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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 212: "True Colors": Premieres!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 212: "True Colors": Premieres!

A new mission! A new Teammate! And a new player in the game!! You won't want to miss our newest episode of Young Justice, premiering on DC NATION this Saturday (and Sunday), January 19th (and 20th) along with a new GREEN LANTERN and more new DC NATION super-hero shorts! Check local listings for times.

And also Saturday night on the SyFy Channel, check out this new original movie: TASMANIAN DEVILS, starring our own Miss Martian, Danica McKellar. That's right, the live-action Danica is kicking some Tasmanian ass and taking some Tasmanian names!!

Meanwhile, for those who have been wondering why I haven't answered many questions recently, here at ASK GREG, it's because I've (a) been out of town on a much needed vacation and (b) been swamped since I got back. I'll try to get back on the horse next week.

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Well, I've finally caught up and cleaned out the ASK GREG queue. We'll plan to reopen the site- at least briefly - when Young Justice: Invasion #23 hits the stands later this month. Then again, when DC Nation starts up with new Young Justice: Invasion episodes on January 5th, 2013.

I'm looking forward to reading your responses to the new issues and episodes - and to Black Manta's Celebrity Hot Tub. (If there seems to be a demand, I might be tempted to write more of the latter for this site.)

But right now... I'm going to take a short break.

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gargoyles fan writes...

Hey Greg I have been meaning to ask this for a while, and I did check the archives but couldn't find anything on this, but I was wondering why do you answer fan questions? Its not a complaint I was just curious. Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

I've answered this often, most recently here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=17563

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Nicole writes...

Troll means to purposely do something mean for your own enjoyment. When people on this site call you a troll, they pretty much mean that they love the emotional roller coster you put them in when they watch Young Justice. I noticed on some responses that you became frustrated wen people called you a troll. Just wanted you to know that you're amazing and thank you for bringing us Young Justice. Congrats to you and your team! :)

Greg responds...

Hmmm. I thought to troll meant to try to create strife - which I do NOT think that I do. I also don't think I'm ever trying to be mean, certainly not with the show and not even on this site. I can get mischievous. I can be a smartass. And, God knows, I can get annoyed as hell. But I still don't see how any of that rises to the level of trolling. So thanks for the kind words, but I still object to the term being applied to me.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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Irritated writes...

Some people who ask questions are so RUDE! They demand, they want to tell you how to answer, how to run your own blog, they whine...They claim to be fans but act with no respect. Greg, why/how do you put up with it?

Greg responds...

Some people say to me: "You have the patience of a saint." But anyone who knows me, knows THAT'S not true. The ugly truth is probably closer to this: "He has the ego and insecurities of a petty dictator." Generally, ASK GREG helps feed that ego and assuage some of those insecurities. Most of the time, anyway.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Olga writes...

Hello Greg!
I was wondering what's Mal Duncan role on the Team? Thanks for amazing series, it keeps getting better and better!

Greg responds...

It's stated in "Happy New Year". STATED. OUT LOUD. Not to mention, SHOWN (DEMONSTRATED, CLEARLY REVEALED), as well.

Olga, I don't mean to pick on you per se, but FOLKS, please do not come here to ask questions that the show has ALREADY objectively answered. You're just clogging up the queue and slowing things down for everyone.

And apropos of nothing, I've also noticed that sometimes the questions asked seem only to be asked for the sake of having something to ask. Like people are stopping by the site and TRYING to come up with a question that no one else has asked - even if they have no real interest in the answer - just so they can participate in the... "fun". Even if NOBODY could possibly have any real interest in the answer. Please do not do this.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Okay who is moderating these? Perfectly normal questions I've asked get deleted and then I see ridiculous grammatical monstrosities approved...?

Greg responds...

Incorrect grammar is not (currently) a criteria for deletion. Plenty of other things are. And you can and should (a) review the rules to see if one of your questions broke one or more of them, or if that provides no clarity, you can (b) go to the Station 8 Comment Room and ASK one of the moderators why your questions were deleted. Be polite, please.

[FYI, if incorrect grammar WAS a criteria for deletion, I could kick this question too, which has multiple grammatical errors in it.]

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

Today's posting is in regards to the closing moments of the episode "Alienated." The episode had shown us just exactly what the missing six members of the Justice League did on the Planet Rimbor. On January 26, 2016, these six members intended to go to Rimbor to stand trial for their actions while under The Light's control. Accompanying them are Icon, who is knowledgeable in intergalactic trial law (as stated by Wonder Woman), and Hawkman, who wants to accompany Hawkwoman for obvious personal reasons.

I'm sure you understand that the decision for these eight Justice League members to leave for Rimbor was probably not without causing complications. While it is shown that some heroes like Miss Martian and Superboy are covering for members like Superman and Martian Manhunter as best as possible, there is also another problem. I'm sure you know that we, the fans of the show and comic, understand that most, if not all, of the eight Justice League members have secret identities. The problem with these eight members is that with them leaving for another world, and given enough time, the public would probably ask questions like "Where is Clark Kent?" or "Where is Bruce Wayne?"

While I'm sure that each of the eight Justice League members probably DID have a plan to handle this unique situation before they left for Rimbor, can you please tell us in some detail just what EXACTLY each Justice League member (the ones who left for Rimbor) did to cover for the "disappearances" of their secret identities/alter egos so that the public would not become suspicious enough to believe that they vanished off the face of the Earth? I'm hoping my question doesn't confuse you. Your response might shed some light as how the eight Justice League members resolved this problem before leaving off-world.


PS. I did two postings on 9/29/12. One was about Darkseid, and the other was about Jason Todd. That night, I noticed both postings were approved, but on this day, they appeared to have been removed. What happened? Did I do something wrong or something else?

Greg responds...

You basically answered your own question. They each had time to prepare and did there best to cover. I'm not going to go into any further detail: at best it's a spoiler request.

As for why your questions were deleted, I have no idea. I never saw them. But you could ask the moderators at the Station 8 Comment Room.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why do you love to troll us?
Greg, if I didn't like you so much, I would hate you! Bye and good job Master of Trolldom!

Greg responds...

When have I EVER trolled anyone?

Maybe I'm confused, but are you sure you're using the term "troll" correctly?

Cuz by the definition I know, I'm not even sure if it's possible for me to troll on MY OWN DAMN WEBSITE.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

has anyone who worked with you called you a troll? and have you ever intentionally decided to troll fans?

Greg responds...

1. Not that I know of.

2. No. (Unless a "smart-ass response" here and there counts as trolling.)

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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J31 writes...

Have you ever coinsidred making another blog?(this one is kinda backed up.
Is it a nightmare when you see all the questions in the unanswered section,or does it make you feel nice knowing you have so many loyal fans?

Greg responds...

1. How would THAT help?!

2. Not a nightmare. Occasionally overwhelming. And it is nice (most of the time) to see that folks are watching/reading/giving a damn.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Reverse Flash writes...

I love that you keep such an open dialog with your fans.

Greg responds...

Thanks. When it works, I love it too.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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The Truth about Ask Greg

Here is my manifesto:

I will not lie to you on ASK GREG.

Except by omission. I have, do and will continue to lie to you by omission whenever the need arises, I find it's politically expedient or I'm just in that kind of mood.

I will cheerfully - even gleefully - misdirect you, i.e. while technically telling the truth, I may consciously play to known biases and lead you down your own garden path. I may then lurk on other sites and chortle if I see my misdirection has been effective. I may also then get annoyed.

I will - hopefully not too often - answer sarcastically. I will make smartass responses, which are technically NOT true, but which I believe from context are obviously false, and thus should not be regarded as untruths in that any reasonable person will know that I was pulling legs. I will be the only arbiter of whether or not I am lying or kidding, in these cases.

I will, of course, be mistaken on occasion. Flat-out incorrect or wrong, even. If alerted to my errors I will endeavor to correct them. Obviously, I don't see being mistaken as willfully lying.

But with all the above caveats as givens, I promise that I will not intentionally make any untrue statements here on this website. I WILL NOT LIE TO YOU DIRECTLY.

Except on April Fool's Day. On April 1st, I'll lie my ass off.

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Feedback writes...

Can you edit the site so there are different sections for questions? One for "Gargoyles", another for "Young Justice", another for "Spectacular Spiderman", another for "Young Justice: Invasion" and a final one for "Other questions"?

Like that, you could answer the questions in a more organized manner. Plus, you could answer the types of questions you want to answer whenever you want (i.e. You're sick of YJ questions, so you'll start answering Spiderman ones)

Overall, I think you should implement this or a similar system so the archives and unanswered questions can be easier to navigate for you, for the mods and for the fans.

Greg responds...

The archives are ALREADY broken up exactly that wayr. What other 'organized manner' is required? First come/first serve seems fair to me. And I don't have any particular preference as to which show I'm answering about.

Basically, I am not having any navigation problems. Neither are the moderators. And if you've spent even five minutes looking at the site, neither would you or any other fan. Navigation was never the issue.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Rich... writes...

Hey Greg, Not a question but a comment... You and your team are amazing with what you did with Young Justice so far, and I cant wait to see what tricks you guys pull out of your bags next. Also, you "Ask Greg" forum is funny as hell! I love the way you punk people off when they ask you stupid @$$ questions!

Thanks, and may Young Justice live for years to come! Rock on, homie!

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm not sure I'm trying to 'punk' anyone though - no matter how frustrated I might sometimes get.

Response recorded on October 01, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I just want to apologize for all the rude comments you are getting from some of the Young Justice fans. Just reading some of these comments makes me embarrassed. I enjoyed the first episode to season two. It was great and exciting and I can’t wait to find out what is awaiting us. Sorry again on behalf of the YJ fandom.

Greg responds...

I'm not seeing a lot of rude comments these days. I don't know if the ruder ones got deleted by the moderators, or if the new rules (and vague threats) I posted have kept them at bay.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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Bashir Bin Ali writes...

Wow. Reading through the unanswered questions, no wonder you've gotten so angry over people constantly asking for spoilers.

Good job with the opening for season 2. I heard something about a time skip but didn't expect it that far into the future. It seems like an odd choice but I have faith in you and the others to keep it glorious. Well, I guess y'all already have been, the season opener was real good.

1.) What was this site before it became AskGreg? Was it just another Gargoyles fansite or something like that?

Greg responds...

1. ASK GREG has - since its inception - been part of the larger Station 8 site. I believe S8 began as a more general fan site, but I'm afraid Gargoyles slowly but surely took it over. But really that's a question for Gorebash, who has graciously allowed me to park here on HIS PROPERTY and rant for over a decade now.

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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J writes...

Not so much a question as food for thouht...I'm still doing my research and reading through every past Q&A (tangent here...cant anybody do something about all the repeated posts? There are far too many "askef & answered"s...but leave the "spoiler requests" - they actually give some information sometimes) & I've noticed that you are obviously one of a large number of people who dont like "spoilers" - and you tend to berate those who activly post/seek them out. Now I realize this is your forum, so basically what you say goes...but are you aware (or even care) that there are just as many people out there, like myself, whose enjoyment of most media precludes our knowing how it turns out? Ill give you an example...I will wait YEARS before watching a critcally acclaimed Hollywood blockbuster until I know for sure its worth investing even two short hours (ie. I refuse to watch a movie where the main character/animal dies senselessly at the end... as its a waist of my time and insulting - and the "sometimes death is senseless" argument doesnt work for me...reality IS senseless enough, thats why I like my fiction to make some sense at least...its called "escape" and nit "the eavening news" for a reason).
understand that you definatly would not agree with me, but is it really that hard to understand why some people would get more enjoyment out of your work if they had more to look forward to than the old (an eternally frustrating"just watch and see"? - I cant even tell you how many times Ive up and left the room when everybody else has seen the movie and nobody will answer a simple yes or no question because they didnt want to "ruin it" for me, when in fact they just did.
Basically what im getting at is, could you please not villify those who hust want to know a little more than your giving...Im not asking you to give more, but just because someone doent think like you, doesnt mean they are thoughtless.
Thank you for your time and talent.

Greg responds...

I think "villify" is an awfully strong word from what I've done. I'm often stunned by the desire for spoilers and appalled by those who SPOIL without any thought to those who don't want things spoiled and/or to the CREATORS who put in so much effort to create some surprise in their work. But it hardly rises to the level of hate speech.

And, no, I can't understand it. If you want a 100% guarantee out of your entertainment before you see it by knowing all that's coming... than we have very little in common.

That doesn't mean you're a bad person or that you're "thoughtless" for wanting the spoilers you want. But your thought processes defy my understanding. DEFY. MY. UNDERSTANDING.

But those differences are what makes the world go 'round, right?

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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JAC writes...

Mr. Greg,

I was just wondering...where do you draw the line between "speculaton", "story ideas", and "spoiler reqests".
It seems to me like this is a pretty vauge gray area (even a spoiler reqest could be either of the former in question form)...almost any question/comment that does not pertain to precicley what has already happened could potentially be labled "story idea" or "spoiler request". But seriously, who watches/reads anything without wondering what the circumstamses surrounding the events on screen/panel

Greg responds...

Ultimately, it doesn't matter too much. Spoiler requests won't be met. Story ideas are forbidden. So that just leaves speculation, but this isn't really the forum for speculation. That's better suited to a discussion forum like this one: http://www.toonzone.net/forums/showthread.php?297208-quot-Young-Justice-quot-News-amp-Discussion-Thread-Part-20-(Spoilers)

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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ern writes...

I'm sure that you must be frustrated with fans and might even want to shut this website down. But if you do shut it down, I hope that despite that you will still post updates on the progress of any of your works. Whether Young Justice or any future show. It'll still be more than enough =) Thanks for the updates. Nice to know how any of your show's progress is =)

Greg responds...

Thanks. I've backed away from thoughts of shutting the site down for now.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Tomato writes...

So, this is not really a question, so much as a statement, one that a lot of people may not like me for, but whatever. As someone who has been reading Ask Greg, who currently has his own question in the queue, and who loves pretty much every show you've made: If this section has become an unnecessary burden on you, if it no longer holds any value or fun, you need to stop. I'm not saying you need to close the section down or anything, but if it comes down to a choice between you taking a step back for a month or so or letting things get so out of hand here that you shut it down permanently, then take a step back. Those of us who are loyal, truly loyal, to you and your shows will wait, and those that aren't can go off and whine elsewhere.

Truthfully, I don't think I've ever seen a creator involved with his or her fan base to this extent. It says a lot not only that you take the time to answer our questions, but that you WON'T answer all of them. It shows that you care enough to let us experience the narrative the way it's supposed to be experienced, even if we'd rather worm our way around it.

So yeah, if you need to, let the moderators handle things for the time being. They might have to skip over a few questions here and there, but they've already proven capable of typing "SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT" and really, that's 90% of the answers you give right now anyway >P

Greg responds...

Thanks for the support. I think - generally - we've found a happy medium. The plan is to reopen the site's posting function toward the end of the month when our new episode (#208 "Satisfaction") premieres. Unfortunately, there's little chance I'll have gotten through the remaining 673 questions by then - so the backlog will increase. But whatchagonnado, right?

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Not a question just a comment. I found those long posts with tons of questions annoying as get all so I was glad about your decision to ban more then ten questions. Often, half the questions were things that you already answered (not that I haven't repeated a question once or twice.) So not everyone is disgruntled about this.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Derek writes...

Really more a comment than a question. As a reader of this site I prefer a smaller amount of questions per entry anyway. It makes them easier to search if a question has been asked previously about a character or storyline. It also makes the archives more pointed towards a particular topic.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi greg! why you sometimes write in ALL CAPS? do you know that on the internet that means shouting?

I love yj!!!!1

Greg responds...

I don't feel like I write in ALL CAPS, except for emphasis or - sometimes - for titles.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

Your response to one of my questions from my first posting (which was posted by me on March 3rd, 2012) stated that you are not familiar with the Smallville interpretation of Krypton’s destruction. The circumstances behind Krypton’s destruction were made clear within an animated series related to Smallville (but also which is not shown on TV) called “Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton.”

The website, http://smallville.wikia.com/wiki/Kara_and_the_Chronicles_of_Krypton, should hopefully be able to help out in some way to help you understand.

If you want to know more about Smallville’s interpretation of Krypton, here is this website, http://smallville.wikia.com/wiki/Krypton.

If you want to know about the DCAU interpretation of Krypton and how its destruction came about (which you claimed to some difficulty remembering), here’s the website, http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/Krypton.

Does this information appear to help in any way to let you understand the nature of my question from the first posting (which I believe was question #5)? I feel that that these sources are well-informative, so please let me know how it all works out.

PS. I would also like to let you know that two days ago (from the date of this posting), around nighttime, I noticed in the unanswered questions archive that an anonymous person posted a very offensive and insulting message towards me; which also accused me of posting too much. Whoever’s posting it belonged to was deleted by whoever is in charge of the approval of the postings, so I don't remember the anonymous person's exact words. If you feel that I AM posting too often, I sincerely apologize and wish to be advised as to how to avoid the problem. Otherwise, I will not post anything from this point forward unless I feel that I need to ask something important regarding Young Justice.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

I appreciate you posting these links, but I don't have the time or inclination to check them out. Sorry.

But I don't think you're posting too often. The moderators obviously have NO problem with your posts - since they've remained in the queue for me to respond to - while the post made by your attacker - which I haven't seen - was deleted. So I think it's obvious who belongs here and who doesn't.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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