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POSTINGS 2008-10 (Oct)

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J writes...

Hello. I have enjoyed "The Spectacular Spider-Man", and my favourite episode is "Group Therapy". Here are a few of my questions:

1) Any plans for a body-switching episode between Spidey and MJ (just kiddin!)?
2) Will Randy Robertson become Rocket Racer and Montana become Big Wheel?
3) Why was Charles Napier replaced by Jeff Bennett as Montana?
4) And, considering the Master Planner arc in Season Two, will there be a homage to Amazing Spider-Man #33?


Greg responds...

1, 2 & 4. No comment.

3. Charles Napier was NEVER Montana. Check the credits. Jeff Bennett played the character from episode 1. I don't know where the Napier rumor came from.

Response recorded on October 21, 2008

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Antiyonder writes...

Anyways, I finally got around to continuing The Spectacular Spider-Man reviews starting with Persona.

- Whether it was the animated series from the 90s or the original comic or the movie I enjoyed The Alien Costume Saga. Whether it's the effect that the costume had on him or the various designs of the costume I haven't decided.

- What I like about this version of the story is the blending of the other versions of the story (Playing his conscience, improving his physical attributes and the control over him as seen in the next episode).

- Between the goop comment (as well as her other wiity dialogue), the kitty sense and the kissing scene at the end, you just can't go with this Black Cat.

- Have to say that the Chameleon's disguises are impressive. His "Spider Sense" and quips are priceless. As for Quentin Beck and Phineas Mason, they're okay, but as for them returning. Well, I don't think they could fight Spidey on their own. Beck for one, would be better off getting a fishbowl (For putting some fish in of course).

Greg responds...

I assume you meant to say "you just can't go [wrong] with this Black Cat." At least I hope that's what you meant to say.

Response recorded on October 21, 2008

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Shadow Wing writes...

What was Mace Malone's number in the Society?

Greg responds...

Mace Malone was somewhere in the high 20s before he died.

Response recorded on October 21, 2008

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auzzie boy writes...

Yeah hi i was just wondering if you know when the rest of the series comes out on DVD, and do you have any idea where i could get it i already have season 1 and season 2 volume 1 but yeah just wondering.

Greg responds...

BVHE has no current plans for an additional realease.

Response recorded on October 20, 2008

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Ice_Tyrant writes...

Hey. I just wanted to say great job with the Spectacular Spider-Man. I saw most of the first season. I haven't seen the second season though. I'm not sure if there is one or not though. Now that I think 'bout it...

I haven't really checked in the site in awhile. I was obssesed with Gargoyles from, like, last June - October, but then it kinda died down. I did get the first vol. of season 2 though for Christmas. It's very good. I 'specially like the Audio Commentary for city of stone. I'm just wondering since I remember hearing that you said Macbeth went to america...

Does Macbeth travel most of the world? Like, does he go to other countries such as China and Australia? Or is that something you dont' know/aren't willing to say at the moment?

Greg responds...

There is a second season in the works, but you couldn't have seen it yet.

I'm sure Macbeth -- over the course of his very long life -- is quite the world-traveler.

Response recorded on October 20, 2008

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Well, I sadly can't buy the individual comic issues anymore. Since Disney won't let SLG publish any after 9/31, I'll have to wait for the trades. I can't afford to buy each issue twice.

I do have a question about the Labyrinth Clan, who are sort of topical:

We know that gargates gain energy by absorbing heat or sunlight during the day, and that if a gargoyle were deprived of this for enough nights in a row, she would eventually start feeling some kind of negative effects.

Given this, what will happen to the clones as they continue to sleep underground every day? It's dark and probably cold and damp down there.

Greg responds...

Um, there are no individual issues anymore, I'm afraid.

I'm not sure it's all that cold in the Labyrinth.

Response recorded on October 20, 2008

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Travis writes...

Are there any plans for Keith David to do any voicework in season 2 of Spectacular Spider-Man? Ever since I started watching the Gargoyles repeats on Toon Disney + bought the season 1 DVD I've fallen in love with his voice, and it seems like now I hear it everywhere.

Greg responds...

Keith was not available the one time we tried to get him.

Response recorded on October 20, 2008

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Greg Weisman response: There were no legal reasons for Montana becoming Shocker.

What does that mean? That part I don't understand....Unless you originally planned to Herman appear as him. Firefly became Phosphorus in "The Batman."

The Avengers in Season Three were actually false rumors.

I do appreciate how you did the latest Spider-Man series. Any sneak peek at who the gang war is between?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what's not clear... other than the fact that you're quoting me out of context. I wasn't forced to make Montana into Shocker by lawyers. That was a creative choice on my part. I don't know what that has to do with Firefly or the Avengers.

And, no, I'm not going to spoil things here... at least nothing that hasn't already been spoiled.

Response recorded on October 17, 2008

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Neil writes...

In the episode "Temptation" Demona tells Brooklyn about the horrors she's seen. Does that mean she has seen true tragedies like the Holocaust, the various wars and serieal killers?

Greg responds...

Use your imagination.

Response recorded on October 17, 2008

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Annie writes...

Hello I have a question. It may be a stupid one but its something I'm curious about. If someone, say for example broke the finger off a gargoyle durring the day while the gargoyle was stone then glued it back on before the gargoyle woke up, would the gargoyle wake up healed like it never happened or would they wake up with a stone finger glued to a stump?

Greg responds...

Probably the latter, but it depends on a lot of factors.

Response recorded on October 17, 2008

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KingCobra_582 writes...

Feeling too lazy for my usual 'what I like about this issue' review, and will instead make a page-by-page analysis of Bad Guys #4: Louse. Spoilers abound for whoever's seeing this and doen't have the comic yet.


Great cover. Doesn't really look too much like Fang, but I can let that go.

Page 1: Nice way to open, with Fang going electrical on a Gigantor Bot. Off to a good start.

Page 2: Liking Fang's expression when he says he was trying to run away gracefully, before he saves an annoyed-looking Yama.

Page 3: This is the sequence that I remember most from the BG panel at the Gatherings, when Fang delivers his lines on this page. Loved him blowing on his fists, it was cool. His expression at seeing Yama's lack of gratitude was priceless too.

"Hey, Yama... you're welcome!" Great line. Little non-comic related note: Jim Belushi, in the BG panel, delivered it so well.

Page 4: The transition from Fang's look of surprise to the ferocious snarl of 5 days prior was nicely done.

Page 5: "Doc doesn't care for tourists, sweet cheeks. So how 'bout I send you packing ...in pieces small enough to pack?" Great line. Very Fang-ish. I can actually hear Jim having fun with that bit of dialogue. A little surprised that Robyn is just sitting there, though. Wouldn't the Hunter be kicking his ass by now?

But, Yama steps in, smashing Fang's head into the wall. Nice.

Page 6: Robyn wonders if Fang is a Gargoyles, only to be assured otherwise. She doesn't seem to quite know to make of him here. And then Fang attacks.

Page 7: Poor Dingo, wandering around the sewers. Matrix cracked me up in the first panel.

Page 8: And the doctor is in. Hello again, Sevarius. He's actually one of my favorite villians. Not in the ranks of Thailog or Xanatos, but he is definitely up there. Robyn and Yama are in prison cells...

Page 9:... and, like any good evil doctor/villian/geneticist, he introduces them to their cellmates. Tasha, Erin, Benny, (I surmise those last two were named after your kids) and Thug, as the newest mutates.

"I'm a roly-poly bug." "You're a Pill bug."


Page 10: 'Doc isn't big on shifting into reverse!" Dunno why exactly, but I really liked that line. And Fang, with just a look from Sevarius, simply makes his exit? His relationship with the doc has come a long way since season 2's 'The Cage'. Nice touch having Matrix popping up in that bottom panel. Didn't notice it on my first reading.

Page 11: And Sevarius delivers the coup d'grace. He's made a new virus to make every infected human into a mutate. And guess where? The nicely-drawn crowd in Times Square would be a good target.

Page 12: Robyn actually seems frightened. That's a rarity.

Page 13: And Dingo makes a reapperence for the first time in 6 pages, Matrix armor and all.

Page 14: About time someone put Sevarius in his place. A prison cell. I'm wondering, why didn't they set the new Mutates free? Matrix can unlock cell doors...

Page 15: In regards to my earlier comment about the crowd, yep, they're gonna be mutated and Fang's involved. Loving the cameo by Margot and Brendan.

Page 16: Nice Tri Chang cameo. Dingo's constant reference to Fang as a 'misfit' was amusing.

Page 17: 'Doc and his damn drama.' Nice line, there. Sums up Sevarius perfectly. And here we have Yama attacking Fang. Loved Fang's eye when he tells Yama to 'Eat lightning, Schmuck-o!' And another great line, as well.

Page 18: "What keeps happening?!" Indeed, Dingo. He just can't seem to get his handle on the action. Nice touch having the Eyrie Building, and thus the castle, in the background.

Page 19. Nice touch, having the countdown on Sevarius' timer coinciding with the countdown for the New Year's balldrop. Poor Dingo, Matrix just leaves him like that? Geez. 'You just killed me, you flamin' gullah!' LOL.

Page 20: Matrix absorbing the mutagen at the very last possible second. Fun times. Hunter saves Dingo, but he smacks into the building fact-first. Ouch!

Page 21: Yama helps overpower Fang, and they take him back to the cells. Hunter had to think about saving Dingo? Nice. They get back, only to find...

Page 22: ...Tasha's apprent suicide, (didn't see that coming. It actually disturbed me.) and the mutate kids being comforted by Thug. Fang freezes up a second before he launches into inappropiate-joke-making mode. And of course Yama socks him for it, then tries to decapitate him.

Page 23: Fortunately, Dingo stops him, and I am liking Dingo more and more. He's come a long way from his days with The Pack, and he tells Yama that Fang is not worth it. Fortunately, Fang lightens the mood a bit. 'I'm not! I'm really not!' I liked the artistic work with Fang in that panel, too. And we get another 'whisper mystery'. What did Hunter say to Yama? Yama wouldn't reveal it. Would you, Greg?

Page 24: Robyn actually has someone she addresses as 'Sir'. Huh. Go figure. And Fang officially joins the team at this point. Liked Fang's get-up, (The gun holster was an especially nice touch) and Dingo's expression. And, of course, Yama is not pleased by this development.

End comic. What a great issue. A lot of Fang and Yama action, which is a big thumbs-up from me because I like those guys. Great art, a great story, some great twists, (Tasha's sucide in the cell) and great characterization just made this issue an all-around great comic.

Bring on Gargoyles #9 and BG #5.


Greg responds...

Seems like a good time for an update on both trades. All the scripting is done.

Bad Guys Redemption Chapter #5 and Gargoyles Clan-Building Chapter #9 are both completely done.

Karine has completed the roughs for BG#6 and is working on finishes now.

Greg G. has one last page of art to finish on Garg#10. I believe Robby's already begun coloring the book.

New penciller, David Hutchison, has roughed out half of Garg#11 and is working on the second half.

The script for Garg#12 is just awaiting an available artist.

Dan Vado informs me he's planning to release both trades in January.

Response recorded on October 17, 2008

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Matthew writes...

I've hold off asking this question since I figured I'd fine out in the comic, but now I will. What will Matt think of Elisa's romantic relationship with Goliath?
Will he be okay with it? Will he disgusted by it? Will he think it weird but none of his business?

Greg responds...

You'll just have to wait and (hopefully someday) see.

Response recorded on October 17, 2008

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Brook writes...

Hi Greg,

Ok, ergh, in the last post a "other" was missing - it should have said "other potential mediums", "potential mediums" makes it as if comics were second grade... talking bout making mistakes...

Anyways, I've got another question: with the comics being limited to a few books per year - are there any "minor" story arcs you've dropped along the way? I don't want to ask if there were "less important" ones, because who's yet to tell what is of importance in the future? I'd just like to know this, for the last Season of Gargoyles (Season 2) was so hughe and massive, that I'd like to know how you're working here (it's obvious that the Timedancing, for example, can't take as long as the Avalon-tour did, for there's not enough room). Are there side-storys you've dropped for now or that are on ice? Or are you just formulating the main storyarcs?

Thank you so much for awnsering, and once more - thank you for your time and work.

Greg responds...

I haven't DROPPED anything. I'm just in no hurry (anymore) to catch up to the present. I'm fine with the setting being the late nineties for the time being.

TimeDancer is MUCH longer than the World Tour. The latter lasted a few months. The former, forty years. But again, I'm in no hurry to tell it all at once.

Response recorded on October 17, 2008

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Brook writes...

Hi Greg,

this is the first question i post in YEARS... sure feels weird...

Anyways, with the comics being quite a success (for us - thank you so much for making this dream come true), I finally hope I got how the "spin-offs" were intentioned. Somehow I allways got the idea of them being "real" spin-offs, with as many episodess as Gargoyles. I'm happy BAD GUYS has come out in this form and this capacity, it suits the story, theme and place in the Garg-universe.

With the future of the comics being on-hiatus though, I would love to hear if you have thought of releasing the other spin-offs on potential mediums.

For example, I just read into the 2198 storyline, and it came to my mind that it would make a quite interesting computer game. Not that I want to limit my question to this, but today there are so many different ways of telling a story, that hold many opportunities in character development and storytelling (be it computer games or a youtube series or "Alternate Reality Games" for the Internet, that consist of prequels or spin-offs, as was done with Dark Knight or LOST or Cloverfield - for the film version of WATCHMEN, there'll even be an animated panel-retelling of the chapters - kind of like what is done at the Gathering with the voice-acting

I know Disney still has to give the OK, but have you ever thought about releasing one of the spin-offs on a totally different medium than Comics or TV? And if you did, would it change the "course" of the story?

I hope this is not too off, since I know you're fighting for the comics to stay alive and the DVDs to be released, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Thank you so much,
Have a nice day.

Greg responds...

I'm always open to trying new things. But no company has approached me about it. And it isn't as simple as saying Disney would have to okay it. Of course, they would, but their okay would be contingent on being paid a considerable sum of money... up front.

Response recorded on October 16, 2008

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Jason Aiken writes...

Hey Greg,

Wanted to write in and say that I'm looking forward to reading your new comic work in the coming year.

I think you are getting the Red Tornado at a great time after what Brad Meltzer and Dwayne McDuffie have been doing with him in JLA. I am interested in seeing where you take one of the most unique characters in comics. Reading your latest responses Chuck Logan asked about when DC announces when books will be published. The best answer I can give him is to keep up with the solicits every month. DC solicits three months ahead, as I write this it is the end of August and they have previews up for November on their site. Every month, usually the 3rd Monday they release new solicits. So check their website - http://www.dccomics.com/dcu/comics/ or www.newsarama.com for the latest and look for Red Tornado :)

I am also very interested in Mecha Nation and Progeny (or is it Prodigy.. I've seen it spelled both on various sites). I'm always interested in new characters from my favorite creators.

Also, just read Gargoyles: Bad Guys #4... wow the hang em high aftermath of the jailbreak... you couldn't get away with that in any cartoon. Very solid issue though, I'm enjoying all of the Gargoyles comics. Sad to see that #12 of the series and #6 of Bad Guys may be the last, but I have high hopes... Kingdom Comics was just formed so i doubt they would let an established comics property like Gargoyles go to waste.

I have to confess I haven't seen Spectacular Spider-Man yet... but I have all 13 episodes on my DVR... thank goodness for that invention. I plan on sitting down and checking them out soon though as I have heard nothing but good things.

Keep up the great work, you keep writing I'll keep buying.


Greg responds...

Unfortunately, DC cancelled the Red Tornado limited. It's a shame. The first issue and the designs for characters new and old, penciled by Joe Bennett, were just gorgeous. And I was very happy with the three scripts I wrote before the cancellation.

Oh, and it's Mecha-Nation and Progeny.

Response recorded on October 16, 2008

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Ricky writes...

Hi Greg,

My favorite episode is "The Mirror," not just because the acting, animation and writing are all so great, but I loved seeing Elisa as a gargoyle, and ever since I've been dying for more. Seeing as though the license hasn't been renewed, I realize it could be a while before we get new stories, but I'm not losing faith. So, I don't want to ask if it's possible that we see her as a gargoyle again, cause I'm pretty sure almost anything is possible in the gargoyles universe, so I'll put it differently:

1. How likely is it that we'll see Elisa as a gargoyle again?

2. I don't expect you to be too specific, but how far into the future (in their world, not ours) would it be? Very far in the future? Not too far? The near future?

Also, if you don't wanna answer I'd understand that too. Thanks a lot, keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

Does Delilah count?

Response recorded on October 16, 2008

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Ming writes...

I've watched the first season of Spectacular Spider-Man and let me tell you this show rocks, especially with surprises and characterizations throughout the arcs.

Are there any comic book storylines for the Spectacular Spider-Man series that you would like to do?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 16, 2008

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anonymous writes...

1.) Will we see the Enforcers back on "The Spectacular Spider-Man"?
2.) Will we see Spider-Man use his spider-tracers on the show?
3.) People have been saying on message boards of websites about which characters they want to see on your show. The ones I saw listed the most were Beetle, Carnage, Hydro-Man, Jack O'Lantern, and Tarantula. But are there some villains you are not allowed to use on your show as they might be connected to other heroes, like how Hydro-Man has also fought the Fantastic Four?

Thanks for reading.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Hopefully.
3. There are many villains from the Marvel Universe that we cannot use, and just because they once fought Spidey is no guarantee that they are an actual part of the Spider-Man license.

Response recorded on October 16, 2008

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Juan Reyes writes...

How can the Gargoyles comic be saved?

Greg responds...


The current comic -- with single issue releases -- cannot be saved. But the trades will come out finishing both the Gargoyles Clan-Building arc and the Bad Guys Redemption arc. If those sell well enough, SLG wants to do graphic novels and will approach Disney about it. If not, I'll look for a new publisher. But again, high sales on what we have and eventually release will make finding a new publisher easier -- not to mention convincing Disney to license the book to SLG or a new publisher.

Response recorded on October 15, 2008

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Chip writes...

Sorry, I meant Crocodile...not Crodile

Greg responds...

Yeah, I got that.

Response recorded on October 15, 2008

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Chip writes...

Did Sevarius Mutate Thug with Alligator or Crodile DNA?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 15, 2008

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Corrie "Cormak" McDermott writes...

Hello Greg,

Gosh, it's been over 7 years since I asked a question here!

First off, I'd just like to say how thrilled I am that you still continue to push for Gargoyles to reach the fans. No matter the medium! Before the comics, I lived for the "Ask Greg" section of this site, (I still enjoy reading here when time away from work and my horses allows). The comics have really been a godsend. It's always a disappointment to find your favorite show has no new material in the works, so I commend you for helping to keep Gargoyles alive and available to us all no matter what obstacle you must cross.

I'm very upset to hear about the license situation with the comic, but I have not given up hope for the future spin offs and further stories.

I'd guess you write timelines and probably have notebooks and computer documents full of continuing ideas. Have you ever thought about doing an encyclopedia/compliation with all of the characters, places and events as well as future events you have outlined? (Obviously with Disney's approval of course)

I apologize if the question has already been asked. I searched the archives and didn't see a mention. (There are alot of pages!)

Best of luck, keep up the good work and Long live the Gargoyles!

Greg responds...

I've thought often about it. No publisher has ever expressed any interest.

Response recorded on October 15, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned that one of your new dogs is named Hermione. Was she named after the Hermione of Greek mythology (the daughter of Menelaus and Helen of Troy), of "The Winter's Tale", or of the Harry Potter series?

Greg responds...

I don't know. She came with the name Hermione from Daphneyland, the basset hound rescue ranch.

See http://www.daphneyland.com/

Response recorded on October 14, 2008

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Blaise writes...


There were a number of scenes in this issue that just made me say, "Oh...my god."
The first one was, of course, the revelation of the "New Mutates." This is shocking, because we've seen at least three of them (Tasha, Benny, and Thug) as humans. It becomes even more shocking because of the nature of their mutations. The original Mutates, despite having six working limbs and enough eel DNA to channel electricity, don't seem anywhere near as strange as these four. Perhaps that's because their main body ("anthropomorphic big cats" if you will) is still...I don't know. Beautiful? Acceptable? My point is, in comparison what happened to these four seems even more outlandish and strange. Tasha at least is a mammal (albeit not a pretty one), but Thug is now reptilian, and so is Erin I think (a turtle with hair it looks like). But Benny's the weirdest out of all of them. HE'S A FRICKEN' INSECT! How the hell did Sevarius manage that? You know, it's strange--out of all the things I willingly suspend my disbelief for, this one takes the cake. Are insects even considered vertebrates? Still, if Sevarius can isolate and manipulate the genetic code for hexopodial limbs, I guess it's not too much of a stretch for him to do this, too.
The next shocking thing would seem to be the kids' reactions to their predicament--they don't seem that phased. Benny actually seems somewhat proud of being a "roly-poly bug." Erin is more interested in arguing with her brother.
The final shocking thing about this scene to me is...those are GREG'S KIDS! Good god, man! What did they do to you? ;-)

Of course, all of these shocks pale in comparison to the suicide. It's a very powerful scene (despite, or maybe because, we don't see the noose or anything). The shocked reactions of the squad (minus the largely emotionless Matrix), and the reactions of Thug and the kids are well done. Poor Benny can't hug Thug, so he goes into the wood louse version of a fetal position. As if they weren't traumatized enough--homeless, then mutated, now witness to a suicide. I ask again: Greg, what the HELL did your kids do to you?!
Unfortunately, "Fridge Logic"--what you think about after the fact, usually while looking through your fridge for a snack--leaves me wondering how exactly she hung herself.
At any rate, those were the big ones for me. The rest of my impressions will be listed, more or less in the order they occurred.

Fang takes out the robot with a double blast of both gun and electricity. Nice. I liked the "Gigantor" reference.

I love Fang's expression in the 4th panel of page 3. I knew that Fang would get a cliff-hanger, but I never thought the (apparent) threat would be from Yama. Given later (earlier) events, that resonates all the better, though.

"5 Days Ago." Wow...that doesn't sound like a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, does it?

Fang's line about sending Robyn packing "in pieces small enough to pack" made me go "Yikes!"
I wonder if Robyn quite took in the irony of her life being saved by a gargoyle.

I was tickled to get a confirmation that a gargoyle's sense of smell is better (or at least more sensitive) than a human's. Yama knows Fang isn't a gargoyle just by the scent. "Fish," eh? I wonder if that's from Fang's genetic make-up, or his diet.

I was a bit surprised when Yama's attack seemed to knock out Fang. Of course, it didn't.

Matrix and Dingo are fun! I found Matrix's line about "taking matters into my own nanobots" a rather interesting twist on the old phrase.

I'm ashamed to admit that I had forgotten that Sevarius knew Robyn previously.

It never occurred to me that the client Sevarius spoke of might be someone we knew until others mentioned the possibility. Whether it is or not, this new client has certainly helped the good doctor out--right down to apparently providing a lab with holding cells in New York's sewer system (how many "Labyrinths" do they have down there?).

As others have mentioned, we now know what motivates Sevarius: science, money, and...DRAMA!!!!! That last part actually becomes important to the plot, what with Sevarius's device set to go off at exactly midnight and no way to speed it up (much to Fang's annoyance). Of course, mutating all the people in times square, while dramatic, also seems a little...stupid. I mean, cameras are rolling, police are there..is no one REALLY going to notice thousands of people spontaneously mutating? But screw logic, this is...DRAMA!!!!!
He even numbers the carrier virus after the new year number (1997).

And now the term "gargate" is cannon. Sevarius wonders what would happen to a human mutated with gargate DNA, and vice versa...and I'm wondering how many of us, like Matt, have paused to consider that, over the years.
The reactions are intriguing. Robyn is disgusted (maybe even afraid?). No matter how she interacts with Yama, the old prejudice still has it's hold. Yama, on the other hand, just calmly inquires into the identity of the "donor." That surprised me--when it's a normal animal, nobody inquires beyond species, but with a sentient questions of identity arise. We learn the name of the gargoyle (and with it, one of the uses the samples are maybe being put towards), but Sevarius never mentions the human.

Dingo (wearing Matrix) saves the day! Hands up everyone who saw that coming.

Oh that Sevarius.... As soon as they left him in the cell, with that smug look on his face, I knew he'd escape somehow. Tasha immediately jumps on the idea that now Sevarius HAS to cure them. Poor lady....

Spot the cameo in Times Square! Naturally, we have Brendan and Margot. Tri Chung, and I guess his little brother Terry, are there as well. And Karine's roster of garg-fans.

I understood that Fang's electric attack reset Dingo's memory back a couple of seconds on the first incident. As if Dingo didn't need another reason to be wary of joining with Matrix.

"Damn drama." No, I will not get tired of every minor profanity that shows up in these books! Of course, the suicide will kind of steal the thunder....

"Flamin Gallah." We just don't use that insult enough.
Poor Dingo, though. His partner made a logical decision (and a good impression of the New Year's Ball) that left him in free fall. And even though Hunter saves him, his momentum is enough to swing him face-first into a wall. By the handkerchief a few panels later, I guess he got at least a bloody nose.

Love the Eyrie Building in the back ground.

Go Yama! I wonder how Fang's attacks hold up against Taro's electric fans.

I enjoyed the dicotomy between Fang's first reaction to Tasha's death, and his immediate switch to a joke (in extremely poor taste). A defense mechanism, I guess. Not a good one, since it nearly gets him beheaded. Fang's enthusiastic support of Dingo's "He's not worth it" line is in character and extremely funny. Hunter's reaction intrigued me the most, though. Her expression when Yama tries to kill Fang, and then her calming Yama down by...whispering something in his ear.
Great, as if "What the #$^& did Titania whisper" wasn't enough, now we've got "What the #$^& did Hunter whisper." You better answer ONE of those SOON, Greg! ;-)

Now Dingo gets some confirmation that Hunter isn't the top dog, after all. I wonder if her boss's interest in Thug and the kids was altruistic or pragmatic.

"Guess who made the team!" Fang almost seems like a high schooler who just made running back. The rest of the team seems less than thrilled, especially Yama (who's furious).

Good one. And definitely making use of the medium.

Greg responds...

My kids chose the animals they wanted to be mutated into. I was both surprised and somewhat proud of their interesting and pragmatic choices. I built the armor theme around their choices.

The lab that Sevarius is using is part of the old Cyberbiotics complex. (It isn't called a labyrinth for nothing.)

And of course people would notice.

Terry and Tri are first cousins.

The answer to what Hunter whispered is (I think) so obvious in the context of the issue, that I'm NEVER going to reveal it.

Response recorded on October 14, 2008

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Litwolf writes...

Review of Bad Guys #4 Louse:

It's nice to see that Fang didn't desert. And Yama, the mountain. He's certainly as quiet as one. Not that Fang deserves any thanks see as he probably just decided he had a better chance of surviving the robot attack if he stuck with the Squad.

Then comes the flashback, picking up right where we left off. Are you sure Fang wasn't mutated with a possum? Cuz he plays dead like one.

I know what Dingo's thinking: "Why didn't Matrix pull off that trick hours ago?" ^_^

And four new mutates. Pretty damn scary. Though Im glad Benny and Erin were lightening things with their Roly-Poly/Pill-Bug debate. And it's even scarier to see Sevarius going to a larger scale of mutation.

Yama made me laugh, with how he wanted to know which gargoyle and human DNA Sevarius was playing with. Now I wonder two things:

(1) If he had Angela's DNA from the Loch, why didn't he clone her when Demon and Thailog were ordering clones of the Clan? Why mix Demon and Elisa when he had some Angela laying about?
(2) Who is the human DNA he has? My first thought was Elisa from when he got it on Halloween but I don't think he'd waste her DNA when Thailog seems to want it for something.

And, the Redemption Squad needs to think outside the box if they didn't think Sevarius would have a key to the lab and cells somewhere on his person. That would have been the first thing I looked for before I throw him into a cell.

It took me a little bit to realize that Fang's shocks were messing with Dingo's memory but I laughed out loud when the dots were finally connected.

Return to the lab to find Tasha. I knew how desperate she was when she kept begging Sevarius for a cure but that still chilled me.

And I gave Yama a standing ovation when he gut-punched Fang. I wanted to do so myself when he started his 'light bulb' joke.

A real eye-opening issue of Bad Guys. More Mutates, Fang on the team, Sevarius still at large with the knowledge of the mutating virus. This series is certianly keeping us on our toes!

Greg responds...

1. Sevarius is not without plans of his own.

2. He wasn't using any of the DNA Thailog acquired.

I'm sure they searched Sevarius. It can't be THAT easy.

Response recorded on October 14, 2008

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