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Anonymous writes...

When Josh Keaton recorded his bit for Black Spider, who else was in the studio?
Are there "secret" recordings you guys try to keep under wraps?

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember.

2. Huh?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

How was Jaime able to visualize Black Beetle as his future self?-after all unless the Scarab was projecting it to him ou can't see a flashback in universe.

Greg responds...

Okay, first off, he was not visualizing Black Beetle at all. He was imagining/visualizing a version of himself based on what Impulse was describing. Keep in mind, Jaime's first "vision" was a memory; the second was a nightmare, and the third was a fantasy based on Bart's narration.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

How was Roy able to fight Mercy-a cyborg so evenly in Satisfaction-despite missing an arm and only recently being unfrozen after 8 years of stasis, did the cryogenics keep him in the physically fit condition he was frozen in?
2-Why did Cadmus have to cut his whole arm of?-I get they were perfecting the cloning process but even a few cells have billions of DNA strands they could have used.
3-I'm curious Black Beetle comes of as an arrogant,smug jerk with contempt for "meat" so why did he save Shimmer?

Greg responds...

1. You saw what you saw. If it doesn't work for you, I'm not sure what to tell you.


3. Shimmer was on his team. Why wouldn't he save her?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anon Archer writes...

Does Superboy like pie? What's his favourite type of pie? I know this is ASKED AND ANSWERED but your answer was he hadn't tried it yet. After about 6 years, what's the deal.

2) What's Superman's favourite type of pie

3) What's Lex Luthor's favourite type of pie

4) Inside the show itself, what is the reason thst after almost 6 years the team still doesn't have a name.
Also, your show is good. Seriously

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure he likes all kinds of pie. But it's hard to top Ma Kent's apple-berry pie.

2. Apple.

3. Apricot.

4. That IS the name.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Young Justice has not been renewed for a third season, what have you been up to lately?

Also, how excited are you for the new Young Justice video game?

Greg responds...

1. I've just recently gone through all this. Check the archives.

2. Very.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How long did it take for her teammates to learn that Artemis was Artemis' real name?

Greg responds...

Depends which teammate you're talking about.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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kenzey818 writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
In reading Ask Greg and other forums, I've noticed a lot of bashing of many plot points in Young Justice. So instead of any bashing or questions (since it might be a while till you'll get to see this and I'll get my answers by watching the show :D) you're getting a heaping helping of praise:
First off Superman: When Season 1 started a lot people bashed his portrayal and avoidance of Superboy. But I loved it. To me it felt realistic and honest. I'd feel violated and uncomfortable if I found out someone had cloned my awesomeness. When Supes did accept SB at the end of Auld Acquaintance I cheered and it brought a tear to my. People bash Supes all the time for being "too perfect" but here was a real portrayal of imperfection and humanity. I was especially excited when we saw the team up between Supes and SB in alienated and the good-bye was very touching, and then when it came out in the comic that Clark made an effort to get to know Connor as a person and not a clone my heart soared. So beautiful and sweet!
And now something I'll admit I had some issues with: The Time Skip. But not for most of the reasons I've been reading from others. I wanted to see more of the relationship develop between the Supers, and see them kick Luthor's butt :) however I've been a fan of yours way back to Gargoyles (which is still one of my all time favorites) to know there is a reason for everything you do, even if I don't know why. One thing I love about your productions is the cohesiveness of it, the stories don't change and don't go back on their founding principles. In rewatching the first season of Young Justice I realized if I had missed an episode I could've been lost as to whats going on. Even the littlest thing you don't expect is connected has something to do with the overall story. Thank you so much for a beautifully written and gorgeously animated show. In age when it seems some companies are dumbing stuff down I love the H.G Wells references and the respect you treat you audiences intelligence with, whether they be children or adults like me. Thank you again to you and your wonderful staff! Keep up the amazing work you've found a fan for life :)

Greg responds...

Thank you. Although I will say I don't agree that you need to have seen every episode to get or appreciate our series. Sure, it ADDS VALUE the more you consume (show, comic and video game included), but you should be able to tune in to any individual episode and enjoy the yarn that's on screen. I do sometimes worry that the PERCEPTION that that was not the case might have kept people away. But if they had tuned in at any point, I like to think they would have been hooked. And then AFTER THE FACT, they could go back and watch any episodes they missed, while simultaneously continuing to view the new stuff as it appeared.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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guy writes...

who is aquaman parents?

Greg responds...

Who ARE Aquaman's parents?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Kenzen writes...

A) Why did you decided to include Jason in Young Justice, any specific reason?

B) Are you afraid of any time paradoxes that might come up with Impulse?

(A small add on of my opinion but the question above is all I am asking about) Say for example the vent or what have you that destroys the future doesn't happen or is changed, by most time travel logic Impulse would just vanish from Team Year Five, but I would imagine for story should that happen you would want a goodbye or something loose ends are what fandoms cringe and theorize at.

C a) For Garfield he lives in a timeline with pandas, could he transform into a panda or would he need to have physical contact a panda?
C b) Should he need touch, would say a stuffed Dodo or dodo skeleton work for an image form him to shapeshift into?

Also should he need touch did he have to touch an alligator and gorilla to be able to shapeshift or again just same time and sight of panda.

D) Any characters you really want in the show but you haven't been able to fit them in?

Trying to make my questions vague not really working soory if they have a confusing level to them.

Greg responds...

A. He was part of the history.

B. No. It's not my favorite type of time travel story, but it works for me here. I've gone into detail about it previously. Check the archives.

C a. Who says he hasn't had contact with a panda?

C b. No.

C c. It's got to be more than just a view from afar. But it's more complicated than just touching an animal. It has to do with his origin, of which you've only seen a fraction.

D. Yes.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg I just wanted to ask you if you have ever thought on finishing writing all your stories in case you never got to finish them in your life time?.

I don't want to be pessimistic. But just like Moses wasn't able to be on the promised land...

I recall Tolkien had the same issue with his unfinished tales. It would be cool if you at least considered finishing gargoyles. Many of your fans would be grateful if we got to know the full story :)

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "finishing"...? I mean, just for starters, what medium are you referring to? It's not like I can just magically whip up some cartoons for ya.

But (1) let's start with this notion: it can't be done. Because my mind doesn't work that way. No matter how much I wrote on Gargoyles or Young Justice or SpecSpidey or WITCH or whatever, those stories and those characters would simply inspire new stories and yet more characters. To me, the universe (any universe) doesn't come to an end, so how could I ever bring any of theses sagas to an end?

(2) I gotta earn a living, pal. I don't own Gargoyles. For me to spend unpaid time writing stories that I can never publish, is, I hate to say it, even dopier than a doing post-production on a series for free. And there are limits to even my dopiness.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

HUZZAH on YJ's return! And what an episode. First off, nice job on The Reach, I was really into that Blue Beetle comic's first run and I enjoyed The Reach. So thanks a lot. And Beetle himself, wow! This is gonna get good for him. As for Megan, I knew that eventually her more forceful mind tricks would come back to bite her, and wow. I mean, poor Kaldur, I sincerely hope the effects are temporary. And again, more Godfrey! I love this man, he is so funny.
My question is this; the blonde girl we saw in Star City. Was that Cissie?

Greg responds...

Uh... I think you're talking about Stephanie Brown, but I'm not sure.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Greg Bishansky writes...

One aspect that I always liked about "Gargoyles" was that most of the individual characters had someone they considered their own personal nemesis.

Brooklyn had Demona (but I doubt she thought enough about him to feel the same, her focus was always on Goliath). Lexington had the Pack (though, again, I doubt they gave him as much thought as again, Goliath). Broadway had Dracon (again, I tend to think Dracon gave Goliath more thought, and especially Elisa).

Actually, while writing this post, it just occurred to me that these people the trio despised probably didn't give them individually all that much thought... kind of says something about how the futility of holding such contempt for someone, only for that other person to probably not spend all that much time thinking about you. See, I love "Gargoyles," I'm always seeing things in new ways.

But I guess what I was originally going to ask, before my little revelation there was this. Did you have any rivalries like that planned with the Redemption Squad?

For Hunter, Demona or John Castaway being her personal nemesis seems like a given. Though I wouldn't be surprised if we get a new character there. Dingo seems to have Falstaff for that role, especially if he ever discovers how his mother died.

Yama, Fang and especially Matrix are harder to pin down for this. I suppose for Yama it could be Taro, but I'm not sure... he seems to blame himself for what he did rather than Taro. Fang doesn't seem to hold any real ill will towards Sevarius. And Matrix doesn't even have emotions and can't take things personally.

Greg responds...

Of course, the ultimate example of what you describe in your third paragraph is with Gillecomgain. He's obsessed for years over the gargoyle that scarred him. And when Demona sees his face, she has absolutely no memory of the incident.

As for the Bad Guys characters, things would evolve in the fullness of time.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Donna writes...

Is it a possibility that you can make a comic out of the Steam Lantern storyline/Universe?

Greg responds...

Me? The YJ guy? Um. I suppose anything's possible, but (a) that wasn't my story or my series, so (b) I have no connection to it other than being a viewer who enjoyed that particular episode of GLTAS, which suggests that (c) I wouldn't be the guy to pitch it to DC, and in any case (d) it's not at all up to me.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

And going back to Gargoyles and YJ, I noticed your secret connection with Celebrity Hockey (Hudson's favorite show). I thought that was pretty cool. I like how you use mirroring, foil characters, connections, irony, all that good stuff on your shows. Like in "Cloud Fathers" Coyote (the spirit) pulled a stunt on Coyote (the Xanatos robot) which was very similar to Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Superboy pulling on Blockbuster in "Fireworks". I also see you said once that the Light was perhaps influenced by the Illuminati in Gargoyles, but not directly, so I wanted to know if there are any other hidden connections between YJ and Gargoyles and if so what are they?

Thanks a lot Greg. Like I said before, I appreciate how you're willing to talk with your fans and I think this website and your work is really great!

Greg responds...

There are probably a ton. You can chalk up some of them to my sincere lack of imagination. But others are quite intentionally used as fan-service, particularly to Gargoyles fans, who have been beyond ridiculously loyal to me for over a decade. And often it's just for my own personal amusement. Trust me, if I could have figured out a way to put some version of the line "You beat up a beach!" into Young Justice, I would have.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

While on the topic of CGI, do you prefer this method or the classic hand drawings for animation and why? I know your series have mostly been all drawings (I think) but wanted to see.

Greg responds...

I don't have a preference if the series is developed correctly for the medium it's using. I did Roughnecks: the Starship Troopers Chronicles in CGI, and I think it worked great. I did Max Steel (Season One only), and although I'm proud of our scripts, I DON'T think it worked great, because the series as it was developed (by me but under marching orders from multiple very large companies) didn't work in CGI.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

These 2 are related...

1. While on the topic of inspirations I have a question about your series Gargoyles. When it originally came out I really don't remember it because I was really young, but I did always know of its existence. When I learned that you, who are producer of YJ, also created Gargoyles I was motivated to watch the series and I am doing so know (soon I hope to see SSM too!). It is very interesting and I really like your character portrayals and interesting plots. Now the question I have about inspiration is did you derive anything of Gargoyles from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series, and if so what? I apologize if the question seems strange, but I notice how both series were produced in the close time frames, they both take place in NYC, and in essence both show are about groups of outcasts by society who in turn fight crime. I think what merely stood out for me is that when I see Elisa Maza and her friendship with the gargoyles it kind of reminds me of April O'Neil and the turtles. Besides there are mutants in both series, most cool stuff happens by night (for the turtles so they won't be seen); Gargoyles because they don't have a choice, etc. Anyway these are the similarities I see and I just wanted your opinion on them.

2. While on the topic of the TMNT, have you seen the new CGI series, and if so what do you think? I think it's a cool adaptation.

Greg responds...

1. Not so much, because as you say, both were being produced at more or less the same time. There may have been some influence in little things, like when we started saying Jalapeña all the time - though the origin of that (as discussed elsewhere) was nevertheless very different. And I won't deny the two series have things in common. But just as often we tried to AVOID having things in common with Turtles. If the series started to veer in that direction, there were plenty of people (Frank Paur, especially) who would make sure to course correct.

2. I haven't seen it - or, frankly, most any version of TMNT. That's not meant as a critical comment. I just haven't had the opportunity.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hello Greg,

My post got deleted, don't know why so I am trying to separate the questions from my post. Thanks for you time.

Here are the Flash questions/comments I promised, mainly centered on Barry Allen.

Your portrayal of the Barry Allen persona to me does not seem like the one I am familiar with in his appearances in the comics, from the Silver Age to his death on Crisis on Infinite Earths and even after his resurrection and into the New 52. To me he always seemed a calm and collective police scientist who had somewhat of Superman's persona in the pursuit of justice. Your version to me seems more like the Wally West persona, especially similar to the Justice League and JLU series of Bruce Timm. He seems more willing to joke around, his outbursts in the first episode of YJ, and his over-eagerness of the present in Mount Justice in the tie-in comic book are just some examples that lead me to this conclusion. So mainly I wanted to know where you drew inspiration for Barry Allen the Flash please. Please understand that I am not criticizing you; you're the creator and you have every right to adapt characters as you seem fit, but it has somewhat bugged me throughout the series. I am happy with the other Flashes though, and glad Kid Flash finally gets some spotlight in an animated series, plus "Bloodlines" was one of the greatest episodes ever!

Greg responds...

A lot of decisions are, I suppose, relativistic. That is, I can't have sixteen Justice Leaguers running around, all with the same intense, focused, personality. So I may take a kernel of something that I see in a character's LOOOONNNNNNGGGG history and develop that into something we can hang our hats (or cowls) upon.

For Barry, I think it's VERY safe to say that the Wally West of JL and JLU had pretty much NO influence on us. Cuz, you know, we were doing WALLY in the show too.

But Cary Bates, who wrote a huge chunk of Barry's adventures before Crisis on Infinite Earths, is one of my best friends, and he always made Barry a little goofy. A little bit of the boy scout, who still had that Flash fanboy in him, i.e. the guy who was inspired by Jay Garrick. We made that literal in our series... and we extended it into his personality. He likes catchphrases, even if he knows they make his wife and friends groan. He's a goody-two shoes and a happily married man and a scientist and a forensics expert and generally this slow, methodical but deeply honest guy, who likes his life and so is pretty at ease with his own sappiness.

He's NOT a smart-ass, which of course, Wally can be at times. And personally I don't think we portrayed him AT ALL like Wally.

But it's out there. If that's what you saw, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I noticed that Mera and Kaldur have different glowing tattoos: Mera has octopus tentacle tattoos and Kaldur has eel ones. Why is that so? And what kind of tattoos do Tula and Garth have?

Greg responds...

Let's start by saying that the word 'tattoo' is convenient, but not technically correct. These are mystic cryptograms or whatever, and they're only permanent until they are replaced. And, as I think I've said before, a more experienced sorcerer can sublimate the markings so that they're only visible when in use.

Kaldur reached a certain level within a certain specialty. Tula advanced beyond him but in basically the same specialty. Garth has a different specialty, but is more advanced than either of them. Mera, is more advanced than any of her students - at least in Season One.

Certain markings are totemic. Others relate more specifically to the powers.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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omondieu writes...

How are names chosen for members of the London Clan if the young are raised communally? Do the youngsters choose their own names when they grow older? Does each member of the clan choose a hatchling to name? Is there a gargoyle whose job it is to give every hatchling a name?

Greg responds...

There's this hat...

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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colton writes...

this has bothered me for a while,but in in drop-zone when the team is switching to their stealth tech(except for robin and superboy,aqualad was absent at the time)but when kid flash says "not to late to try on the new stealth tech"

does that mean they had already prepared conner a super-uniform,similar to superman's,with the stealth tech?as far as i understand is that is the first the team or the league has heard about his no-tights policy.

Greg responds...

It was not the first time they'd heard about it, so, yes, they had a uniform prepped. It wasn't a replica of Superman's, but it wasn't the <ahem> casual wear that our Superboy favors either. (And don't ask me what it looked like exactly. I don't know. Since we never showed it, it was never designed.) And it had stealth-tech.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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AhhGoodTimes writes...

Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and Guy Gardner are Green Lanterns of Sector 2814. This includes Mars. Do you have anything to say about the Green Lanterns' relationship, if any, with Mars? Such as whether the Green Lanterns have visited Mars or whether the Martians are aware of the Green Lantern Corps? Just something I've been thinking about since in Young Justice, the Martian civilization is alive unlike in the comics. Thank you in advance!

Greg responds...

First off, a slight correction: Hal, John and Guy are Green Lanterns FROM Sector 2814. You don't know what their respective assignments are.

We do indeed have thoughts about Green Lanterns and Martians. Some of this would have been dealt with in the comic (either the YJ:I comic that was cancelled or the Earth-16 comic that we pitched but was not picked up) and/or in Season Three (which was also not picked up).

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Esteban writes...

Hey again Greg, I have another question for you

How do gargoyles view homosexuality? More specifically the Manhattan clan sense Lexington is confirmed to be homosexual, but knowing about the other gargoyles would be nice too.

Thanks Greg, I wish Peter David the best and I'll see if I can help.

Greg responds...

As for Peter, I'll thank you on his behalf.

As for your question, I'm afraid it's been ASKED AND ANSWERED over and over again. Please check the ASK GREG Archives under either "Lexington" or "Gargoyle Customs" or both.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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wouldn't you like to know.. writes...

in the episode "before the dawn" of young justice invasion, i noticed that batgirl/Barbara wasn't wearing anything to hide her identity from the teens who they were going to rescue. would it be because she thought the teens wouldn't have time to look at her much while trying to escape the REACH or does she not care about secret identities.

Greg responds...

Who is Barbara Gordon that anyone would recognize her? She's NOT a celebrity. Nor is she the ward of a famous millionaire.

It's like that time that someone pulled off Spider-Man's mask... and had no idea who Peter Parker was. Not everyone is famous.

I mean, how do you think Clark Kent gets away with it? ;)

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

is it true that there's a possibility of there not being a 3rd season because it would be too expensive? because i've heard that young justice uses the best special effects and animation, so it would be impossible to get another season :( please dont let it be so!

Greg responds...

Cost is a factor, but I don't think it's because we're TOO expensive. I think they're just ready to take a shot at something else that they perceive will be more valuable overall.

It doesn't help that our toy line was cancelled, since that's where the majority of our funding came from.

Anyway, as I've said ad nauseum, none of this is up to me.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Why the Justice League was keeping Serects to the Young Justice?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, I do not understand this question.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous Writes writes...

The Team and League has a lot of Secrets?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Paul writes...

I've been wondering about Superboy's "If you guys hadn't rescued me from Cadmus..." line in "Auld Acquaintance". What was he getting at? I'm not sure I took the right meaning from it, but was it that if he hadn't been rescued, he would've been used to replace Superman like Speedy was replaced?

Greg responds...

No, if he hadn't been rescued, he would have been fully programmed and used in potentially the same way the Roy clone was.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Nori writes...

Does Cheshire actually care about Roy, or does she just want him back around because of the baby? In any universe, their relationship is decidedly confusing.

Greg responds...

Of course, she cares about him.

And it's only confusing because you've missed huge chunks of it. ;)

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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In a shameless attempt to maintain some sort of conversation about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I finished Chapter Four about an hour ago. (This one kicked my ass for some reason.)

I'll let you know when I finish Chapter Five. Because, nothing could be more fascinating, right? Right?

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DanM writes...

Hello there Greg (you don't mind me calling you Greg, do you?), how you've been?
Well I hope you have been doing well, and working hard on YJ for us fans.
So let me introduce myself, my name is Daniel I'm from Brasil and I LOVE the YJ tv show. As for the comic book, still I haven't had the chance to check it out. But I cannot see why it wouldn't be as great as the animation.
Anyways… with the recent CN's actions and the future listing of DC's solicitations, a lot of speculations have surfaced the web. Do those same speculations harm you or the crew in any way? Note that I don't mean it physically, I mean carrerwise (e.g. the mood in the work environment, the relationship with the bosses… that kind of thing?).
Have you ever thought about, or did in fact pitch in an Earth 16 title for the DC's New 52 (such as the Earth 2 title)? If not, how about it? I imagine that great things would come out of it. :) And what about novels? That would certainly be interesting!!

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what speculations you're referring to. But...

ANYWAY, I suppose this is as good an excuse as any to go through a bit of a chronology.

We finished the scripts for Invasion in January of 2012. So that's when I stopped getting paid, because although I'm a producer on the series, that title and even the responsibilities that go with it were, in essence, a courtesy, based on my experience, I guess. With a guy as talented and competent as Brandon on the job, Warners didn't feel any need to pay me to do the post-production on YJ. They had no problem with me participating, but they also had no problem with me walking away. (Same with Season One, by the way.) (And it was the same at Sony vis-a-vis The Spectacular Spider-Man. In animation, writers often aren't valued all that much once the script process is completed. From the point of view of these companies, I was really just a story editor with a glorified title, who was willing to do what he had to do in order to make the title real and NOT glorified.)

On one level, I probably should have walked away. But instead, I worked for free, helping to post the episodes with Brandon from January to October of 2012. Simultaneously - because I do need to earn a living - I did a number of freelance scripts for various series, including one for Warners' Beware the Batman, plus a Transformers Prime, a couple of Kaijudos, a couple Rescue Bots and a couple of Octonauts. Plus, there was the YJ comic, a few miscellaneous things, and I was also working on revising my first novel, Rain of the Ghosts. Oh, and Brandon and I were also giving free input on Legacy, as well. So I was plenty busy.

In October of 2012, we finished posting episode 220, "Endgame", and on Halloween I moved out of my office on the Warner Bros. Ranch and moved back to my old office in Beverly Hills. By that time, I was done with the comic as well.

During that period, Brandon and I (both separately and together) pitched all sorts of further Earth-16 properties, including (but not limited to) a third season (of course), animated spin-offs featuring Arsenal and/or the Arrow Family, a comic book entitled Earth-16, the Black Manta Celebrity Hot Tub shorts, a direct to DVD movie, etc. Brandon even pitched a YJ meets Scooby movie. Unfortunately, none of these were in the cards.

I'd love to say differently. I'd even love to say I've moved on, but I haven't really. Like many of the fans, I'm still mourning the whole thing, quite a bit. Perhaps even quite a bit more than is healthy. And - because I do need to earn a living - I'm still looking for both freelance work and my next solid gig. (It's been fourteen months without a real job, and it's starting to get a bit nerve-wracking, to be perfectly honest.) But Rain is coming out in December, and I'm hard at work on its sequel. They've both been very rewarding to work on, at least emotionally. (We'll have to wait and see if they turn out to be rewarding financially - but at least the potential upside is there.)

I'd happily do a YJ Novel, but like anything YJ related, it's just not up to me. It's just not a property I control AT ALL.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Are there fans who do not believe Lexington is gay?
I honestly believe he is not gay.

Greg responds...

I guess you answered your own question. Or are you not a fan?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Paul writes...

How old was Aquagirl when she died?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Alante C. writes...

Hi Greg! firstly, i just want to say thank you for always putting out great episodes of young justice and also making classics like Gargoyles.

but to my question. i became aware that you and Denys Cowan pitched an Icon and Rocket series(form a previous answer you gave) back in the late 90's to Dreamworks.

1.Could you tell us more that series?
2.How did you two begin to collaborate on that idea?
3.If you remember what was the general premise?
4.Why do you personally think it wasn't picked up?
5.This really isn't a question but if there is anymore information about it id love to hear, i just love the idea.
6.This is off topic but what process do you go through to think of stories for episodes of young justice?

Greg responds...

1. Not really, mostly because it was SO long ago, I don't remember very much. But it was the basic Rocket/Icon dynamic.

2. Geez. Um. I wanna say Denys probably brought the notion to me, but I was already a fan of both characters. But, again, it was a LONG time ago.

3. See above.

4. Don't know. I remember we pitched it to Nickolodeon in New York, along with about ten other ideas or so. Nick bought two of my pitches, Rain of the Ghosts and Madison & M.O.N.-Ro (neither of which ended up getting made for various reasons). But they passed on Rocket. I have no idea why.

5. Me too.

6. Brandon and Kevin and I came up with a ton of story ideas right off the bat. More than we could ever get to, frankly, even with five seasons. Then the task is to organize our thoughts, figure out what would happen when. We begin to come up with a throughline for an entire season and organize stuff around that. Of course, every time we introduce a new character or event that triggers multiple additional story ideas. It's kinda unending.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Jesse writes...

Hi Greg!!

First I would like to say i love Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H.!

My question about the show is
-when did Beast Bboy find out about M'gaan's true form?
-Is Zatanna single at the moment?

Keep it up with the amazing show, Young Justice!!

Greg responds...

1. Between seasons.

2. Why, are you interested?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Who is Nightwing closer to, Tim or Wally?

Greg responds...

It feels like an apples and oranges question, but... Wally.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Sean writes...

Does cheshire, paula or sportsmaster know that wally is (or was) kid flash?

Greg responds...

It depends WHEN you're asking about...?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Juan Dios writes...

I like the changes martian manhunter's powers and other martians as well because in the comics, his powers (and other martians) are mostly comparable to a kryptonian (except for shapeshifting, density shifting, invisibility and telepathy). Why didn't they do that in the current comics?

Also are the abilities of each martian from the comics are natural or genetically modified?

Greg responds...

I can't speak for any decisions made in the comics, current or otherwise. You'll have to ask them.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Becca writes...

Hi Greg! Question for you about Roy and Jade.

Was their marriage something they actually wanted? Or was it more for convenience (Jade to change her last name or something)? Or was it a decision that was made because you wanted to bring Lian in but children out of wedlock = bad for the show's intended audience?

Thank you! So excited to see YJ back!

Greg responds...

Out of universe, I'll admit there was a little discomfort on the part of some of our bosses about an out-of-wedlock child. Having said that, no one ordered us to marry them off, and ultimately, we felt it worked better for the two, given some of our plans for both Season Two and YJL.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Number 16 Freak writes...

Should we look for obscure number 16 references, such as 32(=16*2) etc, or you didn't go that far?

Greg responds...

I myself would not count multiples of 16 as significant. But who knows?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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cyber-xanatos writes...

Mr Weisman i had trouble searching in the archive for questions about the forever people so forgive me if some on has already asked these question before. 1.
what was the toughest part about using jack kirby's fourth world in disordered.
2.also how did the writer use such kirby like verbosity in that episode so well.
3.why did you chose the forever people in the first plaec.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure there was a tough part, though, of course, we really wanted to do justice to the characters.

2. Well, I can't speak for Andrew Robinson, but I'd guess that, like me, he's a fan.

3. They are the young New Gods, which fit thematically with our young heroes.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Steel_goliath writes...

Hey Greg I loved disordered and wanted to ask why did you chose to make infinity man silent throughout his appearance

Greg responds...

Felt right, I guess.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

I don't want to flood, so this is just going to be a miscilanious question post:

1.Queen bee's powers (supposedly) worked on Garfield, why does it work on pre-pubescents if it is pheromone based?

2.Why did Martians develop shapeshifting if they can't hide their thoughts from each other? On mars,what point does is serve them. We've seen that they ussually are in there default state.

3.Is Connor's super-jump a weakened form of flight, or a result of super strength in his legs?

4. How do you feel on the topic of tv show responsibility? Do you think shows have a duty to set good role models, or do you think having media as a tool for next generation change is misguided and dangerous?

sorry for not numbering my first post, I didn't notice until it was too late.

Greg responds...

1. Puberty (as I understand it) isn't a light switch. It's a process.

2. We're talking ancient evolution, and the Martians evolved along similar lines as the organic species which they now use for their clothes and Bio-Ships. In fact, I would think all three species MUST have had common ancestors. But I'm not an evolutionary biologist.

However, there are a number of truly great scientific minds over at the Station 8 Comment room. Try asking there: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/

3. The latter - although not JUST his legs, I would think. (Though again, I'm not a kinesiologist.) All of which is not to say that his exposure to a yellow sun doesn't have something to do with it. That's WHY he's strong.

4. I don't want to answer for ALL shows. I think the shows I work on need to have a moral point of view. And I think it's important not to be casual about things like smoking, for example, which has done more damage to this world than almost anything I can think of, off hand.

5. Thanks for not repeating the error! :)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

LGBT related questions (and thoughts)

It's been brought up a lot, and entirely not your fault characters can't be open about orientation. Really thankful for all you've done. Nightwings "and some woman" line alone me feel so happy; a Hero from a show vaguely acknowledged I existed, and it really means a lot to me-and maybe some confused kids will be helped. Its hard growing up and trying to believe your feelings thinking absolutely no one is the same, not being able to look to pop culture for any role models. I know it's still too controversial, but I'm glad for our little corner. I don't know how to word this well, but I just want you to understand how much it means to some people you give us a corner. As sincere as I can, I just want to say Thank You! I can't word my thoughts great, but I really wanted to tell you how I felt, thanks for all you do, and your time.

Greg responds...

You word things VERY well. I wish I were doing more, frankly. But I am trying to push for at least incremental change, and I do appreciate that you appreciate the effort. Even if I don't really feel like I've earned much actual praise.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

Megan Questions:
Was Megan putting Psimon in Catatonia the same attack she has been abusing recently(if no, what is the difference)? You kind of alluded to that earlier, confirming.

Did she intentionally put him in a coma, or was that an accident from the force of her counterstrike rage?

Could she only do that attack in her White Martain form originally?

Did Psimons powers help him in recovering?

I hope you had a great holiday season Greg! DFTBA

Greg responds...

1. In Psimon's case, it was simply an attack. More recently, the point of the encounter was different. It wasn't about attacking, but about acquiring information. But either way it was a violent psychic attack with very similar repercussions.

2. Catatonia and a coma are two different things.

3. It made it easier.

4. Yes.

5. I did, thanks.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

Who are your favorite legionnaires?

(Mine's Matter-Eater Lad with Arm Fall-Off Boy a close second.)

Greg responds...

Hm. It's been so long since I've read any Legion of Super-Heroes books. Always liked Ultra Boy, I guess. But I liked a LOT of the Legionnaires.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I've read your response about Beast Boy's abilities,and I wish to ask some further questions about it.

1. You say Beast Boy needs to.... grok the animal? Is that something like empathetic bonding? And does that mean he needs to form some kind of friendship with the animal he wishes to transform into?

2. You said Beast Boy cannot grok the animal from a distance or even from distant millenia. IF Beast Boy were to, let's say, somehow wind up in prehistoric times as a result of time-traveling, would he then be able to theoretically grok whatever animal he wishes to transform into?

3. Currently, Beast Boy is not able to transform into any prehistoric animals. However, has Beast Boy, at any point after gaining his shape-shifting abilities, ever wished that he had the ability to do so?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions,

Greg responds...

1. Don't take me too literally, but check out this:


2. Yes, theoretically.

3. Sure, who wouldn't?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Have Superman and Flash ever raced in the Earth-16 universe?
If so, who won?

Greg responds...

Why would they?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Cuddlefish writes...

I love Young Justice and can't wait to see some new episodes. You and everyone else did a fantastic job developing the characters and plot.

1. If the series is cancelled prematurely, would you reveal any plot sensitive details or storylines that didn't get resolved?

2. Dick and Tim wear shades around the Team but Barbara doesn't. It looks like at the shower all those present knew her civilian identity. Does most the Team know her ID and if so, why didn't Bruce make her hide it like he does with Dick and Tim?

3. What's the status of Tim's parents? If they are dead or otherwise unable to care for Tim, has Tim been adopted by Bruce like Dick?

4. What are Wally and Artemis studying in college?

Also just want to add that I love your interpretation of Batman and the Robins. I'm glad Bruce and Dick never had their falling out like in the comics and still have a solid relationship.

Greg responds...


2. Bruce is not her parent, just her mentor. Besides, she's a legal adult.


4. Lots of stuff.

5. Thanks. Me too.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hi Greg,

A Flash Fan again. A few more questions and comments if you don't mind.

1. My mind has been going back to the grotto. Ted Kord is the only deceased member of the league there and the other three "dead" members were from the Team. We know Artemis isn't really dead, Tula it can go both ways and I know will find out soon enough, and we officially know the second Robin is dead. I guess I would ask, do you think it is because the Justice League is more skilled with experience and therefore the chances of them getting killed is considerably less than the Team that's still learning the ropes, or is it that the Team is just more willing to sacrifice for what is right? I mean Flash would have died if not for Bart coming back; he said after he was saved he realized he wouldn't have made it, so is there a relationship between age and courage and the ultimate sacrifice do you think for the League and the Team?

2. Why isn't a Kent Nelson hologram/memorial in the grotto? He gave his life in the line of duty and was part of the League (or was he technically just part of the JSA?)

3. I apologize if this is a spoiler, but when did the League and Team start the grotto?

4. I've read that 16 appears a lot in the show. Is that because it is Earth -16 or is there some other reason, and if so what? And did you choose it to be Earth 16 or was that a decision made by DC Comics and the powers above?

5. My favorite scene of Season 1 was in "Auld Aquaintance" when Superboy and Robin bring down Superman and Batman. These latter two are pretty much the symbol of DC (wish Flash was a part of them, but of well) and to see Superboy and Robin, who in my opinion, got along, but never so great and never a prolonged experience fighting together was really cool. The other Team members fighting their mentors were cool, but not like this, this was ice cold frozen! I think it really conveyed something central about the series about the sidekicks filling the roles of their mentors (and was really glad Superman accepted Superboy at the end), so my question is, was this your intent or was there something else? Do you think this is THE scene or is there another one you think is better or was your favorite?

Thanks a lot Greg. Best for the New Year, which reminds me I can't wait to see you this will end on Earth 16's July 4th! Independence Day from aliens not just the US but the world? I'll be watching Jan 5!

Greg responds...

1. No. It's about specific circumstances. Keep in mind, these are heroes who are dead (or thought to be, as in the case of Artemis). Nothing on the memorial says HOW they died. By this time, you know how Ted Kord perished - and it wasn't on a Justice League mission. You have no idea yet how Robin or Aquagirl passed. For all you know, the two of them might have been walking down the street in their secret identities, when a piano, a safe and an anvil fell from above. They both dodged the piano and the anvil, but the safe got Jason and then Tula had a heart attack.

2. The latter.

3. Well, the Grotto itself as a place of contemplation has been there since the Cave was the Justice League's headquarters. But I assume you're asking when it became a place of memorial. And obviously, that was with the death of Jason Todd.



5. Yes, basically.

5a. I'm not sure what you mean by "THE scene". It's certainly one of my favorite sequences.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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EXALT writes...

Is your writing of Snapper Carr in any way influenced by the fact that you know that it's gonna be you playing him (the question may also be applied to Donald Menken in SpecSpidey)?

Greg responds...

Probably a little. But that's probably true of every character that's already cast. We learn to play to our actors' strengths. (Of course, I have very few strengths as an actor, so maybe that doesn't apply to Carr or Menken.)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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