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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

On the second YJ comic book- I enjoyed it- one quick question:
J'ohn was wearing the black uniform. Did he always have that costume in the cartoon continuity, or did Kon-El's experience color the projection?

Greg responds...

This has been J'onn's costume on Earth-16.

Response recorded on August 11, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Bereft- greatly enjoyed
A few things I noticed...

1-Artimas continues to remind me a bit of Cassandra Cain, in this case her relationship with her father. Additionally, with a 6 months time frame, her (annoyed) assumption that she was meant to kill Kid Flash and and her complete none recognition of her costume, I assume her current lifestyle is a recent and complete change from what came before. (How recent is what surprises me.) Has she been with her mother less than 6 months?

2-Wally, without his memory, seems to default to something a little more gallant. He hits on Artimas far less and genuinely reaches out to her with help and companionship. He also seems far more professional as befiting finding yourself solo and confused mid mission. (He barely pesters M'gan at all. On the possibly more negative side it could be read as he latches on to the first pretty girl. I perfer to think he is just less of a horndog and more in tune to the folks around him when he forgets to keep up his reputation.)

3-M'Gan was green 6 months ago, and refers to J'ohn as her uncle. Seems to be pointing at a populated Mars and her not being a White Martian.

4-M'gana and Kon are jsut plain sweet together.

5-I recognized the voice o the member of The Light and I heard in advance who Marina Stirtis is cast to play- possible spoilers. Doesn't bug me- I can take or leave The Light at this point. I'm sure that will change as things go on.

Greg responds...

1. See issue #7 of the Young Justice comic book.

2. Can't all things be true?

3. See issue #6 of the comic.

4. Agreed.

5. Hope so.

Response recorded on August 11, 2011

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Andy C. writes...

Andy.C writes...

...one of the clips shows Aquaman with longer hair than he has on the show right now, am I right to assume that as time passes some characters appearances might change, or was the design changed or something?

Greg responds...

Some characters' appearances may indeed change, but that's not an example. The Aquaman with longer hair was development artwork, not final production artwork.
1) Hmmm I just checked it wasn't artwork that was shown it was an actual clip, the whole league standing side by side looking at the team and then it cuts to Batman who starts saying something and in that clip Aquaman has long hair...

2) Anyway that's all great, character appearances might change one or more main characters will die and and actual timeline you do spoil us fans with all this great stuff.

Though I do hope you guys wont make it a comic book death cause I hate those...
I mean why kill a character in the first place if your gonna bring him back, don't get me wrong I do love the characters and it's gonna be sad to see them gone, but that's the point, you make us love them and then when we least expect it you kill em off making us feel all sad and the like.

3) Again anyway, last thing I just kinda have to ask, if by the time you read this it's been answered here, just ignore it.

Is that Sphere thing an existing um... character in the dc universe? or is it someone/something new created for the show?
I haven't been able to find anything on him so I'm guessing created for the show but I'm just curious.

Greg responds...

1. I know. And that clip was a test, done with DEVELOPMENT ARTWORK. It doesn't count.

2. I NEVER said "one or more main characters will die". I'm not saying they won't either. What I said, is "No one is safe."


Response recorded on August 11, 2011

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Will H writes...

Hey Greg. My name is Will, and Young Justice is the first of your shows I have come across of which I am thoroughly enjoying, and I have a few questions about it.

1. I presume the case with having DC characters in an animated show, is that they have to be approved. Now, I am not asking for names, but how do you go about having a 'character aproved'? Now, let's use Robin for example. In the early stages of production when you decided you wanted Robin, what happens? Also let's say you wanted to use Miss Martian, but she was not approved. What effects these outcomes?

2. In the episode 'Infiltrator', there is a member of the League of Shadows known as 'Black Spider'. Now with your work on 'The Spectacular Spider-Man, I couldn't help but think that this was a reference to Spider-Man. Am I correct in saying that?

3. Do you ever look back at the 'Young Justice' or 'Teen Titans' comics for inspiration?

4. After the airing of episode 9 'Bereft', there is a small break where repeats are shown. Why is this?

5. How did the idea of the 'Young Justice' TV series come about? Was it an idea you had? Were you approached about the idea?

6. It hasn't actually been confirmed in the series, but the team, is it called 'Young Justice'? Or is it nameless?

7. Last of all, not sure if you are allowed to answer this, but what have you had most fun working on in your television career?

Thanks so much for your time to answer the questions, I really appreciate it. I am thoroughly enjoying YJ, it has exceeded all of my expectations, and fingers crossed for a season 2! Funnily enough, I am also the creator of the Young Justice Wiki, and since your comment about confirmed canon on the Gargoyles wiki, we have taken it on board, and improved it greatly.
Thanks again, Will.

Greg responds...

1. The reasons for an approval or lack there of, have to do with various legal, strategic and financial issues, which I am NOT privy to. When we began Young Justice, we asked - more or less - for everyone. The entire DC Universe. And that's pretty much what we got. There were, at the beginning of the process, a handful of characters that were declared off-limits, and - because I've admitted this previously - I'll acknowledge that one of those was Wonder Girl. Since then, all restrictions have been lifted.

2. Black Spider is an existing DC Character, who has been associated with The League of Assassins in the comics in the past.

3. We did, yes.

4. You'd have to ask Cartoon Network.

5. Sam Register suggested it to Brandon Vietti and myself. We ran with it from there.

6. It's called "The Team". Young Justice is ONLY the title of the series. Not the name of the Team.

7. Probably Gargoyles, still. But I've had a great time on Roughnecks, W.I.T.C.H., Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice and even the occasional freelance assignment.

Response recorded on August 11, 2011

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Axe writes...

Hi Greg,

I've been reading through the archives, and came across some comments you made about Lexington's sexuality, and how you wouldn't have been allowed to reference it on television (even implicitly). I was just curious if, over a decade later, restrictions on this subject matter had changed at all?

ie. IF you determined that a character on Young Justice was gay (and BTW, this is all theoretical... it's not my sneaky way of asking if any gay characters will appear) do you think there would still be the same sorts of restrictions?

I'd hope not, but you never know...

Greg responds...

I'm afraid there would.

Response recorded on August 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Does Aqualad actually have fins or are they just part of the costume??

Greg responds...

Part of the costume. He does have gills though.

Response recorded on August 10, 2011

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Becky writes...

So we all got a pretty good look at some abs in "Infiltrator". But one cannot help but notice a severe lack of bellybuttons...


Greg responds...

I wouldn't draw any conclusions from the absense of animated belly-buttons.

Response recorded on August 10, 2011

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onering writes...

Hello! I am a long time watcher of all the shows you have created and I have frequented the site quite often but this is my first post. First I would like to say the obligatory keep up the fantastic work. Secondly I would also like to comend and coment on Young Justice the show in and of its self is great, my coment comes from the profusion of on particular coment that I have seen on the site namely Why is Superman being such a jerk to Superboy question. My interpretation of this issue is that you would have seen a similar dynamic if you had called Suprboy Le-Lak in stead of Kon-El if you follow me. If I am right about this, I like the way you have chosen to show the other side of the orignal dynamic without superboy being evil of course.

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the "Le-Lak" reference, beyond the obvious, i.e. that it is "Kal-El" backwards. So I may not be following you.

Response recorded on August 10, 2011

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Carter writes...

The YJ theme song and the visuals are very cool. Were there other versions of either the theme or the visuals that you had? What sparked the decision to have scenes from an episode in their respective appearance?

Also, the flashback in "Bereft" hinted that Megan might've picked up her catchphrase from a TV show. Or was she perhaps on the show? ;)

Is Aqualad the only Atlantean to use Water Bearers, or is it part of his maturity as an adult, like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly? The Queen didn't use Bearers at all.

What sparked the choice to have the Atlantean speak in "Downtime," and who created it? Was it hard for the voice actors to do?

Greg responds...

It was Brandon's idea to use scenes from the episode in the middle of the main title. I was leery of the idea, as I don't like spoilers much, but Brandon and our editor Jho Reyes always manage to find great images that tease without spoiling.

Aqualad is considerably less advanced magically than Mera. He requires the tool; she does not.

The Atlantean was a challenge for everyone. But I think it turned out well. The idea was mine, in keeping with what Brandon and I have done with the REALITY of foreign languages in the series as a whole. I figured it should be some variation on Ancient Greek, and contacted Aris Katsaris, a Greek Gargoyle fan in order to get his help for both the translations and the transliterations. Figure that anything we got wrong... is because Atlantean is an unknown dialect of Ancient Greek.

Response recorded on August 10, 2011

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Elizabeth writes...

Another "Downtime" question; where was Artemis during and after the disastrous Clayface mission? Was she on a break or did Batman take her off for a specific reason?

Greg responds...

Check out issue 12 of the Young Justice Comic Book for an answer.

Response recorded on August 09, 2011

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. Some of my questions may cross in to "spoilery" territory. Sorry if that happens.

1) Regarding "Schooled" ... I noticed that Amazon only duplicated the League's powers one at a time is that how his power works, or can he use their powers all at once?

2) Is there a limit to the types of powers that Amazo can duplicate? For instance, could he duplicate magic-based powers like those of Zatara and Captian Marvel?

3) Speaking of Captain Marvel... As a huge Shazam fan I am often annoyed by modern interpretations of the character which often depict him as either 1) a second rate Superman, or 2) a mentally retarded six year old. Can you comment at all upon Young Justice's depiction of Captain Marvel?

4) My favorite cartoon from the 80s, Dungeons & Dragon, clocks in at 24 minutes. Young Justice seems to be 21 minutes long. (Do I have that right?) Why are the episodes so short, and is there anything we can do about this for future seasons?

Greg responds...

1. One at a time, at least for now.



4. Assuming your stats are accurate, I assume it's to make room for more commercials.

Response recorded on August 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Thank you for answering my question sir.
I hate to bug you with a follow-up, but I was just curious, had Catherine Cobert shown up in the pilot (and I guess by extension if she does evershow up, though I'm sure you couldn't answer that specific point), would she have had a French accent?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 09, 2011

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Zeke Hero writes...


First of all, I'd like to say I'm a huge fan of your work since Gargoyles made my young mind snap from "short attention span" to "give me more character-driven serial fiction!" during the Disney Afternoon days (jeez, I'm old...). When I heard you were doing Spectacular Spider-Man, I knew I was going to be in for a treat and while the show only got two seasons, DAMN were they exactly what I needed out of a Spider-Man show.

I've read the questions posted and have sat here making sure I won't ask an *eye-roll*-worthy one or something that will inspire the "no comment"-of doom, so here goes:

Gargoyles and Young Justice both have a family quality to the teams of characters that are our protagonists. We're introduced to a small band of 6-7 heroes by the writers and over the course of adventure after adventure we the viewer comes to feel as much as a part of that "family" as they do with each other. My question is (and I am in NO WAY fishing for spoilers or hints or what have you) what are your feelings on shows that expand these bases down the line? I remember, for example, that when Avatar added Toph her initial episodes didn't seem to gel with the audience I was viewing the show with and it felt like (to us) that the character didn't fit into a narrative we'd become accustomed to, yet by the end of the season (and this was our fault for not trusting the writers), Toph was a great piece of a larger cast that grew organically. Do you feel that adding, say, Angela as a new member of the Gargoyle family can hurt the narrative established with an audience burned time after time by artificial 90's cartoon storylines or does the idea of getting to add, say, the Wonder Twins (again, not fishing hence why I use these guys) offer up an opportunity to you as a writer for a left turn in the plot that you get to have a "trust us, we know what we're doing" stance with your audience?

(man that was a huge run-on senence...)

second question

When you and Brandon were mapping out the season (I saw the great behind the scenes video from SDCC), what was the best ah-ha moment (related to something we've already seen, not a spoiler or fishing trip) that you as a team came up with? Mostly I'm just looking for an anecdote about working as a team, you could even be vague and pronouny.

Third and final quesiton

You've now gotten to work on Marvel's Spider-verse, and the entire DC universe. I've noticed that in both cases you've gotten to go your own way on certain characters you've gotten to use (e.g. Silver Sable was a villain on Spider-Man with a relationship to Silvermane). Which comes first in cases where this occurs? Do you riff on story ideas and go, "we need a psychic badass" and then go, "let's use Psimon, but let's tweak him a little" or do you (or someone on the team) say, "Man, we REALLY need to use Abra Kadabra and I think I know how we could do that!" Since both shows have shown you dipping into a huge pool of characters, what about a character makes them a "semi-blank canvas" character that you can take as an opportunity to fit within your storybeats versus a character that you feel is fully-formed and just needs an artistic tweak to fit your plot?

Again, thank you so much for this board, your time, and this show. You've contributed so much to quality animation and, I hope you see the compliment here, but when I and my friends push Gargoyles on to newbies, we usually describe it as, "It's like the Wire, but with Shakespere, monsters, and the NYPD"

Greg responds...

1. I don't see how expanding the cast ORGANICALLY hurts the narrative.

2. I don't know that we had a single "Ah ha!" moment on YJ. But when things are working, they just begin to come together.

3. We've worked it from both directions. Ultimately, we ALWAYS try to be true to the spirit of the character - though sometimes we are intentionally introducing the character at a pre-classic stage. Silver Sable is a perfect example. We had long term plans for her that would have eventually brought her closer to the Sable from the comics. But we liked this backstory for her - and connecting her to Silvermane helped preserve the coherence of our universe.

Response recorded on August 09, 2011

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Liam writes...

1) How old are Garth and Tula?
2) Following Mammoth's transformation, does he retain his ability of speech? Can he form coherent thoughts, or is he just like a wild animal?
3) How did Professor Ivo seemingly die before resurfacing in "Schooled"? Was he fighting the Justice League or a superhero, or was it completely unrelated?
4) Did Professor Ojo and Sensei hand over the data they acquired from Miami Beach University to the Light too, or was it just the S.T.A.R. Labs and WayneTech data they wanted?
5) What were three members of the League of Shadows doing in Rhode Island, and if they were not in RI, how did they get to Happy Harbor so quickly?
6) How did Abra Kadabra find Kent Nelson in New Orleans?
7) What kind of government does Bialya have?
8) Is Aquaman aware of Aqualad's parentage? If yes (or if not), is Mera?
9) Why did Jay Garrick retire? Was he just getting too old for it in general and wanted to give Barry Allen a chance, or does he have some kind of medical condition stopping him?
10) Does Artemis watch "Hello, Megan!" (the TV show)?

Greg responds...

1. 16.

2. He can and does form coherent thoughts. Speech is more difficult.


4. I'm sure there was a reason why MBU was chosen as a test site. So, yes, they turned that data over.

5. They were close enough to get there by necessary means.

6. Does it really matter?

7. A dictatorship. Though Queen Bee would claim it's a constitutional monarchy.


9. No medical condition. In fact, he's in amazing shape for his age. But he is over 90, and there are two other Speedsters.


Response recorded on August 09, 2011

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Tazmaniak writes...

At the start of "Schooled", we see some automobiles crossing a large bridge.The timestamp tells us we're in Metropolis.Next we see an accident, and Bruce looking through binoculars from a Wayne building.

Now, does this mean that Gotham and Metropolis are sister cities and are connected by that bridge?Or does Bruce just have an office in Metropolis?

Greg responds...

Bruce has offices in many major cities.

Response recorded on August 01, 2011

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PanREM writes...

I searched through the archives and didn't find anything, but I hope I didn't miss anything!

First, I'd just like to say great job on Young Justice! I'm really liking all of the characters so far. You've done a great job making them all into people you can relate to, and I like the way they are developing. I can clearly see that they are growing- and all their flaws are not just there for no reason, they are all well rounded characters. Red Arrow is my prime example- I already liked him from the beginning, but I could see why people thought he was just angry. Then you put in his speech at the end of 'Infiltrator' ("Don't hurt my friends") and I like him a lot more. He's more than just 'the angry one'.

Anyways, I was watching 'Bereft', and the way Psimon made them all forget through the team's psychic link fascinated me. It got me thinking. How does their mind link work, exactly? Do they have to specifically project thoughts, or do subconscious thoughts also get through? Is there some level of empathy involved (M'gann felt when Superboy was in pain) and if so, would only M'gann be affected or would everyone feel it, if they were linked up? Also, how much control do the others have over the link? If this will be explored in greater detail later on in the series, feel free to ignore my question. Thanks!

Greg responds...

M'gann's mindlink only projects conscious attempts at communication. It's a very surface-level connection.

Response recorded on August 01, 2011

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Ankit09 writes...

Hi Greg, I want to ask some questions of Young Justice.
1. In Kirby's original DNA Project stories (the origin of Cadmus) Guardian is a clone of the original Jim Harper who was killed in action-- a creation of "The Project". There is a reference to this during "Fireworks" when Dubbilex refers to Guardian as "brother", a term he usually reserves for other genomorphs. So is Guardian a clone.
2. Mark Desmond become "Blockbuster" by Blockbuster serum developed through a combination of genetic research and strange blue ice crystals by Cadmus. Is he a "Genomorph".
3. Mammoth was infected with Kobra Venom(combination of Blockbuster serum & Venom) and was permanently transformed into a super strong monstrosity. Is he a "Genomorph".
4 I saw all YJ 9 episodes, when is the next episode realeasing.
5 Are new characters joining YJ core team. I would like to see Wonder Girl, BeastBoy, Zatana and Raven in the team or at least in the show.

Greg responds...


2. No.

3. No.

4. Not sure.

5. "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." Except, I've already admitted that a couple more characters will join the Team by the end of the season.

Response recorded on August 01, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

If the Joker should appear in the Young Justice show, will he still sport his Beatles haircut?

Greg responds...

Wait and see...

Response recorded on August 01, 2011

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Kayla writes...


So I watched Gargoyles as a kid, you know on Disney channel at two in the morning, and needless to say at that time I didn't really appreciate it for everything that it is. It seems that in the past few months after I found someone with the full episodes on DVD, that all I've been able to do in my spare time is watch them, I also ordered the comics as soon as I realized they existed! Anyway, I wanted to know if you had any future plans of trying to continue the story? Or if anything is in the works? I am sure this is an entirely redundant question that you are terribly sick of asking. I have seen it asked before but a while back, so I figured I'd give it another go, I compeletely understand if you don't anwser!

I also want to say that I am really starting to get into Young Justice! A few years back when Teen Titans was cancelled I almost fell over from shock, but YJ definatly surpasses TT by far!

Greg responds...

Nothing is currently in the works, I'm afraid on Gargoyles, but I haven't given up - and I have plenty of ideas to continue if given the opportunity.

Response recorded on August 01, 2011

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Anyone in the mood for another YJ Update?

101-109 - Aired
110 - Previewed at Comic-Con
111-118 - In the can.
119-121 - In post-production.
122-125 - In animation.
126 - In layout overseas. Final color models going out today.
201-204 - In storyboard.
205 - Recording this tomorrow.
206 - I'm editing the script now.
207 - Waiting for notes on the outline.
208 - Have to write the outline.
209 - Have to read the writer's draft on the outline.
210 - In outline.

As before, we don't have an official pick-up on the back ten episodes of Season Two, but we've been given the go ahead to break the stories:
211-212 - Beat Outlines completed.
213 - We're in the middle of breaking this one on index cards.

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Anonymous writes...

Who's in on the secret that Wally knows Robin's secret identity?
Does Robin realize he knows?
Does Robin know Wally's?
Will we find out how Wally found out either in the comics or the show?

Greg responds...

1. Wally and Dick.

2. Yes.

3. Yes, though that's not as big a secret.

4. Maybe eventually, but it's not that complicated. Dick told him.

Response recorded on July 28, 2011

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AJC writes...

So when it comes to defeating criminals, is the young justice team willing to take the lives of criminals if their teammates or those they are trying to protect are in danger?

I noticed in 'bereft' that miss martian used her powers to smash two planes together. Were there not pilots in them? Even artemis started shooting explosive arrows at superboy and she technically wouldn't have known if he would have withstood that. Its also pretty clear that red arrow has killed to protect the scientist in 'infiltrator'.

Greg responds...

Those weren't planes, they were drones. They weren't even big enough for a human to sit in them.

As for the rest of the examples, you mentioned, I think you're assuming a LOT. But we left things ambiguous on purpose.

Response recorded on July 28, 2011

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Elizabeth writes...

Hi Greg,

I just noticed something while rewatching "Downtime"; Tula, Garth and Queen Mera's tattoos only become visible when they are performing magic, but Kaldur's tattoos are always visible on his arms. Why is that? Is it because he has darker skin, or does he have a different kind of Atlantean tattoo than the Queen and his two best friends?

Greg responds...

It's because he dropped out of Sorcery school before he got to their advanced level.

Response recorded on July 27, 2011

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Michael McCarthy writes...

You wrote: "Superman is Superboy's genetic father."


(Superman is actually Superboy's genetic brother.)

Greg responds...

I'll take your word for it. But what may be true genetically isn't necessarily true emotionally.

Response recorded on July 27, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

What was the reasoning behind Roy naming himself Red Arrow? He seemed to be wanting to distance himself from Green Arrow & the League, yet Red Arrow is a closer to Green Arrow's name than Speedy is.

So my question is why didn't he just keep the Speedy name, or name himself Arsenal, or you guys make up a new name for him to go by?

Greg responds...

How does "Arsenal" make any sense in this context? And, frankly, how did "Speedy" make any sense ever? (Okay, okay, I know the answer to the latter. But in a world with Kid Flash, it just smacks of both immaturity and confusion at this point.)

And I don't think Roy wants to 'distance' himself from Green Arrow as much as he wants to be treated as an EQUAL. Hence, Red Arrow.

Response recorded on July 25, 2011

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