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Paul writes...

By the time that you see this question, season 4 will probably have concluded, but I'll take my chances. I love Young Justice - thank you so much for this amazing show!

I have a few questions about "Elder Wisdom", which has just been released on DC Universe:

1) Is Troia an Amazon by birth or is she from man's world? She bears a strong resemblance to Wonder Woman and she referenced Hippolyta ("Mother") so I'm guessing that the former is true, but I wonder if you could confirm this now that she has had a prominent appearance in Young Justice, please.

2a) Does Troia have the alias Donna Troy in Young Justice?
2b) Has she *ever* had this alias on Earth-16? Troia is quite an unusual name so I wonder whether it stems directly from the name Donna Troy somehow, even on Earth-16.

3) We've only ever seen Garth in one outfit, even when he was Tempest in the Young Justice: Legacy game. Likewise, we've only seen one look for Troia at this stage, but is it also her costume from her time as a member of the Team?

4) I hope it's all right if I ask this question as well, please: do you still have plans to include Mary Bromfield in Young Justice? I know that you've said that you wanted to introduce both her and Troia in season 2, so that's why I'm asking about Mary even though this is a spoiler request. I hope that Mary will still get her due, whether it's in the final stretch of season 3 or in season 4. Hoping for some Marvel/Shazam Family love at some point in Young Justice.

Thank you so much for reading my submission! :)

Greg responds...

Well, Season Four hasn't dropped as of this writing, though we do have fourteen episodes in the can, seven more in post-production and five being animated overseas, with all pre-production complete.

1. No spoilers.

2. As of Season Three she isn't using the name Donna Troy. No spoilers as to whether she ever did.

3. No spoilers.

4. It's not a spoiler to say that we still want to include her when it makes sense to.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Lonewolf writes...

You've always said that when adapting a character you like to make sure you stick to their core identity and values. What about Halo is sticking to her core character, since the Earth-16 version isn't really like the comics version.

Greg responds...

To our thinking, our Halo is just like the comic version in every significant way. What seems different to you, beyond the obvious of her being Quraci and the fact that we exchanged her Gabrielle Doe/Daou and Violet Harper names?

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Algae writes...

Hey Greg,

Not really a question, just wanted to congratulate you and Brandon on getting SEASON 4 of YOUNG JUSTICE green-lighted. The show keeps going from strength to strength!


Greg responds...

Thanks, Algae. Gratitude backatcha.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Was there always some kind of attraction between Will and Artemis? Or is the attraction between them from seeing their lost partners in the other?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to each fan's interpretation.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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A pleased fan writes...

Not so much a question, but a congratulations on Young Justice Season 4. Season 3 is, so far, absolutely fantastic. I can't wait for Season 4

Greg responds...

Thanks. Hopefully, you patiently finished Season Three first. ;)

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Chloe writes...

I'm confused, it the future world of Bart's was erased, how come he, from that world, still exists? Shouldn't he have disappeared too if it was changed? Because his new future self now exists in the one he created. Or is he living on borrowed time and eventually his meddling with time will catch up to him? I'm just so confused about his whole time situation.

2. And if nothing happens, and he somehow survives to see himself born, how is that going to work? Is he going to die right upon conception, or upon birth? Or screw up and prevent his birth? This is just so bizzare.

Greg responds...

Chronoton radiation made him immune to the changes. Eventually, a new Bart will/should be born. But our Bart might live to see that - live and HOPE that this new Bart never becomes him. But if you're asking whether they can co-exist, they can.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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6f5e4d writes...

Yo Greg, did Will and Jade officially divorce between season 2 and season 3 of YJ? If this is too spoilerific, you can probably ignore this question.

Greg responds...

I honestly don't think they bothered, but I reserve the right to change my mind (or have Brandon change it for me).

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Zero writes...

What do you think of Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Greg responds...

I generally like him quite a bit.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Kovu writes...

I wanted to include this on the Young Justice Wiki but somebody is threatening me not to. Are Bart Allen and Eduardo Jr. Dating in "Illusion of Control?"

Greg responds...

I'm not allowed to say. I can say that Ed is gay and is dating someone.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Illumi writes...

Hello Greg, Besides the Joker, what villain in the young justice universe is currently the most sadistic and "pure evil" hearted?

Greg responds...

That's a judgement call, and is often situational. I'll leave it for you to interpret the answer to this question for yourself.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Dara Drayton writes...

In Young Justice, does The Light have a specific policy that if its members (even its board members) get caught or exposed, then they will be given up or will not be offered any sort of protection by the organization from the fallout of their own exposure?

I ask because it really does seem to be the trend, given the evidence presented. Ocean Master was caught, disgraced, and imprisoned, and The Light did little for him but quickly select his replacement and send Lady Shiva to murder him when he attempted to take revenge upon those who exposed him. Black Manta was caught, disgraced (even more), and imprisoned, and again The Light did nothing to help or extract him.

I guess there truly is no honor among thieves, huh?

Greg responds...

Largely, yes. But "honor" is not at issue, if everyone is aware in advance of the repercussions.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Hayden Philyaw. writes...

Hey Greg. Let me just say I am a huge fan of Young Justice. I just want to ask you, you know that alien bird Beast Boy Shape shifts into, from the Planet Rann? Have you given that creature a name? Plus is it possible that Beast Boy can Shape shift into a Ma'alefa'ak?

Greg responds...

1. We call it a Rannian lizard-bird.

2. By now, you've seen that he can.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Nakia writes...


First, I wanted to say, thank you for bringing Bart Allen into Young Justice! He's one of few characters I relate to with his impulsiveness, over affection (this gets me into so many misunderstood situations, it's not funny), protectiveness, who tries to be a good, loyal friend to those he cares for. And, originally who had no interest in what is suppose to be common for Teenagers, cause he had no hormones. As an asexual/aromantic, I always felt so out of place because of my lack of interest in such things. I felt so wrong at the time back then. My friends tried to correct me thinking that I was shy, or haven't found the right person. They'd force me into relationships despite my protest and uncomfortable feelings. My over affection to friends would also land me on the rumor mill of dating, which was a bit annoying. I can't begin to tell you how much it meant to see a character similar to yourself, that just might understand what you are going through. It really meant a lot to me when I discovered the Impulse comics. So, just thank you ever so much for adapting him! I love watching him on the show, and reliving what made me fall in love for the character again, even if not exactly the same. He's one of my all time favorites from the DC comics.

2. Does Bart still have his hyper-accelerated metabolism/hyper-aging problem he got upon being born with Barry's speed from the comics? This problem made him appear as 12, when he was really just two years old. Finding a cure for it was one of the reasons he went back in time, if I'm remembering right.

3. I'm not sure how to phrase this one. What would Professor Zoom look like in the Young Justice art style? Curious if he's have red/black eyes like the movies or be more like Flash tv style. And was he once considered to make an appearance in the past 2 seasons? I don't want spoilers for new episodes, hate that, but curious about the past ones. Figured last episodes are safe to ask about.

4. Is it ok if I keep interpreting Bart as asexual/aromatic like me? I know about the shipping madness the fans have for the series, which doesn't help my feelings on being the oddball out, but I also know how fans are when others don't share their view (and I've experienced some hate for my sexuality in the past by fellow fans for portraying a character as such despite canon). I know it's ridiculous to ask, but is it ok? I just feel better making sure.

Greg responds...

1. I'm glad you like Bart. We do too.

2. No. We chose not to adapt that into our version.

3. We haven't designed him, and I'm hesitant to guess at how our designers would've approached him, had we chosen to include him - which we never considered for past seasons. And I'm not much interested in hypotheticals.

4. It is okay for anyone to interpret anything in the show however they chose, of course. But I can't promise that every interpretation that fans come up with will survive future content.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Nick writes...

Another great episode.

1. How old is Antonia “Big Words” Rodriguez
2. How old is Tommi Thompson?
3. How old is Gabi Gabrielli?
4. How old is Thomas Thompson?
5. How old is Patrick MacGuire?

Greg responds...

At the END of Team Year Eight...

1. Antonia "Big Words" Rodriguez is 15.

2. Tommi TOMPKINS is 17.

3. GABY Gabrielli is 16.

4. Thomas TOMPKINS is 52.

5. Patrick MAGUIRE is 45.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Alex writes...

Is Young Justice still part of the core DC Multiverse? Grant Morrison released an entirely different comic in 2015 set in Earth 16 called “The Just,” with no relation to the show. Are there two Earth-16s now?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask DC. They told us Earth-16 was ours, free and clear, so as a result we built our version of the DC Universe around that. Turns out 16 wasn't free and clear. But it was/is way too late for us to change things now. So, yeah, maybe there are two Earth-16s. But it's not for me to say.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Daniel writes...

What would have happened had Wolf challenged Coyote to take off his "battle armor" before he would have fought him in "Leader of the Pack"?

Greg responds...

I dunno. I'm not too interested in hypotheticals.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Mara A. Cordova writes...

... Did Demona ever know that Broadway shot Elisa accidentally?

Greg responds...

Not that I know of.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Rose writes...

In young justice outsiders episode 14 was the even of stealing woman's purse by a man stage by granny goodness against Garfield and if so what did granny goodness expect to happen Garfield because of it ?

Greg responds...

I don't think so. But that's an interesting thought.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Thomas writes...

Is Markovia a former socialist state?

Episode 15 seems to imply so but it doesn't make much sense considering they still have a monarchy, which none of the former socialists states in real life Europe have, Unless it was a situation similar to the U.S. and Cuba (for example) with attempted assassinations on the royals, interference to boost communist support and other affairs.

Greg responds...

Yes. For a time, during the Cold War.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Brian D writes...

Hi Greg I watched Season 2 of Gargoyles recently and I am left thinking about one character at the end of Hunter's Moon. I'm hoping you can help me with.

Low and behold Demona wants to kill the humans again. This time with a biological planetwide human killing virus and protect the Gargoyles from the virus with some sort of gargoyle magic statue.

There's two problems I saw with the plan.

One Demona herself is human in the day which means when the sun rises the virus would likely kill her. Which means she'll die every couple minutes while the sun is up due to her immortality.

Two even if her being a gargoyle at night protects her from the virus. It will do nothing to protect MacBeth who will die by her hand and as a result kill her for good with him wouldn't it?

As I was watching the episodes I thought they were problems with the plan until the very end where Demona once again flies off alone.

Is it really a problem with the plan, did she have everything covered, or did the destruction of her relationship with Angela break Demona to a point that she didn't care as long as she made a 'better' world for her race?

Greg responds...

In her mind, she had all the bases covered. But with Demona, if there's an element of self-destruction inherent to her plans, that should come as no surprise.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Oscar writes...

How long has John Economos been the warden of Belle Reve?

Greg responds...

Since Warden Strange was fired (in absentia) for freeing every single one of his prisoners.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Shelly writes...

Is Queen Bee from Young Justice a metahuman? Or did she get her powers artificially by augmenting herself?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. How old is Thirteen?
2. How old is Lena Luthor?
3. How old is Lashina?
4. How old is Colonel Olga Ilyich?
5. How old is Holocaust?

Greg responds...

At the end of Team Year Eight...

1. Thirteen is 16.

2. Lena is 34.

3. Lashina is biologically 15.

4. Olga is 45.

5. Holocaust is 19.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Nick writes...

Fantastic episodes today! Can't wait to see the rest of 3B.

1. How old is Captain Boomerang?
2. How old is Dmitri Pushkin?
3. How old is Windfall?
4. How old is Big Barda?
5. How old is Hro Talak?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Team Year Eight:

1. Captain Boomerang is 41.

2. Dmitri Pushkin is 34.

3. Wendy Jones is 13.

4. Big Barda is biologically 16.

5. Hro Talak is 52.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

Is there a part of the Eyrie Building that could serve as a rookery for the Manhattan Clan?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Emily The Disney Fan writes...

Hello again Mr.Weisman! I'd just like to Say I'm one of the Lucky few Fans Who've just managed to Get the Graphic Novel Version of the Gargoyles: BAD GUYS series! And I LOVE IT! and Here are Some questions I Do Have for it if you Don't Mind!

1) I Don't Know if you Answered this Already, But Is there was reason why the 3rd issue was Drawn by a different Artist than the one who drew the Rest of the other Comics?

2)Since Dr. Sevarius works for Thailog Now at Nightstone Unlimited, Is it Possible That Thailog was IN or aware of Sevarius's Plan to turn everyonein Times Square on New Years Into mutants?

Greg responds...

1. Deadlines.

2. Anything's possible.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jordan Wade writes...

In Young Justice what is Lex Luthor motivations why did he decided to engage in illegal actives and does he sees himself as an hero?

Most versions of Lex just have him being greedy and power hungry what sets your versions of Lex from the others?

Greg responds...

1. He sees himself above the laws of man, as he sees himself as superior.

1a. Of course.

2. I think our version is more charming than most, I suppose. Otherwise, I'll leave it to the audience to interpret.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Lance Alvers writes...

Hi, these are just a few questions
1) Is Aquaman a full Atlantean or is he half Atlantean half human like in the comics (human father, Atlantean mother)
2) Is Orm his full brother or his half brother?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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The Guy writes...

Why didn't Tim Curry return as G. Gordon?

Greg responds...

Unfortunately, Tim, who'd suffered a stroke, wasn't able to voice him, at least not at the time we needed the work done for Season Three.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is Blue Devil an official member of the Justice League and if so what is his designation?

Greg responds...

By Season Three, yes.

And I don't reveal designations here.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1). Who were the 2 meta humans in the episode “Away Mission” with Ma’alefa’ak?
2). Who was the meta human in the episode “Evolution” that Kalibak used as a bomb?

Greg responds...

1. Blister and Giant.

2. He wasn't named, even in the script.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Wade writes...

So we’re the members of the light in contact with one another or at least knew each other prior to Vandal Savage sending out the invitations?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey, Greg just a question. We already know you gave Superman a son like in the comics (Jonathan). But I have to ask why you didn't also use his older sister Lara?


Not complaining just asking your thoughts on that character.

Thank you Greg!

Greg responds...

I'd never heard of the character. She seems to be the daughter of Superman and Wonder Woman, who are not a couple on Earth-16. Now, if you had asked me about Laura Kent from SUPERMAN FAMILY #200, that would have been a whole 'nother thing.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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JDH writes...

1. Dick mentions that Geo-Force's suit was designed by Fire (of the Justice League). However, Fire wasn't in the League meeting in Outsiders episode 1, & if she is with the other half of the League in space, how can she design Brion's suit?

2. Does being an ambassador for Themyscira & Atlantis, prevent Troia or Garth from superheroics, as a potential conflict of interest?

3. Do you consider Spoiler & Orphan to be Batman's latest Proteges?

4. How long has Orphan been active as a crime fighter?

Kind regards,

Greg responds...

1. Long distance.

2. That's not how they're living their lives, but I'm sure if they saw a problem they'd step up.

3. Two of them.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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animal writes...

When Titania says in the episode 'I'll Met by Moonlight'..."even Puck may have mended his ways" what exactly does she mean by that? Was he always just extra?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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luke writes...

in young justice 20# what else did megan and garfield talk about beside destinyshifting

Greg responds...

On panel or off?

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Sal writes...

Hey Greg, in recent years with Barry Allen becoming DC's primary Flash once more, writers tend to blend his personality with Wally West's wisecracking, funny-guy routine. And while I recognize your Young Justice characters are not supposed to be a 1 to 1 parallel with the primary comic canon, I do understand you pull a lot of inspiration from that base. So I wanted to ask you what separates your Barry Allen's personality from your Wally West's?

Greg responds...

Barry is more of a straight man, Gary Cooper type. Wally is... Wally.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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JSA Fan writes...

First off Greg, I'm loving the third season of YJ so far! I'm especially glad you've introduced the Super Sons and more Milestone characters. Seven years ago, you said that if allowed, you'd love to put more Wildstorm characters in Outsiders. Are you allowed, since some of them were in Justice League: the Flashpoint Paradox?
Thank you!

Greg responds...

It's unclear, honestly. Since "The Wild Storm," (which I liked a LOT), I'm not sure what the policy is now.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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roberts writes...

Why as Garfield not allowed to go on the mission that kill all of the doom patrol but him and his step dad if Garfield was a active member of the doom patrol by that point in time ?

Greg responds...

He was a sometimes member. Rita allowed him to go with when she thought the mission was relatively safe. But the final mission was known to be a suicide mission, so she didn't allow it.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Was the decision for Barbara and Dick to be together always endgame for him (i'm assuming since it's canon in basically all other depictions of two)

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Myaya writes...

Is Katana a mute?

Greg responds...

Nope. She's extremely laconic and professional.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Matthew writes...

How old is Casey Brinke

Greg responds...

Casey Brinke is biologically 23 at the end of Team Year Eight.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anthony Dennis writes...

Dear Greg, Gargoyles is one of my favorite animated series! How did you research or what source materials did you use to create Gargoyles lore, mythology etc?

Greg responds...

The original development? Almost nothing, honestly. I extrapolated from the legend that scary creatures were put on old buildings to scare off evil spirits.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

How did Rita Farr learn the information that marie logan had died after queen bee killed marie logan in young justice timeline ?

Greg responds...

Her death was hardly a secret. If you're asking who made the phone call or whatever, no spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've read your new "Magic: the Gathering" book, "Ravnica: War of the Spark".

I've barely any familiarity with "Magic: the Gathering" (about all I know about it, in fact, is that it's a fantasy-themed collectible card game that's been around for over twenty years); I confess that I found this one a bit harder to follow than your two Warcraft books. Apparently the main conflict (the group of people out to foil the plans of a megalomaniacal dragon) had been going on well before the book began, with plenty of deaths, betrayals, and other adventures already before the first page, which gave me the feeling of having walked into a movie about halfway through. (Those who know more about the "Magic: the Gathering" franchise than I did informed me that that conflict had entered the franchise several years ago.) Still, I got some sense of what was going on, and rather liked it.

I was amused by your two "Gargoyles" references - the mention of the Praying Gargoyle in a list of magical treasures and an echo of Hudson's remarks on names in a comment about one of the guilds' obsession with naming all its schemes.

Greg responds...

I was brand new to Magic: the Gathering when I got the assignment, so I strove to write the book so that newbies like me (and you) would know everything they needed to know from the book itself. The problem isn't that one NEEDED intel that wasn't there. The problem is that one might FEEL like one needed intel that wasn't there. And there wasn't much I could do about that, as the storyline had begun years before. But I'm glad you liked it.

And I sneak a few Gargoyles references into absolutely everything I do. Everything.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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jazz writes...

you said Collector of Worlds is a alien android what is an alien android is it a robot that was created by aliens

Greg responds...

It is an android created on an alien world.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Mcgurn writes...

Did Garfield Logan and Queen Perdita start spend most their free time together after they meet at wally's funeral or after Garfield begin living again with his stepfather ?

Greg responds...

I don't know about "most of their free time". They've both been very busy throughout, and they're dating long distance (on two different continents), though with the benefit of resources like money, private planes, zeta-tubes, etc.

But their relationship started at the funeral, not after Gar moved to Brentwood.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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DK writes...

As a writer and creative, you've been responsible for some of my most cherished childhood and adulthood favorites. Given your experience, I wanted to know what one's approach would be when they come up with a story that they could see manifesting as an animated series? Do you flesh the whole story out as if writing a novel, or do you try and create episodes on paper and tell the whole story; is the process entirely different altogether? I would love your insight on this sensei. Thank You

Greg responds...

Are we talking about selling or producing? They're two very different processes.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

How powerful is Zatanna?

Greg responds...

Pretty powerful.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Andrew writes...

Were you involved with the creation of The Spectacular Spider-Man intro, and if so what involvement?

Greg responds...

That was mostly Vic Cook and Phil Weinstein, as I recall. Plus The Tender Box, who wrote and produced the show's theme song. But I did have input.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey greg I got one question for spectacular spiderman.

This is something I've always wondered in every version of Venom.

Why did the symbiote covered Peter's face like a "normal mask", but then started to show the scary teeth and the jaw when he became bonded with Eddy?

Thank you, Greg!

Greg responds...

Each relationship was symbiotic. Take from that what you will.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg another question for Young Justice.

This time for Superboy. In the show, he is usually shown as being "the tank" of the team. That is he is the member that can take the most damage and has the most physical strenght.

But, thinking about how Liutenant Marvel and Sargent Marvel were parts of the team of screen, I got some questions.

1.- Considering they, presumably, had their full SHAZAM powers, compared to Superboy who was missing his half kryptonian powers, Were Mary and Freddy stronger compared to Conner?

Billy is roughly Superman's equal as Captain Marvel, while Superboy has been shown as being weaker to Superman. Was the power difference between Mary and freddy compared to Conner just as big?

2.- If so, how did Conner feel about both of them being stronger than he was?

3.- Did he feel insecure about other teenage heroes being "better" or similar to him on his role as the team? or did he didn't mind like how he was ok with Billy?

Thank you greg!

Greg responds...

1. Well, you have no idea how strong their "SHAZAM" powers were.

1a. Captain Marvel was roughly Superman's equal in Season One only.

1b. No spoilers.

2. I don't do hypotheticals.

3. I'll leave that to your interpretation for now.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey greg! I got to questions regarding young justice.

1.-First, how was Superman able to to have a biological son with Lois Lane. I mean, wasn't it established Kryptonian DNA was very incompatible with Human DNA?

I mean it in how Superboy wasn't able to donate blood to Beast Boy, and Megan had to do it instead.

Or how Lex Luthor had a lot of trouble deciphering Kryptonian DNA to the point match became an insane clone of Superman and Superboy himself doesn't have Kryptonian power just because he is half human.

2.-Second, do you have a power limit for members of the team?

I mean it mostly for storytelling purposes. For example( not asking the spoiler if these two would be part of the team)

But say, hypothetically a teenage Jessica Cruz (green lantern) or Supergirl (full-blooded Kryptonian).

In theory, Supergirl would be far more powerful than Superboy, and you've also mentioned how you lanterns might solve some plots too easily if they were around.

In team year 1, for example, Ivo mentioned how the sidekicks were mostly weaker than their mentors.

Again NOT ASKING about the spoiler if you would put them in team (for all We know Kara might not even care about joining the team). I'm just wondering if having too powerful characters compared to other members of the team would ruin the chances of certain team hero being on it.

thank you Greg!

Greg responds...

1. When was that established?

1a. Lots of people with different blood types have kids.

1b. That seems to prove the opposite of your point.

2. Not necessarily.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg just wondering if you noticed how Keith David mirrored Puck's role n gargoyles.

In Star vs the forces of evil, Keith plays Glossarick who is basically a magic mentor. In one episode he took a baby magical princess called Meteora in a magical adventure to teach her magic while her mother wasn't aware.

This reminded me of Puck doing the exact same thing with Puck and Alex Xanatos.

Just wanted you to know Goliath now went full circle and played Pucks' role. Cool, isn't it?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Deanna writes...

In response to your response to Millie about a gathering, you said you tried some cons. Did you try Florida Supercon? Jonathon Frakes is already supposed to be there, and I know Marina Sirtis comes every other year or so. It's not until July so you still have some time, and the showrunner - who recently sold but I think is staying on for a year or two as an advisor or something - is usually up for cool things. He also still runs the Louisville Supercon and Raleigh Galaxycon, and still owns those I think, so even if you can't get it done for Florida. I bet you'd have good luck with him somehow. (Spoken as a vendor who's done many of his shows, they're very well run and he tries to pack as much fun in as possible.)

Greg responds...

I'm guessing your referring to celebrating Gargoyles 25th Anniversary, and we missed that, I'm afraid. Generally, in any case, I need to get invited to a convention. I don't really have the bandwidth to pitch myself to cons. And of course, the pandemic changed the whole paradigm.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Was the episode "Misplaced" inspired by the Sins of Youth storyline?

Greg responds...

Nope. "World Without Grown-Ups".

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jack Carpenter writes...

Who's your favorite Captain America villain?

Greg responds...

Um... probably Red Skull. Haven't given it much thought though.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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thrawn7 writes...

Will Mr. Weisman be attending any 2019 conventions on the East Coast?

Greg responds...

Um... did I? I can't remember now.

I definitely haven't attended any conventions in 2020 or 2021, except 2020's online DC FANDOME convention.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jordan Wade writes...

Was the light ever activated during World War 2?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Sorry to put you on the spot but...

Roy Thomas alleges here, https://www.bleedingcool.com/2019/04/18/an-open-letter-to-dc-comics-from-roy-thomas-on-paying-and-crediting-whats-due/ that DC Entertainment has not paid him royalties for their use of Artemis who he created. How do you feel about this?

Did DC ask you to change Artemis' name to Tigress or was it just a story/character decision?

Greg responds...

DC did not ask us to change Artemis' name to Tigress. That was a purely story-driven decision. (And her name is still Artemis Crock.) Besides, to my thinking Roy created BOTH Artemis and Tigress (i.e. the Tigress version of Paula Brooks).

I worked as Roy's assistant editor at DC in the mid-80s. He was very good to me. And, of course, I personally think he deserves royalties on the Artemis character, no matter what she's called.

In the Bleeding Cool article linked above, he's wrong on only one point: when he says that virtually every other character in YJ has creators listed. Unfortunately, that's not true. No matter how many creators he sees credited on our show, the vast majority of characters still do not receive creator credits - or only include some but not all of their creators. How they decide who does and doesn't receive that credit (and the royalties that go with) is a complete mystery to me. I have been pushing back against this from Day One... to no avail.

Now, I might honestly get in trouble for posting this. And it won't change anything, anyway. So a big part of me is hoping that Ask Greg doesn't have much of a reach.

Or that I'm politically smart enough to delete this post.

But I'm not.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Charlie writes...

1. Is there an in-universe reason that Peter Parker doesn't try to join the Fantastic Four or really think about them at all? I understand they're celebrities who deal with unspecified "cosmic threats," but assuming the Baxter Building exists and is in New York I can't imagine why Peter wouldn't think himself at least worthy of their time. Reed Richards has a nearly god-level intellect and Sue Storm's force manipulation abilities have near-unlimited potential, but Spider-Man is at least in the same league as Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm, right?
2. Why is Kraven working with Doctor Octopus in "Gangland," as evidenced by Doc Ock trying to call him on his comm?

Greg responds...

1. We had a definite plan (before scripts were written) to introduce Johnny Storm as Spidey's frenemy in Season One. And then move their story forward from there. But we weren't allowed to use Johnny or any of the FF, so we abandoned that.

2. They seemed sympatico.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Joe writes...

What was about queen Perdita that cause Garfield logan to fall in love with her ? What was about Garfield that cause Queen Perdita to fall in love with garfield logan ?

Greg responds...

Either that's a story for another day or I can leave it to your interpretation. ASK GREG isn't a forum for storytelling (generally).

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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sam writes...

what year did rita farr get her power of stretching in young justice timeline ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

As of 301, what does Artemis do for a living? How does she make money?

Greg responds...

She was a teaching assistant. She also gets a stipend from the League.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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THOMAS writes...

Why was there no bodyguards with Queen Perdida when she was out on her dates with Garfield Logan ?

Greg responds...

There was.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Andrea writes...

Hi, I'm from Chile and on April 23 I'll be in Los Angeles California / Las Vegas (for the first time in the USA).
I'll be looking for the Magic book and I do not know where I can find it.
Can you tell me where you will sell it?
Beforehand thank you very much
(Excuse my English, but I had google translator)

Greg responds...

I'm assuming you're talking about April, 2019. And it's now July, 2021. So I'm too late to help you. But War of the Spark: Ravnica & War of the Spark: Forsaken should both still be available via Amazon.com, in both English and Spanish.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg. Artimes once said being naked is fun and an wondering how shy would you say is she ? Like would she be ok with other members of the team seeing her naked while they are on a mission ? Or care if someone walked in on her showering ?

Greg responds...

I don't think she'd like either of those things, unless we're simply talking about other girls in a locker room/gym showers situation.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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6f5e4d writes...

So Greg, I follow the show a lot, and I just want to know this, note that you don't have to answer this one if you don't want to if it seems spoilerific, but this may be a good question, would The Light view being outed as a nuclear option? Or would they have planned ahead ways to counter being outed to the public?

Greg responds...

I don't think the mere existence of the Light being revealed would qualify as part of the Nuclear Option.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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BlackMantaGirl writes...

Hey, I'd just like to say I'm also mostly a huge fan of the Young Justice series. It got me really back into comics and DC in general when it first aired.

My Questions are:
1. What is Atlantis currency or do they have a bartering system and if they do have some kind of economy - when they joined the UN as of Season 3, do they export anything to the surface world? (Like Salt, in the older comics).

2. Does Kaldur have any residence on land or does he go straight back to Atlantis and if he does go back to Atlantis where does he live there?

3. I was reading some of the archived questions, as to not repeat any here, but this one that you answered long time back struck me as odd. (Ref post: https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=17721 ) It was odd to me because I've been reading a lot of the older Aquaman comics (favorite hero and for something to do) but there is a specific reason as to why he does communicate with all sea life that's more so in line with the run between the 90s-early 00s before it got rebooted again (this is a rough estimation). Which is because of the Curse of Kordax (mentioned a lot during that run but full story is in Atlantis Chronicles) and a lot of mystical crazy stuff that went down that enabled Orin to communicate with all sea life and not just mammals and it looks like that sort of thing carried over.

So my question is- why *only* mammals and not the others? Why shouldn't he be able to connect with other marine based creatures since every mammal and a lot of non-mammals still have that marine aspect to them that's a leftover from evolutionary times. I'm just curious about that not that if he'll gain it or anything. It just seems like an interesting choice.

4. Does King Orin(former Aquaman) possess the/a Trident or is that particular Atlantean artifact going to be for someone else? I mostly ask this because it's always seems to be a staple of Aquaman lately and I was curious if it was in the king's possession or not.

5. Are we ever going to see more about either Atlantis or about how King Orin (Former Aquaman) and Black Manta's feud began at any point and time?

6. This is a silly question but it's one I've wondered about and I haven't seen anyone mention it- but how do Atlanteans take care of their basic needs? Like what do they use to keep themselves clean or get rid of waste and the like. It's been killing me slowly over the years and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on this and how it affected Kaldur when he went on Land for the first time.

That's all,thanks for taking the time to read this. I normally don't send in or ask creators much about their stuff but I've been wondering this since the show started.

Greg responds...

1. They have a currency of some sort. We haven't needed to work it out in any detail.

1a. Nor have we given much thought to trade practices.

2. He lives in Poseidonis.

3. Nothing is etched in stone until it appears in content. Even stuff posted at ASK GREG is just my best guess, until or unless it appears in an episode or issue, or something canon.

4. Last we saw, Orm had the Trident until Shiva did what she did.

5. Ever? Given enough episodes or issues, certainly.

6. I try not to think about it. ;)

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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SLI writes...


Like many people, I watched Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse recently and found it delightful (don't worry though, SpecSpidey will always be my favourite rendition of the character).

Into the Spiderverse was very clearly a Sony production and not a Disney one, which I take to mean that while Sony gave Disney back the rights to making animated Spider-Man shows, that clearly does not apply to animated Spider-Man films, at least not at the moment.

1) Does that mean that the SpecSpidey art/story assets would be usable by Sony in a film?

2) Could this realistically mean that if a future "Into The Spiderverse" sequel or spin were made and more "Spider-verses" were introduced (which seems like an obvious next step for them), that we could see SpecSpidey as one of those spider-verses?

Given that they brought spider-man noir into 3D space and somehow made that work, I don't imagine they'd struggle with SpecSpidey's art style, if it came to that.

After all, they were willing to bring in the 1967 cartoon as one of their alternate universes, though hopefully in the case of SpecSpidey they'd take it a bit more seriously, perhaps by bringing in Josh Keaton and a writer or two from the original show...?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know, but I doubt it's that simple.

2. I don't know, but I tend to think it unlikely.

One can dream...

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Aaron Hail writes...

Hey Greg.

I was browsing the old Ask Greg and come across a post I had a question about. You said that the most trusted people in The Reach were the original Reach species. I was wondering where do the beetles fit into this? Like for Example, if Jaime was never taken off mod, would he be really trusted? Eventually?

Greg responds...

Not as much as a member of the Reach species ever. And if he was off-mode, never.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Why is it that Zatara seems to have aged so much while other leaguers like Black Canary and Green Arrow seemed to have aged so little? Is his time as Fate prematurely aging him, or was Giovanni just at an age where the aging process accelerates?

Greg responds...

The former.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Does Savage in his own mind see the Light's mission as saving the Earth from Darkseid? Is that what his millenia of scheming amounts to? Preparing the world to confront an enemy that humanity is nowhere near ready to fight?

Greg responds...

In part, without a doubt. But he also wants humanity to rule the galaxy in the end.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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dave writes...

I'm curious in Players, Chapter Two: Directly to Jail page 4 was megan pulling back from a hug with garfield

Greg responds...

I'm assuming you mean page 3, panel 4, right? She's either about to hug him or has just finished hugging him.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Seabert writes...

what real world Europe nation is the CONTAPART to queen Perdita's country of vlatava ?

Greg responds...

There's no specific one, but it's in Eastern Europe, next door to Markovia.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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M. writes...

Ok,this is something that I never understood.
Does Conner have Psychic powers like M'gann or Psimon? Because Dubbilex said that in episode 22 of S1. Maybe I Haven't paid enough attention and the answer is right in front of me.

Greg responds...

Conner does not have psychic powers, and Dubbilex definitely never said he did. I recommend you rewatch the episode.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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JOHN writes...

What city or state was rita farr's home in when Garfield live with her after queen kill marie logan ?

Greg responds...

I haven't needed to research that yet. Where were the Doom Patrol traditionally based?

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Tyler1 writes...

Why couldn't Nabu just let Zatara reunite with Zatanna every one or at least three months instead of once every year?

Greg responds...

He could, I suppose. He chooses not to.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Gunner Dobbins writes...

Dear Mr, Weisman,
I love your work on young justice, spectacular spider man and gargoyles. I was wondering, in the young justice universe has Connor ever met Lois and if so, what is their relationship like? Also how does he feel about baby Jon?

Greg responds...

1. They have met, of course. She's his sister-in-law, and they get along great.

2. Conner loves Jonny. He loves being an uncle.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Young Justice Fan writes...

Hey Grey, a little late I know but I want to say congrats on Season Three! The first three episodes I thought were fantastic and I can't wait until June! My friends are all pretty annoyed on how much I go on and on about your show (they're more Marvel kids. I've always been a DC baby myself, despite how I love the MCU)

My question today is on Black Beetle. You said before Scout Beetles were different, as well as Jaime not being as strong as Black Beetle.

Are Warrior Beetles just better than their scout counter parts or is Black Beetles prowess the result of training?

Greg responds...

Superior technology.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Gunner Dobbins writes...

Dear Mr, Weismann,
I love your work on young justice, spectacular spider man and gargoyles. I was wondering, in the young justice universe has Connor ever met Lois and if so, what is their relationship like? Also how does he feel about baby Jon?

Greg responds...

1. They have met, of course. She's his sister-in-law, and they get along great.

2. Conner loves Jonny. He loves being an uncle.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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HARRY writes...

How did Garfield Logan travel from USA TO PARIS TO be with Perdita as SEEN IN young justice outsiders episode eminent threat ? How did Garfield travel to the Luthor grande hotel for his date with Perdita in episode nightmare monkeys ?

Greg responds...

1. He probably Zeta-Tubed to Paris, I'd guess.

2. He probably hired a car.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Have you seen Julie Taymor's a Midsummer Night's Dream? Do do you own the Blu-Ray? What did you think of it?

Greg responds...

I did see it, some time ago. I recall liking aspects of it a lot. I don't own the Blu-Ray. I don't own many Blu-Rays.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Tyler1 writes...

What do you think about Rumor (real name Mario) from the eleventh episode of the fourth season of The Batman (TV Series 2004â€"2008) called Rumors, like his skill's, the cool tech he used and his actions/everything he did?

Greg responds...

I don't remember him. Not sure if I even saw that episode.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Molly writes...

So I was thinking about Dick growing up, and a thought came to me. How hard to Bruce and Alfred try for Dick to get a "normal" childhood? Now obviously, it isn't really normal as no normal 9 year old grow up doing what Dick did, but did they try when he wasn't being Robin (and, assuming he became Nightwing still as a teen, Nightwing) for him to experience just... being a kid?

Greg responds...

They tried!

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Geri writes...


Sorry, I asked a question but forgot to put a link to the ramble it refers to and thought you might have trouble finding it. My question refers to this ramble where you discuss the idea that Gargoyles might have originally not used language and communicated psychically instead, an extension of how they didn't used to have names.


I thought it was fascinating and I was wondering whether you've given it any more thought since then. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Thanks for the link. Yeah, the ideas still interest me. Something to explore someday, maybe.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Geri writes...

Dear Greg,

I'm a big fan of yours. I have a question, but first I just wanted to express my gratitude. I recently lost my grandfather. It was the first time someone close to me passed away, so it was especially difficult. It prompted me to reread Rain of the Ghosts and I found it very comforting during a difficult time. I thought your portrayal of the grieving process was very vivid and true to life, and I appreciate that you didn't just rush through it the way other works of fiction often do. I'd give anything for my grandfather to be in a bracelet so I could talk to him every night like Papa Bastian. I hope I get to read the rest of the books in the series and hear the audioplay version of the second book someday, but until then I'll happily support the other projects you're working on, especially Young Justice: Outsiders.

As for my question, a while ago I saw this ramble all the way from 2004 about whether Gargoyles might have communicated psychically rather than through words. I was really fascinated by it at the time and it spurred me to think about the nature and limitations of language. I even did some study of the philosophy of language when I got to college partly because of seeing that ramble. I was wondering, have you given that idea any more thought? For example, is it any closer or farther away from something you'd consider bringing into the text if you ever get a chance to make more Gargoyles stories? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad Rain and Bastian could help you through a difficult time.

As for your question, I haven't really pursued that idea. I'm leaning more toward instinct than telepathy. But I also haven't had a need to explore it further. So we'll see.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, Will Outsiders eventually be released on Blu-ray?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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King_Joey writes...

It has been said that the meta-gene is "opportunistic, taking advantage of whatever is present in the host's system." If that's the case then my question is:

1. Are Halo's powers a result of Gabrielle's meta-gene activating as the Mother Box's "soul" energy was passing through her body? Making her a meta-human with Mother Box related light based powers.

2. Or is she really a human-mother box hybrid?

I ask because mother/father boxes have been destroyed on screen before and there was no "soul" that left and reanimated a dead body.

3. Is it just that a dead body wasn't close enough to the destroyed mother/father box?

This isn't a question but I just realized that if the answer to 1. is yes than the answer to 2. could still be yes.
I just want to know.

Greg responds...

1. Nope. Gabrielle had no meta-gene.

2. Yep.

2a. You sure about that? In any case, normally, the "soul" returns to Metron.

3. By now, you know that Motherbox actively tried to heal Gabrielle.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Why in the world would Mantis be interested in books??? He just doesn't strike me as a deep reader.

Greg responds...

Did we say he was interested in books? I honestly don't remember that. What was the context?

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Does Brion receive some sort of allowance from Markovia while he is exile?

Greg responds...

He has his own money.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Alpha 3 writes...

Hello! You most definately get this alot but i am a huge fan, and this question is of a personal nature, although not too personal i think.

You see there is someone close to me who keeps trying to "shame" me because i like to watch cartoons, such as Young Justice/Ducktales/Star vs the forces of evil
Just to name a few. As well as animated movies, this person believes that animation is solely for little kids, and i shouldnt be watching any of them just because im a young adult.

I have tried to get this person to watch some, you know give it a chance and all that, i tried getting him to watch the Gargoyles dvd i bought! but he is hellbent on not doing so. So my question is, how do i explain to this person that not every animated show and movie isnt just for kids?

I know getting him to do a complete 180 on this subject is just wishful thinking lol but i'm mostly asking just to maybe tell him a more indepth response, especially if it comes from someone who works in the industry.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure how to convince your "someone." But if you're a young adult, I think it's fair to say, "I disagree with you strongly. Animation is a medium. It is not by definition for kids or adults. It all depends on the content. And even if some of the stuff I watch IS for kids, how does that affect you in any way? Please respect that I know what I like and watch what I like."

Or something like that.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jarrod writes...

Good Day Greg! (Or whatever time of day it is when you get to this.)

Firstly, thank you for everything you and the entire YJ team did to help create and amazing season 3. Its been highly anticipated and it has not let us down in any way.

My question is about how much freedom you have in character portray, now that you are not answering to CN S&P? Without giving away spoilers, we have already seen a few instances of blood and language that could not have aired on CN. Are you able to openly show relationships between LGBT+ characters now? You have told us that there are certainly some LGBT+ characters on YJ, and we have seen them, but do you have the ability to portray those characters' romance? I am not asking who and when we will see them, but just if you are allowed to now?

Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. For the most part (i.e. with one exception), we had complete freedom.

2. We do, for the most part, and we did in the second half of Season Three. And we will expand on that in Season Four.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jonah Lucedo writes...

Hi Greg, I am a big fan of Gargoyles and I have a question. Do Yōkai, mythological creatures from Japan, exist in the Gargoyles universe as part of the Third Race?

Greg responds...

Potentially. I'd have to do research.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Hammerhead writes...

Hey Greg, rewatched Spectacular Spiderman on Blu-Ray and it was great! Two questions:
1. In the episode when the Sinister Six first appear, Toomes wipes some stuff on the prison walls before they escape while bringing Sandman and Rhino their food. What is he doing?
2. In the episode where Norman auctions off his specs for Rhino mercs, there's a moment where Hammerhead headbutts Rhino a couple of times and I think I only noticed it this time because of the blu ray quality, but there's specks of red that appear where Hammerhead hits Rhino in the face. Is that blood??

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't remember. I'd have to watch it again.

2. Might be. Again, it's been a lot of years. I don't remember. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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King_Joey writes...

1. How does Beast Boy circumvent the law of conservation of mass?
I thought his power was based in science and his metagene was its source.
2. Does his metagene give him access to mystical forces causing super natural phenomenon to occur? What's going on here?

Greg responds...

1. Have you seen "Nightmare Monkeys"?

2. See 1.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Danny writes...

hello mr Greg Weisman im a really big fan of Gargoyles and i was just wondering did you make Gargoyles for kids ? or did you make it for a older aduience and just had to make sure it was appealing to kids ?

Greg responds...

We made it for everyone. Our primary target audience was (by decree of TPTB) boys, ages 6-11. But we made it for everyone. All genders, all ages, etc.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Aether writes...

Does Demona own/drive a car? I've noticed in a wide shot of her mansion in the episode "The Mirror" that she has a garage for two vehicles.

Greg responds...

Odds are Dominique has a chauffeur.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Agent_Z writes...

Is Halo a fusion of the Mother Box and Gabrielle beings or just the Mother Box entity inhabiting Gabrielle's body?

Greg responds...

Those two choices aren't mutually exclusive.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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B. B. writes...

Hello. Humble W.I.T.C.H. fan here.

One of the most mysterious characters for me is the Mage. So my questions are:
1.) Was the Mage a Guardian before C.H.Y.K.N.? (She is seen in the first season holding the heart of Kandrakar.)
2.) Why does the Mage's appearance change so drastically from the flashbacks to the current time? (She goes from a long haired beutiful woman to a bald and scary-looking hag. Is there a reason for that?)

Greg responds...

1. It's been a long time, but I don't believe so.

2. I just don't remember. Sorry!

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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