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Emma writes...

Hello so I love wyynde and kaldur they are such an amazing couple I love them more than anything they were there for me when I needed something to stay they gave me a reason I suffered through a lot of suicidal thoughts it was really bad but when I watched young justice and i saw wyynde and kaldur it made me feel so much better so if we get a new season of young justice do you think we would see more of them together

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@Anonymous needs to stop writes...

Seriously, would you consider deleting/ignoring these types of questions from @Anonymous? It’s ridiculous.

“1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane retain her maiden name even after she married Clark Kent?
2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake, his first name is actually Timothy, and "Tim" is his nickname, correct?
3. Shouldn't Jonathan and Martha Kent technically be identified as Jonny Kent's paternal adoptive grandparents; since Jor-El and Lara El are Jonny Kent's paternal biological grandparents?
4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Beast Boy, his nickname is "Gar," correct? Also, is his father's name Mark Logan?
5. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Cyborg, his nickname is "Vic," correct? Also, is his mother's name Elinore Stone?
6. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning, his nickname is "Jeff," correct?”

I know none of these questions on the queue are “important” in the grand scheme of things, but there are so many questions from someone who doesn’t have the common sense to know what a grandfather is or that Vic is a nickname for Victor (even though it’s in the show). When there are a ton of other people waiting months for an answer and only a few questions are answered per week, it’s crazy to have so many questions asking “is X a cousin of Y? Does that mean Y is a cousin of X?”

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In regards to the Earth-16 version of the Penguin, is his name Oswald Cobblepot?

2. Is the Penguin's middle name Chesterfield?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane's mother, is her name Elinore Lane or Elenor Lane. Also, regardless of what the correct version of her first name is, is her first name nicknamed "Ella"?

2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Kate Kane, is Thomas Wayne her paternal uncle?

3. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Kate Kane's mother, is her name Gabrielle Kane? Also, is her first name nicknamed "Gabi"? Finally, is she Bruce Wayne's maternal aunt?

4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Kate Kane's twin sister, is her name Elizabeth Kane? Also, is her first name nicknamed "Beth"? Finally, from Elizabeth's point of view, Bruce is her PATERNAL cousin, and from Bruce's point of view, Elizabeth is his MATERNAL cousin, is that correct?

5. In regards to Kate and Elizabeth's relationship in the Earth-16 universe, are they identical twins, or is one older than the other? If the latter, who is the oldest twin?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you have time to answer my questions.

We’ve seen the Kryptonians like Dru-Zod, Ursa Zod, and Faora Hu-Ul wear those suits and I have to know, are those prison clothes due to the Phantom Zone being used as a prison, and if so does that mean all the Kryptonians that were in the Zone wore those similar outfits?
How many Kryptonians were in the Zone before the Light took them?

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Suzie writes...

1. Do you consider Icicle Jr. to be a romantic? He loves romance and wants to find true love for himself. That and he's probably the 1# Supermartian shipper
2. When M'gann got back to Earth, how did Artemis help her deal with Conner's death? Since she's been through this before when she lost Wally, Artemis was obviously going to be there for her in every way possible and can you give us any specifics? I'm asking since we never saw them interact in season 4 (sadly I might add).
3. How does Jonny Kent feel about having M'gann as his aunt and do they have a good relationship with each other?
4. Did M'gann ever go to visit the Kent farm in Smallville too?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. How many of Miss Martian's brothers and sisters are older than her? Likewise, how many of Miss Martian's brothers and sisters are younger then her?

2. Since Miss Martian has an extended family of 300 cousins, how many of them are from her paternal side of the family, and how many or them are from her maternal side of the family?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Now that Samuel Lane (Lois Lane's father) is acknowledged to exist in the Earth-16 universe, that means in terms of relationships...

A. ... he is Clark Kent's father-in-law.

B. ... he is Jonathan and Martha Kent's brother-in-law.

C. ... he is Jonny Kent's maternal grandfather.

D. ... he is Jor-El's and Lara El's brother-in-law (despite the fact they are both deceased; meaning that Samuel Lane would never be able to meet them).

These relationships should all be correct, right? Did I miss any other familial relationships that Samuel Lane might have with other Earth-16 characters? Finally, is Samuel Lane's nickname "Sam" in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane retain her maiden name even after she married Clark Kent?

2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake, his first name is actually Timothy, and "Tim" is his nickname, correct?

3. Shouldn't Jonathan and Martha Kent technically be identified as Jonny Kent's paternal adoptive grandparents; since Jor-El and Lara El are Jonny Kent's paternal biological grandparents?

4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Beast Boy, his nickname is "Gar," correct? Also, is his father's name Mark Logan?

5. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Cyborg, his nickname is "Vic," correct? Also, is his mother's name Elinore Stone?

6. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning, his nickname is "Jeff," correct?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

This link below explains who Leonardo Lane is in the mainstream DC Comics continuity.


He is a recently new character in the comics who appeared in 2021. Now, I am NOT asking you whether or not he exists in the Earth-16 universe; I'm just hoping I was able to clear up any confusion you might have had, since you previously mentioned that you knew nothing about him.

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Lots of anonymous spoiler questions clogging up the queue writes...

Can Barry and Bart vibrate people or objects fast enough to phase through objects, or can they only phase themselves through objects? Can the two of them phase through other people as well?

(Also are there any mods who can stop the same person from asking so many obvious spoilers and name-related questions from clogging up the queue…)


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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When will the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake eventually take on the costumed identity of "Red Robin," like his Earth-0 counterpart did in the comics (after the apparent death of Bruce Wayne; as depicted in "Final Crisis")?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Did the Earth-16 version of Dick Grayson had any family members on his mother's side of the family? If so, what were their names?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Has the Earth-16 version of Jason Todd ever been addressed by the nickname "Jaybird" prior to his death?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El willingly joined the forces of Apokolips as a member of the Female Furies (as opposed to being brainwashed; like in the comics), is it correct to assume that her decision is most likely influenced by the fact that she had spent over 40 years in the Phantom Zone and she had most likely completely succumbed to the Zone-Sickness; which was likely far worse for her (assuming this is due to her own youth and inexperience) than what Superboy himself had suffered (since he had been trapped in the Phantom Zone for MONTHS; whereas Kara had been trapped for YEARS)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The reason why I previously asked you if the full name of the Earth-16 version of Bruce Wayne is "Bruce Thomas Wayne" is because in the DC Rebirth continuity, Bruce's full name was revealed in "Batman" issue #20; the fifth and final issue of the "I Am Bane" story arc. In the end of that issue, Bruce's full name was addressed by his mother (Martha Wayne) when he had a vision of her. And yet, when I previously asked you about Bruce's full name being the same in the Earth-16 universe as it currently is in the comics, you yourself said, in your exact words, "Not necessarily." If you require proof, look on the link here below.


With me now presenting some form of evidence this time around, I'll ask you once again: In the Earth-16 universe, is Bruce Wayne's full name "Bruce Thomas Wayne"?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In a previous posting, you explained how Kryptonian naming conventions work in the Earth-16 universe. As such, how do Thanagarian and Martian naming conventions work in the Earth-16 universe for males and females, and married and unmarried?

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Brian Johnston writes...

Hi Greg,

First off, I'd like to say Gargoyles was a big part of my childhood, and still is to this day. The mature content for a younger audience, cast of Star Trek alumni, and Shakespearean aspect truly got me interested in Shakespeare from a young age. My question is as follows.

1) I'm an avid storyteller in the midst of writing his first novel. My story has many different races from many different mythologies. I'd like to include Gargoyles in my story but I don't want to copy you. I have too much respect and appreciation for your creation and its characters. My question is it OK to have gargoyles in my story?

2) Also have them come alive? Or living period?

3) Not to ask your process, everyone's different but what would you recommend I do so not to copy you but have them be warriors, rulers, politicians, scholars, etc.? A living race of gargoyles in the middle is part of my overall story.

Let me know and look forward to hearing from you.


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Anonymous writes...

You bring up your background as a Jewish/atheist every time someone criticizes the way you portray Islam in your show…I’m curious as to why you haven’t shared any aspects of the culture and religion you’re actually familiar with in the same way? To be honest, the way you talk about Muslims comes off like exploitation and fetishization rather than a genuine interest in the topic when you don’t explore Judaism the same way. You had Kate Kane right there.

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Yo Toy Buenon writes...

Hola Greg, sorry if this questions are too annoying or large

1) In the war world episode I get that Dick needed to remain behind to coordinate the squads but how come Aquaman remained behind? Even if you go by the "Aquaman sucks outside water" line of thought I'm sure he would've been more useful than say, Mal.

2) I get the impression that M'gann has soft spot for young boys like Garfield, Cullen and maybe at some point Dick. Is it because they remind her of her past bond with M'comm? Could she eventually view little Johnny on a simmilar light

2.5) How would you say was M'ree's relationship with her a'ashenn younger siblings as a child?

3) As I understand the martian's super strenght comes from channeling their telekinesis inwards alongside their density control, and I get the impression that J'onn is the most physically powerful living martian. Does that mean his telekinetic abilities are equally powerful? (I think it would make sense given how M'comm's specialty seems to be shape shifting while M'gann's is telepathy)

4) Did M'comm at some point like Earth tv? It would explain his penchant for earthling snark (or are those just universal)

5) I get that they're technically equals but when Barry and Billy were transporting bad guys to prison it gave me some of the same vibes as the other sidekicks with their proteges. Considering that Billy never had a mentor of his own, does he see the other leaguers as such? Is Barry specially tight with him due to reminding him of Wally?

6) Is Conner attracted to M'gann's martian form? Because I think it would make sense given how she doesn't look that weird compared to the cadmus genomorphs that basically raised him.

7) How would you describe Klarion's relationship with Vandal? His "best friend's dad" (ergo something of an uncle), perhaps?

8) Could a martian get pregnant with another race?

9) Could you tell me which of younger heroes (say of the generation introduced since second season) are currently attending college? If so would it be a spoiler to ask about their majors?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the Black Racer (who is the physical manifestation of an aspect of Death that was captured by Darkseid; as depicted in the current DC Comics continuity)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the DNAngels; a trio of genetically engineered female US government agents whose members consists of Cherub (a clone of the combined DNA of Superboy and Tana Moon), Epiphany (a clone of the combined DNA of Superboy, Wonder Girl, and a third unknown individual), and Seraph (a clone of the combined DNA of Superboy and an unnamed African American woman)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are the following below TRUE or FALSE about the Earth-16 version of Wonder Girl?

#1. Zeus' siblings (Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, and Demeter) are Cassie's paternal aunts and paternal uncles.

#3. Zeus' children (Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Persephone, Hercules, Hermes, and many others) are all Cassie's paternal half-siblings.

#4. Any and all children of Zeus' siblings are Cassie's paternal cousins.

#5. Cronus and Rhea is Cassie's paternal grandparents, and Ouranos and Gaea are Cassie's paternal great-grandparents.

#6. As the daughter of Zeus, Cassie could theoretically be more powerful than Wonder Woman, Troia, and all the other Amazons in Themyscira; assuming Cassie ever utilizes her full power.

#7. When Cassie learned of her paternal heritage, her initial reaction could only be described as "mind-blown."

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Aaron Abel writes...

I would like to know, what do the star spawn look like?

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Anonymous writes...

Earth-16 Character Wish-List for Season Five:

The Signal (Duke Thomas)
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
Julia Pennyworth
Mother Panic (Violet Paige)
Nyssa al Ghul
White Ghost (Dusan Al Ghul)
Mara al Ghul
Artemis (Artemis of Bana-Mighdall)
Starfire (Koriand'r)
Red Arrow (Emiko Queen)
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Green Lantern (Simon Baz)
Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)
Rogol Zaar
Godspeed (August Heart)
Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel)
Punchline (Alexis Kaye)

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Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

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