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Hello Greg, I just viewed Golem again, and noticed that in the
flashbacksequence some of those ruffians persued a woman with
I doubt she had it coloured back then, was she one of Oberons children, or
simpley an animation error ?
1. Maybe the problem's with your tv.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Dear Greg, Here is my question.(I was never really good at intro's) I know
that Goliath and Elisa both love each other, but what I want to know is
how does Angela feel about this (if she even knows)? Angela really cares for
Demona, being her mother and all. Naturally, I thought Angela would hope
her biological parents would get back together (although highly unlikely).
I just want to know how Angela feels.
1. Angela's no idiot. How could she not know? I think she's happy for
both her father and Elisa. Elisa's more like an older sister than a
mother or step-mother figure, but keep in mind that Angela met Goliath and
Elisa at the same time. That relationship was firmly established in
Angela's mind long before she knew Demona was her mother.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
I've been reading avidly since this started, so I'm fairly sure these
havn't been asked before ( apologies if I'm mistaken)
i) What were your outline plans (if any) for developing the
Elisa-Goliath-Jason 'triangle'.
ii)What were your plans for Xanatos' long
term relationship with the Illuminati ?
1. Well, you saw most of it. And as I've stated, step two (the
Halloween double date) might not have even included Jason. The Triangle
pretty much concluded with Hunter's Moon.
2. Too complex to relate here.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Since the Arthurian legend played a part in the background of the series
(Arthur himself, Avalon, Merlin, and for your future plans, the Fisher
King heading the Illuminati), I thought that I'd ask you - what is your opinion
on the debate over whether Arthur was based on a historical figure or not?
Do you think that there may have been a real "Arthur" in the 5th and 6th
centuries (if no doubt very different from his legendary counterpart), or
do you view him as more likely to have been purely a creation of the
storytellers of the age?
I feel strongly that there must have been an historical Arthur. And
that he must have been fairly impressive in his own right.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
I'm asking this question separately in case it gets counted as an idea
(although I did my best when working it out to keep it from feeling like
one), but: If you had done the "Pendragon" spin-off, would anything from the "search
for the historical Arthur" (the Saxon invasions, the Battle of Badon,
etc.) have gotten into it, or would it have been strictly the legendary Arthur
of Geoffrey of Monmouth, Malory, et al?
Both, up to a point. (Keep in mind, that Geoffrey is still the best
source for any serious investigation of the historical Arthur. At any rate,
he's the starting point. Mallory, of course, is a whole other story.)
(GDW / 7-22-98)
I haven't posted anything related to Gargoyles in a over nine months. I'm
still a major fan, however. I just have a schophrenic mind as of always.
Anyway Mr. Weisman, this is an odd question that I haven't seen anyone
ask. This is stemming from a recent S. Baptisrs declaration and talks with my
friend about womens rights with hardcore Muslim groups. ANYWAY, THE
(1)How did the two sexes interact with each other? I mean, were the sexes
equal in respect with, . . .well respect, power etc. Were the males and
females afforded equal treatment or does one have dominion over the other.
You explained that the family was communial but were the females allotted
the "homemaker duties." Was Society basically matriarchial ar
(2)Going on that same strand even further, how much impact did the human
customs affect it. Would gargoyles pattern their "family values" after the
culture that was nearby.
1. Gargoyles were generally a warrior race. Males and females can both
be warriors. Leadership and Seconding was decided on the basis of
leadership capabilities, strength and prowess. Males and females both
could qualify, as I think we demonstrated. That doesn't eliminate the
difference between the genders. And males don't have breasts for nursing
new hatchlings, but everyone participated fairly equally in raising each
new generation.
2. I'm sure it was different in different locations. Some
traditions remained. Some did not. Individual gargoyles might have bent
more than their clans. There's no one answer to this question.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
One of the things I have always liked about Gargoyles is the relatively
logical way the events in an episode started. The main characters didn't
get involved in what happened by mere chance, unlike the main characters of
many other series, who often just happen to be nearby whenever their arch-enemy
plots to take over the world again. However, It did seem like a big
coincidence that Elisa's father has a connection with Coyote the
trickster. And Titania's daughter marrying Xanatos of all people also seems like a
big coincidence. So my question is: Is there some logical explanation for this
other than simple coincidence. I'm not asking for a full explanation if
there is any, since you probably wouldn't just give it anyway, so just a
'yes' or 'no' would make me happy. (And anything more would make me even
Were those things coincidences or simply the way the world works?
What about Vinnie or Brendan & Margot? I intentionally tried to create a
Universe where everything was interconnected, even if those connections
aren't immediately obvious. Kinda like the Simpsons. Does that help?
(GDW / 7-22-98)
This is one topic involving "The Hound of Ulster" that has received a fair
amount of debate among Gargoyles fans, and I was curious about your
opinion on it.
What were the Banshee/Molly's feelings towards Rory Dugan? Did she have
any tenderness towards him, or develop any during the time that she was Molly?
The fact that she chose to fight and destroy him only as a last resort,
when her efforts to delude him into staying an ordinary human had failed,
suggested that to many fans; what's your take on it?
Dang, you guys are sharp. I think she thought she was using him.
But given the opportunity, I had plans to do a further exploration of their
(GDW / 7-22-98)
A few quick ones.
1. I know you probably want to be elusive about the "Hobgoblin of Little
Minds" episode. But was it the "very strange little two-parter" that you
once said was "too risky" to be made? If so, in what respect was it risky?
1b. Was Puck the hobgoblin of the title?
2. I've forgotten if I've asked this before. Oh, well. Have you remembered
yet what book Goliath was reading in "Avalon" pt I when he stayed behind
in the clock tower to finish it?
3. You've mentioned before a story you had in mind dealing with the
clocktower itself. Since the clocktower has been destroyed and you can't
do the story (so you wouldn't be spoiling anything we'd have a chance to
see), would you mind telling us what it was about?
4. Will you be at the Gathering 98? If so, are you planning on showing the
same videos (BAD GUYS leica reel, etc) that you did last year? I wouldn't
mind seeing those again. :)
IP: grmn-105ppp69.epix.net
1. No. That two-parter wasn't risky per se, but it was highly
sophisticated even by GARGOYLES standards. I think we could have done it,
but the higher ups rejected it. It was the ONLY plotline they did reject.
Given how cooperative they were otherwise, it was hard to argue the point.
1b. It's not that simple.
2. No. Maybe the next time I see the episode, it'll come back to
3. I just answered that one. It might be in this very post. IF
not, check the recent archives.
4. I hope to be there. I have my plane tickets, as of today (7/22)
I'm waiting for a confirmation on my hotel room. When I get that, I'll make
an official announcement. I will bring those videos again. If the majority
want to see them again, I'll show 'em. But I'm planning to bring some stuff
none of you have seen as well.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hy Greg, here´s another bunch of questions:
1.) When you state the age of a gargoyle, is this age counted from the
hatching, or from the laying of the egg?
2.) When the Emir enprisoned Anubis, Anubis stated, that with him
locked away, nobody would die. Does this a) mean that death is "unnatural" and
onley happens because the third race doesn´t want to have to many of
the first two run around, or b) was Anubis simpley connected to death
3.) If the answer is b, then how did this connection start?
4.) Would Anubis be able to let one of the third race die at all, if
Oberon would object ?
5.) When Demona and Xanatos reanimated Coldstone, the souls of three
gargoyles were reanimated within one body, cause they used parts of
three shattered Gargoyles. Coldstone also stated, there were nothing he
remembered after going to sleep this morning, so he didn´t have any
afterlife experience at all. a) Does this mean that a gargoyle who is
shattered during the day is not "technically" dead and b) that his soul
is still present in the shards?
6.) Does Xanatos have anymore parts of shattered gargoyles in his
7.) When Xanatos tried to make ammends by seperating the 3 souls, why
did he go for robot bodies instead of extracting the DNA from Coldstones
bodyparts and cloning "real" bodies from it? I take it, he hasn´t quit
genetics completeley after Sevarius went his own ways...
1. Hatching.
2. The latter.
3. Now that would be telling.
4. Huh?
5. Not necessarily.
6. Nothing significant.
7. Can't clone stone.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
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