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VELATIONS 2013-09 (Sep)

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Phil writes...

Hi Greg,
I'm in a Mayan/Mesoamerican Civilization class right now, and I couldn't help but thinking about the Mayan Clan in Gargoyles.
What would you consider the relationship between the Classic Mayans and the Mayan clan; did they believe that the Gargoyles came from the same origins as they did (such as Maize)? 2. Did the Mayan clan do anything to fend off the Spanish Conquest or was there a massacre/population decrease similar to that at Castle Wyvern? 2b. Did the Spanish Conquistadores encounter the Guatemalan clan? 3. Are the Guatemalan Clan literate in Mayan writing? 4. Were there other Gargoyle clans in Mesoamerica in the distant past protecting other civilizations, such as Teotihuacan and the Aztecs?

Greg responds...

Hey, Phil. I'm afraid most of these questions are spoilers, but if I'm being perfectly honest, I also don't know all the answers yet. Of course, if and when the time came, I would do a ton of research, and these are among the questions I would be asking myself.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Charisma82 writes...

It's been quite a long time since I've written anything to you, but after seeing the kickstarter website you directed us to, I had to say something. I am amazed at what was accomplished with kickstarter and the Veronica Mars movie. It certainly does bring hope back to those who have been waiting for that hope to pay off. I know that this has brought about some thoughts for you to consider with past shows you have worked on. I am sure if you have plans to incorporate kickstarter in any way with one of your past shows that we'd be the first to know. All I want to say is that I am a Gargoyles fan to the bitter end and that I hope this could be something to put faith into, whether that means bringing back just the comics or even in the long run the tv show. I know you have some of the most loyal fans that are ready to do their part to keep Gargoyles alive, and I will be one of them. Thank you for your exceptional work on every show you work on, especially Gargoyles. It will always hold a special place in my heart and I am ready to see it reawaken.

Thank you for your time and your thoughts,


Greg responds...

Thanks. I'd love that. But of course, to put up a kickstarter for someone else's property (like Gargoyles) requires the permission of the actual owner of the property (in this case Disney). And the studios don't seem to want to pursue that avenue at this time.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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FMAB94 writes...

Hey Greg,
Big fan. Loved Gargoyles as a kid and love Young Justice even though I'm almost an adult now. Hope you don't mind my questions.

1) Ok so I hear a lot of complainers about the fact that Artemis and Wally (especially Wally) are out of hero game. Now normall I'd reply with saying Wally has grown up and has decided there are more important things out there than the thrill of being a costumed hero. But then theres the hints that Artemis really does miss being in the action (as indicated by her inner monologue). So here is a question based on a theory I heard. Did either of them pressure the other into giving up hero work for college? I mean, in season 2, Artemis was pressured into changing schools, maybe she was pressured into college. Maybe she even pressured Wally into coming with her and he took it to heart.

2) I notice that Kaldur and the other Atlantians have some pretty wicked energy attacks. What about Aquaman? I never see him do any of those kinds of tricks, and in other shows all he does is talk to fish. Just wondering.

3) Ok so Dick Grayson has always been my favorite DC character (aside from Batman himself). In season one it seemed like you really used him well. However, I couldn't help but notice how h was watered down in season two. I'm not really complaining because everything happened for plot convinience, and I'd respect that but I'd like your opinion on how you executed his character development.

4) Ok so this is the most important question for me. I noticed how the heroes tended not to really keep their secret identities that secret. For example, there's Artemis. She uses her real name and is recognized by all of the villains. They even know her relations to Sportsmaster and Chessire. Doesn't that put her loved ones (like her mother and Wally's identity) at risk? Even further down, they know everything about Roy Harper (that's how they cloned him) so does that mean they know everything about Green Arrow as well? There is also the case with Blue Beetle, Lagoon Boy, Zatanna, and M'Gann. However the only one that seemed to have it come back to bite them is M'Gann. I still wonder how Lagoon Boy goes around in public without causing suspicion. And Zatanna uses her real name as well. How does she keep a low profile?
I just want to know how important the heros' secret lives are to the series and if the Villains actually take note of them?

Anyways, still a huge fan. You're show is fantastic without a doubt. I really hope that Cartoon Network changes there minds.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think so. But very few decisions in life are impossible to mentally revisit over time.

2. Those aren't simply "energy" attacks, their sorcery. And that requires talent and study. Aquaman is a warrior, but he's not a sorcerer. I regret that we didn't have more time to show him in action. I would have liked to.

3. I'd hardly call him watered down. He just had a very different role.

4. I don't think Lagoon Boy does go around in public without causing suspicion, which is why he wasn't part of the covert mission to safeguard Noor Harjavti in issue 20 of the comic. Zatanna doesn't keep a low profile. She's a hero, member of the Justice League and a performer, like her father. The situation with secret identities in our show is very fluid. As long as the Light finds the heroes useful, they aren't sharing what they know. Though they might use it down the road.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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anon.canon writes...

Well, here it goes.

"Young Jusice: Invasion" is ending in a few days--way to state the obvious--and to be honest, I'm sorry to see it leave. I've looked forward to watching this show every Saturday--and then, later, Sunday--and it's become part of my weekend. I honestly never thought that I would get this attached to a show, but it appears that I was wrong.

Your show is, well, amazing. I used to watch "Gargoyles" when I was younger, and it was just...well, great. And then, when I heard that you were working on a new project, I was psyched. And I wasn't disappointed--"Young Justice" is probably one of the best DC cartoon shows that I've ever seen, and I've seen a ton.

You managed to put your own portrayal on characters that we had already seen, already knew, while making them recognizable and enjoyable. It's one thing to write characters that are of your own creation, but it's another thing entirely to write characters that are of another person's design.

Your--and Brandon's--work is just...amazing. Really. I've had yet to see an episode that I haven't liked, and I'm sure that the finale won't disappoint, either. Again, I'm sorry to see the show go, but I'm going to remain optimistic and hope that it'll come back, one day. (I'm looking forward to the finale, but--at the same time--I'm not looking forward to it. Does that make sense?)

...Sorry for the rambling message, though I'm not sorry to tell you how much I love your show.

Again, fantastic job.

Greg responds...

Thank you. Really.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Voice writes...

Greg responds…

You're assuming Wally's in the loop. He's not. Obviously, the destruction of an entire mountain in Rhode Island made the news, so Wally showed up to find out what the hell was going on! But he's not receiving a daily briefing. His job in this is to go about his life, as if he's mourning his dead girlfriend. Not, literally, running around, fighting crime.

Nightwing did not invite Kid Flash to participate until the briefing that took place just before "Summit". Obviously, as soon as Nightwing called, Wally was there.

Besides, I don't see Wally moping around on the show, saying some equivalent of "Sympathize with me! Why aren't any of you sympathizing with me?!" So I'm not sure where all this attitude towards him is coming from.

Can I just say, you sound really judgmental. I'm not sure you mean to, and I'll grant that the internet both encourages this and makes tone hard to truly decipher. But that's definitely how you come across to me. I would hope our series generates a more nuanced response.

Response from a fan:

… except that it doesn't?

His hometown was nuked.

The Earth got a second moon. Blue Beetle was on the news fraternizing with the enemy. Even if it was an under-cover operation, Wally has pretty darn strong opinions how effective those are!

He "wasn't happy" with this from the beginning. "He shouldn't need you."

Dick blew up a mountain. He had the opportunity to ask to be let into the mission, and he didn't take it.

How does "you delivered my girlfriend into the hands of someone I suddenly assume is a traitor" count as not complaining?

He is leaving her in the hands of someone he doesn't trust and doesn't even OFFER to help, even at a tactical level.

I should "kill you for putting us through this"? Of course he's not actually going to kill her, but how is that not complaining??

All of those sentences are talking about the world as something that HAPPENS to him, that other people are DOING to him, like he has no ability to contribute himself.

Before this all happened, all he wanted was to go to school and keep his girlfriend safe. This, of course, doesn't make him a monster.

After an alien invasion and again, I reiterate, the nuking of his hometown, he wants exactly - exactly - the same thing. He didn't even change in the middle of that and then go back.

If he was so eager to be there "as soon as Nightwing called" then why did he put up a fuss when Artemis was called?

I'm sorry but that smacks of a double standard.

What kind of real person doesn't change after that?

What kind of real person - particularly those who have the skills to do so - doesn't want to help?

Is he really that self-absorbed? Does he really only care about one thing worth mentioning in the show?

Real people care about more than one thing.

Real people are changed by global scale events in the world around him.

With all due respect - and I mean that I have an enormous amount of respect for Greg, Grandon, and this show - I'll be more nuanced in my reaction when Wally is more nuanced in his characterization.

Greg responds...

You don't know whether he offered to help or not.

And you're reading a ton into a little bit of grousing here and there.

And he didn't "put up a fuss" when Artemis was called. But he's allowed to be unhappy about it, isn't he? And to express that?

I think you're not being at all nuanced in your interpretation, and I believe Wally's responses are way more nuanced than you're acknowledging.

And if you had waited one more week you would have seen what Wally's commitment to heroism was.

But I'm tired of arguing this point. I don't think either of us are changing the other's mind. So we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Darksuperboy writes...

you said i one of your previous answers ''who said any thing about being cancelled'' can you elaberate? also
1) do you have any plans to sell the show to another channel so it may continue?
1a)if not then why not?
2)currently the rateing for the show averaged at 1.9 million+ what numbers did you need for season 3 to get a green light?
3)is the online petitions (one numbering over 31000+ votes)and tweet trends akeing a difference in picking up the show for season 3 by cn or any other channel or helping in any way for the show continueing?
4)if season 3 isnt an option will we at least exspect a dvd film like TEEN TITANS TROUBLE IN TOKYO to round out the shows ending

thank you for your time, youve made great shows now and in the past and look forward to your next

Greg responds...

1. That's not up to me, but it seems unlikely, as that would mean that they'd be selling to a competitor.

1a. Keep in mind that Young Justice is the product of three divisions (DC, CN, WB) of one company: Time-Warner.

2. I don't know that it was that simple, ever. The biggest problem we had was not our ratings, which were inconsistent and influenced by a number of factors, but the lack of the success of the toy line, which paid for the series.

3. Doesn't hurt. But the best way to vote is with your wallet. A good showing on Young Justice Legacy would definitely help.

4. I don't think you can 'expect' it. Brandon and I would love to do it, but there seems to be no interest at this time.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

This isn't a question, but I felt I had to write about this. I just saw your post about the site 'kickstarters' and I just want to assure you that I, at least, would DEFINATELY throw money at any of the three shows you mentioned (Gargoyles, Spectacular and Young Justice). Initiatives like that, where audience and creator 'cuts out the middleman' have always been my vision for the future of entertainment. Your shows in particular would have top priority for me.

Greg responds...


Unfortunately, I think Veronica Mars is proving the exception to the rule. Studios don't seem too anxious to go this route with properties they own and control.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Julia writes...

Young Justice has meant a lot to me. It's what got me into a wider scope of fandom and, honestly, paved the way for a lot of the friendships I've made in the past two years.

So- thank you. For making this. It changed my life.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. And I appreciate your posting this. It's gratifying.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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And here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):


Since there's not too much to report about the first book right now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain series, which should come out sometime in 2014.

I just finished writing Chapter Forty, which looks like it won't be the longest chapter in the book afterall, as I've just split it for the second time. (I warned that there might be something amoeba-like about this chapter.) So what was once Chapter 39 (or, if you've been keeping track of all the splits and merges in my outline, Chapter 36), is now going to be three chapters, i.e. 39, 40 and 41. So 39 is more ramp up to the climax now, ending just as the gladiators enter the arena (figuratively). Then 40 is the battle itself. And 41 will be the immediate aftermath. (And there's still a handful of denouement chapters left to go after this. That's right, lots of tags.)

Anyway, I'll start on Chapter Forty-One tomorrow. I can't imagine this one splitting again, but really - who knows? (I mean, if I don't know, how could you?)

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And here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):


Since there's not too much to report about the first book right now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain series, which should come out sometime in 2014.

Tonight, I finished writing Chapter Thirty-Nine. I'm back with this update way sooner than I anticipated, NOT because I suddenly began writing like the wind, so to speak, but because, once again, I've opted to spilt a chapter in two. So what was Chapter 39 (or, if you've been keeping track of all the splits and merges in my outline, Chapter 36), is now going to be two chapters, i.e. 39 & 40. So 39 is more ramp up to the climax now, ending just as the gladiators enter the arena (figuratively).

Anyway, I'll start on Chapter Forty tomorrow. And, again, this one could take me a while. For even with this first part pared away, it's STILL looking to be the longest chapter in the entire book! (Unless, of course - amoeba-like - it splits again.)

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