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Sara writes...

Hello, again. I actually have questions this time, most of them pertaining to the latest episode, 'Downtime' (which, by the way, I loved: again, the romantic in me was excited to see Garth and Tula's relationship animated at last, even if they had very brief and subtle moments -- and I actually liked the triangle with Kaldur there, too).

1. Immediately following the beginning credits, we see a red-eyed, green-skinned, humanoid-fish creature chanting and practising magic. Is that Lagoon Boy making a cameo, or just a nameless guy based off of his appearance?

2. How old is Garth?

3. How old is Tula?

4. Are either Garth or Tula more skilled in wielding magic than the other, or are they equal?

5. This question NOT pertaining to 'Downtime': How old is Roy Harper?

Greg responds...

1. Lagoon Boy at age twelve.

2. Sixteen.

3. Sixteen.

4. Garth is the top of his class, able to access the "Power of the Tempest". But Tula is very good, able to do everything that Kaldur can do - but without the water-bearers.

5. Eighteen.

Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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Nate Binker writes...

Hey Greg, I wanted to ask about Superman/Superboy; since the premiere, Superboy's been wanting Superman in his life as he is a clone, while Superman doesn't seem to want anything to do with him, and even snaps at those like Batman when it is brought up or even him being referred to as a "father" or Superboy as his "son". I think I could understand: out of nowhere, someone cloned him and he feels violated. But Superman acting this way is very un-Superman-like; even if he was cloned and even if he doesn't want to be a father, he could be a brother or simply a friend, because in the end Superboy is there, he IS him at a young age, and wants to be like him. So he should be in the boy's life because if he isn't, he could go the wrong path and something might happen and Superman would HAVE TO accept guilt for it, which seems to be the current situation judging by each one of their attitudes toward one another and the situation, regardless of the rest of the heroes. I like this character next to Batman, but even I want to slap the Man of Steel for acting this way. With that said, here's what I want to ask:

1) When will this Superman/Superboy situation change?
2) If what I suggested is wrong, then why is Superman acting this way?
And 3) to you Greg and the team; what led to this decision to have Superman act this way on the show (or at first on the show)?

Thank you and keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

I should probably just write "ASKED AND ANSWERED" to this entire post, but...

Let me start by REITERATING that I just flat out don't agree that Superman's response here is somehow UN-Superman-like. That, admittedly, is an interpretation many fans share, but I'm ALSO a fan, and I just don't agree. Especially since we haven't SEEN Superman's complete response (only the results of it), as the series is told from the POV of the teens (in this case, Superboy).

What Superman SHOULD do is debatable. I get you wanting to "slap" him, but I think you're being incredibly insensitive to Superman's POV on this. He's rationalized that the kid is better off without him. He's wrong, I agree. But it's understandable given his current feelings of violation. How useful could he be to Superboy, emotionally or otherwise, until he gets his own head on straight?

And Bruce, well meaning though he might have been, didn't do either Clark or Superboy any favors by positioning the issue in father/son terms. I think THAT little speech said more about Bruce Wayne's father issues than anything else.

As for your questions:


2. I'm NOT saying you're wrong. Just that myself and pretty much every person working on the series disagrees with you. But it's all just opinion. You're entitled to yours. I just wish people would stop viewing the issue in such black and white terms. To me, the drama is in the greys. And it is very, very grey.

3. It felt honest.

(Somewhat incidentally, it also seemed to match up with Superman's less than stellar history in the comic books as a mentor: "Hi, I'm your cousin Kara from Krypton." "Great, cuz. Let me stick you in an orphanage." But that was a secondary bonus. The main answer is still: "It felt honest.")

Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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AJC writes...

Just watched Downtime and it was a great episode! I'm impressed by the amount of detail in the choreography and backgrounds, and the number of voice actors you had in the episode. While I thought cutting from scene to scene of each YJ member during their downtime would be a bit choppy, it was actually very insightful, and it made it very realistic to see each of their lives.

How do companies decide what kind of budget to give to cartoon shows? Some older cartoon shows (ie from the 90s) had worse animation as the series progressed. I noticed the even the batman's animation wasn't as good as its earlier days(although still never went that bad).

Have you or brandon watched avatar the last airbender? I feel your show is taking some cues from the show (ie, the water sorcery, the diverse locations the team travels to each ep).

I have a question about aqualad. He obviously does not live at mount justice so would he not return to atlantis when he's not crime fighting? So wouldn't that mean he sees tula and garth still? Or is he that busy?

Greg responds...

Let's answer these in reverse order.

As I've MENTIONED BEFORE, Aqualad DOES go home to Atlantis (the continent/country) between missions. He just doesn't live in the city of Poseidonis, so that, yes, a couple months had passed since he had last seen his friends. He was surprised that it had been that long. But time flies, you know...

I don't know about Brandon, but I've begun watching Avatar with my son Benny. We're near the beginning of Season Two. I like it. I don't know how much of an influence there's been, since we started YJ before I started watching Avatar.

The way companies decide on budgets is an arcane science beyond my pay grade. But guys like Brandon and myself make it our mission to squeeze as much onto the screen from whatever budget we have.

Response recorded on May 12, 2011

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Ziyad B writes...

I was wondering if you can tell us about what led you and the others in your team to create the new aqualad to use instead of garth.
I mean no disrespect since i am a fan of the new aqualad.
I'm just curious.

Greg responds...

Well, there were many inspirations. Cal Durham, obviously, but also the Arion series which demonstrated that not all Atlanteans are Caucasian. There was the need for further diversity in the series. And the fact that Garth was dead in the comics (at least for now) and had, in any case, left the name "Aqualad" behind to become "Tempest". So it felt like the name "Aqualad" was up for grabs. We liked the parallel universe notion of the Road Not Taken for the two characters, leading to an Aqualad/Tempest team-up. It all just seemed... right.

Response recorded on May 12, 2011

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YJ Update

Seems like a good day for an update on production...

Episodes 101-109 have aired.

Episodes 110-111 are in the can, ready to air in June.

Episode 112 is in post-production. We do the Sound Mix tomorrow.

Episode 113 is in post-production. We should be locking the edit later today.

Episodes 114-119 are in Korea being animated.

Episodes 120-124 are in Korea in layout, while final models are being completed here.

Episode 125's storyboard is in checking and track. It's slightly too long. Brandon and I will be cutting slivers out of it before it ships.

Episode 126's storyboard is in revision.

Episode 201 is in script.

Episode 202's outline is waiting for notes that should come in today.

Episode 203's outline is being edited by me this week.

Episodes 204-210 are in outline.

By the way, in case it isn't obvious: NO, WE HAVE NOT DONE OVER TWO HUNDRED EPISODES. The first digit refers to the season. The second two digits refer to the episode number for that season. So, for example: episode 111 is the eleventh episode of the first season and episode 203 is the third episode of the second season.

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Harlequinn writes...

Lemme just say, I love where YJ is going. The story build-up and everything is WONDERFULLY done. The animation is great. This is gonna end up being my fav.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the "Young Justice" reviews. Work's been keeping me busy and frankly, there's only so many ways I can say "this is freaking awesome" before it gets old. Rest assured I've thouroghly enjoyed "Infiltrator","Denial" and "Downtime" and am eagerly awaiting more. Quick question though.

1) In "Downtime", Garth and Tula say that they haven't seen Kaldur in about two months. If he hasn't been back to Atlantis since he joined the team, then where has he been living?

Greg responds...

1. He's been to Atlantis. Just not Poseidonis. (I mean, think about it. That's like me saying I haven't been to Washington D.C. in two months, and you asking, "Gee, then if you haven't been living in the United States then where have you been living?" But I never said United States. I said Washington D.C. They don't equate.)

In any case, he lives at his HOME, which obviously is in a different Atlantean City. For more info on that, check out issue #5 of the Young Justice companion comic.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Can Artemis speak Vietnamese?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg, great, great job on Downtime.
I've only got two for questions you today.
1.I've noticed there was no timestamp when it switched to Happy Harbor?
2.Please,tell me. Did miss Martian and Superboy share a kiss. Please tell me.

Greg responds...

1. We tend not to put a second time stamp when action is more or less continuous in one location and or we're intercutting between two locations and we've already stamped both once. And we had already stamped Mount Justice. And we were never actually IN Happy Harbor. (FYI, Mount Justice is right next to Happy Harbor, but it's not a legal part of the incorporated township, so we make a distinction between the two.)

2. By now, you have more information. Either way, I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I had a few questions after watching Downtime.
1. Was the "Atlantean" lanquage derived from an existing lanquage, or was it invented wholecloth?
2. Topo's story speaks of Ocean Master, but Prince Orm was in the episode. I had always understood Ocean Master to be Aquaman's disgruntled half-brother. Is Ocean Master someone else on Earth-16?
3. Is Bruce Wayne at all concerned that Artemis might recognize that Dick Grayson is Robin while attending Gotham Academy? I realize that Clark Kent gets away with it, but neither the sunglasses nor the mask really covers all that much of Robin's face, and he doesn't put nearly as much effort into playacting the different roles as Clark does.
4. Who won the Bruce Wayne vs. Dick Grayson basketball showdown?

Greg responds...



3. How do you know?

4. I'll leave that to your imagination... mostly because I fundamentally don't care.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

we saw Garth and Tula in Downtime, but will we ever see Lorena Marquez in the show as Aquagirl or as herself? Because Aqualad's counterpart in the Brightest Day had a crush on her.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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uzi writes...

this week episode of young justice was bloody amazing
this episode was soo jampacked with easter eggs and nods to future events i loved it
so here my questions
will any other episodes be filled like this to nods and easter eggs?
ocean master was mentioned and orm was still around? are they not the same person or this is a future story line u will go down?
i did like you didnt make him behind the attacks of what we know so far. since every time orm shows up in any aquaman related episode. atlantis under attack and tada the master mind is orm at the end. boring dont you say

Greg responds...

1. Depending on how you define "easter eggs"... they all are.


Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Cal writes...

Hi Greg, I've got questions regarding the YJ episode "Downtime".

1.Were any Atlantis guards and Black Manta's men killed during the battle?

2.If yes to Q1, why did Aquaman only mentioned the injured guards and not the dead ones?

3.What foreign language was Aquaman and Aqualad speaking in this episode?

4.Was that Jeff Bennett voicing Alfred? if not who?

5.Was that really Patrick Warburton voicing that TV ad before Artemis' mum turns off the TV? It sounds like him. If not who?

PS: I really like the designs of Black Manta's men as well as their weapons.

Greg responds...

1. It seems to me I should leave that to audience interpretation.

2. Fair question.

3. Atlantean (which is a variant on ANCIENT Greek).

4. Yes.

5. No. I love Patrick's work, but I can't afford to hire him to read half a line of dialogue. I don't remember who read that one line, but it would have absolutely been someone who was already in the cast for that episode.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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BOB writes...

Will you show the critics of Aquaman by showing a why he is king and mentor to aqualad? I dont need specifics but i do want to know if you will and what you feel about these critics.

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know what you're talking about. What critics? Who else would mentor Aqualad?

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Mary writes...

I wanted to say that I absolutely love Young Justice. I have a few questions.
1) Does Kid Flash know Robin's secret identity?
2) Are Robin and Kid Flash's back stories similar to the sort of traditional stories? (i.e. Dick's an orphaned circus acrobat taken in by Batman, Wally's Flash's nephew)
3) Are you going to explore all of the main characters back stories and how they became heroes?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Check out issues #5 and #6 of the new YOUNG JUSTICE companion comic from DC.

3. Ultimately, yes, in one medium or another.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Axe writes...

Was the change in Red Tornado's voice between episodes 3 (where he sounded robotic) and 7 (where he just sounded British) intentional?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

There was NO change. We gave Jeff Bennett reference from episode 3 before he recorded episode 7 and to the best of all our experienced ears, he was doing the same voice. (So no British accent, period.) And in the mix, Audio Circus used the EXACT same technical effect on Jeff's voice in both episodes.

So I'm at a loss to explain why you felt they sounded different.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Melissa Lehman writes...

I really enjoyed "Denial" as I had been unfamiliar with the character of Klarion the Witchboy until that episode aired. Will we get to see more/learn more about him later on?
Thank you!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I was excited to hear that McDonalds was doing a Young Justice promotion but was sad when none of the female characters were included. I would think including a lead character like Artemis or M'Gann would be better promotion for the show than Black Mantra. Are you involved in any of these decisions?

Greg responds...

Nope. I definitely was bummed that Artemis and Miss Martian weren't included. Though I was thrilled they chose to do our show at all.

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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Grune writes...

I'm sure you get a lot of these, but it's another Artemis question: You recently revealed that she is half-Vietnamese, and you have also stated that she is based on a character from the DC comics; my question is, is she also half-Vietnamese in the comics or was her origin changed for the purposes of the show?

Greg responds...

Depends what you assume you know about Paula Brooks' parents in the comics?

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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Ankit09 writes...

Hi Greg, I want to ask some questions of Young Justice.
1) Is the team Justice League called "Justice League of America" or "Justice League".
2) Is the mentioned team Dr. Fate "Justice Society" or "Justice Society of America".
3) Is Wonder Woman a Amazon princes from Themyscira(Paradise Island).
4) Is Hawkwoman & Hawkman from Planet Thanagar.
5) Will there be new members joined to Young Justice in 1st season.

Greg responds...

1. Justice League.
2. Justice Society of America.
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." Except, I already spoiled this at a convention, so, yes.

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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Mugabi writes...

Hey Greg. I have some questions.
1) When you said there will be major character deaths, does that include JLA members too?
2) Will Zatanna appear on the series?
3) How old is Wonder Woman?
4) Will any characters like Supergirl, Lois Lane, Cassie Sandsmark, Secret or Batgirl appear? If so which ones?

Greg responds...



3. 90. (We're talking Earth-16, right?)


Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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Todd Jensen writes...

Inspired by your recent mention of Tuppence McIntyre (when you were discussing the Tuppence of the "Young Justice" comic book) and her helping you with research on early Scottish history for "Gargoyles":

The two stories in the second half of "Clan-Building", the Stone of Destiny tale and Brooklyn's first TimeDancer adventure, featured a lot of early Scottish history (including a few tidbits that hadn't made it into "City of Stone" and "Avalon Part One", such as the reconciliation of Gillecomgain's peasant origins in the cartoon with his being a kinsman of Macbeth in actual history). Did you get Tuppence's help for researching them again, or did you turn to other researchers this time? (I remember your mentioning having Kathy Pogge's help with the Stone of Destiny story.)

Greg responds...

The research for the comic was nearly all done by Kathy Pogge.

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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lilo writes...

You said a few questions back about Megan that "She was certainly hit on by Wally, but *I don't agree that she was belittled by the boys*"... I take issue with the idea that what Wally is doing doesn't belittle her since he's basically harassing her. So far I've really like the show's take on it (especially Artemis shouting at Wally in episode 7) but I'm now a bit worried. Please tell me this doesn't mean he's going to keep getting away with it? I was really hoping for some pay off on how he has been treating her which (as someone who has been in that situation and really hated it) is quite bad.

A lot of the ineraction Megan has had has been her as "the outsider" as the "girl" of the group until Artemis showed up and like I said, while I did like the shows treatment of it I can't agree some of it wasn't belittling.

On a more positive note you were right in said question about her development over the coming episodes. She's a fantastic character!

Greg responds...

It depends what you mean by "getting away with it". I mean there will clearly be a payoff eventually, but I can't say it will satisfy you given what you've written above.

I would AGREE that some of what Wally's doing is belittling of M'gann, BUT he doesn't know that. And it's certainly NOT his intent. I think Wally actually thinks he's making progress with M'gann. That what he's doing is working. This isn't the act of a guy who knows he's not in the game but continues to harass a girl who doesn't want the attention. This is a case of a guy who VERY much thinks he's IN the game... and that in fact, any second, she's going to fall for his charms.

As for M'gann, I don't think she's as bothered by Wally's attention as you may think she is. I don't think she feels belittled by it. That's not the same as saying some of what he says and does isn't belittling, but as a literal alien to the culture, trained on Earth customs by DATED television, she's more perplexed by it than in any way upset. Some of his lame lines go right over her head. Some don't, but she finds him amusing and even sweet, considering that she isn't interested in the slightest.

I think the main problem that these two have is that M'gann thinks its so obvious that Wally's not in the running that she hasn't bothered to tell him. She assumes he knows. But he's too dense to see the obvious. I'm not blaming her or him. It's just a disconnect. And disconnects are where drama, conflict and, yes, even comedy comes from.

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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EndlessD writes...

I just started Young Justice and am greatly enjoying it. I really liked the Teen Titans cartoon but was disappointed by the Trigon arc (self-fullfilling prophecy much). Have you considered doing an animated Teen Titans movie using more of a Young Justice format?

Greg responds...

Uh... I'm not doing Teen Titans period. That's someone else's show. I'd love to do a Young Justice movie, but no one has asked. And, in case it's not obvious, it's not up to me.

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! I have some questions.
1) When will Superboy adopt the Conner Kent persona?
2) Also we've seen Artemis' face but when will her identity be revealed?
3)When will we discover who the spy in Young Justice is?
4)What episode will be the first major character death on the show?
5) Why did all the cold-themed villians attack in the first episode?
6) When will the identities of the Light be revealed?

Greg responds...




4. Episode seven.



Response recorded on May 03, 2011

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Zero writes...

1: Will the team be taking a trip to mars if the white matians were attacking and Miss Martian wanted to return home and help? (You don't have to answer if it's a big secret.)

2: Do Atremis and Green Arrow have a big protege & mentor reletionship?

3: Where does Artemis live with Green Arrow, Batman, or at the cave? (I only asked Batman because his in on her secret to.)

4: Will we be seeing more of "Chesire"? (I ask because I think I know who Artemis is.)

5: Where was Miss Martian just before Young Justice was formed living with Martian Manhunter or did he pick her up and go straight to earth?

6: The show is fantastic and you guys are doing are great job!! Keep it yup!!!

Greg responds...


2. "Big"?

3. She lives at home with her mom.


5. She briefly stayed with Martian Manhunter after arriving on Earth.

6. Thank you!

Response recorded on May 02, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg I have a bunch of questions.
1) Will Superboy & Miss Martian develop further Kryptonian/Martian abilities over the course of the season?
2) What is Artemis' true name?
3) When will we learn who the spy on the team is?
4) Will we ever see any members of the Light without their faces being blurred?
5) When will Kal-el accpet Suberboy?
6) When will Superboy take on the guise of Conner Kent?
7) There were rumors that Captain Marvel will appear with the team because he's 10 years old but we haven't seen him. When will he appear?
8) Are there ever going to be new members to Young Justice? If so will one of them be Donna Troy or Cassandra Sandsmark?
9) Will any Teen Titans member appear?

Greg responds...

7. You have seen him. Beyond that, "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

Well, that was fun.

Response recorded on May 02, 2011

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Cal writes...

Hi Greg, I was wondering do you like Will Friedle's voicework as Ron Stoppable and the Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)? I asked because Will brings a LOT to both of those characters, they are both very very funny and I really can't stop listening to their voices. Plus it's all because of Ron that I am a HUGE Jaime Reyes fan. Will also said in interviews that I've read, he really enjoys voicing both of those comic relief characters and that they are a whole lot of fun.

To top it all off although Kim Possible is indeed over, I still have very HIGH hopes Will Friedle will continue his work as the Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) in future DC cartoons and movies(You don't have to comment for this paragraph, but you can if you want). Anyway thanks for your time.

Greg responds...


Cal! Dude! Why are you personally asking a question that you already asked and got a response to? Yes, yes, I know the response was "No comment" but that was because you were asking for Spoilers.


You're bogging down the queue for everyone.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Denis writes...

Hi, Greg! just a quick question
Since Smallville born Hacker extraordinaire Chloe Sullivan seems to cross over from the TV show to the comics (in Action Comics' Jimmy Olsen's segment), is there any chance we see a Young Justice version of her as well?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Erica writes...

I feel sorry for you, having to answer to all those know-it-all smart asses.
Are u never irritated by that?

Keep up the good work!
Kind regards!

Greg responds...

Obviously, I get irritated. I think I've been incredibly incapable of hiding my irritation recently - even with folks who aren't abusing the system and have really done nothing wrong. And, for the record, I regret that. But I'll admit it has been tough, cumulatively, to stay sanguine on my end. I've been doing this (producing cartoon shows AND answering questions about them) for nearly two decades, and though of course I've dealt with the occasional obnoxious poster here at ASK GREG, I've NEVER faced the overall level of rudeness here that I've faced since Young Justice was announced.

I do not mean to group everyone in with that. Plenty of polite folks have posted too, including plenty who don't love what they're seeing on the series (which of course never thrills me, but doesn't make me crazy). But I'm afraid this time out the polite folk are in the minority. And the rude folk are kinda killing my mood and coloring how I read everyone.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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ShamarDJ writes...

ok i rewatched drop zone and i was wondering if this was the first time anyone on the Young Justice team has met bane? because it seems they have never heard of him oh and im loving this show lol its my new addiction this season isnt even finished yet and im already hoping for a season 2!! oh and thank you for taking the time to answer everyones questions!

Greg responds...

Bane is largely an unknown at this stage of Earth-16 continuity. He's never faced Batman, for example. It's early days.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I have a few questions about the mentors in YJ

1. even though some of the leaguers are supposed to be each of the characters' mentor (except for Superman at the moment) why haven't we seen them mentoring yet?
2. I saw in a promo that Aquaman had long hair but his hair has been short since the first episode will he let it grow?
3. the league currently has 16 members will additional members be added as the season goes on?
4. since more characters will be joining YJ will they also have direct mentors?
5. will we ever get to see the watchower?
6. and when will it be known whether YJ is beingg picked up for a second season?

Greg responds...

1. Well, we have here and there. But, no, that's just not the focus of the series. We WILL fit it in when we have the screen time, and if you're following our companion comic book, you'll see more of it there, as well.

2. No current plans to change our model. Development artwork used in promotional materials doesn't count as canon.




6. Now. We've been picked up for at least ten additional episodes.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Kay writes...

in young justice amazing by the way, great everything. 1Kid flash were him and Robin close in the comics?
cause they have a great friendship in YJ especially when Kid flash tackles robin out of the way in android
2 when is YJ premiering on uk cartoon network? thanks

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Don't know. Sorry.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Chip writes...

I was just wondering if you've been reading the Darkwing Duck comics. I know that you know about Goliath's cameo in #6, but I was curious if you were reading the series itself. If so, what do you think of it so far? My current pull-hold list includes Darkwing Duck, Chip N' Dale's Rescue Rangers, and of course, Young Justice.

Greg responds...

I haven't been. I just haven't had time to read ANY new comics these days. I've been reading OLD comics, doing research for Season Two of Young Justice. And of course, I'm still a TAD busy completing pre-production AND post-production on Season One while simultaneously launching Season Two. There just isn't time to follow Darkwing. But I'll always love Darkwing. That was the first television series that I helped develop.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I really liked that scene in Schooled where Bruce and Clark talk in the diner, but I was wondering Bruce talking to him was Bruce talking as a friend or as his boss?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Ugh I just saw another person complaining about the spanish in Drop Zone, and as a person who not only learned Spanish as their first langauge, but also studied it in school not out of laziness but for a better understanding of the language, I can assure you that it wasn't half as bad as some people are trying to make it to be.

There were some strange phrasing, but that like you said that's perfectly explained by there being tons of different dialects of the spanish language.
As for the accents not being perfect, I could be wrong but I assumed that for the members of Kobra spanish wasn't their first language.

Greg responds...

Yes! Thank you!

Bane's supposed to be a Spanish-first-language speaker and so is his one henchman (who has one line). But the Kobra Cultist was an Anglo, who spoke Spanish (at least well enough to be understood by Bane).

Again, I'm not saying we didn't screw this up. I really have no way of knowing. But I know we tried very hard to get it right, and I'll admit to being a little stunned at the notion that we got it SO wrong.

So I appreciate the support.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Edward writes...

Hey Greg, about the question if you guys did get the spanish wrong, its my first language and yes you guys got it VERY wrong. Yes spanish is spoken a bit different between different countries, I'm familiar with them its not much different than say Brittish or Aussie dialects that its still basically english that an American can understand, not sure where the accent was supposed to be from but grammatically it made absolutely no sense as if they had just used google translator (its actually insulting to google translator) and I had to read the subtitles to understand what they were saying

Now this sounds like I'm upset or bashing that the spanish was wrong, but I'm not I actually didn't think too much of it and I just assumed not much thought was put into it, I'm sure this happens in tons of shows all the time and to me it sounds like perfect japanese/chinese etc while a fluent speaker is going "what?" I'm just surprised that so much work went into something that came out so wrong. So just letting you know. I'd be happy to provide my email and I'd do a much better job and for free, though I assume theres a ton of legal issues not to mention NDA's that probably don't allow it but just in case I could let me know.

Greg responds...

Yeah, that's not going to work.

I don't know what to tell you. My own Spanish is limited to the three years I took in high school in the mid-70s, so all I can do is trust the FLUENT Spanish speakers that we have working on the series. They obviously disagree with you... or they're playing a big joke on me and the production.

Since we're on the topic of language, I've seen complaints on-line about the Atlantean being bad Greek in episodes 108 and 109. But that seems truly unfair. For starters it was NEVER supposed to be modern Greek. It's the Atlantean dialect of ANCIENT GREEK... keeping in mind that the Atlanteans and Ancient Greeks are separated by millennia and that languages are living organisms that change and grow as time passes.

No one's mentioned the Arabic we used in episode 109, which we also tried VERY hard to get right. I don't know if that means we succeeded or what?

Frankly at this point, I'm surprised more people haven't complained that we got the Martian Language wrong in episode 109.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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lissypooh writes...

Starting with episode 109 of Young Justice, can you list the character you are focusing on each episode?

Greg responds...

Well, it's not as cut and dry as it was from episodes 103-108, where we were making a concerted effort to highlight one of our leads each across six episodes.

As for 109, which has aired, by now you probably know that the focus character was pretty much Miss Martian, though we hope we gave good screen time to all the other leads except Aqualad (who's unconscious for most of the episode).

Cartoon Network has already teased that 110 features Red Arrow.

Beyond that, well... "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Bella writes...

Why did Speedy become Red Arrow instead of Arsenal? It makes sense if he broke off from Green Arrow and in not the best of terms he wouldn't be calling himself just like his mentor but rather make a name for himself. Or was it something DC mandated because he hasn't used the name Arsenal since One Year Later?

Greg responds...

There were no mandates. Brandon and I made the choice. Where would the IDEA of "Arsenal" come from at this point? He's not using an arsenal, is he? He's using a bow and arrows.

Red Arrow just felt more natural a transition for him.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Brett W. writes...

I've loved what you guys have done with Young Justice so far and can't wait to see what else is to come. I've always thought Batman would make an effective leader for the Justice League, although I can understand why the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited version might have preferred a more isolationist approach. I'm just wondering, is there any particular reason you chose Batman to be your Justice League's leader, rather than Superman who seems to be the "traditional" choice?

Greg responds...

When was the last time Superman led the League? Has he ever, actually? I mean obviously he's an important figure within the League, but leader?

Anyway, Batman seemed the obvious choice - to us at least. He's the strategist.

But keep in mind, it's not a permanent appointment. We've been following the League in the series so far from early July through early September. That's only about two months. Over time, the League will certainly have other leaders.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, Hi, Just want to say thanks for being so kind and taking time out of your busy schedule and answering our questions. Really appreciated. If we are impatient and demanding at times forgive us. It just means we are interested and enjoying what you all are doing so far.


Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Dew writes...

Is it true that Beast Boy going to be a main charter in Young Justice later on?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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no. 1 batfan writes...

Hey Greg! I am a big fan of both the Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice. I am hoping that Young Justice does not suffer a similar fate that the Spectacular Spider-Man did. Like a lot of people, I am racking my brain trying to figure out who Artemis is. However, instead of simply throwing a name (or group of names) at you and asking you if it's her, since, knowing you, you would probably say "no comment," I thought I'd try a more subtle approach. So here goes:

1.)In the mainstream comics, is Artemis in any way associated with Green Arrow?

2.)Roughly what decade was Artemis first introduced?

3.)Will Artemis's identity be revealed by the end of the first 26 episodes?

These next two questions don't have to do with Artemis, but I thought I'd ask them anyway:
4.)Why did you decide not to have Robin in the episode "Denial"?
5.)Given the current ratings for Young Justice, would you say that the chance that Cartoon Network would order more episodes is good?
I am hoping that you answer each of my questions, even if some of them are no comments. At least that way, I would know that you are taking the time to read my questions. Thanks for your time, and I can't wait for March 4's episode "Downtime"!

Greg responds...


4. First, to establish that these characters have lives outside the Team to varying degrees, and many are still having adventures with their mentors. Secondly, to make it clear that not every character will be on every mission. Thirdly, for the pragmatic reason that one less player means more screen time for the others. As for why Robin specifically was chosen, it was felt that he knew Wally too well and would create a better bridge for him to the rest of the Team. With Robin gone, Wally becomes more isolated - which is good drama, you know?


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Denial is probably my favorite episode so far. Mainly because I knew who everyone was and I got to hear some claasic Gargoyle voices again! I loved Ed Asner's performance as Kent Nelson and Thom did a fantastic job as Klarion! I really hope we get to see more of him in the future! And I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Very cool, but I have a feeling Wally isn't gonna get to keep the helmet. Oh, and the way you handled the helmet and Nabu-very cool. Keep it up, man!

Greg responds...

Thank you, we'll try.

Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Doc Ock 2099 writes...

Hi, Greg!

In the episode "Drop Zone", we heard a Light member with a French accent speak to the Sportsmaster near the end. However, the designation number and voice actor were not listed in the credits. Would you please share these? Thanks.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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British Fan writes...

1) Will we be seeing Captain Marvel Jr (CM3) any time soon? Or Captain Marvel?

2) With the evolution of Speedy into Red Arrow. Would it be possible in future, for other sidekicks to progress to their next stage? I.E. Robin (Dick) to Nightwing? Mostly because I would love to see Tim Drake get entered into the show. I'm a big fan of the Young Quadrilateral (Tim, Conner, Bart and Cass).

Greg responds...


1b. You've already seen Captain Marvel, and - as previously revealed - you'll be seeing more of him.


Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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Pluph writes...

Will Static be making a cameo in Young Justice? Or will Slade Wilson?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Pursuing a random theory on the identity of Artemis, (but not asking because there wouldn't be any fun in that)...

Is Artemis her actual name or a code name separate from that?
Is Artemis the name she appeared with in print?
If it is a code name or a replacement name of the print name, is there a clear connection, even equivalency, between her real or original name and code name?

(Problem with trying to match up an obscure character in the DCU is that I don't actually know much about my obscure candidate. I'm basically going on who is pictured holding a bow and arrow and is drawn looking halfway Asian.)

Greg responds...

Moot now, right?

Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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krystal writes...

THANK YOU for throwing in Klarion in that last episode... didn't see that coming... nor him being voiced by Thom Adcox-Hernandez, that was perfect casting! so far I'm noticing that you guys are kinda taking obscure characters here and there throughout the DC universe and making them even more interesting and appealing than I was expecting..

I got into this show because I heard Phil Bourassa designed the characters and I really enjoyed Crisis on Two Earths; I noticed there's a similar art direction. My question is:

1. Did you guys always have him in mind due to his Justice League designs, or did he come to you?
2. Were you playing around with any other looks to the show, before deciding on a more realistic approach? If so, were there any influences?

Just want to say I love your show & the comic, great work to your co-workers.

Greg responds...

1 & 2. Phil was already on board when Sam Register partnered Brandon and myself.

Response recorded on April 15, 2011

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Denis writes...

hi, Greg!
A quick question: Is Eearth 16 the same Earth shown in Crisis On Two Earth?
Black Canary looks the same, so does Martian Manhunter, Red Tornado, etc.
Now I know that both YJ and Crisis share the same character designers, but for the chracters looking almost completely alike, that drove the little cogs in my belgian mind turning.
Anyway, ûber kudos to you and Brandon for this great, great show! (gotta love youtube for international exposure!)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 15, 2011

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