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REVELATIONS 2012-11 (Nov)

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J31 writes...

Have you ever coinsidred making another blog?(this one is kinda backed up.
Is it a nightmare when you see all the questions in the unanswered section,or does it make you feel nice knowing you have so many loyal fans?

Greg responds...

1. How would THAT help?!

2. Not a nightmare. Occasionally overwhelming. And it is nice (most of the time) to see that folks are watching/reading/giving a damn.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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AXE writes...

1. Did Neutron really say his name during the fight or did Bart just say he did to cover the fact he(Bart) knew his(Neutron) name?
2. Bart's Comicon line made no sense in context it's a wasteland, so why was it in there?
3. Was it planned that Superboy and Ms. Martian who used to date, and have been in every episode since their debut would miss their first episode in the series consecutavlly? or was it a "coincidence"?(i've watched enough of your shows to know you always plan it out in advance)

Greg responds...

1. The latter.

2. The present is not a wasteland. That's what he was referring to.

3. Who appears in an episode is a function of story. (And to a much lesser extent, budget.)

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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JB writes...

1. Did Jay try to help Barry in the original timestream?
2. Was it Difficult doing the fast fowarded speech between Barry and Bart?
3.Were the actors actually saying anything during the talk between Wally and the officer, or was it just to fill in the reason the guy asked "You getting any of this?"
4. Was Neutron always Bald?, if not what was his hair color?

Greg responds...

1. It's moot.

2. Not particularly.

3. Yes, they're speaking.

4. Probably not.

4a. I don't know.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Beth Y. writes...

My sister and I LOVE Young Justice, but she has to work on Saturday mornings and has missed "Beneath" and "Bloodlines." We don't have Tivo or DVR and she is strictly against illegal downloading of any kind and neither of the episodes is on demand or on the CN website. Most fans we know that watch them late download them from places we don't think are legal (though we haven't done enough thorough research to be sure). Do you know where she could watch the episodes legally without having to pay $3 an episode for them on iTunes?

Greg responds...

I don't. Sorry. Have you thought about investing in an old style VHR. I bet you could get a second hand one on the cheap.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Reverse Flash writes...

I love that you keep such an open dialog with your fans.

Greg responds...

Thanks. When it works, I love it too.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Malcolm writes...

Just a quick question for ya Greg. In Season 1 we had Black Canary train the team and in a way her pet project was Superboy. Does Dinah still train the team in Invasion or has Conner taken over that aspect of the Team?

Greg responds...

Canary still trains the Team on occcasion, but they're much more autonomous now, and Nightwing covers much of it.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Watched Bloodlines today, and IMPULSE!!! THANK YOU! Seriously, I like how you handled Impulse. Still get the annoying aspect of him in, but more interesting & with a simpler origin than the whole grown in a test tube and accelerated aging thing(why does that sound familiar? ^_^). Also enjoyed the whole thing with Roy & Jade, very cool. And I liked seing Jay again, very cool. And again, curse you for raising more questions while answering few to none! Regardless, great episode, keep it up!

Greg responds...

Thanks. I live for keeping you all guessing.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Derek writes...

More of a comment on the last comment than anything else. We're only six episodes in so naturally not everything and everyone has been fleshed out for this season yet, including the minority characters.

I'm part of a minority too. I'm gay and we haven't been referenced at all in Young Justice, which I view as a flaw however if we were I would be happy with the kind of portrayal the other minority cast members have received.

The minority characters in Young Justice are being treated as characters like any other. Some are more prominent than others but that's the same for the white characters too, Connor is a fair bigger character in the series than Wonder Girl for example.

In Young Justice you have minority characters in big roles as both villains and heroes. In my opinion having a diverse representation of minorities is far superior to just favourable tokenism. We're all people and we're all fallible. If anything I think Aqualad in the first season could almost be seen as "favourable tokenism" becase he was too perfect. He's far more interesting to me now that we can see he's flawed.

Greg responds...

I suppose it goes without saying that we didn't view Aqualad - ever - as a token of any sort. We were characterizing him based on his background, heritage and experience. If that's paying off more in Season Two, well, great. But we believe he's been Kaldur as we saw Kaldur from Day One.

I also believe we have differently oriented characters in the series, even though we're not allowed to mention it out loud. (And just to be sure, I checked to see if we were allowed, and got a no answer. Everyone seems to want to get there, but we're not there yet.)

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Esteban writes...

Hey Greg, it's me again. I've got into Young Justice at the beginning of the year and I got to say I love it! I quickly got into the series and can't wait to see more.

There is something I would like to ask though, ever sense the start of season 2 I haven't heard Nightwing say any backformations (you know the words he likes to mess around with like "whelmed" "aster", "chalant", and so forth) like he did when he was Robin. Did he grew out of it? Does he not say those anymore?

I guess the same things can be said about Miss Martian sense she doesn't say "Hello Megan!" anymore, but she at least said it once out of the released episodes that aired at this time.

Anyway that is all I really wanted to know, thanks for the time!

Greg responds...

Some sort of stuck and became part of Team jargon/vernacular. But he largely grew out of it.

M'gann also outgrew saying, "Hello, Megan!". Though again, she's not beyond saying it occasionally.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Why does Central City have its own version of the Gateway Arch (and one with such a stupid looking foundation, at that)?

As a St. Louis metro area citizen, I find it insulting that Central City made a cheap knockoff of our famous monument. At least Neutron destroyed it.

Greg responds...

Wow. You must hate how similar both Gotham and Metropolis are to New York, and how Star City is so San Franciscoish.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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TripleQM writes...

Hey some Beast Boy questions:

1. Where did Beast Boy get his cool outfit? Seems high tech.

2. Does Beast Boy not have shoes because it would interfere with his outfit turning into a collar when he turns into animals? Seems like that would be a problem.

3. So does Beast Boy wear that outfit 24/7? If he's caught off guard, as super heroes occasionally are, and he has to transform wearing normal clothing wouldn't he end up naked?

4. How intelligent is Beast Boy relative to other team members/characters? (Tim, Wally, Superboy etc.)

Greg responds...

1. M'gann gave it to him. It's Martian, like her own.

2. No. He could have shoes, but he doesn't want them.

3. In theory.

4. He's a bright kid.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Before the episode "Alienated" concluded, Wonder Woman stated that Icon was knowledgeable in intergalatic trial law. What other non-Earth related things is Icon knowledgeable in?

Greg responds...

The best way to prepare popcorn on Ceti Alpha Five.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Back at L.A. Studios, recording Cree Summer. (That's after Nick Chinlund and Kevin Michael Richardson yesterday, with more still to come.) Cree's so much fun!

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To all my American readers over 18 - PLEASE VOTE!!!!!

(Preferably the way I would vote. Though I won't tell you HOW I voted, so you'll have to guess.)

But either way, VOTE!!!

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This looks funny...

Stephanie Lemelin (Artemis) has this new thing that looks very funny, which, as a bonus, also features a certain DIedrich Bader (Jason Canmore). Check it out:


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