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VELATIONS 2013-04 (Apr)

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superfan writes...

When did Barbara Gordon become Batgirl?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If the "meta-gene" is a new concept on Earth 16, then how do Black Canary and Black Lightning explain their powers?
Theyve always been called "meta humans" before (except for the belt Black Lightning used at first, but I havent seen that in ages).

Greg responds...

The fact that the idea of the meta-gene is only now being introduced doesn't mean it hasn't existed in the past.

Electricity existed before Ben Franklin went kite flying. Gravity existed before an apple fell on Newton's head.

Black Canary assumed that something her mother was exposed to during her career as a super-hero caused the current Black Canary to gain her powers. Call it a mutation if you like. The NOTION of a meta-gene is new. Not the meta-gene itself.

We haven't dealt with the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning's origins yet, and I'm not going to give it here.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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JC writes...

Are Neutron, Shimmer, Static, Longshadow, El Dorado, & Samuri the only ones whoes meta-genes the Reach successfully activated?
If not, who else?
I know this would be considered a spoiler request, but since it appears the best show on Cartoon Network (heck on TV for that matter) is stupidly being pulled, how else are we supposed to ever find out?

I'm in my 30's and still jonesin' for more Gargoyles info...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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chalant writes...

i know that Wally and Artemis are studying at Stanford university, but what, if any, colleges are the other of-age team members studying at? (For example, what university are Dick and Barbara currently attending?)

Greg responds...

I'd have to research that, and I honestly haven't.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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K writes...

I was ridiculously excited when I realized that Tye was based on Apache Chief, and I'm even more ridiculously glad to see a whole episode based around him and the other runaways. I remember people wishing Static would appear in the show since episode one, and I was definitely one of them. The whole crew is so endearing. Everyone I've talked to about the show has a favorite among this group, and not all of them are Virgil. It makes the cancellation of Young Justice all the more tragic, because these characters really deserve the chance to grow like the season one team did.

But, for questions.

1) Why was the "Samurai" stand-in chosen to be gender-flipped? Speaking as a girl myself, I'm thrilled there's a girl at all, but was there any specific reason or did she just win the coin toss?

2) Young Justice has used several characters more famous for being created by previous animated adaptations, like Wendy & Marvin or Mercy Graves. Did these three in specific come to mind immediately for their roles, or only after you exhausted the characters created in the comics?

I'm kind of amused that Mercy's appeared in several episodes, but the character who paved the way for her creation, Harley Quinn, has only appeared as a Halloween costume. That and the fact that Joker and Poison Ivy appeared together in an episode without her. I like to imagine her breaking them out of Arkham or Belle Reve or wherever they ended up. There's no question here; just a random thought.

And to finish up, thank you. Thank you for helping to nurture one of the most diverse cartoons I have ever seen. The fact that Young Justice appears to gone out of its way (I don't know if it actually is OUT of the way, but compared to other shows...) to have multiple women, multiple people of most minorities, and many in fleshed-out, starring roles, is really that amazing. The fact that we're going to lose all this in five more episodes is heartbreaking, but we ARE grateful.

I admit, I was one of the people who was concerned by the fact that it took YJ five episodes just to pass the Bechdel Test (getting two female characters to have a single conversation about something besides boys, and "Schooled" passed on one exchange between Miss Martian and Black Canary). While I still think YJ *could* have done better on that front, I believe that it wasn't for lack of trying. I really am devastated to see the show go, and I hope there's a chance for revival in the future.

Greg responds...

1. There's no science to this. It just felt right.

2. We haven't come close to exhausting the characters from the comics. That's not really the point at all. But we have a fondness for these characters too. Both Brandon and I wanted Wendy & Marvin. I think using Mercy and doing our versions of Apache Chief, El Dorado, Samurai and Black Vulcan was Brandon's idea, though I signed on right away. And I seem to recall it was my idea to combine our version of Black Vulcan with our version of Static and to eventually give him Black Lightning as a mentor. And here's a spoiler: we also have very specific ideas for our version of the Wonder Twins, Zan & Jayna, for Season Three.

3. As for our "slow start", I make no apologies. Miss Martian and Artemis are the stronger in the series as a whole for how - and when - they were introduced. We were building a series based on existing characters, many of whom were created in the days when nearly every hero was white and male. Diversity was a priority for us from moment one, and I think that shows in the final analysis, as your post indicates. But we wanted that diversity to be organic, not contrived. And I believe we succeeded on that front too.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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YJ Fan writes...

(On a Flash topic) I know that Barry and Bart are faster than Wally and Jay, but what is the order of speedsters--in this universe--from fastest to slowest? Would it be:
1) Barry
2) Bart
3) Wally
4) Jay
Or would it be some other variation?

Greg responds...

You have the order correct - as of "Endgame".

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Fourteen.

This was one of the harder ones. Though I thought I knew the subject matter cold, I found myself revisiting my research. But the other issue was how to present it. There was a day or two there, where I was somewhat stumped and actually found myself procrastinating. Now, generally, I'm big on procrastination, but it hasn't really been a problem writing this book, because honestly, I've been enjoying the process so much. Anyway, I finally sort of cracked it open for myself. And now I'm pretty darn happy with how it turned out.

So tomorrow, I'll start writing the new Chapter Fifteen.

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Jon Weisman's 100 Things Dodger Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die - Revised and Updated Edition

While I'm in the mode of pimping books, I'd like to pimp the recently released book by my brother, Jon Weisman, which I ordered on Amazon and received today:

100 Things Dodger Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die - Revised and Updated Edition

If you love baseball, the Dodgers and/or history, this is a great, fascinating and massively informative book, now revised and updated since its previous release. You can find it here.


In addition to writing about the Dodgers and baseball in this book and on his blog - http://www.dodgerthoughts.com/ - Jon also wrote multiple episodes of Young Justice, W.I.T.C.H., So Weird and others. He's a very good read.

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Anonymous writes...

Which episode is the one when Robin turns 14 and throws a birthday party?
Sorry for the stupid question...

Greg responds...

It was in our companion comic books, over issues 20-25.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Sheena writes...

What colour are Tye's eyes, exactly? In "Beneath", they were brown, but "The Runaways", they were either blue or grey- I couldn't tell which.
By the way, I think Virgil, Tye, Eduardo Jr and Asami deserve their own show, Never have I loved supporting characters so much in my life- I think the excellent voice actors chosen for them helped big time.
While we're on the topic of voice actors, I can't say how happy I am to see Janice Kawaye in an American cartoon again after goodness-knows-how-many years. I've been a big fan of her since Captain Planet, and when I recognised her voice coming out of Asami's mouth I couldn't help but let out a silly little squeal.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. I'd love to do a show around these or any of the Earth-16 characters. Heck, I'd do a Professor Ojo show if they'd let me.

3. I agree the voice talent on the runaways, Janice included, was top-notch!

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Annie writes...

Greg, I love the show and the fact that you're trying to make it racially diverse is awesome. But as someone majoring in Japanese, I hope you'll pardon my rudeness when I say that Asami's use of the language in the latest episode was seriously off.

For one thing, "sumimasen", which is usually used as an apology, is used here to indicate Asami basically having no idea as to what the boys were talking about. The context really didn't mesh well, and it bothered me. While "sorry" can be used as questioning manner in English, the same doesn't exactly apply in Japanese. I think, given her situation, a simple "Nani?" (what?) would have sufficed.

Another thing that annoyed me was when she told the boys "Ja issho ni ikuwayo!". I assume you wanted her to say "Let's go!", but what you really got was "We're going!"
and it's a slight mismatch considering what Virgil, Tye and Eduardo were saying earlier (By the way, the correct phrasing is "Ja issho ni ikimashou!").

I hope I didn't sound bossy or anything. This was just a small blotch on an otherwise excellent episode, and whatever problems I may have with Asami's Japanese, as a person, I like her already.

Greg responds...

She uses it as an apology more than once.

Anyway, as previously stated we had at least two people involved who spoke fluent Japanese. One is a native of Japan, who consulted for us on the writing. The other was the actress who played the roll and is fluent in Japanese.

That doesn't mean we got it right, but I don't know how we could have done any more to insure it.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Jane-Doe writes...

Great job on the latest episode! A few questions:
1) When did Barry Allen (Flash) marry Iris West?
2) Are Jonathan and (presumably) Martha Kent related to Clark and, by extension, Conner? I noticed in the episode "True Colors" that Jonathan referred to Superboy as his "son" (or some other family-ish relation, I can't quite remember); but then I thought Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van were still alive in this universe (making it so Martha and Jonathan couldn't be Clark's adoptive parents), so...confusion.

Greg responds...

1. Four years before the start of Season One.

2. I have absolutely no idea why you'd think Jor-El and Lara are alive. They're not. Maybe that's your clever way of getting me to reveal a SPOILER, in which case, you're successful. But the destruction of Krypton and the death of Superman's birth parents is such an essential part of his origin, I don't even consider that to be a true Spoiler. You might as well ask if Thomas and Martha Wayne are dead. (They are.)

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hey Greg,

It's me again. Sorry you've been bogged with work, but I'm sure it will come out excellent as it thus far has proven to be. I know by the time you get to this post Young Justice Invasion will most likely be over (I'm predicting you'll answer this around the first week of May...let's see if I'm right :)
Anyway I just wanted to say I feel sorry that Young Justice is not continuing, at least for the time being. You made a really good show along with all your team. Like others' comments you've read, I must say watching this show during some less than perfect times for me, was a great experience. I did have some questions regarding the cancellation...

1. Did CN give you a reason(s) and if so what is/are they if you are able to tell us? Did costs of production have something to do with it?
2. After seeing the series, I've seen a lot of reliance on mind links, which perhaps reduces costs in animation. I think because the animators can keep the image of the character a longer time rather than drawing new frames with moving lips. Was this on purpose or is there another reason?

On Runaways, I don't know if El Dorado originally had a civilian name in Super Friends, but if not is that why you came up with Eduardo because of the close similarity?

In other news, I think I get where you're going, but geez! I have no idea how you're going to wrap up so much in so little time. I read your recent interview http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=43480 and I agree the extra 6 episodes would have helped. So one more question...If you did have those extra episodes would have spaced out the events more, included new characters, or what?

A final comment based on the previous episodes which I began guessing after Cornered, and left me nodding today after Nightwing's comment and eventual occurrence in Runaways...Zeta Tube destruction really isn't very helpful for slow superheroes is it? First Speedy in Satisfaction, Aqualad in Darkest, Despero/L Ron in Cornered, now Red Volcano in Runaways...Flash must get very tired...

Greg responds...

More or less the last week of April, so you were close.

Okay, let's start with this. CN and WBTVA have both gone OUT OF THEIR WAY to state that the show isn't cancelled. It's just not picked-up. It makes no practical difference as far as I can see, but it seems to matter to them, so I'm not just going to accept the terminology your using and slide by it.

1. Not really, no.

1a. The cost of production relative to the income the production was bringing in was definitely a reason. The loss of the toyline was a huge blow. The perception that the ratings on action series in general are not as strong as the ratings on a comedy like Adventure Time was another blow.

2. Mind-links were not a cost-saving measure, no. We had a telepathic Martian on a Team going on covert ops. It just made sense.

3. I think it was Brandon's idea to give him the initials E.D. for El Dorado. But it also worked as Ed Dorado, which sounds like El Dorado. And Ed was short for Eduardo. Which is all to say, it just seemed right.

4. People seem to misinterpret what I said as if we HAD those six episodes and had to take them out. But we NEVER had them. So we never built a 26 episode season. We built a 20 episode season. I have some notions as to what might have been included with more episodes, including more with Zatanna and Red Tornado, plus more screen time for characters like Batgirl, Robin, Wonder Girl and Beast Boy, who got shorter shrift this season. But it's not like we had six specific stories plotted out.

5. I've reread this paragraph four times now, and I'm not really sure what you're saying. Your examples seem to conflict with each other. Obviously, without Zeta Tubes, there are only a handful of heroes who can come from a long distance in a timely manner... unless they already happen to be nearby.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Runaways was awesome. Don't know how Red Volcano survived. We all saw him die. Liked the Super Friends character's... Parallels, for lack of a better term. Hoping for some Wonder Twins action later!

Mr. Weisman, I would like to thank you and your team for such a wonderful show. It has intrigued me since Independece Day, through trials and tribulations. It is a tragedy that it must end after only two seasons.

Sorry I'm not as fanboy-ish as usual. I don't feel great right now.

Greg responds...

I hope you feel better by now.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Are people who have a scarab bonded to them aware they are being controlled?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Siobhan writes...

Who did you consult with regards to Asami's Japanese? My friends were complaining that the way she spoke the language seemed a little off (I don't know anything about Japanese,so I detected nothing wrong).

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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JC writes...

I have a question about the title of today's show, "Runaways"...does that imply that all four of the new young meta-humans were, well, runaways?
Weve seen the reason why Longshadow ran away, but why wuld Static leave home? Everything else I've read/saw of him portrayed a stable home life...if not for the bullying he recieves from the other kids at school.
Does this also imply that most or all the kids that the Reach kidnaped were alsi runaways?
If so does that mean that Stephanie Brown is origionally from Gotham, but ran away, and was abducted in Star City?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

As STATED IN THE EPISODE, Virgil was mistaken for a runaway because he was waiting to meet his sister at a bus or train station (I'm blanking out on which at the moment). I'm not sure how you missed that.

But ALL or nearly all the rest of the kids that the Light had abducted for the Reach were runaways, which I believe was ALSO STATED IN THE SERIES.

As for Stephanie Brown, ASKED AND ANSWERED.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Sean writes...

Okay so i reaslie with your lack of actvity here, this post will go unawsered for a very long but i do hope it dosent get deleated like my last post.
In Double Jeapordy(which is probabley my favourite episode, for reasons you can guess), i noticed recently two things that i thought were strange. When serveius received the kidnapping instructions from thailog, thinking it was xanatos, did these instructions state specfically whether or not thailog was going to be in on it? That is to say did they tell serverius that thailog was going to know about xanatos plan to fake kidnap him? I ask because, when the comadoes bring thailog to the oil rig, serverius prepares to drug him, then thailog breaks out of the container and looks angry(of course you said he likes to perform). Then when he drugs golaith, he says his shackles werent locked and he clearly was not drugged himself. So what happened? Why did serverius put him in a cell unchained and in full strength? The only thing i can think of is, after thailog killed the comadoes, serverius told him about *ahem* xanatos plan, thailog then feigned ignorance and simply waited in the cell to make it look more convincing for whoever servius thought the plan was directed at.
The second thing i am wondering about is when xanatos arrives with ransom money and then attacks serverius. If xanatos had no clear intention of paying and was simply going to "make a example" out of serverius, then why did he bring the money at all? Also what xanatos mean by that? Was he actually going to kill serverius for his betrayal or just punish him in a very severe way?
And now that im done i actually thought of another question. When lexinton finds the gen-u-tech band, did thailog leave that here intentionally or was simply an accident? If his goal was to lure golaith to the oil rig, then why did he leave a clue that could have lead golith all the way back to the city? Anyway i hope you are able to answer these for an old fan like me and i also hope that when i read your answer in the future young justice was still be on. Have a nice day!

Greg responds...

Sometimes it feels like every day here at ASK GREG has a theme.

Today's theme is "ask me extremely specific questions about stuff from SO long ago that there's no chance I'll remember". I'd love to have the luxury of time to go back and watch the episodes, but I don't. I barely have the luxury of time to answer these questions.

Anyway, I'll do my best.

1. This one I really don't remember. It all made sense at the time though, and I tend to think it makes sense now.

2. Xanatos brought the money because he didn't know what the set-up would be when he got there. He thought he might have to show real money to get what he wanted. As for what he planned to do with Sevarius, I think it's best to leave that to your imagination.

3. Thailog knew there was more than one gargoyle. He wanted ALL to be discovered. If I'm recalling correctly.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Tom McC writes...

Hello Greg!

I have watched both seasons of the Spectacular Spider-man last year and I honestly loved every minute of it, I thought it was both written and animated very well andbecause of this its a real shame the series never continued from where it was left off (imagine the possibilities!). Now its officially my favourite Spidey continuity, hats off to you and the team.

But there has been something thats been bugging me, just one small thing that I wouldn't mind your feedback on. Throughout the series Norman Osborn has been portrayed as a no-nonsense character who never apoligizes for any faults from his company, his son or even himself, a trait which becomes very important on the last episode. However in the episode "Market Forces" Norman apologized to Hammerhead for being interrupted by Harry which seems to be breaking character given the hype about it. What I want to know is was there a reason for it? Are Tombstones lackeys special in some way that they need special treatment or was this simply a continuity oversight?

Hope you can answer my question and good luck in your future endevours!

Greg responds...

It's been a while. I don't remember Norman - the REAL Norman - ever apologizing. But if he does, it may have slipped past us. Or maybe back then we had some reason for it. I just can't remember.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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At the very end of Team Year Five, i.e. right before the start of Season Two:
I have not yet had a reason to calculate their exact birth dates, so I have no idea whether each of them had one during the six months of Season Two or whether one or more of their birthdays came after the end of the season. So, for example, in the episodes you saw, Tye might have been 16 still, or he might have been 17. Or he might have been 16 in his first appearance, but 17 by his next. Or whatever. You get the idea.

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Jaden writes...

You're probably tired of these types of questions by now but I was wondering how old Tye, Eduardo Jr, Virgil and Asama are?

Also, I heard from an insider that Ultimate Spider-man might be replaced after this season. I hope Marvel is smart enough to bring you back for a new series

Greg responds...

At the very end of Team Year Five, i.e. right before the start of Season Two:


I have not yet had a reason to calculate their exact birth dates, so I have no idea whether each of them had one during the six months of Season Two or whether one or more of their birthdays came after the end of the season. So, for example, in the episodes you saw, Tye might have been 15 still, or he might have been 16. Or he might have been 15 in his first appearance, but 16 by his next. Or whatever. You get the idea.

As for Spider-Man, I haven't heard what you've heard. Quite the reverse. And certainly, no one at Marvel has said anything to me about it. Nor would I expect them to. My understanding is that Ultimate is doing quite well.

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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dailyplanetintern writes...


No questions just utter appreciation for you and your team. That was such a GREAT episode. Virgil was AWSOME!!! I loved every second I got to see him. The rest of the characters too. They are all very likable (I really liked the scientist's son, and the situation with the Japanese girl and no one being able to understand her nor her them was just hilarious). I hope we get to see a lot more of them before the season closes out.

I'm trying to do everything to help save the series (if it's even possible) I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. We have 6 weeks left before the season ends so maybe we can make enough noise to really catch CN's attention. That press release they gave because fans were flooding their facebook page? What do they take us for incompetent? We knew what their statement meant and it didn't address our concerns; more like ignored them. Saying that some shows would "run their course". Somehow I don't think the full story of either Green Lantern or Young Justice will be told by the end of either of their seasons so I don't see how that's a true statement.

But OMG Blue Beetle has been taken over by the Reach!

I have to admit I never really trusted Green Beetle, I wanted too, but it was pretty much too good to be true. Once he said he could help BB I was worried, even if his intentions had been good I was afraid that it would still cause Jamie to succumb to the control of the Reach. As far as I was concerned the scarabs influence was what was keeping Jamie and it from being controlled. So I figured that he might fall to them if it was just his will trying to keep them at bay, but it was just a simpler answer. GB was of the Reach all the time. But that is curious. Miss Martian didn't sense his treachery so either she was distracted from the guilt she was feeling due to what she had done to Kaldar or GB and his scarab was able to evade her probing...

But this season just continues to improve with every turn! Both Young Justice and Green Lantern, it was great today as well. Just when both series are finding their real footing, establishing themselves and digging in their heels CN wants to call it quits? We have to find someway to change their minds....

I've done what I can so far, signed the petition, told my facebook friends to do the same, left a message to CN on facebook, and left a message to CN themselves on their official site. Maybe I'll send some letters too...

Anyway I'm excited to see the remainder of the season and even if Young Justice can't be rescued I really hope that this season doesn't end on a cliff hanger. I hate when that happens I always wonder what would have been and it kills me.

Young Justice is too good of a series to end this way. I would like to think that it's just moving to another network, but the creator of the Green Lantern series said that GL was no longer in production so that would suggest that that isn't happening...

Its just got me in such a vicious cycle of excitement and depression. Bittersweetness. Excitement for the new episodes and depression that the shows life seems like it's going to be cut short. This series just has so much potential! It could go for a minimum five seasons total if not longer. It has the goods to go much further than that though. You have the whole DC universe at your disposal and the freedom of an alternate earth so you can have as much creative freedom as you want! That like setting a kid loose in a candy store! Another reason why I was excited for this series.

But as I said awesome episode today! Really through me for a loop. I was suspecting that something was wrong though when Jamie got so aggressive. I was thinking that he'd be less aggressive without the scarab, not more, that was a great clue that something was amiss, that and when he had cut his radio off and Nightwing has to reach him on his cell... that had me suspicious too...

It's just so frustratingly great! I mean whose using who here? The Reach think they're using humanity, The Light thinks they are using them... who is really on top here? Only time will tell...

Can't wait for next week! (And then again I can, I REALLY don't want Young Justice to end like this.)

Greg responds...

Glad you enjoyed the episode.

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Watched the newest YJ this morning, and first let me get this outta my system; DAMMIT I HATE IT WHEN I'M RIGHT! Everything about Green Beetle screamed mole to me. I hope Bart & maybe Megan can help him.
On to everyone else, first off kudos on the runaways. I love how you incorporated Apache Chief, El Dorado, & Samurai. Their powers are just similar enough, but just different enough to be unique. Especially Tai, I love how his powers work. And Lex at the end, I'm slightly confused by him. On the one hand, I can see him genuinely wanting a countermeasure for The Reach when they backstab him. But I can also see him doing this as another part of some Xanatos-like scheme against the League. Or maybe both.

Anyway, excellent work, keep it up!

Greg responds...

Hopefully, by now, you have a clearer understanding of Lex's behavior.

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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SHAZAM! writes...

So, it was announced that Young justice had been cancelled, which is very unfortunate because it's one of the best shows around since JLU.

I was wondering, I know there are a few petitions going around, but is there a chance that a canceled contract could be renewed? Also, is there any other way that the show could go back in the air?

If not, I'm glad we did get two seasons, and i can't wait for the rest of season 2, but could you please not leave it on a cliffhanger :0 ? I hope you guys do get un-cancelled, and thanks for all your hard work and effort, i just hope the next DC show is as good or better, because honestly, we really don't need another batman show, we need good DC universe stories like Young Justice created.

PS. As for season 3, you mentioned you had an idea for it, is the story all written out, and did it ever get to the animation stage?

Greg responds...

To be clear, and it may seem like mere semantics, but the show was not cancelled. It simply has not been picked up for more episodes. The odds of that changing are slim, but not impossible. And the odds of something Earth-16 coming back some day are also not impossible. After all, a new version of Teen Titans just hit CN's schedule.

The best way to convince TPTB is with your wallet. By the video game, by the DVDs, by the Trade Paperbacks. By whatever YJ merchandise you can find.

And I'd suggest giving the new Beware the Batman show a real chance. I've read many of the scripts (and wrote one of them), and I really liked what I read. REALLY.

As for Season Three of YJ, no. Of course not. If we didn't get picked up, how would it have been scripted, let alone animated?

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

"Runaways" was a crazy episode, and bad things are definitely happening more often than good things are. Here are my thoughts below.

My thoughts about "Runaways":

Red Volcano is Back?! - That's impossible! We saw his demise in Season One! How is it that he came back?!

Blue Beetle's Aggressiveness - What a way for Blue to screw up! He tries to take on Red Volcano and nearly kills one of the people he is trying to help and loses their trust, all in one night. But then again, it's not his fault…

More like a Green Scorpion than a Green Beetle - It's insane. I thought he was one of the good guys, but now we see that he's in cahoots with Black Beetle and we don't know why. Worse, now we know that Green Beetle is part of the reason why the Reach Apocalypse happens; all because he rebooted the blue scarab to control Jaime…

What did Asami say? - I didn't understand a single thing that she said when she spoke. It would've nice if there were English subtitles to translate her language…

Deal with the Devil? - Lex wants the Runaways to join the cause of the Light? They'll probably say yes and that's not good. The Runaways would probably be viewed as heroes by the public but the Justice League and the Team would be viewed as villains…

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

I think all of your questions have been ASKED AND ANSWERED, but they may have been rhetorical anyway.

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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