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RESPONSES 2001-9 (Sept)

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Anonymous writes...

Did Mab have any children besides Oberon? If so are they more or less powerful than Oberon?

Greg responds...

Not answering this now.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Was it intentional to make Nick Maza similar to Captain of the Guard since both are described by you in the Garg bible and the 2198 contest as much like a gargoyle as a human can be?

Greg responds...

You're taking that too literally.

I was actually trying to connect Nick up to Tom, thematically.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

since Fox has twice as much Children of Oberon blood in her as Alex and Alex has managed to live til 2198 would Fox herself still be alive in 2198?

Greg responds...

Not revealing one way or another.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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Punchinello writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I'm sorry I did not acknowledge your response before now. I only realized that you had addressed my post on sentience a moment ago.

I did not really think that you condoned the obliteration of a family of polar bears (anthropomorphic or otherwise). I was raising the issue because I think I am observing a trend wherein people are only assigning value to a life based upon an inference of anthropomorphism. That is to say, some people are investing their ethical concern in something based upon how much it resembles a human being; and this is hardly an objective premise to begin with. Semblance to human beings, mental or otherwise, can not constitute a requirement for being worthy of consideration or protection. However I do believe that it is reasonable to assign values based upon certain criteria from within our own perspectives (it's the only thing we can assign values from) as long as we make a concerted effort to avoid an obviously centrist sentiment like using ourselves as a template for what is worth consideration.

If someone were to ask me what criteria I thought were appropriate, I would probably return to what has already been implied. Intelligence. Emotional intuition. Volition. And a whole host of perceptual characteristics. Those things from which emerge a picture of mental life. Perhaps an ability to suffer and to anticipate conditions which cause or alleviate suffering, and to desire to distance ones self from a cause of it. However, if we are going to determine the presence of those capacities with nothing but purely verifiable data, then we fall in league with the evolutionary psychologists foundation of mental within the biological. And the biological machinery necessary to mediate these abilities is certainly not the exclusive domain of Homo Sapiens. (I _do_ subscribe to the evolutionary psychologist foundation by the way. I like to have data I can verify beyond "it is true because it is so.")

For a lot of people though, these emergent mental properties are always considered as something transcendent of biology, immeasurable, even inviolate, because I have observed others react with hostility to the reduction of mental qualities to biology. On numerous occasions. Thinking that way leads to all kinds of misunderstandings, however. Another contributor to this board, Entity, had taken the position that humans and gorillas were intelligent but dogs were not. I found this extremely interesting because even outside the realm of biological architectures in the brain I could use as a foundation for taking the evolutionary psychologist position, it needs to be acknowledged that even within social psychology dogs are attributed a measurable intelligence. It's not extraordinary. My dog has an IQ of 12 or so for instance. And of course these kinds of figures are disputable, because it really requires the participation of the test subject past his simple presence to get accurate results. I would submit that the whole concept of IQ as it is accepted within the social sciences borders on being fraudulent anyway. The point is that the ascription of non-intelligence that was made about the dog was arbitrary. It was not informed by the physical _or_ social sciences. It was just an assumption. And that kind of casual valuization can be dangerous when it functions as the basis for how much respect we offer another. This is not a slight against this Entity. I'm just using this as an example to outline the stated purpose of my original post. If people are going to hold these positions they maintain, then they need to ask themselves why they have that particular belief. If they have this mental dialogue with themselves and they cannot answer that first question, then it is time to evaluate how much their beliefs represent reality.

I'm probably as guilty as anyone of overusing, or rather overbilling the issue of "sentience". I think the concept has its uses. But it's probably used as a crutch too often.

I would agree. I think of it as a crutch of language. Some people subscribe to an ideology that is a holdover from religious impulses. It maintains that the mantle of "human" is sacred and unapproachable. They need to define what the quality of "human" is that makes it thus, without any background knowledge of cognitive science so that it fits their sensibilities. They can adopt the hazily defined expression, "sentience", imported from popular culture, via star trek, to articulate their position. For some others, the mental capacities of non human animals may be very well understood. They may acknowledge capacities for reflection and emotion, but they still need a convenient means of distinguishing various abilities. So an imprecise language becomes common.

Greg responds...

Agreed. And I'll also admit that your thinking on this subject is much more sophisiticated than mine has been.

I think a lot of how we are defining sentience does come down to the "Potential for Direct Communication", which is of course a fairly preposterous criteria.

On the other hand, if it is truly another hand, I don't think these ideas are mutually exclusive with notions of religion. Dog heaven, man. You know?

And don't worry about not getting back to me sooner. As I'm sure you've noticed, there's something of a delay going on in this whole system. I have trouble keeping up with the posts here. So as long as you remind me of what we were talking about, we should be fine.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

in the gargoyles universe, why did the chicken cross the road?

i'm not telling a joke, i'm looking for an answer. i swear theres a good one here somewhere... and this will keep me busy til the next contest!

Greg responds...

To find out how many gargoyles it takes to screw in a lightbulb, I guess.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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Lacey writes...

Which character do you feel is most like you, or closely resembles you physically and/or mentally?

Greg responds...

None really resembles me physically, I think. But many of you have seen me at Gatherings. Do you agree?

As for mentally... if you took ALL the characters and squashed them together you'd get me, I think.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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Yttrium writes...

You mentioned you were in a play called THE WARRIOR'S HUSBAND and played Theseus. Could you tell us what it was about?


Greg responds...

Sure. Although, keep in mind, that I was in this play over twenty years ago. So I may be misremembering stuff. I'd recommend hitting a library and reading it for yourself. It's by Julian Thompson.

But anyway... Hercules and Theseus attack the Amazons to get the girdle of Hippolyta, which Herc needs to complete his ninth labor. Homer is along to report on the action.

Hercules is very strong and carries a big club, but is neither bright nor brave in this play. Theseus is smart and cunning and good with a sword. He likes to let Herc stand up as the front man, while he makes things work behind the scenes. He's used to getting his way.

The Greeks come up against the Amazon Queen Hippolyta and her younger sister Princess Antiope. All the Amazon men are pretty wimpy. The title character is an Amazon man named Sapiens, Hippolyta's husband. He gains backbone as the play progresses.

Theseus and Antiope do battle. Antiope is very turned on to find a man who can hold his own with her. Theseus, used to just getting what he wants, is also knocked for a loop to find an equal in this woman. They fall in love. Together, they end the war. Herc gets a girdle. Not THE girdle, but everyone figures no one will notice the difference. It ends happily.

It's a bit of fluff, but I remember really liking it. Fun fluff. (It probably didn't hurt that in rehearsing the kiss between Antiope and Theseus, Elizabeth and I sort of discovered that we liked each other. As a result, we were boyfriend and girlfriend throughout my senior year of high school. So, as you can imagine, my memories of the play are rather fond.) Elizabeth also recently reminded me that David Schwimmer, now of FRIENDS, played Giganius the Herald.

FYI, Katharine Hepburn played Antiope in the original Broadway cast.

And thanks for asking this question. It makes me very nostalgic.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

in The Mirror when the are in that plaza and battling Demona as humans, why is there a shop selling medieval weopons? Demona breaks a store window and all of a sudden the clan starts grabbing swords, sheilds, maces, spears, axes... why are those in NYC?

Greg responds...

They just are. Have you been to New York? They sell all sorts of things there.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

Legion questions:

1. when Recap downloaded the computer virus through the taser line from Coldstone, why didn't the virus destroy recaps programming?

2. when Coldstone first arrives at the Clocktower with Goliath and Lex, Bronx is growling at him. why? Iago has yet to take control of Coldstone. does Bronx just hate the cybernetics of Coldstone or does he sense the evil one or something?

Greg responds...

1. It destroyed much of Recap's programming. But keep in mind, Xanatos knew what he was after. So he got the virus working on a loop of some kind so that it wouldn't SELF-destruct.

2. I'd have to see it again.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

Broadway bring back Maggie's Genutech bracelet after they first encounter her and Elisa says its a tracking device. doesn't that mean that Genutech knows where they went with it? is this how Xanatos found their new home? why wasn't the clan worried about bringing a tracking device into their home? seems kinda foolish to me, esspecially in light of what would happen with a tracking device in Hunters Moon!

Greg responds...

I'm fairly certain that Broadway says it's busted now. (But perhaps I'm confusing it with another episode.)

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

in Metamorphosis Elisa and Matt show up at Genutech to investigate a kidnapping. whose kidnapping are they investigateing? i wouldn't think it was Maggie cuz i don't know who would report her as missing, and why would they think to look for anyone at Genutech anyway?

Greg responds...

I'd have to see it again, but I think they were investigating Maggie on Brooklyn and Broadway's tip. (Obvioulsy, Elisa must have been circumspect about what she revealed to Matt and the folk at Gen-U-Tech.)

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

why did you decide to redo the look of the Mutates after Metamorphosis? esspecially Talon, his hair got smoother and darker, he lost his tail, and all the Mutates gained retinas in their eyes, not just white like Bronx's. and yes, he did have a tail!

2. in the garg universe do you have an explanation for the change in appearence? like perhaps they were still mutating? i don't know how that explains gaining a tail then losing it...

Greg responds...

1. I didn't. Frank did. I just didn't object.

2. Yes. They were still mutating. That's why I didn't object. It was absorbed back into their bodies as their human dna regained some ascendency.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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Punchinello writes...

I just reviewed what I have written here. It's so formal it's almost offensive. I'm sorry. I don't think one can talk about issues like this without sounding (obtuse? Stuffy? Something like that.) And not a word about Gargoyles.

Let me leave the realm of animal intelligence's for a minute and consider the intelligence of some of the more fantastical characters in your story. The fae. When I think about this kind of (ethereal?) character, these are the kinds of associations that I make.

-The thought of angels moves faster than human thought. (I don't recall where that comes from)

-A four dimensional object or being will cast a three dimensional shadow. (That's an observation Buckminster Fuller made.)

-A being that cannot die will have no concept of death, and certainly will not attach values, positive or negative, to the ending of a life. (This is a condensed and bastardized summary of some of the speculation of extraterrestrial intelligence's that participants of the SETI program publicized.)

I hope some of the above makes sense. My thinking is this. That the content of fae thought/mentality may be fundamentally different from homo sapiens thinking. Not just an accelerated or enhanced analogue of human thought, but structurally different. Our mental world is the emergent condition of innumerable biological systems interacting with one another. I have no reason to conclude that the fae's intelligence emerges from anything reductionist in nature. It is a condition that exists without origin in biology (potentially). Everything that we think of as intelligence rests on an evolutionary foundation of connections to allow us to successfully distinguish between things we can eat and things that will eat us. It would be absurd to think that the fae (who I don't think were subject to natural selection through predation) would have an intelligence structured upon the same principles. Simple alternative concepts like "either or" may not have the same meaning to them. This could go far towards explaining why they are so damned irritating.

My second thought on the matter, in reference to the three dimensional shadow concept, is that the visual representation we get of the fae in the story may be a poor representation of the reality. I use the concept of a hypothetical four dimensional being to illustrate. A two dimensional being could be aware of my presence if I allowed it to, although it would be a simple matter to remove myself from it's perception with a minor movement. However it's awareness could not give it a complete representation of what I am. It could only understand me as a fragment that can be translated into something comprehensible within the context of it's world. I can easily attribute an extra dimensional quality to beings like Oberon and Puck who seem o appear and disappear at will. We might not be able to understand completely, what they are. Only that the portion of them that is represented in three dimensions resembles a group of tall, angular, oddly complexioned people in period costume.

My third observation of the fae, and in particular of Oberon who has demonstrated a dispassionate distance to killing his rivals in certain instances, is that he may have no concept of murder because he may have no concept of death. (Yes I know that he reacted to the iron bell in such a way that would indicate it was harmful to him. Even lethal.) However, even if he were to express a concept of death we would not be able to be certain that his concept was anything like our concept. Does death mean an end for him? If it does not, then the gravity we attach to it may be lost on him and the other fae.

I think my point is that while it would certainly not be appropriate to think of a creature like this in human terms, i'm not even certain you can extrapolate "human" from him. There could be creatures, so far removed from human experience that it would be impossible. Of course, the associations that I make with the fae are not going to be the same ones that you make. Your concept of them may fall within human experience. You have other creatures though. Your space spawn. They would certainly have been subject to mental dispositions grounded in a different biology. We're conditioned with the genetic remainders of our hunter gatherer ancestors. They would be conditioned with something else. I dont know what. Something spawny probably.

Greg responds...

Spawny. I like that.

Play with these ideas:

1. I believe that Oberon's Children evolved from the Will-O-the-Wisp.

2. I believe that they can die, as completely or not as any human. But they can't die of old age, unless they stubbornly insist on maintaining a mortal form until it kills them. They are therefore, acutally, technically mortal themselves, but don't truly comprehend mortality (if that makes sense). So they like to pretend they are fully immortal, fully untouchable. (Well, that's a generalization, really. Individuals may vary.)

3. I don't necessarily believe that we have seen the true form of any of Oberon's Children. We have seen 'preferred forms', but not anything that isn't just as much of a guise as any other shape they've taken on.

4. When they transform into a mortal of whatever species -- as opposed to just taking on the glamour of a mortal -- they are bound by all the rules of that species, save ONE. They can transform back.

5. I don't find them as irritating as you seem to.

Anyway, play with those five notions and get back to me.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Do you think that the the music in "the Green" was a bit over done when we first saw the pyramid? I think they had seen seen a few other more impressive sights, like egypt's pyramids, and Easter Island's heads. I'm not complaining, just wondering why the music was so dramatic.

Greg responds...

Well, I'd have to look at it again, I guess.

But probably, my answer would be "NO." After all, I was present when we mixed the show and I must have approved the music at that time.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

1. from where did Gabriel inherit his chin horns and strange brow ridges? neither Othello or Desdemona have them, are these traits recessive from a biological grandparent(s)?

2. any reason why Iago is the only other garg to have the chin horns besides Gabriel?

3. what does Ophelia find physically attractive about Gabriel?

4. doesn't Gabriel have any close male friends?

5. is the reason Gabriel was the only male garg we were introduced to on Avalon because so many of the main characters up til "Avalon" were male, esspecially gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. Potentially. (Again, I'd ask you, what answer did you think I'd give?)

2. The only other one you've seen, you mean.

3. Probably lots.

4. I'm sure he does.

5. Mostly, it's about time limits and design limits. Just the reality of making television.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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Punchinello writes...

It brings me to another distinction: the one between sentience and artificial intelligence. Coyote, for instance, can throw a zinger, but is he self-aware? I don't think he is. Xanatos hasn't achieved (or would wish to achieve) that much, has he?

I don't know anything about computer technology past it's relationship to cognitive studies into artificial intelligence. There is a lot of dispute about the possibility of an actual computer intelligence. I'm not competent to say if the possibility is real but I would not discount it. I can see numerous avenues for foundations for intelligence besides the neurochemical variety. Incidentally, I once took a Turing test...and failed. I was delighted.

Greg responds...

I don't know what a "Turing test" is. Sorry.

I believe that in the Gargoyles Universe that artificial intelligence is truly possible. I just don't think any Coyote robot we've seen has truly achieved it yet.

Matrix may be closer.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

1. in Leader of the Pack when the clan learns from Elisa that the Pack escaped from prison Lex wants to head off to PMS cuz he thinks they'll return there like "snakes to a nest", Goliath and Elisa try to stop him and then Brooklyn says he'll go with Lex to PMS to check it out. what gives Brooklyn the authority to just run off with Lex like that, hes not yet Second and he never asks Goliath or anyone if they can go?

2. what does "snakes to a nest" mean anyway? from what i know of snakes, they all abandon their eggs completly or stay with their eggs until they hatch.

Greg responds...

1. Look, these guys have been working together for awhile. Brooklyn makes the offer (whether he phrases it that way or not), and Goliath tacitly accepts. What's going on here, primarily, is that everyone is aware that Lex is out of control. Elisa (and thus Goliath and Brooklyn and everyone) don't believe that the Studio is a likely place for the Pack to go to. So Brooklyn goes along to keep Lex out of trouble at a theoretically harmless location.

2. Ask the writer. I was just the producer.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

1. did Dingo meet up with Coyote for the first time when he was in Europe or was it when he returned to the States?

2. how well did Dingo know Coyote? did he know that it was 'Xanatos'?

Greg responds...

1. That's a story for another day.

2. Not well. No.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

1. does Coyote from Upgrade still have the memories of his original version from Leader of the Pack?

2. since the head of Coyote Version 1 was destroyed in Version 2 does Version 3 or 4 still have the memories of Version 1 and 2?

what i'm asking is, did each Coyote Version that Xnatos built have a completly blank memory to start with or were the memories from the previous Coyotes passed on.

and i agree that with all these Coyotes, Coyote was probably a relative of Wile E. Coyote.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

Passed on.

And that was the idea.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Is the reason you created the clone's differn't skin, eyes and hair pigmintation, because you didn't want another cartoon where your trying to figure out which one is the real Goliath or Lexington? Or at least not overdue it since this happend latter with Proteus?

Greg responds...

I liked Thailog's look. It was partially inspired by the changes that John Byrne made to the Fantastic Four's costumes in the eighties.

But yes. Though we played the beat for a couple of acts, I didn't want to do EVIL TWIN takes the place of the good guy and confuses everyone. Once Thailog was revealed, there wasn't any question as to who was who. Just seemed a more original take on the old clone idea. What do the rest of you think?

(And Proteus had nothing to do with it. At the time we were creating Thailog, I didn't yet know that I was going to insert The New Olympians into the Garg Universe.)

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

When you first became involved in the production of Gargoyles, did you ever think that it would ever go as far as it has, meaning with the fanbase, merchandise, and the Gatherings, etc.? What were your hopes and doubts when producing Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I've answered this over and over. Check the archives.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

August 15, 20

Did you plan to show any other gargates besides the gargoyle beasts and the gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, what does "August 15, 20" refer to?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Mariner writes...

Hi Greg,

Sorry to hear about Team Atlantis. Is there any chance you tell us what you had planned for the Gargoyles/Team Atlantis semi-crossover episode? Also, would you be able to post scripts from the series if you have them available? I suspect not, but no harm in asking.

Greg responds...

I don't have computer files for any scripts except the two that I wrote. And I won't be posting those either. But if you really want to know more about them, come to G2002.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

I'm very sorry to hear that "Team Atlantis" was cancelled. I really was looking forward to the series. Especially the episode you wrote with Demona and Fiona Canmore.

Out of curiosity, will that script ever see the light of day anywhere?

Greg responds...

Come to G2002 and find out.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

We know that the gargs in China have contributed to the dragon legends there did any gargoyle beasts contribute to it considering some of them like the one in Ishimura looked very much like dragons?

Greg responds...

You don't know that at all, though it's a reasonable assumption, as is your one about the beasts.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Thanks to matt and Phil we know that gargoyles in China are dragons so my question is were they the only source that inspired the Chinese dragon legends cause the dragons of Chinese legend are more like the Children of Oberon than gargoyles since they were worshipped as gods of the seas, capable of changing shape and underlings of the Chinese gods?

Greg responds...

You've overstated what you learned from matt and Phil.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Vega writes...

In the opening of Gargoyles, there is a clip of a bunch of gargoyles flying about (I believe taken from ep1 Awakenings) Which ends with a red-skinned, white-haired, beaked gargoyle flying at the "camera". Is that Brooklyn's father, by any chance? I always wondered about that.

Greg responds...

One of his fathers, certainly. One of Lex's and Broadway's too.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Are there Scottish/Japanese looking gargoyles living in the London Clan or are they all animal headed?

Greg responds...

Assumptions... tsk, tsk, tsk....

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

We now know what the gargoyles in the the Loch Ness and Chinese clans look like care to tell us what the gargoyles in the Korean and New Olympus clans look like?

Greg responds...

Large chipmunks.

And by the way, you don't know what you think you know. You just have a better idea.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Concerning where the Weird Sisters' loyalty lies, you replied: "Their tri-part mission."

Um... Revenge, Protection and Weirdness? ;-)

Greg responds...

Fate, Revenge and one thing I'm not revealing yet.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Demoness writes...

"1) Did Oberon have any help in defeating Mab?
2) Did Oberon use trickery?

Greg responds...
1. Yes.
2. Some. "

1: Who helped Oberon against Mab? a. Everyone minus Mab's followers? b. Titania? c. The Weird Sisters? d. if non of the guesses above, then who?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to answer this now.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Demoness writes...

Why does Queen Mab not approve of Titania?

Greg responds...

Many reasons, including the fact that she thought Titania was a spoiled brat and beneath her son.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is Titania or Odin close to matching Oberon in power?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

my brother got married toda.. er yesterday and they are off to Maine for their honeymoon. they plan to stop in Bar Harbor (Xanatos's birthplace) if for nothing else than to get me something to add to my Gargoyles collection. pretty cool, huh?
question time:

1. in 2198, is the Eyrie Pyramid look like the Eyrie Pyramid in "Future Tense"? if so, what purpose does the pyramid that crowns the top serve?

2. in 2198, will gargoyles working for the NYPD actually have badges or just coordinate efforts with the NYPD?

3. why did the practice of gargoyles acting as peacekeepers in the UN end with the arrival of the Space-Spawn?

4. would the Dracon family still be running a Crime Syndicate in 2198?

5. will Macbeth still be living near NYC in 2198?

6. will the Clocktower be around still in 2198? perhaps they finally got it working? :)

Greg responds...

1. Not gonna limit the artists at this time.

2. Both.

3. Why do you think?

4. Not saying.

5. No.

6. Not saying.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Hi Greg
Hope you are not angry because of my stupid qustions.

In 2198 is it possible for Gargoyles to walk over a crowdy street without being stared at, or will more time have to pass for that?

Greg responds...

It's possible.

And I rarely get angry over ASK GREG questions. (Sometimes I'm mildly annoyed, of course.) It just may seem that way because you don't hear my tone of voice in a typed response.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

1. will Artus be alive in 2198?
will Gwenyvere be alive in 2198?
will Lancelot be alive in 2198?

2. will any of the Trio's rookery children make appearences in Gargoyles: 2198?

Greg responds...

Not answering this now.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

will any humans be living in Wyvern with the New Wyvern Clan? will they build some sort of structure or will they live on the cliffs?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this now. The exploration of the twelve clans is one of the fun things about 2198. I don't want to blithely reveal everything here.

You may trick me into answering more specific questions, but big large ones are sure to go down without a fight.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg! When in 2198 the Matrix is taken by the Space Spawn, how will the New Camelot Clan adapt, if conditions on Antartica become like they were before, would they stay in the same place or would they have to move?

Greg responds...

That's a whole plotline. I'm not going to toss it off here in a couple of sentences.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Laura Ackerman writes...

A few weeks back you posted an explanation for Goliath and crew speaking modern English that you had seen and liked. It involved Demonia casting a spell before they awoke. There are a few problems with that theory, (sorry, I seem to live for nitpicking).

The most notable problem is how to extend it past the original seven that woke up in Manhattan. Excluding modern World Tour characters, who, it can be argued might have spoken English and were being polite to the Avalonauts by using it, (a stretch, but not the worse one to make, especially after hearing how Bushido orriginally started;), most everyone else had some connection to Avalon. I would find it easy to argue that the magic of Avalon made different languages moot, but only while on Avalon. Though I have been raised a Trekkie, a Universal Translator without explanation doesn't really fit into the Gargoyle world (IMHO).

Also, if there was a magic that acted on the Island (maybe extending to the skiff on the way to and from) there could have been fun effects of Angela suddenly being heard in a Medieval Scottish French blend, which Goliath doesn't realize is incomprehesible to Elisa. If I wanted to get fancy I would say that the Avalon clan was raised by a noble and would then have french and germanic languages, as well as possibly Latin, and thus made modern English less difficult to pick up- but there would still be a time of confusion.

Basically, I wonder if there is a way to explain the language problem away, or is it best left as a known element of suspension of disbelief? [Sorta like the scale in the Cloisters in Temptation :)]

Greg responds...

Michael Reaves idea, which I only heard second hand, is pretty new to me. So I don't pretend to have fully thought it out. I feel like there's something in it. But I just haven't dedicated the time to doing that mindwork yet.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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The Souldier writes...

Okie-dokie, I have a really kinda bizzare Owen/Puck question here. Is Puck Owen, and Owen isn't Puck? Or is it Owen is Puck, but Puck isn't Owen? Or is it something else entirely? If it is something else entirely different, would you explain it to me, and use small words, I can be easily confused.

I just realized this question makes a lot more sense when you hear it rather than read it, so try saying the word to the question, it might help, if it doesn't help, you just wasted a minute or so of your life on a silly question.

I'm gonna stop typing now. Really. I am.

Greg responds...

Well, you sure didn't help me out much, context-wise.

I assume you mean that Owen is just an aspect of Puck, not the whole and not the other way around.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

Bookmark Link

matt writes...

does Owen have a social security number, pay taxes, and all that stuff? does the government have him in their records?

Greg responds...

Of course.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Cygnus writes...

This question really isn't about the series, but:

Do you know where I might be able to find the complete gargoyles series on video or DVD or anything?

I've been looking everywhere for some kind of an idea where I could find it, but with no luck. Thanks for any help you could give me.

Greg responds...

Not really, no. Sorry.

Have you tried e-bay? Or asking in the s8 comment room?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

Bookmark Link

Todd Jensen writes...

Many mythological scholars believe that in the early days of the myths, humanity was matriarchal, worshipping some sort of "Great Goddess"-figure, but as time went on, it underwent a shift to a more patriarchal culture, producing male gods such as Zeus who toppled the "Great Goddess" and replaced her. Did such theories (assuming that you're aware of them) influence your vision of Oberon overthrowing his mother Mab and replacing her?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Chris J. writes...


I have a million questions, but I would prefer to leave them unaswered. However, I would like to thank you (and all those others involved) for creating such a magical series. Gargoyles is truly a work that raises that bar when it comes to storytelling in an animated series.

So, regardless of whatever happens in the future with Goliath and the gang, thank you for producing some of best storytelling this fan has seen in any medium.

Greg responds...

Thank you for taking the time to tell me. And I SO RESPECT your desire not to have your questions answered. Good for you. (Although if that sentiment spreads I could be outta business. Sigh. Fat chance. KIDDING!!)

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Entity writes...

Ok, you know what I have yet to do? Praise you on GARGOYLES 2198. I mean, there is so much worthy of praise. Here are some things I found most impressive:

1) Nicholas Natsilane Maza and the Order of the Guardian that he is a part of. It gives both Natsilane and good old Tom a legacy.

2) The idea of the Space-Spawn being born "amidst the fury of an exploding star." It's such an original idea, and in science-fiction, originality is sometimes very hard to come by. Speaking of which, maybe there's a question in here: do you know what element the Spawn Spawn are based off of? (e.g. carbon-based)

3) To have the Space-Spawn take over the world right off the bat, and in such a swift, painless manner. As you state, there is "very little loss of life, unless freedom matters to you." This puts drama before bloodshed, pure Gargoyles.

4) The Illuminati's dark pact with the Space-Spawn. This actually brings up another question (and I hope this one hasn't already been asked, if so I apologize): is Alexander Fox Xanatos IV a member of the Illuminati at the time of his abduction?

Greg responds...

2. I have some ideas, but I've done no research, and given how I'm taken to task on every LITTLE thing I say, I'd prefer not to embarrass myself at this time.

4. No way I'm telling you.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

Lord Sloth wrote some words he/she? had learned from the show. you couldnt decifer one of them. Im not sure how to spell it, but it sounds like ESH-ih-lon (he's one of our lower ranking members, etc. at least I think thats where i remember it from)

someone may have said this already. i havent read the questions being submitted archive.

Greg responds...

Echelon. Now just to be safe, I looked it up in the dictionary. Why am I the only one who did?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Marty "Kaioto" Lund writes...

Not really a question, but you have my sympathy on Team Atlantis. Working in a corporation, I understand that nothing quite feels the same as having a project you've invested a hefty chunk of time into suddenly get displaced. Well, maybe being kicked in the guts by a mule or something comes close. :(

I wish people would make up their minds about projects before men and women started investing large amounts of time into making the project a reality. It is even worse in a creative process.

In systems design, it feels so insulting to get along the Systems Development Lifecycle to the point where you're working to fulfill agreed-upon specifications and suddenly the client does a 180 and tanks the entire project. I imagine it is even more frustrating in an artistic / creative setting where it is only natural to put large portions of yourself into a production.

So, to you and all those with whom you worked, my sympathies. I appreciate your efforts and I'm disappointed that we'll miss out on Team Atlantis.

Bona Fortuna
- Kai

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Sexy Queer writes...

Greg, I am so sorry to hear about Team Atlantis getting dropped before it even hit the air. This Demona and Fiona Cammore story did sound pretty interesting.
Hope you get another voice directing jod or somthing else soon.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Me too.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Count me as another person who's sorry to hear that "Team Atlantis" won't be coming out after all. From what I had heard about it (especially at the Gathering), it had sounded good (and not just because Demona was going to guest star in it). Such a pity.

Greg responds...

Yep. Put a lot of people out of work too.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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zakhur writes...

This is more a comment than a question! I've been a Fan of Gargoyles for a long time, since it first aired on the Disney Afternoon! and after it stopped airing, I started looking in the internet, to see if the show would keep going, I mostly saw some fanfics, but it never was quite the same.
Although I was amazed on how many fans the show had, and more so that most the of the fans were adults.
now, when I rediscovered gargoyles on toon disney, and finding this site again, and actually asking questions, and joining the comment room.
I find myself so intrigued not only on how great the show is, but how many other people enjoy it and find so much entreteiment in it, and how wonderfull gargoyle fans are, they are very loyel and really care about Gargoyles.
So my question is, how does it make you feel, As one of the creators, that after the show has been cancelled for 5 years, so many people love and keep it alive in their hearts, through the internet and reunions such as the gathering?

Greg responds...


I mean, duh. GREAT!!!!

It's very gratifying. The Gatherings themselves are tremendously wonderful for me. Feeds my ego enough to last me a whole year.

Mostly, I'm just glad that the show reached people and that they largely responded to it as we all hoped.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Monzo writes...

How do you feel about male actor given there voice to female character in cartoons? How about the other way around? Do you thnik it would work in gargoyles?

Greg responds...

These decisions would all have to be made on a case by case basis.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Mary Mack writes...

Where can *I* buy a copy of Cree Summer's CD?

Everyone eat Round Table pizza!

Oh! And sign up for G2002!

And write to Disney asking for Gargoyles DVD's! (Greg, you can tell Mr. Fukuto that I'll by Gargs on DVD, and I don't have a DVD player.)

Greg responds...

I love Cree's CD. Have you tried a record store?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly were Mab's parents?

Greg responds...

Archie and either Betty or Veronica.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

will there be any non-permanent members of the Redemption Squad? maybe those joining only for an episode or a multi-parter.
if so, do we know them, and will you tell us who they are?

Greg responds...

Yes. Some. No.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

During the course of the series, New York was struck by a number of events of a decidedly "unusual" variety, and ones which obviously weren't completely covered up (even if the true cause of them wasn't known to its citizens). Gargoyle sightings were the obvious part, but also so were the "missing nights" in "City of Stone" and Oberon putting everyone to sleep in "The Gathering", for example. By the time that the gargoyles were revealed to the public in "Hunter's Moon", therefore, New York had experienced two years' worth of Fortean activity.

While the obvious main reason for the public panic over the gargoyles in "Hunter's Moon" and "The Journey" was simple fear over them, do you suppose that the cumulative aftereffects of the two years' worth of weirdness (especially from "City of Stone" and "The Gathering") could have been a factor as well? After all, in real life, unexplained ongoing problems can often lead to people looking for scapegoats, and persecuting minority groups thereby (as in the case of persecutions of the Jews getting more severe in 14th century Europe during the Black Death). Do you think that some of that could have been at work here?

Greg responds...


Weirdness can in fact have a cumulative -- not simply a momentary -- effect.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You idiot, do you actually think he'll answer everyone of those questions. If he actually gives straight forward and clear responses for half of these then I'm a monkey's uncle.

Greg responds...

Wow. Anonymous. Looks like you've got a new moniker.

Ladies and gentlemen, "A Monkey's Uncle".

I love being unpredictable.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

You wrote: "Sentient races are few and far between in the Gargoyles Universe. Not commonplace."

I have to say that I found this somewhat funny (both haha-funny and weird-funny). You've placed the origins of *four* sentient races on a single planet, but say that sentient races are nonetheless few and far between...

[As a sidenote I have to say that this seems like a distinction between science fiction and fantasy - most fantasy does indeed place many sentient species on the same planet - science fiction tends to be more conservative in this regard...]

So... is there any special reason/explanation that Earth gave birth to so many sentient species or is it just an amazing statistical fluke?

Greg responds...

My explanation is that habitable planets are few and far between.

And four isn't that big a number in the grand scheme of things.

The statement you quoted is relative. I meant, don't expect to see a scene with 100s of alien species walking around.

But mostly, the reason is I want to keep the galaxy semi-quantifiable. Instead of constantly bringing in more and more random elements, I'd like to, in essence, create political situations and play with them. I'm not sure that's clear. But as you may have gathered, I like things defined so that the storylines have boundaries to push and bend and break. If you constantly feel like ANYTHING can happen, then I believe it hurts the drama.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Did Oberon have any relationships with members of the third race after marrying Titania? If so care to name a few? Did he have any children from these relationships?

Greg responds...

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly were Anasi's parents?

Greg responds...

Pops and Mr. Weatherby. (I'm gonna run out of Riverdale characters any minute now.)

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Care to give us the name of Oberon's father? Does it begin with a consonant or a vowel? I really like to know.

Greg responds...

Oh, so you already know?


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who was the first fay to gain sentience?

Greg responds...

Fay Furillo?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is there more variety in the New Olympus clan than there is in the other clans?

Greg responds...

Yes, every sunday they do three shows on the main stage, but no kids at the 11 o'clock performance, please. "It gets a little blue."

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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JEB writes...

JEB writes...
Is there a direct connection between the Director and the terrorist from "City of Stone"? (Yes or no is fine.)


Greg responds...

Define "direct".

OK, I define direct as "being in relation by meeting (i.e. knowing one another or knowing OF one another) or by blood."

That clarify? :) Yes or no is still fine.

Greg responds...

Define "Yes or no".

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

In the Gargoyles universe, which alian race was it that came down in area 51?

Greg responds...

I think it was mostly celebrities, drug dealers and super-models.

Oh, wait. That's Studio 54 not Area 51.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What exactly were the sirens in the Gargoyles Universe(GU)? Halflings? Children of Oberon?

Greg responds...

I'm not telling you.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Seeker of Knowledge writes...

In the Gargoyles Universe, are vampires afraid of crosses and other holy symbols, as they are in in Transylvanian myths?

Greg responds...

You were just waiting for this weren't you: All things are true.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Entity writes...

Since you're so close to catching up, I figured I'd clear up what I meant when I said there was a difference between your "pre-LA and post-LA responses." It just felt like, right after The Gathering, you got reinvigorated. Your responses have been more frank, conversational, and for lack of a better word, peppier. Or perhaps I should reference Ed Asner on that last one and use the word "spunk." :)

Greg responds...

Really? Cool.

Certainly, I believe the Gathering was invigorating.

But I wonder if you still feel that way...

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Sorry, I clicked Submit too soon. This goes with my previous post.

And do you consider Gargoyles your cobblestone, milestone or somewhere in between? Meaning, do you think Gargoyles was your first series to become as great as it has, or do you think that you'll never do anything even close to what an impact Gargoyles has had on people like us fans, or are you still full of high hopes to possibly out-do yourself someday?

Greg responds...

Geez, this is a depressing question.

I try NOT to think this way, period.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

Bookmark Link

Lord Sloth writes...

Did the FBI boot Matt from the burough, or was it the Illuminati, wanting to limit Matts resources into finding out about them.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Had Elisa ever meet Either Xanatos or Owen berfore awakening part 3? If yes, when?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Acheron writes...

hey there

Has it ever been proposed to you to purchase the rights to Gargoyles from Buena Vista TV? Perhaps start a fund the fans could contribute to in order to raise the money. After all, they sure don't seem to be doing anything with them.

Call it a suggestion I guess, but since it's not story related it's okay, right? ^_^; Just a thought.

Greg responds...

It's been suggested many times. Often right here at ASK GREG. Check out the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" archive.

It's not realistic. First off, Disney doesn't sell off it's animated properties -- EVER!!!

Second, if they did it would cost a fortune.

Third, they ARE developing (slowly) a live action movie. Whether or not that ever sees the light of day, you can see that Disney hasn't completely lost interest in the property.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jimmy writes...

Sorry about all the questions, I just discovered the world of Garg fandom and am curious to learn about one of the best cartoons of my youth. But last one this month, I promise:
If Disney goes under, what would happen to the Intellectual property rights over "Gargoyles." And are there any other people (cartoonists, producers, Disney execs) that are as enthusiastic about bringing back the Gargs as you?

Greg responds...

There are a lot of pros who would love to bring it back. If Disney 'goes under' (a fairly ridiculous notion) than the property becomes one of their assets. Maybe after the bankruptcy court is done I can get it for a song, eh?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jimmy writes...

What do you think the chances are of reviving the gargoyles series?
If you don't manage to revive it did you ever think of pitching to another company using the same characters shamelessly copied but changed to avoid lawsuits?
If you ultimately fail to make it a reality, would you ever consider releasing a series of original novels set in the universe?

Greg responds...

Long term, not bad. Short term, dismal.

No. For starters it wouldn't work, and I'm actually not that dishonest. Sorry.

I'd love to do original novels. Know any interested publishers?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
In an awnser, you've written some days ago, yoe've mentioned something, that got my interrest:
>>If anyone's confused about contradictions between TGC and the new stuff, they can check out the internet site that we will have to clarify all this stuff.<<
Well, in my memory, you've never mentioned this site, and I've also found no post or ramble about it. Can you please tell something about it?
OK, that's all. have a nice day.
CU, John

Greg responds...

Did you read the entire post or just the part you quoted?

I was talking about IF the series went back on the air, then we'd have a website to clarify all this stuff.

Or you can just ask questions here.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Thomas E. Reed writes...

Hi there. With the understanding that Disney's animation division (heck, every Disney division) is in turmoil right now, what direction do you see them going in the future? For the last few years, Disney's TV projects have abandoned the direction of "Gargoyles" (serious action-adventure) and gone for "Kids In School" shows such as "Pepper Ann," "Doug" and "Recess." Most of these have been from cartoonists/artists/creators not specifically tied to Disney, like Sue Rose, German/Ansolebehere and the like.

While "Atlantis" may have seemed disappointing to Disney, it looks like the "Kids In School" shows aren't doing well either. ("Family Dog" practically died on the vine...maybe Nathan Lane should have sold 25,000 percent of the show to some old ladies.) If there is anything successful in TV animation, it's split between Cartoon Network's original shows and some of the dubbed anime kid adventures.

So, based on what you've heard (without prejudicing yourself or Disney or violating nondisclosure agreements) what do you percieve Disney's direction in animation to be? What kind of shows do they think will be the "next big thing" in animation? Bearing in mind that there have been big shakeups there, of course.

Greg responds...

I assume by "Family Dog" you really are referring to "Teacher's Pet."

Otherwise, I swear to god, I have no idea. Disney seems determined to stay the course with shows like Filmore and Lloyd in Space.

They've got something interesting coming up for the Disney Channel: Kim Possible. (I haven't seen it, but it was done by some talented friends of mine.)

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Vega writes...

Hey again.

I assume you're a fan of animation in general, considering your career choice. What are some of your favorite animated shows?

Do you find that the North American preconception of animation as being "for kiddies" as a hinderence to making quality shows like Gargoyles?

As a side note, I really have to heap some praise on everyone who worked on Gargoyles. There are some subtleties in the series that would do a top quality anime justice. The subway rescue in Hunter's Moon, as well as Goliath at Elisa's window. To be more specific, Goliath greets Elisa on the train, Goliath overhears Elisa talking to Jason Canmore. Silent, but eloquent beyond words. That kind of subtlety of expression is very rare in North American animation.

Greg responds...

I like animation, of course.

I know I've answered the 'what are your favorites' question before... so I'm not going to attempt a comprehensive list again. But it's hard to top the original Johnny Quest. And I liked the Herculoids a lot. And Batman the Animated Series. Gummi Bears, etc. For a more complete list check the archives.

And yes, of course, it doesn't help that the country almost exclusively views animation as a kids medium. On the other hand, I don't mind writing for kids. I think kids are a lot smarter than most people give them credit for.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Two questions on "Temptation." By the way, I'm sorry about asking too many different questions in the same post as you stated to me sometime ago. Thanks for reenforcing my organization.

1. Why doesn't either Lex or Broadway ask Brooklyn about the bike after he returns from his conversation with Demona? Even the next night, Lex and Broadway awaken to get "breakfast" but still don't ask him?

2. Was it a lucky guess that Brooklyn pulled the right spell from the Grimorum? Because under the circumstances, it seemed as if he didn't have much time. Or does he know partial Latin?

Greg responds...

1. Guess it slipped their minds. (What did you expect me to say?)

2. The page was marked by a bookmark ribbon.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Ok, in "Seeing Isn't Beveiling" Goliath was the mystery gargoyle that everyone thought was him and he said "and Dr. Sevarius is in jail.." When did that happen?

Greg responds...


I think this is a Goliath Chronicles question. And I don't answer those. But honestly, I'm not sure.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

i keep meaning to post this, and am either too busy or too forgetful.

I watched "Revelations" the other night. In it Mace/Mase (sp?) falls down the elevator shaft, and grabs the wires with his bare hands. I can understand why a garg would be able to do this, but many layers of skin should have been shed. then he jumped from the cables to the window, which still had broken glass in it. so he should then have been eviscerated. and in the same scene, goliath stopps his fall with his claws, feet and hands. he falls several meters, and yet his hands never overlap his foot claw marks.

a lot of creative animating in that episode...

Greg responds...

ANd your point is?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Justin writes...


In the episode Shadows of the Past when the captain and hakon brought the stone remnants of Goliath's fallen clansmen back to "life".
1> It seems to me that the clan consisted mainly of males in that scene. In fact, if memory serves me, the only female was Demona. So by the time of the massacre had the females gone off when the clan divided?
2> I saw a lot of the same physical types, such as fatter gargoyles with humanesque faces, and slender gargs with beaks. Why?

P.S. I did notice one garg that stood out from the rest. He was tall, thickly built, and had a long sharp nose. Well I bring this up because I applaud the little bit of diversity in the scene

Greg responds...

1. No. Mostly, it's about having time to design a whole clan. I.e. we didn't. Within the show, one might argue that the Captain and Hakon thought that the appearance of Demona would be heightened in its effect, if they didn't present any other females.

2. See answer 1.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Awakening Questions:

1. Why, in the first apperance of Goliath, his eyes glow green briefly

2. When Goliath found his clan was murdered, he said they should save the humans, but he obviosly wanted revenge the most. Would he still have wanted to save the humans if Demona's plan had worked? b. Would the other Gargoyles?

3. Was turning the Gargoyles to stone the best revenge the Grimorum had to offer? Magus seemed to have been studying it for that sort of thing, and he wanted something a kin to using a sword, so why not lightning or fire or magic spears?

4. Why is it nether Goliath or Demona performed a wind cerimony for their clan? I guess their greif and guilt level must have been quite high, but Goliath seems responsible enough. Or he could of asked Kathern to do something similar.

5. When Elisa spots Hudson and thinks he had moved, did Hudson know that and froze so she would dismiss it? His back was turned so how did he know? And Owen didn't seem to concerned(not that he ever is).

6. I take it Bruno was under orders not to shoot Goliath, so what was he planning to do when his men had him pinned? b. Was he under orders not to shoot Elisa? They seemed to be trying to kill her, but they had terrible aim.

7. Why could Bruno's guys shoot the gas canister once, when it started leaking out, but had to shoot again before they would blow up the shack?

8. Did you know about Renard being head of Cyberbiotics back then? If you did, did you want to show him at one of the bases? That would of been cool.

9. What evidence was there that Xanatos had Stolen from Cyberbiotics? It was pretty fool proof using the Gargoyels to do his dirty work for him, and I doubt the Gargoyles testified in court. Did they?

Thanks very much for taking the time for us Greg. U da man!

Greg responds...

1. Do they? Trick of the light perhaps?

2. I think so. I think she miscalculated all the way across the board.

3. He wanted something permanent that effected all the gargs at once.

4. I think you answered your own question. A wind ceremony for the entire clan is an overwhelming thing. Think about it. As for asking Katharine, he had already made a much more important request.

5. Owen is clearly covering. Hudson is standing still on purpose.

6. He was under orders to let Goliath escape but make it look real. He was free to kill Elisa if necessary.

7. I don't understand the question.

8. I didn't know specifically, no.

9. He had possession of the disks.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
OK, OK, I know, that you've been asked this question before, but we've never get a real awnser out of you for this one. But I'll try it again: Why does Katana and Brooklyn name their son Nashville? Well, we know, that the name was Brooklyns idea ( why should Katana name her son by a city, she (probably) never visited or even never knew? ) but why to hell Nashville???
Oh, by the way, are Nashville and Tachi twins? I allways thought of them as.
Anyway, hope you'll awnser these two. Damn, this time I'm really a pain. LoL

CU, John

Greg responds...

No they are not twins.

There's a very specific TimeDancer reason. But I'm just not in the mood right now cuz you swore at me.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Audra writes...

Hi Greg!!!
Gargoyles is such a great TV show. It's my favorite TV show. And it shows cartoons are not just for little kids. Anyways, I remember reading about your plans about Brooklyn's mate. I was just wondering, did you, or any or any other creators plan on what she was going to look like? Does she kind of have a "beak" like Brooklyn? It's ok if you don't want to answer, but I just wanted to know. But I am glad that Brooklyn would get a mate. I felt very sorry for him after Maggie rejected him when he was trying to help her and Anglea chose Broadway. I was just wondering if you guys planned what Katana was going to look like. Thanks for reading this. ^_^


Greg responds...

Not yet, no. I have a few vague ideas, but that's it.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Demoness writes...

Can the Third Race bleed in their mortal forms, or forms that are not their "normal" form?

Why i ask this is because in "Heritage" when the Gargs are attacking Grandmother in her Thunderbird and Sea Monster form I could have sworn that the claw marks they inflicted on her were red with blood.

I just want to make sure that this theory is correct.

Greg responds...

Yes. When they transform into mortals they take on all aspects of that mortality -- save for the ability to change back.

Keep in mind however, that sometimes they don't transform, they just create a 'glamour' or illusion to fool people.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Are there any fay as powerful as Oberon and Mab? Care to list a few?

Greg responds...

No or No.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly were Coyote's parents?

Greg responds...

Reggie and Midge.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly were Raven's parents?

Greg responds...

Jughead and Moose.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What are the names of the centaur, winged horse and giants that we saw in the Gathering?

Greg responds...

Don't know.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Who was in charge of death before Anubis? He's of the younger generation of fae, isn't he, so he wasn't around from the begining.

Greg responds...

What gave you the idea that he's 'of the younger generation'? And I never said he was 'in charge of death'.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Artemis writes...

Hi Greg! First time poster here. I want to thank you on writing such a great show!! I only started to watch it a little over a year ago. I've only seen about 70% of the episodes, because of it's late airtime and the fact that I have older siblings who what dibs on the tv. What I really want to ask you is how did you come up with this whole series? It's really incredible how it all ties in, considering its complicated plot. My teachers have always told me that I have a gift for story telling, but most of its all been fan fiction. I love to write, but the only reason I do fan fiction is because I can't seem to make up my own characters. So how did you come up with all these complex characters? Did you have to sit down for hours to think of characters, or did they just suddenly come to you one day? Anything you're willing to tell me will be greatly appreciated. I don't care if writers don't really make it on their first story, I know that (I'm only 17, after all). I just want to write share with some people something that I can truly call my own. Thank you! (Next time around, I actually will ask questions regarding the show)
=^..^= <---Meow!

Greg responds...

Well, let's start by acknowledging that I wasn't working in a vaccuum. From day one I had a staff of people working with and for me on the show.

Special credit needs to go to Michael Reaves, Brynne Chandler, Gary Sperling, Cary Bates and Lydia Marano who were all huge participants in the process.

Lots of time was spent talking, batting ideas around. But honestly some things just came so easy and naturally that I still believe that the Gargoyles Universe is out there broadcasting history to me.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jimmy writes...

Were you planning on having any climactic battle in teh garg universe to cull some extra characters, because if not, all the stuff going into your "master plan" would seem to make the garg universe a little cluttered don't you think?

Greg responds...

It's a big universe. There's plenty of space to spread out. We were only getting started and NO, I ABSOLUTELY HAD NO INTENTION TO "CULL".

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

a couple weeks ago someone asked what gargoyles protected before the other races showed up and you said each other. but since we have the Mayan clan protecting a forest, the Loch Ness clan protecting prehistoric monsters, the London Clan protecting a shop in SOHO, and i'm sure there were other examples, what gargoyles protect has always been extremely varied and never limited to sentient beings.

1. it seems from clan to clan there is a wide range of what to protect. why is that?

2. every species, like the gargoyles, protect their own kind and eggs, etc., but why did gargoyles begin to extend that protection to more than themselves?

Greg responds...

1. Reread your own preamble. Good. Now. Why do you think?

2. Because they care.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
now, I have something REALLY nice for you:


Oh, yes. I've allmost forgotten my question: the Gargoyles in 995 took a new children as a children of the whole clan. Will it be the same in 2198, or will the Gargoyles here raise their kids like we do??

CU, John

Greg responds...

Nice link. Very kind words. Thanks.

Largely, gargs in 2198 return (assuming any ever left) to communal rearing of their children.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Justin writes...

Hi Greg,

1a) I would like to know whose responsibility is it to train the younger warriors in a clan? 1b)Is it the leader? 1c)The second? 1d)Or some other garg entirely?

2) If the answer is the second then did Hudson's mate train while she was alive? Did Goliath take the job once he was chosen? Did Demona take it after him?

Greg responds...

Ultimately, the leader is responsible. But the whole clan is also responsible. It's possible that some clans at some times might appoint an individual to head up training. But again, that doesn't remove responsibility from either the leader or the clan as a whole.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

1. would two gay or lesbian gargoyles still be considered rookery parents to certain generations of hatchlings?

2. if a gargoyle had no mate, would he/she still be able to be a rookery parent to certain generations if he/she wanted too?

3. if a gargoyle is the biological parent to a hatchling in a rookery, can he/she choose not to be a rookery parent and be accepted by the clan for that choice?

Greg responds...

1. Traditionally, and I'm not saying I approve, the only gargoyles who were considered rookery parents were the ones who actually contributed to the breeding. But there are also uncles and aunts, grandparents, cousins etc. who helped with child-rearing.

2. Again, traditionally, they were still not counted as 'parents' but as members of the clan, they would share responsibility for raising the children. How much of that responsibility was assumed by any individual, depended on that individual's desire and abilities.

3. Uh.... This again would be beyond unusual and not well accepted or understood by the clan. Also it would take a sort of conscious statement on the part of the individual. He or she would have to be making a big point of not wanting to participate. Because given that there's a whole clan there raising each new generation, it would be easy enough to just not do all THAT much with the kids, if you weren't inclined.

Good questions, by the way.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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JEB writes...

Hey, random question. Any idea what Coyote version number finally hits on the idea of changing his name to Coyote-X? Just curious.


Greg responds...

I left it open on purpose.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Top of the milk to ya greg.
Greg Bishansky just posted a bunch of info about the New Olimpian spin off, that I had never heard before, and said that you had reveled all of it at Gatherings. So have you, or will you ever post profiles about each of the spin offs on the internet in as much detail as you have with Gargoyles 2198?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I now have a list of questions to for you about love. ahhh

1. Does Hyena love Jackel?
2. Does Jackel love Hyena?
3. How serius are Hyena's feelings to Cyotie? Is she madley im love with him, or just mildly attracted? Either way, it's kinda gross
4. How does Cyotie feel toward Hyena? He seemed up for they idea of "making sparks fly".
5. Does Fox love Anistasia(before and after the Gathering)?
6. Does Halcyen still carry a torch for Anistasia? And does he now know that she is Titania?
7. Does Titania love fox?
8. Does Puck love Alex?
9. Does Oberon love anyone besides Titania?
10. Does Dracon dream about Elisa and him being together?
11. Was Brooklyn attracted to Demona before "Temptation". He seems to go after the most females.
12. Does Iago feel in love with Desdemona, or is it a strong sexual attraction, or is it just to hurt Othello?
13. Was there a time when Desdemona had feelings toward Iago?
14. Does Vinnie have a special someone (besides himself), or does everyone think he is too wierd?
15. Has Thailog ever felt love, even in the slightest way?
16. Was Malcolm and Elaina's wedding more out of love, or convenience?
17. Do Banquo and Florence have a thing for each other?
18. Does Cagney have a special kitty friend, or just Elisa?
19. Has the Magus been yerning for Kathern all of his life, and never told her how he felt? If yes., thats pretty sad.
20. And, somewhere deep deep down, both Goliath and Demona both yern to again be one, now and forever. Right? I better be. And this would have been shown in latter episodes besides dark ages right?

I'm sure you can see from my questions that I am QUITE the softy. And I love how Gargoyles uses this topic so often. Great job!!!

Greg responds...

Twenty Questions! YAY! :P

1. Sure, to the extent she knows how.

2. Ditto.

3. Something between madly in love and mildly attracted.

4. He's indifferent in the incarnations you've seen.

5. Yes.

6. Yes and Yes.

7. Of course.

8. Sure.

9. Yes. His children and his Children and the island of his birth and all the funny little mortals. He's a benificent one, that Oberon.

10. Probably.

11. I think Brooklyn respected Goliath too much to think that way, to allow himself to think that way.

12. The first two. The third is just a side benefit.

13. No.

14. He is currently available? You interested?

15. He's not admitting to it, unless he's lying.

16. Politics. And a hope of love.

17. They're exes.

18. That avenue has not yet been explored.

19. Not all his life. After all, he's ten years older than she is. But yes, it is sad.

20. I think somewhere deep, deep down Goliath wants to be with Elisa. And somewhere deep deep down, Demona wants to be with someone who is right for her.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Since you and Entity recently (as of July 20th) had a brief exchange about Xanatos's characterization, I thought that I'd give a thought of my own about him.

One thing that has occurred to me is that there was an intriguing paradox about Xanatos in his "feud" with the gargoyles. One advantage that Xanatos had over the conventional "cartoon super-villain" was that he was a level-headed, practical man who wasn't interested in revenge or pointless vendettas. And this, on one level, made him potentially a more challenging adversary for the gargoyles. Because as a result, he wasn't likely to get so distracted in carrying out his personal score with the clan that he'd make foolish mistakes which they could take advantage of and thereby win, the way that more conventional "master-villains" in animated series do (and which, elsewhere in "Gargoyles", the Archmage himself fell prey to, when he kept on making strategic and tactical errors in "Avalon" - such as not waiting until dawn to attack or in magically tormenting Goliath when he could just as easily have simply zapped him into a pile of dust). It removed the leading source of "mistakes that antagonists make" which can save the day for the protagonists.

But, ironically enough, this very trait of Xanatos's also may have helped the gargoyles in a way. For, since Xanatos wasn't a revenge-crazed man, he wouldn't be likely to be constantly pursuing the gargoyles obssessively in "conventional cartoon super-villain" style, and indeed, he didn't. He went after them because he had specific plans about what to do with them (using them as his agents for such operations as stealing the disks from Cyberbiotics). But that motive didn't take too long to be discarded, as it became increasingly aware to Xanatos that he couldn't make use of the gargoyles in that way ever again; in fact, I recently noticed, upon examining his actions closer, that in Season Two, despite his continued clashes with the clan, he had stopped attempting to actually capture and dominate them (the one exception being his capture of Hudson in "The Price", and then there was a different reason for that - the need to use Hudson as a guinea pig for the Cauldron of Life). So he no longer had a serious reason for capturing them, and consequently, didn't see the need to make those efforts. The only possible reason left for going after the gargoyles was that of revenge, and that obviously didn't interest him. So he had no reason to pursue them (and indeed, seems to have even been aware, as the ending of "City of Stone" makes clear, that leaving them more or less at liberty could be much more advantageous to him anyway). He could afford to leave them alone.

So I find it an amusing paradox that the very factor which could have made Xanatos a serious threat to the gargoyles actually helped to make him less of a threat than he might have been. He wasn't obssessively pursuing them on the basis of a pointless grudge. He went after them only when he saw a genuine need to, and there was increasingly less reason for him to capture or destroy the whole clan as the series went on (and good reason, on the other hand, to let them be).

Greg responds...

Sound analysis. I've said it before, I think as villains go, David and Demona are too fairly original characters. I'm proud of all my babies, so to speak, but I'm particularly proud of these two and how different they are from each other and yet how they both constantly presented us not merely with 'evil plot of the week' material but with challenging character work. They wrote themselves.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I am very sorry that Team Atlantis will not continue. It would have been great to have a continuation of gargoyles, if even in a small way. And on top of that, the Canadian Family channle just told me that they are going to stop aring Gargoyles. It a bad day today, I havn't gotten all the episodes on tape yet. Me and some others are sending E-mails, but I don't know what it will do. Anyway, I had a question here somewhere...

1. If Team Atlantis had come out, would the animation and character designs have been the same with the movie? I'm asking cause, Atlantis had some unrealistic porportions compared to the realistic ones in Gargoyles. So if they did a cross over, how would Demona and Fiona have been portraied?

2. Is it possible that Disney might go for team Atlantis again? Or when they scrap something, do they just want to take out the garbage and forget about it?

Greg responds...

1. Greg Guler did the character designs for both Team Atlantis and Gargoyles. His design of Demona was styled to fit Team Atlantis, but looked so much like Demona, most of you wouldn't have even noticed the difference.

2. It seems highly unlikely. We are making a direct to video, and I suppose if that does REALLY, REALLY well....

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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