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Keziah C writes...

First things first, thank you so much for letting the spoiler-posts be deleted!! It's not just on here that spoilers are coming up and I've had to take a temporary step back from the fandom so the last few episodes aren't spoiled, and I know I'm not the only one. But luckily some sites have done what you've done and banned spoilers from episodes that haven't aired in the US yet. So thanks, again, for helping out us fans who like to wait to see what happens.

Anyway, I've been loving these last few episodes, it seems that all the little plot points from early episodes are finally coming together!! Images was brilliant, and you have no idea how excited I was to see a pre-green Beastboy! And from what I gathered at the end of the episode, your version of how Garfield gets his powers definitely makes more sense than being bitten by a green monkey. Robin's reluctance to lead tied in to what he revealed in Disordered, and I loved the realism of that! Wally hinting that he knows who Batman is and Rob's actions to shut him up were hilarious! And props to Phil for the white martian design, I was thoroughly freaked out.

And while I'm on about the awesomeness of this show, let me just say that your brother (I'm assuming Jon is your brother here) actually had me fooled with Perdita's second 'death' in Coldhearted, and I'm never fooled by TV these days!! So, major props to him.

Anyway, on to my questions. I do apologise if they've been asked before but I've had to avoid the queue lately for obvious reasons and I don't remember reading them in the archives.
1. We haven't heard Robin's cackle/laugh in a while, and I just LOVE that cackle, is there are reason why??
.... And I forgot my other questions, I'll ask when I remember them xP

Greg responds...

Jon Weisman is indeed my brother.

1. Things have gotten a bit more serious, but the laugh comes and goes.

Response recorded on July 18, 2012

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Young Justice Fan writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman! I love Young Justice. Absolutely fantastic show. The plot is so thick and intricate -- amazing for a literary junkie like myself!

I was wondering how far in advance you guys have the show planned? For example, when you and Mr. Vietti and Mr. Hopps and the other fabulous writers sat down to plot out Season 1, how much of Season 2 was clear for you guys? How much of a potential Season 3? No spoilers needed -- just a general question.

Thank you so much for your wonderful work and willingness to answer fan questions!

Greg responds...

While developing Season One, we had a solid idea of what we had in mind for Season Two - including the time skip. And we had/have solid ideas for Season Three, including another time skip.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Ed writes...

1. I don´t understand in the YJ comics White Martians look exactly like Green Martians do except they´re well white. So why does Megan´s true form look the opposite and I understand that not all aliens will look human or humanoid?

2. How different are Kryptonians from humans except the superpowered part?

Greg responds...

1. In the comic, M'gann was describing visuals to her friends that were false. But keep in mind that White Martians and Green Martians DO look pretty much alike. If you think J'onn's showing his true form, you're wrong. He is Green, but he doesn't look like Martian Manhunter at all.

2. Visually, not different at all.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Leslie writes...

Hi, um, I apologize if you've already answered this; I did search the archives beforehand, but just in case I somehow missed it, I'm sorry.

My question is about Robin from your TV series, Young Justice. When you listed the languages that each member of the team speaks, you confirmed that Robin is multilingual, and named a few languages he's fluent in. But you didn't mention anything about Romanian, which I thought was his mother tongue. So which language in your show-Romanian or English-is his first language? And what is his nationality, then?

Thank you, both for reading/answering this, and for Young Justice, which is truly Phenomenal. :D

Greg responds...

He's American born. Perhaps he speaks Romanian too. But I have to admit, this is the first time in over forty years of reading comics that I've heard anything about Dick Grayson's nationality being Romanian...

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg. I wanted to tell you I was impressed with the most recent YJ episode Image. I did NOT expect the topic of Meg's appearance as Hello Megan to be broached in this way, nor did I expect Meg's, evidently crippling, fear of her appearance being known to be presented and exercised in this way. This show keeps breaking expectation. You've become very skilled at taking the less obvious path, even in the minutia. I love it, and wish you many, many years of renewal.

Also found the creator credits for the Hello Megan intro amusing. Was it fun scripting & storyboarding the show's intro & segments? You got to break genre for a bit there. I liked Superboy's reaction to finding out his namesake a lot. I'm curious to see the fallout, if any.

Greg responds...

Doing "Hello, Megan!" was a TON of fun.

Writer Nicole Dubuc even made us "Hello, Megan!" crew t-shirts, which a bunch of us wore to SDCC in 2011.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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P. N. Guinn writes...

First, I just want to say that Gargoyles is one of my all-time favorite shows, and I often return to it when I'm lonely and I'm always pleased by how fresh episodes like "Vows" remain after many viewings many years later. I'm also a big fan of Young Justice--to be honest, it took a while for the show to win me over 100% (of course, very high expectations were in place, both because it's a DC animated property and because you were working on it), but, I'll admit I've watched the Brazilian "leaks" up through "Unusual Suspects" and those episodes are pitch perfect, so, great job, and many thanks. I'm VERY excited for what's next.

Now, on to my questions:

As several people have pointed out, Brazil and Turkey are ahead of the US in terms of airing schedule. I don't know if you're aware, but fans have undertaken to sub the broadcast episodes back into English. I know you have mixed feelings on the subject of fanfiction, but I wonder if you have feelings on the practice of fans sub titling your work, originally created in English, back into English with their own translations? (And if you do have feelings/ideas on the subject, would you care to share?)

And while we're on the subject of fanfiction--I know a lot of authors who engage their fans have a public policy of not reading fanfiction, and you're among these. IIRC, the reason is because you don't want to incur the risk of being sued by a fan who claims you stole their work. I'm a law student and something of a nerd/geek, so I'm intensely curious to know where you picked this idea up. I'm taking copyright right now, and two of the doctrines we've learned seem to be in contradiction with the viability of this fear: (A) The idea/expression distinction (ideas are not protected under copyright, only their expression, so the idea of having Prospero on Gargoyles, even if you got it from another source, would probably not be considered infringement since the idea of having Prospero on Gargoyles is probably too abstract, whereas if there were a specific fanfic which predated a Gargoyles comic by five years and the Gargoyles comic carefully followed the plot of the fanfic, that could be a case of copyright infringement). And, (B) Infringing works are deprived of copyright protection, so if a fanfic infringes on a copyright (which, presumably almost all fanfic does, unless fanfic is fair use), it would have no copyright protection. (Here a critical question is whether fanfiction is fair use, which is an odd little quirk of the law, in that it's a well-known black hole in the law of copyright that seems unlikely to be adjudicated, and therefore, unlikely to ever be resolved.)

Of course, I'm not a lawyer (yet) and this is by no means intended to be legal advice, and I'm also not suggesting that you read fanfiction (personally, I'd rather you produce your awesome original stuff than spend time reading fanfic). But as a law nerd, I'm intensely interested in the relationship between perceptions of the law and the law on the books, and to what extent the law (and perceptions thereof) impact professional practice.

Thank you both for your wonderful works, and for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I am HORRIFIED that people are watching episodes for the first time on YouTube - and in a different language no less. Given that those episodes were due to air in the U.S. in a matter of mere weeks, I think it's appalling that anyone would choose to watch them that way. So then having someone sub or dub it back into English seems beyond preposterous - and again mildly HORRIFYING. Just be patient and watch the shows as they were meant to be watched. Don't spoil them for yourselves.

2. I learned this fear from corporate attorneys at EVERY entertainment company that's ever employed me. And I've also learned this fear from personal experience from fans and others who have filed lawsuits or threatened to. And that's the key. It's not about who has a valid case, it's about who can make me miserable by filing suit - and how I can protect myself (as much as possible) from exposing myself to that misery.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey greg! First of all, I just wanna say that Young Justice is my favorite show, and whatever you're doing, keep doing it. :) I just had a few comments on the last couple of episodes...
IMAGE- loved it. I really liked how M'gann was forced to become her true self and I especially loved the ending with Queen Bee telling her to 'cooperate or everyone will know'. Nice touch, really enjoyed it.
1) Why did it seem like Robin didn't really want to be leader? Was it because of what happened in Failsafe?
2) Where was Zatanna? I thought she was a part of the team, but i didn't see her here.
3) Does Martian Manhunter know that M'gann is not really a green martian? Does anyone else know, or does everyone believe her?
COLDHEARTED- I liked this one, not my favorite necissarily, but I definatly enjoyed it, and I can't think of any question I have that wouldn't be classified as a spoiler.
MISPLACED- I had been waiting for this episode since the series stopped in 2011, and let me just say it was worth the wait. I loved it, I loved Zatanna's heart breaking cry to her father just before he put on the helmet, I loved how Captain Marvel seemed to make the terrible situation funny. And again, no questions without spoilers...
Thanks for reading and I hope I didn't waste your time! Sorry if there are any spoilers or anything, I tried my best to stay away... Please answer as best as you can :)

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. You also didn't see Artemis or Aqualad.

3a. Yes.

3b. They all know now.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Jasae writes...

Hello there mister Weisman, I am a big fan of your animated works (gargoyles in perticular) Admittedly im not very versed in dc comics though I really do enjoy the young justice series and as i was watching through it I developed a few questions I was itching to ask if its not to much trouble.

1. What was the original t.o morrows motive for creating the red robots?
2. Ive heard alot of people talk about legal issues regarding characters use and even a rumor that you intended to use 'wonder girl' but couldn't. I know legalities is probably not your forte but I was just curious what sort of legal issues could arise if their all characters owned by dc comics.
3. Assuming in theory that the show turns out to be a sensational hit with the audience and the network (which it already is) for many years to come, how long would you want to keep the show running? Possibly a silly question but what im trying to ask more is 'do you have an overall ending planned for the series or will you invent more story so long as your able?'
4. and i really really really hope this does not offend but I wanted to say I found your four response to this set of questions http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=14460 to be hilariously amusing. XD
By chance do you have any other 'spoilers' along those lines for any of your projects past or present?

Greg responds...

1. To infiltrate and destroy his heroic opponents.

2. I don't know. Though to correct your "rumor" - we were informed before we even really got started that WG (both of them) were off limits, so she was never really included in our development of Season One. Obviously, that changed during the Season, so we included Cassie during our development of Season Two.

3. No set ending, no. I'll keep going as long as they're willing to put up with me.

4. Yes, I can tell lies until the cows come home. But I have to be in the right mood.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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I'm Sexy and I Know It writes...

How did Cheshire survive on her own when she ran away?

Greg responds...

How does any runaway with the skills of an assassin survive?

Seriously, I'm not saying there isn't a fun story (or sixteen) to tell about this, but this is NOT the forum where I'd tell it (them).

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Some questions about the YJ episode "Image."
1. How old is Marie Logan and when did "Hello Megan" originally air?
2. If the show is so obscure it's not on the Internet, why were the reruns on the Comedy Classics Channel?

Greg responds...

1. At the time of "Image", Marie is 47.

1b. "Hello, Megan!" aired during the 1979-1980 television season.

2. They were checking to see if it would get any ratings.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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