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Alante C. writes...

Hi Greg! firstly, i just want to say thank you for always putting out great episodes of young justice and also making classics like Gargoyles.

but to my question. i became aware that you and Denys Cowan pitched an Icon and Rocket series(form a previous answer you gave) back in the late 90's to Dreamworks.

1.Could you tell us more that series?
2.How did you two begin to collaborate on that idea?
3.If you remember what was the general premise?
4.Why do you personally think it wasn't picked up?
5.This really isn't a question but if there is anymore information about it id love to hear, i just love the idea.
6.This is off topic but what process do you go through to think of stories for episodes of young justice?

Greg responds...

1. Not really, mostly because it was SO long ago, I don't remember very much. But it was the basic Rocket/Icon dynamic.

2. Geez. Um. I wanna say Denys probably brought the notion to me, but I was already a fan of both characters. But, again, it was a LONG time ago.

3. See above.

4. Don't know. I remember we pitched it to Nickolodeon in New York, along with about ten other ideas or so. Nick bought two of my pitches, Rain of the Ghosts and Madison & M.O.N.-Ro (neither of which ended up getting made for various reasons). But they passed on Rocket. I have no idea why.

5. Me too.

6. Brandon and Kevin and I came up with a ton of story ideas right off the bat. More than we could ever get to, frankly, even with five seasons. Then the task is to organize our thoughts, figure out what would happen when. We begin to come up with a throughline for an entire season and organize stuff around that. Of course, every time we introduce a new character or event that triggers multiple additional story ideas. It's kinda unending.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Sean writes...

Does cheshire, paula or sportsmaster know that wally is (or was) kid flash?

Greg responds...

It depends WHEN you're asking about...?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Juan Dios writes...

I like the changes martian manhunter's powers and other martians as well because in the comics, his powers (and other martians) are mostly comparable to a kryptonian (except for shapeshifting, density shifting, invisibility and telepathy). Why didn't they do that in the current comics?

Also are the abilities of each martian from the comics are natural or genetically modified?

Greg responds...

I can't speak for any decisions made in the comics, current or otherwise. You'll have to ask them.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Number 16 Freak writes...

Should we look for obscure number 16 references, such as 32(=16*2) etc, or you didn't go that far?

Greg responds...

I myself would not count multiples of 16 as significant. But who knows?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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cyber-xanatos writes...

Mr Weisman i had trouble searching in the archive for questions about the forever people so forgive me if some on has already asked these question before. 1.
what was the toughest part about using jack kirby's fourth world in disordered.
2.also how did the writer use such kirby like verbosity in that episode so well.
3.why did you chose the forever people in the first plaec.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure there was a tough part, though, of course, we really wanted to do justice to the characters.

2. Well, I can't speak for Andrew Robinson, but I'd guess that, like me, he's a fan.

3. They are the young New Gods, which fit thematically with our young heroes.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Steel_goliath writes...

Hey Greg I loved disordered and wanted to ask why did you chose to make infinity man silent throughout his appearance

Greg responds...

Felt right, I guess.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

I don't want to flood, so this is just going to be a miscilanious question post:

1.Queen bee's powers (supposedly) worked on Garfield, why does it work on pre-pubescents if it is pheromone based?

2.Why did Martians develop shapeshifting if they can't hide their thoughts from each other? On mars,what point does is serve them. We've seen that they ussually are in there default state.

3.Is Connor's super-jump a weakened form of flight, or a result of super strength in his legs?

4. How do you feel on the topic of tv show responsibility? Do you think shows have a duty to set good role models, or do you think having media as a tool for next generation change is misguided and dangerous?

sorry for not numbering my first post, I didn't notice until it was too late.

Greg responds...

1. Puberty (as I understand it) isn't a light switch. It's a process.

2. We're talking ancient evolution, and the Martians evolved along similar lines as the organic species which they now use for their clothes and Bio-Ships. In fact, I would think all three species MUST have had common ancestors. But I'm not an evolutionary biologist.

However, there are a number of truly great scientific minds over at the Station 8 Comment room. Try asking there: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/

3. The latter - although not JUST his legs, I would think. (Though again, I'm not a kinesiologist.) All of which is not to say that his exposure to a yellow sun doesn't have something to do with it. That's WHY he's strong.

4. I don't want to answer for ALL shows. I think the shows I work on need to have a moral point of view. And I think it's important not to be casual about things like smoking, for example, which has done more damage to this world than almost anything I can think of, off hand.

5. Thanks for not repeating the error! :)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

LGBT related questions (and thoughts)

It's been brought up a lot, and entirely not your fault characters can't be open about orientation. Really thankful for all you've done. Nightwings "and some woman" line alone me feel so happy; a Hero from a show vaguely acknowledged I existed, and it really means a lot to me-and maybe some confused kids will be helped. Its hard growing up and trying to believe your feelings thinking absolutely no one is the same, not being able to look to pop culture for any role models. I know it's still too controversial, but I'm glad for our little corner. I don't know how to word this well, but I just want you to understand how much it means to some people you give us a corner. As sincere as I can, I just want to say Thank You! I can't word my thoughts great, but I really wanted to tell you how I felt, thanks for all you do, and your time.

Greg responds...

You word things VERY well. I wish I were doing more, frankly. But I am trying to push for at least incremental change, and I do appreciate that you appreciate the effort. Even if I don't really feel like I've earned much actual praise.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

Megan Questions:
Was Megan putting Psimon in Catatonia the same attack she has been abusing recently(if no, what is the difference)? You kind of alluded to that earlier, confirming.

Did she intentionally put him in a coma, or was that an accident from the force of her counterstrike rage?

Could she only do that attack in her White Martain form originally?

Did Psimons powers help him in recovering?

I hope you had a great holiday season Greg! DFTBA

Greg responds...

1. In Psimon's case, it was simply an attack. More recently, the point of the encounter was different. It wasn't about attacking, but about acquiring information. But either way it was a violent psychic attack with very similar repercussions.

2. Catatonia and a coma are two different things.

3. It made it easier.

4. Yes.

5. I did, thanks.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Have Superman and Flash ever raced in the Earth-16 universe?
If so, who won?

Greg responds...

Why would they?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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