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Karrin Blue writes...

More questions!

1. Do Sha'lain'a and Calvin have jobs in Atlantis, and if so, what are they?
2. About how many metas were rescued from all the auction raids in True Heroes and brought to Taos?
3. Did the control chip cure Slade gave Tara work immediately, and did it completely block the effects or lessen them?
4. Why did Catherine Cobert list Black Lightning with the protest resignations?
5. Was it meant to be ambiguous which of Brion's actions - killing DeLamb, taking the throne, giving Jace another chance - were egged on psychically by Zviad, and how much 'nudging' was needed?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I don't have an exact number. Over twenty, under a hundred.

3. Blocked the effects from moment one.

4. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

5. Ditto. So... yes.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Karrin Blue writes...

Hello! First, a correction - a while back, I sent in an ask saying the origin of the 'blood is thicker than water' phrase was originally about families of choice; in the last few years I actually looked for the origins of that and, unfortunately, that etymology is entirely unsourced and not backed up by historical record. So, I'm sorry for accidentally spreading that.
Anyways! Questions:
1. Was DeLamb's metagene activated before or after Tara's?
2. Was the Zatanna in Artemis' 'Limbo' really her, or part of Artemis' subconscious, like the part of her that knew she had to go back?
3. In Elder Wisdom, Tara told Slade the Outsiders' parents were grounding them, and Lex repeated that on television. We know the Outsiders saw that, since Jay responds (and him calling Lex a fascist on Twitter was a great moment, so thanks to whoever in the writer's room came up with that), but did they ever have any suspicions over who would've know about it and leaked it? It seemed kinda odd to me they didn't question that or wonder if they had a mole.
4. The show seems to be pretty consistent about showing scenes in the language the characters speak in - Atlantean scenes are all in the Atlantean conlang, unless someone's cast a translation spell, that sort of thing. So, does that mean when the Markovs reunited, they were actually speaking English among themselves, and if so, is there an in universe reason for that?
5. Artemis says she knew Tara was still with the Shadows from before they saved her - does this mean that Artemis was told about the Anti-Light without being a member?

Greg responds...

1. His meta-gene was identified before Tara's but activated after. (She was, in essence, his guinea pig.)

2. All Artemis, all the time.

3. It's a fair question. I'd say they had bigger distractions at that time. And none of the older heroes - who knew there was a mole and who that mole was - would have encouraged worrying about that point.

4. Uh... Maybe... um... Gregor wanted to practice his English. Yeah! That's the ticket!

5. No. Again, the fact that heroes from different organizations exchanged information was nothing new. The Anti-Light, of course, went beyond that.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Kyra writes...

Why did the light allow granny goodness, one of darkseid’s loyal followers to join their ranks?

Greg responds...

Seemed like a useful addition to the group. And for a time, it was.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Lex previously stated that he finds revenge a sucker’s game, but in season 3 he attacked the outsiders on tv simply because they destroyed a factory full of spider droids that he owned. Does he think that this doesn’t count as revenge?

Greg responds...

As G. Gordon pointed out, Lex was off his game. It happens to the best of us.

And obviously to the worst of us also.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was ultra humanite actually Helga’s mentor in the past or was that a lie Helga told violet?
2. Ultra Humanite and Gretchen didn’t really seem to get along well in episode 22. Was this because halo should have been rightfully his according to the light’s traditions. Or do they just not like each other?

Greg responds...


2. He felt aggrieved.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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KarrinBlue writes...

1) Where exactly in Eastern Europe is Markovia? Is it neighboring Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, or is it further away, like Hungary or Romania?
2) What was going on with the Doom Patrol - the one Dayton was a part of as 'Mento'? Were they an old TV show, a real hero team, a group of actors with very bad luck?
3) You've been working on Magic the Gathering books - would any of the Team/Outsiders members play MtG, and do you have deck themes in mind for anyone in particular?
4) Was Ilona Bedlam's older or younger sister?
5) Was Tara aware that Cassandra Savage liked her?

Greg responds...

1. We placed Markovia on a map. And the map is at my office on the Warner Bros Ranch. And I haven't been to that office in over a year. I can't quite remember. But I know it borders Vlatava and is close to Latvia.

2. A real hero team. The only (former) actor on the Patrol was Rita.

3. I've been off MtG for so long now that I've already forgotten what "deck themes" means. I think I'll leave it to your interpretation which heroes play the game.

4. Ilona's the older sibling.

5. They got along well enough.

Response recorded on September 01, 2021

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KarrinBlue writes...

So, since the askbox is closing soon to get a chance to catch up, I thought I'd finally send in an ask about one of my favorite bits of the new season - Terra's plotline. I'd been hoping to see a Young Justice take on Terra since s2, and when we started seeing the first trailers of the team going to Markovia, I got even more excited. And I was not disappointed! So often Terra is a flat character, a betrayer, a monster, a madwoman - if there's any sympathy towards her, it's usually in a vague tragic backstory of abandonment, or her having a moment of realization before the end and taking Slade down with her (and often with an implication that Slade is the more reasonable, understandable one in the equation.) It was so refreshing to see a take on her that remembered she had been a child, was [i]still[/i] young, and being manipulated and abused by a much older adult - and that made that abuse and manipulation [i]not[/i] a death sentence. Terra doesn't die, she lives, she chooses to face justice - and, in a note I'm particularly fond of, she does all of this not because she's fallen in love with a heroic boy, but because of her platonic and familial bonds - with Artemis, with her siblings, and with Halo. Seeing her finally get to turn her back on Slade, come clean, and [i]live[/i] made the entire finale for me. So thank you for that, and now some questions about Tara Markov herself:

1) Why did Bedlam originally have her kidnapped, then tarred, then sold off? Had Slade's 'rescue' of her been a scheme between those two?
2) How much time passed between her original kidnapping, tarring, and the 'rescue'?
3) Tara can be extremely reticent in the show, often holding back in large conversations (though her glances around, gestures, and expressions have been very interesting to keep an eye out for on my rewatches). When she chooses to speak she's generally very forthright and direct, even if she's not sparing with her words. How did you decide on this pattern for her, and how did you decide on when she'd speak up and when she'd hold back?
4) Tara seemed very reluctant to tell Slade when Gregor was visiting them in America - had she expected the coup to take place, and if so, how did she expect it to end? Once Slade ordered her to kill Gar, what had she thought would happen afterwards?
5) In the ending montage, we see Tara and Halo attending Happy Harbor High, after her trial at the Hague. Even if Snapper Carr smoothed over any legal issues, how did the other students, teachers, and parents react to finding out that a foreign princess assassin had been attending, and would continue to attend, public high school in Rhode Island?

Greg responds...

1. DeLamb had learned he was a meta-human and wanted to see if his niece was, too.

1a. In essence, yes.

2. Tara was abducted on July 28th, of Team Year Six. She was meta-activated in early August of that year, and "rescued" by Deathstroke in Early September.

3. It seemed to work for someone who was keeping secrets.

4. Tara was conflicted - and so turned around that the notion of consequences had been blurred to non-existent in her mind.

5. It may have been overshadowed by Fred Bugg revealing himself as Forager. But basically, having two Outsiders at the school was largely applauded by the student population. Some teachers and parents may have been more reticent, but there wasn't any significant protest...


Response recorded on August 26, 2021

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M. writes...

Hi Greg. I have a few questions:
1) Why was Jade so absent in season 3?
2) Was there any problem with Kelly Hu?
And since in episode 325 Lian said something like "we need to find Cheshire for Daddy" (if I'm not mistaken):
3) Does Lian know that Cheshire is her mom?
4) In fact, does she even know or remember who her mom is?
And last but not least:
5) Did Will actually believe what Jade said about being a soccer mom and all that?

Greg responds...

1. Was she? Did she get significantly more time in Seasons One and Two? If so, I guess the answer is that story drives the use of our characters, as always.

2. No. She was great, as always.

3. Yep.

4. Yep.

5. Believe? I don't understand.

Response recorded on August 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. There are a few things related to the anti-life equation that I am still unclear on following season three.

1)What was the original purpose of Granny's machine? I ask because it seems to me the only thing it was good for was inflicting pain - without Halo to provide the anti-life equation.

2)I'm still not sure how Halo = the anti-life equation. Could you please try to explain it to me?

3)Thank-you for treating Kirby's anti-life equation seriously. In Kirby's fourth world mythology, the equation was something very specific. Some other depictions depict it very vaguely. You didn't. You did your homework. Thanks.

4)What did you think of the Hunger Dogs as an ending to Jack's Fourth World saga?

5)How are you?

Greg responds...

1. It created the ability to spread the Ghost Dimension ad infinitum.

2. Halo does not equal the anti-life equation. She's part of its mathematical formula. Watch the episode again. Granny spells it out mathematically with a lot of clarity.

3. We try.

4. I try to avoid offering up those kinds of reviews on DC Comics stuff, as I don't want people to tie my opinions to what may or may not happen on Young Justice.

5. Can't complain. (I mean I do complain all the time, but really I shouldn't.) I'm employed (at least through early November), and everyone in my family is healthy. So, really, I'm doing great. Thank you.

Response recorded on August 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello. I'm the anonymous 7 posts back who asked about Icon not being at the big meetup in Nevermore, and I realized that I just missed his name in Guy's list. Whoops.

I'm also the anon who asked about the A-series designations between Tye Longshadow and Dolphin. As was the case with that question, I assume I'm gonna get a big old "SPOILER REQUEST" for most of this, but maybe you're in a sharing mood.

1. Did El Dorado and Cyborg receive B-series designations upon their joining the Outsiders?
2. On the Young Justice backpack that was given away at SDCC 2019, some characters had designations listed with their names. Should the ones not used in the show be considered canon? (I'm thinking specifically of the Z-series for "Batman, Inc." and Stone, Victor G-08.)
3. If Vic is G-08, and Halo is G-03... care to reveal who are G-04, G-05, G-06, and G-07? The only possible option I can come up with is Dr. Jace.
4. There are three Z-series designations missing on said bag (Z-03, Z-04, and Z-06). Should I assume they are Plastic Man, Hardware, and Metamorpho (in that order or another)?
5. Long shot time. Will you reveal the League designations between Aquaman 27 and Steel 36?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. They are accurate (if now, as of the end of Season Three, outdated).

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers (but you're two-thirds right).

5. Nope.

Response recorded on August 26, 2021

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