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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! A question about The Spectacular Spider-Man: when it came to the arc subject titles (like Biology 101, Engineering 101, Drama 101), I noticed that you didn't revisit any of the same subjects i.e. you didn't get as far as Psychology 102 or Criminology 102. But I was wondering if you were planning on doing any 102s in season 3, or later down the line?

Greg responds...

Not if I could avoid it. But given enough seasons, who knows?

Response recorded on April 08, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Who was the first super-villain to discover that Spider-Man was Peter Parker in The Spectacular Spider-Man?

Greg responds...

The obvious answer is, of course, Venom. Did you have something else in mind? Or is this like a trick question, trying to get me to admit that more than one super-villain knew Spidey's secret i.d.?

Response recorded on April 08, 2014

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Zer0C00l writes...

Greg! What's going on, man? Happy New Year and all that good stuff. Before I say what I say... please let it be known that I'm not trying to offend you or anyone in any kind of way.


So I hear you got a new gig. Congrats! I knew you would. Now here's the thing, bro. I'm a bit worried about Rebels and I need you to set my fears aside. Can you do that? Can you promise the same Weisman QUALITY? Will YOU be leading the ship of Rebels? I know you have partners. You always had team mates from past shows. But YOU were always the head writer. The one with the series bible. The million index cards all over. That was YOU. Everyone else worked under you.

I ask this mainly because of a recent show that totally turned me OFF in a big way. The show was HORRIBLE. What show? That would be "Ultimate Spider-Man". Have you seen this? Greg, I tell ya, I was looking forward to this. I was. Why? Because of the name Paul Dini. Paul Dini! OK?.

Dini is an incredible writer. A huge force that most of his credibility came from working on the DCAU aka the Timmverse. Namely... "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker". Just incredible stuff all around. So when I heard he was apart of this show, I was like, wow, I need to check this out. I knew he had partners but why would that matter when he's writing tons of scripts and is part of the writers room?

Yeahhhh. Basically, Greg, it's clear as day that he's not in charge of anything there. He's there in name only. His partners (Man of Action) are obviously running things. Every episode that I watched (stopped after episode 7 or so) was so over the top and ridiculous. A true insult to even little kids who watch it. The show is SO dumbed down and tries too hard to be funny. There's nothing worse than forced "humor".

My point? IF the talented writer isn't leading the pack then the show will never be what it could be. I just want to make sure that's not going to be the case for "Star Wars: Rebels". I'm about to invest a whole bunch of money to get into the Star Wars universe. Believe it or not, growing up, I never really got into the Star Wars craze. I didn't. I've seen the movies when I was little but don't really remember much. I went to the movies to see Episode One and that was all right. I just never really gave it a proper chance. I feel I can get a better enjoyment out of it today, though. I'm actually looking forward to it.

Just know, I'm mainly doing this for YOU. To fully get myself well versed in the Star Wars universe and prepared for Rebels. I'm going to buy the complete saga of Star Wars on Blu-ray and then I will pick up the CGI Clone Wars animated series as well. I want to be ready for this.

That's why I need to know, Greg, will Rebels be another "Ultimate Spider-Man"? or will it be the QUALITY of a "Young Justice"? Who's truly in charge? Who's the head booker? I hope it's you and I hope Rebels will be everything it can be and should be.

May the force be with you, man.


Greg responds...

Okay, let's start here: EVERYONE ELSE DID NOT WORK UNDER ME.

I had PARTNERS, not minions.

Frank Paur was a full partner on Gargoyles. I was NOT his boss.

Vic Cook was a full partner on Spectacular Spider-Man. I was NOT his boss.

Brandon Vietti was a full partner on Young Justice. I was NOT his boss.

I have two partners on Star Wars Rebels, Dave Filoni and Simon Kinberg. I am NOT their bosses. I'm flattered that you think so highly of me, truly. But by overstating my contribution/authority, you're being misleading and unintentionally dishonest. It's a collaborative medium. And THANK GOD for that.

I haven't seen "Ultimate Spider-Man". That's not a value judgement. I just haven't watched it. So I have no comment on it at all.

And, yes, I get that you're not trying to insult us here. But then please just think about what you're asking for just a moment. Do you really think we'd set out to make a BAD show? What exactly do you expect me to say to that?

"Why, yes, actually. We were hoping it would suck."

I mean, seriously.

EVERYONE involved in it, myself included, is doing his or her absolute best to bring you a terrific Star Wars series. If that's not enough, I don't know what to tell you. Because I'm NOT the "head booker" (whatever the heck that means). As with every series I've ever produced, I'm simply part of the team.

Response recorded on April 07, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

I think you once hinted that you "didn't get enough episodes" to do a musical episode of The Spectacular Spider-Man. Was a musical episode part of your 5 season plan? And if so, which season did you plan to include it in: 3, 4 or 5?

Greg responds...

The musical episode aired only once before being retooled for Broadway by Bono.


Response recorded on April 01, 2014

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Well, I'm about to head out of town to tour colleges with my wife Beth and my son Benny...

But before I go, here are a couple of podcasts to keep you entertained...

On the first, I discuss everything from Gargoyles to Rain of the Ghosts.


On the second, the focus is on the development and first episode of The Spectacular Spider-Man:


Had fun doing both! Hope you like 'em!

I'll be back at ASK GREG on April Fools Day!

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, a quick question about The Spectacular Spider-Man. I believe you've said in the past that your plan was to do 5 seasons which would culminate in Peter's high school graduation. The thing is though, since Peter was still in his first year at the end of season 2, I'm wondering how you would have managed to reach the graduation by the end of season 5. Would you have skipped over the Summer holidays to accomplish this?

If season 1 was September to November, and season 2 was December to early March, and if each month of the Summer were to still get the usual 3-4 episode coverage, then logically a 65 episode, 5 season run would not quite reach the end of Peter's second year, so I'm wondering whether you were thinking of skipping over things like the Summer holidays to reach your goal?

Greg responds...

The following was our pie-in-the sky hope:

We wanted to do a direct-to-DVD Spring Break movie between Season Two and Season Three, set in Florida. If that was not approved, it would have been incorporated into Season Three.

We also wanted to do another direct-to-DVD movie to cover Pete's summer vacation between Junior and Senior year (and also between Season Three and Season Four).

We then felt we could cover Pete's senior year over Seasons Four and Five, with at least one more movie between those two seasons.

And then we'd follow up the series with a series of movies covering his college years, etc.

If the movies hadn't been approved, then the series would have gone on for more seasons (in this hypothetical scenario) so that we could cover the same ground on television.

Of course, none of this was to be...

Response recorded on March 21, 2014

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Peter P writes...

Spidey's a pretty skinny dude at the beginning of your series which is great since it makes him more relatable as our underdog hero. I was wondering though, was your Idea of his gradual growth going to reflect in the physical aspect as we'll with his muscles growing larger and him getting gradually taller as well?

Greg responds...

We talked about him getting a little bigger and taller, but Vic and Cheeks and I all agreed that Spidey works better chiseled and honed, not buff or ripped.

Response recorded on March 21, 2014

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Johnny Bond writes...

I was wondering what aspects of Peter and Mary Jane's characters would lead them to becoming closer together if Stan Lee as well as you believed that Gwen was always the perfect girl for Peter.

Greg responds...

Keep wondering...

Response recorded on March 20, 2014

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Diversity in pop culture has always been an issue that concerns me greatly. I've tried to do my share to increase diversity on series like Gargoyles, W.I.T.C.H., The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice.

Now, that I've entered the world of publishing, my sister Robyn brought this article to my attention:


The article asks valid questions, and - yes, to toot my own horn - I'm going to provide at least a piece of the answer with my new books, Rain of the Ghosts and Spirits of Ash and Foam. Both feature protagonists of color. Rain Cacique is Native American, as is her grandfather Sebastian Bohique. Her best friends are Charlie Dauphin, who's African American and Miranda Guerrero, who is Hispanic-American. Many - if not most - of the other characters are also of color. This reflects the Caribbean setting of the novels, i.e. the fictional Ghost Keys and the actual mythology of that region.

The books are available here:


and here:


I urge you to check them out, and to suggest them at schools and libraries.

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Carlito writes...

What was your reason to initially have MJ be a "free agent" and then suddenly be into Mark?

Greg responds...

Seemed to fit.

Response recorded on March 13, 2014

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