason and then Tula had a heart attack.

2. The latter.

3. Well, the Grotto itself as a place of contemplation has been there since the Cave was the Justice League's headquarters. But I assume you're asking when it became a place of memorial. And obviously, that was with the death of Jason Todd.



5. Yes, basically.

5a. I'm not sure what you mean by "THE scene". It's certainly one of my favorite sequences.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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EXALT writes...

Is your writing of Snapper Carr in any way influenced by the fact that you know that it's gonna be you playing him (the question may also be applied to Donald Menken in SpecSpidey)?

Greg responds...

Probably a little. But that's probably true of every character that's already cast. We learn to play to our actors' strengths. (Of course, I have very few strengths as an actor, so maybe that doesn't apply to Carr or Menken.)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Isaac Reyes writes...

1. Who is the strongest in Team right now? 2. Over the past years, has Superboy been training with Superman?

Greg responds...

1. Superboy, probably.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

You've said before that Beast Boy's suit is Martian technology, but yet martians can create clothes organically. So how was his costume made? And what do they use it for?

Greg responds...

Martians don't "create clothes organically". They use organic clothes native to Mars.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Jason Curtis writes...

Hi i have a question, When did Dick aka Nightwing become such a womanizer?!! Zatanna, then Raquel aka Rocket (When did he start dating Raquel?), Bette Kane and who else? Guess bruce wayne aka Batman trained his sidekick in all fields very well or just rubbed of some of that bruce wayne charm on him. lol

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I'd call him a womanizer at all. He does love women. He connects with them. He doesn't cheat on them either. But at this moment in his life (he's still a teenager, after all), he's just not ready to settle down. I don't think that's wrong, as long as everyone is honest with each other and themselves, which admittedly isn't always easy. But since he's still friends with all his exes, Dick must be doing something right.

As to all your "when" or "who else" questions, they're SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Is Superman's enhanced speed faster than a speeding bullet. ( Please say yes. I loved the classic powers. It is the whole reason that I love that Connor can leap tall buildings in a single bound)

Who is faster Superman or Captain Marvel?

Greg responds...

1. I honestly would love to say that Superman is faster than a speeding bullet. But I don't think he is. Or at any rate, maybe he can be given enough acceleration time. But, no, not off the dime.

2. It depends whether you're talking about Season One Captain Marvel or Season Two Captain Marvel.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey greg what's up?. I would like to ask you about your anti-revenge theme.

Was there something in your life that taught you that?

If so what it was?

Why do you usually convey that message trough villains (Xanatos and Luthor both hate revenge for example) ?

Why do you think revenge is a sucker's game?. I agree it's a very good message. But I think some people would argue that they are just trying to get justice.

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Mostly literature. But it's not rocket science.

2. See above.

3. I personally am tired of the old cliche that a villain is so wrapped up in revenge that he or she has lost track of any other objective. It's still useful sometimes, but for a certain type of villain (like the two you mentioned), I think flipping it is more interesting.

4. Revenge does not equate with justice, per se. And pursuing revenge exclusive of all else is, I think, a sucker's game.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Back to answering questions...

As I'm about to start answering questions here on ASK GREG - post "Endgame" - I want to first reiterate what I've already posted here:


I will NOT suddenly be SPOILING stuff left and right.

The YJ questions that have the best chance of being answered are ones about process and decision making regarding the television episodes and comic book issues that have already aired or been released. Asking for additional content is not at all likely to be rewarded. NOT. AT. ALL.

And again, if you want to know why, read this:


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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #220: "Endgame": Credits:

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #220: "Endgame": Credits:

Posting the credits for the latest episode here at ASK GREG to compensate for how minute they are and how quickly they zip by on the air. Please note, that I'm just cutting, pasting and reformatting the final credits from a document. It's possible that as the episode was posted, changes, mistakes, additions, etc. were made for the version that aired...


Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman

Written By
Kevin Hopps

Directed By
Doug Murphy

Line Producer
David Wilcox

Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis

Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason

Starring The Voices Of
Cameron Bowen as Robin
Tim Curry as G. Gordon Godfrey
Miguel Ferrer as Vandal Savage
Bruce Greenwood as Batman
Kevin Grevioux as Black Beetle
Bryton James as Virgil Hawkins/Static
Phil LaMarr as Green Beetle, Aquaman
Stephanie Lemelin as Artemis/Tigress, Computer
Eric Lopez as Blue Beetle, Scarab
Yuri Lowenthal as Lagoon Boy
Jason Marsden as Impulse/Kid Flash, Atom
Vanessa Marshall as Black Canary
Jesse McCartney as Nightwing
Danica McKellar as Miss Martian
Masasa Moyo as Scientist, Cat Grant, Bumblebee
Nolan North as Tribune, Superboy, Superman
Khary Payton as Aqualad, Black Lightning
Mark Rolston as Lex Luthor
Jason Spisak as Kid Flash
James Arnold Taylor as Flash
Tony Todd as Icon
Greg Weisman as Lucas Carr
Michael T. Weiss as Captain Atom
Mae Whitman as Wonder Girl

Based upon characters appearing in comic books published by DC Entertainment

Batman Created By
Bob Kane

Superman Created By
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster

Aquaman Created By
Paul Norris

Nightwing Created By
Marv Wolfman and George Perez

Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel

Cat Grant Created By
Marv Wolfman and Jerry Ordway

Impulse Created By
Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo

G. Gordon Godfrey Created By
Jack Kirby

Snapper Carr and The Atom/Ray Palmer Created By
Gardner Fox

Static and Icon Created By
Milestone Media

Black Lightning Created By
Tony Isabella and Trevor Von Eeden

Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Robby Huckell

Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway

Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome K. Moore

BG Key Design
Fedja Jovanovic
Nollan Obena

Prop Design
Alexander Kubalsky
Eugene Mattos

Jay Baker
Miyuki Hoshikawa
Vinton Heuck
Hank Tucker
Greg Rankin
Seung Hyun Oh

Storyboard Clean-up
Jen Bennett
Kathryn Marusik

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Michel Lyman
James Tim Walker

Animation Checking
Justin Schultz

Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Matthew Bordenave

Background Paint
Chun Liu
David McBride
Wei Zhao

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi

Jhoanne Reyes

Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.

Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Steven White

Animation Services
MOI Animation, Inc.

Animation Director
Duhyeong Lee

Background Director
Gyeonggi Kim

Production Managers
OKKi Lee
MinSung Park
SuMi Beck

Production Coordinators
Hyosun Ryu
Seongmi Park

Layout Artists
Gijun Kim
Dongjik Woo
Junchan Kim

Color Stylist
Jinmi Kim

Model Checker
Jongmyeong Bae (Director)

Byoungryul Kim
Hyoyoon Beck
Kyounghee Kang
Sungho Jo

Key Animation
Jaemun Lee
Won Suh
Myeonghwan Park
Chango Park
Beomseok Lee
Gyeonga Chang
Jeonghui Yang
Gyeongho Lee
Geonsik Lee

Guhan Yoo (Director)
Gyusung Oh

Final Checker
Dongmun Choo

Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate

Production Support
Erica Sevilla-Guerra
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod

Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll

Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams

Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian

Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones

Executive Producer
Sam Register

This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.

There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Ryan Johnston - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
Winson Seto - Publicity
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: "Endgame": stuff cut for time

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: "Endgame": stuff cut for time

Hey gang,

I hope you enjoyed "Endgame", our second season finale of Young Justice: Invasion.

A little bit of dialogue was cut from the final script for time, and I thought you might like to see it here:

1. We revisit the broken translator gag at the beginning of the episode:

TRIBUNE #1 (VO PRE-LAP): Kesla vane… [Work…] Kesla vaaane, ka SKAH-vey keezy kretchmar, suh frag ka! [Wooork, you stinking little machine, or I end you!] (beat) There. <sigh> Let the defendants rise.

2. G. Gordon Godfrey leads an anti-Reach protest at the U.N. before the battle on the Reach Ship above:

GODFREY: Folks, tell Ol' G. Gordon - and the world - what you think of the Reach!

CROWD: Hate the Reach! / That drink made Grandma sick! / Why are they still here?! / Send 'em packing! / <boos, hisses, etc.>

3. When Blue Beetle first arrives on the Watchtower:


NIGHTWING: Blue. Focus.

BLUE BEETLE: Sorry. First time here and… never mind.

CAPTAIN ATOM: The natural disasters have escalated. The rest of the League is spread thin saving lives across the globe.

4. In the middle of Lex's call to the Watchtower:

LEX LUTHOR: Secretary Tseng was kind enough to let me borrow his frequency, as I have a possible solution to our mutual problem.

ATOM: A problem created by you and the Light when they collaborated to bring the Reach to Earth.

LEX LUTHOR: Perhaps. But as I believe you know, the Light always planned to betray the Reach. And I certainly have no desire to see the Earth destroyed.

AQUALAD: I believe we should hear him out.

LEX LUTHOR: Thank you, Kaldur'ahm. You are missed in our corner.

5. At the gathering of 40 heroes, while Lex and Blue Beetle are prepping the "Eggs":

IMPULSE: I'm so feeling the mode. I came back from the future to stop the Reach from enslaving the Earth… not to let them destroy it.

KID FLASH: You didn't let them do anything. You stopped them from killing Flash and helped us save Blue. Not to mention, fought alongside us to bring down the Reach and break up the Light.

Kid Flash RUFFLES a smiling Impulse's hair.

KID FLASH (CONT): Now you're going to help save the world. The Reach will not win this one. Not when there are guys like you around to "crash" them. Did I use that right?

IMPULSE: Close enough. And thanks.

6. Lucas Carr coordinates from the Watchtower:

CAPTAIN ATOM (VO RADIO): Alpha Squad engaging Drones.

CARR: Acknowledged. All Squads report in.

Carr REACTS as the first few call-ins OVERLAP, then the rest become a CACOPHONY.

BLUE BEETLE / FLASH / BLACK LIGHTNING / NIGHTWING / AQUAMAN / BLACK CANARY / BUMBLEBEE / ATOM / SUPERBOY / ROBIN / MISS MARTIAN / ARTEMIS / AQUALAD (VO RADIO): Beta Squad in position. / Gamma Squad has disabled MFD. / Delta Squad engaging enemy. / Epsilon just arriving. / Eta still en route. / Theta's a little busy right now. / Kappa Squad engaged. / Omicron has succeeded. / Rho Squad. No joy yet. / Tau Squad has engaged. / Psi Squad has destroyed all Drones. / Omega Squad arriving now. / Sigma has engaged--

CARR: Whoa, whoa. Sorry. One at a time. Sigma Squad, say again.

AQUALAD (VO RADIO): Repeat: Sigma has engaged Drones.

7. After Kid Flash disables the Paris MFD:

ARTEMIS: Omega Squad has-

Kid Flash <SPEEDS> back to her side and <KISSES> her.

KID FLASH: Look, I know we promised each other we'd get out of this game…

ARTEMIS: But maybe we can have our life together and play hero too…

They <KISS> again.

CARR: Omega Squad. Repeat transmission. Omega?

8. During and just after Virgil and Black Lightning's MFD battle:

VIRGIL: Gotta say, playing hero… it's starting to feel pretty sweet.

BLACK LIGHTNING: I'm not surprised. You show real potential for this gig. You ever need a mentor, Virgil, you just let me know.

VIRGIL: Really?! That would be amazing! But first, you think we could head topside and see my family? I really miss 'em.

9. On the Watchtower with Virgil, Cassie and Tim:

WONDER GIRL: Welcome to the Team, Virgil.

STATIC: Call me Static!

ROBIN: Catchy. What about your pals? I take it they declined our invitation.

STATIC: Well, Arsenal was always more of a solo act. And the others are getting out of the game. Neut went back to his foster family, and Eduardo moved in with his dad. Even Tye went home. I guess his mom's evil boyfriend is out of the picture.


STATIC: She's staying with Tye and his mom. Turns out she and Tye kinda had a thing. And none of us knew.

Wonder Girl and Robin are secretly HOLDING HANDS behind their backs.


Finally, just because - knowing our fans - this might be of interest, here are the twenty squads that successfully disabled the first twenty MFDs:

1. Alpha - Captain Atom, Eduardo "Ed" Dorado, Jr.
2. Beta - Blue Beetle, Impulse
3. Gamma - Flash (Barry Allen), Plastic Man
4. Delta - Black Lightning, Virgil Hawkins
5. Epsilon - Nighwing, B'arzz O'oomm
6. Zeta - Rocket, Adam Strange
7. Eta - Aquaman, Tempest
8. Theta - Black Canary, Asami "Sam" Koizumi
9. Iota - Green Arrow, Captain Marvel
10. Kappa - Bumblebee, Guardian
11. Lambda - Red Tornado, Flash (Jay Garrick)
12. Mu - Doctor Fate, Blue Devil
13. Nu - Red Arrow, Arsenal
14. Omicron - Atom, Tye Longshadow
15. Pi - Zatanna, Batgirl
16. Rho - Superboy, Wolf
17. Sigma - Aqualad, Lagoon Boy
18. Tau - Robin, Wonder Girl
19. Psi - Miss Martian, Beast Boy
20. Omega - Artemis, Kid Flash

I'll post the credits tomorrow and start answering questions on Wednesday...

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 220: "Endgame": Premieres!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 220: "Endgame": Premieres!


This is it, the big season finale, folks! Watch "Endgame" on DC Nation, this coming Saturday, March 16th, 2013 (and rerunning Sunday, March 17th, 2013), along with another new episode of Green Lantern and more DC Nation Super-Hero shorts. For times, check local listings. But don't miss it!

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, I previously asked a question about why Barbara Gordon is noticably younger than her traditional comic book incarnation. You answered that it had never made sense to you for her to be older than Robin, since Robin debuted decades before her. I don't really understand your objection. After all, Dick Grayson also debuted decades before Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, John Stewart, Nathaniel Adam, Augustus Freeman, and a lot of other characters that are older than him. Why is it only strange when it's Barbara?
I get that you feel like Dick and Babs should be contemporaries, but that just doesn't feel natural to me. I especially don't get the way that some writers just started forcing them together in the mid-90's, despite the fact that 1)there was a 7-8 year age difference, 2) they had no previous development as a couple, and 3) they were both engaged to marry other people. I just couldn't stand the way that their own relationships were horribly de-railed (to say nothing of what was done and is still being done to Starfire's character) to make way for forcing two characters I saw as surrogate siblings/cousins together. I especially hated the way that the writers felt obliged to "prove" that they were always in love, even when they were actively courting other people, by churning out a seemingly endless series of retcons showing them together in the past, thus creating the "Dick is dog with the ladies" trope that I despise.
An example would be from Nightwing's solo series were, by retcon, we see Dick and Babs "spend the night together," only to have him give her an invitation to his and Kory's wedding the next morning. Did they even care how this was making him look? Then much better (in my opinion, at least) ideas come along, like Oracle's cyber-romance with Ted Kord from Birds of Prey, only to get trashed because it's not Dick and Babs.
I get that there are a lot of fans of pairing off Dick and Babs, even if I can't understand why. I also realize I've kind of exceeded the scope of my inital inquiry, but this is just a subject that kind of bothers me. Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Oh, come on. Because the other characters you mentioned aren't Bat-family characters and were introduced as adults as opposed to sidekicks, proteges, Bruce Wayne's ward or Commissioner Gordon's daughter (i.e. generationally, Dick and Barbara are on the same level from the get go).

Besides, in almost EVERY interpretation of Batgirl I've ever seen, she's usually a contemporary of Dick's, so what exactly are we arguing about? It doesn't feel natural to you to interpret the characters the way they've ALWAYS been interpreted?

You claim it was new to the 90s, but I've been reading comics since the 60s, and that's how I've always seen it interpreted. ALWAYS. And now you're throwing in arguments regarding Starfire and other characters and scenarios that aren't even in or on our series? How is any of that relevant to YJ's interpretation of these two characters?

Look, I'm not denying that here and there it's been interpreted differently, but the vast majority of Dick and Barbara's appearances have them either as contemporaries, near-contemporaries or as Dick being slightly OLDER.

But, okay, fine. If it's not working for you, it's not working for you. Still, what do you expect me to say?

Or maybe I'm over-reacting. You just felt like ranting about Nightwing, so you did. That's cool too, I guess. But by phrasing it as a question to me, you've got me ranting back because it makes me feel like you're trying to get me to admit that we made a mistake, and I just don't feel that way.

I'm very happy with our interpretation of both Dick and Barbara in the show and in it's companion comic. I wasn't even reading comics in the late nineties and have never read the stories you reference above, so you can rest assured that I didn't base our interpretation on those stories, which you don't care for. Rather I based it on how I feel about the two characters myself. We can leave it at that.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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