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I'm sure you've heard of the rumors that CW is developing a Young Justice live action show. I have to admit, I had been hoping for a season 3, but I think this (if it's true) could have potential. So of course, I have a few questions.
1. What do you think about this possibility? Is there anything you'd like to see?
2. Since it's only a rumor of development so far, would you like to have a hand in the production of this show?
3. Any advice for CW should this rumor be true?
Well, let me preface this by saying, I cannot confirm this rumor at all. I'm highly skeptical. But...
1. It'd be great. What I'd most like to see is Brandon and myself working on it.
2. See above.
3. See above.
Hi! I have a few more questions:
1. How old is Shelly Longshdow?
2. How old is Holling Longshadow?
3. How old is Nathaniel Tryon in 2016?
Thanks again for answering questions from fans!
1. At the start of Season Two, Shelly is 34.
2. At the start of Season Two, Holling is 65.
3. At the start of Season Two, Nathaniel is 18.
Will for centiers or die withe the team Does Garfield a longer lifespan after becoming beast boy because he has misss marshin dna
I'm sorry. I'm not entirely clear on what you're asking... but if you're asking if Garfield will live longer than the average human, the short answer is ... it's unknown. He's an anomaly.
What year did garfied become full green and what year did he join the team and how did team know marie was dead
Hey Greg,
I am another in your legion of fans, converted by Gargoyles, which i saw as a kid on Jetix, and then came SSM, which was EPIC. Since, in India, YJ wasnt telecast (we are not encouraged to watch animation or read comics here, quite the opposite, sadly as it is considered "childish") I ordered DVDs to see it. I also ordered Rain of the Ghosts (I started it, and it felt awesome. An all ages, yet not dumbed-down novel) and YJL online. The reason i wrote this to you is that while YJL has a solid story, as a game, there is no other way to say it, it's sub-par. Many of the levels are repetitive and borderline unnecessary and even illogical (For example, In the Museum civilian rescue with John Stewart, the villains who are non-ninjas also magically appear and keep attacking us instead of trying to get to safety, as a villain in a story, not a game, would, and 6-7 times i believe. It is irritating and pointless. If 2 or 3 hordes were there, i would have understood. And this repeats on every stage. The cargo boat level was also the same. The fighting system is also boring once you figure out that all the characters are essentially the same with different animation. The graphics arent too great either, but they arent that bad either.) I think that the developers should take support from you guys into figuring what parts should be there. My ideal version would be that the game would be like a season's worth of Young Justice with us playing the fights and doing recon and so on.... Well, i would recommend that the developers take a template of Arkham City, which flawlessly does what YJL tries to do, but the only thing which is common is that both have a great story. I liked the Red Arrow Journals. If you do make a game set post-season two, please do more stuff like that. But, honestly, by the time you read this (I estimate that it will be in July 2014) a decision on that will be out and i fear it will not be the one we want. So, it might have been pointless to write the above stuff, but i wanted to get it out of my system. Also, two questions :-
1. Do you have any idea of your fanbase outside of the US?
1. Only anecdotally. Fans who post here or on Twitter, etc.
2. Did I miss your second question?
As for the game, as I've candidly admitted before, I'm not personally a gamer. I can work on story, but most of the things you're discussing are a bit beyond my area of expertise - even a bit beyond my understanding. If the game-play wasn't the best for you, I hope the story and characters still made it worthwhile. Far as I know, there's been no decisions made yet.
Hey Greg, longtime Fan here. I watched "Gargoyles" as a Kid. And me and my Brother loved both "Spectacular Spider-Man" & "Young Justice"! I'm so pissed that they both got cancelled before they could get Third Seasons, I have no doubt they would've gotten even better. Nevertheless my most sincere thanks goes out to you and all the very talented people that brought us these shows. Here are a few "Young Justice" Related things that I wanted to bring up.
1. Deathstroke was AWESOME!!! His Design and Wentworth Miller's Performance were both Great.
2. Have you checked out the Game "Injustice: Gods Among Us"? I applaud their decision to hire several Actors from "YJ" to reprise their Roles. Hearing Alan Tudyk and Mark Rolston as Green Arrow & Luthor again, and in a Fighting Game no less, is just great.
3. Keith David as Mongul? Total WIN! I knew you would work him in somehow.
4. I just noticed that "Denial" is a partial "Gargoyles" Reunion! It had Ed Asner(Kent Nelson/Hudson), Jeff Bennett(Brooklyn/Abra Kadabra) & Thom Adcox-Hernandez(Lexington/Klarion)!!! It reminded me I should watch Gargoyles more often nowadays.
5. Last one. Me & my Brother LOVED Guy Gardner's Design in the Show. As usual yall guys tried something new and different and it turned out "Spectacular"!!!(I know, I forced that joke)
P.S. Loved Josh Keaton's Cameo as "Black Spider", brought back great memories!
1. Agreed.
2. I haven't. I'm really not much of a gamer. (No hand-eye coordination to speak of.) But I'm thrilled they used Alan and Mark.
3. Don't make it sound like I'm doing him a favor. He's doing me one.
4. We all should.
5. Credit Phil Bourassa for nearly all of our fantastic character designs. (Props also to Jerome Moore and in the comics, Chris Jones.)
Hi there Greg!
One thing I've always loved about Gargoyles is that the villains all have certain vulnerabilities and emotional sore spots. Xanatos with his family, and immortality and arrogance. Demona and her loneliness and denial. Etc.
Dr.Sevarius always seemed to be just be outright evil though. No empathy for anything, no emotional vulnerability, just a total mad scientist. In your mind, is there some emotional element to him that was undiscovered, and would you at all share what that may be? Not asking for any sort of story spoilers, just some general character insight!
"Mad"? I think he enjoyed playing the mad scientist, but I wouldn't think that would be a legally defensible position.
He enjoys money, science and drama, not necessarily in that order.
As to emotional elements, I'll leave that either to your interpretation or to future stories. But we've certainly seen his feelings hurt, if that counts.
In Legacy, Tula researches the statue pieces in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Is this the museum in New York, or one in Metropolis?
I believe New York, but I'm not 100% sure.
In "Schooled":
1.When was Amazo created?
In "Denial":
2. How old was Inza Nelson when she dead?
3. How old is Teekl? Is he ageless as Klarion?
1. Amazo was completed just prior to the beginning of the episode.
2. Eighty-two (give or take 11 months)
3. N.A.
In Young Justice: Legacy,
1) Who voiced Bumblebee in place of Masasa Moyo?
2) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did Jeff Bennett voice?
2) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did Vanessa Marshall voice?
3) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did Jeff Bennett voice?
4) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did you voice?
5) What's one moderate-major thing you changed in the script?
1-4. Again, I don't have that info with me at the moment. And I don't trust my memory.
5. I don't know that there was anything major in the script. I did a pass on all the dialogue, so that hopefully it sounded spot on to our characters. And Brandon and I both worked the story with Little Orbit before they got to script. We wanted, for example, to make sure that the Light's plan made sense, given their objectives. And, of course, we wanted to make sure that the correct Team members, given the time period, were present or accounted for, and that no one who shouldn't be there was - except as bonus fun DLCs.
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