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Gargoyles 2198

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Ambrosia writes...

By 2198, is Nokkar considered elderly for his kind yet?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

In the future after the great war between earth and the space spawn empire would inhabitants of earth do the following things

1) allow alien races to settle on earth

2) hold diplomatic and economic relations with other alien races

Greg responds...

You're way ahead of me. How do you know Earth survives?

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

What is the New olympians role in the liberation of earth against Space Spawn rule?

Greg responds...

Eventually, significant.

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Given the Space Spawn's reputation in 2198, am I right that Nokkar will have a bad rep to for just being from space? Or will he not have revieled himself to the public yet, and just work in secreat at HQ? What has his chain of Easter Island friends turned into by this point?

Greg responds...

Nokkar's still largely a secret in February, 2198. I'm not saying more than that right now.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Hi Greg, I have a few more questions about 2198, and Demona's role in it. Surprise, surprise ;)

How does she get along with the following characters?

1. Delilah?

2. Nicholas Natsilane Maza

3. Nokkar?

I would imagine that her relationship with the first two would be quite tense given their bloodline.

Greg responds...

Initially, she doesn't get along well with anyone. ANYONE.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Phil mentioned in the Comment Room that the manuscript prize that both he and Matt recieved was entitled:

G a r g o y l e s 2 1 9 8
CGI Series proposal / 9-21-00

Am I correct in guessing that the "CGI" here has to do with computer animation?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

How common will genetic engineering and cybernetics be by 2198? The same as the 1990s, commonplace, obsolete, or something else entirely?

Greg responds...

Not quite commonplace. But not as rare as in the twentieth century.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

If the Space-Spawn did destroy Earth, would Avalon be destroyed with it?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.In 2198 which side is winning the war the N'kai, the third unknown race or the Space-Spawn?
2a. What is the role of the third race?
2b.Are they allied with one of the two sides we presently know of or are they a 3rd side trying to expand their borders at the expense of their neighbors?

Greg responds...

1. The Space-Spawn.

2a. Not going to tell you.

2b. Not going to tell you.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Kalafarski writes...

At the time the space-spawn (is that the name they call themselves?) take control of Earth, who is winning the war?

Maybe that's a little ambiguous.
1. Which side controls the most territory?
2. Which side has the greatest numbers?
3. If they were so inclined, does Nokkar's race have the resources to reconquer Earth?

Greg responds...

The Space-Spawn are clearly winning.
1. Space Spawn.

2. This is immaterial.

3. Without it getting destroyed in the process? Hmmm. I doubt it.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

How far will Earth have gone into space exploration by 2198? Will we have left our solar system?

Greg responds...

No. Well, do you mean manned space exploration?

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

Are the Space-Spawn from within our galaxy (the Milky Way) or do they hail from another galaxy? If the latter, do they rule a substantial portion of their home galaxy?

Greg responds...

At this time, everything I've created for the Gargoyles Universe takes place within the Milky Way Galaxy (at least through 2198).

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

In 2198, should I take it that Katana Isn't with Brooklen at that point? And, does Brooklen stay with the resistance for the magority of the spin off?
Also, sence eggs take 10 years to hatch, do Brooklen and Katana have to lug each of their eggs around with them always to be sure that the egg time dances as well?

Greg responds...

Initially, Katana is not with Brooklyn when he first arrives in 2198. Though Fu Dog is.

And yes, Brooklyn and Katana had to lug Nash's egg around for ten years. Tachi's for almost as long.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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matt writes...

so the Haida people invited a gargoyle clan to Queen Florence Island and later France would make a similar request? i guess i was thinking that a country would generally not want a gargoyle clan cuz of all the politics and possible trouble that would come of it.

when the so-called Gargoyle Nation said it was going to create a new clan do most countries around the world invite the Gargoyles to their nation or are Canada and France only two of the few countries that invited a clan?

why did the French goverment and Haida people want a clan?

Greg responds...

Two VERY different situations we're talking about here.

The Haida people had a long-term relationship with the Gargoyle Nation, which I don't want to get into at this time.

YEARS LATER -- years after the initial Space-Spawn Invasion -- many cities would vie for the shot at welcoming the 14th clan. Paris' bid would win.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

Does the 2198 Delilah's human heritage manifest itself in her physically in any obvious way? 1a) Just by looking at her, could you tell that she's of human descent? b) Does her human heritage affect her metabolism, physical abilities or body functions in any way? Are these changes visible to herself? Are they visible to others?

Greg responds...

1a. Not necessarily.
b. Hardly at all.

Response recorded on August 07, 2001

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matt writes...

hi Greg!

i recieved my prize in the mail, and needless to say i'm thrilled with it! i'm a Geography major and it was extremly interesting to me to learn more about the less known clans, both biologically, socially and culturally. i liked to see how the clans we have known had evolved to what they are in 2198. very very cool!!!

and hey, i also got your autograph! LOL

one question, i think i probably am ok since you never said anything, but is it ok to reveal things said in the prize in here or at the Comment Room? i wouldn't want to get you in trouble like the whole Fiona Canmore thing did... or do you just not want me to say some of these things to everyone? again, ifigure i'm ok since you didn't say to kep these a secret, but just want to check!

thanx again! great prize!!

Greg responds...

Thanks for checking. We've already long ago had this discussion though. I think you know the parameters I've set.

And I'm very glad you liked the prize.

Response recorded on August 07, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

In 2198, what is Guardian's real job?

And where is the resistance's base of operations? Queen Florince Island?

Greg responds...

He's a Guardian.

The resistance is made up of cells. Samson's cell is in Manhattan. Other's are scattered across the globe.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What is the name of the Secretary General that replaces Alex?
Is he a member of the Illuminati?

Greg responds...

Haven't named him yet.

Not saying.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Where did the United Nations get the power to give gargoyles "human rights"?
Does Alex have anything to do with the passing of the Gargoyles Minority Protection Act?

Greg responds...

From their member nations.

Which Alex?

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.In 2198 have humans developed faster than light space ships?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.Are there any wars in 2198?
2.Did WW3 happen yet?

Greg responds...

1. Think about it.

2. Not saying.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Where were Zafiro and Delilah when the Space-Spawn made their raid on Queen Florence Island?
How did the Space-Spawn know where to hit?

Greg responds...

1. Like Samson they were on the Island, but not in the Caldera. All three were on guard duty below the volcano.

2. Observation and scanning.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is the Illuminati still the dominant force in the future?

Greg responds...

Still? Are they now?

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Entity writes...

Some GARGOYLES 2198 questions:

1. Is "Alexander Fox Xanatos IV" to be the great grandson of the Alex we know, or is he to actually be the Alex we know?

2. Those two Lex robots that are as common as coffee makers in the future: Are they designed after Lexington? If so, how does the world feel about embracing a household appliance resembling a gargoyle? Wouldn't a gargoyle be a controversial choice?

3. Would Merlin be involved in any of the planned events?

4. By moving the year from 2158 to 2198, you effectively snipped the cord connecting the main series from the future series. Is this because you see GARGOYLES 2198 as our best bet at getting back on TV and you don't want to scramble/reveal what happens in the original series, in case you get to do it second?

Greg responds...

1. Our Alex.

2. They are modeled after him, yes. Ironically, it's less of a problem than you might think. Perhaps because the gargoyle-robot tends to be in a subservient position. Also, cuz the things are so damn useful and they don't come in another shape.

3. Not saying.

4. Partially, yes. I definitely wanted to get far enough out that I wasn't tying my hands on the original. I also, frankly, think that 2198 sounds cooler than 2158. But the main reason was the rethinking of the character of Samson.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How did Alex get elected to the position of Secretary General? Why would the Illuminati which controls almost everything on Earth before the Space-Spawn invasion allow the election/installation of someone who they don't approve of considering they didn't vouch for his release?

Greg responds...

Your premise is faulty.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

2198 questions:
1a) how many heads do the space spawn have? Does it varry? b) Do the Space spawn's general appearance varry from one another? By alot?

2a) Is New Camelot still around in 2198? b) Are Arther's decendands running it or anything(I'll be really surprised if you answer THAT) c) Is it connected to Master Matrix?

3) Do the Illuminati still fund the Quarry men in 2198?

Greg responds...

1a. One.

1b. To them, yes.

2a. Before or after March?

2b. ---

2c. Before or after March?

3. Not saying.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Does "Gargoyles: 2198" have a pre-planned story-arc? For example, did you already plan a beginning, middle and end for the series, or was it designed to go on forever?

PS> It was great to see you again at the Gathering. Looking forward to it again next summer.

Greg responds...

I have a beginning, middle and end to the space-spawn arc (though I don't pretend to have EVERY detail etched in stone), but we'd have other interesting things happen, so I think it could also go on forever.

Great to see you too, man!

Response recorded on July 20, 2001

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matt writes...

do the LXM robots look like Lex?

can they fly/glide?

did you ever see the Techno Lex action figure Kenner made? i have one and i instantly thought of it the first time i heard about the LXM robots. are the robots similar in looks to that action figure?

Greg responds...



I must have seen it at some point. But I can't recall it now. I don't think they looked alike. LXM's are chromium in appearance.

Response recorded on July 20, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

Okay, we've asked you this question before, and you've never really given a strait answer. Nothing says you will now, but here goes:

1) What happens to the stone sleep cycle of gargs in space?

I know the sleep is a biological process that's triggered by the sun. So, would they keep their normal cycle of 12 hours, or would the cycle change.

If you dont want to answer that question:

2) Have you yet figured out what happens to gargoyles in space, and you just dont want to tell us, or are you waiting for divine inspiration? :)

Greg responds...

1. Don't know. Haven't tried it.

2. I'm not sure about divine. But there's a reason why Zafiro and Demona are the one's who join Nokkar, Guardian and LXM on 'the away mission' in space.

Response recorded on July 20, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Which came first the Master Matrix or New Camelot? Who created the Master Matrix?

Greg responds...

No one created the Master Matrix exactly. It more evolved. So there's no chicken & egg thing here. It's too complex to break down into a one-sentence answer.

Things just evolve.

Response recorded on July 20, 2001

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matt writes...

ummm, you said that Samson and Delilah like each other in a romantic way, but they are biologically related. obviously its so distantly related that it hardly matters, but you have thought of that, right?

Greg responds...

yes... Very distant...

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Eddie Brock writes...

Hellow Greg, I'm from spain, I've discovered this page recently and i'm astonished because of the tons of information about gargs, I've seen the archive about gargs 2198 but i have a question, What is or what will be gargs 2198, a fanfiction or what? Thanks for all sorry if this is a silly question.

Greg responds...

It's merely a proposal for a sequel series that I hope to someday produce in one medium or another.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

1) Is Zaphiro from GARGOYLES 2198 the same age as Samson and Delilah? I think he is, but you never said for sure.
2) Will the ORIGINAL Alexander Fox still be alive in 2198?
3) Besides Coyote X, will any members of the Pack (or Super Pack) appear in Gargoyles 2198?
4) What is the environmental state of Earth by 2158? Now that the revamping is over.
5) Would any descendants of the London clan be major characters in 2158? For that matter, would any descendants of any of the clans we've seen so far be major characters? Besides Zafiro. Now that the revamping is over.
6) Will any of Gabriel & Ophelia's children appear in GARGOYLES 2198?
7) Before who is the leader of the Manhattan clan in 2197 (a year before 2198).

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Not saying.
4. By 2158? Why that year? By 2198, it's not a disaster, but there are still dangers.
5. Are these 2158s typos, or are you making some distinction I'm not getting? I've already mentioned the MAJOR characters in the contest results. Those ARE the MAJOR characters. Minor characters will come from all over.
6. Not saying.
7. The same guy who was leader in 2198 until he was captured in March.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

1. In "Journey" you introduced John Castaway. Would he be involved in any way, in any of your spinoffs? The reason I ask is, I know he won't be alive in 2198. (Maybe his great grandson or some relative) But other than 2198 are you planning anything more with him?

2. Since I know you only worked on one episode of TGC, would you personally (should your spinoffs come back to TV) ignore what has taken place in the remaining episodes of the TGC seeing how you were not involved in their creation? Or were some of the TGC episodes ideas yours which you were planning before your contract ran out? I don't think some episodes can be completely ignored. However I hated that in TGC, they killed off the clones. What is your take on this?

3. By the way, since the Gathering 2001 is over, may I ask if there was any petitioning done to jumpstart Gargoyles and make it TV-borne again? If so, how'd it go?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I've answered this before too. My current thinking, which is not etched in stone, is to ignore what I don't consider canon. Enough time has passed and any new episodes would need to stand on their own two feet anyway. If anyone's confused about contradictions between TGC and the new stuff, they can check out the internet site that we will have to clarify all this stuff.

3. I didn't see any petitions. Feel like starting one? I'd focus on DVD's for now.

Incidentally, your post here should theoretically have been broken up into three posts, since your questions were on three separate topics. I haven't reminded people of that in a while. I ignored the rule breaking this time, but don't make a habit of it.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

1) Besides Coyote X, will any members of the Pack (or Super Pack) appear in Gargoyles 2198?
2) Who is the eighth member of the Pack, that will be added after the Pack gets up-graded to the Super Pack? Just a name would be nice. Please.

Greg responds...

All right, first off, it's the Ultra-Pack, not the Super Pack.

Eighth member? How are you counting?

I just answered question 1 about five minutes ago.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Christy Williams writes...

I was just wondering, had the show continued, what was to become of (my personal favorite gargoyle)Demona? In "Future Tense" she had obviously reformed, but that could have just been Puck's trickery.
The last time she is seen (Generations) a tear falls as she watches the clan fly off. I assumed she is remorsefull about the way she hurt her relationship with Angela, or perhaps it was the first real time she had realized what she lost by betraying her clan. I would like to know if Demona would have remainded vengeful, or if she would have eventually come around.
Thanks for reading.

Greg responds...

Generations isn't canon in my book.

Check out the G2198 contest results in the archive at this site to see where she stands as of the year 2198. If you want to know what happens to her beyond that, you'll just have to wait until I'm in a more revelatory mood.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

) Will there be any romantic feelings between Brooklyn and Demona in GARGOYLES 2198, like the Puck's "Future Tense".
3) Will Macbeth play apart in GARGOYLES 2198? If so, in what way? Now that the revamping is over.
4) How do Demona and Macbeth feel about each other by 2198? Now that the revamping is over.
5) Does Samson know that he is a descend of Demona? If so, does he consider Demona as his great-great (or how ever many greats they are) grand mother?
6) Does Demona know that Samson is a descend of her?

Greg responds...

). There'll be feelings. Not saying what kind.
3). You keep repeating "now that the revamping is over". What does that mean to you? Does it have significance? Do you mean now that the contest is over? Anyway, I've answered this. Macbeth will show up eventually but not right away.
4). Now that the revamping is over, I'm not telling.
5) He knows. And to some degree, yes.
6) Yes.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Stacey writes...

Hello Mr Weisman!
First of all, congeratulations on such a great show, it's the best cartoon I've ever seen, I've loved it since I was a kid!
Just a quick question. I asume that Demona eventualy finds out about Goliath and Elisa's relationship. How does she feel? I always thought that she retained feelings for him - despite her best efforts - and there's the fact that she probably hates Elisa more than anyone else alive.
When you outlined the space spawn/Samson/2198 or something storyline, there was no mention of Goliath and Elisa ever having children, grandchildren etc. I know that biologicaly speaking, there was very little chance that it would ever happen (unfortunantly), but I always thought that they would find someway of adopting. You don't have to say if you don't want to, but Goliath and Elisa without kids is heartbreaking. They would make such wonderful parents! I know that they would help raise the clans children, but its not quite the same is it? I mean Goliath has taken up the role as sole parent to angela, and Elisa is human anyway. Please give me hope!
Anyway, sorry. I didn't mean to rant on for so long. I need my gargoyles fix.
Good luck for the future.

Greg responds...

Thanks, Stacey.

You'll worry less if you stop thinking like a human. There will be plenty of children. And Goliath and Elisa will be parents to them. I've discussed them having their own children before. Hinted at it. Check the archives if you want.

As for Demona, I don't think this will come as news to her. And she already doesn't like it.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, my question is, by 2198, would the Avalon Clan be still in Avalon, Or would they have gone into diferent clans by that time, to help build up the gargoyle population?

Greg responds...

The Avalon Clan is still in Avalon helping to build the population from there.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Apart from world domination, what do the Space spawn aquire from invading earth, by their standerds we would be a pretty primitive world even by 2198, what was so special in earth, or was it more, like just because they could do it?

Greg responds...

It was just more territory, as their empire expanded. We weren't considered special particularly. Leastways not at first.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Laura 'ad astra' Ackerman writes...

I was looking over the [finally] completed description of the future series and after happily ooing and aahing, I had a few questions.

-1- I noticed that Broadway and Angela's biological children had similar sounding names, (arthurian in my mind). Since they were not named specifically by the parents but rather as clan children, (I assume), I was wondering if this was intentional. Are rookeries intentionally named with similar names, like the angel theme with the Avalon eggs? Do near rookeries share somewhat similar names and distant ones more different ones? Am I reading way too much into a statistical sample of three?

[Side question- Broadway, raised by Gargoyles would not care who was his biological child, but Angela was raised by humans, even if they did try to follow the gargoyle mode. Does she care a little, or at least think about it?]

-2- Nicolas Natzilani Maza, (please excuse my spelling, I am composing this offline): From which of the current Maza siblings does he descend?

-3- Alexander Fox Xanatos IV: I have a feeling I am being a bit dense here, but is he the same Alex as Alexander Fox Xanatos I but covering for extreme longevity?

-4- I don't remember any mention of the New Olympians. Do they play a notable role? If not, where are they?

-5- Logistically I am confused about something- In a perfect world all the Gargoyle spin offs would be running at the same time for an indefinate amount of time. More specifically Time Dancer and Gargoyles 2198 would be running at once. [Which leads to another side question: What you call the series after the first year?] As I see it the first year or two wouldn't be a problem- Timedancer Brooklyn would be a couple of years younger than future Brooklyn and we just wont see him describing in detail events that haven't happened yet in Time Dancer to people in 2198.

The problems start when it comes time for Time Dancer Brooklyn to go to 2198. The easiest way I can see it is, we see him leave, we see him return ten years older all in one ep, "wow! I just spent ten years fighting aliens in the future! But I wont say anything more as not to let you know too much about what will be." Then we have a Time Dancer Brooklyn ten or so years older than the Future one and a massive, sustained chuck of time that he can't give away to the audience. It seems like it would be a very awkward.

Thanks... And enjoy the con!! I hope you give a passing thought to those of us stuck on the other side of the continent. (This whole being an adult with a job kinda sucks sometimes.)

Greg responds...

1. You probably are reading a bit too much into a statistical sample of three. Plus, keep in mind that the Manhattan Clan doesn't exactly have deeply held traditions in naming. The whole concept is fairly new to them.

1a. I think Angela does think about it. But keep in mind, she was group raised. This way, as a parent, she has more children to love. That suits her fine.

2. I'm SO not telling.

3. Yes.

4. They will eventually play a roll. Technology-wise, the rest of the world has caught up to them. I wouldn't fully re-intro them right away, although their leader will be kidnapped along with Alex.

5. You worry too much. I should have such worries.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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angry Epantiras writes...

What is this "Gargoyles 2198" !? Can someone explain me what is!? I'm going mad!

Greg responds...

Chill. One thing you might do is check out the Gargoyles 2198 Archive here at ASK GREG. You'll get most of your answers there.

In brief, G2198 is a proposed spin-off of the original GARGOYLES series set in the year 2198. Pretty straight forward, huh?

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Has the Space-Spawn or the third race involved in the war ever visited Earth before 2001? If so when?

Greg responds...

The Space-Spawn have not. They first arrive in 2198.

I'm not confirming or denying the rest.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What did you mean when you said "hit the Space-Spawn where they live" in Gargoyles 2198 contest? Are you referring to the Space-Spawn homeworld? If so shouldn't Nokkar's people be doing that already?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to get as specific as to say "homeworld".

As for Nokkar's people, what makes you think they aren't doing just that. Or for that matter, what makes you think any of them are still alive?

My point is that you don't know enough to judge.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

1. maybe it was hard to see on the show, but in "The Green" are the magic pendants themselves made out of the different stones (Sapphire, Obsidian, etc.) or are they all made out of something else? if they are made of something else, what is it?

2. you've said that the pendants will be passed down along with the name of the garg who wears it, but does the actual color of the garg matter? for instance, can only a red gargoyle wear and use Zafiro's pendant? i know it sounds stupid that the magic would only work with skin color, but i don't see any evidence why it wouldn't... afterall, Bronx is blue like Obsidiana and he was ok using the her pendant, but if he had picked up a pendant of a different color than he, would it have still worked?

3. when Jackal knocked that tree on Obsidiana and her wing was all twisted and wounded looking until she turned to stone, had he actually broken the bone in her wing? i'm aking this cuz i think its one of the only times that stone sleep cures a major physical injury in the series...

Greg responds...

1. The former. One is Sapphire. One is Jade. One is Obsidian. And one is Turquoise.

2. No, the color of the garg doesn't matter. Zafiro in the twentieth century is red. The Zafiro of the twenty-second century is blue. (At least in my head.)

3. I'd have to see it again.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

In the original 2158/Future Tense Spinoff which characters in 2198 were present? Which characters in Future Tense/2158 weren't present in 2198?

Greg responds...

Samson, Delilah, Demona, Owen, LXM, Brooklyn.

I can't remember if Zafiro was in there or not. I'm not sure I had all the characters firmly nailed down back in '96. I'm confident that the Guardian was NOT there. At least not in this form.

I can't remember if Fu-Dog was there either.

Have you checked the 2158 archive?

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Demoness writes...

Garg 2198

1. Will the Fae ever get involved in the resistance? (Other then Puck)

2a. What would the Fae's opinions be on Earth being conquered?

2b. Oberon's and Titania's opinions?

3. Would Titania be extremly upset, angry, 'beyond the no return type angry', or unconcerned that Alex has been...'kidnapped' by the Space-Spawn?

As you probably noticed with my previous questions, I like Oberon and Titania. :)

Greg responds...

1. Not initially, for a good reason. Everyone gets involved one way or another eventually.

2. Whaddaya think?

3. I'm not confirming or denying Titania's continued existence in 2198.

I like 'em too.

Response recorded on July 08, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman

1)By 2198 in the gargoyles universe would there ever be any gargoyles going into the professions like medicine, engineering and so forth?

2)Would it ever be possible for example for a gargoyle docter treating human patients?

Greg responds...

1. & 2. Anything's possible.

Response recorded on July 06, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

I haven't said much in a while, but now I have a question:

Since the 2198 contest is over, will you reveal anything pretaining to what happens to MacBeth? I noticed you mentioned Demona to still be around in 2198 so I suppose that MacBeth must be also. Will he be a part of the 2198 spin-off or play a major role? The Pendragon spin-off? Any others?

Greg responds...

Macbeth is still alive in 2198. And he will eventually make his presence known. But not right away. I do have big plans for him. But probably not until 2199 at the earliest.

Response recorded on July 06, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Hi Greg,

1. Nightstone Unlimited still around in 2198?

2. If it is, does Demona still run it?

Greg responds...

1. Not saying.

2. See above.

Response recorded on July 06, 2001

: « First : « 50 : Displaying #176 - #225 of 268 records. : 50 » : Last » :