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Anonymous writes...

What were the names of Billy Batson's parents?
Is Mary his sister?

Greg responds...

1. I don't currently seem to have that info. I'd research it before we named them in canon.

2. Biologically and emotionally, yes. Legally, no.

Response recorded on June 08, 2022

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Mr Fan and Mr Disappointed writes...

Hi Greg ! Hope you're fine !
I have a really important question (and some criticism) to write. To explain quickly before :
I've just watched "Teg Ydaer" and I got to say this is the episode I hated the most of the show, and by far. And I'm afraid this will happen again. I hated it against my will, believe me, but that was too much. Aside the fact that this is Zatanna's arc and that she got like 3% of the screentime so far, with absolutely NO character development, I'm deeply angered that you introduced religion in such a central matter. We had a long part of the episode dedicated to religion and talking about how great it was, giving hope to people and so on ... And to me, during that moment, that wasn't a superhero show anymore ! That was religion propaganda. What's next then ? Telling kids how great it is to join the Jehovah's Witnesses or any other religion, sect or cult because it gives hope ? To someone like me, who considers (and I speak only from my perspective, don't want to offend anybody here) religion like one of the most silliest and dangerous things ever happened in human history, that's really disgusting. Not only that, but to see my favorite show becoming something absolutely irrelevant to its subject, I felt really sick.
Like I've seen in some comments before me, that feels like positive discrimination. It feels like Khalid is here ONLY because he's a muslim.
Now, I'm not a hater, I love this show, I don't want to get in a fight about religion or belief, I'm just a fan deeply concerned, sad and disappointed with the direction that the show is taking today, and who feels betrayed more and more.

SO, to come back to my question, have you planned to develop or talk again about religion ? And do you regret having done that in such a proportion, or done it at all ?

Thanks for reading, hope I wasn't too harsh or rude ;)

Greg responds...


No regrets. And I suppose it SHOULDN'T come as any shock to you that I'm quite proud of that episode. Very proud, actually.

I personally have tremendous distaste for organized religion - including my own, i.e. Judaism. But that doesn't change the fact that faith is a huge part of many, many, many peoples' lives. We're telling a story about people. (Not about super-heroes, by the way, which is incidental - its eye-candy - but about people. If all you want is super-hero adventure, then you are shopping at the wrong store and have been since episode one of season one.) Please don't even start to tell me that I can't tell stories about the things that concern people. Irrelevant? Give me a break.

And that's aside from the fact, that although I don't think religion should be an out of bounds topic, I don't actually think that this story was about religion. It was about faith, through the vehicle of religion. But maybe that's splitting hairs.

I do resent the notion that Khalid only exists in the story because he's Muslim. I think that's very short-sighted. Why not say he's only in this story because he's a medical student, which got equal play in this episode and more play in the two episodes that preceded it? I believe Khalid is as fully realized a character as any we've had - relative to his amount of screen time. Do you think Zatara only exists in the story because he's Catholic. (But good on you that you're not a hater.)

(I also love that you think using Jehovah's Witnesses as some kind of ultimate example of cultish religious extremism is a-okay. It's not.)

Now, I will admit that I do wish we could find more room for Atheism in the show. Even for Agnosticism. Although I am neither, I admire both more than I admire any and every organized religion. But the problem with setting your series in a world with ghosts (like Secret) and demons (like Etrigan), is that it doesn't leave much space for doubt. [Artemis knows - KNOWS - that the soul exists because she's SEEN one, and so has our audience.] That's a puzzle I'm still trying to solve. But I have no intention of solving it by pretending that religion doesn't exist and doesn't mean something significant to literally MILLIONS of people.

(And for the record, I'm a secular pagan Jew and an animist.)

As for the BITCHING about Zatanna not getting enough attention, I officially roll my eyes at you. This is without a doubt Zatanna's story from moment one to moment last. I get why it's not clear to you back in 411, but, hey, way to be patient. And if it's not clear by the end of the arc, then all I can do is shrug. Zatanna doesn't need to dominate screen time to make this her story. That notion is just silly to me. I also find it sardonically amusing that at least some fan or another has complained to me about how the headline character of a given arc is not getting enough screen time or attention... in literally ALL six of the arcs. I think Nightwing fans may have some - small - justification for these complaints. But for the others, all I can say is that you've created your own expectations about what YJ:P was supposed to deliver for your personal favorite character. Instead, Brandon and I delivered what we wanted to deliver about each character. The rule, as always, being that if we aren't passionate about the show we're creating then how can we expect anyone else to even have a shot at being passionate about what they're seeing? There is no other way for us to create.

And, no, I don't think you were too harsh or rude (though your message above did read to me as obnoxious, which isn't the same thing). But I may be bordering on all those negative qualities in my response. If so, understand that I am truly inundated with comments from "fans" telling me I've done them wrong. With fans who are "sad" or "disappointed". With fans who are trying to convince me that I don't like my own show - or that I wouldn't like it if I simply listened to them and/or thought about if for a few minutes. (Your second to last paragraph is basically doing that.) But the thing is that Brandon and I listened to a lot of people and gave TONS of thought to everything in every episode. Way, way more thought than most shows get, I know. I know. I'm not saying we're above making mistakes, but we didn't do entire episodes by accident.

Now, before you say, "Hey, if everyone's telling you that your stuff sucks, maybe it does," you should know we get WAY more praise than we get criticism. Way more. And of course, the praise is nice but washes over me, and only the criticism sticks. I honestly should ignore ALL of it, criticism and praise, but I'm not that bulletproof. It makes me sad and disappointed. And frustrated. Very, very frustrated. Even if the nay-sayers are only a small (but vocal) minority. And that must be all they are, because our numbers this season on HBO Max are stunningly good. Today, I saw numbers that indicated we have more views this year than any other animated super-hero series on ANY streaming service. (Because, yes, we still have super-heroes in YJ, despite what you believe are my best efforts!) We even beat out a couple of prestige live-action super-hero series. Thus, not everyone thinks we suck. Most clearly don't.

So all of you out there who are going to read this post and feel the need to post a criticism of me here or on twitter (while tagging me) for responding in this harsh, rude obnoxious way... stop. Please. Put yourselves in my shoes for a minute. No one's saying you have to like the show. Certainly no one is forcing you to watch it. (Seriously, I think our season four hate-watchers alone must outnumber our entire audience for season one.) But that doesn't mean you need to sling your $#!^ my way. Be kind. Kinder than I'm being, I suppose. And I'll try to be kinder, too. Thanks.

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."
--Walt Whitman

Response recorded on June 07, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Mary still has 1/3 of the power of Shazam. Does she drain power from Billy and Freddy even when she is not using it?

Greg responds...

She doesn't drain anything from either of them. And certainly gets nothing from (or owes anything to) Freddy.

That power is hers now. Given freely and impossible to return.

Response recorded on June 07, 2022

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Coby Michael Dupre writes...

Fellow writer (albeit an amateur) here, and I gotta say: Dang dude, nice episode and I love the hyping up of this "new" girl Child but you had to resort to a neck snap? I'm still recovering from losing my favorite version of Superboy ever to that, even if it was a villain this time.

Greg responds...

R.I.P. Teekl.

Response recorded on June 06, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

When was Nabu (Savage's son) born?

Greg responds...

I could've sworn I've answered this, but, fine: Nabu was born in 1836 B.C.E.

Response recorded on June 06, 2022

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Fallenlegend writes...

Hey Greg!

I was one of the fans that keep asking an bugging about Mary Marvel (now Sargent) over the years and was pleasantly surprised to see you finally portray her.

I am actually extremely surprised how you caught on that obscure flaw of hers many fans don’t

Of how even in the old fawcett comics she was very very attached to her powers.

I recall there was an issue in the original fawcett run (Mary Marvel issue #4) were it is stated Shazam loses his powers every thousand years. And so did Mary herself.

So she extremely depressed and went crying to the point she felt useless for losing her powers, but still managed to save the day by her own power (similar to what you did) That in contrast to Billy who actually took losing his powers much better.

There are other examples in the comics, but usually she is the one to take it the worst of the marvel family when they get de-powered.

This also how she was corrupted im the infamous, and for some badly written, countdown comics were she got the black suit and went too drunk with power. And sacrificed her morality for power. Twice.

1.-My first question would be, am I right in the money, of you portraying her being too atached to her Shazam form being part of her “core true” and/or inspired by past stories?

Of course asking if she is ever going to transform is a spoiler so I am going to ask about her perspective instead. So my second question is

2-Does Mary consider giving up being Sargent Marvel as a permanent solution? As in does she gave up ever transforming? or just until she rehabilites and manages not too get drunk in power?

I am a bit sad we won’t see Sargent Marvel in action in the future, or the hole marvel family together, but still happy I got my wish on got to see your take on her.

Keep the great work!

Greg responds...

1. It all weighs in.

2. We'll have to see...

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why did nabu bother testing zatanna’s students if he wasn’t planning on intervering anyway

Greg responds...

Well, I think he was trying to make a point to her. But I'll leave it up to your interpretation.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

In "Teg ydaer" there is brief shot of the Elders (the gods & heroes that give Shazam his power). Their appearance is much like their appearance in the live-action Shazam! show from the 1970s. Was this a deliberate shout-out to that series?

Greg responds...

Of course. (I mean, you thought it might be an accident or coincidence?)

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Paul writes...

1) What is Sergeant Marvel's biological equivalent age? It was a surprise to see that she looked older than season 4 Mary, who would probably be about 20 years old.
2) What is Captain Marvel's biological equivalent age?

Greg responds...

1. Mary Bromfield was born in 2000.

1a. Sergeant Marvel was perpetually a biological 18.

2. Captain Marvel/Shazam is perpetually a biological 24.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Paul writes...

Quick question about "Tea Ydaer!" (which was a fantastic episode!):

I remember that it was reported from Ask Greg Live several years ago (maybe it was in 2015?) that the plan for Lt. and Sgt. Marvel was to have them both wear pants and have stars and sashes on their outfits to indicate their "ranks". Now this is not a criticism AT ALL, as I thought Sergeant looked amazing in the latest episode, but I'm just wondering if there's a reason why the stars and sashes were ultimately not used for Sergeant? (Unless they were there and I just didn't notice them.)

As always, Greg, thanks for your response and for your work on this amazing show!

Greg responds...

I guess by the time we got around to designing her, I had forgotten about stars and sashes.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Ahadu Getachew writes...

Hey greg this is a two part question and i’m pretty this isn’t a spoiler question but when did Jason Todd become robin (Specifically how old was he) and how long was he on the team before he died? and thank so much for being the series back

Greg responds...

Jason Todd was born in 1999. He became Robin in Team Year Three. He died in the same year.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

To what was Klarion referring to in 4.10 by "the oppositions new arrangements"? Are we already supposed to know what he is talking about? Or, does this fall into spoiler territory?

Greg responds...

By now, it's not a spoiler. It would've been when you asked the question. He was referring to Zatanna's plan to alternate host bodies for Doctor Fate.

Response recorded on June 02, 2022

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Musicfacter writes...

Hello Greg, I've already asked one question concerning M'gann but I wanted to ask another. Hopefully we aren't limited to the amount of questions we can ask. If so, I'd like this question to take precedence over my previous question as I'm particularly curious about it.

Given as ancient as Vandal Savage is and how far and wide he has traveled, is it the case that he is the Y-Chromosomal Adam of this Universe? If you are not familiar with this term, I'm asking is it the case that he is the most recent patrilineal ancestor (and maybe ancestor in general) that all human beings share? Is every being currently alive with human admixture - such as Superboy or Jonathan Kent - a direct descendant of Vandal Savage/member of his bloodline? I imagine that he is a direct ancestor of almost all humans who have ever lived as well .

Greg responds...

No. Not for all humans. I guess you could say he's that for all meta-humans, though, including the Homo Meta, Homo Magi and Homo Mermanus.

Response recorded on June 02, 2022

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Liam writes...

1: Was matches Malone a real person or did Bruce simply choose that name since it sounded Irish?
1b: was he a Gotham city criminal?
2: how exactlyis a martian bio suit made? Is it a process similar to the bio ship msting or is it made by martians themselves?
3: are perry white and Marvin white related?
4: what exactly caused Terra to change her costume to her new one in season 4? Was it meant to be a tribute to Brion or markovia? Or it her distancing herself from her brother?
5: Is Dinah Lance identity public knowledge? If it's not how does she protected considering she's running around maskless.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

1b. See above.

2. It's harvested.

3. No spoilers.

4. I honestly don't recall.

5. No.

5a. So's Superman.

Response recorded on June 02, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Did the meteorite create the metagene or was the metagene already within Vandal Savage and the meteorite only activated it?

Greg responds...

It's a good question.

Response recorded on June 02, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the end credits scene of "Odnu!," Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy were seen on Earth watching of "Space Trek 3016." The last time the Legion was seen was during the first story arc of the fourth season of Young Justice, and they had not been seen until the end credits scene. The question is if the Legion is hanging around on Earth now, does that mean their mission on Mars was a success or a failure? If it was the latter, then why are they bothering with watching "Space Trek 3016"?

Greg responds...

By now, you probably know the overall answer to your question. (And honestly, I can't imagine when you asked it that you could have expected me to answer with anything other than NO SPOILERS.) As to why they were watching Space Trek specifically, during their lunch break... I guess they're fans.

Response recorded on June 01, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What was the last straw child mentioned to klarion?

Greg responds...

Zatanna's plan to alternate hosts for Fate.

Response recorded on June 01, 2022

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Algae writes...

Hi Greg,

As of writing this, it's been a couple of days since Nomed Esir aired and I'm am LOVING the current Zatanna arc. Easily my favorite of the Season four arcs so far and we're only two eps in.

I'm just wondering if Vandar's Atlantean alias of "Varl'jat" was supposed to be a reference to something specific or did you guys make it up out of whole cloth.

Anyway, keeping up the good work.

Greg responds...

It's a slight reworking of one of Vandal's old aliases from the comics. Karl Jat from THE ATOM #5, I believe. It's not definitive that ol' Karl was Vandal, but I like to think so.

Response recorded on May 27, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

When was Nabu (Marduk's son) born?
What year did Marduk fought Starro?

Greg responds...

1. Nabu was born in 1836 B.C.E. More or less.

2. Marduk and Nabu and Ishtar fought Starro in 1,800 B.C.E.

Response recorded on May 27, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What happened to Wally's parents in the years after they received the news of his death? Are they still married, or did they get divorced?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 26, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Season 4 Questions In Regards to The Legion of Super-Heroes And The Time-Traveling Saboteur:

#1. Is Saturn Girl’s full name Imra Ardeen?

#2. Is Phantom Girl’s full name Tinya Wazzo?

#3. Is Chameleon Boy’s full name Reep Daggle?

#4. How old is the as-of yet-unnamed time-traveling saboteur?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. Um... it depends how you're counting, as he was born in the 31st Century. So he's deep into negative numbers chronologically. If you mean biologically, he's approximately 16 in Team Year Ten.

Response recorded on May 26, 2022

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John writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
I just wanted to say that I think you are one of the most amazing writers of any comic-inspired animated show. You have gone into so much depth & I'm loving it. You say it's your job to torture us mercilessly and leave us begging for more, may I request more torture then? because I am so addicted to Young Justice. Especially all the backstories that you have put in with Vandal Savage & Klarion. I could watch this show forever!!! Thank you for everything.

Greg responds...

Thanks, John. I hope to continue torturing you ad infinitum.

Response recorded on May 26, 2022

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Twig writes...

You mention that The Powers That Be prevented a single character from being presented at LGBT+ on the show. I know there's not much you can do from your position, but is there any way that we, the fans, can criticize TPTB for this sort of thing? Like it's almost 2022, this is getting a little ridiculous.

Greg responds...

We've been given tremendous freedom on Season Four. I don't know if that single character issue would still be an issue now. I haven't asked because I haven't had to ask, and I don't want to generate a potential argument for the sake of a hypothetical, when otherwise we're all getting along. If and when it comes up, we'll ask again, and then we'll see.

Response recorded on May 26, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman i have some Young justice questions for you 1.How old is Jason Blood and how long have he and the Phantom Stranger known each other? 2. I noticed some vary familiar looking artifacts in Mr blood's home that he told Mary not to touch. Have he or Etrigan ever traveled to any other universes outside of Earth 16 and the Dc multiverse including a universe where '' One thousand years ago superstition and the sword ruled'' to claim the artifacts ? 3. How long have Zatanna and Etrigan known each other ? 4. Did you consider hiring Dee Bradley Baker for the role of etrigan before hiring David Shaughnessy for the role instead ? P s thank you for giving my alien theory about the driver and kids on that school bus that Zatanna and her students avoided in the previous episode some footing

Greg responds...

1. Jason Blood was born @500 A.D.

1a. Long time.

2. I doubt it. But you never know.

3. A while.

4. Not that I recall. Love Dee. But I thought David - whom I worked with on Star Wars Rebels - would give us an amazing version of both Blood and Etrigan.

Response recorded on May 26, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the "Nomed Esir!," Klarion mentioned Earth-17 during his talk with Child. Now, given what is known in the DC Comics Multiverse, is the Earth-17 that was mentioned in this episode happens to be the one that has been completely laid to waste as a result of nuclear war in the year 1963, and that version of Earth is the home of the Atomic Knights of Justice? This question is assuming that the version of Earth-17 is the post-Flashpoint version that was first introduced/mentioned in "The Multiversity Guidebook #1."

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 25, 2022

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Cade Creighton writes...

Good afternoon!

I LOVED YJ episode 4x10, nomeD esiR. But I do have one question regarding the flashbacks. If Vandal's son Arion was immortal like his father, how is it that he died by being crushed when Atlantis fell? Shouldn't he have just regenerated like Vandal always does when he is "killed?"

Greg responds...

First off, Vandal is Arion's grandfather, not his father. And I guess Arion's not quite as immortal as granddad.

Or is he?

No, he's not.

Response recorded on May 25, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In the Young Justice episode, "Nomed Esir!," there appears to be three "Gargoyles" Easter Eggs in the forms of the Grimorum Arcanorum, the Phoenix Gate, and the Eye of Odin. Interestingly, the latter two items are designed differently than what is seen in the "Gargoyles" carton series; with the Phoenix Gate being mirror-flipped and having a gold background instead of blue, and the Eye of Odin being red instead of blue. Why were these changes made for this episode?

2. For some unknown reason, there is no logline description provided for "Teg Ydaer!" like the rest of the episodes for the Zatanna story arc. What was the logline description for this episode supposed to be?

3. I saw on the Young Justice Wiki for Season 4 that Zatanna's story arc will have one extra episode in comparison to the previous two story arcs (which were four episodes each). If I may ask, what was the decision of doing this, as opposed to making episode 13 being part 1 (of 2) of an interlude chapter for the fourth season?

4. With the title for episode 13 of "Young Justice: Phantoms" revealed, I cannot properly guess the potential meaning of the hidden message for this season. The message thus far is: "Invitation to K". I had hope that the message would be indicated to be a hopeful one, but that does not seem to be the case anymore.

Greg responds...

1. No one really wants to get sued.

2. THIRTEEN and her friends face their greatest challenge.

3. Twenty-six episodes divided by six arcs, when the season had to be divided in half, into two sets of thirteen, meant that the arcs would run four, four, five, four, four, five.

4. I guess it depends on one's point of view. The House of Zod might find it hopeful.

Response recorded on May 25, 2022

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Musicfacter writes...

Hey Greg, greatly enjoying Season 4

It was stated because Martian's are telepathic, news travels pretty quickly across their planet. With that in mind, did the news of Connor's death manage to reach any of M'gann's siblings? And if so, did ANY of them bother to check up on her?

Greg responds...

I'm sure the news spread fast. As to whether they checked up on her, with the exception of Em'ree, of course: no spoilers.

Response recorded on May 24, 2022

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Family writes...

Who thought of Artemis and Jason Bard?

Greg responds...

I assume you mean who thought to put them together as a couple. Brandon and I discussed who Artemis might be dating in Season Four, and I suggested Jason.

Response recorded on May 24, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Why did you choose ocean master as a member of the light?
2 Since Artemis said that acquiring the justice league’s Intel has been a goal that the light has been after for a long time why didn’t vandal savage steal the data when he had the entire justice league under his control

Greg responds...

1. Many reasons, including but not limited to (a) his reach across the oceans and (b) his intimate knowledge and access to the Atlantean leadership and (c) his resources.

2. Maybe he did. But that was ten years ago. Maybe he wanted an update.

Response recorded on May 20, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What is Arsenal’s relationship with Lian like

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 20, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Isn’t m’comm like the biological equivelant of 18? Since he is so young how is he the leader of the white martian resistance? Aren’t there any older white martian’s with more experience in the resistance?

Greg responds...

1. M'comm M'orzz was born in 1968.

2. He took leadership.

3. There clearly are.

Response recorded on May 20, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What is halo exactly? A motherbox in gabrielle body or a new entity created from both the motherbox and gabrielle?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

I find the way you've responded to criticism for seasons 2 and 3 really off-putting. Whenever people say they didn't like the 5 year time-skip, or that they don't like how only a few characters get focus, or that they miss the season 1 style storytelling, etc. your response is almost always something like "it's my show I'll do whatever I want and I don't care what you guys want" and I've even seen you imply that fans are entitled for getting upset that their favorite characters don't get screentime. A writer doesn't create content just for themselves, you create content that is meant to be consumed by others. And you have one of the most dedicated fanbases in history who performed a miracle resurrecting this show. We're allowed to have opinions. Why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that you took a big risk after season 1 and understand why not everyone is happy with the direction you went in?

Greg responds...

I do understand. I totally understand that we took a big risk and I totally understand that not everyone is happy with it. FULL STOP.

What I'm at a loss to understand is what I'm expected to do about it.

Keep in mind, responses come after the work is concluded. Concluded. I can't change history and undo stuff that's already been done.

And, of course, I don't want to, either. Cuz I like what we did. (I mean maybe not every second of every episode, but the vast tapestry of the thing, certainly.) And, frankly, the majority of our fandom agrees, judging by numbers alone. So even if I could, whom should I make changes for? A minority of fans who want one change or a different minority of fans who want some other change?

Beyond that, I'll simply repeat what I've always said. Brandon and I have to be passionate about what we're doing. That means following our best instincts and hoping that a majority of the fans like the result. So far that's basically worked for us. Not for EVERY fan, but for the great majority. It may not always work, of course, but what's the alternative? That we write stuff we don't like, to maybe please a subset of the fandom? How would that work? I mean, if Brandon and I aren't passionate about the work, how can we expect anyone - ANYONE - to view it and feel passionately about it. It would be hollow.

And your post is resplendent with that very contradiction: you say we have "one of the most dedicated fanbases in history who performed a miracle resurrecting this show," and I would sincerely agree wholeheartedly. But I have to think that the reason the fanbase is dedicated and performed that miracle is because they basically like what BV and I are doing. I mean the miracle happened after the timeskip. If the timeskip killed the show for the majority of the fandom, then I have to assume they wouldn't have helped us come back, right?

I can see how you interpret all of the above into "it's my show I'll do whatever I want and I don't care what you guys want," but I don't think that's fair. It's certainly doesn't capture the gist of what I've said, even if in essence, it reflects the end result. What I'm saying is, "we're the creators of the show and we HAVE to do the show we want because the alternative is something that literally winds up pleasing nobody."

If that's off-puttiing, I'm sorry. But it does have the virtue of being honest.

Response recorded on May 19, 2022

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Liam writes...

1: Is madame Xanadu the Arthurian nimue?
2: If Xanadu is nimue, how is she alive today? Reincarnation or immortality?
3: Considering you did your own takes on arthurian legends in gargoyles, will that those interpretations influence Xanadu and maybe other dc characters tied to arthurian legends?
4: Was Xanadu's accent authentic or was it always just something she played up while fortune telling?
5: When did Xanadu start using real magic in the present day?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. If I'm understanding your question correctly, than no. My interpretations of the Arthurian myths and legends for Gargoyles won't influence any adaptations of the DC version of Arthurian myths and legends for YJ.

4. Which accent?

5. After meeting Kent and (ironically) being convinced that real magic exists thanks to Abra Kadabra.

Response recorded on May 19, 2022

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Charles writes...

I don’t believe this first question constitutes a spoiler, though the second might.
1) You’ve stated that the chairman/chairwoman of the Justice League is elected by a majority of the League. 1a)Does a chairman serve a term? 1b)if so, how long is the term? 1c)Or do they serve until such time as they resign/the League prefers new leadership?

2) Vandal Savage’s view of encouraging the evolution of the human race can be morally ambiguous, with him acting for the betterment of humanity often at the expense of individuals and smaller groups. This seems to have placed him as both a hero and as a villain at various points in history. Do you think his quest to advance the human race would have allied him with the Allies or the Axis powers in WWII?

To clarify, I’m not stating that Nazi Germany’s genocides would have improved the human race, however, from where I sit, I can see Savage either ignoring the plight of a minority race to strengthen the rest, or opposing the extermination of a race because of the potential that may be lost among their dead. With these two conflicting potentials in a morally horrible decision, I was hoping you might offer clarity into Savage’s character, but I understand if that clarity would cause a spoiler reveal.

Greg responds...

1. They normally serve for a year. Sometimes, as with Jeff this time out, they are reelected to a second term. Most choose not to serve more than one or two years in a row.

2. No spoilers.

3. See my answer to 2.

Response recorded on May 19, 2022

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Nick writes...

Did you hold auditions during the pandemic? If so, how did that work?

Greg responds...

We didn't hold in person auditions. We did have performers submit tapes of them performing the part for certain roles, e.g. Amistad Ervin. It's not as good a system - in theory - as you can't see how an actor takes direction. But fortunately, it all worked out for us remarkably well. Of course, we didn't hold a ton of auditions for roles this season. We mostly just cast new roles without auditioning. And some that we did audition for were done pre-pandemic. But again, I can't complain with the end results.

Response recorded on May 18, 2022

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Nick writes...

Forgot to ask: how did you cast Logan Browning?

Greg responds...

I'm pretty sure Jamie suggested her for the role. Brandon and I listened to her voice in other things, and we agreed. I don't think we held auditions for Onyx. But it was pre-pandemic, and my memory is fairly fuzzy of those days.

Response recorded on May 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you suddenly start indicating Khuiten Peak as the Light's HQ while up until then it was simply "Western Mongolia"?

Also, what's the story behind that HQ's location? How long has it been Vandal's HQ? Who built it?

Greg responds...

1. I never loved "Western Mongolia" for the timestamp. It was too big, too vague. Honestly, I wish I had thought to use the Peak from the beginning.

2. It is and was Vandal's HQ. It's not the Light's HQ. It's where Vandal generally is when he's speaking to the rest of the Light, who normally teleconference, as we've seen since episode 101. As the de facto leader of the Light, often Light business gets done at Vandal's place. Often. Not Always. Again, as we've seen.

3. Western Mongolia is more or less where Vandal is from. Kinda.

4. How long? In one form or anothe, for a long, long time.

5. Vandal had it built. He may have even helped some.

Response recorded on May 18, 2022

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Nick writes...

This season has some great new voice actors!

Can you tell us how you cast Carl Lumbly, Usman Ally, Erika Ishii, D.B. Woodside?

Greg responds...

1. Not that anyone was arguing with me over the choice, but I really wanted to cast Carl as M'gann's father. In part, as a tribute to his work on Justice League as J'onn J'onzz. But also cuz he's truly great, and I've been a fan of his going back all the way to Cagney & Lacey.

2. We held some auditions for someone who could play both Khalid AND Muhammed Nassour. And Khalid won the roles by being great at both.

3. We held auditions for someone who could play both Mary Bromfield and Child. Brandon and I had seen Erika perform an amazing stand-up routine about playing the violin and being frustrated by the ending of Game of Thrones, so she was one of the people we suggested as a possibility. And she killed it as both characters.

4. Brandon wanted to make Phantom Stranger Black, so he and Jamie Thomason and I began brainstorming who might be a good choice to play the role. I believe Jamie may have suggested D.B., and I was immediately enthusiastic based on his work in Lucifer and Buffy and 24 and other stuff that I've loved him in forever.

Response recorded on May 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why did orphan bow to ra’s al ghul?

Greg responds...

Training. Habit.

Response recorded on May 17, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Why did the remaining villagers of Atlantis not try to escape while klarion was busy killing savage for 300 days and how did they survive that long?
2 I know klarion as a lord of chaos has excited since the dawn of the universe, but how old would you say his child form pysically is?
3 How pysically old is child’s new human form?
4 Zviad mentioned in “odnu” that he used a psychic nudge passed down from king brion to his people to convince them to activate their meta gene for markovia. Does this mean that people who are effected by zviad’s meta ability can spread the effect to others?
5 Did teekl actually attempt to explain to the light what was happening in “odnu”

Greg responds...

1. There weren't that many remaining villagers. I'm sure some of them did run. All we saw were a couple of frightened orphaned kids.

2. Nine.

3. Um... nine?

4. No. He nudges Brion. Brion speaks patriotically to his people. But there's no second-hand psychics involved.

5. Sure.

Response recorded on May 17, 2022

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Deon Nzembe writes...

Hello Greg! How are you doing? I'm Deon from Kenya and a big fan of your show Young Justice. I've been watching it since i was 8 during the Cartoon Network days and 11 years later I'm still watching it (grateful for season 4). During the lockdown last year (2020) I would rewatch the series,read the comics and browse through here and the wiki to a point where i can call myself an expert on this show (that and also the fact that i think that I'm the only African fan of YJ)
So here's my question(s):
1. Could you please share your notes on the Watchtower's layout, the league members who live there and who does the maintenance?
2. As of Phantoms, how hold is Tim, Wondergirl and Beast Boy?
3. What basis did you guys use when designing wondergirl's original suit as well as her new one in sn4?
4. Apart from the renewal of sn5, is there anything the fandom could do to get new companion-comics that fill in the blank spaces here and there?
5. How does the Justice League work as an independent organisation. Like where do they get finances and stuff like that?
6. Lastly, i would like to know why Tim left the Team and joined the Outsiders?
That's it for me. I would like to say thanks to you, Brandon and the rest of the team responsible for this beautiful show. Its been a really big part of this teenager's life, thanks a lot and have a nice day.

Greg responds...

Hey Deon! Hope you're not the ONLY African fan, but we're glad to have you. Now, you asked WAY more than 5 questions, which is our maximum per post. I mean, you've numbered six yourself. And frankly, each numbered question is really multiple questions. Normally, if someone takes this much advantage of the system, I reject the entire post. But I'll give you a break. THIS TIME. Fair warning, if you do it again.

1. I don't have any notes on the Watchtower layout.

1a. No one lives there. I'm sure there are a couple of suites that a person can crash in, if necessary. But it has no permanent residents.

1b. Uh...

2. Tim Drake was born in 2001.

2a. Cassie Sandsmark was born in 2001.

2b. Garfield Logan was born in 2002.

3. I'm not sure what you mean by "basis". Phil Bourassa designed her original outfit with input from Brandon Vietti and myself. I seem to recall that Phil wanted to give her a sporty look.

3a. We felt Wonder Girl (two words) was due for a costume update by Season Four, and her new suit was designed by Dou Hong and/or Jerome Moore and/or Austin Reinkens, with input from Brandon and I. This version felt a little more grown-up to us.

4. Our new companion comic book six-issue limited series, Young Justice: Targets, will premiere this summer (2022). If fans buy it, i.e. vote with their wallets, it seems likely that DC might want to make more.

5. They are a chartered United Nations organization. They therefore get some funding from the U.N. and some from private donations. I hear the Wayne Foundation is a major donor.

6. I've answered this before. Robin had been a public hero in Dick's days. Tim felt it was time that Robin be an inspirational public hero again.

Thank you for watching, Deon!

Response recorded on May 17, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Young Justice version of Stargirl:

#1. Is her real name Courtney Whitmore?

#2. Was Stargirl's Cosmic Staff invented by Ted Knight?

#3. When did Stargirl decide to become a superhero?

#4. How old is Stargirl?

#5. Does Stargirl's family currently consists of Pat Dugan (her step-father), Sam Kurtis (her biological father), Barbara Whitmore, (her mother), Mike Dugan (her step-brother), and Patricia Dugan (her half-sister)?

Greg responds...

1. She states as much in Season Three, so... yes.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. Courtney Whitmore was born in 2003.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 17, 2022

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Family writes...

When did Eric Needham become Black Spider?
When did Leonard Snart become Captain Cold?
When did George Harkness become Captain Boomerang?
When did Albert Michaels become Atomic Skull?
When did Teth-Adam become Black Adam?

Greg responds...

1. 2009.

2. 2001.

3. 1996.

4. 2006.

5. 1276 B.C.E.

Response recorded on May 16, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

Is it just a crazy coincidence that your version of Phantom Stranger is so similar to Uatu The Watcher from What If? on Disney+?

Greg responds...

Is it? I've seen What If, but I'm not particularly struck by the similarities beyond the obvious. In any case, whatever similarities exist, it has nothing to do with the production of either series.

Response recorded on May 13, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

In "Quiet Conversations," is the fact that Calvin Durham was born in San Diego a reference to the fact that in the comics, he became mayor of Sub Diego?

Greg responds...

I suppose you could look at it that way.

Response recorded on May 13, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

With the Season 3 episode "Evolution," and the Season 4 episode, "Odnu!" showing us Vandal Savage's past, it seems almost as though he practically knows everybody on Earth and he's probably the direct ancestor of most (if not all) of Earth's heroes and villains in your version of the DC Universe; at least, that how it seems in my opinion.

Greg responds...

I think you're exaggerating a bit. But, yeah, he's well-connected.

Response recorded on May 13, 2022

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SuperFam Fan writes...

1. Is Martha Kent's maiden name Martha Clark, like in the comics?
2. Did Lois Lane keep her maiden name after marrying Clark, or is she known as Lois Lane-Kent? Given the credits, the former seems likely, but confirmation would be wonderful.
3. Did Clark Kent attend Metropolis University? If so, did he major or minor in English and/or Journalism?
4. Considering Clark, Lois, and Jonny were in Smallville, and Jonny mentioned how Uncle Conner and Wolf would always meet them there, is it safe to assume there is at least one zeta-tube in or nearby Smallville? Is this how Robin, Arsenal, Blue Beetle, and Impulse got to Smallville (to infiltrate LexCorp Farms) back in Season Two, or did they use the Bio-Ship?
5. Do Clark, Lois, and Jonny reside in Metropolis?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. She kept Lane.

3. No spoilers.

4. You're forgetting about Super-Cycle.

4a. I can't remember off the top of my head.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on May 13, 2022

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Spellcaster writes...

Can you please post the spells from episode 409?

Greg responds...

Here are the spells in the script. I don't have time right now to go through and double-check to see if they totally match up with final picture. But you can do that.

Sgowogort egreme rednu a Ruomalg!
[Trogowogs emerge under a Glamour!]

TAHM-tah-doo OH-chee- dehn-TAHL-ees!
[Stretch Sycamore!]

Speed of Mercury!

Vee-AI UHR-bees, ee-OO-vah!
[Streets of the city, help!]

MOON-tah-feekh VEHN-tree!
[Bloated stomach!]

Strength of Hercules!


Sexob enibmoc.
[Boxes combine.]

Sgowogort, nruter ot eht Htrae!
[Trogowogs, return to the Earth!]

Ruomalg hsinav!
[Glamour vanish!]

Erotser erutan!
[Restore nature!]

Ylf, ym seitterp!
[Fly, my pretties!]


Partum a portal!
[Create a portal!]

Yenom no eht elbat.
[Money on the table.]

Rehtaf, ediug ym yenruoj hguorht S’etaf Yloh Hkna!
[Father, guide my journey through Fate’s Holy Ankh!]


Power of Zeus!

Strength of Hercules!

Slatrop, tcerider rewop!
[Portals, redirect power!]

Yahnahm, felice!
[Sleep, cat!]

Kymento, disolvunture!
[Mortar, dissolve!]


Response recorded on May 13, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since the word "Marvel" can no longer be used in Earth-16, and Captain Marvel is now identified as Shazam, does that mean...

A. The Marvel Family is now addressed as the Shazam Family like in the New 52?

B. Lieutenant Marvel (Freddy Freeman) is now addressed as Shazam, Jr. like in the New 52?

C. Sergeant Marvel (Mary Bromfield) is now addressed as Lady Shazam like in the New 52?

Greg responds...

A. I suppose. Haven't really thought about it. So far, we haven't been asked to retcon anything.

B. No.

C. No.

Response recorded on May 13, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In "Odnu!" we see the Earth-16 debut of the Phantom Stranger. Now, despite the ethnicity change (from Caucasian to African-American), is his real name identified as Judas Iscariot; like his New 52 counterpart (as indicated in "Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger: Futures End #1")?

Greg responds...

I haven't read that - or any Pre-Rebirth New 52 comics. (That's not a comment on their quality. I just wasn't reading comics during that era and didn't hop back on again until Rebirth.) So if PS is JI, it's news to me. Not saying no. Just haven't thought about it at all to see if it fits with what I do know about the Earth-16 version of PS.

Response recorded on May 11, 2022

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Paul writes...

1) Why was Klarion wearing a suit (his trademark look) during his first encounter with Vandal Savage, when that fashion style had yet to be invented? Do the Lords of Chaos emulate styles from the past, present and future, since they themselves are "ageless" beings? If so, how is this possible? I hope there's a deeper explanation for this than "it's magic, anything goes"... but it isn't a big deal.

2) Klarion and Child wear suits (or at least, smart/formal clothing). Likewise, so does Phantom Stranger. Is this just a coincidence or is it significant in some way that they all select smart attire?

I doubt that clothing will be discussed in any depth in the next few episodes, so I feel that it's safe to submit these questions.

Greg responds...

1. For the time being, let's say that before choosing his physical form, Klarion bounced around space and time until he found something he liked.

2. Lot's of people wear smart attire. Clark Kent wears a suit. I wouldn't read too much into Stranger's turtleneck. Whether Klarion and Child's attire mirrors each other is a more interesting question to me.

Response recorded on May 11, 2022

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Rob writes...

Hi Greg, I’m loving season 4! Thank you, Brandon, and all of your crew for all the hard work. A few questions,
1. Who all is living in the premiere building in season 4? We’ve seen Beast Boy is there but did all the Taos meta kids move in when they joined the outsiders/team?
2. What team year did Batgirl join the team?
3. What team year did Bumblebee join the team?
4. What team year did Lagoon Boy join the team?

Greg responds...

1. Daniel Cassidy, Garfield Logan, Forager, Violet Harper, Andie Murphy, Leslie Willis, Lia Briggs and Wendy Jones all live at the Premiere Building.

I feel like I've definitely already answered the rest of these, but what the heck...

2, 3, 4. Batgirl, Bumblebee and Lagoon Boy all joined the Team in Team Year Four.

Response recorded on May 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Forgive me if this sounds too insensitive or anything, but with the way that Beast Boy's storyline is being handled thus far in Season 4 of Young Justice, are you ultimately trying to deliver some kind of message to viewers about the importance of suicide prevention? The reason I am asking about this sensitive topic is because given that Beast Boy's depression has now been shown (as of the time of this posting) in "Odnu!" to have progressed to a point where he is now suffering from lack of sleep and needs medication to help him deal with it, I'm deeply worried that his depression may eventually drive him to the point of attempting to commit suicide because he can't deal with the culmination of the personal losses that have occurred throughout his life; with the apparent loss of Superboy apparently being the final straw for Beast Boy. To be fair though, if this is your intent, then I can understand because I have never seen a cartoon TV series that has ever publicly addressed this specific issue; as such, I suspect this is going to be a first if my suspicion about what might happen to Beast Boy turns out to be true. I do, however, remember watching a Static Shock episode years ago that addressed the issue of guns, and that was a pretty dark episode.

Greg responds...

Hopefully, you've continued to watch as Garfield's story has unfolded and as it continues to unfold throughout the rest of the season. This was really a story about someone suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress. But many issues were dealt with across it.

Response recorded on May 11, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

You know, watching Vandal sire an entire lineage throughout the centuries, I can't help but think about Demona during her 1000 years of life and wonder why she did not try the same approach to 'repopulate' the gargoyle race herself. Ironically, that might work out quite well for Demona in more ways than one since she become the 'mother' of her whole race. I know gargoyles were sparse throughout the years, and I can't remember if Demona even knew about any of the surviving clans. And of course, given her current predicament, I don't see her having kids to be a option, unless she wants to run the risk of giving birth as a human.

Still, it does seem like it would have been at least a potentially useful idea if she ever encounter another gargoyle over the course of her long life to maybe at least 'try' and procreate. Of course I understand, gargoyles are monogamous by nature, but then again, I wouldn't nesscessarily put anything past Demona

Assuming she ever met another gargoyle in the last 1000 years, would she have ever even considered having another egg? Personally, if I had to guess, I would say she would not try, and the reason being there is big difference between her and Vandal; she would have to carry the child to term. And if Demona has one constant, it's her own self-preservation. Still, it's an interesting parallel to ponder.

Greg responds...

It's interesting. But I'm forced to answer NO SPOILERS, for all the usual reasons.

Response recorded on May 10, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The episode "Odnu!" identified Vandal Savage's real name as Vandar Adg. Just for clarification, is this his birth name or is this name something that he came up for himself at some point in his life?

Greg responds...

The latter I believe. We've never stated his so-called "birth name."

Response recorded on May 10, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr weisman before i ask my questions i want to apologize for the spelling error as i meant to say Vandal Savage and the phantom stranger but hit a v instead of an s by mistake now for the questions 1 . How long as Zatanna been mentoring Mary Bromfield ? 2. How old is the Phantom stranger ? 3.I like the cute lizard that Traci has how long has she had him? 4 .Does Mary Bromfield wear a baseball cap (like Traci does) or a newsgirl cap ( like Gabi Gabriell does) when not in costume?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't locked in a specific start time, but not all that long.

2. Asked and answered.

3. A year or less.

4. You've seen her out of costume. Was she wearing a hat?

Response recorded on May 10, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How long have Zatanna and Madame Xanadu known each outer? 2. Has Madame Xanadu seen the movie Xanadu and how does she feel about it ?( especially the title being the same name as her last name) 3. When did Blue devil take up the role of "'Den Dad'' to the outsiders ? 4. how long have Vandal Vavage and the Phantom stranger known each outer ?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't locked in a day or date when they met. But it's been some time.

2. For all we know, she was inspired to choose that name BECAUSE of the movie. I'm not saying it's true but...

2a. For the record, Madame Xanadu is her stage name/nom de guerre. Her real name is Nimue Inwudu.

3. Again, I haven't nailed down a precise date, but sometime after Helga Jace, um... disqualified herself from the gig.

4. A very long time.

Response recorded on May 10, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

1) Is season 4 Shazam as strong and as fast as season 1 Captain Marvel?

2) Is there a limit to the amount of kinetic energy Rocket's force-field can absorb? Is there a point beyond whic the force field will just break?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. There's no limit for kinetic energy. Other energies aren't as compatible.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

If Madame Xanadu is a true medium then she can communicate with the dead, right? If that's the case, why didn't Zatanna just bring Artemis to Xanadu so that Artemis could speak to Wally's spirit during "Overwhelmed"?

Greg responds...

It's not that simple. If a spirit is truly at rest, you generally cannot reach them. And in any case, you seem to think it's healthy to attempt to commune with the dead. Zatanna might not agree with you.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,
I was wondering about Arsenal’s amputation. Is his arm amputated below the elbow?
How does Jason Bard come to lose his leg?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... just below the elbow. Barely.

2. In combat. He's an ex-Marine.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is Helga Jace aware that zviad is a member of the light?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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Paul writes...

"Odnu!" was amazing!

1) How old is Mary Bromfield?
2) How old is Khalid Nassour?
3) Mary mentions that she gave up (or "had to" give up) being Sergeant Marvel -- but we know that she would have appeared as Sergeant in "Satisfaction" (per your remark some time ago that she would have said "Shazam!" in this scene). Did Mary therefore give up being Sergeant Marvel after Raquel's bridal shower, rather than before that event?
4) Now that Mary has appeared, would you be able to reveal the in-universe reason for her absence in "Satisfaction", please?
5) Silly long-shot question: how old is the Phantom Stranger?

Greg responds...

1. Mary was born in 2000.

2. Khalid was born in 1998.

3. Stuff we once may have planned but didn't end up doing are NOT canon. Beyond that, NO SPOILERS.

4. Maybe. If I had one.

5. He's biologically 28.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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traught4life writes...

hey Greg i just want to ask about something i've been wondering about for a while did dick reveal his identity to Artemis and show her the picture he took if so how did she react and will we ever see her reaction in a flashback or future episodes???

Greg responds...

At this stage, yes, Artemis knows Dick's identity. Beyond that, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

mister Greg why did you have Garfield join the Doom Patrol if you just kill them?

Greg responds...

History is a mystery.

Response recorded on May 06, 2022

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camila perez writes...

is supermartian your favorite couple? it feels like they're the mainstream couple and I'm absolutely in love with that

Greg responds...

I don't have one favorite. But I'm glad you like them.

Response recorded on May 06, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

when creating halo, did no one stop to think that killing gabrielle and having a motherbox use her corpse was a bad idea for your first (and only) female muslim hero? i know your response before was that it was taken from the comics, but now with oracle's origin we can clearly see you guys aren't afraid to change things. so you could've easily changed it to have gabrielle resurrected with the powers of a motherbox instead.

and i feel like you still don't see the issue here, which is that violet is not a muslim woman of color, so you don't get credit for "turning a woman of color from a victim to hero" as you've said. you killed a woman of color and possessed her corpse. i'm sorry but i just can't get over how no one saw a problem with that.

Greg responds...

We talked about this a lot, actually, with a number of people, including with a Muslim woman of color. And, no. No one saw a problem. As with all things, people's mileage varies.

We had not, yet, involved MPAC in our creative process. Maybe they would've had a problem with how we introduced Halo if they had been involved in Season Three. But MPAC's involvement and interaction with us began during the creation of Season Four. At that point, when we told them where we were going with the character, they were good with it. Even, I dare say, enthusiastic. MPAC and other Muslims we've consulted have been happy with who Halo/Violet has become, or in any case, with the journey that we've put them on.

But just so I'm clear, you'd have preferred - since we were doing THIS story - that the character had been white?

I mean I get that you'd have preferred that the character had been a Muslim woman of color with a different story, but I'm not a big fan of fans who tell me which story to tell. This was the story we wanted to tell. This was the version of Halo we wanted to create.

But we could have made Gabrielle a white girl, I guess. She's a white girl in the comics. We could have had yet another blonde in the cast.

But we already had aliens who present as white, including Superman and Hawkwoman, among others. We've also had a dead girl who was white, i.e. Secret.

It seems to me that having Halo be a person of color - even a person of color who (as you dismissively note) was created from a corpse possessed by an alien spirit - was a step in the right direction. Especially since we knew where we were going with the character. You may not like how Violet became Violet, and I respect that. (I don't apologize for it, but I respect it.) But now that you've seen where we've taken the character, I wonder if there's another way to look at it.

Yes, Gabrielle is dead. Her death is horrible and tragic. She was vulnerable. And she was exploited and murdered. Now, she's dead.

But Violet is alive. They are not Gabrielle. But they are definitely a person of color (as much as Clark Kent's a white guy - and I think we can all agree that Clark Kent is a white guy). And now they're a person of color, who's interested in exploring the Muslim heritage that mattered so much to Gabrielle. In essence, Violet is seriously thinking about converting to Islam, in part because of Gabrielle's memory of faith. And I doubt we would've gotten that story if we'd made Gabrielle a white girl.

Because, here's the thing: we're doing genre fiction here. That means we are using aliens, demons, ghosts, mermaids and robots to tell stories about the human condition. I reject the notion that all our diversity MUST somehow come from fully human characters like Dick Grayson and Artemis Crock. Again, no one doubts that stories about a Kryptonian aren't capable of telling us something about the human condition. Or that Atlanteans and Amazons aren't human enough to empathize with. So some of our characters are going to have bizarre and even horrifying origins. That's the genre. So do we play it safe and only do white characters when we go inhuman?

Some of our aliens look like space aliens. Some look like humans. Most of those humans look white historically. We're trying to turn the battleship on that notion. So Martian Manhunter - when he looks human - looks Black. Icon is Black. Highmother and General Zod are Black. Lor-Zod is biracial. B'arzz O'oomm, when he looks human, looks Latinx. And Halo looks Arabic. It's not much. But it's a start.

Now, don't get me wrong. I understand that a big problem that you have with Halo is that Gabrielle was the only Muslim woman of color in the show. (It's not actually true, of course. But no one wants to count villains like Queen Bee or Talia al Ghul, who probably only pay lip service to being Muslim.) So we need more representation. More representation is always better. We're working on it. Maybe not as fast as everyone would like. But we're trying. Truly, honestly, trying. In fact, I've been trying to increase representation my entire career for all sorts of different communities. I know my track record is mixed. I've taken a lot of swings, and some of those swings have been misses. (And maybe Halo was another miss - though I truly don't think so.) But Elisa Maza didn't come from nowhere. I PUT her in Gargoyles. And that was nearly thirty years ago. We need to do better, and we continue to strive to do better. And, meanwhile, we have increased the Muslim representation in YJ. Madia's role has expanded. Khalid Nassour joined the cast. We met his Muslim parents briefly. And we're only getting started, frankly. I can't promise you we'll get more seasons. So maybe our progress on this particular show will be arrested. But I'm not done (I hope). And I will continue to strive to do the best I can. Because this MATTERS to me. I promise you. And we're also learning to bring in more voices. More readers like the folks at MPAC and GLAAD and ASAN. More diverse writers. An increasingly diverse cast. Etc. We're a work in progress. But even that IS progress.

All of which is NOT to say that you need to agree with us, with me, with any of it. Again, I respect your point of view. The decisions we made still work for us. But I don't have any illusion that I can somehow TALK you into making it work for you. Your responses to what's on the screen are your own. And they're valid. Period.

Still, we've done everything in our power in Season Four to make sure that everything we do with the character of Halo is as respectful as possible going forward. We don't always succeed. I just hope you see that we're trying.

Response recorded on May 05, 2022

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Nate writes...

Hi Greg! Here are some rather odd-ball questions that you may or may not have thought about regarding the worldbuilding/characterization in YJ, that I hope you'll have fun answering/pondering about.

#1 - Do Martians (in their natural form) have tear ducts? We've seen Miss Martian cry in her more humanoid-looking Martian appearance, but I don't believe we've ever seen Martians (like J'emm, for example) shed tears.
#2 - Do you interpret the main colors of hero's costumes to symbolize that character's favorite color? For example, do you think Dick's favorite color is blue, given that's the color of his Nightwing insignia? Artemis' green/orange? Barry's red? Batman's black? Etc. etc.?
#3 - I know you're big on tracking dates and times and all that jazz, but are you a stickler for checking such things as the moon cycle, days of the week, differing sunsets/sunrises, etc. etc. when coming up with dates? For example, say you had a scene take place right after midnight on August 16 (of whatever year), would you go and check what stage the moon would be that night? What day of the week that landed on? Etc. etc.
#4 - In the recent episodes of Artemis' arc, it was revealed that Onyx was the granddaughter of Will Everett, a.k.a. the Amazing Man, who Cheshire (and later Artemis) seemed to be unaware of. It was evident that the League of Shadows knew about him (it was why they kept an eye on her in the first place), but given that everyone else hadn't heard of him, is it safe to say that the history of superheroes just isn't a basic subject in school? Do kids not learn about the Justice Society of America or the All-Star Squadron when learning about World War II? (I realize that Amazing Man might not have been a member of either superhero group, but given Onyx's reaction to him not being known it seemed to imply he was at least a public hero and not a covert one).
#5 - Is Bart legally known as Bart Allen or Bart Garrick on his documentation? I know his guardians were the Garricks, but was he posing as their grandson? An orphan taken in by them? A relative of Barry and Iris? This might constitute a spoiler, but I thought I'd ask anyway. The situation kind of reminds me of how Artemis officially handled her "death" back in S2 from a legal standpoint once she came back from undercover, if that makes sense.

Anyways, thank you for your time. I hope you had some fun (or at least some food for thought?) answering these, and I sincerely hope you're having a great day. I'm still binging YJ:Phantoms and crossing my fingers for S5 every day!

Greg responds...

#1 - Haven't given it any thought. I'd have to confer with Brandon for a final answer, but I'm leaning toward... yes or maybe no.

#2 - Not necessarily.

#3 - I try to remember to check things like that, but it's already hard enough, so I'm definitely not a stickler. I do try to get the times of sunsets and sunrises correct in various locations.

#4 - He was a public hero. I doubt it's a school subject. And I'm not sure I agree that Tigress didn't know about him. Keeping one's response close to the vest can be prudent.

#5 - Bart Allen. No one said he was posing as their grandson. Jay and Joan were his legal guardians. That doesn't mean they had to be blood relatives - even fictional blood relatives.

Response recorded on May 05, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

where does Arsenal’s katana go after they leave the library? He’s not shown to carry it afterwards

Greg responds...

Really? That seems odd. Are you sure?

Response recorded on May 05, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

A. Does Will Harper know Moo Gi Gong? What martial arts does he practice?
B. Does Will train regularly with the other Star City vigilantes?

Greg responds...

A. I've never done the research into this.

B. Nowadays? When he has time, I suppose. (And by "other Star City vigilantes," I assume you're talking about the Arrow Family.)

Response recorded on May 05, 2022

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Gustavo writes...

Artemis Arc ends and i feel thats the time to me do some questions

1- In Marzz Arc we see a flashback with Tim Drake with the outsiders, is that right, a Batfamily member being a public hero?
2- Also Tim's uniform changed a lot since Season3, the same season that introduced Barbara as Oracle and Spoiler and Orphan already on the team. The questions are:
2a- Tim is Robin or Red Robin currently?
2b- If the last Stephanie was a Robin before being Spoiler?
2c- She and Cassandra were Batgirl at some moment or they started already as Spoiler and Orphan?
2d- Which year these two joined the team?
3- I really love how different the show decided adapt The Killing Joke event. Barbara's accident and Jason's death are two events the audience already saw so many times that it started being previsible but the show was in a totally original route, thank you. That's bring the question, when (Team Year) The Killing Joke event happened in YJ?
4- Artemis Arc was full or photos portraits and two of them intrigued me. When and where Will and Jade took that photo with Lian and most importantly when Will took that photo with the Team 0? Rocket joined in the end of Season1 and is in the picture and after Season1 Will was desesperate looking years for Roy, also Megan is too young there then sure that is before Season2. When Will found time to take that picture?

Greg responds...

1. Yep. Keep in mind, back in Season One, Robin was a public hero. BATMAN & ROBIN, the DYNAMIC DUO! Most people don't really get that this is a different Robin, anyway.

2a. Robin.

2b. The last Stephanie? Anyway, no. Stephanie's first - and so far only - nom de guerre is Spoiler.

2c. Spoiler and Orphan. There's only been one Batgirl to date: Barbara.

2d. Feels like I answered this already, but Spoiler joined in Team Year Eight. She also resigned from the Team in Team Year Eight. She rejoined in Team Year Nine. Orphan joined the Team in Team Year Nine.

3. If you mean the event at the U.N. when Batgirl was injured, it occurred in Team Year Eight.

4. That photo of the Team was taken in the Hall of Justice Library on the day - but just before - Red Arrow was officially inaugurated into the League. I mean, I shouldn't even tell you that. But all the evidence is there, including the winter clothes and the BG, so I figure it's pretty obvious.

Response recorded on May 04, 2022

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Hermin writes...

1)How is Lady Shiva able to survive a full sword strike through her body, and even more, able to stand up with just a bandage around her chest ?
2)How is Orphan able to defeat Shiva ("the most dangerous woman alive") while she can't even beat Black Spider during the last episode ? That feels unrealistic (even for a show with superheros ^^).
3) I know that's a bit old, but you said that Zatanna and Zatara cannot compete with chaos lords, so how is Zatara able to take them all down in season one (children/adults episode) ?
4) Dick feels to be the YJ emblem (B-01), but strangely he also feels to be a side character many times, don't you think he's sadly underused in your show ? I want to see more of him please :)

Greg responds...

1. She's a badass.

2. Shiva trained Orphan to be a killer, an even better killer than Shiva herself. But generally speaking, Orphan holds back, because she doesn't want to be a killer. Against Black Spider, Orphan is holding back, and her killer training doesn't always translate to her winning without killing. When fighting Shiva - the second time - Orphan was no longer holding back, thus proving Shiva right. Orphan's training makes her the perfect killer. But she doesn't want to use that training - except when she does. So (even for a show with superheroes) I have ZERO problem with this one.

3. He doesn't. Rewatch it.

4. The fact that Dick's designation is B-01 doesn't mean he's the emblem for the show, whatever that means. Every character's screen time varies from episode to episode and from season to season. There are plenty of characters who have had way less screen time than Dick, who by my detailed account ranks number three for all characters behind only Conner & M'gann. Beyond that, every fan has a different list of characters that they'd like to see get more screen time. I sympathize. BUT I HAVE TO IGNORE ALL OF YOU!!!! I mean, there is literally no way to make everyone happy. So instead, Brandon and I make ourselves happy and hope that enough of you still jam on the show to stick around.

Response recorded on May 03, 2022

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Clare Ionis Goat writes...

Regarding Cassandra's infiltration, I have some questions:

1. Why was she seen already using the Glamour Charm in the flashback fighting Onyx and later discussing with Lady Shiva about Onyx if the charm was part of the plan they concocted AFTER exchanging their concerns about Onyx? Why was Cassandra using it way before?
2. If they had to get the infiltrators back to Santa Prisca ASAP, why didn't Shade just teleport her along with the Lady Shiva and the others? If they didn't want a mole on the Team and had both things they were after - Orphan and the JL intel - why tell Tigress to bring Cassandra to Santa Prisca when they could have both things right there and then?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure you have the timeline right. Onyx overheard them talking long after they had any discussion about their concerns over her. But in any case, the plan for infiltration didn't have much to do with Onyx. That was an add on bit that worked to their advantage later. So the glamour charm - and the story about Killer Croc was put out there earlier.

2. You're giving Shade a lot of credit, and not giving much credit to Tigress and Cheshire, who would have defended Cassandra. Maybe Shade could've gotten her out. Maybe not. You're also assuming that Shiva knew that Cassandra already had the intel. That's not a safe assumption either.

Response recorded on May 03, 2022

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Marriages? writes...

Hello! I hope you're having a good day, I just wanted to stop by and ask some questions about the relationships (specifically, the married couples) in Young Justice.

1. You've been asked this before, but at the time you said that you never got around to calculating the date. I figure there's a chance you've done the math since then, so: what year did Orin and Mere get married?
2. What year did Clark and Lois get married?
3. What year did Jonathan and Martha Kent get married?
4a. What year did Jefferson Pierce and Lynn Stewart get married?
4b. What year did the two of them get divorced?
5. Given that Raquel had a bridal shower, it can be assumed she indeed got married not long after. Not asking for spoilers or a specific date or anything, but did you guys have the actual wedding date in-mind or just a vague timeframe?

I figure these are generally safe questions to ask, given that you've previously answered a similar question about when Iris and Barry got married. If not, though, I do apologize for wasting your time. I hope all is well, and given the nature of these questions, I hope your wife is having a nice day too! Enjoy!

Greg responds...

1. Nope. Sorry.

2. This one's easier to narrow down, but I haven't put it in the timeline, as of this moment.

3. 1956.

4a. Team Year Zero.

4b. Not yet on the timeline.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 03, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

In Phantoms, you have thus far been more conservative with depictions of sex, language, and violence & gore. This is not a criticism - just an observation. Is this a deliberate decision on your part, or has the shift from DC Universe to HBO Max imposed more limitations upon your subject matter? Or, is it a combination of the two?

Greg responds...

I don't think we have. But in any case, we've had no additional limitations "imposed" on us by HBO Max.

Response recorded on May 02, 2022

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Jason R Carter writes...

1. We have a pretty good idea of what Joker thinks of Riddler, but what does Riddler think of Joker?

2. Is it weird that I'm curious how Lex Luthor might be taking the news of Conner's apparent demise, assuming he knows?

3. Does Vandal Savage have an actual middle name?

Greg responds...

1. For the time being, I'll leave that to your imagination.

2. I don't think it's weird.

3. He has many.

Response recorded on May 02, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

How old is K'arr M'angg?

Greg responds...

K'arr M'angg was born in 1858.

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

Some Questions about Aliens

1. If Goode World Studios has been around since the 40s does that mean that Gretchen Goode has been running it since then; or did she just take over a studio that was already there? I would imagine it would get difficult to explain why she does not seem to age over a 70 year period of time.

2. The Collector of Worlds mentioned that the Super Cycle was New God Life-Tech, or New Genesian Life-Tech, or something like that. Does Life-Tech imitate living things so well that it actually GROWS? Or is the Super Cycle just getting bigger some other way, like through mechanical upgrades?

3. If Martians can live for centuries, murder is incredibly rare on Mars, and they breed large families, then should overpopulation not become a problem quickly? Especially on a planet so small.

4. While they were on Mars was the high pressure under the ground simulating Earth gravity?

5. If not how was Super Boy able to walk normally under Mars' much lighter gravity?

Greg responds...

1. Goode World Studios has not been around since the 40s. I understand where that confusion came about, but Jonathan Lord's early movies were NOT produced by Goode World. They were produced by a now defunct studio. Goode World sponsored the restoration of these films.

2. It's constantly evolving - in stages.

3. Yes. It's a problem. Which may explain there "need" for caste systems that scapegoat.

4. Something like that.

5. See above.

Response recorded on April 28, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

So regarding the Meta-Gene from my understanding it is essentially a genetic marker that can unlock natural abilities due to experiencing extreme stress and duress. The meta gene also happens to be opportunistic in nature and now here is my big question What about the Flash Family they gained their powers through a specific experiment and have no blood relations to each other so why manifest powers so similar to each other.
2. Would Flash Family be considered meta humans or should we consider all humans with powers meta-human.
3. Should Superman be classified as a meta since he didn't seem to suffer by side effects of Granny's Anti Life Equation machine Device in Terminus or should we just attribute this to kryptonian endurance and yellow sun radiation.

Greg responds...

1. Something about Jay's accident, which Barry recreated under laboratory conditions and Wally recreated under garage lab conditions, leads to speed. (Bart inherited his speed from his grandfather.)

2. If tested, you'd discover that all four have the meta-gene.

3. The latter.

Response recorded on April 20, 2022

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Pandy writes...

Why did you guys decide to completely abandon the friendships of the OG crew in S4? What made me love YJ was their interpersonal dynamics. When it was announced that the season would focus on them, I didn't expect them to be completely separated from each other. I miss them together. I feel that you don't understand that part of the success of YJ is the relationships you've developed between the orginal team.

Greg responds...

I would tend to disagree with you and, as has become common here at ASK GREG with reference to Young Justice, to ask you to have patience.

Response recorded on April 20, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Interestingly, the real name for the YJ version of Orphan that you chose was Cassandra Wu-San; as opposed to Cassandra Cain like in the comics. This then prompts the question of whether or not David Cain is still Cassandra Cain's father in the YJ animated universe and, if he is, would this then suggest that the change to Cassandra Cain's last name seemingly indicate that her father was likely never involved (or was never allowed to be) in her life?

Greg responds...

Sorry, but this just gets one big NO SPOILERS at this time.

Response recorded on April 20, 2022

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Clark Cradic writes...

Does Black Canary have a civilian life/job or is she more or less a hero full time?

Greg responds...

She has a civilian life and a civilian job (or two).

Response recorded on April 20, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

In "I Know Why the Caged Cat Sings', Clark seemed to be dancing around an issue with Jon. He spoke about Connor's journey ending which implies the existence of a soul and an afterlife.

Why not just come out and say that Superman believes in God and Connor's soul is in Heaven? Are you concerned about offending someone or making it seem like the show supports a particular religion? As an agnostic, I have no problem with characters having religious beliefs. I don't even have a problem with you mentioning Jesus, Muhammad, Yahweh, or Krishna. It would completely in keeping with Superman's character to believe in a higher power or a higher good. The only time I have a problem with people's beliefs is when they try to impose them on others.

Or, am I proceeding on a false premise?

Greg responds...

I don't think Clark was dancing. He just wasn't talking about it. He was trying to explain death, not the afterlife. In talking with experts, we learned it's best not to mix topics when explaining them to small children. But Martha clearly didn't get that memo and stated her beliefs to Jonny very clearly in the very same scene.

I think by now, it's fairly clear that we're an ecumenical show, one that is open to many religions and has OBJECTIVELY demonstrated that the soul exists.

The latter bothers me, by the way. I'd love to be more inclusive of atheists. I aspire to be an atheist myself, but frankly I'm too superstitious. And I don't know how - in the fantasy world of Earth-16, which includes things like ghosts, phantoms, souls, demons, gods, etc. - to make space for true atheism, which is a philosophy I find most admirable in real life. But it's tough to run with in a genre show.

Response recorded on April 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

How old is Martha Kent?

Greg responds...

Martha Clark was born in 1938.

Response recorded on April 19, 2022

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Mei writes...

I have a question that hopefully won't be considered a spoiler by the time you get it.

I'm baffled by Jade's decision to stay on Infinity Island AFTER Sensei admitted to manipulation. Did that admission not matter to her? I understand her concerns about not wanting to drag Lian into "the life"... but does she still consider Sensei and Ra's trustworthy enough to believe Sensei's statement about rehab and not being in the business anymore? I'm a bit surprised Artemis agreed to it so easily, too. If the answer doesn't constitute a spoiler, could you explain her headspace a bit?

Greg responds...

I guess I could. But I won't. I think honesty - even honesty about past sins - is always disarming. But in the end, I think it's best to leave it to the audience's interpretation.

Response recorded on April 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. If any more Gargoyles projects ever get launched, have you considered what platform you want it have? Streaming on exclusive platform or TV? It would be amazing to have a more mature rating, so Gargoyles can tell mature stores without worrying about censoring anything.
2. I don’t know if you answered this already, but just in case - what are Gargoyles views of sexuality? Lexington is gay, I’m curious about how they views of LBGTQ.
3. I think Gargoyles would an awesome video game one day! Have you ever thought about it? I play with Brooklyn (my favorite) the most, what about you?
4. I know you love make allusions your works in your other shows. Will there for allusions to Gargoyles in upcoming episodes of Young Justice? Zatanna’s arc is next, I’ll keep my eyes peel!
5. Aside of Gabriel and Angela, I wish we could know more about the Avalon clan! I know during a break in the World Tour arc, Goliath spend time with the them. Was any moments you would have like to have show with Goliath bonding with his children and introducing more named members of the clan?

Greg responds...

1. Honestly, I'll take what I can get. But I assume the most likely venue is Disney+. At least at the moment. Not that they've asked.

2. They have no issues with it. Basically, they have a "You Do You" mentality.

3. There was a Gargoyles video game back in the day. But I think you had to be Goliath. I'm not sure though. Never played it. I'm not a gamer.

4. By now, you should have seen a few...

5. I have lots of stories. Just need a venue...

Response recorded on April 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

So I had a question with regards to Face Your Fears-
1. Wally is the first one to break out of the effects of Medusa Mask which he cites is probably due to his fast metabolism. Was this assessment of Wally wrong or right.
2. Does this mean Wally has more resistance or will the effects of emotion manipulation will have a shorter impact, basically does his fast metabolism give him any advantages.
3. Also Why has the Light not been able to create a speedster as fast as Barry, Wally or Jay, as you have revealed earlier Jaculi and Trajectory are both slower is it because of Barry's notes which the Light doesn't have, so does that mean Barry's note are under lock and key meanwhile Light has weaker speedsters than even Barry.

Greg responds...

1. I think it's wise to leave that to your interpretation.

2. It doesn't hoit!

3. Barry is considerably faster than Jay or Wally ever were. Bart is more or less at Barry's level, though not quite. Still, he's younger, so he may some day wind up even faster than Barry. Trajectory is not as fast as Jay. Jaculi was not as fast as Trajectory is. After Wally stole Barry's notes, Barry made sure no one else could ever steal those notes again.

Response recorded on April 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why did shade join the league of shadows?

Greg responds...

He and Ra's go way back. WAY back.

Response recorded on April 18, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

So this post is going to be about Barbara and the sequence of how she becomes Oracle in your series.

For starters, one change I greatly enjoyed is the fact you made Barbra lose her legs in the LINE OF DUTY. I mean this in a good way, but rarely do we see the heroes get hurt in significant way that impedes them. For Barbara, getting hurt on a mission like reminds us that this is dangerous work yet she does it regardless of the risk. I never liked the way it is handled in Killing Joke, as just reduces Barbra to feeling like a mere victim. And I know that serves the main theme of that story, i.e random tragedy, but it always felt like a bit of disservice to her character.

Now to the negative stuff. Or maybe the nitpicking stuff? Ok, so one thing I do enjoy in a story is the consistency of knowledge in how characters react to the story. The audience/viewer often have an omnipresent view of events. We know things that happening that the characters do not. One example is how we know the Light are the ones behind everything in Season 1, yet the heroes still believe it to be the work of the Injustice League because that's all the information they have. And this is reflected in how they operate going forward until they get more information on the Light. Characters knowing things that should be out of their scope is something I dislike because of how inconsistent it appears especially when it's done for convenience of the writers to have characters know or react to things in some manner despite them not knowing something.

This brings me to the exchange between Barbara and Orphan.

'I did it to save you'

This is great sentiment, but it feels very much unearned, since Barbara, by all accounts does not know this person she is saving, nor does she know what kind of impact these words will have on her.

We know who Orphan is based on what Cheshire said. She was raised her entire life to be a living weapon, trained to kill and could never be anything beyond that. Barbara stopping her from killing, at the expense of her legs makes an impact on Orphan because it rattles the world view she was raised with and such an act of empathy is not something she would be used.

But Barbara (as far as I can tell) does NOT know anything about Orphan's circumstances. Artemis did not even know anything until Cheshire told her. And I have to assume Batman only learned about Orphan's background after taking her in. From Barbara's point of view, this is just a random Shadow sent by the Light to kill the Joker. Kinda like all those Shadow goons the heroes often beat up. The heroes don't know that this one is special, while the audience does know this. What if this had been Black Spider, Rictus, Sportsmaster or Deathstroke? I know Barbara would save the Joker regardless, but it's not like she would take Slade's hand and say she was trying to save his soul. Another point is that Barbara does not know if Orphan has killed prior to this incident. Hell, I don't think even the audience knows if Orphan has killed before this. So, it comes off as little naive for her to say that this was done to protect Orphan from the act of taking a life.

Basically, if my inane rambling makes any sense, what I'm trying to say is that exchange between Barbara and Orphan is unearned and lacks an emotional investment. Or at least did for me, not necessarily others. It’s just….Barbara saying she wants to help this random assassin requires more depth between her and Orphan than what was presented. And it seems to rely on the fact the audience is well aware of Orphan's situation, but the characters in the show are not. WE know this saves Orphan, but Barbara does not know this. If this had been another Shadow, I'd imagine they would just leave Barbara to bleed out and go on their merry way.

But now I'm going to play Devil's advocate for a second. I suppose that since Orphan actually stopped in the middle of her mission, kneeling in front of the wounded Barbara and even taking off her mask may have been enough of an indication to Barbara that she was not some cold blooded assassin but a genuine first timer. I guess Barbara was going out on limb based on Orphan's very…..human reaction?

I don't want anything that I said to come off as….bad. But I want to be honest too. I love Young Justice greatly as much as I love Gargoyles (and WITCH btw), so I want to be constructive when I criticize it. Maybe things will play out as the show goes further, I will wait and see. Maybe there was more to your thought process on this all worked that I am simply not seeing. But those were my thought on how you handled Barbara becoming Oracle.

Looking forward to rest of Season 4

Greg responds...

You're skipping one very important thing. (And that's aside from the fact that you don't really know what Barbara did and didn't know.) And that's the obvious fact that Orphan is a CHILD. Clearly, visually, a child. Batgirl could SEE that. I could go on, but I wonder if that would change your opinion. (I realize it might not, but it makes a big difference to me.)

Response recorded on April 14, 2022

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Walker writes...

Has Beast Boy met Superman's Jonathan before conner died on mars?

Greg responds...

I assume you mean Superman's son Jonny Kent, correct? If so, yes. He's likely also met Superman's father, Jonathan Kent, in case that's whom you meant.

Response recorded on April 13, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1)Is Artemis Terra's mentor?

2)How would you characterize their relationship? I ask because I get the impression after Outsiders that they're really tight.

3) A lot of these mentor-protege relationships seem to blur the lines between teacher, friend, and family member, don't they?

Greg responds...

1. One of them, yes. Emotionally, perhaps the most important one.

2. They are. I'd say Artemis is like a big sister to Terra.

3. For better or for worse, yep.

Response recorded on April 13, 2022

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YoungJusticeFAN writes...

How long is bio-ship life spawn?

Greg responds...

Um... about thirty meters from nose to tail, at least initially. That's just an estimate based on the visual. I'm not too good at estimating this sort of thing, however. Maybe it's more of a question for Brandon.

Response recorded on April 12, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. Did Night wing forgive Orphan for what she Unintentionally did to Bat girl when they first met or does he have some resentment of her but is still mature about it? 2.How did Dubbilex, Jim, and everyone else in geranium city react when they herd about what happened to Superboy on mars? 3 . Does Brooklyn maine seem like an odd town to you as well? because apart From the Mayor Sheriff Maguire and the newsgirls the town seemed empty. most places in Brooklyn where closed Miss Rodriguez seemed to be the only patren in the library in the season 3 episode Brooklyn Maine was featured and (yes i know it can count as both a Newsboy legion and i. q. reforince as well) Gaby Gabrielli sead she had a study date with ''Big words'' before she corrected herself somthing about all of it seems odd to me

Greg responds...

1. He forgave her. Whether he doesn't have dark moments EVER, is another story. But he has forgiven her.

2. To the extent that we've shown you their mourning in tidbits, there you are. Beyond that, I'm fine leaving it to your imagination.

3. It was a cold winter night during the off-season, when businesses close early. The battle took place in a specific area, that was not residential. It wasn't meant to be odd, in any case.

Response recorded on April 12, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Halo wear a hijab but then wear a skintight bodysuit?

Greg responds...

Halo/Violet is a work in progress. They were easily influenced as they moved forward from their unique creation.

So the memory of the hijab being important to Gabrielle lingered and made Halo more comfortable in one. But all their new super-hero buddies wear skintight bodysuits - and that's literally what Dick tossed over to them, so Halo took that as a given, as well. What they choose going forward as Violet begins to assert their own individuality is going to be more telling, ultimately, than what they wore at the beginning of the journey, when they were still finding their way.

It's the same with pronouns, in essence. They were fine being addressed as she, at first. But when they stopped to think and decide for themselves, they landed on preferring they/them pronouns.

Again, a work in progress.

Aren't we all?

Once upon a time, I thought I looked cool wearing a bowler hat. No joke. (I mean I looked like a joke, but I really liked it!)

Response recorded on April 12, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg - YJ is a great show that obviously resonates with a lot of people. But sometimes I feel like the writers don't realize why people love the show so much.

I think most people got hooked on the character development and world-building of Season 1. Seeing our favorite comic characters reimagined in this unique universe you've created. The rest of the seasons have been more focused on driving the plot forward, at the expense of character. The time skip disappointed a lot of people because years of character development and interactions happened off screen. And as the cast got bigger, it became clear that only some characters were going to get screentime while others were basically scenery. This was also disappointing for the fans of characters that were introduced in later seasons; especially for characters that have never been properly portrayed in DC media like Cassie, Tim, Cissie, Cassandra, Stephanie, etc. I wanted to see all of them get the same type of treatment the Season 1 cast got, but there are so many characters that we barely know anything about. And with the time skips, we may never get to know them because the writers have decided they're not important for the plot.

I remember lots of fans gave you this type of feedback during Season 2, and you tbh you were kind of dismissive about it and then doubled down on the approach in Season 3. I know this is ultimately your show, but I wish you would take the feedback from the fans who fell in love with it.

Greg responds...

Hi, Anonymous. I don't mean to be dismissive. But at the end of the day, I don't see HOW we could possibly satisfy your criteria.

I mean think about it. If this were a quote-unquote "normal show," we'd have stuck with our original six characters with no time skips. You'd never have even SEEN Cassie, Tim, Cissie, Cassandra and Stephanie, let alone gotten any character development for them. By season four, we'd still be in the middle of the first time skip. You'd have Raquel. Zatanna. Maybe Troia and Garth. Maybe Jason. But we wouldn't have even touched on the names on your list.

And I don't agree that we sacrificed character development in Seasons Two and Three for plot. Those seasons were indeed plot driven, in the sense that who we focused on was driven by plot. Hence, S2 gave Jaime a lot of focus that he hasn't had since. And S3 gave Garfield a lot of focus. Etc. But each season was, I think, objectively rich in character development. But just not for the characters that you personally were most interested in seeing developed. And I am 100% sure that there are many, many fans who would chose the exact same characters as you for their development preferences. But there are also many, many fans who would only pick some of the characters you listed and substitute other choices for the ones they don't care so much about. And many, many fans who would have an entirely different list from yours. There's literally no way to satisfy everyone. And so when you say we should listen to fan feedback, whose should we listen to? Yours? Some other fan who has a different set of priorities?

In the end, we can't listen to anyone except ourselves. We have to be passionate about the show, or else we can't expect anyone else to be passionate about it. We just have to cross our fingers and hope that our preferences resonate with as many fans as possible. So far, that's worked out pretty well for us. Though there have been plenty of fans who haven't been thrilled, and many who are downright disgruntled with us. Such is life. Again, that's not me being dismissive. It's me being realistic.

And, in any case, with the obvious exception of Wally, if your primary interest was in the original group (i.e. Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann and Artemis), then I think the time skips have aided us in developing these five characters to a greater degree than we could have done without them. Again, without them, you'd have never seen Kaldur go from Aqualad to Aquaman. You'd have never seen him go undercover with Black Manta. You'd have never seen him with Wynnde, etc. We'd still be stuck in a perennial Season One mode. There'd be some character development of course, but nothing near the level we've been able to bring to you across our four seasons.

And in any case, season four is extremely character focused and on the seven characters shown in the season's main title: Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann, Artemis, Raquel and Zatanna. Those seven might not be your first choice for development, and I can understand that. But five of those seven have been our leads since the beginning, so per your own argument, that's who we SHOULD be focused on.

Response recorded on April 11, 2022

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Trent writes...

Does Tigress's uniform have stealth-tech? If so, why did she not use it when sneaking around Santa Prisca in 4x07?

Greg responds...

1. I would think so.

2. Maybe she felt her colored version would blend in better in the jungles of Santa Prisca.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Darren writes...

How do Miss Martian's parents feel out Miss Martian and Beast Boy viewing each other as sister and brother ? Does Miss MARTIAN's parents view Beast boy as being part of thier family ?

Greg responds...

1. At this point, just fine.

2. They have come to, yes.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Terutor writes...

Hi Mr Weisman,
In Ep7 of YJ: Phantoms, Nightwing requests a medevac to someone known as A33. This sounds like a guest designation, but I can't find who it is assigned to. Could you tell us who that was, or is it someone brought up later in the season? Thanks.

Greg responds...

I could indeed tell you, but our policy is not to spoil such things until they are (a) revealed in actual canon content or (b) clearly no longer have a shot at being revealed in canon content for some reason (e.g. the character has switched categories and would never again use their old designation). Neither applies to A-33.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Jade always acts "pissy" when she talks to Artemis. My reading of Jade's attitude is that it's a cover for her feelings of guilt over having not been a better sister or mother. Is this a good reading?

Greg responds...

I don't think "pissy" is a good reading. I don't think that describes even half of their interactions over four seasons and a video game.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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